BandraBuzz creating community connect
May 2011 | Vol. II Issue 5 | Published Monthly | 16 pages | Price: ` 2
BandraBuzz creating community connect
May 2011 | Vol. II Issue 5 | Published Monthly | 16 pages | Price: ` 2
re you being plagued by civic grievances such as a choked drain, growing garbage dump, trickling taps, dirty roads, one more hawker at your gate….? As a good citizen of Mumbai, particularly Bandra, you do not have to despair, take them all to the BMC Corporator’s darbar called LACC!! Never heard of it? Not surprising! When the citizens participation in civic governance was sought by MCGM way back in 1994 by initiating the formation of Local Area Management groups called ALMs, Bandra, brimming with civic talent was the first to jump on to the bandwagon of the new system. Sensing light at the end of the dark tunnel, residents tired of running from pillar to post trying to plug the holes in civic administration, channelised their energies into forming ALMs that were acknowledged by the BMC as representative bodies of citizens. Pioneered by believers in people’s power, the movement gradually gained momentum, from a little ripple into a Tsunami washing away civic lethargy, unaccountability and apathy! It became a testimony to citizen power!! But then it was realized that the ALMs attracted only a select crowd of players who were few and privileged. So, to further decentralize the 'monitoring mechanism’ and to ensure delivery of quality civic services it was found necessary to seek the full participation of the community. Lo and behold, the forum was thrown open to any and every citizen from bungalow to basti, from chawl to chalet who had an axe to grind, a corner to clean, a pipe to prime or just take a careless officer to the cleaners….. The impetus gave birth to the Local Area Citizens Committee called the LACC, a benchmark in the progress of local governance in Mumbai.
Committees are held at pre-selected Municipal School buildings mostly on Saturday and have to be attended by the Assistant Commissioner of the Ward or his representative such as Assistant Engineer Water Works, Assistant Engineer (Maintenance) Assistant Engineer (Building & Factory), Medical Officer Health or Assistant Head Supervisor. It is also mandatory that the officer-in charge of the local police station, traffic police be invited at least once a month. It is designated that the concerned officers of public/private utility services attend meetings of the L.A.C.C. to deal with issues concerning them whenever required. Minutes of the meeting are taken down by the J.E. in What is LACC? charge and grievances of the citiMeetings of Local Area Citizens' zens are referred to various offi-
cials present over there for swift the next LACC session. redressal. The problems dealt with conHow can the LACC forum cern the following subjects: solve your civic grievances? • Cleanliness & Garbage Collection The LACC meetings are normally • Water Supply & Sanitation chaired by the BMC Councillor and • Regulation of hawking conducted as a two-way interac- • Safety of pedestrians & Parking tion between Voluntary Citizens' of vehicles groups, elected Councilors and all • Maintenance of Roads, Footsectional heads or their juniors paths and Storm Water Drains, intaking each Councillor Ward as a cluding installation and unit. The BMC Councillor being the maintenance of street furniture elected representative of the peo- and bus stops and proper regulaple assembled there lends a pa- tion of digging and re-instatement tient ear to the problems of her/his of trenches excavated by utilities. voters and directs the respective • Roadside plantation and public department officer to note down gardens and solve them prior to the next • Disaster Management LACC meeting. According to the • Any other matter relating to pubstrictures, the problems have to lic safety, public health and public be prioritized with the concerned amenities as is decided by the TURN TO PG > 5 official answerable to the people at Committee.
04 Bandra Buzz, May 2011
The Winds Of Change Are Blowing May has holidays, treks, picnics, events and other social activities taking centre-stage in our hectic lives. Normally, this month takes us back to our roots – family &
Letters to the Editor CLEAN BANDRA Keep Bandra clean! Let this start with you!! Till you return home or to some place you have a garbage bin, please retain in your pocket/bag/ (socks!) your bus/train ticket, sweet wrapper, fruit peel, shopping list, any piece of possible litter. If every Bandraite does this, Bandra will be so presentable. Visitors might not even need to be told & would take our example to their suburb. Parents need to practise & preach this to kids. No scrap should be thrown out of windows home, vehicles (including trains/ferries/lifts), NEVER! Let's not look at all the present mess. For now, let that be. But LETS NOT ADD TO IT! If we all practise this from now, religiously, see one year from now how beautiful Bandra will be. Miss Bandra heaps! - Adrian D’mello ____________________________________ TRAFFIC WOES Ms. Seema Roy's letter was very informative and detailed in your Issue of March 2011. In fact, some
Editor’s Page friends – re-living past experiences & creating new ones. Workers Day / Maharashtra Day – Jai Maharashtra! The May Day Concert by Richard Abel – world’s leading pianist, performing at St. Stanislaus High School Grounds, Bandra, was simply superb. His passion & personality showed on stage – pure & simple, with heavenly music that resounded Hill road that memorable Sunday evening . Then, news of Osama Bin Laden killed – with worldwide reactions… First corruption, now terror is being tackled… or at least coming under control. At last, prime culprits are being brought to book with a firm hand. In Bandra too, our civic activists are leaving no stone unturned. Locals are slowly, yet surely taking a stand against self-proclaimed goons.
