07 / Year 9
11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Seperti yang banyak orang sudah ketahui bahwa Bandung adalah salah satu kota tujuan wisata kuliner di Indonesia. Fenomena ini telah menjadi hal yang tidak asing lagi bagi orang kebanyakan. Begitu banyak tempat makanan baru bermunculan di kota ini, mulai dari warung tenda yang biasa-biasa, namun sanggup memberikan citarasa yang khas, sampai kafe dan resto berkelas bintang yang dilengkapi dengan wi-fi connection. Ada juga warung-warung menyerupai kafe yang mencoba menghadirkan pemandangan kota Bandung di malam hari, sebutan populernya city light atau city view.
07 / Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
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Learning About Wine So you want to learn about wine and don’t know where to start. This article is a good place to begin your adventure. The world of wine can be an intimidating and complex field, but the best way to get to know wines is to dive right in, try a bottle, and become familiar with its subtle nuances and tastes. Firsthand experience is the best way to go about attaining a better appreciation for wine. The following are a few ways to get some real hands-on experience that will have you enjoying - and learning about - the grape in no time at all.
FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION PUTRI VIJRI FITRIA accounting@bandungadvertiser.com
Untuk mengisi akhir pekan atau masa liburan seperti bulan Juli ini, mungkin Anda beserta keluarga atau sahabat memilih untuk berwisata kuliner, menikmati masakan-masakan lezat dengan segala ragamnya. Anda punya restoran favorit? Atau ada menu favorit yang sudah Anda bayang-bayangkan kelezatannya? Atau Anda lebih suka mencoba jenis makanan baru - bertualang dengan rasa? Di tengah perburuan dan pada saat menikmati makanan tersebut, mungkin Anda menyadari, mungkin juga tidak, ada satu unsur dalam makanan Anda yang bisa mengancam kesehatan Anda: Monosodium Glutamat (MSG), atau yang lebih populer dengan nama “vetsin”. Di kebanyakan tempat makan, koki membubuhkan MSG dalam hampir semua masakan. Penggunaan MSG menjadi hal yang lazim, dan penikmat makanan mungkin telah mengkonsumsinya dalam kadar yang cukup besar.
Makanan Sehat Tanpa MSG, Bisakah Tetap Enak?
LUKISAN PEMANIS RUANGAN Gaya rumah tak hanya dilihat dari bentuk bangunannya saja. Tetapi artwork yang menghiasi penataan interior di dalamnya turut mempengaruhi gaya arsitektur bangunan yang digunakan. Salah satu elemen pendukung hunian adalah lukisan. Tak hanya sekadar sebagai hiasan ruangan, lukisan juga mampu mempengaruhi keindahan dan suasana ruangan. Lukisan yang digabung dengan teknik kolase seperti logam, kayu, atau kain yang digabung atau ditempel pada kanvas dapat membuat ruangan lebih berkarakter. Interior tanpa lukisan itu terasa mati. Karena lukisan mampu memberi kesan unik sebuah ruangan.
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CONTRIBUTORS Our bank account: BANK CENTRAL ASIA kcu Asia Afrika P.T. PARAMA CITTA TRADINDO Account 008-306003-1 I f you have comments, qu est ions or feedbac k on anyt hing you’ve read in B A N DU N G A DV E RT I SE R , send us an email: info @ban dungadver tis er.com Letter s by mai l are al so welcome. Let ters may be edited for l ength and cl ar i t y, and are pu blished su bjec t to ou r p ol i c y. Anony mous let ters will not be pu blished.
ADSIE Sondhiar Hitomartanoe Born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in March 1977, he was introduced into the world of art by his father (Gouw Tauw Hing), an amateur artist who specialized in portrait sketches and oil paintings. He studied Architecture at Parahyangan Catholic University Bandung, Indonesia from 1995 - 1999. Besides managing the store, he continues to produce artworks and take photographs.
PERSONAL INSIGHT James Gwee T.H., MBA James Gwee T.H., MBA is a renowned seminar speaker and trainer from Singapore. He has conducted training and seminars in more than 500 organizations in Indonesia (in English & Bahasa Indonesia). He has released 5 Best-Selling CDs for Business and Personal Success and one audio book entitled “Selling With Empathy”. Check out his website at www.jamesgwee.com. To invite James to train and motivate your staff, call 021-39837063
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Off - Road
Driving Tips
Your SUV wasn’t designed to spend its days on pavement alone. It can and should take you farther, but not before you consider some basic off-road driving tips. Off-road driving involves healthy doses of common sense, patience and skill. It’s not mastered instantly, but with practice, you’ll be a Better Man by driving more safely and ultimately having more fun. While you’re at it, consider our off-road driving tips. They aren’t all-inclusive for every possible season, surface or vehicle. They will, however, give you a taste of what to expect and make you a Better Man by knowing how to get there and - just as vital - how to get back. Know your vehicle’s limits Don’t think your stock SUV is immune to anything you throw at it. At last check, rocks and tresses could still bend steel. Even the hardcore guys who put tens of thousands into modifying their rock crawlers can, and do, break down. So, before you turn a wheel on the simplest of trails (otherwise known as green laning), know what your vehicle can do and play within the limits. A huge part of that is having a properly maintained vehicle and knowing your minimum ground clearance (typically, it’s at the differential). (Wheel) position is everything Whether you’re crossing mud, sand, snow or just a dirt trail, you always need to be aware of your front wheels’ position. It sounds simple enough; if the steering wheel’s straight, so are your fronts, right? Not necessarily. It’s easy to forget when you frantically whip the wheel to overcorrect (that’s a no-no, by the way). There’s no shame in leaning out the window to double-
check if you get stuck or are about to take on a difficult stretch. While you’re at it, minimize your steering input, steer in small increments and keep your thumbs on the outside of the steering wheel. Kickback can cause sudden jerks that break thumbs if they’re wrapped around the inside. Don’t go solo Off-road driving is a great getaway from everyday life, but you’ll be a Better Man by sharing the experience. Go expedition style with one or more buddies and their vehicles, maintaining visual contact without riding each other’s bumpers and having designated meeting spots if you get separated. Having two-way radios in each vehicle is a sensible plan as well. Try to have one or more spotters along too. They can hop out to help you negotiate through the rough stuff, guiding you from a much better vantage point than you have from the driver’s seat. Know how to get unstuck Off-road newbs are often surprised by how slowly everything happens - often at a walking pace or less. That’s because excessive speed, besides being rough on the environment and your vehicle, is a fast way to get stuck. Ditch the conventional wisdom (or the absence of it, really) of spinning at full throttle to free yourself. Instead, lighter throttle and steering input enables multiple attempts to get unstuck. If that doesn’t do it and you have to be towed, attach the strap or chain low. If you have to winch around a tree, protect the trunk by using a wide enough tree strap. take it off... road Just because you can drop everything and head for the hills doesn’t mean you should without preparing yourself and your vehicle. Stick to a sensible plan to get there and back, and share your plans with others before you go. This is not all-inclusive, but some must-haves aboard include a full tank of gas, food and water, a usable spare tire, tools, portable air compressor, maps, GPS, blankets, first aid kit, a spill kit, plus your phone and DC charger. Be a Better Man; don’t pack alcohol or drugs, and buckle your seat belt. Even if it doesn’t sound altogether spontaneous, being prepared is one of the best off-road driving tips we can share. (Source : askmen.com)
Time is a companion who goes with us on the journey and reminds us to cherish every moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we've lived QUOTES
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Eco Friendly Cars Over the last few years there has been a massive increase in demand for eco-friendly cars and other vehicles with the environment becoming a major point of concern for many governments and many people around the world. So what ecofriendly cars are available today and what can you we expect in the future? The environment The environment has become a major concern for many people around the world and cars, as well as other vehicles, have been blamed for pumping CO2 omissions into the atmosphere and the effects this could have on environments around the world. However, it is not only CO2 which is a problem at the moment with a whole host of other issues associated with traditional vehicles from the disposal of car batteries to the energy which can often be wasted by traditional vehicles. As a consequence, more and more eco-friendly cars are now becoming commonplace on roads and highways around the world. What types of eco-friendly cars are available? Electric cars The electric car is being put forward by many people as the ultimate in efficiency and environmentally friendly travel. While there are some issues which attract attention and arguments, including batteries, how they are disposed of and how they are produced, there is no doubt that electrical cars have a lot to offer not only consumers but the environment. Aside from the fact they are more efficient than traditional petrol and diesel powered vehicles there is the ability to recharge batteries time and time again which is catching the eye of many people and many governments. This not only reduces wastage,
such as car batteries, but has also introduced a number of novel battery recharging method which include : • Solar panel roofs While solar panels have been commonplace in houses around the world for many years they are now becoming commonplace on a number of high-profile electric cars. During daylight hours it is now possible to recharge the batteries of an electric vehicle as you are moving simply by using solar panels which are positioned on the car roof. The ability to harness the power of nature is something of a holy grail for the electric car industry but this is something which is coming to fruition and will become more and more prominent in the months and years ahead. • Regenerative braking The ability to harness the power and energy which in many cases has been wasted in the past, such as solar panels above, is an effective bonus for the electric car industry. One such method of harvesting “waste power” is regenerative braking which effectively translates the power produced when breaking into a system which allows the electric car battery to be recharged on an ongoing basis. When you consider how often you break and how much energy and power is used to slow down your vehicle, the ability to literally harness this waste energy can make a significant difference to the efficiency of your vehicle and the impact on the environment. • Recharging stations Recharging stations are something of a contentious point because there is a requirement to produce the electricity required to recharge your vehicle and the potential impact upon the environment which this may have. Obviously this will depend upon where the electricity comes from and how it is produced because solar panels and other environmentally friendly systems are in use around the world. However, there is no doubt that electric recharging stations are much more efficient and pose less of a danger to the environment compared to your traditional petrol station. Hybrid vehicles In simple terms a hybrid vehicle is a vehicle that uses a traditional internal combustion engine together with an electric backup system which can either take the lead or backup the more traditional engine fuel system. So what types of hybrid are
available? • Series hybrids The series hybrid engine is one which uses a traditional internal combustion engine to power electric motors which are used to power the wheels of a vehicle. Even though the internal combustion engine is a major part of the vehicle there are many benefits for the environment including reduced emissions and more efficient transfer of power from the generation system to the wheels. • Parallel hybrids A parallel hybrid system is one which can be powered by either a traditional internal combustion engine or else an electric powered drive train. One of the main benefits of this particular system is the ability to “store additional energy” for times such as acceleration and where additional power is required. At this point either one of the two systems can kick in to give that extra boost and make maximum use of energy which is stored within the vehicle. • Are hybrid systems different to drive? Depending upon what type of hybrid engine is available in your vehicle you will notice a distinct difference in the noise when you drive and also in the efficiency of your vehicle which is likely to offer significantly greater mileage over a traditional vehicle. • Are hybrid vehicles more environmentally friendly? A number of tests have been carried out with regards to hybrid vehicles and their impact on the environment which seem to show a reduction of around 25% in pollution. While this may not be as high as electric cars, which are far more environmentally friendly, it is certainly a step in the right direction and one which has been embraced and appreciated by motorists around the world. In many ways this is a “half way house” between the pollution gushing cars of yesteryear and the extremely environmentally friendly cars of the future. (Source: electricforum.com)
Meet & Greet FIFA World Cup 2010
Markplus Dinner Seminar
Perwakilan pemenang dari rangkaian kegiatan Coca-Cola dalam menyambut Piala Dunia 2010 berfoto bersama sebelum diberangkatkan ke Afrika Selatan untuk menyaksikan secara langsung pertandingan perempat final Piala Dunia FIFA 2010.
Bayu Asmara-Service Specialist & Senior Consultant Markplus Consulting memaparkan hasil penelitiannya di depan peserta Markplus Dinner Seminar dengan tema Converting Costumer Service into Sales yang dilangsungkan di Hotel Hilton Bandung pada hari Selasa (29/6) lalu.
