June 2018

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

25th June 2018 | Vol. 9 Issue 6 |

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Politician-Police-BMC nexus with ‘FAKE SAVIOURS’, causes citizens concern Hill Road, Bandra has been the bone of contention for several decades, having heritage structures that are synonymous with the very ethos of Bandra - through many centuries. With minority communities having a sizeable population here, we have an ambience that is culturally very rich and unique. The authorities find this hard to digest and discreetly try to offer ‘lollipops’, just before elections – just to get voted to power and continue their hidden agendas. A ‘divide and rule’ policy is rampant, to ensure victory. At this time, ‘Fake Saviours’ surface to hoodwink gullible citizens into supporting them. These tamasha tactics cause a lot of concern to citizens. Read all about the Hill Road Widening Protests – and what it means for the city, on Pic: Josh Photography CONTINUED ON PAGE 7>>


JUNE 2018



Hill Road Widening At Whose Expense? Hill Road the main artery of Bandra West commercial centre is again back in the limelight, this time more controversial than before for the benefit of BMC and the Urban Planning Department. Religious institutions that have been in existence for more than a century have been asked to forgo precious land to decongest and free bottle necks from traffic blockage at various stages on its path. There have been several protests in the past and this particular issue has been going on for decades. Elected representatives are now voicing support vocally because this is what they can do best, nothing else. On the other hand it is these very people in connivance with BMC officials and the police, have encouraged hawkers to sell their merchandise on the road and footpath, making it extremely difficult for pedestrians to walk. A few years back St. Joseph’s Convent was asked to forgo a portion of their perimeter under the pretext of road widening. The institution obliged and now more licensed stalls have

mushroomed in that area. So what is the catch on this issue? The BMC does things for its own good and not for the benefit of the public, who are harassed each day with dug up roads. There is something called give and take. This is what you give and this is what you get in return from forging land for road widening so more hawkers and stalls can be given room to do business and fill the pockets of the authorities. Another ugly twist to this whole sordid saga is the minority issue which has become more prominent since the past four years. If you notice how the BMC is going about with its business, you will find that minority based institutions and religious bodies are facing the brunt of the civic bodies wrath. All the three religious places which have been ordered to make space for setback are Minority based. Had there been a Hindu temple like Siddhi Vinyak on Hill Road or even a Masjid, the BMC would not have had the guts to dictate terms to them. Only Catholic churches and Parsi Agairy which are soft targets are

The Tata Agiary, St Peter’s Church, St Andrew’s Church & private societies on Hill Road have been approached for road widening in Bandra singled out for action by BMC which appears to be in line with Hindutva policy. The demolishing of a century old Cross is a stark reminder of how biased the corporation is in its attitude. Mumbai has become a stressed out city because of Government mismanagement in every department for lack of proper infrastructure. The ‘Chaltha Hai’ attitude of our babus and lawmak-

ers has put an undue stress on residents everywhere in the entire metropolis. BMC should be privatised so it can deliver prompt and efficient service with clean administration. Fogging by insecticide machinery starts only when the death toll rises to dangerous levels. This is the apathy of the government that controls our civic needs. Amar Singh



JUNE 2018


DEVELOPMENT PLANNER’S ULTERIOR MOTIVES The peaceful protest held on 22nd June 2018, from 3pm outside the BMC H-West office, was held for a reason. The Development Plan created by ‘agencies’ of the BMC have always had one main agenda - To usurp maximum l& of the indigenous Mumbaikars for their contractor builder friends. The BMC does not care for the welfare or well-being of citizens. If they did, Mumbai would be managed sustainably. DP plans have the builders as the biggest stake holder. Builders can get more FSI & make more money – which increases their budget for bribes. More citizens are added to the city & to the voters list – helping politicians. This is a vicious circle. The result is that more sewage & solid waste is created & our sea continues to die. The NGOs are doing more work than the BMC or the government itself. If the government did their job well, no NGO would need to step in to fill that space. Mumbai is looked at as a cash cow for the crooked BMC. Such are the parasites who are out to kill our motherland.

ernment, under the guise of the DP to usurp church lands. BIPA - Bombay’s Indigenous People’s (www.bipa.in), along with Watchdog foundation, SOUL (Save Our Land) committee, BEIA, BSP & others were present. The AMC gave us a hearing. He said that no notice was sent & made no promises that notices won’t be sent in the future. I asked him on a personal note “What did you achieve by breaking our cross at D’Monte Street”. The AMC got agitated & said the matter was in court. Fr Austin, joined his hands in a gesture that fate will take care of him. Nicholas & Adv. Godfrey took up the DP issue, while the AMC kept deflecting them with vague replies.

ALLEGED MESSAGES What was really sad here is that a message was allegedly circulated by a prominent priest, stating that the protest was called off, based on some unconfirmed conversation between him & the AMC. Consequently, many groups did not attend & this protest had an indigenous identity. This sly tactic stopped many gullible citizens from attending. ImagPROTEST ine, even those present at the protest We protested this very plan of the gov- continued to get these messages.

REMINDING THE CLERGY A gentle reminder to the clergy by BIPA & other indigenous NGOs - All church property was originally owned by the indigenous inhabitants & donated to the church for the sake of the indigenous community. It is not up to the church or parish priests to decide the fate of the church properties, without consultations with the indigenous community, also known as East Indians. The indigenous always considers that the church belongs to the indigenous community – no matter which government is in power. The church lands will always belong to the indigenous community & will always have an indigenous identity. Our Mulvasi or indigenous identity is mil-

lennia old & we will continue to protect, resist & fight for our motherland, called ‘Mobaim’ - which means people’s mother or Motherland. INDIGENOUS SUPPORT In any protest, political parties try to capitalise on the grievances of people. To avoid that, we invited BSP Bahujan Samaj Party Maharashtra Secretary - Mr. Suresh Vidhyaghar & Mobaim Vice president Mr. Janardhan Kori to be part of our struggle. BSP, whose core belief is to fight for the indigenous nationwide, has decided to support all indigenous citizens, also known as ‘bahujan’, in their fight for justice. Luke Gabriel Mendes