The Winds Of Change are blowing – focusing on a better Bandra: Cleaner, Greener, more secure & livable. This issue has valuable information for practical solutions to various local civic issues. Our viewing of daily IPL matches show how much control cricket has in our lives. We all are happy when a sixer is hit. Well, we’ve hit a six too ! We’ve reached our 6th issue this month – and this calls for celebration. Let’s celebrate community connect, by visiting us at the Bandra Buzz Mela 2011. You are invited to this 3 day mela – with your family & friends – for an unforgettable extravaganza. The entire Bandra Buzz Core Team is in 3rd gear right now, making arrangements for D-day. The excitement is building up. You can expect a lot of
entertainment & empowerment with plenty of freebies from big brands (every hour), who have set shop in & around Bandra – the suburb which is steadily evolving to world-class standards. Bandra Buzz is set to showcase this entrepreneurial spirit to prime potential customers in a wide variety of categories: lifestyle, wellness, household, corporate, educational, financial freedom… And, our loyal subscribers will have special privileges. More details in this issue… So, be there, to experience & celebrate community connect at its very best.
of her points have already borne fruit and success. In continuation, I have a suggestion : Traffic coming down from Pali Hill heading towards Perry Road has to turn right after MacRonnel and Candies, because onwards a sign indicates that it is "One Way" only. From there, one can turn left to Convent Road or turn right into D'Monte Park Road. May I suggest that traffic heading towards Perry Road be allowed to go ahead and instead, the small lane to the right which is D'Monte Park Road, be made "One Way" for all traffic heading towards Pali Hill. This would ease the traffic and the noise pollution - please read that as unnecessary bottle necks and the resultant non-stop honking that goes on at the junction of Candies. This has completely ruined, what used to be a nice, peaceful, and quiet residential area. In the alternative, Mr. Allan Pereira of Candies along with the Learner's Academy School Authorities, may be requested to display "No Honking" signs. This would help greatly. I do hope you will not only publish my letter but also follow up with the concerned authorities to find ways to
ease - both, the traffic and noise menace just outside MacRonnel's and Candies. - Meena R. ____________________________________
other issues she takes up rigidly with the BMC and as most of us Know, she is a thorn in BMC’s side. In conclusion, I would add that Aftab Siddique is one fearless fiery activist and therefore Wilbert’s tirade against aftab if nothing else makes comical reading. - Pauline Fernandes ____________________________________
BMC DEMOLITIONS Re: to your article “Reactions to BMC demolitions” in the march 2011 issue of Bandra Buzz, I’m taken a back at the flak Aftab Siddique has received on her comments on illegal structures on roads. Admittedly she has hurt our feeling by her thoughtless remark but do we need to crucify her (pun intended) most of our crosses have CTS numbers, are shown on the tikka sheets , are built prior to 1964 and the matter of demolitions is being able handled by the Bombay Catholic Sabha and other concerned organizations. It is obvious Wilbert D’silva has never heard of aftab siddique and does not know she is a woman. He wants her to concentrate on removal of hawkers etc. I would like to enlighten him and others who may not have heard of Aftab that one of her remarkable achievements has been the removal of hawkers. She has been threatened but despite this, hawker menance and illegal constructions are two of the many
Kind Regards, Merck D’Silva
ROBBERY IN BANDRA My car which was parked in my compound at Sunkist bldg, Supari talao, was broken into, and my music system stolen on the night of 11/05/2011. This is shocking, because the theft took place, in the very heart of Bandra. I sincerely hope, that the Bandra police become more vigilant in their daily, and nightly beats, so that other Bandraites, do not become victims of similar robberies. - J Peter Rodriguest
Do continue to write to us at: 401 Anica, 28, St. Paul Road, Near Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W) Mumbai 400 050 or mail us :
Vol. II Issue5 > R.N.I. No. : MAHENG/8-10-2010/12646 > Editor: Merck D’Silva > Printed & Published by Creative Concepts 401 Anica, 28 St. Paul Road, Near Bandra Gymkhana, Bandra (W), Mumbai - 400 050 > Printed at Marwah Estate, Saki Vihar Road, Mumbai - 400 072.
