January 2015

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

January 2015 | Vol. 6 | Issue 1 | www.bandrabuzz.com | FB: bandrabuzz.newspaper | Twitter: @bandra_buzz | To Advertise: 9820783686, 9920299787 | Price: Rs. 3/-

EQUAL Streets - UNEQUAL citizens?

Trenches & huge pile of gigantic pipes lie on St. Andrews Road

Mumbai, from time to time is being held to ransom by the agencies that maintain the city’s infrastructure - such as roads, pavements, drainage system, water supply etc. For too long, citizens have suffered at the hands of those who serve the city; but fail to serve its inhabitants. It is time to SPEAK UP…man made ‘Traffic’ Trauma are getting worse! At present the MCGM is having a field day digging our roads, happily creating misery and havoc all around; indifferent to the woes of citizens, mainly school children. Whenever any project, either re-surfacing, concretizing or laying new water/drainpipes is undertaken; citizens of Mumbai are left to fend for themselves. They need to find alternate routes and spaces to commute to work, school, markets and places of worship; as their normal routes lie in ruins for days and months! The callous attitude of authorities needs to change to bring about the inclusive growth of this great city. Turn to Page 2 >>

02 JANUARY 2015



EQUAL Streets - UNEQUAL citizens?

Contd from Page 1 One good example is ST. ANDREWS ROAD in Bandra, that connects a major hospital, 5 big schools and eventually leads to the sea-link. The MCGM has worked wonders here - huge pile of gigantic pipes piled on the road, trenches without any workers (or soldiers!) and the ROAD IS CLOSED, with a sign blocking entry! It has been cordoned off much before any actual work has begun, forcing vehicles to take parallel roads, already bursting at the seams. Subsequently, all minor roads in the vicinity are totally clogged, even denying autorickshaws the small space they require to move. School buses stay put in one place, or move at a snail’s pace, the exhausted kids asleep inside them! Students from Learners Academy, Avabai Petit, St. Andrews, St. Stanislaus, Carmel Convent, St. Joseph's Convent & Arya Vidya Mandir; after a long day at school, have to negotiate on foot the non-existent roads and pavements. A message to the MCGM: ‘Serving a metro city like Mumbai needs to be done, more with a tender heart - than a brilliant brain’. Concretizing roads, especially of arterial roads, needs to be completed on a war footing, causing least amount to inconvenience to citizens, just like in the developed countries we aspire to emulate. In 2014, the 33rd road that connects Pali Hill to Linking road was left half concretized for nearly half the year, half its length on a higher level than the other! One had to hold one’s breath for fear of getting toppled and killed! The recently paved 30th road

pavements done by unskilled labourers, sport more cement than tiles!! The list is endless - and most of us have witnessed the indifference our complaints elicit from the authorities. Most of us have given up, except for the hardy activists of Bandra. When we ‘Celebrate Bandra’ we also celebrate the ongoing battle with the authorities, which we are determined to win! Splashed prominently in the Daily, we gloat over ‘ONE road on ONE day’ at our disposal to dance and sing... how does that mitigate the suffering of our children and seniors, who daily take detours and walk miles, dodging vehicles? Why are roads left with open trenches, missing manhole covers and unfinished work? What about crudely surfaced pavements with mounds of blocks and debris lying around, still out of bounds for the pedestrians? Whose roads are they anyway? The need of the hour is for all the service providers to co-ordinate with the MCGM and one another and co-ordinate their archaeological adventures, at a time suitable to the citizens. Also, interact with the stakeholders of this city and collaborate with school authorities, traffic police, ALMs, hospital authorities’ etc. before any time consuming project is undertaken. This state of affairs will only deteriorate with more vehicles and people pouring into the city. When will we wake up and take action to arrest this rot? One EQUAL STREET is cosmetics on the dowager queen Bandra’s face… a call for plastic surgery, snip and cut to make all roads available to all citizens!! Vera Alvares





Amitabh Bacchan applauds ‘TB Free’ Efforts Joint Initiative Of MCGM and Bhamla Foundation to improve health conditions in India Another campaign which the Bhamla Foundation got connected towards the end of 2014, with active co-operation from MCGM to make India a ‘TB Free’ nation; was kick-started at the J.W. Marriot. The MCGM sphere headed the campaign and the Bhamla Foundation whole-heartedly supported the entire initiative. Brand ambassador Mr. Amitabh Bachchan applauded the efforts of Bhamla foundation and requested to many more NGO's to come forward and support the cause. He also appealed to other organisations to adopt slums and spread the cause of making our great nation TB Free. The National Campaign Slogan is "TB HAAREGA DESH JEETEGA". Later, at the function, the Bhamla Foundation President, Mr. Asif Bhamla was felicitated by CM Devendra Fadnavis, Mr Uddhav Thackarey, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan; in presence of the State Minister for Health Dr. Deepak Sawant and Municipal Commissioner Sitaram Kunte. Mr. Asif Bhamla being felicitated by CM Devendra Fadnavis, Mr. Uddhav Thackarey & Mr. Amitabh Bachchan