5 tahun Arion Swiss-Belhotel
Kontes Anak Kreatif Indonesia
Erik Tumbelaka (kedua dari kanan)-General Manager Arion SwissBelhotel Bandung ikut berpartisipasi menyumbangkan darahnya dalam acara Donor Darah dalam menyambut hari ulang tahun Arion Swiss-Belhotel yang ke lima. Selain donor darah, rangkaian kegiatan lainnya dalam menyambut hari ulang tahun ini adalah Nonton Bareng bersama anak Yatim dan Jalan Sehat Keluarga.
Seorang perserta sedang asik menggambar dalam Lomba Mewarnai & Melukis yang diadakan oleh Rumah Belanja Muslim FAMOUS yang berlangsung pada hari Sabtu (3/7) lalu di halaman Rumah Belanja Muslim FAMOUS Bandung.
Pembukaan Program Matrikulasi Politeknik LP3I Bandung
Ir. Adriza, M.Si-Direktur LP3I Bandung sedang memberikan sambutan salam acara Pembukaan Program Matrikulasi LP3I, yang berlangsung pada hari Kamis (1/7) lalu di Kampus LP3I Bandung. Batik Glam Fashion Show
Shandy Yusuf-Ketua Ikatan Batik Jawa Barat, memberikan sambutannya dalam acara Batik Glam Fashion Show yang dilangsungkan hari Jum’at (12/6) lalu di Braga Bar & LoungeHoliday Inn Bandung.
Reserve a space in the next issue of HOTSHOT. For information please contact our marketing team at +62 22 2031734, 2034336, 91109109
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Learning About Wine So you want to learn about wine and don’t know where to start. This article is a good place to begin your adventure. The world of wine can be an intimidating and complex field, but the best way to get to know wines is to dive right in, try a bottle, and become familiar with its subtle nuances and tastes. Firsthand experience is the best way to go about attaining a better appreciation for wine. The following are a few ways to get some real hands-on experience that will have you enjoying - and learning about - the grape in no time at all. Take a wine tour at a local vineyard Who better to go to for advice than the winemakers themselves? Many vintners will happily play host to visitors, and will go through the details of how they produce their wines and what makes their wines special. The best part about these tours is that you can expect to enjoy some samples with an opportunity to buy. Good vintners should be delighted to tell you about the nuances of each of their bottles and will make suggestions regarding food pairings. If there isn’t a vintner near you, plan your next holiday near a tourist-friendly wine region. These regions extend throughout the world, it’s a wonderful experience to combine travel with wine tasting. Try a different bottle each week Make a point to select a different wine each week or month. Before purchasing it, research the varietal, the bottle and the right foods to pair it with. If you make tasting a regular event at your place or at a restaurant, you can experiment with different varietals and learn what works best with various dishes. Ask the clerk The great thing about serious wine shops is that they employ people who really know the products they sell - unlike some retail stores where you probably know more than the kid at the cash. Once you’ve found a knowledgeable distributor, ask some questions: What’s good? What works with my dinner tonight? Why do you recommend this? A good wine clerk will have answers to all of these questions. Ask the sommelier A sommelier is a trained expert who has gone through years of instruction. He is employed by a restaurant to explain all the details regarding the wines in the cellar. It’s the sommelier’s job to make recommendations; feel free to take a few moments and pick the sommelier’s brain. Use the trade media Viticulture is big business and there’s a plethora of resources that deal exclusively with the subject of wine. While reading magazines and watching shows about wine may not be the absolute best way to learn, these resources will certainly give you some guidance. Some of the top wine magazines include Wine Spectator, Decanter, Food & Wine, Wine Enthusiast, and Wine International Magazine. Read the label Another great place to find out about tasting nuances and food pairings is on the product itself. The label usually provides a quick hit of information on what to expect from the bottle and what
to pair it with. Labels may also provide you with information about the growing region and the serving temperature. Order by the glass If you’re settling in for a multicourse meal at a restaurant, instead of ordering a bottle, try ordering a different glass for each course. This is great way to learn more about different varietals and how they stand up to different foods. As above, ask the server or sommelier for suggestions. Visit a wine bar Wine bars are a cool place to relax and sip some great wines. They’re sophisticated and laidback - think white tablecloths, cozy ambiance, cool jazz, and a great wine list. It’s the perfect place to sit and chat about wine, possibly with people who know more than you do. Take a class Quite often, local colleges offer classes in wine appreciation that are hands-on and allow you to sample different wines. A good beginner’s class will give you a better understanding of the wine vocabulary, a sampling of the major varietals, instructions on how to pair wines with food, and what to look for on the label. Moreover, your local retailer might also offer tasting nights that allow you to learn about a handful of wines. Host a tasting party Get a few friends together at your place on a regular basis for a potluck dinner or a wine and cheese party. Ask each of your guests to bring a bottle and tell them to be prepared to explain their choice, and why they thought it would work well with a particular cheese or dish. You might also want to try tasting the wines blindfolded to get a better appreciation of what you’re drinking. One final note: Be sure to invite at least one guest who understands something about wine so that they can explain why a bottle does or doesn’t work with a particular food. This will help you and your guests learn. Visit a wine expo Many big North American cities host annual wine shows. These are usually professionally run expositions where you can meet with wine producers and sample their products. These expos also usually have quick tasting courses that allow you to sample and learn. Keep a wine log One final tip that you’ll want to keep in mind for all of these occasions is to keep a log of your wine-tasting experiences. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, but you do want to devote a page to each bottle you try. Paste the bottle label in the book and write down your tasting notes as you enjoy the wine. A well-kept log is a handy reference to your own experiences with each wine - not just what someone else thinks. What’s more, a wine diary is very useful when planning an evening of drink and grub. from bottle to glass The point of wine tasting is to get out there and fearlessly try different things. When you’re tasting wines, you’re going to love some and you’re going to hate some, but the most important thing is to learn why you love and hate them. This will help you build a great base of wine knowledge that will last a lifetime. (Source : askmen.com)
Mengurangi Keletihan Saat Bermain Komputer, PENTING !! Itung-itung sekalian membagi ilmu, sedikit berbagi tips bagaimana caranya untuk mengurangi rasa letih atau capai karena terlalu lama berada di depan komputer. Sebagai manusia pekerja yang menjadikan komputer sebagai salah satu teman setianya tentu setiap hari kita akan bersua dan menyapanya. Mungkin hanya sekitar sejam dua jam, tapi ada pula yang bersentuhan dengan laptop maupun PC mencapai 10 jam setiap harinya. Tentunya kita membutuhkan usaha dan kiat-kiat supaya kita bisa menghindari keletihan dan capek fisik serta pikiran. Nah untuk lebih lengkapnya, 26 tips ini mungkin berguna. • Sesuaikan tinggi kursi sesuai tinggi badan • Letak tepi atas monitor ada dalam 1 garis lurus dengan mata sehingga kepala tidak menengadah ataupun menunduk ketika melihat ke monitor • Jarak monitor dengan mata ada dalam jarak membaca (sekitar 50cm) sehingga badan tidak perlu membungkuk setiap kali melihat ke monitor • Atur ‘refresh rate’ monitor sebesar 72Hz atau lebih sehingga mata tidak cepat lelah • Seluruh punggung tersangga dengan baik oleh sandaran kursi yang empuk • Gunakan sandaran telapak kaki (footrest) sehingga posisi tungkai dalam keadaan rileks • Lengan atas dan bawah membentuk sudut 90 derajat
• • •
• • •
• •
saat mengetik Kedua pangkal telapak tangan bertumpu/bersandar pada meja, tidak menggantung Gunakan kursi dengan penyangga/sandaran lengan bawah Agar dapat membaca dengan nyaman, atur seting kontras dan kekuatan cahaya dari monitor, tidak terlalu terang sehingga menyilaukan mata dan kontras yang mencukupi sehingga tulisan di monitor mudah dibaca Hindari adanya cahaya terang tepat di belakang atau di depan monitor Pastikan penerangan di ruangan mencukupi untuk membaca buku/tulisan tercetak Gunakan dan atur dengan tepat headphone dan mikrofon (headset) yang disediakan agar dapat mendengar dengan jelas dan berbicara tanpa perlu berteriak Hindari posisi duduk yang sama selama waktu yang lama, variasikan beberapa posisi duduk yang nyaman Istirahat selama 5 menit setiap bekerja selama 1 jam, istirahat ini tidak dapat digabungkan. Gunakan waktu istirahat singkat ini untuk berjalan, melakukan gerakan-gerakan olahraga ringan, atau mengambil minuman • Waktu istirahat yang lebih lama (15-30 menit) setiap 4 jam bekerja, gunakan untuk rileks/beristirahat dan makan • Untuk mengurangi kelelahan mata, lihat ke luar jendela (pemandangan) atau benda yang letaknya jauh setiap 10-15 menit sekali • Pastikan cukup minum untuk mencegah dehidrasi. Kebutuhan cairan yang disarankan untuk mereka yang bekerja di ruangan
ber-AC adalah sekitar 50-60cc/kgBB/hari. Contohnya jika berat badan 50kg, maka paling sedikit harus minum sekitar 2500cc/hari • Jangan menahan kencing untuk mencegah infeksi saluran kemih atau terbentuknya batu di saluran kencing • Sesuaikan suhu ruangan kerja, tidak terlalu dingin atau terlalu panas. Suhu yang terlalu panas akan membuat cepat lelah dan emosi meningkat, sedangkan suhu yang terlalu dingin akan membuat otot menjadi kaku dan lebih mudah terkena cedera. Suhu yang disarankan adalah sekitar 24-25 derajat Celcius • Jika dimungkinkan, putar musik dalam volume yang pelan untuk menghindari kejenuhan dan meredam emosi • Tidur dalam jumlah yang cukup, sekitar 6-8 jam/hari • Makan makanan yang bergizi lengkap, bervariasi dan seimbang, juga cukup serat (sayuran/buah) • Makan berat 1-2 jam sebelum mulai bekerja sehingga ada cukup energi untuk bekerja tanpa diganggu rasa lapar atau kantuk • Berolahraga secara teratur 2-3 kali setiap pekan • Segera berkonsultasi dengan dokter setiap kali merasakan ada gejala/keluhan di tubuh yang tidak normal sehingga dapat cepat diobati. Nah, sekarang kita menjadi semakin tau kan bagaimana bermain komputer dengan cara yang sehat dan aman bagi kesehatan kita. Mulai sekarang mari kita mencoba untuk membiasakan diri mempraktikkannya. Di dalam rumah, di ruangan kerja kita, di dalam kafe, atau di dalam ruangan rapat. (Sumber : detiknet)
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Personal Insight
Your BEST and WORST Skills An Important Lesson from Brian Tracy
Several months ago, when I was doing some research for my talk show in Radio Smart FM, I discovered a very simple idea from Brian Tracy. It’s such a simple idea, but I think it’s such a powerful one. It is so relevant to everyone, not just those who are in sales and marketing, but really everyone, and for all of us, this simple idea is also relevant and applicable to every aspect of our lives. So what is this “brilliant” and yet simple idea ? To succeed, you need a RANGE of skills Your BEST skills have brought you to your CURRENT situation Your WORST (WEAKEST) skills will LIMIT your success Let’s analyse the sentences one by one. To succeed, you need a RANGE of skills Brian Tracy says that in order to succeed in any profession, we will need a range of skills. This is the same for every profession. Just think about it. To be a successful actor, you need a RANGE of skills. To be a successful public speaker, you need a RANGE of skills. To be a successful manager, you need a RANGE of skills. To be a successful footballer, you need a RANGE of skills. To be a successful taxi driver, you need a RANGE of skills. To be a successful farmer, you need a RANGE of skills. You can’t survive (what more become successful) in any of the above professions if you have only one skills. You need a range of skills. I’m sure that, by now, you will realize that to be a successful sales person, you too, need to have a RANGE of skills. The good news is that in any profession, this range of skills is only about 5 to 7 skills. So you do not need to be very, very good in 20 skills ! You need to be very, very good in only about 5 to 7 skills. In the sales profession, this range of skills would include : • Prospecting skills • Ability to make an appointment via telephone • Ability to establish rapport (akrab) with the person that you meet, • Ability to do fact-finding • Ability to present your ideas effectively • Ability to handle objections and • Ability to read customer’s buying signals and confirm (close) the deal. More or less 7 key skills. Obviously as human beings, we are good in certain skills and weak in other skills. We are never really, really very, very good in EVERY skill nor total useless in EVERY skill. Most of us are good in some and weak in some others. That’s sentence number 1. Now let’s analyse sentence number 2. Your BEST skills have brought you to your CURRENT situation You have achieved your present level of success in your career / work / company because you possess some good skills. Perhaps you are reasonably competent / good in SOME of these : • Prospecting skills • Ability to make an appointment via telephone • Ability to establish rapport (akrab) with the person that you meet, • Ability to do fact-finding • Ability to present your ideas effectively • Ability to handle objections and • Ability to read customer’s buying signals and confirm (close) the deal. Because of are good in SOME of these skills, you have achieved you present (CURRENT) level of performance. These are the skills that have brought you to where you are today. Without being good in those skills, you would not even have achieved your present level of performance. You would be BELOW your current situation. However, if you keep depending on, and using these same skills in your daily work, then your performance WILL NOT IMPROVE and you will only continue to achieve this same level of performance. This is because these skills have brought you to your CURRENT position. So if you continue to use these same skills, you will continue to achieve the SAME level of performance. That’s all. You will not experience any improvement !