JUNE 2018



Election 2019 - Will Bandra vote for right choice? 2019 is going to be a make or break year for Indian politics. There will be new alliances of political parties coming together to form a Third Front. Turncoat and habitual back stabbing politicians will switch sides and join old foes for the same purpose of making hay when the sun shines. The national elections of every country has often been a keen fight between parties of different ideologues. In India it is now a ‘Game of Thrones’. Since Independence it was governed by one party that fought for freedom and established its roots because there was no better alternative. Now all that has changed. It is a power struggle to capture as many seats needed to govern and loot. Who cares for the public anyway? How is Bandra going to vote? Has it been a strong hold of one party or is it going to vote depending upon the performance of the incumbent, which needlessly to say has been pathetic and a national disgrace. Attacking minorities, suppressing voice of the downtrodden and harassing the media who are not in favour of their evil designs, is their agenda. This was not so in the election manifesto of 2014. The results of State elections in 2018 and aftermath

have exposed the greed of political parties vying for power at any cost. We have seen a new trend in electioneering of how MLA’s are shunted away to expensive and high class resorts to prevent them from being poached by rival parties with lure of money running into hundreds of crores of rupees. There is no morality here because the Election Commission itself has become a toothless tiger. The late T. N. Seshan was the right choice for the post of CEC because he was an upright office and every politician’s nightmare. He had the guts to take on anybody, big or small it didn’t really matter. Things would have been much better today had Seshan been given a chance to be the President of India. At least we would have seen a new political culture of dignity, respect and corrupt free India. As a rule we Indians tend to vote on cast basis because religion is the foundation of our culture. Bandra has a mixed electorate of Hindus, Muslims and Catholics. Beef ban, lynching by gau rakshaks and the needless controversy of getting involved in triple talak have dischanted Muslim voters. At the same time burning churches, snatching microphone from the pulpit of a

Priest while delivering a homily and the latest issue of the letter written by an Archbishop denouncing the hatred of dividing communities of different faiths have made Christians weary in which way the wind is blowing. Even small time traders are not happy with the implementation of demonetisation and GST. It has caused them surmountable problems, anxiety and distress.

When you log in all these factors there will not be a clear winner as was the case in 2014. Whatever the result 2019 is going to be a year of discordant settlement between political parties fighting for majority rule to govern, leaving the electorate with a confused mind and sobriety. Amar Singh



JUNE 2018


Everything you need to know about Gallbladder Stone An anxious, young, 28 year old female came for consultation last Saturday to my Bandra clinic for her recently detected few small stones in the gall bladder. Two weeks ago, she had an acute onset of right side abdominal pain going to the back, lasted for few hours and got relieved with some injectable pain killers. I would like to educate you more about gall bladder stone disease.

right way to do it. Only if you’re at high risk for surgery complications or not fit for anesthesia, a drainage tube may be placed into the gallbladder through the skin. Your surgery may be postponed until your risk is lowered by treating your other medical conditions.

What is a Gallbladder? It is a small organ lying under the liver in the upper right abdomen. It’s a small coloured urine, clay coloured stools, pouch that stores bile, a green-yellow jaundice, burping & diarrhea. liquid that helps with digestion. What are the complications and longWhy are stones formed inside the Gall- term risk of gallstone? bladder? • Acute cholecystitis: When a gallstone • High cholesterol in your bile: Having blocks the duct where bile moves from too much cholesterol in your bile can the gallbladder, it can cause inflammalead to yellow cholesterol stones. tion and infection in the gallbladder. • High bilirubin in your bile: Bilirubin is This is known as acute cholecystitis. produced when your liver destroys old • Jaundice: A yellowish tint to your skin red blood cells. Some conditions, such or eyes due to blockage of bile ducts as liver damage and certain blood disor- with gallstones. ders, cause your liver to produce more • Cholangitis: A bile duct infection due bilirubin than it should. to stones. • Concentrated bile due to a full Gall- • Sepsis: Severe blood infection from bladder: Gallbladder is a pouch that gallstones needs to empty its bile to be healthy and • Pancreatitis: Pancreas inflammation of to function properly. If it fails to empty pancreas due to gall stone blocking the its bile content, the bile becomes over- pancreatic duct. ly concentrated, which causes stones to form, as seen in acontractile gallbladder. What are the risk factors for gallstones? • Lifestyle factors: Being overweight/ What are the symptoms? obese, diet high in fat/low in fibres, rapIt can present with pain in the upper id weight loss through diet/weight loss right abdomen. You may start to have surgery. gallbladder pain from time to time when • Medical factors: Having liver cirrhosis, you eat foods that are high in fat, such as diabetes mellitus, being pregnant, takfried foods, cheese, pizza, french fries. ing medicines to lower cholesterol or The pain doesn’t usually last more than taking drugs with high estrogen content. a few hours, may radiate to the back or • Uncontrollable factors: Being female, to the shoulder blade at times. You may family history of gallstones, age more also experience: nausea, vomiting, dark than 60 years.

YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT. FENG SHUI YOUR FOOD & BETTER YOUR LIFE. It was a treat to the senses to co-judge along with Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor at the Dawoodi Bohra Cook-off last month. The 6 most prolific food influencers cooked up traditional Bohra dishes in 60 minutes. This got me thinking to write this month’s column on Food & Diet. Feng Shui and food are closely related. Applying Feng Shui principles to your food can help you improve health, attract wealth, and enhance household harmony. The ability to feed people with sumptuous, balanced meals stands for wealth in Feng Shui. You can achieve this balance by use of color, varying aromas, and opposites in your foods.

mer is the season of the Fire element. So, conserve your energy during the hot, long summer days. Refresh yourself with lighter meals. Salads, fruits, vegetables, raw foods, light carbs cool you down. The focus is on the heart and small intestines. The heart regulates the flow of blood circulation. A calm heart brings clarity, peace and balance in the body. De-clutter your diet: Avoid snacking between meals. Here’s where the calories rally sneak in. Avoid keeping your favourite snacks around you.

Give your internal organs a wash: Stay Align your diet with the seasons: Sum- hydrated by drinking fresh, clean water

What tests are done for detection of gallstones? • Physical examination: Visit your doctor who can do a physical examination that includes checking your eyes and skin for visible changes in color to see signs of jaundice. The exam may involve using diagnostic tests including complete blood count and liver function tests that help your doctor see inside your body. • Ultrasound: Non invasive tests done to see the gallbladder and number of stones inside, status of liver, any blockages in bile duct, presence of any pancreas infection. • CT scan/MRI scan (MRCP): Are special tests done only after doctors recommendation. Usually its done when the liver function tests are abnormal, patient has jaundice or pancreatitis. • Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): It helps your doctor look for gallstones stuck in your bile duct that can be removed at the same time and also place a stent/tube across to prevent future blockages. How are gallstones treated? Most of the time, you won’t need treatment for gallstones unless they cause you pain. If you’re in pain, your doctor will likely recommend surgery. Laparoscopic removal of gallbladder is the throughout the day. Water is a natural energizer. It improves the flow of Chi in your entire body. Remember to drink a glass of water before a meal to give you a feeling of fullness with zero calories.

How to prevent formation of gallstones? • Reduce intake of fats & choose low-fat foods whenever possible. Avoid highfat, greasy & fried foods. Reduce refined carbohydrates like sugar, white flour. • Add natural fibres to your diet to make your bowel movements more solid. Try to add only a serving of fibre at a time to prevent gas that can occur from eating excess fibre. • Avoid foods and drinks known to cause diarrhoea, including caffeinated drinks, high-fat dairy products, and very sweet foods. • Eat several small meals per day. Eat slow and small, meals are easier for the body to digest. • Drink a sufficient amount of water. This is about 8-10 glasses per day. • Lose weight slowly. Aim to lose no more than 500 gms per 2 weeks. Rapid weight loss may increase your risk of gallstones and other health problems.