Vikram Pandit

04 JANUARY 2015


Spandan organizes Grand Padmashree Mohammed Rafi Award


GOOD HEALTH Omega 3’s and 9 - a Perfect Combination

MLA Ashish Shelar along with Asha Bhosaleji & Suresh Wadekar MLA Ashish Shelar inaugurated the Mohd. Rafi Award function to mark the 90th Birth Anniversary of this great singer, at Hotel Rangsharda, Bandra Reclamation. At this event he conferred the Mohd Rafi Lifetime Achievement Award to veteran singers Asha Bhosaleji (82 years) & Suresh Wadekarji. Deputy Mayor Alka Kerkar was present along with other dig-

nitaries; like Sunil Parab, Jitendra and Prashant Raut. Then, the auditorium crowd of over 2,000 enthusiastically clapped and danced, when both Ashishji & Suresh Wadekar sang two popular songs of Rafi Sahib. Finally, Ashishji wished everyone present a Happy New Year, ending on a high note of expectancy. Sir Minaz

We all need to be in good health, in order to be our best in whatever we do. When we are happy and healthy, creative juices within us put us into a mode where quality is cherished. Our body nourishment plays a vital role. Among other nutrients, three specific essential fatty acids (EFA), that are found in omega 3 fats and oils, help us have a healthy lifestyle. They are alpha linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Flax seed oil - and to a lesser extent walnut oils; are good sources of ALA. But, nothing beats cold water fish oils for EPA and DHA. On the other hand, Omega 9 is found in olives, avocados, almonds and sesame seeds. The former are labelled essential, because humans cannot survive without them. Yes, the human body is unable to produce these fatty acids by itself. Hence, it is vital that we get these from food and supplementation. The BENEFITS of the above mentioned combination of Omega 3 & 9 are: 1) Cardiovascular Problems: Reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol, Triglycerides (which are strongly implicated in heart attacks, diabetes, strokes & obesity) and Blood Pressure

2) Skin Disorders: Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo, Hair Fall 3) Joint Problems: Arthritis, Gout 4) Brain Related Disorders: Depression, ADHD, Poor Memory 5) Autoimmune Diseases: Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Chronic Fatigue 6) Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome: Colitis, Crohn's Disease 7) Pulmonary Disorders: Asthma 8) Kidney Problems: Glomerulonephritis 9) Supports Healthy Eyes 10) Eases Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome As this vital combination helps maintain our health, we need to know a good, reliable and internationally certified source how to get it. It is imperative that what you get is chemical-free. To know more how Omega 3 & 9 can help you maintain or have good health, contact someone who can guide you towards your wellness goal. Sarina Pinto has been a Nutritionist for over two decades. You may contact Sarina 9820116689 or email her on sarina_pinto@yahoo.com

Bollywood star couple at St. Peter’s with Baby Boy ‘Riaan’

Riteish & Genelia were spotted at St. Peter’s Church during New Year Mass Bandra’s very own gorgeous Genelia along with her handsome husband Riteish Deshmukh was spotted attending the 10am New Year Mass at St. Peter’s Church, Bandra (West); along with the latest member of their family.Yes, it was their ‘baby boy’, Riaan. After the Mass, the Bollywood star couple mingled freely with the crowd; wishing them ‘Happy New Year’, indicat-

ing how down to earth they are in real life situations. People were happy to see them with their ‘little angel’, wishing them a happy, healthy & successful married life and a long and rewarding film career. Bandra Buzz congratulates the ‘heartthrob couple on the birth of their baby boy. Sir Minaz

Book your ad space in Bandra Buzz to be seen by Bandraites Call: 9820783686, 9920299787 advertise.bandrabuzz@gmail.com





