October 2018

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BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

21st October 2018 | Volume 9 Issue 10 | www.bandrabuzz.com | 16 pages | Price: Rs. 5/-

Joga Bonito: The Journey from Bandra to Brazil

VALERIAN D’COSTA COMMUNITY REPORTER Joga Bonito, when translated from Portuguese, means ‘play beautifully.’ The phrase, made famous by Nike prior to the 2006 FIFA World Cup in a set of TV commercials displayed the flair, finesse and flamboyance of the Brazilians with the football at their feet in the dressing room, on the streets and on the field as well amidst some other footballing greats. Back in Bandra, a teenager, Preetam Ma-

hadik had his own dream of playing football with the same skill and elegance of Ronaldinho, Henry, Zlatan and Rooney. Thus, Joga Bonito, a local rink-football outfit was born in 2008. Reminisces Preetam, “The vision was to promote sports in Mumbai. As I was from a boarding school, sports was part of my life. Coming to Bombay I saw a lot of young college and school going students getting involved into a lot of unwanted activities. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 >>




Olga D’silva: A Century of Determination NAYAN SREENIVASAN COMMUNITY REPORTER Mrs. Olga D’silva, a resident of Bandra, recently celebrated her 100th birthday and as we all know, turning 100 is an extraordinary feat in itself. She had a special birthday celebration at her home on 10th October 2018. Born on 10th October, 1918; Olga D’silva and her six siblings have many fond memories of their beautiful bungalow at Pali junction where they stayed with their parents. Olga passed her metric examination from St. Joseph’s Convent in Bandra; she then graduated from St. Xavier’s College in Mumbai, where she majored in French Literature with Honours. She felt that her education was incomplete, so she secured a B.Ed degree from St. Xavier’s College. With a feeling of unsatisfaction and a genuine yearning for more knowledge, she went on to further achieve her Master’s degree in English Literature. This was a rare achievement

for Indian women of her time and she was proud of it. During World War II, Olga worked for the Censor Board in the war office located in Mumbai, where she learnt Italian and censored the letters of the Italian prisoners of war who were accommodated in a camp at Marol. She taught French to the girls who studied at St. Andrew’s School (which was then known as Bosco House in St. Andrew’s Church). Later she taught French, English and Geography at the St. Theresa’s Boys School in Bandra. Olga got married in 1948 & was blessed with three beautiful daughters. She began teaching at National College in 1958,

where she lectured in French; continuing, till she retired from her teaching career at National College. Thereafter, she stayed at home to look after her five grandchildren. Education is the key to success; this was a phrase she stood by. Olga had one motto, ‘Pursue your goal with dogged tenacity & singleness of purpose’. She made sure that each of her daughters received a good education & supervised them with a firm hand. Her grandchildren owe much of their success to her as she helped them with their studies. Academic success was not the only highlight in Olga’s life. A woman with many talents, she played badminton at Bandra Gym, wrote poetry & loved to play the mandolin & harmonica; later on she learnt to play the piano. She loved baking and baked delicious cakes for everyone’s birthdays. Being an avid cyclist, she was often spotted on her bicycle; the boy’s of St.

Theresa’s called her ‘cycle wali teacher’. She used to cycle right up to the age of 55 years. As an active member of the ladies sodality at St. Peter’s Church; she enthusiastically took part in all the religious, social and cultural activities. Olga has now completed 100 years, feeling very proud of her achievements and being extremely happy to be able to see her seven great-grandchildren. She often quoted William Shakespeare, with a chuckle, saying, “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them”. Reminiscing about Bandra during her time; a few vivid images of cottages, lonely mud roads, a large number of trees and absolutely no traffic are some of the distant memories she has. Horse carriages were used for transport and people had to cook on kerosene stoves. She believed in God and never worried. Olga always trusted in God and knew that hurdles could be overcome by praying and working hard. If mind could move matter, Olga’s would move mountains; everyone who knows her says that she is a woman with an iron will, resilient and undaunted by adversities. As age caught up with her she often said “The mind is willing but the body is unable”.

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Healthy traditional snacking options for Kids DOSAS These are an excellent source of carbohydrates and proteins, and a regular food item in most South Indian homes. Made of fermented rice and dal, you could also have it as a snack or for breakfast. You can prepare dosas in a jiffy if you have batter ready. What’s more, you can include a variety of items as filling. From plain ones with chutney to masala dosa with potato filling, experiment and explore to your heart’s content! Dosas can also be made healthier by replacing rice with ragi, oats or semolina flour. As we know, ragi or nachni flour is a storehouse of nutrients. If your child is iron and calcium deficient, try ragi dosas. These are a great source of protein too.

LUKE COUTINHO COMMUNITY REPORTER Is your child fond of fancy food? Influenced by popular culture, we have embraced new & convenient foods like fries, pizzas and burgers. However, as celebrated chef Julia Child has said, sometimes the simple recipes passed down through generations are the best. Parents often make the mistake of thinking that when their child comes home after school or play, the only way to curb hunger pangs is to offer unhealthy chips, chivda, fried chana, samosa, cakes, biscuits, chocolates, etc. But, nutrient-rich traditional food that is tasty, can also be appealing to children. Remember what our mothers used to make for us when we returned from school? Earlier, every household had a rich variety of homemade treats that were also healthy. Unfortunately, urban lifestyles have made families move away from such habits and food items. So, let’s revisit those golden olden days. Here are some of my favourites — sumptuous yet simple and nutritious snacks for children! MOONG DAL CHILLA One of the breakfast items I would suggest for your child is moong dal chilla (also referred to as the vegetarian version of an omelette). This dish is loaded with proteins, is light & easy-to-digest. Do you know that just 100gm of moong dal has 24gm of protein? You can play around with other ingredients for this dish. Depending on your child’s preferences, spruce it up with tomatoes, chopped onions, coriander leaves, grated paneer, cheese etc.

