Bangalow's Heartbeat May 2011

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MAY 2011 No.147

CelebrAtiNg the life ANd tiMes of the loCAl CoMMuNitY

Christmas in marCh

How to see over the crowds. See street party story on page 12.

Editorial Editorial

Kitchen and Bathroom Showroom 10am -5pm Mon til Fri

Saturday by appointment

Bangalow Industrial Estate Dudgeons Lane Ph: 6687 2275



2 PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ruth Kirby Email: Advertising: Di Martin 6687 2592 Email: Production: allieleo@@bigpond net .au

The month of May in Bangalow provides plenty of opportunities to keep active as the cooler weather sets in. Most important is to finish building the billycart ready to launch down the main street on Sunday, 15 May. For those less physically inclined there are lectures, concerts, exhibitions and the annual poultry show. We publish an artist’s sketch of the proposed new Urban development and hope for a speedy resolution of difficulties so we can reconvene at one of our favourite cafes in the not too distant future. On a sadder note Heartbeat bids farewell to ‘Bangalow’s favourite seamstress’ Helen Orpen, no longer to be seen in Byron St clutching tape measure and coffee from Ate. Please keep your contributions coming,

Editorial Team: Judy Baker, Marika Bryant, Tony Hart, Lyn Plummer, Brian Sundstrom; Christobel Munson.

we depend on you for our ‘news’. Finally, the Heartbeat team welcomes Ruth Kirby, new in town, who makes her debut as assistant editor with this issue. Di Martin, Acting Editor Cover photo credits: Sue Holm: Samba Blisstas at the A&I Hall, Christmas in March. Judy Baker: Stiltwalker at the street party. Page 2 photo: Judy Baker: Flag bearers at the ANZAC Day march. New on the website: Letters received: Mary Webb from Perth; Jo Immig for Firestation Park Committee.

Sub Editor: Helen Wilson Research: Pam Beazley; Moira McDade Web Pages: Wendy Gray

Accounts: Rob Campbell Chariman: Neville Maloney

DISCLAIMER. This news-letter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat Incorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon Editors Dianne Martin; Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/Public Officer Helen Wilson. Membership is open to all adult residents of the ‘2479’ postal district. The opinions expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editors and other members of the Association committee. While every reasonable effort is made to publish accurate information, Bangalow’s Heartbeat Inc. accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed.



UrbAN UpdAtE

An artist’s impression of the proposed plans for a new look Urban Café. Everyone is keen to see what sort of building will be constructed to replace that which formerly housed the Urban Cafe and neighbouring Millar and More boutique. The original building located on the corner of Byron and Station Streets, owned by John Singh, was destroyed by fire last December. Since then, Mr Singh has employed local town planner Paul De Fina and architect Ron Johnson to develop plans for a replacement building. An artist’s impression of their plans is shown here. Their new plans include a first storey balcony area to create an additional 80 square metres of floor space, intended for the use of the owners of the Urban Café. Byron Shire Council staff have advised that this additional floor space would require $281,000 in Section 94 car-park contributions, at $25,545 per space for 11 cars. Such development application fees are regulated by the

Environmental Planning and Assessment Act. “If a building was to be rebuilt per the existing floor plan and uses, then no Section 94 contributions would be required,” said Mr Wayne Bertrand, Council’s Acting Manager of Planning. “However if the floor area is increased and additional car-parking spaces cannot be provided as part of the re-development, then Section 94 contributions are required.” Council confirmed no DA to rebuild had yet been lodged with them. But if the owners are only able to build a single storey replacement building, this may jeopardise the project proceeding. Mr De Fina’s solution to the current apparent impasse is to invite residents and business owners to express their opinion on the proposal by writing to him c/o P.O. Box 282, Bangalow 2479. “We want the best for the village, and want to hear what the community has to say,” he said.