Holistic Healing for your Pet

Priya Saklani is a renowned and experienced Reiki Master and Animal Healer who has helped, healed and guided many humans and animals Animals are not inferior in intelligence or existence; they have an equal right to call earth their home as much as humans. If we forgo the chain of evolution which is a product of pure human science we could begin to see a picture, a picture where we are not to so full of ourselves and at the same time a little more whole from within. The person making a difference is Priya Saklani, (Ph.D, RMT, CHLC) a renowned and experienced Reiki Master and Animal Healer, but more so a Animal Welfare propagandist. After my interaction with her I have decided to write this article on behalf of Animals and in some cases also known as Pets addressing humans, also in some cases also known as their owners. Priya Saklani has been involved with learning and practicing Reiki for over a decade. Reiki is energy and vibration derived medicine. She has helped, healed and guided many humans and animals with the help of her skills and knowledge. Priya is actively involved in trying to educate and create awareness about animal healing through Reiki and with a holistic approach. She also conducts session for human and helps them overcome health and emotional disorders. Priya believes since animals cannot communicate with us considering we do not share the same language, we completely choose to not hear them but if we try there is really not much that they ask for. Streamlining Priya’s thoughts about Animal health disorders where they root from and ways to prevent them: 1) A) Unbalanced (Poisonous) Diet & Lack of Exercise: Time is of the essence for us humans and as a result we force a staple diet of processed food down our cohabitant’s throat. We cannot fathom the damage that is being caused to them, imagine one of us binging on Mc Donald’s Fast foods day in and day out. Similarly packed and processed food damages the animal’s vital organ such as the kidneys and liver. A home cooked meal consisting of meat (80%), bones (10%) liver and organs (10%) is a ideal meal. One can know for themselves by researching a little on the internet, a lot of the ingredients are not approved by Quality Control Authority. The meat used is not supposed to be consumed and there after it is treated with preserva-

tives. No matter how royal the name might sound its pedigree is the same, poison. The animal body functions differently than ours therefore pulses, grains, soya and other human consumables should be avoided as well. B) Lack of Exercise: Effort has to be made to inculcate some sort of exercise and outdoor activities, to make sure that the emotional, mental & physical health of the animal is safeguarded. 2) Methods of Treatment: We must become more aware and accept alternate methods of treatment for animals. Prolonged use of Allopathy medicines has hazardous effects on vital organs is a known fact. Besides it addresses the symptoms not the root cause. The root cause can many a times be the result of the seed sown by us in the form of unhealthy food. Allopathy is required in certain critical situations but simple steps of precaution like a healthy diet, avoid prolonged allopathy course of treatment will help in avoiding all these problems to begin with. Alternate methods of healing like Reiki is effective and helpful for the animal’s health. Reiki is a Japanese discipline developed in 1922 by a Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. Reiki follows the same principle and holistic approach towards treating aliments like Homeopathy, Ayurveda. It not only heals the blockages and painful consequences caused because of the root issue, but also addresses and heals the instigating mental, emotional or psychological root cause. A Reiki session consist for a duration of 30 to 45 min with the animal’s companion as a link between the healer and the animal. The animal has complete control here and can go about doing as theyplease during the session. Different tools such asquantum healing, orgone therapy, healing with essential oils and Bach flower essences play a vital role in the course of treatment. Small bottles of various essential oils are placed before the animal and they inhale the oil as per their instincts and knowledge. Animals are more aware of the surrounding and can differentiate between medicinal and poisonous plants they have guided us towards many of our discoveries and achievements. They are more one with

nature, right from giving birth to their infants to the way they heal themselves it is all a testimony to the fact. 3) Consider and Accept Animals Emotional Perspective: It is said that a dog is man’s best friend and there are innumerable stories that resonate the same thought. We all at the same time are aware that it is not easy being a friend, we have to consider tantrums, outburst in a nutshell deal with some not very pleasant traits of a human. The point being that inspite of having to cope with all these emotionals that are quite superficial for a animal, considering they do not have cultural barriers and other trivial hurdles that we subject upon ourselves they are still there for us. Still there for us at times when literally no one else is around, they save and rescue our lives in times of difficulties and

calamities, all this proves and screams out loud that they are aware and know, and they love they care and they feel. So it is important to communicate and acknowledge every once in a while their existence and their importance for us. Rather than subjecting them as a possession. Animals are energy absorbers they partake the attributes of their family members. Their emotional and psychological mannerism many a times reflects that of the people they share the roof with. Priya’s blog, theanimalhealer.blogspot.in has valuable information for Animal Lover, where she shares her insight and expertise for the benefit of Animals and also informing humans to have an open mind about treating their animals. Sidhant Nayangara