AVALAKKI UPMA If you are looking for an easily digestible and energising breakfast, try avalakki upma or poha. This satisfying breakfast option is made of beaten flat rice. The dish is rich in iron and carbohydrates and also packed with various vitamins and minerals. The best part is that it contains minimal gluten. If you want to make it even more nutritious, throw in some chopped vegetables. Green peas and peanuts will add to the taste and make it a well-balanced, high-protein meal. DHOKLA Dhoklas are steamed and not fried, and this enhances their health quotient. As the gram flour used in this traditional Gujarati dish is fermented before use, it is nutrient-dense and easy to digest. The process of fermentation adds vita-

BandraBuzz creating community connect since 2010

21st October 2018 | Volume 9 Issue 10 | www.bandrabuzz.com | 16 pages | Price: Rs. 5/-

Joga Bonito: The Journey from Bandra to Brazil

VALERIAN D’COSTA COMMUNITY REPORTER Joga Bonito, when translated from Portuguese, means ‘play beautifully.’ The phrase, made famous by Nike prior to the 2006 FIFA World Cup in a set of TV commercials displayed the flair, finesse and flamboyance of the Brazilians with the football at their feet in the dressing room, on the streets and on the field as well amidst some other footballing greats. Back in Bandra, a teenager, Preetam Ma-

hadik had his own dream of playing football with the same skill and elegance of Ronaldinho, Henry, Zlatan and Rooney. Thus, Joga Bonito, a local rink-football outfit was born in 2008. Reminisces Preetam, “The vision was to promote sports in Mumbai. As I was from a boarding school, sports was part of my life. Coming to Bombay I saw a lot of young college and school going students getting involved into a lot of unwanted activities. CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 >>

min B and live enzymes to the food. Try to include fermented foods in your diet to help you absorb the nutrients present, better. For instance, the probiotics in such foods restore balance in our colon. Thus, these are great for aiding digestion. UTTAPAM Uttapam is a healthy mix of carbohydrates and other essential nutrients. The best part is that you can feed your kids lots of vegetables with this dish. It combines a high carb like rice and urad dal with highly nutritive vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, green chillies, ginger and coriander. The dish also contains curd, which is a superfood. Moreover, it is easy-to-make, uses ingredients available in the kitchen. Plus, the shorter cooking time makes it an ideal snack for kids.

IDLIS Idlis are an excellent snack, but if your child prefers bite-sized savoury treats, try making mini idlis. You can also combine the goodness of carrots and coriander by chopping and mixing both into the idli batter. It goes well with coconut chutney. If you want to surprise your child with colourful food, why not make idlis with beetroot and spinach. This dish is rich in nutrition as it combines veggies with fermented foods. You can serve these idlis along with seven-eight almonds and a glass of milk for a complete nutritious meal for your child! Traditional, homemade foods use fresh and gut-healthy ingredients. Why not try interesting combinations and colourful vegetables to add visual appeal. This will also enhance the taste. And trust us, your child will be hooked to these snacks in no time!

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Joga Bonito: The Journey from Bandra to Brazil CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 I asked myself as to why youngsters were getting into all this. I said rather than pondering on such issues why not do something about making a change in everyone’s life and get people more involved into sports as that would help them be occupied and give them a direction in life. It was a group of friends from the same area where we decided to start playing together every day & soon we started playing local tournaments so that we could all be together and have fun. It’s been a task to select players now as I get messages from a lot of youngsters and other players to play in Joga Bonito. Unfortunately we cannot accommodate all but I try my best to give everyone an equal chance & my advice to players is come play with us & make a place in the team by performing better than the current players.” However, like everyone who tries something new - especially follow their passion - the team had a rough start. The team kept playing & losing tournament after tournament and at times it seemed like a waste of time and money. But then what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. “We did not have anything more than football in our lives so we stuck by it and here we are now known as the national champions and representing Team India in two international tournaments, i.e. Football Fives World Cup (F5WC) & Redbull Neymar Jr’s Five World finals.” The team were also winners of the Neymar Jr’s Five Mumbai leg last year & eventual winners of the National Finals in Hyderabad. The ‘Joga boys’ as they are popularly called, are also training for the F5WC to be held in Shanghai next month after being adjudged the best in the country’s rink-football circuit earlier this year. The team that currently has four of its players from Bandra initially had all of its players from the area in and around Dr. Ambedkar Road. Managed by Preetam Mahadik, who is also an integral part of the starting line-up for tournaments, the team boasts of the likes of Daniel Fernandes, Pratik Kadam and Joshua Fernandes all from Bandra. Joshua, who is currently out with an injury, is raring to get back on the field. He

has, like Preetam, also been part of the squad since its inception and is famous in Bandra not just for his football, but also his hockey skills. Also in the ranks are big names like Dion Menezes, captain of the senior state team at the Santosh Trophy last season, Mervin Stephen, an ex U16 India player, Wayne Vaz, who represented Pune City in the ISL last season as also Nikhil Prabhu, who is currently scoring the goals for the Pune City U18 team.