The opportunity for the Bangalow community to consult with the developers on the redevelopment proposal has the positive support of the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce. Chamber President, Mr Michael Malloy, said the plans and streetscape perspectives “represented an imaginative and genuine attempt to preserve the heritage character of Bangalow” on a high profile corner. While the 2010 fire had a devastating effect on the two businesses directly affected, it also had a noticeable negative flowon effect for Bangalow businesses generally, he added, particularly over the traditionally busy Christmas holiday trading period. Currently, with the support of the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce, discussions are taking place with the Catholic Church on a possible 20-year lease of church-owned land adjoining the existing Station Street car park as a possible solution. Christobel Munson

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6687 1500 MAY 2011


a C t i o N S tat i o N S

Get your BillyCart ready The Bangalow Billycart Derby will be held Sunday, 15 May 2011 when the main street of Bangalow becomes a race track for kids of all ages to have fun. This annual event is welcomed by the locals as it showcases good old fashioned outdoors fun in which everyone can take part: individuals, families, workgroups. We will continue this year with the ‘Schools Challenge Races’ with $1,500 prize money to the winning school’s P&C. From 9am are the Junior races with categories for traditional and home-grown carts for kids in age groups: 5-7, 8-11, 12-15. At lunch-time the Grand Parade will be led by our Emergency Services Groups followed by the pipe band, vintage cars, motor bikes, Samba band, schools, scouts, celebrities, dancing classes, sports groups and local heroes. After lunch comes the serious stuff with the Professional, Tag Team, Mothers and Celebrity Races.

Safety information. All drivers and passengers must wear safety helmets. Protective clothing is recommended. Register at the Bangalow Hotel from 7.15am. Carts need to be inspected before registering (next to Fish Heads restaurant). Volunteers: We always need volunteers to make this event work. We need to unload hay bales in the main street around 6.30am. Cart inspection and entry registration 7 – 9am. We then pick up hay bales and clean-up from 3.30 pm. Information: Tony Heeson - or 02 6687

2580 0419 715 098. For parade information: contact Sue Holm or 0409 774 413. Tony Heeson


Bangalow Primary’s Principal, Peter Flannery and students Freya, Georgia, Tom and Louie.

Bangalow Public School will again hold a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party in the school grounds for the village’s annual Billycart Derby. The tea party will run from 9am until 3pm, providing welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of the track. Picnic rugs and decorated tables, with suitably mad-hatted staff, will allow visitors to enjoy home-made cakes as well as hot drinks from the Bun Coffee Cart. There will be face painting, a temporary tattoo parlour, guessing competitions, chutneys

and preserves to buy and a second hand bookstore to browse. Fantastic raffle prizes on offer include a day spa and lunch at Gaia Retreat, as well as voucher packs for some of Bangalow’s best boutiques, health and beauty practitioners and local food producers. A ferris wheel and carousel will keep the young ones amused and the Scouts will also be providing adventure activities. In the event of rain the activities will relocate to the school’s new hall. Tim and Lisa Peacock

Alexey Yemtsov Piano Recital on the Steinway

"Horowitz can sleep now!" Maestro Vladimir Ashkenazy after hearing Alexey perform.

CONCERT Program to include: Beethoven Sonata Op 110 in A flat major Schumann Kinderscenen, Ravel Gaspard de la Nuit, Stravinsky’s Petrushka

2 pm Sunday 8 May, 2011 Byron Bay Community Centre Admission: Adults $30, Members $25, Children $10 Tickets available online BBCC Box Office 6685 6807 Mullumbimby Book Shop, at the door

Byron Music Society For forthcoming events visit




Bangalow Interchange Update – Meeting with RTA Representatives of the Bangalow Progress Association, the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce and Bangalow’s ‘No Interchange’ group met with the RTA’s general manager, Bob Higgins, and other senior managers in Bangalow last month to press home their concerns over the T2E Interchange planned for Bangalow. Mr Higgins explained management of the St Helena tunnel would be automated, controlled by the RTA’s monitoring centre in Grafton. The aim is for traffic controllers using highway cameras and sensors to monitor for emergencies so they could urgently direct on-the-ground crews to the tunnel or other incidents. The interchange will enable them to get to the tunnel more quickly and reduce the amount of traffic held up between the tunnel and intersections. Bangalow’s representatives suggested to the RTA the interchange was overkill, and there were surely other less intrusive ways of addressing its objectives. The Bangalow team proposed an alternative approach taking advantage of the common close alignment of the T2E and the old highway just south of Bangalow. This would make feasible the emergency and temporary rerouting of motorway traffic between the motorway and the old highway via simple crossover lanes with electronic gates and barriers that could be opened and closed remotely by the RTA in the event of an incident in the tunnel. Bob Higgins committed to carefully consider Bangalow’s case against the interchange and its proposed changes to the plan. He undertook to get back in contact and we hope he will be true to his word.