06 JANUARY 2015



Simmering with Love Bandra can boast about having as many as 30 restaurants in a radius of 1 km. Circumstances like these provides the hungry patron with a string of eateries catering all kinds of cuisines to satisfy those gastronomic cravings that ever so often completely takes over us. All in all a very happy picture for us Bandraites. For the businesses it is survival of the fittest, while there are a few restaurants that have been around ever since Rome was built, one can always observe newer restaurants popping up here and there trying out a different formula in terms of the food they cook and serve. Everybody cooks, they may cook something different no doubt, therefore I was intrigued when I came across a take away joint that calls themselves Simmering Pots, an entity of S.M. Kitchen which has been serving people since 2005. The philosophy that she follows is that “One can serve tasty food only if you love cooking”. The technique that is used to cook the food justifies the name she has adopted Simmering Pots, because she believes and observes that cooking food on a low simmering flame leads to a unique taste. This process also makes it possible to use minimum amount of oil, unlike other joints the taste of the food is not dependent on the excessive oil used but by the juices and flavours that the ingredients give out when cooked on a slow flame. This technique has proved its merit because from starting from a household kitchen Mrs. Merchant has today established her own

Mrs. Shabnam Merchant of Simmering Pots along with her son Nazim Merchant (right) & partnerAbhishek Chhabra take away joint that not only undertakes home deliveries and meals for families but also caters for events and occasions. Glancing at the menu the sheer variety of Biryanis took me by surprise because the total types listed are 17. To name a few Anarkali Biryani, Coorg Biryani, Veg. Khoja Biryani, the classic Mutton Hyderabadi Biryani and the fusion inspired Burmese and Arabian Biryanis all of these are preorder items since the time required to pre-

pare them is a matter of importance. Mrs. Merchant makes sure that the food cooked is healthy in all aspects so it is just not a less oil policy but also no preservatives and no MSG policy as well. And to achieve these very inconvenient goals she goes through a lot of toil. She prepares all the sauces in house right from the mayonnaise, the spicy Korean sauce, the barbecue sauce all the base gravies that go into the Indian delicacies, too the Salami and the

Chicken Ham that is used in the Meatloafs and Sandwiches. Simmering Pots is located St. Martins Road, opposite Bandra BMC office. You can reach them on 9833121638 9867318426. So if you crave for a snack or a biryani Simmering Pots is the place to go, because something is always Simmering. Sidhant Nayangara Photo courtesy: Ethel Misquitta

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The New Must Visit Spaces in Bandra

Giggles Inc., located on Level 3, Libra Towers, opp. St. Peter's Church, Hill Road

House of WOW, located in 10, Natraj Building, Hill Road, opp. St. Peter’s Church

GIGGLES INC. Giggles the new indoor play area for kids, infant to 8 years old, owned by Dheeraj Dhawan who was a real estate professional but switched over due to the vulgar dishonesty of the real estate industry. He had to be true to himself and his family's need for child support drove him to start Giggles. Giggles is a secure, social environment for children and conforms to all international standards. The number of kids that can be accommodated at a time is fifty and Dheeraj is strict about that. SERVICES: Play area, birthday parties for kids, regular play dates, school picnics during the rains or just because you want to. They sell Think-Fun toys, and Melissa and Doug products, along with a Giggles activity book which is Rs. 80 and totally worth it, also a puppet making kit by Giggles Rs. 150 but sold out. So run and grab your copy of whatever is left. OPEN: Tuesday to Sunday 10am to 8pm Closed: Mondays CSR: NGOs and Trusts that cater to underprivileged children are invited for free play, Dheeraj is associated with two such organizations. CALL: 26405404 / 26403690 Dheeraj is always personally available and the personal touch makes you want to return to Giggles over and over again. He also helped a family celebrate an impromptu birthday of a 63 year old granny at his play area... way to go Dheeraj. Dheeraj is a warm guy with a big heart...my daughter and her friends love Giggles. HOUSE OF WOW The creative mind behind House of WOW space is Riddhi Gupta a Choreographer and Indian Classical Dancer trained by the late Sri Kalyanaraman Pillai, and coincidentally a student from my very own Alma Mater, the school that respects celebrates diversity, arts and nurtures creativity, I will leave you with that. Riddhi set up the

Lemonade, located in Hira Villa Apartments, 3 Pali Road, Opposite HSBC Bank House of WOW to mean a novel concept, a place that feels like home and encourages fitness in all forms. A place you would never want to leave and changes the way you viewed fitness up until now. Riddhi feels that right now in the current spaces art is too competitive but she feels it should be more collaborative to maximize its benefits for the community. SERVICES: Yogalates, Kalaripayattu, theatre, improv nights, creative writing, Ballet, Zouk, Zumba, Masala Bhangra, Bollywood funk, Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop, Salsa, Jive, Flamenco, Tribal belly, and sufi. They are also linked to Martial Arts Training for women's self-defense. OPEN: Monday to Sunday 6am to 10pm CSR: She is also associated with an NGO and will be sharing her space and knowledge with them for free. CALL: 9029002707 and 9820583644 LEMONADE Lemonade the new pop-up space or store