OK we’ve analysed sentence number 2. Now let’s analyse sentence number 3. We’ve agreed that our best skills have brought us to our current position and if we just keep on depending on these same skills, our by James Gwee performance will remain and maintain at this same level and will not improve. Why can’t we improve ? Because Your WORST (WEAKEST) skills will LIMIT your success Yes. We are CONSTRAINED by our weakest skills. All of us have areas that we are weak in – skills that we are weak in. These are the skills that will hinder our ability to achieve better results. Therefore if you want to IMPROVE on our performance, I have 2 questions for you : • What skills are you particularly weak in ? More importantly, • What are your plans within the next 6 months to improve in your weak skills ? If you are not very sure, you can use the following as a reference. Remember that to be a successful sales person, you need a RANGE of skills. These are the (range of ) skills that a sales person needs to succeed : • Prospecting skills • Ability to make an appointment via telephone • Ability to establish rapport (akrab) with the person that you meet, • Ability to do fact-finding • Ability to present your ideas effectively • Ability to handle objections and • Ability to read customer’s buying signals and confirm (close) the deal. So from the above list, which skill(s) are you WEAK in. Once you know your weak skills, you will realize that you are UNABLE to achieve better results and earn a higher income because you are weak in those skills. If you ever hope to improve on your performance, achieve better results and enjoy a higher income, then you will need improve on those skills. The sooner you improve on those skills, the sooner you’ll enjoy better performance and better income. Now, this is the AMAZING thing. Most of us ALREADY KNOW where we are weak in. If not explicitly, at least in our hearts, we know the skills that we are weak in. However, we continue to depend on our strong (best) skills to help us to sales target and WONDER WHY we are unable to achieve better results !! Ironic right ? So you are SERIOUS about improving your performance to enjoy a better income, be honest with yourself : • Be honest with yourself and identify the skills that you are weak in • Take specific and concrete steps to IMPROVE on those weak skills If you do that, say within the next 6 months, you will find that the problems that you face at work and with your prospective customers get less and less. This is because the more competent you are in your work, the more easily you are able to handle problems. Once your skills improve, problems that used to be problems are no longer problems anymore because you are now able to handle them well. When that happens, your stress level reduces and you begin to get better results. The best thing about all these is that you will begin to ENJOY your work ! How nice – less problems, better results, higher income and ENJOY work better – all because you identify your weak skills and take specific action improve those skills. 6 months of effort to improve and a lifetime of benefits ! A truly worthwhile investment. A simple concept, very powerful, very applicable. Question is… will YOU take ACTION ?? Until then, Happy Selling !! Sponsored by:
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Professional Development Professional development is critical to career advancements in the form of promotions, raises and new opportunities. A continuous quest to learn new skills and techniques is important, because it is through these new abilities that you will position yourself for offers of greater responsibilities and leadership tasks in the workplace. For example, since most advanced leadership positions come with profit and loss responsibility (if you’re in marketing), you would benefit greatly if you became familiar with financial forecasting and planning. Armed with some financial acumen, you may be able to manage an entire marketing campaign - not only in relation to leads and sales, but also in relation to the overall profitability of a project. So, how does someone go about learning these new skills and developing professionally? Well, the default answer - and it’s usually a good one - is to visit your human resources officer and explore any professional development paths offered at your company. Certainly, this is a great place to look, but if access to this professional development knowledge were simple, everyone would be in charge - right? Additionally, what about smaller organizations in which HR departments are not as advanced or even available? Follow these suggestions for seeking out viable professional development opportunities and take matters into your own hands. Business networking events Before you rush out to sign up for all the big industry conferences and seminars, consider a look in your own backyard, as you will often find an array of networking and business development events. Local chamber of commerce functions, for instance, are great places to meet new contacts who can help expand your business horizons and knowledge base or provide prospective leads for your organization. Special-interest venues, such as venture capital forums, provide opportunities to meet new people and foster new business knowledge and skills. These avenues are also far more convenient and may be more attractive to your employer than it would be to send you to the big out-of-town national workshop. If your organization has not suggested that you attend one of the bigger out-of-town deals, asking for a four-figure budget (registration, plane ticket, hotel, meals, etc.) may be met with some doubt, particularly if it
seems like an excuse to party on the company’s dime rather than to build new relationships and business skills. Your organization may have a more flexible budget for the occasional luncheon and could be more receptive to you being away from the office for two hours than for two days. Even if your employer will not front the bill for these events, they are affordable enough for an individual and can be well worth the investment. Of course, if some real professional development arises from these smaller local events, it may be easier to get the company to send you out to Las Vegas for a national session. Hit the books Bookshelves are teeming with books and periodicals that can help your professional development. More often than not, you simply have to look best-seller list to find a handful of the most current business and professionally focused reading material to peruse. Another idea is to specifically identify an area you would like to work on and select a book that addresses that subject. Reading one book per month will greatly improve your knowledge and your professional skills. Many of these books are relatively easy reading, and don’t feel discouraged if some of the material is not immediately processing or if you are struggling to apply the new techniques at work. Situations will arise, weeks or months after reading the book, to trigger the knowledge. It’s also wise to not force your new knowledge into work situations. In most cases, even though you are excited to apply the fruits of your reading, when the application is forced, you may take actions that you don’t fully understand, which is bad. Additionally, it may bother people, especially when they see you reading a book and a week later you are spewing quotes as if you are the new master of all. Finally, consider subscribing to a couple of special-interest trade magazines or journals that fit the bill - they often provide consistent reading and are a great source for professional development ideas. professional prosperity Honing your professional skills and abilities is not a task to be taken lightly. It will most likely come with big time commitment and some financial expense. But if you are serious about positioning yourself for greater and more lucrative opportunities in the workplace, it is critical to become the proverbial jack-of-all-trades. As your knowledge base expands, opportunities to run and manage upper-level projects should become more frequent and more successful. (Source : askmen.com)
Ask The Expert Oleh:
Pamelia Yulianto, SH, M.Law (Konsultan HKI 0401-2010) ipconsultant.pamelia@gmail.com
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Any process worth going through will get tougher before it gets easier. That’s what makes learning a gift, even though pain is your teacher QUOTES
Mengapa merek dagang atau jasa harus didaftarkan ke kantor merek? Merek, seperti halnya nama kita, adalah suatu tanda/identitas si pemilik. Namun bedanya, merek akan diakui sebagai identitas dan sah mendapatkan perlindungan dari Negara HANYA apabila merek tersebut didaftarkan. Karena berdasarkan UndangUndang Merek Nomor 15 Tahun 2001, Indonesia menganut sistem konstitutif, yaitu hak pemilik merek baru akan muncul setelah merek tersebut terdaftar dalam Daftar Umum Merek (Pasal 3). Dengan kata lain, pemakaian semata tanpa pendaftaran tidak akan memperoleh perlindungan Negara terhadap pihak lain yang menggunakan merek yang sama, mirip, dan/atau tidak memiliki daya pembeda dengan merek kita (Pasal 5 dan Pasal 6). Apa akibatnya apabila kita lalai tidak mendaftarkan merek tersebut? Kerugian yang utama adalah adanya kemungkinan omzet penjualan yang menurun apabila muncul pihak lain yang berjualan barang/jasa yang sama dengan nama yang sama atau mirip dengan milik kita. Selain itu apabila ternyata barang 'palsu' tersebut kualitasnya lebih rendah dari kualitas barang/jasa kita, tentu citra barang/ jasa yang telah kita bangun ikut menjadi rusak. Kemudian, apabila ternyata pihak lain tersebut mengajukan pendaftaran merek dan dikabulkan, maka ia akan berhak untuk meminta kita menghentikan pemakaian merek yang sebenarnya secara de facto telah kita gunakan sejak lama. Bila hal ini benar-benar terjadi kerugian secara finansial lainnya jelas akan dialami, mulai dari kemasan yang telah dicetak dan menjadi sia-sia, harus sosialisasi merek baru, dan lain sebagainya. Apa proses yang harus ditempuh agar merek bisa terdaftar dalam Daftar Umum Merek RI? Ada beberapa hal yang harus disiapkan berkaitan dengan proses pendaftaran merek, antara lain sebagai berikut: 1. Penelusuran Merek, gunanya untu mengetahui apakah ada barang/jasa sejenis yang namanya sama, mirip, mendekati atau tidak memiliki daya pembeda dengan merek yang akan kita daftarkan 2. Menyediakan fotokopi KTP (apabila akan didaftarkan atas nama perorangan) 3. Menyediakan fotokopi KTP Direktur Utama, Akta PT/CV dan perubahan-perubahannya, yang telah dilegalisir oleh Notaris yang bersangkutan, NPWP Direktur Utama dan NPWP PT/CV (apabila akan didaftarkan atas nama badan hukum) 4. Melampirkan Surat Pernyataan bermaterai Rp 6.000 yang isinya menyatakan bahwa merek yang hendak didaftarkan adalah sungguh milik kita 5. Mengisi Formulir Pendaftaran Merek Sebaiknya dalam pengajuan pendaftaran merek diwakilkan oleh kuasa, yang dalam hal ini merupakan seorang konsultan Hak Kekayaan Intelektual terdaftar. Karena konsultan tersebut dapat membantu dalam pemilihan kategori pendaftaran yang paling tepat untuk memperoleh perlindungan optimal, dan apabila merek tersebut mendapat teguran atau penolakan, konsultan HKI dapat membantu membuatkan surat jawaban yang tepat.