For more details/ queries on gallstones: Dr. Biswanath Gouda, Laparoscopic Gastro-intestinal Surgeon in Bandra. Attached to Holy Family Hospital and Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. Email: dr.biswanathgouda@gmail.com

Contact: 26418641 / 26418642

Balancing Yin & Yang: It refers to balancing the opposites around you to create harmony. You apply this principle to your meals by mixing foods that are yin (cool) and yang (warm). Yin foods and flavors are mild, or bland. Yang foods Keep your body’s Chi energy moving: A and flavors are bold, and spicy. daily walk can get your Chi energy to respond with improved health and a feel- Make everyday a special day: Serve up a ing of lightness, energy and clarity. meal by setting up your table in your favourite fancy setting, with the expensive Balancing Color: Each of the Five ele- china & crystal glassware hiding in your ments (Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood) cabinets. Fill your table with an abunis represented by a color, and you bal- dance of wonderful food (more food & ance these elements using a variety of money), and double the food (thereby color in your food choices. The more doubling your wealth) by hanging a mircolors you vary in your meal, the more ror that reflects your dining table. you bring good Feng Shui harmony to your table. So, it’s time for you to give some thought Balancing Aromas: It feels great to smell to Feng Shui. Book a your favorite food cooking in the kitchpersonalized consulen? Aromatic seasonings and spices lend tation with Feng Shui their flavors to the main ingredients, as Expert Maria Hussain well as their scents to the kitchen. Plus, on +919967678652. these wonderful aromas release negative energy from a home and fill every- Email bhcfengshui@gmail.com or visit thing with positive energy. website at www.bhcfengshui.com

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JUNE 2018


THE ‘HILL ROAD ISSUE’ PROTEST AND WHAT IT MEANS FOR THE CITY The alleged attempt to take over part of two Catholic Church graveyards for road widening in Bandra, has raised hackles amongst the local community & led to a protest outside the H-West Municipal Ward office on 22nd June 2018. Several hundred protesters, including nuns, raised slogans & drew attention to the fact that the historic structures are hundreds of years old.

They need protection & not demolition. The issue came to a boil after civic officials began reviving a plan for widening of Hill Road and informally began sounding out concerned people on the issue. Earlier attempts by the civic body in 2007 to acquire lands of two Churches: St. Andrew, St. Peter’s and the Tata Parsi Agiary - for road widening; were met with strong resistance, leading to

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the stalling of the entire project. Fridays protest outside the BMC Office on St. Martin’s Road, however was interesting. It took place, even after the Bandra BJP MLA, Adv. Ashish Shelar has intervened (in response to a front page headline article published in Mumbai Mirror) and got the Assistant Municipal Commissioner (AMC) of H-West Ward, Sharad Ughade to issue a letter stating that there was “No road widening plan at present”. These dangerous words ‘at present’, could mean that a sword would continue to dangle and could be used anytime in the future, for swaying votes. After meeting AMC Sharad Ughade, Activists Nicholas Almeida of ‘Watchdog Foundation’ and Godfrey Pimenta of the East Indian Association pointed out that there was no assurance given by the civic officials on the road widening being carried out at a future date. Dolphy D’Souza of the Bombay Catholic Sabha who met Sharad Ughade in a delegation with protestors, said “The issue could be brought up again at a future date. This is what bothers us.’’ Adv. Vivian summed up the protest. Fr. Austin Norris was keen on finding a permanent solution to the issue. Protesters were drawn from Bandra, the East Indian Association, Watchdog Foundation, Bombay Catholic Sabha, Indigenous Peoples Association of Mumbai, BSP and others. Several of the Bandra residents noted that the road widening seems to be coming up time and again. “Is there no proper & permanent solution to the crisis, are we being taken for a ride by politicians,” stated one Bandra resident. Another person questioned, “Why do we have BMC - Authorised stalls occupying the entire footpath, opposite Balaji Hotel – on graveyard land taken as set back land from St. Joseph’s Convent? This has no logic, except to get ‘haftas’, while citizens have to walk dangerously on the road, dodging heavy traffic. Can our local representatives honestly answer this?

This peaceful protest seems to be just a trailer. Bandra residents should brace themselves to experience much more ‘tamasha’ – and learn to discern between facts and fiction. Rumours will rumble this suburb, as countdown to the polls start. Let’s be alert and vote out rubbish. We need to vote for a fearless un-biased candidate, who has the correct intent and will get things done for community welfare. Be aware - if the authorities have their way here, the entire city will be affected in the same way. Ashley D’Mello

Standing in line with protesters, I had a sense of ‘Déjà vu’. This was a re-enactment of 2007 - with a difference. This time around the threat to acquire land from the Church burial ground; comes at a time when the civic body is trying to pass off the centuries old villages in Mumbai, called Gaothans - as slums. The idea behind it is quite clear. After declaring Gaothans as slums; you can push through schemes under the slum redevelopment - and pave the way for builders to take over the lands of the Gaothans. The recent incident in Kharodi, when demolition squads pulled down several old houses under the pretext of slum demolition - is a clear pointer to what is to come. Civic groups have to gear themselves for combating such action in the future. The builders lobby is looking for more land for its projects, together with a few willing politicians and pliant civic officials, they are going to make further inroads into the gaothans. The civic groups and community organizations which are involved in civic action work, have to fight this threat in a concerted manner, on a secular platform.



JUNE 2018


Women Against Rape (WAR) Every day we learn in the media of rapes that occur with ever greater frequency across the country, and there are countless others that go unreported for various reasons. It’s not that more rapes are happening today, but that a vigilant media reports them more fearlessly. These heinous crimes are against women – age no bar - the elderly, married, young girls, children and even babies as young as 4 months! The victims are, besides being raped/gang raped, brutalised and killed so that the perpetrators cannot be identified. After the 2012 Nirbhaya gang rape and murder, which so outraged and nauseated the world, having made headlines across the globe, the then UPA II government amended the Act governing such crimes to make it more stringent. And the rapists, all except the juvenile (who was the worst offender and is now a free man) received the death penalty. Another one committed suicide leaving four whose appeals are pending in the SC after more than 5 years! The snail paced Justice System in the country, with its multiple avenues of delay via appeals, continuances etc. even in the Fast Track courts, has served to embolden criminals who indulge in “copy cat” crimes , in the secure knowledge that

A group of more than 20

women met at the residence and at the initiative of a veteran social activist, recently to deliberate on these sad occurrences and make suggestions to the Authorities concerned at various levels, so as to find ways to preclude such crimes. the conviction rate for such crimes and indeed for all crimes is abysmally low. The present NDA government, following the spike in rape cases and other obnoxious crimes involving juveniles, and massive public protests, further amended POCSO to a) lower the juvenile age to 16 from 18, and b) to include the death penalty for ALL rapes/murders of those under the age of 12. These are welcome moves but do not seem to have deterred criminals/rapists/murderers.