(small, clean and tidy boutique) in Bandra opposite HSBC Bank on the Pali Road, a great location for people who want to set up shop for a day or two. The lady behind the pop-up space concept is Nanita Sharma. She wanted to encourage creative and emerging talent to build their brand. This space provides a physical space for exhibitors to connect with their customers and also survey to see

what people really like outside of the virtual world of online shopping. Lemonade totally exudes Nanita's charm, brightness and warmth. And will fit into Bandra's most accepting environment. Nanita will also help promote or market your pop-up shop for an additional charge. SERVICES: The space itself has a very positive vibe with wall-papered ceilings & two small crystal chandeliers, with well made glass shelves and racks to hang and display products, clothes and accessories. A center glass dresser table with locks to use as a display table or a cash counter, there is a separate desk and chair that can also be used as a cash counter. They also have a mannequin which you can dress and accessorize to show off your wares. This pop-up space has well light trail rooms and a bathroom which are both scarcities in Mumbai. OPEN: 11am to 8pm when rented. CALL: 9820206063 How will Bandra benefit from these three new spaces, Bandra as always will embrace diversity and new talent and encourage creativity as it has always done and help these spaces also incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which all three entrepreneurs have tried to establish at their centers. Taherreh Jalali-Dashti

08 JANUARY 2015


Christmas Cribs







around Bandra






10 JANUARY 2015



Carmelites Re-unite at Reunion 2015

ACAB’s Managing Committee release their coffee table book, ‘A Happy Band – The Journey So Far’ On 10th January, 2015, the beautifully-lit grounds of Apostolic Carmel High School resounded with the chatter of nearly two hundred happy souls. Comprising ex-students, teachers and a few Sisters of the Convent, the occasion was the Sixth Annual Reunion of the Apostolic Carmel Alumni Bandra (ACAB). The evening took off with a Powerpoint presentation by Shakuntala Vazirani detailing the doings of ACAB over the last year as well as its future plans. This was followed by a short prayer service and then the event many attendees had been eagerly awaiting – the release of ‘A Happy Band – The Journey So Far’; a coffee table book de-

tailing sixty years of the School’s existence from its inception to its Diamond Jubilee celebrated in 2013… the story narrated through photographs and anecdotes contributed by many Bandraites and exBandraites associated with the school. Once the school anthem had been sung, it was time to get down to the serious business of enjoying one’s selves. While Sarita Manchanda and Francisca Pereira were the delightful comperes for the evening, sisters Annie Menezes and Leny Serrao kept the audience enthralled with their smooth voices. One hit followed another–Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You and Gloria Estefan’s I Will Survive sung by Leny,

Sarita M, Leny S, Annie M and Francisca P

ABBA numbers like Chiquita, Money Money Money and Ring Ring were followed by I Have A Dream sung by Sarita, Francisca, Annie and Leny. The audience was also treated to a superb rendition of Toni Braxton’s Unbreak My Heart by Samantha Edwards, another ex-student present that evening. Another highlight was the felicitation of the Class of 1964 who completed their schooling fifty years ago. A cake was cut to a round of loud applause and (Dr.) Sr. Angela Rodrigues FC held the audience’s attention as she shared a few of her school experiences. Spot prizes, engaging games that made the participants use their grey

cells, and snacks and a buffet spread (by Valencia Caterers) all served to ensure the evening was a grand success. As the attendees made their way home proudly holding their copies of ‘A Happy Band – The Journey So Far’, ACAB’s Managing Committee could high five each other for a job well done. To purchase a copy of ‘A Happy Band – The Journey So Far’, kindly contact Alice D’Souza on +91-9892625319 or Arlene D’Sa on +91-9820258326. A limited number of copies were printed. Do call at the earliest to avoid disappointment. Anjali Heredia

First Jesuit Certificate Program (JCP) Convocation Ceremony

Above: Fr. Paul Fernandes felicitates students along with Fr. Andrew Rsorigues S.J. St. Stanislaus School experienced a historical event with some Stanislites receiving the First JCP Awards certificates in their Convocation garb. Chief Guest, Fr. Paul Fernandes S.J., Vice Chancellor of Xavier University was present on 9th January 2015, to award the Jesuit Certificate Programme Awards to the first batch of 2014 students. These students were recipients of this award on completion of the 4 yr programme with 56 credits. The JCP is a holistic, enrichment programme that enables a transformational education based on the Social, Intellectual, Personal and Spiritual (SIPS) level. This programme entails a 2 fold aim – - education for livelihood immediately after Std.X