In the meantime, copies of this new highway proposal have been sent to the RTA and to all current and Shadow Roads Ministers in the NSW government. Don Page, MP, now Minister for the North Coast, also has a copy. During the recent State election, Mr Page said a Coalition

BAnGALOW PROGRess AssOcIATIOn As reported in a previous issue of Heartbeat, the BPA has been very much focused on financing, designing and delivering a skate park for Bangalow, an ongoing project. However, in view of the many issues Bangalow faces from time to time Heartbeat readers will be interested in the following wider objectives of the BPA: • to facilitate community input regarding the


development and management of the local area (postal district Bangalow) • to act as a resource, to educate and disseminate information to the whole community • with respect to the special characteristics of Bangalow, to encourage progress which is sensible and sustainable and which provides long term benefit to the community • to preserve, protect and monitor the develop-

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ment of Bangalow for the common good of the community • to be proactive, developing projects which benefit the community • to cultivate a strong and positive community, developed through open discussion, public forums and collaborative community projects. BPA welcomes membership from anybody

BPA welcomes membership from anybody interested in these topics, or from people who wish to have BPA consider and be involved with other issues of concern to Bangalow.


government would put the interchange on hold and “thoroughly investigate the authenticity of the RTA’s claims, to ascertain whether or not the interchange is actually necessary.” We hope he too is true to his words. Tony Hart

interested in these topics, or from people who wish to have BPA consider and be involved with other issues of concern to Bangalow. If you are concerned about Bangalow and want to be involved please contact BPA secretary Dale Viola re the skate park (email or myself about other items ( or to PO Box 561 Bangalow). Tony Hart


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Bangalow Quilters Bangalow Quilters are ladies who live in the Bangalow region including Ballina, Binna Burra and Mullumbimby. We meet at All Souls Anglican Church Hall, Ashton Street, Bangalow on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month beginning at 9.30am. On Thursday, 28 April 2011 we ran a workshop on ‘Foundation Piecing’. We run workshops throughout the year and, for anyone who is interested in joining our group, this might be a good time to start. If you miss this one, the next one is in June and will be ‘Convergence Quilting’. For more details, please call Elizabeth on 6684 8151. Also, see Biggest Morning Tea below. Elizabeth Casimir

Billets for Buddhists Siddhartha’s Intent Australia is currently seeking billets/reasonably priced accommodation for Buddhist students from about 13 to the 21 May. Email Eileen at Many thanks. Eileen Madigan

Heritage House The Historical Society will be having a must see exhibition on the CWA (Country Women’s Association) at the Heritage House Museum for the month of May. It will consist of some history about the CWA in general then focus on the very vibrant and active Bangalow CWA which has only just celebrated its 63rd birthday with a delicious lunch at the Heritage House Tea Rooms. We are also hoping to be able to help the CWA by selling some of their beautiful handiworks. Entry will be free. To coincide with this exhibition we

will be running a fundraising effort and raffle (Handmade Patchwork Quilt) for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. From every Devonshire Tea sold for this month $1 will be donated to the Cancer Council fundraiser along with proceeds f r o m t h e B i g g e s t M o r n i n g Te a . We hope you will all come along and view this great exhibition and support the CWA, Historical Society and Museum and the Biggest Morning Tea (Cancer Council) for the month of May. Opening hours Wednesday to Saturday 10am-3pm. Wendy Grissell

What’s on at the Bowlo Lots to tell you this month of May. Membership Subs are due now. Please pay at the bar. Brian Cadd and Russell Morris are playing at the Bowlo on Friday, 13 May 8pm. Tickets $30 and are available from the Bowlo and Barebones Artspace, Bangalow. Well Swung Daddies are on again on Saturday, 21 May at 8pm.Tickets at door $15. Football Legends – Brett Kenny (Parramatta), Kieren Walters (Broncos) and Brett Thomas (comedian) will be on Saturday, 28 May at 7.30pm. Tickets $55 available at the Bowlo and includes dinner and show. Join us for some great laughs and hilarious stories. There will be a silent auction of football memorabilia. Courtesy bus available. All enquiries for any events contact the Bowlo on 6687 1235. There is a new wine list at the Club. Lots of new reds and whites available. Bistro: Tues $12 Curry Night; Wed $15 Steak and Parmy; and Thurs $14 Roast Night. Bistro are doing $10 lunches from Tues to Sunday. For all bookings for the Bistro 66870494. Hope to see you at the Bowlo soon. Cheers. Caroline Nolan