It must be noted here that in the rape/ murder of the 4 month old infant girl, the fast track court heard the case and delivered the death penalty to the convicted relative in the unbelievable span of 23 days! Taking serious, note of the above, a group of more than 20 women met at the residence and at the initiative of a veteran social activist, recently to deliberate on these sad occurrences and make suggestions to the Authorities concerned at various levels, so as to find ways to preclude such crimes. Below are some of the suggestions made after discussion, which received the widest acceptance: 1. While welcoming the lowering of the juvenile age, it was stated that perpetrators today were even younger than 16. If a person is old enough to commit a crime such as rape, he is old enough to receive the maximum penalty for it. In other words, punishment should not depend on the age of the convict but on the magnitude of the crime. 2. Whereas it was acknowledged by some that capital punishment does not act as a deterrent, it was felt that it should remain for the present in the statute book until such time as the crime graph came down. Moreover, the sorry state of our prisons and remand homes – overcrowding and abuses - merely serve to compound the problem rather than to solving it.

side, on the notice board at police stations. This could act as a forewarning to the public and a deterrent to potential/ past offenders. 6. There should be trackers on criminals out on bail, to preclude the possibility of their escaping as happened in the case of the rape of a lawyer by the society watchman, and for those like the juvenile in the Nirbhaya case who escaped the punishment he merited, because he was a few days under 18 years! 7. Some were of the view that chemical castration could prove to be quicker, less expensive and a very powerful deterrent in cases of rape. It would hurt rapists where it mattered most and be more humane than the death penalty. 8. Some of the participants at this brain storming activists’ sessions wondered if criminals who became so for lack of a strong social support system could be enlisted in the armed forces/be made to undertake several hours of community service as pay back for being social offenders. 9. There was strong support for making self defence classes imperative in schools/colleges/workplaces to build confidence in women and ensure their security.

10. The SOS number for reporting crimes, police departmets headed by women 3. It was generally felt that there should cops and witness protection should be be more fast track courts which should ensured to make society crime free and hear cases expeditiously in a time bound secure the environment for its members. manner and the number of appeals etc which delay and ultimately deny justice, WAR has decided to meet at regular intershould be drastically curtailed in hei- vals, co-ordinate with other like-minded nous crimes. groups, interact with police personnel, keep abreast of developments in the 4. There should be no bail for such of- city, state, country, organise awareness fenders and for those sentenced to life, programs, put pressure on the delivery no parole. system so that justice becomes a reality & invite professionals to join the group 5. It was agreed that a sex offender to make it dynamic & effective. should be named and shamed. This could be done by having a roster of (se- Women Against Rape (WAR) rial) offenders with photographs along- Contact: 9820672887, 9920663748



JUNE 2018


If you’ve lost your luggage in a rickshaw in Bandra have faith, you can find it If at all you forget your bag or mobile phone in the auto rickshaw or your luggage at the backseat do not worry, you can find it if you try. You can complain to the Bandra police and they can help you find it by using all their resources. Recently, a bag full of an expensive DSLR camera, mobile chargers, clothes and few eatables was found and returned in after five days. Michelle Coutinho (name changed), a Bandra resident, was travelling with her family on June 12, 2018. Coutinho had multiple bags and forgot one bag in an auto rickshaw while commuting to Bandra railway station. When the family reached their outstation destination they realised one bag was missing. But then the family could not return immediately. When Coutinho returned on June 15, she decided to check for her bag as it had her camera and other valuables. They checked the entire route which they had taken but did not find any trace. They then informed the Bandra Police about the incident. But they had no clue of the number of the auto rickshaw or name of the auto rickshaw driver. The Bandra police checked the route CCTV footage of that day according to the time of travel mentioned by Coutinho. But the footage was not quite clear & the auto rickshaw number had to be guessed.

The police officials then informed Salim Khan, also well known as ‘Tiger’, a Bandra resident, about the incident. Tiger is an auto rickshaw driver who knows all the auto rickshaws, their drivers and their owners at the back of his palm. Along with driving an auto rickshaw, Tiger does a lot of social work like helping people find their lost luggage, solving police cases which involve auto rickshaw drivers or simply helping people to locate their baggage. When Tiger was informed about Coutinho’s case, he immediately informed his helpers about the incident. Tiger checked the CCTV footage and used a Mobile Application to track the number of the auto rickshaw. Once the number was tracked, Tiger contacted the concerned auto rickshaw driver and informed him about the case. Mohd Azimuddin Jalal, the autorickshaw driver tried to recollect the incident stating that several passengers entered his auto rickshaw in those five days. But Tiger managed to find the bag through the driver and then returned it to Coutinho with all the valuables and the DSLR camera in its place on the morning of June 16. The bag was which was lost on Tuesday was found and returned on Saturday. Countinho said, “My bag was gone for five days and I was worried as it had

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LtoR: Tushar Dhakrao (Police Sub-Inspector), CCTV Constable & Salim Khan (Tiger) help recover a bag full of an expensive DSLR camera, mobile chargers & clothes my valuables. But then the Bandra police and Tiger helped us tremendously to locate and find the bag as it is even after five days. It was like a miracle because we complained on Friday and in one day our bag was found without any thing missing. If we take efforts and inform the authorities they do help effectively and this is a thorough example.” Tiger who has helped find & return a zillion bags till date said, “I have a strong network of all the auto rickshaw drivers in Bandra. I have been helping the police since last three years. I drive the auto rickshaw in the morning and in the night I help people and police to resolve their issues. If people have faith and take some effort, we can resolve their problem and help find their luggage.” Tiger claimed people should change their mindsets about auto rickshaw driv-

ers. Tiger added, “Any kind of luggage big or small is important even it is worth Rs 100 or Rs 1 lakh. It is luggage which belongs to someone and is owned by someone. People should have faith that auto rickshaw drivers can return their luggage and will not hoard it. While auto rickshaw drivers should realise that they should respect the person’s luggage and return it to their owner as it is.” Coutinho claimed the team of Bandra Police is quite helpful and co-operative. Tushar Dhakrao, police sub-inspector on duty said, “When we receive complaints we immediately check the CCTV footage. This process takes time but if people are willing to help us then we can help resolve their issue. We have solved multiple cases and we want people to have faith in us.” Ronald Rodrigues