- education for better life, well equipped for Higher Education. Around 123 Stanislites received their certificates at this ceremony. Students of

Below: Fr. Paul interacts with Principals of neighbouring schools

Holy Family School, Chakala, Andheri (E) were also fortunate to receive their certificates at the hands of the Vice Chancellor. A short cultural programme with a

PowerPoint presentation highlighting the activities conducted during the 4 year programme. Prior to the Awards ceremony Fr. Paul Fernandes S.J. interacted with the Staff members of the School focusing on measures to raise the standard of the present JCP curricula. Later he met up with Principals of 20 neighbouring schools to focus on the ‘Recent trends in Education and How Classrooms can prepare Students for Higher Education’. The event concluded with the School Anthem being sung with gusto and fellowship for the Awardees and their parents at the Backyard lawns. Freda DeSouza



Aarambh: Our Attempt People think, “What can one person do”? Well the answers are Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King. One person can create so many ripples in the apathy of society that people feel compelled to care, feel the need to participate. We here at Social Responsibility Forum of ASMSOC, NMIMS believe these words symbolise what we’re trying to do. Being a student initiative we are making small efforts, taking small steps and hoping that they culminate in a big change, a change in mind-set. We hope to make people realise that each one of them can help someone, can inspire someone. Aarambh is our attempt to help someone in need, to promote a cause, to give it visibility in the society. It is a 5km marathon organised at Bandstand, Bandra. It starts and ends at Taj Lands End. Every year we collaborate with an NGO, and support its cause. Therebyall the funds collected through Aarambh are donated to this NGO. This year we have joined hands with SMILE Foundation. SMILE is an organisation that supports over three lakh children and their families living in slums, remote villages. Smile’s sole aim is to better the lives of all those it touches and this is what

it has been doing in seven hundred locations in over twenty five states. It runs programmes such as education, women empowerment, healthcare, and livelihood. Last year Aarambh saw a footfall of six hundred, this year we hope to garner a bigger crowd. This is all due to the immense support provided to us by our sponsors – Bandra Buzz, Witnext, INOX, SMAAASH, Navbharat Times, Red Bull, Oye! (104.8 FM), Power House Gym, Mahindra Genuine Spares, Grand Resort (Mahabaleshwar), Enlighten India, Body Canvas, Essel World, The Little Door, Jazz Up Salon, Absolute Spa & Salon, MM! Maroosh and Haagen-Dazs. However our biggest but as yet unknown supporters are our participants. Each one of our participants would leave their marks not only on the sands of Bandstand but also on the lives of the underprivileged children supported by SMILE. So come along with your colleagues, neighbours, friends, family, anyone and everyone for Aarambh.

Registration fee: Rs. 100/For Registration and other queries, contact Kushagra 7506119516 / Sonalika 9930037543



12 JANUARY 2015


Letters to the Editor BANDRA TALAO Fight for the credit for Beautification of Bandra Talao does not surprise the readers....These political parties are always waring for their piece of pie....It is amply clear, why the real estate rates are so high and beyond the reach of common man... I need not spell it out.... I wish to draw your attention to one small symbol of our Christian faith, HOLY CROSS, lying neglected near this Talao.....If you could highlight this in your articles related to Beautification of Bandra Talao and get it incorporated in the beautification plan of this talao, you will definitely, be doing a yeoman service to secular fabric of this city. You need not get confused. I am sure, once the beautification is taken up.. Some symbols of other faith are bound to come up, while this heritage value HOLY CROSS will be neglected... I am sure you will understand the sentiments of Christian community in Bandra. Greg Periera NARGIS DUTT  NAGAR  DEMOLITIONS The citizens of H West Ward comprising the H West Federation, The Khar Residents association, Wake Up Bandra, The Guzdar Bandh Residents Association, St. Sebastian's Colony, and many ALMs NGOs are heartened of the heavy demolition taking place at Nargis Dutt Nagar, a slum which not only almost closed the road; but commuters were subject to threats, children running around helter skelter, subjecting themselves to being run over as this was a connecting road from Bandra West to North & South Mumbai. This slum was not only an eye sore, but messed the whole area - and for commuters, particularly vehicles who normally use this route to go towards, Khar Santa Cruz, Andheri, etc. It was a nightmare, as they were subject to being hauled up, particularly after dark when their route was blocked by huge branches - and had to slow down, when they were robbed of their belonging. No amount of our pleas to the previous political authorities were heard or action taken. We are now rejoicing that