“Sometimes we win sometimes we learn but we never lose. I encourage them to take risks & play beautiful football that’s what Joga Bonito is”. Preetam Mahadik

Having won innumerable titles in the past two years, it was time to take their football to the next level at the Neymar Jr’s Five in the bustling city of Sao Paulo in Brazil, India’s equivalent to Mumbai. With 32 of the world’s best countries in the five-a-side format fighting it out for supremacy, the Indians, represented by Joga Bonito, were also challenged by Redbull India to win just a single game. And boy did they do it in style! Having defeated Chile and Luxemborg in the league stages, the team were left heart-broken after losing to Columbia in the sudden-death of the penalty shoot-out, having led the Columbians at half time. So much for their efforts that Redbull have invited them for a party to Brazil. “For us it was like a dream come true. Brazil is the Mecca of football & it is every footballer’s dream to visit Brazil once. We are glad & thankful to Redbull and Neymar Jr’s Five for giving us this opportunity. Football is everything for Brazilians; it is their way of life & a route to get out of poverty. The passion for football in Brazil cannot be compared to any other country. They are very humble irrespective of their status and football connects them. To give you an example, we met Marcelo at the beach playing with locals & as though he was one of them. There was no aura or atti-

Team India against Team Colombia at Neymar Jr’s Five 2018 World Finals tude that came across even for a second from him,” says an excited Preetam. When asked if we Indians can pick up something from the Samba boys, Preetam said, “There is a lot that we can learn from them. Football is played and loved. It’s an emotion for them; in India it’s become a marketing gimmick and more of a money-making business. Trust me we have a lot of talent and I say this because I have been playing and watching private tournaments all over Mumbai but the saddest part here is the entire system is corrupt and you will only succeed if you know the right people. People who do not know football have taken the highest ranks in Indian football, how is the country going to grow? Not that we are not going to improve but yes these are the major issues that need to be taken care of if we have to find ourselves competing against the best teams in the world. The process is long and not easy but unless you do it out of love and passion it won’t happen,” says a more pensive Preetam. “There in Brazil, I observed that in most of the games, we Indians are equal to task in terms of ball skills and stamina, we are almost on the same level to them. The difference is that they are good with their strategy and positioning, which again is the result of proper training by professionals.” On asked what it takes to reach up there, Preetam had an answer most youngsters fail to understand today, “There is no quick way to success. It’s a process & it takes a lot of hard work and commitment to reach the top level; the advice I would like to give youngsters and parents is not to neglect the most important aspect of a sportsperson’s development i.e. nutrition. We in India fail to understand the importance of nutrition in sports and I hope there is a lot of importance given to this in coming future. I would advise young and aspiring players to keep working hard and take care of your health and nutrition, there is no short cut to success but with proper dedication and hard work no one can

stop you from achieving your dreams.” Until recently, Preetam sat in his corporate office job which he quit a few months back. Like many footballers, he wanted to do something with football but was never able to give 100% due to his work commitments. “I always wanted to have my own academy so took time to analyse everything did my coaching license and now I am a coach. I am into coaching I practise and coach every alternate day as I intend to have my own academy and train under privileged children who cannot afford all this. Most of the team members work and play professionally so they practise as and when they get time. We play as many tournaments we can over the weekends as long as the timings do not clash. I don’t know if things will work or no or I will have to go back to my corporate job but all I know is that tomorrow I will never say to myself that I never tried and followed my passion.” The cost of playing football on a daily, and even weekly basis in Mumbai can burn a hole in one’s pockets. “I have managed the costs by myself until today and we do not have any sponsors. By God’s grace we have won a lot of tournaments so it’s not a big problem for us.” “We played Columbia in the knockouts and were leading against them 1-0 till the last 20 seconds of the game where one misunderstanding led to Columbia’s goal and we were knocked out in penalties. No, we were not nervous; we always play fearless and we believe that winning is not everything but how you play is more important. I always say to my boys sometimes we win sometimes we learn but we never lose. I encourage them to take risks and play beautiful football that’s what Joga Bonito is.” Now that they have established their footballing supremacy in the country, Joga Bonito are ready to take the next step by passing their skills and knowledge with the announcement of their own football academy in Bandra. Want to play football the Brazilian way? Joga Bonito is the answer!




East Indians voted to support Community at Bandra Gym AGM BANDRA BUZZ TEAM 30th September saw unprecedented scenes in The East Indian Hall of The Bandra Gymkhana – where the club’s AGM 2018 was held. The voter turnout was the highest seen in recent years. After the usual agenda points, came the two crucial resolutions - No permission granted to: 1. ‘The Bombay East Indian Association’ to hold their annual cultural event on the tennis courts & 2. ‘Celebrate Bandra’ - to hold their events on the tennis courts. Reasons given were ‘sub-letting’ and a ‘fire-hazard’ possibility. These two points were well debated – leading to the general body voting for both resolutions. The new President of the Bandra Gym, Dr. Cheryl Misquitta handled heated situations very professionally, yet fairly. This AGM was her ‘baptism by fire’. All speakers were given an equal chance to voice their opinion – and a democratic system was followed.

The speakers for passing the resolutions were Darryl D’Monte, Ajit Rodrigues, Roger Pereira, Roger Drego, Selwyn Almeida, Bronwyn D’Aguiar, Warren Fernandes, Theresa Aguiar, Neil Creado and others. Those speakers attempting to stop the resolutions or who spoke on similar lines, were Cornel Gonsalves, Ladislaus Pereira, Christopher Rodrigues, Karen D’Mello and others. The vibrant crowd clapped and booed, when crucial points were made – as a sign of support or disapproval. Although attempts were made to stop these two resolutions, the President reiterated that transparency was the key to proper functioning of this institution – and it is evident that the trustees & the managing committee are not on the same page. After listening to speakers from both sides and the sentiments of the house (voting members); she put these resolutions (which had fulfilled all criteria required to include it in the AGM) to be resolved by a general vote – as the General Body is Supreme, since it is they who elect the Managing Commit-

tee. The Managing Committee cannot dictate terms to the General Body. The resolution regarding event permission to the ‘BEIA’, was proposed by Roger Drego. This annual cultural event has been held continuously for more than 80 years, on the Bandra Gym tennis courts. Voting members for the resolution outnumbered those against - by a show of hands (waving their pink slips – which were over, due to an unexpected voter turnout; so ID Cards had to be shown, instead). The resolution was carried in favour by 589, to 1 dissenting vote. The resolution regarding event permission for ‘Celebrate Bandra’, was

proposed by Herman Rodrigues. Bandra Gym has been part of this community event, for more than 7 times – in the recent past. The resolution was carried in favour by 468, to 8 dissenting vote. It is important to note that the Bandra Gym owes its very existence to the benevolence of the later Dr. D. A. D’Monte (grandfather of Darryl D’Monte - Trustee), a visionary and philanthropist par excellence. The Pavillion at the Bandra Gymkhana is named after him. Finally, the President thanked Almighty God for the issues discussed, decisions made - and to all members for their valuable time, while maintaining decorum.