JUNE 2018



New age Career Choices In the second series of our career choices we met up with a dynamic personality & we realized there’s so much fun when a hobby becomes a source of income & at the same time allows you to give back to the society. We met with the super talented Vikas Malani, owner of BodyCanvas Tattoos & Piercings. As I walked into his studio at Carter Road, Bandra, I was reminded of a quote by the late Steve Jobs very rightly said, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do”. Sitting on his workstation was this man smiling & he had this magnetic energy. Vikas, as child what was it that you wanted to pursue? I always wanted to be a pilot as a child, the aircraft always amazed me. Wow, then from a pilot to being the owner of a tattoo studio how did the change come about? Along my schooling years, I was introduced to the colour palette by my mother, I started sketching & my sketches & art were influenced by my mother & my aunt, by the virtue both of them were painters. This led me to make a lot of sketches for my school curriculum. However once I completed my schooling I was under tremendous pressure to peruse Commerce & finally did so. In the classroom in college all I did was doodle, for the world they were doodles but for me they were sketches & designs. By 1997 I was creating my own designs, that was the year Google was born but they didn’t have any designs like they have these days. Didn’t you ever get noticed? This may sound funny but while the others were pursuing commerce I was busy having fun sketching. Something like this always gets noticed either for the good or the bad. In my case, this got noticed, causing my career to move in a completely different direction away from Commerce. My doodles/sketches were seen by a representative of the cultural committee of my college and I was asked to represent my college at an art festival. I landed up winning the second runner up place for my college. Wow, that must have been so motivating, what next from there? I started participating in many more competitions/college festivals. Along with the prizes came recognition and monetary gains. During the same time a friend - Bezaad who had seen my artwork, approached me to participate in a charity event for AIDS and make temporary tattoos. This was my first giveback to the society. Though this was charity event, I never even imagined the recognition that I would get, this was a true turning point for me.

teen making temporary tattoos for my friends & unfortunately failed by FYBCom, instead of crying about it I decided to pursue making tattoos. So how did you go about pursuing making tattoos? I took the opportunity to go back to his roots and one of the artistic cities of India - Pushkar. In Pushkar, I started making temporary tattoos on people with markers, I would just have enough to be able to find a bed to sleep and eat a little. On one such occasion, I was having tea at a roadside stall, when the owner of the stall saw the design that I had made on my own hand using a marker and he thought it was a tattoo. I explained it was not a tattoo, the owner suggested I meet Lydia, who was a tattoo artist from Barcelona, Spain. Meeting Lydia was a God sent opportunity, she was one who introduced him to the art of tattooing and taught me about tattoos. After spending a year under her, I returned to Mumbai. With this newfound knowledge, the next step was acquiring a tattoo machine. How did you go about once you returned from Pushkar? Tattooing was not popular at all in 1998 & when my father learnt about my career choice he was furious, my mother supported me as always. Here on I decided to pursue a career tattooing. First on the agenda was to get a tattoo machine & in those days the tattoo machine was available only with Dr. Kohiyar, who was a psychologist & the only tattoo artist of those times, ironically instead of getting help on the tattoo machine, I was asked to sell my designs to him, this didn’t deter me in fact I took up the challenge & moved ahead. In order to collect funds for the tattoo machines along with my younger brother, Mickey I started making a lot of temporary tattoos at events and we would sit for hours outside MacDonald’s making temporary tattoos for customers there. From 1998-2001 all we did was make temporary tattoos. In July 2001 we managed to buy our own machine from an artist in Goa called Munna. This was the first step towards the tattooing journey.

How did the journey progress? In those days I would go to peoples home to make their tattoos, the income that was generated was not enough to support even my daily needs and then How did you manage college life & new also came the question of acquiring the found love for making tattoos? materials required for tattooing. In those I spent my time in the college can- days, tattooing inks and needles were

Vikas Malani of BodyCanvas Tattoos & Piercings tattoos an acid attack victim not available freely. Even when the tattoo machine would breakdown, it had to be taken to a factory where the damaged parts had to be customized and remanufactured and would take some times take days to fix. On one such occasion I met Shantaram who helped me acquire tattoo ink, sold in powder form in those days and would help get the tattoo machine fixed as and when needed. I then began to worry about managing the day to day expenses. Call center boom was on during those times and I had no option other than joining a call center. So in order to be able to pursue my dreams, I worked in a call center during the night and would tattoo during the day. At times, I landed up working 18-20 hours a day. My hard work & perseverance led me to incorporate BodyCanvas in 2001. We registered in 2001 & our studio was opened in 2003, from that point there was no looking back. I continued to work at the call centre & in 2013 finally I quit from the post of Sales Head & gave 100% of myself to BodyCanvas.

Vikas, how many studios do you have as on date? BodyCanvas now has 5 studios – 3 in Mumbai (Malad, Bandra and Peddar Road), one in Delhi (at Hauz Khas village) and one in Central London. Could you briefly throw light on your giving back to society mission. My idealogy of giving back to the society has never ceased. It started with a charity event for AIDS, in my college days after that it was educating the differently abled about tattooing and now it’s women empowerment along with supporting Acid Attack victims to be able to get back into the society and then being able to earn a living for themselves by teaching them how to tattoo there by making them self reliant. You’ve tattooed a lot of celebrities? Michael Clarke former Australian Captain, M S Dhoni, Priyanka Chopra, John Abraham, Aamir Khan to name a few.

Any diversification plans from here on? A staunch believer of hygiene and safety in tattooing, I’ve now collaborated with Cheyenne Tattoo Equipment from Germany, which is a big brand in tattoo equipment. So all their equipment will be available with us at BodyCanvas. This is a revolutionary since the latest equipment and technology will be available to everyone in India, enhancing the quality of tattoos that are made and also enriching the customer experiDid you ever think off expanding your ence. knowledge? My thirst for knowledge was not If you had to sum up your journey… quenched and I wanted to learn more “My name is my identity but tattoos are about the art of tattooing. This brought my vibes” – For me, inking someone about a turning point in my life. I start- means sharing my vibes with the other ed travelling abroad where there were person. more tattoo artists than India. I travelled to London, Spain, New York and many Your advice to those who want to make more countries and worked as an ap- tattooing their career? prentice under the tattoo artists there. Follow your heart & chase your dreams On one such trip while he was in New with determination impossible is possiYork, I learnt piercings and how to do ble. cosmetic and clinical tattoos. Thus, BodyCanvas Tattoos now became BodyCanvas Tattoos & Piercings. Sheetal Mansharamani



JUNE 2018

GOING WITH THE FLOW IN BANDRA A piece of Bandra’s history has recently been revived. Most of us have noticed this long forgotten water fountain on Hill Road, at the south corner of St. Andrew Church, close to its rear gate. After over a decade of neglect, this 124 year old fountain was recently renovated & revived to have water flow through it, once again. As the marble plaque on the fountain tell us, this piece of Gothic art was presented by a certain Jafferbhai Ludha Chatu, Esq. to the Municipality of Bandra, in 1894. Over the past few decades, it lay neglected and defunct, until the very first edition of the “Celebrate Bandra” festival in 2003, when the fountain was initially restored. Once can now also see a then-installed plaque of a certain private organization that sponsored this restoration effort. However, since 2003, the fountain had once again fallen on hard times, & lay in a state of neglect. The ever increasing traffic on Hill Road made it hard for the passerby to view & marvel at this very European looking heritage structure. Sometime in 2017, a solar panel & lightning rod were inexplicably