demolition has started, as this was top most item on our agenda and things have begun to move. We owe our gratitude to our newly elected MLA Adv. Ashish Shelar and hope he continues to take action against all such obstructions in H West Ward. We are also thankful to the Corporation and Police for carrying out the demolition in spite of the threats they are facing. Anandani Thakoor TOP TEN BURNING ISSUES Bandra’s Top Ten Burning issues is an ideal blueprint for our new MLA to follow, as his guideline for complete change in Bandra, Khar and Santacruz. It is imperative that Adv. Ashish Shelar uses this compilation in his action plan – and more importantly, keeps ‘Beat Marshals’, posted so that things do not return as before. K. Hussein Adv. Ashish should be given a score out of ten, for helping resolve Bandra’s Top Ten Burning Issues. Let’s give him sufficient time – but the ball should get rolling. Two years should be sufficient to see how sincere he is about ‘change’. Jasvir Singh  With the MP and MLA posts going to BJP, it is only a matter of time that our next MCs will also belong to the same party – IF Bandra’s Top Ten Burning Issues are resolved before the upcoming BMC Elections. People need results, not election rhetoric. So, Adv. Ashishji – it is time for ACTION. Your Bandra Reclamation Slum Demolitions is a good start – but you need to also look into Kadeshwari Slums (on the open drain), increasing hawkers on Hill and Linking Road. Haresh Mulchandani MLA Ashish Shelar, my humble request is that you follow the guidelines of Bandra’s TOP TEN Burning issues. With the benefit of BJP - Shiv Sena being in power, you have no excuse now. So, it is your true intention and effective actions, that will make a difference to our suburbs. Mahesh Deo


Editor's Note Dear Readers, At the break of dawn, on the first of January 2015, that new feeling of change is evident everywhere. Welcoming the ‘New Year’, we see people meeting and greeting with a sense of ‘new beginnings’ – let bygone be bygone, forever. Yes, in Bandra – this is truly the time for creating community connect. With a cosmopolitan population of diverse backgrounds, Bandra is the melting pot of multiple global cultures, staying here as neighbours for several decades. With excellent infrastructure, central location and enterprising residents; this hub has the right balance to evolve as a smart suburb – i.e. Bandra, Khar & Santacruz. Yet, as mentioned earlier, among other issues, Bandra’s TOP TEN BURNING ISSUES are vital to real change. Bandra Buzz is evolving to newer levels, to get you all the information you need for better understanding the situation around you; in various aspects of your life. Your active support is the driving force behind this publication. Do use this platform to highlight local talent, entrepreneurs and historical info; that needs to be preserved for posterity. We are using technology, along with your co-operation; for ensuring community connect and social upliftment. An informed person can make wiser decisions – and Bandra Buzz is there at the forefront with local news, views & reviews; that you can use. As the festival of kites – and then Republic Day draws closer, Bandra is bracing up for events that encourage national fervour amongst citizens. With the tricolour flying high, whilst the national anthem is enthusiastically sung; let’s renew our commitment to work towards communal harmony and peaceful progress of our great nation. Let’s make the most of this wonderful weather to increase our outreach – in all areas of our life. Till next time, take care.

Merck N. D’Silva Editor-in-Chief 9820783616 DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors. The publishers and editors of this paper shall be in no way be held responsible for any such action, or consequences thereof. Vol. 6 Issue 1 > R.N.I. No. : MAHENG/8-102010/12646 Editor: Merck D’Silva > Printed & Published by Creative Concepts, 401 Anica, 28 St. Paul Road, Near Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050. Printed at Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072




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14 JANUARY 2015


Bandra girl Dr. Ritabelle now Lieutenant Commander in US Navy Dr. Ritabelle Fernandes, daughter of Jimmy & Philomena Fernandes was appointed as a Lieutenant Commander, United States Navy; late last year. She used to live at St. Paul Road, Extn. Joining the US Military way back in 2005, she trained extensively and was only recently approved; after passing her physical fitness examination. Her burning passion and vast medical experience got her to this prestigious rank. Dr. Ritabelle has made her parents and Bandra proud, even as she hopes to be deployed on humanitarian missions with the USNS Mercy Hospital Ship. Luke Fonseca

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Entrepreneurs Should Unlock Inter-Religious Celebration Value To Scale Up Business