Bandra Buzz, May 2011 05
Teaching children culture values T
his summer find your kids here! Play, socialize & discover! Summer may be near the end, but your fun has begun & you are in for the time of your life! This summer Turn on your child’s creativity! Brahma Kumaris, Bandra branch organized A Fun – Cum Personality Development camp in a remarkable way. BRAHMAKUMARIS -a- spiritual & value based education institution – has been organizing summer camps for many years. This year the theme is fun & personality development for children between 6 to 11 years of age. Unlike the other camp this was a complete package of learning moral values & life skills complimented with fun filled activities & entertainment in an extremely cordial & natural atmosphere of Patwardhan Park, Bandra West, maintained by Shiela Raheja Foundation. There were host of thematic daily activities that were conducted each day followed by the values knowledge session to children. The Summer Camp was organized for 2 weeks & the response was overwhelm-
ing. In this peried, 308 children attended this camp. Value learning was made even more fun by linking playful themes. The value based knowledge imparted was on: Happiness, peace, honesty, respect, cooperation, freedom, tolerance, unity & patience. Each value session was made interactive by playing value concept games, skit presentation, etc. which our children really loved it says Brahma Kumari Meera, Director. To commemorate our ses-
sions & make them more exciting we had celebrities Rubina Ali of Oscar Winning film “Slumdog Millionaire” & Ishita Panchal of “Uttaran” serial & Megha Chatterjee, Actress. Rubina said, I am very happy to meet you all children & thank you for inviting me in such a unique value based Summer Camp. 10 year old Ishita said, “I came here, directly from my tuitions but being with you all lovely children I am feeling fresh. Looking at you I feel as if
am recharged. It’s a well organized camp I have ever seen. Thank you children for giving me so much love & affection. Megha Chatterjee was awed by the lovely blossoms & she had no words to express yet she managed to herself by saying that she would love to spend a life time with this little ones. She also shared her emotions by singing, dancing & showed her affection by hugging all the children. Thus it was a great summer camp experience that has not only created lasting memories for us & children but also poised a great challenge ahead of us by helping society to spread messages of peace & harmony through such camps, says Brahmakumari Chanda, Incharge, Bandra Brahma Kumaris. Though there was lot of “once more” (public demand), but we guess many more to come in following years! Children were honored with the ‘CERTIFICATE OF PARTICIPATION’ & Gifts.
The authorities designated to interact with citizens at LACC meetings are • Assistant Commissioner of Ward • Municipal Councillor of the Ward • Jr. Engineer (Maintenance) • Jr. Engineer (Water Works) • Jr. Overseer of SWM • Jr. Overseer of Pest Control Office • Voluntary ALM of the areas representatives selected by the Assistant Commissioner for each beat in the Councillor's Ward. If the LACCs have failed to earn citizen approval, it is on two grounds • Regular absenteeism among the BMC officials due to the lax attitude adopted by MCGM all these years. • Failure of the concerned department official to address the problem within the given period, again indicating the absence of accountability which reflects the lackluster functioning of the AMC of that Ward. Citizens in Bandra are known to regularly interact with their BMC Councillors and Ward officials at the LACC meetings held bi-
monthly at the Municipal school in the center of the Ward. But each to his own…..If you randomly choose any three LACC members and ask them of their take on the effectiveness of the LACC meetings, in all probability you will get three completely different reactions. One may praise the scheme as a definite improvement over the advanced locality management (ALM) concept, while the second may shrug it off as ‘old wine in a new bottle, but still no kick'. But it is possible that the third will look askance at you because he has never before heard of it!! ‘LACC… ALM…what is that man? That is the crux of the problem and the purpose of writing this article. Awareness of the new scheme is minimal and the concern of the majority that it may fizzle out into 'all talk, no action' by the BMC, if sufficient people do not attend these meetings is genuine. So convert these blank stares into intent looks by educating citizens who will take their problems to the right forum, the LACC. Instances of disgruntled citizens criticizing all and sundry for their civic problems at any assembly of people is not uncommon. How can anyone be this dumb and dumber…..? Come on,
take your grievances to platforms tative to the BMC! where they can be addressed Light a lamp instead of blaming the darkness! ’ To help you to attend the LACC of your area, here is a list of the 6 BMC Councillors of H/W ward, their ward numbers and details of LACC. 92- Mr. Lokegaokar holds NO LACC meetings – phone9821611618 93 -Mr. Ashish Shelar holds LACC meetings on 2nd & 4th Saturday at Nimbkar Library Khar. Phone9820120205 94 -Mr. Vilas Chowri holds NO LACC meetings. phone9820613898 95 -Ms. Kavita Rodricks holds LACC meetings on 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month at St. Anthony’s School (SAISA) Pali. Phone-9820603092 96 -Mr. Asif Zakaria holds LACC meetings on 2nd & 4th Thursdays at St. Andrews School, Bandra . phone-9820125638 97 -Mr. Rehbar Khan holds LACC meetings on 1st and 3rd Thursday at St. Aloysius School, Bandra. Phone-9869410207 Attending the next LACC will also arm you with knowledge to help you decide on your next represen-
06 Bandra Buzz, May 2011
Interactive Info
Capital gain on sale of immovable property
and my brother owned a house in equal share which we inherited from our father who died on 10.02.2000. Our father had bought this house in the year 1969 for Rs.10000/-. We sold the said hose on 01.01.2011 for Rs.100 lacs . We paid brokerage & transfer fee of Rs.1 lac. What would be the tax payable. How we can save tax. - Ramesh Pawar As the house property is owned by you and your brother in equal proportion , each of you would be subject to tax separately. To ascertain the date of acquisition and the cost of acquisition Generally the date of acquisition is the date when one purchases the property. But when one gets the property either as a gift or when he inherits, the date of acquisition is the date when the donor or the person from whom the property was inherited had acquired it. In the given case, though your father passed away on 10.02.2000 and you became the legal owner, the date of acquisition and the cost of acquisition will relate back to the date when he paid the cost. This is a beneficial provision. If the property is acquired prior to 1981 As the property is acquired by your father way back in 1969 when he paid Rs.10000/-, you can substitute the cost of acquisition with
Announcement For the past 3 years the Latin Mass has been celebrated on the 1st Sunday of every month. - Juan S.J. Venue: Loft of St. Peters Church Bandra Date & Time: 5th June, 2011 - 12 p.m.