The original plaque on the Fountain

The original ornamental pinnacle, once on the top, that is now missing been recently damaged. No one knows for sure why, but the ornamental pinnacle was recently sawed off the top. Perhaps it had something to do with the installation of the solar panel behind it, or perhaps it was just vandalism. An older pic of the fountain clearly shows the part that is now, regrettably, missing. Being the gateway of European culture into what is now (perhaps historically incorrectly) called “Mumbai”, Bandra is fortunate to have had several tangible pieces of heritage built on its land. Fortunately for us, several of these still survive. In recent times, there seems to be a renewed energy in restoring these. The Hill Road fountain, or “Pyau” is another example of our window to Bandra’s past. If interest in restoration & preservation of our local heritage becomes a part of the “Vox Populi”, Bandra still has a chance of recovering some of our long lost glory. Debasish Chakraverty

The Solar Panel & lightning road, as seen from St. Andrew Church installed between the fountain & the wall of St. Andrew Church, thereby taking away its originality. In days gone by, the Hill Road fountain was originally a watering trough for horses plying on Hill Road, & was colloquially known as a “Pyau”, or drinking spot. It also served as a source from where Hill Road used to be watered down, to settle the dust. While the horses have since been replaced by cars, sadly Hill Road is as (if not more) dusty than what it was a century ago. Perhaps Jafferbhai Ludha Chatu’s fountain can still be put to practical use for that purpose by civic authorities, now that it has been reactivated! The fountain itself, however, has

Water once again flows from the magnificent “Pyau”, on Hill Road in Bandra (West)

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19th October 2017 | Vol. 8 (I) Issue 10 |

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Breathing Life into the Mangroves Five years ago, when Rehan Merchant, a web designer by profession, began his work on the mangroves at Carter Road, people passing by or jogging on the promenade were sceptical about what he was doing. A man with a vision and determined to prove his point, nothing hindered Rehan’s effort and he continued to work with vigour. Now, the results lie in front of everyone, his persistence has paid off and through it, the mangroves are slowly turning over a new leaf. Mangroves consist of halophytes, which are plants and trees that are highly salt-tolerant and can grow in an acidic environment with high salt content. Found along the Mumbai coastline, Carter Road is home to these mangroves. Mangroves consume a large amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, thus, helping to maintain the climate and reduce pollution levels. There are three types of mangroves: red mangroves, black mangroves & white

mangroves, named after the colour of their wood; all of which are found at Carter Road. The soil in mangroves consists of clay, silt or particles of rocks, sand and tiny particles of shells. They’re home to crabs, birds, bats, oysters, shells, sea vegetables and various types of algae and environmental bacteria and organisms. If you happen to walk on the promenade at Carter Road & notice a man with a handcart, near the mangroves, you’ve come across Rehan Merchant. He has put up a few signs, as a brief note to the public, about what he’s doing and how it’s worked. You might notice a lot of plastic bags or garbage and assume that waste was the problem. The truth is, Rehan never had a problem with the garbage & it was the least of his concerns. The actual problem was the sewage that was accumulating in an area of the mangroves & spreading through them. Contd. on Page 3 >

Rehan Merchant began work on the mangroves at Carter Road five years ago

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18th January 2018 | Vol. 9 Issue 1 |

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GEM of a Player Jemimah Rodrigues

What do you want to be when you are 17? In January last year, when we asked 16 year old Jemimah Rodrigues this question, she said it would be to break into the senior Indian cricket team. At 17 years and 129 days, this Bandra girl has had her dream come true! Last week, Jemimah was called to join the 16-member Indian squad on its tour to South Africa, where they will play 3 ODIs and 5 T20Is as a part of the ICC Women’s Championship. But for Jemimah the feeling still hasn’t sunk in, “Maybe when I get out with the team for the first game will I experience the real feeling.” Recently, in November last year, she became the youngest and only the second Indian woman player to score a double century, playing for Mumbai in the U19 inter-state tournament. But her consistent performances in the senior Women’s Chal-

lenger Trophy earlier this month sealed the deal for her. It was for the third time in three years that Jemimah was playing at the senior Challenger Trophy and she was looking forward to making her presence felt this time around. She grabbed the opportunity with both hands and stamped her mark finishing the tournament as the third highest run-getter and only behind seasoned campaigners, now Indian teammates, Punam Raut & Smriti Mandhana. Introduced to the game by her elder brothers, Enoch and Eli, at the age of 4, when most girls were figuring out whether they liked a pink or blue coloured dress, Jemimah has come a long way since. But her talent was discovered only by chance; when she was invited to attend the selections for the summer camp of the Mumbai girls’ team when at a training session her

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15th November 2015 | Vol. 6 (II) Issue 11 |

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60 year old resident saves Sherly Village

brothers were attending at the KMCC, Shi- in one of the games, I managed to strike up vaji Park. Until then, Jemimah had no clue an eighth wicket partnership with a senior about the existence of the Indian women’s player. In the immediate next game, I was cricket team. “While I entered the ground sent in to bat at one down. It was then that with my dad - him holding my kit bag in my dad realised that I should focus on my one hand and my hand in the other - the batting too,” reminisces Jemimah. other girls laughed at the sight. But in only the second ball that I bowled, I had taken Valerian D’Costa the first wicket of my career. Not long after Contd. on Page 2 >>

Three 4G towers illegally installed by Raj Kaushal were demolished by the efforts of Allan Dominic Pereira along with the BMC and political authorities at Sherly village on November 5, 2015. The whole Shirley gaothan signed a campaign against these towers as they were harmful to their health and illegal. Allan Pereira, 60 years old, took the initiative of noticing, informing and single handedly conducting a signature campaign to fight against this menace. This was pro-active activism at its best. On November 2, 2015 Allan no-

ticed these three Reliance Jio 4G towers on the terrace of Rama 2 building which is just next to his residence at Sherly gaothan, Bandra West. Unaware of the ill effects of these metal towers, Allan was happy that these towers would improve the internet connectivity of their village and provide the youth mainly with faster 4G internet. It dawned only when his friends enlightened him that these towers were harmful to their health; the radiations from these towers were cancer causing, would lead to disruption of eyesight in the long run

and affect the senior citizens by various cardiac health hazards. Then, along with his friend Wilbert D’Silva, Allan immediately informed Stephen Noronha, the Congress President of Block 40. Stephen then brought this to the notice of Asif Zakaria, Municipal Corporator of that area. Immediate action was taken by Asif & Stephen as a letter was filed to the BMC ward officer Tawde and Allan was then guided to conduct a signature campaign against these towers. Ronald Rodrigues Contd. on page 07 >>