At iAzure it’s always Customers First iAzure, a store nestled on Hill Road, Bandra, is a store with a heart. As an authorized Apple store, it offers all the latest devices offered by Apple worldwide. It prides itself in stocking accessories of the most popular global brands. The feeling you get as you enter the store is no less than walking into an Apple store in New York or Geneva. The store was the brainchild of 16 year old Zanai Bhosle, whose mother Anuja Bhosle helped to realise that dream. The grand matriarch of the family, music legend Asha Bhosle beams proudly as she watches her granddaughter take the reign of the store. As a family they believe in giving back to the society they live in, and hence they have pledged a part of their sales to Nanhi Kali – an NGO which supports education of the underprivileged girl child. It is woman power all the way for this family with a social conscience. It has truly come full circle where the wonderful women of this family are empowering underprivileged girls gain a stronghold in our society. That’s Girl Power all the way!! There are many official, authorized Apple stores, but what sets iAzure apart is that it is run by a team of people who are passionate about Apple and its products. They provide the best possible experience of buying an Apple product – be it a Mac, an iPad or an iPhone. They understand the nuances of the Apple technology and help you integrate it into your life and use the devices optimally. Not only that, they understand the individual needs of every customer and recommend products accordingly. Their motto is not so much to be sales oriented but to be service led. They have been known to spend many hours

Left: The iAzure store is the brainchild of 16 year old Zanai, whose mother Anuja Bhosle helped to realise that dream Right: Asha Bhosle with granddaughter Zanai Bhosle patiently explaining the usage of private security settings on the phone to a senior citizen. And when she was in a panic situation with her phone, going way beyond their call of duty, and visiting her at home to solve her problem. The joy they receive in delivering a product that is not in stock, and making it in the nick of time for a birthday or anniversary gift, is as much as the customer himself feels. Even if something is not in stock, they leave no stone unturned to procure it from the official distributors at the earliest. Students have been very grateful to be made aware of the best EMI schemes which makes even the latest iPhones within their reach. The store has received many a mail lauding them for their exemplary service and being extremely responsive and patient.

There are plans to have regular workshops introducing customers to Garage Band and photography on Apple devices. Truly something that sets them apart from any other store. Already on offer is the Series 4 Apple Watch, with a larger screen size, which can hold more apps and buttons, improved quality speakers and of course advanced fitness apps. A very useful feature is the fall detection – where the watch automatically calls an SOS number if it detects a fall. Come 26th October, they are launching the latest offering from Apple, the iPhone XR which is available in six vibrant colours – White, Black, Blue, Yellow, Coral and Red. With its back glass and liquid retina display, it offers the largest LCD screen on an iPhone. The

true depth camera is especially made to take fabulous human portraits! There is a launch event planned at 6pm on 26th October with an electrifying performance by A Band of Boys with an exclusive launch of their latest single in collaboration with the evergreen Asha Bhosle.

iAzure 60-B, Hill Road, J.D. Alves Premises, St. Joseph’s Convent School, Bandra (W), Mumbai 400 050 Call: 26400518 / 26400844 Website: www.iazure.world Facebook: iazureapplestore Instagram: iazureapplestore Twitter: iAzureAppleSTO

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Bling it in this Festive Season! VALERIAN D’COSTA When was the last time you treated your nails the way they should be? Or do you feel your hair needs a makeover? Or are you just looking to get yourself pampered & geared up for the festive season? Overlooking the ever busy junction of Turner Road & Linking Road from its location on the first level of Golden Palace, the Bling Dry Bar Nail Spa & Salon has been testimony to many a satisfied client by offering their perfect hair, nail & beauty solutions for more than a year. The Bling Dry Bar, Nail Spa and Salon treatments are a fulfilling, joyous, pampering & most importantly a professional experience. Popular for its nail makeovers, the Bling Salon has it all. Right from nail paints and printing to extensions to nail art to nail spas, the team of hair experts here do a fabulous job making you want more in their luxurious setting made for royalty. Of note is that all nail treatments are done with genuine branded Cuccio and Opi range

of products which do not contain harmful chemicals present in other brands. With their beauty services including relaxing head, face & foot massages, the Bling Salon also does exquisite bridal makeovers for women and men for their wedding day using the famous and impressive Remy Laure and Serenite brands beside the indispensable facial, threading, grooming and spa services. Their trained and certified team of professionals with their many years of experience in the industry personally consult with you to tailor their services and assist you to achieve a look that brings out your individualistic best. Even on board their team is a specialist who tends to the likes of the celebrities who come down to the Bling Salon for their share of styling and makeovers. But that’s not all, the Bling Salon is also known for its hair transformation experiences from hair trimming to colouring to smoothening and rebonding, they do it all. But their hair spa treatment is the icing on the cake. At Bling