All are welcome!!
the value of the said house as at 01.04.1981 and value as at 01.04.1981 would be more as compared to the original cost. You can get the valuation done by the registered valuer. Hypothetically, let us assume the value of the said house as at 01.04.1981 works out to Rs.100,000/Arriving at the stamp duty valuation of the property on the date Whenever a house is bought, the buyer is supposed to pay stamp duty on the value of the house which is arrived at by using Stamp Duty Ready Reckoner. If the value of the house as per stamp duty works out to be more than the actual sale consideration, the stamp duty value is considered for working out capital gain. For instance, say in the given case, the stamp duty works out to Rs. 125 lacs , then the sale consideration is deemed to be Rs.125 lacs and not the actual amount to be received. Third Step: To determine the holding period of the property The property is termed as ‘Capital Asset” under the Income Tax Act. As per the said Act if the property is held for 3 years or more than it is treated as “Long Term Capital Asset”. If the property is held for less than three years then the property is treated as “Short Term Capital Asset:. In the case of long term capital asset, there are certain taxes saving avenues are
available and which are not available if the property is short term capital asset. In the given case, as the property is acquired way back in 1969, the property is a long term asset and will enjoy certain tax benefits.
considered for tax c calculation. (2) For each financial year, the Cost Inflation Index value is declared by the Government. The Index value for the year 1980-81 was 100 and for 2010-11 it was 711.
The tax rate is 20% of the long Computation of capital Gain term capital gain plus surcharge could be seen in the table: and education cess. How to save tax: Particulars Rs. (1) You may invest the gain in another residential house within Sale Consideration 125 lacs * (1) specified time period.(Section 54) or Less: Brokerage & 1 Lac (2) You may invest the gain in the Transfer fee Capital Gain Tax Exemption Net Sale Bonds. Each of you can invest up 124 lacs consideration to Rs.50 lacs in such bonds within 6 months from the date of sale of Less: the property. (section 54EC) Cost of Acquisition (3) You may combine both of the above alternatives. The value as at Note: The opinion is a resource for 01.04.1981 Rs.1 information only. The readers shall lac, but we have to 7.11 lacs consult their tax advisor before work out the Intaking any decision. (Note 2) dexed Cost as under: 1 lac x 711 / 100 Capital Gain
116.89 lacs
Each brother will have taxable capital gain
58.445 lacs
For any tax related queries, write to our expert Kirit Dedhia.
Kirit is currently a member of the International Taxation Commitee of the Bombay Chartered Accountants Society as well as the Chamber of Notes: (1) As the stamp duty value is Tax Consultants. Rs.125 lacs which is higher than the actual sale price of Rs.100 lacs , the higher of the two is to be
Bandra Buzz, May 2011 07
Bandra Buzz launches WKT T
he World of Kids and Teens, is a platform that will cater to all young children between the age group of 8 and 15 years. The club's mission is to build caring and confident kids & teens using the route of Outdoor games, Trips, Jungle camps, Hill thrills, Frill thrills, Domestic Tour, Sightseeing, Education Tours, Weekend Trips, Social activities, International Student exchange programs* etc . The club's focus is on character & traits of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility that will improve the personal effectiveness in every child. This is being done in a unique style, “Grow while having fun”. The World of KT is a platform for every child to explore, to believe that children and children alone can open the door to change and create
year 2011-2012. For the World of Kids & Teens registration, kindly call: Mr. Brendan Crasto on 98702 02980 or Mrs. Pornima on 98215 62922 and / or Ms. Rose 96199 94713 / 98207 83616 or Lester 99870 80940
an impact on others. With all the responsibilities and demands of time, travel, work and families placed upon parents in today's competitive world, the world of KT is here to serve the children, to take control and make them the complete, fulfilling person one envisions. The World of KT has robust plans and activities round the year to mould your child and bring that change, real change
Please note: World of Kids and Teens is a venture of LB Destinations and Events, a company which spethat comes from within. It cializes in Events for KIDS and comes from striking at the root, TEENS. the fabric of our thought, the fundamentals that give shape to our character and create the lens through which we see the world. The World of KT promises programs that are professionally conducted by experts who have the passion to work with kids and teens. This club has opened annual memberships for the academic
n order to fulfill the shortage of specialised manpower, St. Angelo’s Computer Education ( has announced ST. ANGELO’S I.T SCHOLARSHIP 2011. This scholarship aims to provide an opportunity to students from all financial backgrounds to get a Global career. The amount of scholarship is based upon the performance of students in a general aptitude test. There is no preparation required for this test; just common sense, basic creativity, and sharp mind. Students performing well in this test can win up to 100% scholarship and get a chance to study free of cost at their nearest St. Angelo’s center of excellence. We’re in the 21st century now and India is looked upon as the fastest growing nation in the world. Between ages of 15 and 32, only 4% of India’s population has had any kind of vocational training that makes them eligible for a skilled job to make it his career. In developed countries around the world, there are over 2000 vocational trades that have been defined. In India, we have only 171 so far officially defined by the HR ministry. One of the most widely & globally accepted career oriented industry is Information Technology or I.T. as it is normally called.