4G Tower at Sherly Village being disconnected










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JUNE 2018

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IT & GST CONSULTANT Income tax & GST Consultant available for e-filing of returns including GST registration. We also undertake mutual fund for investment and tax saving. Call 9323244906 Sunil Khosla JOB VACANCY Experienced Licenced Driver needed for Uber Car, preferably staying in or around Bandra West or Khar West. Please WhatsApp a basic biodata along with a photo to 9619353616 Orchids, etc is in the business of the sale of exotic indoor flowering plants & cut flower arrangements. Our clients include business houses, HNI’s, 5 star hotels, etc. We have an outlet at 14th Road, Khar, and are looking for an executive to look after the store. Responsibilities will include store sales, handling clients on the phone and walk-in’s, taking care of day-to-day operations and administration, making daily reports, etc. Knowledge of plants is not a pre-requisite, but candidates need to be fluent in English, computer literate, and proficient in the use of social media. Experience of 1-2 years is adequate & freshers are also welcome. Send your resume info@orchidsetc.in or/and call 9920422060 KICKBOXING CLASSES Amit Lalwanis Kickboxing & Muaythai Academy at Bandra (w), Khar (w), Charni road. Call 8454001235 www.amitlalwaniskickboxingacademy.com

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FAKE SAVIOUR Dear Reader, June just got things going faster in Bandra. With weather conditions this June, what we normally witness in July; it seems that our climate clock has changed. Luckily on 5th June – World Environment Day, celebrated on Carter Promenade; we had a break – as if to allow this annual event happen. The rains have cooled temperatures and tempers. Yet, pre-poll tamasha in Bandra, has caused concern to citizens – heating temperatures and tempers. With an eye on the elections next year, politicians are playing the emotional card – just like in the past. Every party seems to be the same, with innovative tactics that work on simple gullible citizens. Last time, there was a lot of commotion because of the DP that would cut through the Tata Parsi Agiary and the graveyards of two Churches – St. Peter & St. Andrews. All three are heritage structures that are centuries old. There is plenty of road width opposite these structures – and scope for further widening, by demolishing illegal stalls, etc. In spite of this, BMC prefers to destroy the sanctity of minority-owned structures. And then, our typical ‘Fake Saviour’ steps in – to save the situation, that he himself has created! Come on friends, wake up to reality – Do not get fooled into this FAKE NEWS mind game by voting for such a person. We need to get a permanent solu-

tion to this issue – so that no one can hold us for ransom. This can get done legally through a court order and those involved should have the right intent and take correct action – keeping ‘Fake Saviours’ out. The flood scenes across Bandra are shameful – and prove that the current BMC drainage system is a joke. Many roads looked like rivers, even at low tide ! And, now... The BMC has Marshalls to fine citizens that do not comply with the new Plastic Ban Rules, when they should be fined for misusing our hardearned tax money. What a paradox! Till then, take care.

Regards, Merck N. D’Silva Editor-in-Chief DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors.


ROAD CONDITIONS DURING MONSOONS ACROSS BANDRA Place board with photos of Corporator, MLA and MP of the area besides the pothole and take selfie and post it on social media naming the pothole after the names of politician name. I'm sure the road will be redone in a day. Harshad More Nothing funny about pot holes. They promote business activities. Twisted ankles etc. mean more business for doctors/radiologists etc. Broken 2/4 wheeler/slashed tires mean more business for mechanics/service stations. Filling holes mean more contracts. Vijay Kumar Sharma Dear Adv. Ashish Shelar, we had perfectly good roads and pavements in Bandra which were broken down and worked on 3 times in areas that did not require it.. if this is not corruption then what is? Look at the state of the roads in one rain Sona A perfected process of corruption thats repeated in every municipality. New tender gets issued every other month, substandard materials used, everyone is paid off for approvals. Rinse & repeat. Anand Government renovate the pathways and roads just before rains so that rains wash them away and they can reconstruct it again and hence make more black money in name of road construction. Kevin Patel

JUNE 2018


If you were born in Mumbai, you’ve seen this as a child, teenager, young man, middle aged man like I have. And I’ll see the same as an old one and on the way to my funeral too. Some things are consistent in this city and you can complain to your corporator. Like you did to his father earlier and his son 20 years later, but then the system wears you down and you learn to live with it. Just like how a city called Bombay turned into a construction site called Mumbai. Amin Gopalani PLASTIC BAN The kiranawala, doodhwala & bhajiwala can no longer use #PlasticBags. Will the food industry respond by reducing/ rethinking plastic packaging of biscuits, chips, colas and chocolates? Or are bans not for the big boys? Rujuta Diwekar Inspectors enforcing plastic ban is a great initiative. Can we please have inspectors identifying potholes and levying heavy penalty on negligent contractors. Don’t we deserve both a plastic free and a pothole free city? Chetna Bhatnagar Mumbai citizens will be punished with Rs.5000 if seen carrying plastic bag. Good decision. But what is the punishment for municipal corporation & corporators if you see potholes in the roads. Neetu Vaishanav Email your Letter to the Editor on news.bandrabuzz@gmail.com

Homeless and Hopeless On Chinchpokli Road sits a homeless basket weaver, whose only refuge for self and family on the gutter was demolished by H Ward West officials. Yes it was illegal and encroached. Yes it was a pucca structure. Yes he had no money left to bribe when asked. Yes his son thrashed an activist wanting to evict them with a wooden stick, broke her legs and spent six months in Arthur Road Jail. The basket weaver and his ancestors had been living on that gutter for last seventy years. Their ID papers show the gutter shanty as proof of residence, permit to draw ration, vote for our great democracy and avail all the sops under Pradhan Mantri Yojana. Well done India!!! Where do we draw the line between what is legitimate and what is illegitimate? Let's solve that mind boggling puzzle when we come to the bridge. The activist goes one step further by branding the basket weavers as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh, after having lived for seventy years in her backyard. Is this revenge for the strike she suffered or merely an honest and upright citizen trying to secure a ticket for the 2019 polls. The basket weaver knocked on many doors for sustenance and help, got signed petitions from neighbours to prove his legitimacy of occupancy, obtained a stay order from the BMC and

even climbed the highest echelons of the police force to seek mercy from his ruthless neighbour. Even the elected representatives had washed their hands off and did not want to get needlessly involved with such a case which has become a common phenomenon among homeless people. The PM has said that by 2022 everybody will get a house. This is a tall order, but whether it is an election gimmick or whether there is a true political will to uplift the downtrodden as in the case of the basket weaver, time only will tell. But for now millions of slum dwellers in the city have no hope because they come under the ambit of a most corrupt authority that foresees development and rehabilitation. The problem today is not about slum 'hatao', but the interference of political parties that do not want change for fear of losing their vote bank. The rich do not vote. They spend their time in hookah parlours. Its you and me that votes because we have a conscience that pricks us each day we read in the papers about mismanagement, scandals and a constitution that is tampered with for grabbing power to divide people on religious lines. Such is the bad situation of our country that even the Supreme Court is now politicized for wrongful gains. Amar Singh



JUNE 2018


‘Ann’ outstanding jazzy night in Bandra For jazz lovers it was a special treat to hear the international acclaimed jazz artist from America, Ann Hampton Callaway. The Multi–Platinum, songwriter and actress had a radiant glow and smile on her face that set up a mesmerising evening for delightful audiences who enjoyed a jazzy night of songs and laughter till the end of the show. Ann along with her jazz ensemble performed live on 19th April 2018 at newly renovated Sheila G. Raheja (Bal Gandharva Rang Mandir) auditorium in Bandra. Introducing the line-up for the evening was the ever popular model-cum-actor and Bandra Boy, Denzil Smith with his powerful voice introduced the jazz ensemble comprising of internationally renowned Ted Rosenthal on piano, Gianluca Liberatore on upright acoustic bass and Aron Nyiro on drums they started off with a instrumental melody which set the rhythm of the night come alive. Stepping on stage in a shimmering black outfit, Ann made many heads turn during her opening act of the evening as she sang ‘From This Moment On’.