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Beer & Cheese Combinations As a partner with cheese, beer rarely lets us down. In fact, many cheese enthusiasts suggest that beer is actually a better match for cheese than wine is, if for no other reason than the fact that it takes very little knowledge of either to make a great pairing. Experts actually say that it’s difficult to make an awful pairing out of beer and cheese, while the same cannot be said for wine. There are a few reasons why beer and cheese are so good together. First, beer experts point to the fact that both products trace their roots back to the farm, where women would traditionally make both in large quantities. And if the classic rule for pairing wine and food is to match the wine with a food from that region, then beer takes things further by being even more local. Second, both are the product of a fermentation process - cheese produces acid, beer; alcohol -which makes them a strong pairing. Finally, and this theory is a bit more tenuous, both originate from the grain, although linking cheese to grain via grazing animal is a bit of a stretch. All in all, the flavors in beer tend to match those in cheeses - think of a nutty, aged gouda paired with a nice stout. These are tastes not normally found in wine where experts attempt to pair based on contrast and not complements. The other thing to consider is the contrast of a nice fizzy drink with a rich fatty cheese. Beer cleanses the palette between bites and makes for a refreshing break. The only downside to pairing beer and cheese, a beer aficionado will tell you, is that the cheese residue on your lips will often crash the head of the beer. We’ve compiled a list of a few basic beer and cheese pairings to get you started. These aren’t the only great pairings out there,
but they’ll do to set you off on the right track. Cheddar with india pale ale The idea here is to match the robust hops in an IPA or an extraspecial bitter with the sharpness of the cheese. Mozzarella with wheat beer The rule here is light and fresh. Both the cheese and the beer should be kept as light as possible so think about a Hefeweizen or other light-bodied wheat beer like Bavarian-style Weissbier and witbier (Flemish white beer) or even a pilsner (German pale ale). Our pick is Oregon’s Widmer Brothers’ Widmer Hefeweizen and a creamy buffalo milk mozzarella. Gouda with low-hop beers Because these cheeses are usually cured with brine, beer or wine, we want a milder beer to complement. Best here are lowhop beers such as English brown ales or amber ales. We like Newcastle Brown Ale to match a nice nutty gouda. Blue cheese with dark beer A strong, sharp cheese needs a strong beer to support it and that’s why we like stronger porters or stouts to match a nice, stinky piece of blue cheese. On the subject of blue cheeses, Brooklyn Brewery's brewmaster Garrett Oliver says "I tend to go for stronger beers, beer with some residual sugar, like strong stouts and barley wines. I'm a big fan of port, but a nice aged barley wine and Stilton disappear into each other. It's a really beautiful match." Old
Foghorn Barleywine Style Ale or Moylan's Barleywine Style Ale are two winners with a nice crumbly blue. Brie with European lager Since brie and other soft cheeses with bloomy rinds often have low taste profiles, they need a mellow beer to complement. That’s why we like European lagers in this pairing. Try a Belgian-style Saison such as Ommegang Hennepin. Because soft cheeses are a natural match with fruit, the more adventurous may want to match a dry fruit beer like a cherry beer. a match made in heaven So there you have it, a few natural cheese and beer matches that are perfect pairings. Again, unlike with wine, the possibilities for a great cheese and beer pairing are nearly endless. Forget what the experts say - what’s most pleasing on your tongue is always what makes the best pairing! (Source : askmen.com)
MASA DEPAN YANG LEBIH CERAH BAGI PENYU LAUT DI PANTAI KUTA Ribuan orang berkumpul mendukung dibukanya Konservasi Penyu Laut Pantai Kuta (KBSTC) di Pantai Kuta. Anak Agung Gde Agung selaku Bupati Badung sebagai tamu kehormatan, disambut oleh pembaca acara Tipi Jabrik dalam acara pembukaan yang juga mendapat dukungan dari berbagai pemuka masyarakat setempat. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia dan Quiksilver Indonesia yang bersamasama telah melakukan Bali Beach Clean-Up, kembali menunjukkan dukungannya terhadap komunitas dengan membangun konservasi berbentuk penyu raksasa dimana telur-telur penyu laut jenis Olive Ridley diletakkan selama masa pengeraman. Pantai yang kini sangat sibuk dilalui manusia membuat ProFauna Indonesia dan Satgas Pantai Kuta memindahkan telur-telur tersebut dari sarang, segera setelah penyu laut betina meletakkan telur-telurnya, ke dalam fasilitas baru ini. Usaha penyelamatan ini telah dimulai sejak tahun 2002 dari lubang pasir sederhana yang berhasil menjadi tempat konservasi sebenarnya dengan fasilitas sarang yang terlindung. Upaya ini berhasil karena sejak tahun 2002 hingga 2009, 12 ribu tukik atau bayi penyu laut telah dikembalikan ke alam bebas. Di tahun 2010, hanya tiga bulan sejak musim bertelur, 6444 telur
penyu laut telah dikumpulkan dan 874 tukik telah dikembalikan ke habitatnya pada hari yang sama mereka menetas. Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia dan Quiksilver Indonesia yakin bahwa upaya mereka selama ini akan membawa perubahan signifikan. “Sejak Juni tahun 2008, kami telah membersihkan pantai-pantai utama di Bali dengan mempekerjakan 74 orang, menyediakan infrastruktur pendukung seperti traktor, trailer, truk pengangkut sampah dan tempat sampah. Hasilnya adalah pantai yang bersih dan nyaman walaupun pada akhirnya akan lebih bagus bila kita semua mau mengambil bagian dalam tanggung jawab ini dengan tidak membuang sampah di pasir, sungai atau laut. “Perusahaan kami dapat membantu Pak Agung dan Pak Wayan untuk menyelamatkan penyu laut tetapi pada dasarnya kita semua harus bekerjasama untuk menyelamatkan lingkungan kita untuk masa depan kita,” ujar Bruce Waterfield, Direktur Business Services CocaCola Amatil Indonesia.
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
If you are what you eat, I only want to eat the good stuff
Look for the next issue Wednesday 11th August 2010 Deadline for the designs : Thursday 5th August 2010
Deadline for the contracts : Monday 2nd August 2010
For ad placement : T. +62 22 2031734, 2034336, 91109109 F. +62 22 2034264
Popular Types of Coffee
For over a thousand years, humankind has been perfecting the art of making and drinking coffee. From the first goat herder who is said to have begun dancing with his animals after eating the mysterious red berry, to the modern-day commuter savoring a wake-up cup of java, the magical coffee bean has become both an addictive necessity and a welcome treat. Luckily for North Americans, the world's best beans are now readily available here and coffee preparation has become an art form. No longer satisfied with the swill that once passed for coffee, java junkies are experimenting with all sorts of variations of their favorite booster beverage. Here's a look at seven of the more popular coffee drinks available at most discriminating coffee houses, and how to best enjoy them. Espresso Espresso is a strong black coffee made by forcing steam through dark-roast aromatic coffee beans at high pressure in an espresso machine. A perfectly brewed espresso will have a thick, goldenbrown crema (foam) on the surface. If the crema is good, the sugar you add will float on the surface for a couple of seconds before slowly sinking to the bottom. Espresso is the foundation for a wide variety of specialty coffee drinks, such as the cappuccino, but many aficionados and purists insist that adding anything (besides a bit of sugar) is blasphemy, akin to Scotch lovers mixing their single malt with Coke. How to have it: Espresso should be taken either on its own or with a small teaspoon of sugar. Having it "short" means that it has less water and is therefore more concentrated, and "long" conversely uses more water and does not taste as strong. Give it a twist: Adding a dollop of steamed milk creates an espresso macchiato ("macchiato" means stained or marked). Topping an espresso with whipped cream makes it an espresso con panna. Espresso corretto (which translates to "corrected") is made by adding a splash of grappa, cognac or sambuca. Cappuccino This hugely popular coffee drink has become a staple that even the most common of corner coffee shops carries (or at least a version of it). A true cappuccino is a combination of equal parts espresso, steamed milk and milk froth. This luxurious drink, if made properly, can double as a dessert with its complex flavors and richness. How to have it: It is common to sprinkle your cappuccino froth with a bit of unsweetened cocoa powder or grated dark chocolate. Give it a twist: Asking for your cap "scuro" (dark) means you want less milk than usual, while "chiaro" (light) means you want more. Iced cappuccino makes a great summer drink, and a "skinny" cappuccino is made with skim or nonfat milk.
Americano An Americano is a single shot of espresso added to a cup of hot water. The name is thought to have originated as a bit of an insult to Americans, who had to dilute their espresso when it first gained popularity on this side of the pond. Many coffee houses have perfected it, however, and the result has become a creamy, rich espresso-based coffee that you can sip and savor before jumping on your Vespa and heading to the soccer field. How to have it: Many like to drink it as they would their regular brewed coffee, with milk and/or sugar, but connoisseurs suggest keeping milk to a minimum to get the most flavor from the espresso. Give it a twist: Americano is not commonly taken with a twist, but having it "iced" is a great treat on a hot day. Caffe Latte A caffe latte is a single shot of espresso to three parts of steamed milk. How to have it: Sugar your latte to taste and discover the wonderful world of dipping. Cookies, sponge-type cake slices and even fresh Italian bread can transform your coffee into a breakfast that even my nonna (grandmother) would approve of. Give it a twist: Not commonly taken with a twist. Caf au Lait This traditional French drink is similar to a caffe latte except that it is made with brewed coffee instead of espresso, in a 1:1 ratio with steamed milk. It is considered a weaker form of caffe latte. How to have it: Sugar to taste, and it is also great for dipping. Give it a twist: Not commonly taken with a twist. Caf Mocha (Mochachino) This is a cappuccino or a caffe latte with chocolate syrup or powder added. There can be wide variations in exactly how this is prepared, so ask your coffee house how they do it before you order. How to have it: Like your "cap," you can top it with cocoa powder or grated chocolate. Give it a twist: Garnish with whipped cream. Caramel Macchiato This is another variation that is prepared in a number of ways by different coffee houses. The most common method is combining espresso, caramel and foamed milk, though some use steamed milk. Often, vanilla is added to provide extra flavor. How to have it: You can add sugar, but taste it first, as it may be sweet enough as is. Give it a twist: Drizzled with caramel sauce, of course. This highly addictive drink needs nothing else to make it a heavenly java experience. drink up Instead of standing in line or waiting at a drivethrough for a production-line brewed coffee a la "double-double" variety, why not treat yourself to a more enriching and luxurious coffee experience? (Source : askmen.com)
IARESEEK YOU YOU ALL ALONE ? LOOKING FOR A FRIEND... A COMPANION... MR RIGHT... MISS PERFECT... A SOULMATE OR MAYBE JUST A PEN FRIEND ? Pria 44 tahun China Kristen mencari gadis / janda menarik, serius, hub: 0852 2009 8416
ONLY RP. 7.500,-/ LINE. MIN. 2 LINES, MAX 10 LINES. ALL ADS WILL BE PUBLISHED IN THE NEXT ISSUE Please apply together with your ID (ID card, driving license, etc)
07 / Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Mengapa kita makan? Apakah kita makan hanya karena kita lapar, atau kita makan untuk alasan lain? Bahkan, keinginan untuk makan bukan hanya diatur karena lapar, tetapi ada banyak faktor lainnya yang mendorong kita untuk makan. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kita makan, perilaku yang pada akhirnya menentukan apakah kita makan untuk hidup atau hidup untuk makan.