The world has accepted the supremacy of Indian IT professionals. The fact is not hidden that all the fortune 500 companies of the world have Indians as their core team members and IT has strong contribution from Indians. In today’s global and competitive scenario a scenario every individual has to get specialized knowledge in the shortest possible time so that he can become a global player for his professional performance in any career. Best part of IT is that it is a globally accepted knowledge which makes the individual a global professional. The university degree also gives him a legal stamp of the knowledge acquired. An I.T student’s knowledge is very well accepted the world over as against other streams where the student has to upgrade himself on relocation. As per Nasscom reports, top five it companies are to hire 1.8 lakh persons in 12 months, says Infosys. Nasscom has projected 16-18% growth for the industry in fy12 at $68-70 billion in revenues.The domestic market is estimated to grow 15-17% with revenues of Rs 90,00092,000 crore (about $19-20billion).The multi-billion Indian it sector is likely to grow higher than the projection given by the apex industry body Nasscom.
Date of the exam is Sunday, 5th June’11. Last date of registration is 3rd June’11. Exam fees are Rs.200 Scholarship shall be offered for the following courses: DEGREE PROGRAMS • Bachelors in Computer Application (Web and software Programming) • B.Sc. (Visual Communication and Digital Media [Animation]) Eligibility: 12 std passed or appeared DIPLOMA PROGRAMS • Web and software Programming • Animation and Graphics
• Hardware and Networking Eligibility: 10th Std passed or appeared. Please visit to download the form or call 986 786 4444 / 932 003 6666 for details or email at
08 Bandra Buzz, May 2011
Bandra Buzz, May 2011 09
10 Bandra Buzz, May 2011
Ask the Doctor
Interactive Info
structed and has been reduced manually , it should be done at an early date i.e.: within 3 – 5 days of the episode, if the hernia is irreducible with impending gangrene it should be done as emergency procedure.
I am a 50 year old male who has an umbilical hernia. Is it necessary to get operated soon? - Ralph D’Souza A hernia is a defect in the abdominal wall through which the abdominal contents (intestines and fat) protrude. A hernia occurring in the umbilical (navel)region is called an umbilical hernia. A hernia is usually uncomplicated and can be reduced manually or spontaneously on lying down. Every hernia has a chance of becoming irreducible, obstructed and strangulated and this incidence increases with every year from the time of diagnosis, therefore every hernia requires to be operated, unless the patient has many co-morbid conditions making the risk of anesthesia and surgery more than the risk of obstruction and strangulation. If the hernia is uncomplicated it should be done as a planned procedure, if the hernia has got ob-
I am a 55 year old man, who has been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea(OSA), what is the difference between snoring, and obstructive sleep apnea? - Pradeep Sharma Snoring is simply noisy breathing during sleep. It can be socially disabling. Obstructive Sleep Apnea, on the other hand, both affects quality of life and is potentially life threatening. At age 30,20% of men and 5% of women snore. This increases to 60% and 40%, respectively, at age 60. With increasing age, the mucosa of the palate, oropharynx and the hypopharynx becomes less elastic and more collapsible with inspiration. Snoring is three times more common in obese persons. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
can cause cardio-vascular problems, traffic accidents, glaucoma and loss of libido. Obstructive sleep apnea may be treated medically or surgically. which includes weight reduction.Surgery is done to remove the block in the nose by septoplasty. Adeno/ tonsillectony may be required, if the obstruction is in the throat. Palate reduction, and tongue base reduction help in curing OSA. ____________________________________
Q A For any health related queries, write to our experts Dr J. Peter Rodrigues & Dr. Bryan Sodder.
Milk gone sour? Don't worry. You can still make use of it. Try these alternatives. DOUGHNUTS
Which way is food passed at the table? - Yogesh Pass food from left to right the first time. After that, food should travel the shortest distance.
How can I maintain healthy skin during the summer? - Salma Ensure you consume at least 6-8 glasses of water, exercise on a regular basis, have a well balanced diet consisting of fruits and vegetables. Lastly ensure you cleanse, tone and moisturise twice daily and exfoliate 1-2 times a week.