From then onwards there was no turning back for her as she smoothly set off with jazz melodies like the I’m to White to Sing the Blues Blues from the album ‘Blues in the Night’. A little bit of tenderly filled the air with her version from the Sarah Vaughan Project while A Night in Tunisia pepped up the evening with a Brazilian mix of tunes. Paying rich tributes to the late Cole Porter with a slow beat rendition of this song I Gaze In Your Eyes which she composed the music and included it in her debut album after receiving permission from the Porter estate. For her next song she asked the audiences to think of a boy and girl name which they recommended Girish and Pooja she then went on to write and compose this song on this imaginary couple which had audiences commenting, laughing and singing along with her. Some other classic hit songs sung by Ann and her Jazz ensemble were This Can’t Be Love, Wave, Love Comes back To Me, Over The Rainbow, Blue Skies, Blues In The Night which had the audience asking for an encore.

Ann charmed the audiences with her quick one liners during her performances & enthralled them not only with her music, but also taking a dig at Mumbai which she claims she loves very much. The finale and the most interesting part of the evening which I’m sure will go down memory lane for all jazz lovers present was when Ann inviting the audiences to join her on stage to sing with her the ever popular song Summer Time. Young divas Sunita Rao, Vivenne Pocha and Skylark who swayed to the beats and had the audiences mesmerised with their super performances, thus bringing a wonderful evening to a jazzy finish. It was truly enjoyable evening of music

fun and laughter witness at a jazz event after a very long time in Bandra. As a young girl Ann had always dreamt of visiting India to fulfil her wish of spirituality. Now this dream has come true for her. This show was presented by VH1 and Jazz Addicts LLP comprising of Pradip Bhatia and Apurva Agarwal and they plan to bring more such exciting Jazz shows to India in the near future. Watch out for Jazz Addicts LLP next concert in August performing Live at the Royal Opera House will be South Carolina’s Official First Lady of Song, Loretta Holloway. David Vaz

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JUNE 2018


Simple Yet Powerful Spice To Quickly Shoot Up Immunity This Monsoon Immunity is the first and last line of defence in the human body. No matter what medication you take or what medication you need to be on, we can never forget that human body is built with an intelligent and brilliant system called immunity and that is the system which will protect you, will prevent and will help heal diseases. Virals We first need to understand why we are having so many kinds of virals. Virals are no longer the same. Today people are experiencing virals in many different ways. Their recovery time has become so much more that people have to resort to medication to heal from a viral. A few years ago or even months ago people could just take some rest, have hot liquids, change their diet a little bit & they would recover over time with virals. But today people have virals accompanied by so much of body pain, knee pain, joint pain, back pain, pain in their ribs and they take even a month to recover after taking antibiotics and heavy medication. As you can see the problem of antibiotic resistance is becoming more dangerous and the whole superbug syndrome is plaguing the entire planet. Star Anise Now if you are a fan of Thai food and you eat a Thai curry which is made the authentic way you’ll see a little spice which is shaped like a flower. It’s called a star anise and in Hindi it’s called a chakra fool. You may have heard of the common drug called Tamiflu which is used for colds, coughs, virals, influenza and it is also used in the treatment of swine flu. It contains one particular very powerful ingredient called Shikimic acid and pharmaceuticals get the Shikimic acid from the star anise spice. So technically if we start including the star anise in our diet in the right way it boosts our immunity almost immediately. It’s one of the richest sources when it comes to spices and vitamin A, vitamin C and the B vitamins which are all the vitamins which contribute to great immunity when it

Magic Tea Recipe If your child has a cough and cold or if you have a cough and cold, make the simple tea that I shall explain to ease the cough and cold. Star anise is antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. – To prepare this tea you take hot water and boil it. – Add two star anise’s in a medium-sized mug about 250 ml mug and add the hot water to the star anise’s in the mug and then you cover it. – Let it seep for about 15 minutes and then you drink that.

comes to prevention and healing. We also need to understand that vitamin C and antioxidants that the star anise contains helps you with the repair and recovery of your body. Antioxidant When we eat toxic food and when we breathe toxic air and have the wrong oils in our diet we produce something called free radicals. When we have too many free radicals in our body and less antioxidants these free radicals create inflammation which is the root cause of heart disease and most cancers as well because cancer is an inflammatory disease. So we need to eat foods which are rich in antioxidants. Anti fungal The next important benefit of star anise is its antifungal property. We all have candida in us but the moment our immunity drops the candida overgrowth happens. This is a bacteria that exists in all of us but the moment immunity drops you have a candida overgrowth and that’s one of the main reasons that contributes to the inability of women to lose weight or to bloating, flatulence

and acidity. Now star anise is antifungal and has the ability to break down excessive candida growth in the human body which makes it extremely important for men and women to include the spice in their diet. Anti-Inflammatory Star anise contains an ingredient called thymol which is highly anti-inflammatory. So when it comes to joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis we need to have an anti-inflammatory diet that reduces inflammation and reduces our pain. Other Benefits Digesting star anise is extremely calming on the digestive system. It reduces acidity, indigestion, flatulence and bloating. Also because of its high estrogenic properties star anise is great for women who are hitting menopause and are going through menopause because in menopause your oestrogen goes down and your progesterone goes up. So eating foods rich in healthy and the right oestrogen which come from wholesome foods will actually take away many of the side effects and symptoms that menopausal women go through.

There are many liquids like jeera water, ajwain water and lemon water that you can also drink. So the simple thing that you can do is when you make your jeera and ajwain water and it’s all boiled you can add that to a mug which has one or two star anise in it. So now you have your jeera, ajwain and you have the health benefits of star anise. This is how you enhance your health by constantly adding, building and improving the variety of nature into your diet. It is extremely important that you use the Chinese star anise or the star anise that grows in India and not the Japanese one. So use star anise for prevention and cure. It is extremely important that women who have an ER positive cancer or ovarian cancer or anything to do with high oestrogen where oestrogen should be minimized in your body this is not for you. But for everyone else do it in moderation. Add it to your system. You can’t go wrong with nature. You can’t go wrong when you have the right immunity. Children can have these as well in small quantities. So they can have a tablespoon or two of the star anise water. It is extremely great for their gas and colic if they’re going through it. Make sure you get seven or eight hours or even six hours of good deep quality sleep because sleep is the most important ingredient when it comes to building immunity. Luke Coutinho

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