Makanan Sehat Tanpa MSG, Bisakah Tetap Enak? Untuk mengisi akhir pekan atau masa liburan seperti bulan Juli ini, mungkin Anda beserta keluarga atau sahabat memilih untuk berwisata kuliner, menikmati masakan-masakan lezat dengan segala ragamnya. Anda punya restoran favorit? Atau ada menu favorit yang sudah Anda bayangbayangkan kelezatannya? Atau Anda lebih suka mencoba jenis makanan baru—bertualang dengan rasa? Di tengah perburuan dan pada saat menikmati makanan tersebut, mungkin Anda menyadari, mungkin juga tidak, ada satu unsur dalam makanan Anda yang bisa mengancam kesehatan Anda: Monosodium Glutamat (MSG), atau yang lebih populer dengan nama “vetsin”. Di kebanyakan tempat makan, koki membubuhkan MSG dalam hampir semua masakan. Penggunaan MSG menjadi hal yang lazim, dan penikmat makanan mungkin telah mengkonsumsinya dalam kadar yang cukup besar. Sebetulnya, apa sih MSG itu? Orang awam memahami MSG atau vetsin sebagai penyedap rasa pada masakan, tetapi tidak memahami dengan pasti zat yang terkandung di dalamnya. Menurut Billy N.S., seorang dokter dan pengelola situs KonsulSehat. web.id, MSG terbuat dari fermentasi gula atau tepung (karbohidrat). Dalam label di kemasan makanan, MSG sering disebut dengan nama yang berbeda: glutamat, calcium caseinate, yeast extract, hydrolyzed protein, textured protein, atau gelatino. Efek MSG pada tubuh Anda MSG dicurigai memiliki efek negatif untuk tubuh manusia. Dokter Billy N.S. memaparkan bahwa MSG masih aman dikonsumsi dalam jumlah yang wajar bagi orang yang tidak alergi atau sensitif. WHO menyarankan asupan maksimal MSG untuk orang dewasa (asumsi berat badan 50 kg.) adalah sekitar 10 gram/hari. Pada orang-orang yang sensitif/alergi terhadap MSG, akan muncul beberapa gejala yang tidak diinginkan saat memakan makanan yang banyak mengandung MSG, misalnya nyeri kepala, perasaan badan panas seperti terbakar, keringat berlebih, wajah terasa tegang, denyut jantung cepat, sesak nafas, dan mual. Mereka yang alergi/sensitif terhadap MSG sebaiknya menghindari asupan MSG. Mereka yang memiliki tekanan darah tinggi sebaiknya sangat membatasi penggunaan MSG karena Natrium dalam MSG dapat mengakibatkan kenaikan tekanan darah. Tekanan darah yang tinggi dapat menyebabkan stroke, penyakit jantung, dan sebagainya. Selain itu, MSG dicurigai, jika digunakan dalam jumlah banyak dan waktu lama, dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan sistem saraf secara perlahan (jangka panjang). MSG pun dihubungkan dengan peningkatan berat badan dan kegemukan, mungkin karena makanan yang semakin gurih/lezat akibat MSG, sehingga nafsu makan meningkat dan makan lebih banyak. Makanan tanpa MSG: pilihan sehat tapi masihkah enak? Setelah mengetahui resiko konsumsi MSG terhadap kesehatan, tentu kita sekarang berusaha untuk membatasi asupannya seminim mungkin. Masalahnya, bagi yang ingin membatasi asupan MSG, acara “makan di luar” menjadi agak repot karena pilihan tempat makan yang bebas MSG masih sedikit. Belum lagi adanya keraguan: bisakah makanan tanpa MSG selezat yang ber-MSG? Salah satu tempat makan di Bandung yang berkomitmen untuk tidak menggunakan MSG dalam semua hidangannya adalah salah satu restoran yang berlokasi di Ciwaruga, dan cabangnya di Mall Istana Plaza. Inisiator kebijakan “non-MSG” ini adalah Executive Chef, Bapak Wildan Sukirdan, yang juga pernah menjadi konsultan gizi di sebuah rumah sakit khusus jantung di Jakarta. Bapak Sukirdan memandang bahwa restoran dan para chef/koki bertanggung jawab kepada para
konsumennya untuk menyajikan makanan yang bukan hanya lezat, tetapi juga sehat. Ini merupakan sebuah tanggung jawab moral. Lebih jauh lagi, Bapak Sukirdan ingin agar para konsumen mendapatkan kesadaran tentang pola makan sehat dan pilihan-pilihan makanan sehat. Masakan tanpa MSG adalah satu pilihan yang sehat. Menjawab pertanyaan apakah makanan tanpa MSG bisa terasa lezat, Bapak Sukirdan menegaskan “bisa”. MSG memang berfungsi menguatkan rasa, tetapi cita rasa yang dibuatnya sesungguhnya dapat diciptakan dengan bahan-bahan yang alami. Kuncinya ada dalam ketelitian dan ketekunan dalam meramu bahanbahan alami tersebut untuk mendapatkan suatu standar cita rasa yang tinggi. Trik-trik mencipta kelezatan alami à la chef Sebagai Executive Chef yang berpegang pada prinsipnya untuk menyajikan makanan lezat juga sehat, Bapak Sukirdan telah menerapkan cara-cara alami untuk mengolah bahan-bahan yang juga alami, untuk menciptakan cita rasa yang tidak kalah lezatnya dengan masakan berMSG. Beliau berbagi beberapa trik, diantaranya : • Membuat kaldu ayam dan kaldu sapi dari daging pilihan dan segar, yang kemudian disimpan (preserve) untuk digunakan sebagai penguat rasa dalam berbagai masakan (termasuk dalam tumis-tumisan). • Menggunakan rempat-rempah alami untuk memperkaya aroma. • Menggunakan campuran garam dan gula untuk membuat cita rasa gurih. • Berkreasi dengan campuran telur dan garam, yang juga memberikan cita rasa gurih. • Menggunakan minyak zaitun (olive oil) yang sehat karena lemaknya tidak jenuh, dan secara alami berasa lezat. Trik-trik sederhana ini dapat dengan mudah Anda terapkan juga di rumah. Beberapa pilihan tempat makan non-MSG di Bandung Anda tetap ingin makan di luar, tapi juga ingin tetap makan sehat dan lezat? Memang belum banyak restoran yang menerapkan kebijakan “non-MSG” dalam menunya, tetapi jika Anda berada di Bandung, selain The Peak Resort Dining dan The Peak Urbana, Anda dapat mencoba beberapa restoran berikut (dari survei lapangan, RestoDB.com, dan Momenku.com): Soup n’ Soup di foodcourt beberapa mall di Bandung (BTC, BEC, Paskal Hypersquare), yang menyajikan masakan serba sup dengan bahan utama iga dan buntut sapi; Sierra Café & Lounge di daerah Dago, menyediakan masakan Chinese, Indonesia, Jepang, Thailand, dan Eropa; Vienna Resto & Lounge di Sukajadi, menyediakan masakan Chinese, Indonesia, Jepang, Korea, Thailand, Amerika, Australia, dan Italia; Restoran Beranda di daerah Lembang, yang spesialnya adalah bekakak ayam, nasi timbel, dan nasi goreng; Blackpepper Resto & Kafe di daerah Dago, dengan menu spesial steak dan nasi gulai. Jika hidup sehat memang merupakan prioritas, tentu Anda akan melakukan apa pun untuk memastikan Anda mendapatkannya. Kabar baiknya bagi kita semua adalah tidak perlu lagi ada dilema antara “sehat” dan “lezat”. Jika sempat ada anggapan bahwa makanan sehat pasti tidak lezat, dan makanan lezat pasti tidak sehat, maka sekarang anggapan itu bisa ditinggalkan. Selamat berlibur, Selamat bertualang rasa, dengan pilihan-pilihan yang lebih sehat. (Rusmi Simbolon)
Cara Sederhana Mengubah Pola Makan Ada banyak teori mengenai cara mengubah pola makan. Konsep diet yang kita kenal saja bermacam-macam, ada diet rendah karbo, diet makanan mentah, diet Atkins, diet Mediterrania, dan lain sebagainya. Padahal, untuk mengubah pola makan sebenarnya bisa dimulai dari hal-hal kecil. Perubahan kebiasaan makan yang sederhana ini lama-kelamaan akan memperbaiki kondisi kesehatan Anda dalam jangka panjang. Coba trik berikut. 1. Hindari terlalu sering mengocok botol garam untuk mengeluarkan isinya lebih mudah dari lubanglubangnya. Satu kocokan bisa mengeluarkan 1/2 gram garam. Jika Anda mengurangi kocokan
tersebut (biasanya karena garam menggumpal di sekitar lubang-lubang botolnya) Anda bisa menghemat 3,5 gram garam seminggu. Jika tidak, rata-rata Anda akan mengkonsumsi 9 gr garam sehari. Hal ini berarti melebihi asupan harian yang disarankan, yaitu 6 gram sehari. Penelitian menunjukkan, dengan menurunkan asupan garam 3 gram sehari cukup memicu penurunan tekanan darah, risiko stroke hingga 13 persen, dan penyakit jantung hingga 10 persen. 2. Berapa sendok teh gula Anda tambahkan dalam teh atau kopi? Rata-rata orang menambahkan dua sendok teh gula, tapi coba kurangi menjadi satu sendok teh saja. Dengan cara ini Anda menghemat 30 gram gula sehari (jika Anda minum enam cangkir sehari). Itu hampir sama dengan menghemat 11 kg gula setahun. Satu sendok teh gula mengandung 15 kalori, yang dalam setahun bisa mencapai 32.000 kalori. 3. Ingin tahu bagaimana makan enak dan kenyang, tapi tetap sehat? Isi piring makan Anda setengahnya dengan sayuran, kemudian isi setengahnya lagi (masing-masing seperempat) dengan nasi dan daging, telur, atau tahu-tempe. Membatasi jumlah nasi (atau karbohidrat lain) seperti ini bisa memotong asupan kalori hingga 200 kalori (400 kalori untuk 250 gram nasi, jika dibandingkan dengan 200 kalori dalam porsi sedang).
07 / Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Why You Should Try New Food Here's a scene you've probably encountered: You're out with a group of friends and new acquaintances for dim sum, thinking about how great the shrimp dumplings look -- what a great hangover food, this is gonna be ace! -- when the cute blond gal across the table decides to just order for everyone because, heck, she picked up a little Mandarin on summer vacation. Then, the chicken feet come out, followed by tripe, and things begin to look pretty grim. You like what you know, what tastes good, what's reliable. Don't get labeled a wuss First the bad news: Your reluctance to try strange, even unsettling foods makes you look like a baby. Sure, the recession ushered in the designer burger and brick oven pizza back into popularity in some of the country's trendiest restaurants, but that doesn't give you the green light to skip the weird stuff when it's on the menu, even if that means eating a bird’s nest or a whale anus. The truth hurts, and yeah, it might hurt your intestines for an hour or two, but you’ll live. The first and most fundamental reason to try new foods is the thrill of the unknown. When it comes to eating, it's basically a low-risk and high-reward scenario: The worst that happens is you eat something disgusting and feel like you may vomit; more likely, you enjoy something new and share an adventure with your friends. You also build up a tolerance for surprise and sensory shock -- you prepare yourself for that unexpected situation when you don't have the luxury to choose what you eat, like on an exotic vacation or if your plane crashes. The food poisoning argument Don't bother with the food poisoning argument -- it's a total cop-out. Foodborne illness is typically a result of unhygienic conditions or improper handling, which is more likely to occur in a fast food
joint where employees don't have a stake in the cuisine than in a family-owned hole-in-the-wall in Chinatown. What we’re saying is, the chances of getting sick from steer testicles are probably no greater than eating your average cut of steak. Besides, if you're a strapping AM reader who exercises and takes care of himself, a minor case of food poisoning will make you violently ill for a few days and you'll be tougher for it. It's time to grow up Being flexible and adventurous in what you eat is a mark of maturity and adaptability. Children are particular about what they eat and might lie about having allergies to foods they don't like; a man doesn’t do that. And think about the older men you know: They start to get set in their ways as time goes on, sticking to the same routines and eating the same things. That may be you one day, so embrace your prime years by saying yes to everything. (And not just food. Say yes to going out with people you don't know, to places you've never been and to trying things you’ve been told are lame or dangerous.) Women -- the kind of women you want -- are attracted to guys with a sense of adventure, so, don't wait for somebody else to suggest the kidney special. new food is just the beginning It's not just about the food. The risks you take at the dinner table are extensions of the way you live. If you're uncomfortable trying new foods -- if you're not excited at the prospect, even -- then it probably says something about your sense of adventure and comfort with danger. We all had that buddy in college who ate a heaping spoonful of mayo (the kind that didn't need refrigeration) on a dare. Don't be that guy: It's not about doing something crazy at the drop of a hat. However, real men aren't afraid to put their gastronomical comfort on the line to try something new. Plus, you can always celebrate the conquest with shots. (Source: Askmen.com)
Mau Keluarga Sehat? Mulailah Belanja dengan Tepat! Studi mengatakan, rata-rata orang berbelanja makanan dan kebutuhan bulanan menghabiskan waktu setidaknya 26 menit berkeliling toko dan mengisi trolinya dengan rata-rata 61 jenis barang. Artinya, tak cukup waktu untuk membaca dan memperhatikan informasi nutrisi yang terdapat di balik kemasan. Apa yang harus dilakukan untuk memastikan belanjaan Anda cukup sehat untuk keluarga? 1. Siapkan daftar Langkah pertama, yang pasti sudah sering Anda dengar: siapkan menu untuk seminggu atau sebulan. Isi daftar tersebut dengan menu-menu makanan yang sehat. Lalu buat daftar belanjaan setelah Anda mengecek barang-barang apa saja yang sudah ada di lemari pendingin dan lemari penyimpanan makanan Anda. Jangan lupa untuk memanfaatkan masa-masa promosi di tokotoko hipermarket. 2. Mulailah berbelanja di lorong bahan makanan Isi troli belanjaan Anda dengan variasi makanan berwarna, kaya nutrisi, seperti buah-buahan dan sayuran. Bahan makanan semacam ini seharusnya mengisi setengah piring makan Anda (tanpa tambahan garam atau gula). Untuk camilan, bisa tambahkan buah beri di kereta belanjaan Anda.