When milk goes sour SOUR MILK PANCAKES
Ask The Image Xpert
I am unsure of what type of sunglasses to choose as I have a round face, what would you recommend? - Reema You should opt for sunglasses that make your face look slimmer and longer. Select frames that are angular or rectangular, rather than round or oval shaped.
Q 1 cup sour milk (when drained off); enough flour to mix to a smooth dough (about 3% cups); 2 eggs, beaten; 2 tbsps. ghee; 3/4 tbsps. sugar; 1 tsp. baking powder; 1 tsp. soda bicarb; nutmeg or vanilla essence for flavouring; ghee for frying; icing or castor, sugar for coating if desired; a large pinch of salt. Soft flour, salt, baking powder, soda bicarb and nutmeg. Blend in ghee till the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add sugar to the eggs and beat till the sugar melts. (If using vanilla essence instead of nutmeg, add the essence to the egg mixture). Add the egg with the curd to flit dry ingredients and mix to a smooth dough. Set for about half an hour in a cool place (the fridge if pos¬sible) as the dough will be sticky. Roll out on a floured board to quarter-inch thickness. Stamp out with cutter. Fry in smoking hot fat to a light brown on both sides.
Curdled milk from l/2 litre; flour and sooji in equal quantities; sugar to taste; a large pinch of soda bicarb; 1-2 egs, beaten, powdered cardamom for flavouring; ghee for frying. Beat curds and when smooth a dd beaten egg, soda bicarb and sugar. Blend well. Add flour and sooji, alternately, in spoonsfuls, blending well after each addition. Add powdered cardamom. Keep aside for about half an hour. In a pan, heat ghee to about an inch depth. When smoking hot, drop large spoonsful into it. Fry to a light brown on both sides. Serve hot or cold.
Curdled milk from 1/2 litre; about 2 tbsps. flour; a pinch of salt; a large cup of sugar; essence of rose for flavouring. Prepare a one-string syrup with the sugar and a little water. Add essence and keep aside. Put the curdled milk into a muslin square and hang it up till all the water is drained off. Grind the curds to a smooth paste. Blend in the flour. Heat ghee in a pan to one-inch depth. Make small balls of the dough and fry in ghee till brown all round. Drain and put into the syrup.Drain and roll in sugar.
Each time I have to get ready, I struggle to decide on what to wear. - Shilpa Always consider the 5 W's that are what, where, why, when and who. This will bring you more clarity on selecting your outfit.
I tend to face a lot of puffiness around the eye area especially in the mornings, please advise of a solution. - Priya A simple, effective and affordable way to reduce puffiness around the eyes is to place a cold spoon that has been kept in the freezer over your eyelids for 3-5 seconds. __________________________________
For any image related queries, write to our expert Parul Shukla. Parul is a certified Image Consultant:
Bandra Buzz, May 2011 11
Water is the driving force of all nature Water Basics Water is one of the five basic elements from which creation emanates. Every form of creation is manifested as a combination of one or more of the five basic elements of wind, water, fire, earth and space. (Vayu, Jalam, Agni, Prithvi and Akasha).
Occurrence of water Most of Earth’s liquid freshwater is found, not in lakes and rivers, but stored underground in aquifers. Indeed, these aquifers provide a valuable base flow supplying water to rivers during periods of no rainfall. They are therefore an essential resource that requires protection so that it can continue to sustain the various Ecosystems depending on it. Water cannot be produced or added as and when required by any technological means. The total fresh and seawater content of the earth is essentially fixed. Present scenario There is a growing recognition worldwide that we need to manage Earth’s fragile natural resources in a more sustainable manner and to make certain that adequate supplies of water of good quality are maintained for the entire population of this planet, preserving the hydrological, biological and chemical functions of our ecosystems, adapting human activities within the capacity limits of nature and combating vectors of water-related diseases. Rain is the primary source of fresh water, but most of this runs into the seas and oceans without being properly assimilated into the aquifers. Rapid deforestation and urbanization where all areas are either concretized or tiled over has aggravated the runoff problem causing regular flooding especially in urban areas during the monsoon season and depletion of ground water table. The mushrooming of concrete jungles and network of road and paved areas has literally sealed the top surface of land and blocked the natural path of water infiltration to the aquifers in urban area. The ecological case Urban development and high water use alter the hydrological cycle and place increasing demands on Nature’s infrastructure and municipal services. Municipal water
withdrawals and the associated wastewater discharges result in geographically concentrated impacts on the local environment. All municipal water is treated to drinking water standards, yet, more than two-thirds of this quality water is for end uses that do not require drinking water quality. The most obvious impact is associated with dams, diversions and surface and groundwater usage. Such hydraulic infrastructure places pressure on the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems—with impacts reverberating up- and downstream of the actual infrastructure. Groundwater mismanagement also impacts environmental health. Aquifer overdraft not only affects the health of surface water systems, particularly in dry seasons when base stream flows are fed largely by groundwater sources such as springs and aquifers, it also impacts other ecological variables, such as temperature and nutrient balances, that sustain surface and aquatic ecosystems. To create long-term water security, a community must live within its ecological water budget—one that includes a precautionary buffer to safeguard ecosystem water needs. This will ensure future generations have access to the same benefits and quality of life we currently enjoy.