For the last 15 years & 8 years respectively, the Christian Chambers of Commerce and Dimensions have been nurturing Christian businessmen to scale up and grow their enterprises. Several Christian businessmen have been highly successful and after having reached a particular size, are unable to scale up further due to several reasons, primarily due to succession issues; as the next generation prefers to migrate and seek jobs in foreign lands. In the years gone by, migration to foreign lands; were laced with opportunities. However, in the present environment; the situation has reversed - and India as a country has the potential to offer enormous opportunities. India recorded a GDP growth of 10.3% in 2010 which slid down to .5% in 2013 - and is now on an explosive growth mode. In the years ahead, the Indian economy is slated to grow by leaps and bounds - and is well on the course to overtake the UK within three years & emerge the worlds third largest economy by 2024 after the US and China. This would provide great opportunities to entrepreneurs, not only at the start up level; but also at the scale up level. In the past, most members of the Christian community preferred to perform the role of an employee rather than an employer; as the community being risk averse, preferred to play safe. This approach has prevented the community, known for its ethics; the capability to create wealth for the community. Other minority communities like the Parsis, Sikhs, Jains have embraced entrepreneurship and in the process not only created huge wealth for themselves, but also for the community. According to an estimate, India needs 1.5 million jobs per year to provide gainful employment to India's young population. Large business houses in India, both in the private and public sector will not be able to generate employment on such a large scale. Therefore there is an urgent need to actively focus on entrepreneurship which can help in creating jobs to absorb India's young population. Altina Securities on its part, has been playing a major role in promoting the sprit of entrepreneurship, for the last several years - and in the process has to its credit of grooming several entrepreneurs

from scratch to multi billionaires. As a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Altina Securities is leveraging its expertise of several years to groom and mentor entrepreneurs, especially amongst the Christian community, both at the start up level & scale up level; through initiatives like workshops on financial literacy, mentoring sessions, industrial visits, essay contests etc. - to name a few. Several Christian businessmen create value through hard work and dedication, which if not unlocked will decay over a passage of time, in case the next generation is not willing to continue the operations. Other communities have succeeded in unlocking values and creating huge wealth. As far as the Christian community is concerned it is only the Glenmark Group that has unlocked value and today Glenmark Pharma has a market value of around Rs 22,000 crore against a mere Rs 500 crore before the IPO in the year 2000. Altina Securities is very active in advising Christian businessmen to unlock value - and quite a few Christian businessmen have realized the need to unlock value and have begun the process. As of now, there are three companies that have completed a major part of the listing process and are likely to apply to the stock Exchange for listing, before the end of the current financial year. The companies are: - Quadros Motors Pvt. promoted by Evencio Quadros. This group currently is the largest automotive dealer in the state of Goa. - Malaika Appliances Pvt. Ltd., promoted by Gilbert Baptist. They operate a chain of retail stores spread over the states of Maharashtra and Karnataka - Cawasji Behramjee Catering Services Pvt. Ltd., promoted by Alfred Arambhan - a leading offshore catering service company. There are several other Christian Companies with great potential, who are likely to unlock value in due course time; like Angelo Computer Education, Lawrence & Mayo, Bharat Coach Builders, Terminal Technologies etc. to name a few. Clifton D’Silva

With a view to bring together members of different religions to obtain communal harmony and peace, for the first time Navjeet Community Centre, an outreach of the Holy Family Hospital, organized an interreligious get-together on 27th December 2014, where various speakers from across the religious spectrum were invited to speak on the topic of family life and what it meant to them. Dignitaries like Imam Abrar Hussain Razvi from Raza Jama Masjid, Bandra East, Ms Shyama Kulkarni, Social Activist from Bandra, Gyankirti Suresh Dhotre, a Buddist from Khar, Mr Sahani Singh from Khar Gurudwara, Fr Ceasar D’mello, Parish Priest from St Andrew’s Church, Bandra and Ms Veena Gidwani were present for the event. The programme began with each dignitary being felicitated with a rose, followed by prayer dance by the nurses of Holy Family Hospital, welcoming the birth of Jesus. In these turbulent times when families are going through difficulties, Imam Abrar Hussain’s advice on what family life should be as written in the Koran was both informative and inspiring. He emphasized that there is only one God and there should be no distinction in caste, creed or religion. For Ms Shyama Kulkarni, the only religion is Humanity, and the love and care and respect we have for each other. There is only

one God, and the different religions are different paths of reaching that One God. We should not have the joy of giving only during festivities but throughout the year Gyankirti Suresh Dhotre shared what family life should be as per the preaching of Gautam Buddha and that many societies are experiencing profound poverty of relationships as a result of lack of solid family and community relationships. He admired the work that Navjeet is doing and appreciated the same. Mr Sahani emphasized that all men and women irrespective of caste, creed and religion should enjoy an equal and inviolable dignity. Ms Veena also shared what family life meant to her. Fr Ceasar’s advice was to pay special attention and respect to the needs of the old and sick. Sr Bindhu

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