3. Bagian susu Kebanyakan kita memerlukan 3 porsi produk susu rendah lemak atau tanpa lemak per hari. Dari yoghurt hingga keju, produk susu adalah sumber kalsium dan vitamin D yang amat baik. Plus, yoghurt rendah kalori akan menjadi camilan sehat di antara waktu sarapan dan makan siang, atau setelah makan malam. 4. Bagian daging-dagingan Pikirkan bahwa daging adalah bagian tambahan dari menu makan Anda. Hemat uang dan kalori dengan mengurangi pembelian daging, karena Anda sebenarnya hanya butuh makanan ini dalam porsi yang sedikit, bahkan hanya seukuran telapak tangan Anda saja. Pilih daging yang kulitnya sudah dibuang, atau ikan yang kaya asam lemak omega-3. 5. Biji-bijian Isi kereta belanjaan Anda dengan seral, biskuit, nasi merah, dan produk whole grain lainnya untuk keluarga Anda nikmati. Masukkan pula kacang polong kalengan, dan biji-bijian, yang merupakan sumber yang baik untuk protein dan serat tanpa lemak. Makanan kalengan biasanya tinggi sodium, jadi cari produk yang sudah dikurangi sodiumnya, atau tanpa tambahan garam. Anda
Lakukan hal ini setiap hari dan dalam dua minggu Anda telah mengurangi cukup banyak kalori (hampir 3.000 kalori) untuk menghilangkan 1/2 kg lemak tubuh. Pada saat yang sama, Anda juga meningkatkan asupan sayuran yang rendah kalori, tetapi menyehatkan. 4. Bagian paling enak dari ayam atau bebek goreng adalah kulitnya. Yum! Tapi kalau Anda membuang bagian kulit tersebut sebelum memakannya, Anda telah mengurangi 4 gram lemak. Mengurangi lemak jenuh seperti ini tidak hanya membantu Anda mengendalikan berat badan, tetapi juga membantu menurunkan kadar kolesterol (lemak jenuh akan menyumbat arteri) dan mengurangi risiko penyakit jantung. 5. Makan kentang goreng atau sosis tanpa sambal atau saus tomat, apa enaknya? Boleh saja sih, menambahkan saus tomat, tapi tuangkan kira-kira satu sendok makan saja di piring. Porsi ini maksimal mengandung 10 gram gula saja. Dengan mengurangi ukuran saji yang disarankan pada kemasan botolnya (15 gram atau dua sendok makan), Anda akan jauh mengurangi
bisa mengurangi kandungan sodium hingga 40 persen dengan mencuci biji-bijian tersebut sebelum diolah. 6. Makanan beku Makanan beku adalah pilihan yang efektif, bahkan kadang menyehatkan ketimbang makanan segar. Contohnya, sayuran yang dipetik saat baru matang dan langsung dibekukan. Bahan makanan seperti ini tidak kehilangan nutrisi kandungannya, malah sayuran yang segar bisa jadi sempat kehilangan kandungannya saat dalam perjalanan, atau saat disimpan di dalam lemari pendingin. Hemat uang dan kurangi sampah dengan selalu membeli sayuran beku dan buah yang tidak ditambahkan zat-zat lain. Jadikan lorong makanan beku menjadi pemberhentian terakhir saat Anda berbelanja, dan langsung pulang untuk disimpan di dalam freezer agar bahan makanan tersebut tidak rusak. Ingatlah, semua bahan makanan bisa jadi pilihan yang menyehatkan asal dikonsumsi dengan porsi yang terkendali, dan pastikan makanan camilan yang manis-manis tidak menggantikan makanan utama. (Sumber : female.kompas.com)
asupan gula yang tak perlu. Para ilmuwan memperkirakan, kita mengonsumsi 226 gram gula sehari. Itu artinya, empat kali lebih banyak daripada asupan yang diperbolehkan. Kelebihan gula ini bisa menyebabkan penambahan berat badan dan masalah kesehatan, seperti peningkatan risiko kanker, penyakit jantung, dan diabetes. 6. Masukkan lebih banyak bawang ke dalam masakan Anda. Satu bawang sebesar 80 gram yang kita konsumsi sama dengan mengonsumsi lima porsi buah dan sayuran. Padahal, makan tiga porsi buah dan sayuran sehari seperti yang disarankan saja buat kita sudah sulit. Untuk menambahkan asupan buah, tambahkan stoberi, potongan pisang, atau kismis ke dalam oatmeal. Menurut para ahli, menambahkan seporsi sayuran dalam sehari bisa mengurangi resiko kanker payudara hingga 21 persen. Sedangkan seporsi tambahan buah sehari mengurangi risikonya hingga 17 persen.
(Sumber : female.kompas.com)
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Minutes to Work Fashion
Follow These Easy Steps When Planning Your Work Attire When the alarm goes off in the morning, women are lucky if we can find our way to the coffee pot without injury. The only decision most women can make pre-sunrise is whether they want one spoon full of sugar or two in our coffee. Ever since grade school some of us are taught to pick out our outfit the night before, going to bed with peace of mind that we don’t have to make any outfit-threatening decisions the next morning. But we still don’t have hours to spend making a reasonable fashion choice in attire for the following day. Here are some tips for fussfree morning dressing. Finding Your Starter Piece Start with one article of clothing that you sure you want to be seen in the following day. Have it be a new pair of shoes, pants that finally fit again or a really pretty bracelet that has inspired you for some reason. Starting preparation on your outfit around this number one piece this can help narrow your choices and speed things up. Starting With Bottoms Up Unless your focal piece is a top or dress always start from the bottom, upwards. Select which style bottom you choice for the day a skirt, capri’s or maybe pants. Next is the color; if your shoes are black you obviously aren’t planning on wearing khaki. Try and spice things up though; pinstripe is always a great alternative. Go Bold and Bright Next is a blouse let’s presume
the outfit so far is black heels and pinstripe capris. It's professional, clean and simple now try and brighten things up. Remember, you are going to work so keep it professional. A solid color tank and matching cardigan is always pleasing. Try a lilac, soft pink or pale blue matching set. If you’re more daring, an intense red is always a sophisticated and classic choice. How to Spice Up Your Work Outfit This should be the fun part now accessories. Accessories are a great example of your personal style and taste. Feel free to mix and match; always wear something that makes you smile and is fun. Matching is always safe, silver or gold watch-stud earrings, a simple necklace and maybe one or two rings. If you don’t lean towards the safe side, try a set of bold bangle bracelets. Be sure that they don’t make a lot of noise, for that can be distracting at work. As for earrings, try a hoop or something with fashion-forward, maybe a colorful cluster of gemstones or a more playful design. Rings are a great expression too; try something that will have you smiling every time you look down at it. Now You're Prepared Having your outfit laid out ahead of time relieves plenty of unnecessary stress in the morning hours. A put-together look during the work day will help you feel better throughout your already stressful day. Always plan a simple backup outfit just in case of a last-minute spill or newfound rip. An effortless dress is stable back up plan – just in case. A look already put together will give you more time in the morning for important things – like breakfast! Also, try this regimen for dates, special events and so on; it's a quick, stresssaving process. (womens-work-wear.suite101.com)
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
HIJAB STYLE Dazzles World of Fashion Yet again, Sex and the City brings back the essence of fashion; newness in beauty. The exotic fascination from the middle east was highlighted this time on its sequel movie. Unfortunately, not only the sequel has significant error in linguistic, but also in fashion! There’s a scene where Miranda said “Aan Geeh means yes in arabic.” In fact ‘aan geeh’ is hindi, spoken by south asian Moslems. Another error in
the movie was the fashion. There was the blatant exposure of how moslem women were so oppressed and dressed in black boring niqab. The movie tried to show the new world of Middle East. However it failed to capture the recent newness of fashion in the middle east; the hijab style.
color tye died tunics with jeans or leggings – a shocking fashion idea considering most of local moslemahs wear modest and less attractive dress. “As long as the fabric is not transparent and not too tight, they’ll be right.” She opines that Islam is the only religion who has its own fashion rule. There are six designers in Asia whose clothes are covetable as Moslem wear right now: Dian Pelangi, Irna Mutiara, Itang Yunasz, Ashley Isham, Nurita Harith, and Tom Abang Saufi. From Indonesia, Dian Pelangi and Irna Mutiara switched the orthodox muslim look into the fresher one. The 18-years old Dian Pelangi set the trend of colourful tye dyed and funky dresses. Her covering the body dresses apparently are suitable for energetic girls and young women who would pair them with jeans. Irna Mutiara is absolutely the right choice for mature women for her streamline and elegant dresses whose ornaments speak subtle luxury. Hers are so modern, that with them you can even wear high heeled ankle boots! Last but not at least, the well known designer Itang Yunasz has recently launched his new moslem wear collection, ranged from very couture-like pieces into simpler yet pretty ones. Famous for his urban cocktail dresses, Singapore-born, London-based designer Ashley Isham is very hip back home in Singapore for the Moslem wear. Malaysian designer Tom Abang Saufi, who is well known for her batik dresses, said that there’s a tendency now for women to dress trendy while obeying the spiritual rule. Her clothes, ranging from abaya to burqa, are ornamented in exquisite
Fashion is, however, the way you live. As its part, style is a constant look that defines one personality. Hijab style is a modern manifestation of Moslem women dressing rule. It’s quite an entertaining challenge now for Moslem women to abide their spiritual law and look the moment as well. No more black long body covering niqab. Imagine a colorful headscarf paired with Burberry coat and bellbottom jeans. crystals and vibrant colors. As some country bans hijab and niqab (face covering veil) in public like in Singapore, the effort to keep the head covering was developed in to some chic bonnets, turban or stylish head scarf. The head scarf is the only thing that differs the Moslem and non Moslem. Hijab style is a new fashion. Designers in Europe and Asia however consider this Moslem women fashion revolution. As hijabstyle.com got international (the site’s writer has contributed to vogue.com), the Moslem wear has become certain part of global fashion. The US designers duo named Eva Khursid is one of the few global names who now creates euphoria of this current trend. In London, Sophia Kara and Sarah Elenany are two designers who provided loose and full edgy dresses in bold color. Dian Pelangi, a Moslem wear devoted designer from Indonesia who has showcased her collection in Egypt, changed the same old style moslem wear into the fresh one. She paired bright-
Modern Moslem women blend in cultural diversity yet speak of their personality. When it comes to fashion, they swipe the credit cards on the designer’s like Ashley Isham, Nurita Harith, and Tom Abang Saufi. They strut on Jimmy Choo toting Anteprima or Francesco Biasia bag. These women get the clothes dictated by trend but style them to match their hijab. Hijab style is very easy to acquire. What you need to know is just the principle of Moslem dressing as shariah told you. Dress to cover your body and head, not to wear transparent and skin tight dresses. So, if the world of fashion once is often associated to western capitalism (in a very bad way), think again. When some designers change the Moslem wear, it’s fun for women. But, does the change approved by Moslem law? That would be an interesting question to ask women to learn more about dressing in their Koran, and choose what is right. Muhammad Reza
Did you ever look in the mirror so long that your face doesn’t make sense anymore? It just becomes all these shapes. Just shapes not good or bad QUOTES
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SEMINAR 1. SERVICE EXCELLENCE Rabu, 14 Juni 2010, Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 2. POWERFUL BUSINESS NEGOTIATION SKILL Selasa, 20 Juli 2010, Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 3. MARKETING PLAN Rabu- Kamis, 21-22 Juli 2010, Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 4. CERTIFICATE IN BRAND OPERATION Selasa-Rabu, 27-28 Juli 2010, Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 5. INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION Kamis-Jumat, 29-30 Juli 2010, Pukul 09.00-17.00 WIB 6. MARKETING TO WOMAN Senin, 26 Juli 2010, Hotel Hilton Bandung, Pukul 13.30-21.30 WIB For further information and registration, please contact campus Markplus Institute of Marketing Jl. Terusan Dr. Ir. Sutami kav 7 - 8 Bandung T: (022) 2005 335, F: (022) 2005 337
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07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Mental health begins with physical health
STAY SHAPED AND HEALTHY ZEN METHODE EXERCISES (The Leg Muscles and Gluteus Exercise) How are you today? Do you feel fit? Stay shaped and healthy with zen methode exercises! The zen methode doesn’t require any dumbell to lift when you exercise. That means, the only weight you need is your own body. You can do this anywhere you want. You can do it at home or at the office. 1. Squat Squat traines your front thighs and the gluteus. a. Stand straight, firm the bossom and respire freely. Spread your legs as wide as your shoulder and fold your hands ahead to keep balance. b. Gradually, fold your knee until it’s as horizontal as the floor. Feel your front thighs and gluteus contracting. c. Hold the pose for about three seconds, and please stand back straight. Do the squat for three sets with ten repetitions. Don’t forget to rest for 15-30 seconds between sets exchange. 2. Lunge Lunge will firm your thighs and gluteus. a. Stand straight, put your hands aside to keep balance. b. Step your right leg ahead and fold as if you would sit on the bench. Your right thigh must be equivalent with the floor, while your left leg is positioned 30 degrees from the floor.