System It is important to note that ancient Indian rulers rarely built water harvesting structures themselves relying on the local wisdom of their subjects. British rule, unfortunately, laid this enormous heritage to waste. In their desire to rule, administer and maximize their revenues from this rich land, the British steadily changed the land and water tenure systems, which gradually but systematically lead to the destruction of community based resource management systems. The British tried to take remedial measures when they realized their mistake, but they failed to comprehend the strength of the indigenous system completely. As a result, the measures they undertook also failed. Firstly, they created irrigation and public works bureaucracies which were supposed to own and manage the neglected water harvesting systems. The paradigm shift: community-based experiences Our water history documents that people across India, had found diverse solutions in diverse ecological regions to manage their water needs. People had learnt to live, with the excesses of water, and with its scarcity. They all worked on the principle of rainwater harvesting in a country, which gets rain for only 100 hours of the 8760 hours in a year. They knew that all the rain of the year could come in just one cloudburst. The solution was to capture that rain and to use it to recharge groundwater reserves for the remaining year. The answer ultimately was to use the land for storing and channelizing rain — over the ground, or under. Catching water where it falls and when it falls. It is important to learn from the micro-experiences to understand the policies needed for the ‘scaling up’ the experiments so that the country can work with using water as the starting point for poverty removal. The case studies given below at Holy Family Hospital, Bandra, show clearly that ecorestoration is possible even in highly populated urban lands.
Rainwater Our communities are missing out completely on using rainwater as a valuable water source. There have been two major discontinuities in water management since the 19th century. One, the State has emerged as the major provider of water replacing communities and households as the primary units for provision and management of water. Two, there has been growing reliance on the use of surface and groundwater, while the earlier reliance on rainwater and floodwater has declined, even though rainwater and floodwater are available in much greater abundance than river water or groundwater. Linking Rainwater with technique and use of technology to harvest its bounty creates a Rainwater Harvesting system. Assuming the Hospital uses 10,000 liters of water from Rainwater Harvesting Phase I well,
Considering MCGB rates of Rs. 25/KL, it saves Rs. 500/per day, i.e. Rs. 1,82,500/per year. The cost of RWH system in Phase I was Rs.175000/Cost of 1000 liters of water = cost of the system x 0.1 / liters per day x 0.365 = 175000 x 0.1/ 10000x 0.365 = 17500/3650 = 4.70 i.e. Rs. 4.70 per kiloliters or 1000 liters Payback period = System cost/water savings per month = 175000/25 x Liters form well = 175000/250000 = 0.7 years -Dr Amar Joshi GeologistRainwater Harvesting consultant
12 Bandra Buzz, May 2011 BEAUTY & HAIR CARE
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Agnelo Pereira A loving tribute to my brother Agnelo. Agnelo is a part of the GRAPES family i.e. Gladwin, Ralph, Agnelo, Peter, Esmee & Savio. Being the eldest of the boys in the PEREIRA family, he portrayed a fatherly figure & sacrificed much to bring them up as true Stanislites, “Born for Greater Things” He was a Union Leader. He was a fighter for those in need and gave up his prestigious job at Punjab National Bank to educate the under privileged. He introduced the National Open School in Maharashtra. He and his enterprising wife Bessy have brought up their 3 Sons Lloyd, Francis & Elton to excel academically. They are now able to stand on their own two feet. Agnelo was on the editorial team of Bandra Buzz. He was proud to join the force in fighting corruption and saving the crosses.
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He never asked for credits because he knew that one day he would receive his reward which the Lord has given him in abundance today. His Last sms to me was “You are the one I depended upon. You cared for me right when I was Born” On behalf the entire family I bid you farewell. We love you! -Esmee D’Mello
Months Mind Mass is on Sat 4th June 2011 at 7:30 a.m. at Mt. Carmel Church.
