Randeep Singh Hooda known for his role as Saju in Netflix's original film Extraction, was born on 20th August 1976 in the city of Rohtak, Haryana, in India, He has lived across middle eastern countries like Libya and Iraq.Acting Career: Hooda's debut film was Oscar nominated 'Monsoon Wedding', directed by, Golden Globe nominated, acclaimed filmmaker Mira Nair. 'Monsoon Wedding' won multiple awards globally including a BAFTA, Golden Globes Nomination and winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival. After 'Monsoon Wedding', Hooda joined noted Indian actor Naseeruddin Shah's theatre troupe- Motley and dedicated many years of his life to theatre in an attempt to immerse himself in the craft. Randeep's filmography is studded with both Mira Nair and Deepa Mehta's films, who coincidentally were the only two directors from India to get an Oscar Nomination in recent times. In 2005, Hooda was cast as the male lead in Ram Gopal Varma's gangster film 'D'.