c. Get back to the previous position and now you exchange the step with your left leg. You can do the lunge in three sets of twelve repetitions each. 3. Skipping Skipping firms your legs, adds volume to your buttocks, burns some carbs and slim your waistline. Remember, don’t bend your body. 4. Jogging along the Stairs To walk or jog along the stairs would firm all the muscles. From the legs to the gluteus. Do it as much as you can. You can take the exercise as the cardio training, too. So, who says you have to exercise at the gym all the time? Muhammad Reza
5 Produk Yang Wajib Dibawa Saat Liburan Saat liburan bukan berarti Anda meninggalkan kosmetik. Tetap tampil cantik dalam perjalanan liburan membuat Anda menjadi pusat perhatian. Pilihlah produk kecantikan yang tepat saat liburan. Wajah tetap cantik dan menawan dengan 5 kosmetik berikut ini: Sunblock Sunblock menjadi barang wajib yang harus dipakai. Terik matahari yang menyengat kulit akan terlindungi oleh sunblock. Pilih sunblock dengan SPF 30 untuk melawan sengatan matahari pada siang hari. Bedak tabur Saat liburan beralihlah dengan memakai bedak tabur. Bedak ini memiliki tekstur ringan dan dapat
menyerap minyak pada kulit. Blush on cream Rona wajah dengan menggunakan blush on cream hasilnya lebih natural. Dengan kandungannya yang memiliki ekstra pelembab sehingga membuat wajah tetap sehat dan berseri natural di bawah terik sinar matahari. Waterproof mascara Jangan sampai saat Anda kepanasan dan berkeringat, maskara meleleh dan menodai wajah Anda. Waterproof maskara menjadi pilihan terbaik untuk membuat bulu mata tetap "on" di tengah liburan Anda. Lip gloss Lip gloss akan melembabkan bibir Anda dan akan memberikan sentuhan kilau. Sehingga penampilan segar dan seksi tetap Anda miliki saat liburan berlangsung. (Sumber: wolipop.com)
Take Your Breathe Away
You bend in to speak with a friend but she draws back slightly. Then it hits you - your breath smells. Bad breath, or halitosis, could be indicative of ailments such as sinus infections and periodontal or gum disease. However, it is more commonly caused by bacteria in the mouth. Dr. Sandra Chu, Director and Dental Surgeon, Pasific Healthcare Holdings, explains, “The mouth is filled with bacteria which live on food and release acids that cause tooth decay and bad breath” Everyone has this odour-inducing bacteria but you can keep your breath fresh with these tips: Sweet Breath Tip 1: Practise good oral hygiene Brush your teeth twice daily and floss at least once to keep bad breath away. Dr Chu adds, “Rinsing also helps but doesn’t replace flossing or brushing.” Or, brush on the go with Oral-B Brush-Upstextured wipes you fit on your finger to clean teeth. In addition, visit your dentist for regular cleaning to remove stains and calculus, the solidified dental plaque around teeth Sweet Breath Tip 2: Clean your Tongue Daily tongue cleaning effectively eliminates bad breath. Dr Chu says, “Tongue scraping helps remove accumulated dead cells on the tongue and attached bacteria. “ Studies show it reduce odour by 85 per cent, compared to 15 per cent with toothbrushing. You can buy a tongue scraper, or use a spoon (turned upside down), ice-cream stick, tongue depressor or your toothbrush. Insert as
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
far as you can in your mouth and scrape back to front several times. Sweet Breath Tip 3 : Drink Up When you’re dehydrated, you mouth produces less saliva. Bacteria thrive in the dry environment. You can also get a dry mouth when you breathe through it during exercise or a bout of cold. Strong medication and smoking cause a chronic dry mouth. So, drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Sipping tea also helps. Tea contains polyphenols which can slow bacteria growth, say University of Illinois researchers. In tests, tea was shown to hinder bacteria from producing smelly sulphur compounds even after 48 hours. Sweet Breath Tip 4 : Watch Your Diet Strong-smelling foods such as onions and garlic, and spicy foods cause bad breath. After such foods are digested and the pungent oils are absorbed into your blood, they are carried to your lungs and given off in your breath until the food is eliminated from your body. To freshen your breath, try chewing on parsley – it releases a sweet smell and stimulates saliva production. Fibrous foods like carrots and apples can rub over the back of the tongue and help clean off bacteria. Sweet Breath Tip 5 : Eat For Your Blood Type According to Dr. Sundardas DA, Clinical Director, Natural Therapies Center, taking foods that “Interfere with your blood type” can cause bad breath. He names bad breath triggers for the different blood groups : • type O : Avoid wheat, corn, lentils, cabbage and dairy products. • type A : Avoid mead, dairy, wheat, kidney and lima beans. • type AB: Avoid corn, chicken, kidney beans and buckwheat. (Source : Women’s Weekly - THE SINGAPORE)
Preventative medicine hasn’t anything to do with medicine at all. It’s concerned with conditions living conditions, hygiene, and common sense QUOTES
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
RESTAURANT / CAFE / BAKERY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Batagor Riri Jl. Burangrang No. 41 Bumbu Desa Jl. Pasirkaliki 160 Bandung • Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi 41 Eastern Istana Plaza Ground Floor B5-6 Jl. Pasirkaliki 121-123 Green Resort Jl. Sersan Bajuri - Lembang Kartika Sari Jl. Kebon Jukut No. 3 Kartika Sari Jl. Buah Batu No. 165 A Kartika Sari Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 85 Karya Umbi Jl. Cihampelas 186 O LALA Bistro Jl. Setiabudhi No. 56 Jl. Cihampelas (Premier Plaza) Prima Taste Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 145 Rasa Bakery Jl. Tamblong No. 15 Rumah Keboen Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 156 Riung Sari Restaurant Jl. L. L. R. E. Martadinata No. 22 Sari Sunda Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 86-88 Sindang Reret Group Jl. Surapati No 53 Bandung Sierra Jl. Bukit Pakar Timur No. 33 Starbucks Bandung Supermall Sweetheart Jl. R. E. Martadinata No. 140 Tomodachi Jl. Sukajadi No. 193 Telagasari Restaurant Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 269 - 275 The KIOSK Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda No. 48, Braga CityWalk Torigen Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 55
Blossom Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 112 Mode Plus Jl. Setiabudhi No. 41F The Summit Jl. L. L. R. E. Martadinata No. 61
Papaya Fresh & Gallery Jl. Sukajadi, Bandung Riau Junction Jl. L.L.R.E Martadinata No. 17-21 Setiabudhi Supermarket Jl. Setiabudhi No. 42 - 46
HOTEL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Aston Bandung @ Braga City Walk Jl. Braga No. 99 - 101 d'Batoe Hotel J. Pasir Kaliki No. 78 Bandung Grand Pasundan Hotel Jl. Peta (Lingkar Selatan) No. 147 - 149 Grand Hotel Preanger Jl. Asia Afrika No. 81 Grand Hotel Lembang Jl. Raya Lembang No. 272 Horizon Hotel Jl. Pelajar Pejuang 45 No. 121 Hotel Panghegar Jl. Merdeka No. 2 Jayakarta Hotel Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 381 Novotel Bandung Jl. Cihampelas No. 23 Putri Gunung Jl. Raya Tangkuban Perahu KM 16 - 17, Lembang Sari Ater Hot Spring Resort Jl. Raya Ciater Subang Summer Hill Jl. Setrasari Raya No. 10 Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 390 Savoy Homann Bidakara Hotel Jl. Asia Afrika No. 112 The Ardjuna Boutique Hotel & Spa Jl. Ciumbuleuit No. 152 The Luxton Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 18
OTHERS • • • • • • •
Bandung Giri Gahana Golf & Resort Jl. Jatinangor, Desa Cikeruh KM 20 Sumedang Batununggal Indah Club Jl. Batununggal Indah II No. 70 Bandung Dago Endah Golf Lapangan Golf Dago Atas No. 78 Bandung Everyday Spa Jl. Aceh No. 66 Bandung Saung Angklung Udjo Jl. Padasuka No. 118 Bandung Seni Abadi Jl. Wastukencana No. 87 Bandung Melinda Hospital Jl. Pajajaran No. 46 Bandung
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Bandung Husein Sastranegara, Jl. Pajajaran, Bandung Jakarta Batavia Lounge Internasional Departure Terminal 2D & 2E, Soekarno Hatta Airport Medan Toba Lounge, Internasional Departure Terminal, Polonia Airport Samasir Lounge, Domestic Departure Terminal, Polonia Airport Denpasar Dewa Lounge, Internasional Departure Terminal, Ngurah Rai Airport SanurLounge,InternasionalDepartureTerminal,Ngurah Rai Airport Manado Bunaken Lounge, Departure Terminal, Sam Ratulangi Airport Makasar Toraja Lounge, Departure Terminal, Hasanudin airport Balikpapan Mahakam Lounge, Departure Terminal, Sepinggan Airport Padi Lounge, Departure Terminal, Sepinggan Airport Semarang Srikandi Lounge, Departure Terminal, Ahmad Yani Airport Yogyakarta Borobudur Lounge, Departure Terminal, Adisucipto Airport Solo Sriwedari Lounge, Departure Terminal, Adisumarmo Airport Kendari Cip Lounge, Departure Terminal, Wolter Mongonsidi Airport Timika Moses Kilangan Lounge, Departure Terminal, Moses Kilangan Airport
Being a Solo Traveler When it comes to traveling, sometimes taking a journey alone can be great. Traveling solo allows for a time of introspection, relaxation and self-discovery, where you can take the time to absorb the finer things the world has to offer. The independence gained by vacationing alone allows for the opportunity to experience your choice destination exactly the way you want. Of course, there are some potential troubles you could encounter if you are not cautious. So, in order to make your solo trip one to remember, here's how you can properly prepare for it and take off with confidence. planning your trip Plan of action Along with securing your accommodations, prepare an itinerary for each day before you leave. This plan should include everything from visiting all the famous landmarks to some relaxation time, which is essential since you'll likely be walking for miles in your comfortable shoes (invest in a good pair, it will pay off ). As great as organization is, however, you may, at times, deviate from your plan so leave room for some spontaneity on your trip. Herein lies the beauty of traveling alone: You are your own master, and while preparation is key, there is always room to go nuts. important info prior to takeoff One of the hardest parts of traveling in general is
coming up with a list of what you'll need to bring with you (or leave behind). Thinking of these all-important items you should pack becomes all the more difficult (and necessary) when you have no one else to rely on. Carry a dictionary If you're heading to a foreign country, don't leave home without a bilingual dictionary. Although a strong grasp of Czech will prove quite difficult, it is still important to learn phrases like "thank you," "hello," "please," and "goodbye," in case you're in a bind. Make copies of documents Make a copy of all essential travel documents such as your passport and health insurance to leave behind with someone you trust, in the event of an emergency. Bring a credit card Along with cash, bring a credit card as an emergency method of payment and make sure to take note of your credit card company's customer service line in case of loss or theft. That way, you can cancel your card immediately and have a new one delivered to you while you are still on your trip (if possible). Pack pleasure items A book to enjoy on a train ride or on the beach, a journal to record your experiences and maps to educate yourself on the layout of the area (you can get these from a tourism bureau) can make a world of a difference. With these things in mind and a positive mindset, you are now officially ready to jet set on your own. finally there You've taken the big step, said goodbye to family and friends, endured a long plane ride, and are finally in the place you dreamed of visiting... until now. You might be quite overwhelmed by your new surroundings, but there are ways to control
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