Salon the focus remains on giving you the best. Using proven, safe and highly effective brands such as L’Oreal, GKhair, Moroccan Oil, Biotop, Amazon Series Cysteine/Keratin & Ketherapy Cysteine the hair specialist technicians get to work giving you an end result seemingly unbelieveable. The professionals give you exclusive attention & treat you royally & make you feel pampered in their luxurious salon. “At Bling Dry Bar Nail Spa & Salon creating value for clients remains our top priority. International standards of customer service & the highest standards of hygiene will always be a part of our clients’ experience. We want to provide

services that reflect the talent & education we possess, while maintaining professionalism and personal attention. We love for our clients to feel welcomed and comfortable in a beautiful space. Time is valuable!” says Samantha Soni, founder and owner of this luxurious salon. Well, then, what are you waiting for! Get yourself pampered, boost your confidence levels and the way you feel about yourself done best at the Bling Dry Bar, Nail Spa and Salon. BLING DRY BAR NAIL SPA & SALON Golden Palace, above Union Bank, Turner Road, Bandra (W), Mumbai 50 Call: 75175 17777 / 022-49739993

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Launching at iAzure on Friday 26th of October '18 with an electrifying performance by

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The New York City Diner EDWIN FERNANDES COMMUNITY REPORTER Take one successful 5 Star Chef-cumRestaurateur who has also plied his wares on a Cruise Liner; a vantage homely location in Bandra; what have you? All the succulent ingredients for a SALAD ANTHONY BOURDAIN happening to happen. And happen it did amazingly heady concoction. It is inand how! In the extremely competitive stant karma which leaves you ecstatirat race of the burgeoning happening cally screaming for more, guilt feelings places in the Queen of the Suburbs, the be damned! Sorbets & an array of hot emergence of the New York Cafe Diner beverages were tempting but we decidat the Reclamation, opposite the Lilavaed not to ride our luck. Too much of a ti Hospital, stands out for its simplicity good thing can be bad. Besides, we had not opulence. Here’s raising mock toast already tipped the plimsoll line! (NYCD serves no liquor), to the man in Meldan as stated earlier, ever the the limelight, the unassuming, modest genial host and indulgent parent, has a and multitalented restaurateur, Meldan The recently opened New York City Diner at Bandra Reclamation special treat for students and teachers. D’Cunha. Meldan, who has gone solo so far, be it in setting up restaurants or in After exchanging pleasantries with the celebrated American Chef and versatile The number of educational institutions his singing career, has now teamed up genial Meldan, we got down to busi- personality, this salad consists of chick- in that area is quite a handful. He is ofwith Zareer Colabavala the business ness, the business of tucking away on en and fruit salad. A somewhat queer fering a flat 20% discount to students man. This Mahim-Bandra combo – just fabulous food or as Oliver Twist would combo but blended to just the right de- and teachers. What a truly remarkable about 2 weeks old, is all set to shake, say: Food Glorious Food…We started gree as done in NYCD, it was just tony man. Other highlights of NYCD – For one, it has a humungous smart with the current favourite of the (pun not intended). Would you rattle and roll Bandra and Mumbai. The TV which can play regulars of NYCD, 2 sal- believe, even this arty salreverberations might be felt Karaoke without ads. The first was the ad is priced at a very even beyond Mumbai. the help of a DJ. OPA which means affordable Rs. 250/The Bandra Buzz Meldan has plans This mini reGrandfather in team checked in on to hold regular jam Greek. It is a sal- past, will fill you NYCD on October 18, sessions, poetry ad that is well with a rosy haze 2018 – Our verdict, it – book reading sescontentment. marinated in a of was not just 2 good, sions, dance sessions, bottle. You have After this intake, did it was 10 good, very cook your own meals, exto actually shake we have place for more? appropriately on CHOCO CUP hibitions etc. Gear up for the bottle to mix You bet like gluttons we Dussehra day! NYCD the spices in the to- were going the whole hog! Next on the the ensuing Christmas season. Christis lies tucked away in a matoes, cucumbers, plate was the intriguingly named Chick- mas sweet making classes are on the little bye lane adjoining CHICKEN OVER RICE sweet peppers, red on- en over Rice – straight from the halal cards. Meldan, in case you do not know Candies, opposite Lilavati Hospital. The very pleasing colour ions, lettuce tossed in the NYCD special carts of New York. Wow, this dish was is the leader of a band – The Swinging scheme and tasteful décor of NYCD, is dressing, topped with fresh cheese and dishy. Absolutely yummy. Tempered to Santas. Like Freddie Mercury, they are what first arrests your attention. Once fruit nuts. Whew! That’s a meal in itself Indian tastes, the brown rice was a meal gearing to Rock You! New York City Diner serves no wine, inside, the cool ambience, lilting music, and is guaranteed to remind grandfa- in itself. The diced chicken? A sheer the cosy tables and chairs, sultry pho- thers of their salad days! This tingling divine melt in the mouth variety. The but one visit & even the most hardened to frames on the freshly painted walls, dish is priced at a mere Rs. 250/- Pricing falafel titbit was a bonus. I have no hesi- whiner will be converted to a diner…. aromatic wafts from the open kitchen, has always been Greek & Latin to us. tation in recommending this chick to all all conspire to transport you to another Who cares when we are the beneficia- the guys and gals. The piece de resitance NEW YORK CITY DINER of this “Enchanted Evening” was un- ONGC Colony, opp. Lilavati Hospital, world, a world where your senses read- ries? Next these gourmands gorged on an- doubtedly the dessert. We had the very Bandra Reclamation, Bandra (W) ily succumb to the blandishments of NYCD. Believe me. It’s a seduction that other much in demand salad – the Salad very sinful Choco cup and the Nutella Mumbai 400 050. Contact: 98202 82522 Anthony Bourdain. Named after the late ice-cream from Koldplay. What an evokes no guilt feelings. “Best Laparoscopic surgeon in Bandra, he spends time with his patients in understanding their problems and provides excellent humane care” - Kyle Gracias (Chapel Road)