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Bandra Buzz, May 2011 13
14 Bandra Buzz, May 2011
ACROSS 3 GENELIA’S BANDRA RESIDENCE IS ________ ________ 6 RAJESH KHANNA’S BANDRA RESIDENCE IS ________ 9 LARA DUTTA’S BANDRA RESIDENCE IS ________ ________ 10 JACKIE SHROFF’S BANDRA RESIDENCE IS ________ ________ WINNERS V. H. Ahuja, Froilan, Patrick, Andrea, Anita,
Romeo & Juliet by Vivek Pereira Juliet: (to herself) Which one of my boyfriends could it be knocking at my bedroom window at this unearthly hour? Oh, it’s Romeo!!! Juliet: (To Romeo) Romeo, you bledy bugger – What are you up to, men? Get down from the tree before you fall and break your b…...” Romeo: I climbest this tree to express my love for thou – a love that can survive tempests and tsunamis. Juliet: Romeo, dearest, dost thou havest – a car, a flat, or an ipad? Romeo: I haveth none of the above. Juliet: Then how dost thou dare to love? Thou livest in a fool’s paradise. I cannot love thee. Romeo: I just inherited a cool million from an uncle who passed away. He was quite a rich dude. The cash is in the bank. Juliet: I truly love thee now, my Romeo. Romeo: Why dost thou not respond to my SMSes, my darling? Thou knowest how much I
love thee especially after thou went under the plastic surgeon’s scalpel. Juliet: A Daniel, still say I, a second Daniel! Romeo: I think that’s from the “Merchant of Venice”. Juliet: Oops! I’m acting in it as well. Romeo: Anyways, Juliet, I simply adoreth your beautiful blue eye lenses and your brown hair so immaculately dyed. Juliet: So what shall we do now, my hero? My parents cannot stand the sight of you…I mean thou or whatever. Romeo: Let’s run away and have a long-term live-in relationship. Juliet: What about killing ourselves with poison? Romeo: Okey dokey, my love. Your wish is my command. Juliet: I was just kidding – I’m not a loser like you. Get lost, creep. Romeo: OK. I’ll try to patao Bianca from tomorrow onwards. Any idea if she’s still single and ready to mingle.
Bandra Buzz, May 2011 15
Union Bank Bandra Gym Rizvi College Bandra Rink Hockey Champs Mumbai’s Cricket Champs Hugh Fernandes
izvi College, Bandra outplayed Thakur College, Kandivili to clinch the Senior Inter –collegiate Cricket Tournament title played at the Vengsarkar academy grounds, Oval Maidan, in Mumbai south. Sidesh Lad (125), Neil Narvekar (80), Vinayak Bhoir (55)and Shardul Thakur (80) made useful contributions to Rizvi’s mammoth total of 586. In turn Thakur College were skittled out for only 181.Rizvi’s left arm medium pacer shone with the ball finishing with an impressive
Hugh Fernandes
s in previous years, the Bandra Gymkhana rink hockey tournament was full of the usual glamour and glitter in packed galleries out there. Union Bank of India emerged champions beating a star studded Air India via the tie-breaker at 11-10 after the teams were locked 6 goals each at full time. It was young Anup Valmiki, who was a big favourite of the crowds for his dash and superb reverse flick goals, who got all six goals for Union Bank. The bankmen also had a good man in goalkeeper Sudhir Dixit as well. He brought off good saves to frustrate Air India in a tingling final. International Darryl D’Souza (3), Davinder Kumar (2) and Gurpreet Singh score for Air India. In the tie breaker Anup Shukla, Amit and Bahadur scored for Union Bank whereas Air India scored through Ashish Gonsalvez, Madan Vishwanath, and Gurpreet Singh. The sudden death rule was then applied and again it was Anup Shukla who scored for Union Bank and while the Air India supporters kept their fingers crossed it was UBI goalkeeper who brilliantly blocked a Madan Vishwanath stroke to give he bankmen the championship trophy.
Recommended Reading
Anup Valmiki of UBI and Edgar Mascarenhas of Air India were both declared the players of the tournament for their stellar performances and jointly received the Late Eric Bocarro Memorial Cash awards. In the Inter school Championship for Boys, Childrens Academy beat Our Lady of Dolores 5-4. The Womens section was won by Central Railway who beat Freunds Hockey Club 3-1. The Chief Guest for the evening was Mrs. Rita Pinto, President of the Mumbai Womens Hockey Association with Celsia Bocarro and Happy Mann as the guest of Honour. The tournament was sponsored by Calvin Group of Companies, Centerline Constructions and Mrs. Celsia Bocarro. While action in this small arena showed the skill of players and evoked immense excitement, one wonders why rink hockey has not caught on with the people in the headquartes of hockey. Format of sport could be the forerunner of crowds coming back to the Mahindra stadium at Churchgate to watch hockey as they did in the past. One must realize that spectator interest also plays a big role in raising both the game and standard of play.
The Concepts of Participatory democracy and people power are being increasingly actualized throughout the decromatic world, making our democracies more authentic and people centred. These concepts acquired added importance after Anna Hazare nation wide agitation against corruption. We of Bandra Buzz, Have discovered that our very on Bandra resident Prof. Dr. Louis D'Silva,has authored an entire
book on the subject entitled "Participatory Democracy & People Power: Indias Quest for Her Soul" Not only is the author from Bandra but even the publishers namely Better yourself Books, 23rd Road, TPS III Bandra Mumbai 400050. Get your copy from the publishers, as this book is a must for all activists and every citizen concerned with the health and vitality of the worlds largest democracy.
four for 32. He was well supported by Pratik Manjrekar 2 for 33 and Swapnil Salvi 2 for 4. Rizvi’s coach Bhimesh Shah, who had won the previous two championships as Khalsa’ s college coach was ecstatic as his team worked brilliantly as a unit and vouched to work hard to retain the title next year. This year the Rizvi Education institutions from Bandra made a clean sweep of the cricket titles as they had earlier won the Giles and Harris Sheilds for schools and also the Junior Inter-collegiate titles.