MOBILE LIBRARY At Bangalow School every Saturday morning 9.30am -11.30am

Bangalow Writers Group The next meeting of the Bangalow Writers Group is to be held on Thursday, 5 May at 9.30am sharp at Heritage House. There is also an informal coffee morning on Thursday, 19 May at Heritage House from 10am to chat about anything and everything to do with writing. Feel free to join our friendly and supportive group to help discover your hidden talents or to develop and improve your existing writing endeavours. For more info: Simone on 6629 1838 or James on 6628 5061. Simone Hogan

Found A Pandora bracelet was found on Raftons Rd, Bangalow on a Sunday morning in April about 2 millimetres from being washed down a drain. If you think it is yours, call me on 6687 2266 or 0410 634 610. John Crabtree

Biggest Morning Tea Both Heritage House and the Bangalow Quilters at All Souls’ Anglican Church Hall are running Biggest Morning Teas on Thursday, 26 May from 10am to raise money for the Cancer Council. There are raffles, stalls, quilt displays and delicious food. Enquiries to Liz Parks 6687 1195 or Wendy Grissell 6688 4342 for Heritage House; Elizabeth Casimir 6684 8151 for the Quilters.

Bangalow Lions Curry Night The Bangalow Lions Club is adding some spice to its ever popular Curry Night at the A&I hall on 4 June with a very special ‘Red Faces Talent Quest’ to accompany the feast of authentic Indian Curries plus professional performers.

Heritage House Tearoom open 10am to 3pm Wednesday - Saturday Booking (p) 6687 2183

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The call is out for talent to apply for a first prize of $500 and numerous runners up prizes adjudicated by the three wise judges. Auditions will be held at the pub on Tuesday, 31 May when the finalists will be selected for the main event the following Saturday at the Curry night dinner. For details of entry contact scott@otr. Tickets to the show which includes the curry feast and entertainment are $35 from Lions members or Barebones Art Space. Scott McGregor

Travel Photography Contest Following its success last year, the Northern Rivers Travel Photography contest is on again. This year’s theme is ‘City Sights and Nature’s Delights’, with all funds raised going to Bangalow Land and Rivercare. The contest is open to photographers of all ages with great prizes up for grabs, including $350 worth of cash prizes donated by the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce. The closing date for entries is Wednesday, 29 June. Winners will be announced at a fundraising exhibition at the A&I Hall on Thursday, 30 June. So get snapping! For info: Kim on 0400 887 991 or Kim Wildman

Newrybar Hall News Newrybar Hall continues to have an energetic program of social fund raising events with proceeds going towards the improvements in the hall. Last November a new commercial grade kitchen was opened with other improvements. This year plans include building a new verandah on the north side significantly improving the benefits to patrons who use the hall. On 1 April the second Newrybar v Tintenbar Annual Quiz Challenge was held at Tintenbar

Hall; next year it will be back in Newrybar. On 16 April we had our regular Country and Old Time Dance in the hall. These events are coming up. 1. Dinner / Movie Night Friday, 13 May at 6.30pm. Tickets $27/head. Dinner Menu: vegetable and chickpea ratatouille served with cous cous or rice; lamb and vegetable hotpot with accompaniments; or spinach and feta pie with green salad and tomato chutney. **(make dinner selection at time of booking) In addition tea/coffee and cake are served in movie intermission. Movie, Made In Dagenham, a 2010 film release, is a very amusing account about when women auto workers in UK in 1968 first achieved equal pay with men and almost brought the Ford Motor Company to a halt in the process. 2. Traditional Australian Bush Dance on Saturday, 18 June at 7pm. Tickets $25/head. Enjoy and dance to three hours of Australian Bush and Celtic music by the Playing Possum Bush Band from Uki. A BYO evening with supper served. For tickets to both events call 6687 8443, or Ian Duncan