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Contact: 9820365979




Workbay - An Office, A Café, A Home! ue to work out of coffee shops, because of the perpetual noise and other distractions. This inspired Sujatha to conceive of a The number of independent professionals working from home is growing. boutique co-working space that blends Working from home provides the com- the best of an office, a café and a home. A space where diverse and inspirfort of a familiar and cosy enviing professionals, and small ronment, promoting a good teams, not only work next work-life balance that ento one another, but also hances productivity and network, and more imcreativity. However, it portantly – build friendis also accompanied ships. by the demands of the And voila! ‘Workbay’ family and other diswas born! tractions that invade the ‘Workbay’ is a co-workwork space and time. ing space that offers the Sujatha Jain is one such comfort of a home, with all independent professional SUJATHA JAIN the essential necessities of with more than 20 years of a professional space – well experience. She is a Human Resources (HR) professional and Life equipped workstations, high speed inCoach. All India Radio listeners will rec- ternet, a meeting room, printer facility, tea/coffee, a community library, workognise her as ‘RJ Sue J’. Sujatha used to have regular meet- shops & events space, and office staff to ings at a coffee shop in Bandra. And help you get through the day. ‘Workbay’ allows expansion from while she did not mind paying for the endless cups of coffee, it was increas- one, to more than one workstation, ingly evident that she could not contin- thereby catering to the specific needs of PORUS D. TAVADIA COMMUNITY REPORTER

Workbay recently opened their second co-working space in Bandra individuals or teams – from ‘hot’ desks, and dedicated desks, to team tables and team rooms. Piyush Choudhary, one of the ‘founding’ clients of ‘Workbay’, Bandra, has this to say– “‘Workbay’ has this lovely quaint Bandra flavour and vibe. The natural light gives the space a lot of brightness and vitality. It is super conveniently located, with great access from anywhere in Bandra; and good connectivity through public transport, from most parts of Mumbai.” Amrita Haldipur is another contented and delighted client at ‘Workbay’, Bandra. ‘Workbay’ ticked all of her check-boxes, viz. – professional, cosy, noiseless, seamlessly expandable and close to home. She has been with ‘Workbay’, Bandra almost since inception. Amrita and her team of 3-4 people clock almost 10 hours every working day. She

is confident that as her business grows, so will her association with ‘Workbay’. Over the past 3+ years Sujatha has established two ‘Workbay’ co-working spaces. The Santacruz West space started operations more than three and a half years ago, with a capacity of 50 seats; and the Bandra West operations started about two months ago, with a capacity of 60 seats. Sujatha has plans to open up more ‘Workbays’ in Mumbai and across other cities in India. WORKBAY Deccan House, 101 Waman Pundalik Warde Marg, off Bandra Station Road, behind D’Décor Showroom, Bandra West, Mumbai 400050. Call: +91-9820979122 E-mail: sundar@workbay.in Website: www.workbay.in

Kidspro Yoga!!

Kids Yoga & Fitness class every Saturday from 11am - 12noon at Temperance Studio, Block 76, Pali Hill, Bandra (W)


9821073110, 9757225488 Rs. 1500/- per month




SOI plans a November to Remember DEBASISH CHAKRAVERTY COMMUNITY REPORTER This November, SOI Chamber Orchestra presents a programme inspired by the tango. The highlight of the programme will be the India premiere of “Misatango”, by the Argentinean composer Martin Palmeri. Composed in 1996, Palmeri’s Misa a Buenos Aires “Misatango” blends elements of the traditional mass form with characteristics elements of the Argentinean tango. In this way, the latin text acquires new expressive forms - the piece transitions across melodics lines, harmonies, and the typical rhythm of the genre, without taking away

the solemnity that the religious craft requires. The vast variety of melodies makes this piece attractive and very enjoyable to the audience at large. The programme on November 13, 2018 at 7pm, at the NCPA Mumbai will include works of Astor Piazzolla, considered the foremost composer of tango mu-

Clockwise: Evgeny Bushkov; Santiago & The Goa University sic. These pieces will feature soloists from the SOI, as well as Dario Polonara on bandoneon, with Evgeny Bushkov as conductor. The show will also feature the Goa University Choir as well as The Bangalore Men & is supported by the Consulate General of Argentina in Mumbai. In

the past, the expressive melodic variety & vigorous character of the piece has delighted performers and audiences alike & this show is likely to be no exception. For more info on SOI Website: www.soimumbai.com Call: +91-22-66223724 / 54



CORNED TONGUE Available, Delicious Buffalo Corned Tongue & Meat Loaf - Home made with best ingredients - Rs. 400/- No Home Delivery - Call 9820300751 DANCE CLASSES Learn social dancing (Jive/Chacha/ Waltz/Salsa) in easy, fun & flexible sessions. Timings: Monday / Wednesday 7-8 pm & 8-9 pm, Saturday & Sunday 5.30-7pm & 7-8.30pm, Sun 11-12am. Venues: St. Joseph’s Primary School at Bandra (W). Call Marlon 9820344010. EDUCATION Accountswale.in has launching Job oriented skill-based Certification program in Accounts, Finance & Taxation. It is unique blend of theoretical program aptly syncing with case studies from corporate world & students are trained proactively for Bookkeeping, Statutory compliances, Personality development & make them industry ready. For scholarships & discounts Call 8618414801 GARAGE SALE! Loads of great preloved stuff including household items, kitchen items, designer and high-end clothes, shoes, bags, music CDs, books and more. 27th and 28th October, 11am to 5pm, Sea Glimpse, Chimbai Road, Come early for great bargains! JOB VACANCY Home Delivery / Helper wanted in Bandra West - good salary for right candidate. Call 98192 58958