these feelings of overstimulation. Big sights first One way is to get the big sights out of the way. In this case, and assuming you're still in the Czech Republic, you can visit the Prague Castle and Hradcany area during the initial days of your trip to ensure that there will be room to explore lesserknown gems in the remaining days or weeks of your stay. Blend in Having educated yourself before leaving (right?) and walking with a confident stride will help you blend in with the locals, furthering your appreciation of the trip. Instead of being an outsider looking in, try to transform yourself into a relaxed traveler who is not deterred by minor setbacks, such as long lines at the train station or delays in visiting hours of certain landmarks. If you planned accordingly, then you can afford to "waste" time at the busy tourist hotspots. Besides, you're on vacation, and you have nowhere to be. Take your time Another benefit of traveling alone is the ability to explore museums and engage in other time-consuming activities at your own leisure. There is no pressure to rush through exhibits or cut the visit short; pace yourself and take in the masterpieces, whether you're an art lover or novice admirer. getting around Make an effort to walk everywhere - within reason, of course. This will help you get in touch with the area (so to speak) and observe the locals in their element. Using your legs also allows you to find quaint shops and cafes more easily than if you were on some cheesy tour bus. Your goal should be to blend in, something a contrived (and perhaps overpriced) tour won't likely offer. Wear loose, lightweight clothing - layering is important - because the more comfortable you feel, the more willing you will be to stay out an extra hour to explore a section you might have overlooked. (Source : askmen.com)
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
Feng Shui City Toko barang - barang dan buku - buku, serta majalah Feng Shui Pusat pelatihan Ilmu Fengshui
Konsultasi FENG SHUI
Oleh Pramana Tan - Certified Feng Shui Master Consultant dari Lillian Too’s Institute of Feng Shui - Anggota International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) Perjanjian waktu konsultasi : T. 0812 204 2574 Feng Shui City Braga City Walk Lt. 2 Unit F II - 14 T. (022) 91493880
Feng Shui City Pasmod Batununggal Indah Unit RD-09 T. (022) 87526816
Don’t miss the wonders that surround you because every tree, every rock, every anthill, every star is filled with the wonders of nature QUOTES
Doors, Windows, Locks and Keys • All doors that lead to the outside should be metal or solidcore, 1-3/4 inch hardwood. Most hollow doors can be easily broken through. • Each door should fit in its frame with no more than 1/8 inch clearance between the door and frame. A metal lining on the inside of an exterior door can prevent drilling, sawing, or kicking through. • Make sure all doors to the outside have good locks -- deadbolt locks with a minimum 1-1/2 inch bolt. Make sure locks are also installed on screen and storm doors, garage doors, cellar doors, patio doors, and any other door that leads to the outside (including second-floor patios or decks). • Always use the locks you have, on both your home and your garage. Lock up every time you go out, even if it's only for a few minutes. Almost 50 percent of burglars enter homes or property through unlocked doors or windows. • Locks on doors should be placed at least 40 inches away from windows, glass panels, and other potential openings such as mail slots. Make it hard for a burglar to reach in and unlock your door. Or install double cylinder, deadbolt locks that need to be opened with a key from the inside as well as the outside. • Door hinges should always be on the inside and designed so that hinge pin cannot be removed from the outside. • Never hide keys outside, such as under a bush or in a flower pot. Burglars know where to find "secret" hiding places. It's much better to leave a key with a trusted neighbor. • Don't place identification tags on your keys or key rings; if you lose them, you give potential burglars help. • Secure sliding glass doors with commercially available bars or locks, or put a wooden dowel or broom handle in the door track. Burglars look for sliding glass doors because they are the easiest to open. • Secure roof openings and exhaust systems. • Make sure windows, especially those at ground level, have good locks-and always use the locks you have. • The center thumb-turn locks on many standard windows can be easily pried open or reached through a broken pane. For especially vulnerable windows, install key locks or consider installing grates or grilles (but make sure the devices can be easily detached to allow quick escape during a fire or other emergency). Glass block windows offer excellent security for basement windows.
Shrubbery and Lighting • Make sure all porches and other possible entrances are well lit, with at least 40-watt bulbs. A well-lit house is far better protected than a house without lights. • Overgrown bushes, tree limbs, or landscaping can provide cover for burglars. Trim them to the height of porches or windows. Other Tips • Always lock up ladders and tools. Don't give a burglar the resources to break into your home. • Window air conditioning units should be bolted to the wall to prevent them from being easily removed from the outside. • If you have recently purchased a television, stereo equipment, or other household item, do not throw the empty boxes in the alley garbage. This is a sure sign and strong temptation for burglars. • Turn the ringer on the telephone down low. If a burglar is around, he won't be alerted to your absence by a ringing phone. • If you are out during the day or on vacation, use an automatic timer to turn on lights and a radio at different times of the day. It is an easy way to disguise the fact they you aren't home. • Have a trusted neighbor pick up your mail and newspapers every day while you are on vacation. Have a neighbor use your garbage cans occasionally. During the winter, arrange to have snow shoveled. (Source: halloproperty.com)
Mengelola Aset Property Bila investor ingin membeli properti sudah termasuk tanah di mana bangunan tersebut berdiri dan nilainya sangat bervariasi. Jenis properti yang dapat dibuat menjadi bisnis, antara lain rumah, rumah toko (ruko), gudang, mal, hotel, gedung perkantoran, resor, dan apartemen. Bila investor berinvestasi pada properti, wajib melakukan diversifikasi agar risikonya kecil dan memperoleh keuntungan. Diversifikasi pada properti menggunakan konsep lokasi dan jenis. Bila ingin berinvestasi pada resor, biasanya dibangun di daerah pegunungan dan pantai untuk wisatawan berlibur atau istirahat pada akhir minggu. Demikian juga pergudangan, bila di tengah kota tidak menguntungkan sehingga sebaiknya di dekat daerah bandara atau pelabuhan laut. Hotel sebagai investasi didirikan pada daerah perkotaan atau tempat liburan, jarang di pinggiran kota yang kemungkinan tidak ada konsumen yang datang. Hotel mempunyai dua fungsi, yaitu sebagai tempat istirahat dan menginap serta tempat berdiskusi berbagai hal. Tempat tinggal dapat didirikan di tengah kota berupa apartemen atau kondominium atau di pinggiran kota. Lokasi sebaiknya dekat dengan sarana transportasi agar beban pengeluaran peminat/investor tidak harus bertambah. Pegang dan jual Mengelola properti sebagai bisnis atau menjadi investasi berarti ada periode saat properti "dipegang" dan dijual. Sebagai bisnis, investor menyewakan propertinya kepada pihak lain. Umumnya penyewa selalu menginginkan properti di lokasi yang strategis. Lokasi properti juga menentukan besarnya uang sewa. Lokasi yang strategis akan menghasilkan sewa lebih mahal, bahkan sewa yang diperoleh hampir sama dengan bunga dari dana yang diinvestasikan pada properti tersebut yang berarti investor memperoleh keuntungan sangat besar.
Selanjutnya, bila investor ingin berinvestasi dan memungut keuntungan di kemudian hari, maka properti tersebut harus strategis dan telah dihitung kenaikan harganya selama dipegang. Pada saat dipegang, properti tersebut harus disewakan dan besarnya sewa sebaiknya sesuai uraian sebelumnya. Bila properti tidak disewakan dan ditunggu sampai terjual, maka tingkat pengembalian rendah karena bangunan akan rusak atau semakin kecil harganya. Properti tersebut akan sangat terawat bila ada yang menempati sehingga harga properti akan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kosong selamanya. Dalam kasus ini, investor harus mempunyai perhitungan besarnya kenaikan harga properti selama dipegang. Siklus Untuk mendapat hasil penjualan properti maksimal dan dapat memberi hasil sesuai harapan, maka investor harus memahami siklus properti bersangkutan. Biasanya, harga properti sangat rendah bila tingkat bunga sangat tinggi, situasi ekonomi tidak baik. Harga properti akan tinggi bila tingkat bunga rendah dan ada kelebihan dana yang tinggi di perbankan. Situasi ekonomi harus dipahami dengan bertanya kepada ahli ekonomi dan siklus properti didiskusikan kepada ahli properti yang memahami ekonomi. Investor juga harus memahami liku-liku penjualan properti untuk mendapat keuntungan maksimal dan perpajakan properti agar dapat menentukan harga dan keuntungan yang diinginkan. Peraturan pajak menyebutkan, setiap properti yang dibeli atau dijual dikenai pajak PPHTB sebesar 5%. Karena itu, investor harus mempunyai nilai properti 10% ditambah tingkat pengembalian yang diinginkan. Berdasarkan penelitian berbagai properti, sebaiknya properti harus dipegang minimum tiga tahun agar terjadi tingkat pengembalian yang diinginkan. Properti dapat dipergunakan investor untuk investasi dalam rangka persiapan dana sekolah anak-anak di kemudian hari atau bahkan untuk warisan. Bila strategi ini yang dipergunakan, maka investor harus juga memperhitungkan kenaikan harga properti dan harga awal sudah bisa memenuhi kebutuhan sekolah tersebut. Informasi ini didapat melalui hasil penelitian dari ahli properti atau bank data properti. Dengan demikian, dalam mengelola properti investor harus memiliki informasi lokasi yang strategis. Informasi dapat juga diperoleh melalui media massa dan investor juga harus tidak lupa mengecek kebijakan pertanahan dan properti di daerah bersangkutan. (Sumber: halloproperty.com)
07/ Year 9 11 July 2010 - 10 August 2010
I believe we would all behave quite differently if we lived in a warm, sunny climate all the time. We wouldn’t be so withdrawn and shy and difficult QUOTES
LUKISAN PEMANIS RUANGAN Gaya rumah tak hanya dilihat dari bentuk bangunannya saja. Tetapi artwork yang menghiasi penataan interior di dalamnya turut mempengaruhi gaya arsitektur bangunan yang digunakan. Salah satu elemen pendukung hunian adalah lukisan. Tak hanya sekadar sebagai hiasan ruangan, lukisan juga mampu mempengaruhi keindahan dan suasana ruangan. Lukisan yang digabung dengan teknik kolase seperti logam, kayu, atau kain yang digabung atau ditempel pada kanvas dapat membuat ruangan lebih berkarakter. Interior tanpa lukisan itu terasa mati. Karena lukisan mampu memberi kesan unik sebuah ruangan. Berbagai hasil karya lukisan tersedia dalam berbagai aliran, mulai dari gaya abstrak kontemporer yang berisi paparan seni tradisional dengan teknik artistik hingga aliran modern. Salah satu hasil seni lukisan modern dapat dikenali dari pemakaian unsur modern mulai dari warna, komposisi, hingga bingkai yang digunakan. Dalam pengaplikasiannya harus disesuaikan gaya rumah yang digunakan. Rumah gaya minimalis cocok memakai lukisan beraliran abstrak atau kontemporer. Gaya naturalis cocok untuk rumah klasik atau modern klasik. Sedangkan rumah etnik, cocok dihiasi dengan lukisan yang mengandung unsur etnik.
Sebuah lukisan cocok diaplikasikan di seluruh ruang dalam rumah. Entah itu di atas kredenza yang ditaruh di foyer rumah sebagai pemanis tatanan, atau dalam ruang tamu, ruang tidur, dan ruang lain asalkan memiliki komposisi warna yang serasi dengan ruang. Selaraskan ukuran lukisan yang digunakan untuk bidang dinding berukuran sekian atau pertimbangkan komposisinya. Jangan sampai lukisan yang digunakan tampak jomplang dengan ukuran ruangnya. Lukisan dapat diaplikasikan dalam sebuah rumah dengan tema yang sama. Dengan cara memilih furnitur dan warna yang tepat dengan keseluruhan konteks arsitektur bangunan yang digunakan, maka dapat diperoleh kesan minimal. Sedang untuk pilihan pernik interior yang pas itu biasanya dengan memasang sebuah lukisan di ruang dalam rumah. Pemilihan frame yang digunakan pun harus disesuaikan dengan gaya bangunannya. (Sumber : halloproperty.com)
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I don’t accept any of that ‘life is a river’ or ‘life is a fountain’ routine. Perhaps philosophically it makes sense. But man has to struggle or he’ll drown in the river
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