Bangalow Garden Club Our mini open gardens afternoon in Friday Hut Road was a great success despite the inclement weather. A good time was had by all at the end of the day at number 847 after inspecting beautiful gardens at 664 and 517 along the way. Members present at Dorothy Welstead’s farewell formed a guard of honour at the end of the service. Dorothy was a long standing member of our club, a generous contributor and a charming woman. We will miss her. The next meeting is on Wednesday, 4 May and the Saturday social visit is to Fay Flick’s garden in Ewingsdale on 7 May. Helen Johnston

Eric Bibb at A&I Hall Outstanding blues guitarist Eric Bibb will play a one-off concert at the A&I Hall on Thursday, 12 May. Tickets from Barebones are selling fast. Michael Malloy

Postcards from Bangalow Writing and Gourmet Experience The first-ever Postcards from Bangalow Writing and Gourmet Experience is set to heat up the Northern Rivers this winter. Hosted by seasoned travel writer and guidebook author, Kim Wildman, this unique writing event, held from 10-13 June, will take participants on a travel writing journey through the sights, sounds, scents and flavours of Bangalow. The program features a prominent line-up of local writers, authors and foodies including co-owner of Foodscape Tours, Karen Hirst; author of Boys’ Home to Broadway, Kevin Palmer; publisher of Sample magazine, Remy Tancred; and TV presenter and author, Scott McGregor, who’ll help Kim unearth the best of Bangalow through a series of workshops, dinners and tours. If a weekend of enjoying the tastes and flavours of Bangalow isn’t enticement enough, Sample magazine is offering to publish the best travel article written over the weekend. So grab your pen and paper, bring appetite and get ready for a weekend of good writing, food and company. Cost $450 per person. Places are strictly limited. Contact Kim Wildman on 0400 887 991 or to make a booking now. All community members are welcome to contribute to our Community Noticeboard.

North Coast Bookkeeping Services For all your Bookkeeping requirements including BAS, QuickBooks or MYOB ph: 6687 2604 Ian Holden fax: 6687 2893 7 Rosewood Ave, Bangalow Member of Australian Bookkeepers Network


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MAY 2011



ROUNDABOUT AT BANGALOW – Shirley Walker Roundabout at Bangalow is a book of Shirley Walker’s memoirs. You may know her more recent book The Ghost at the Wedding for which Shirley won both the Kibble and the Asher Literary Awards. Her early childhood was lived in and around The Channon, on the Queensland border at Wallangarra, at ‘The Bay’ and Grafton. Her story is intimate; her parents are unhappily married and her mother suffers several breakdowns. Many years of her life were spent living in a tent at ‘The Bay’ and, later on, at a soldier settlement block on Rita Island in North Queensland. The beauty of this book is in Shirley’s memories. She describes religious attitudes of the time. She details the roles of women and the class structures which existed after World War II. Her descriptions of the dances and balls and

the carriages on the public trains transports you back in time. At 16 Shirley was permitted entry to Teachers’ College and thus began a long association with the New England area. Having her teacher’s certificate enabled her to take up teaching in order to supplement the family farming income. But the prevailing sentiment of the times was that married women should not be teaching and were only ever given temporary status. Aged 38, Shirley commenced university study. She taught during the day; single-handedly cared for her children while her husband worked away from home and at night she studied. Shirley is a great story teller and this book is a powerful portrait of twentieth-century Australia. I loved it! Here are some of the comments of other

reviewers: Julian Croft: “The style is so clear, so dryly funny, and so beautifully visual it is an absolute delight to read.” Debra Adelaide (SMH): “One of the best memoirs I’ve read lately, it provides acute, often acerbic, commentary on Australian social history, and offers a guarded sort of intimacy that keeps much private, yet shares secrets and passions from a lifetime and more.” Important Announcement Richard and I would like to say “thank you” to local residents who have been supportive of our foray into book selling. The next time you are buying a book please ask for one of our locals 5% discount cards. Carolyn Adams BOOKWORMS & PAPERMITES