JOB VACANCY Wanted - College going students looking for part time employment with a tutor based in Khar. Must be available during the evening. Basic knowledge of French language will be a bonus. Contact on 9820903707 / 9819063025 LOST PHYSICAL SHARES/DIVIDENDS Get doorstep personal service for your lost physical shares/dividends. Duplicate procedure & FIR & notary all inhouse. We also offer services in insurance of cars/buildings/mediclaim and other financial consulting services. B/34 Elco Arcade, Bandra (W), Mumbai 050 with prior appointment. Call 9821172450 NEEDLE WORK Ladies, knitting, crochet, embroidery, dressmaking courses Rs. 1600/- each. For more details, kindly contact Mrs DSilva on 9820451695. Orders accepted. Discounts on baby sets and ready items. ROYAL COLLECTION - CHIMBAI For Colour / B&W xerox, printouts, photo prints, plastic folders/files, school items, stationery, gift items/ wrapping, HP cartridges, toy games, cosmetics, deo/perfumes, personal care items, mobile accessories, etc. Visit: Royal Collection, Shop 3, Beach View Apt., Chimbai Road, Bandra (West), Mumbai 400050 Call 26413189 or 8879037934 or e-mail us: royalprint9@gmail.com Free Home Delivery for minimum local order of Rs. 300/-

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Letters to the Editor E-COMMERCE ALCOHOL SALE Finally! The e-commerce permission (if it actually gets approval) for alcohol - is big for an industry, battered by regulatory hurdles. Should this get implemented, it will change the dynamics of the business totally! The sale of alcohol online is a welcome move. Surely, it is a game-changer for Maharashtra. This will open the market for smaller brands and break monopolies that exist within the industry. This move is going to positively impact the wine industry in particular, by increasing its reach to consumers and lowering costs of sale. Clev D’Mello SPEEDING TRAFFIC SOUNDS AROUND MIDNIGHT I am writing this to highlight the nuisance which is troubling residents of St. Andrews Road, near Bandra Gym. There are a few people who are deliberately riding their bikes or driving in cars and making loud noises, sometime around 12 midnight to 4 am. The cops have been informed, but are unable to tackle this for several weeks now. Since these trouble makers are aware of the complaints regarding them, there is a very conscious & deliberate attempt to make the sounds in front of those

homes. I am sure there can be a solution to this issue, especially as it affects homes that don’t have air conditioners to insulate from these loud sounds. This is very disturbing to senior citizen residents, who have been complaining to the cops & even to the Bandra Police Control Room, but have found no answer to their grievance. Concerned authorities – please treat this issue as extremely important & help to resolve it. Melinda Frank WAITING FOR DEATH AT JOGGERS PARK? In spite of being prominently highlighted as a front page headline in Bandra Buzz, our shameless BMC authorities; who have recently taken on the onus of maintaining Bandra’s iconic Jogger’s Park, has not yet replaced the missing safety iron rails. Are they waiting for an accident or death, to act? The maintenance team should take immediate action to repair/replace these iron rods, or else small children are at risk of falling off the ledge, onto the rocks below – a grave risk to their lives. Please note, our taxes are meant for the upkeep & safety of our civic facilities – not to increase the BMC’s FD total amount. Hema Jain



The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Dear Reader, October opens up new avenues of expressing ourselves – new clothes, friends or ideas being put into practice. With the festive season around the corner, Bandra’s iconic shopping spots are bustling with activity. Bright clear skies, with pleasant mornings and evenings attract people towards open spaces – like promenades & parks. Hawkers at Hill Road and Linking Road are comparatively controlled – making these shopping hubs look wider. Bandra Talao, Reclamation area and many traffic junctions are being beautified. Vital connecting roads are very well surfaced. All very good. Right now, the reality of most open spaces in Bandra is ‘bad’ – to put it mildly. Our sea-face prime promenades at Bandstand and Carter Road are in a mess – for more than a year. Sherly Rajan Road’s surface is too bad for words. Bazaar Road, near the meat market has a stench more than Dharavi. Bandra’s iconic Jogger’s Park is getting more and more unsafe – with safety boundary rails missing. Traffic cops are missing at peak hours, because they are busy

collecting one-way-road fines – and pocketing it. Are we just waiting for elections, to get things done? Where is our hard-earned tax money going? Why won’t our local elected representatives act? Can we allow all this to go from ‘bad’ to worse. Then there is Bandra’s ugly under belly. Rash Driving by ‘outsiders’, at night – that terrify us. Drug peddling is increasing – trapping youth in a vicious circle. Women raped and murdered in residential areas.

get along well with the dictates of a ‘sly’ government. We are eight months away from national elections and the opposition is in tatters, no good leader, not even one single party that has shown any sign of credibility. So what foretells our future? It is the same slogans on how to fool people with catchy phrases. The economy of the country is going for a ride and the government is least bothered. The common man is struggling to make ends meet. His voice is miffed and not allowed to be heard by the paid media. What you hear is only rape cases and the drama that unfolds. The Finance Minis-

ter has become deaf and mute. What we see on TV is what is happening in Kashmir, how many jawans are killed and the usual treachery of Pakistan government. This is what our successive governments have been fooling the public for the past 70 years and at the same time looting the country so they have enough money to buy votes and carry on. The latest craze that is keeping us occupied is this #MeToo movement that the media is having a lot of fun diverting the mind of the common man from the day to day worsening condition of the economy.

Regards, Merck N. D’Silva Editor-in-Chief DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this paper, are of the authors - and do not reflect the opinion of the publishers and editors, unless otherwise stated. Readers should act on the information provided, only after consulting with their own independent advisors.

Rising Petrol & Falling Rupee - Is story of Acche Din? AMAR SINGH COMMUNITY REPORTER Those who are following the economics of our country will tell you that ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ was just an eye wash to win elections or rather let us say that the slogan taught us how to win elections. Come up with a catchy phrase like Munna Bhai M.B.B.S. and you are sure to hit the jackpot. Take the catch phrase of ‘Acche din’ with which we have been walloped to a six by our Captain. The PM during his electioneering days in the year 2014 promised each and every Indian that he will deposit 15 lakhs in every account from the black money he will collect which is stacked abroad. We Indians were so much carried away by that dream of becoming rich overnight that in the four years not even 15 paise has come into our account. Anyway four years have rolled by and we the people of India like fools are waiting for miracles to happen, just like how the Jews are still waiting for the ‘Messiah’ to arrive.

Presently the Rupee is having a free fall, which means imports will cost more specially petroleum products. So as the Rupee keeps falling, the cost of petrol which we get as an imported commodity will become more expensive. This in turn raises cost of other items specially farm produce which is transported by trucks from rural areas to the distribution becoming centers in the urban localities. The subsidies on petroleum products have been removed which also has caused a dent in our pockets. Why does the common man have to face so many problems to survive in an unstable economy that is always being battered because of political compulsions? For the ruling party governance is of little importance, they are more interested in winning elections and turning the whole of India into Hindu Rastra nation. The Goa CM is an ailing man suffering from cancer, yet he keeps on holding to his post and probably running the State from his hospital bed. Raghuram Rajan, the Ex-Governor of the Reserve Bank was shunted out because he could not




Photographic Memory Man ‘Chinky’, passes away Levin de Figueiredo – better known as ‘Chinky’, to most people; surely had the most regular attendance at the Bandra Gym – a stone’s throw away from his residence. He was a very likeable and knowledgeable person – and willing to share past experiences with the youth. Being a bachelor, he enjoyed the ambience and the opportunity of meeting many people of various backgrounds. When speaking about historic events, he could recount every detail – the vivid expressions, colours, etc. Even remembering difficult sounding names, family trees, dates, time of incidents, birthdays, etc. – was a breeze for

him. He himself admitted that this was God’s gift to him & he never misused it. In his youth, he loved various sports and other outdoor activities. Till his sudden death on 20th September 2018 – he was physically & mentally active. News of his death came as a shock, to all who knew him. Many could not imagine the Bandra Gymkhana – without him. Chinky’s photographic memory and witty remarks will be always be remembered. His close friends at the Bandra Gym will surely miss his presence at the pavilion area – and the ‘guppa gosti’ and camaraderie they shared with him through the years. These memories will last forever.

Kidspro Zumba!! Hey Kids, join us for Dance class (Jazz, Contemporary, Free style, Zumba, etc.) Fun way to stay healthy.

Every Saturday from 4pm-5pm at Temperance Studio, Pali Hill, Bandra (W) www.kidspro.in / hello@kidspro.in

9821073110, 9757225488 Rs 1500/- per month




50 years of the Jumbo Jet DEBASISH CHAKRAVERTY COMMUNITY REPORTER September 30th marked the 50th anniversary of the launch of the iconic Boeing 747 airplane, popularly known as the “Jumbo Jet”. On that day in 1968, the prototype of the Boeing 747 airplane, serial number RA001 and named “City of Everett” was unveiled to the public at the Boeing Factory in Everett, Washington, United States. The debut of the Boeing 747 passenger jet was a quantum leap in science and human air travel - it was the world’s first twin-aisle wide-body airliner, and was more than double the size of the then largest civil airplane, the Boeing 707. It was so large, that the 747’s fuselage was long enough to accommodate the entire distance of man’s first powered flight, performed by the Wright Brothers, in 1903. By 1967, Air India had already ordered the 747. At the unveiling on September 30th 1968, flight attendants (then known as “air hostesses”) from all the airlines that had ordered the jet, were present. This included an Air India representative dressed in a sari (the then Air India uniform for flight attendants on the Boeing 707). This was the first time that the then (and now legendary) Air India logo, the Centaur, was applied to the massive 747, along with the insignia of all the other airlines that had or-

Air India’s flight attendant is visible standing fourth from left inside the Boeing factory hangar on 30 September 1968

L to R: 50 years ago, September 30th 1968 – the future of air travel, arrives & Capt. DM Chakraverty’s docs that bear the image of the Boeing 747 prototype dered the aircraft. The Centaur logo was clearly seen on the airplane, third from left, next to the words “Boeing 747”. Air India received their first 747 Jumbo Jet a little over 2 years later, in April 1971. By then, the Indian Air Force has

deputized, or transferred some of its best aviators and mostly decorated war veterans over to Air India, to fly the soon-to-be arriving Jumbo Jet. My late father, Capt. D.M. Chakraverty, was one of these first Indians to fly the Boeing 747, for Air India. Several Bandra residents, men and women, have also been fortunate enough to have served aboard Air India’s iconic Jumbo Jets, as flight crew and cabin crew. You can still find some of these fine folk, like the Alan Watts, on evenings at the Bandstand promenade, often reminiscing about old times and their years aboard the Jumbo. Sadly, Air India’s first Boeing 747, the “Emperor Ashoka” crashed into the sea off the coast of Bandra, about 2 miles off Bandstand on the night if January 1st, 1978, claiming 213 lives (the tragedy to which, a memorial has not been erected yet, despite my best efforts – but that is another story).

Kidspro Football!!

Saturday 6-7pm, Sunday 5-6pm at St Andrews Turf Park, Bandra (W) (4 years +)

Professional coaching for the little Messi/Ronaldo www.kidspro.in/football hello@kidspro.in

9821073110, 9757225488, 9004323073 Rs 3600/- per month

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