Love your book group Recently the Northern Rivers Writers Centre asked Edna Carew* to investigate book clubs in this area – their reasons for success and failure. Her findings were published in the April edition of northerly, the Centre’s journal. Edna has kindly provided this summary. This area boasts innumerable book clubs, many privately organised by groups of friends and several run by local libraries. How do you find a book group? Ask around (bookshops are likely to know), start one with friends or check at your library. Book club enthusiasts agree that essentials for a thriving, animated, enjoyable and enduring book club are organisation and structure―enough of each to hold the group, and the meetings, together and not so much that attendees feel regimented. The commitment

of members is equally important―commitment to attend meetings, read nominated books and contribute to the group’s appreciation of writing and reading. Every group needs a ‘mother hen’, someone with the time and the skills to organise meetings and reading lists, although not necessarily also to lead the discussions. Usually the person who chose the book opens the discussion. Efficient organisation includes democratically selecting a good mix of books, well in advance, with effort made to ensure copies of a nominated book are in the local library. A reading list is then distributed to group members. A December meeting generally doubles as a year-end party. Few groups attempt to hold meetings in January. For some members, regular meetings provide welcome social contact and the book may be a

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catalyst for wider-ranging discussion. Many organisers stress, though, that the purpose of book groups is to discuss the book and its author, not to provide therapy or self-help. Well-behaved book club members remember they have two ears and one mouth, and use them appropriately. Discussion is encouraged, but hogging the floor is bad form. Everyone should have a turn. In short, do the work, put in the time and you get a lot out of a book group. * Edna Carew, who lives near Mullumbimby, is the author of more than 20 volumes spanning textbooks, biography and company histories. Her bestsellers include the Fast Money and Language of Money series; Paul Keating, Prime Minister and Westpac, the Bank that Broke the Bank. Research for this article resulted in her joining her second book group.

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tHE ArtS

ADFAS NEWS - tWO lEcturES ADFAS Byron Bay and Districts hosts two lecture evenings at the Bangalow A&I Hall in the month of May. ‘Egypt, from the Tentmakers’ Khan to the City of the Dead’, held on Monday, 2 May, was presented by Australian textile teacher and artist Jenny Bowker. Jenny’s lecture explored the exotic and everyday textiles of ancient and modern Egypt. Textiles are woven into the culture of Egypt: the vast, ornate hangings of traditional Cairo tentmakers are still used for Ramadan festivities today. Current patchwork projects are supporting the independence of the wives and daughters of Cairo’s garbage collectors. Married to a retired diplomat, Jenny has lived 15 of the last 30 years in the Middle East where her love and knowledge of textiles has flourished. Her enthusiasm for the region is infectious. Jenny has continued to help Egypt’s tentmakers since she returned to Australia and recently organised an exhibition of their work at the

Melbourne Exhibition Centre, where everything sold out in 90 minutes. On Monday, 30 May, UK fine arts consultant Harry Frost will talk on ‘The Masons and Their Wares: the production of Royal Worcester porcelain’. The Mason family has been producing ceramics in the Staffordshire Potteries for over 200 years, with over 800 designs created by the company. The original company was founded by Miles Mason in 1796 and its now famous patent for ironstone china was taken out in 1813. Presenter Harry Frost, designer-modeller for Royal Worcester for 25 years, is ideally placed to provide an overview of this fascinating family of potters and their ceramics. Descended himself from a long line of West Country potters, Harry is a former Antiques Roadshow expert and now works as a consultant to fine arts auctioneers in the UK. Note ADFAS lectures begin at the new time of 6.30pm this year, with wine and refreshments to follow. Doors at the A&I Hall open 6pm. Guests are welcome, $20, pay at the door.

Full program on the ADFAS website. Membership and other enquiries to Carole Gamble on 6684 4996. Susie Warrick

BANgAlOW’S FAvOuritE SEAmStrESS Bangalow is now a less colourful place with the recent loss of its favourite long time seamstress. Helen Orpen passed away in Melbourne on Saturday, 9 April, after a short illness. She was well known for her dressmaking skills, her open door policy to an Aladdin’s cave of a workshop and her ready wit. More importantly, she was a much loved member of this community. But it’s not only the community that will miss her, as Helen’s clients more often than not became her good friends. If these clients had dogs, they definitely became friends for life! With a soft heart and a genuine capacity for life, Helen was one of those people who once you met her, she stayed firmly imprinted - in your mind, in your heart, and in your life.

Bangalow will miss you, Helen, and your bright sparkling irreverent persona. Madeleine Faught Condolences and mementoes for Helen’s family may be left with Charlotte at Charlotte’s Parlour in Station St. See the Heartbeat April 2006 issue for Christobel Munson’s article: Behind The Scenes – The Dressmaker. Editor


Friends, kids, dogs and well wishers are invited to celebrate Helen’s life at the Moller Pavilion at the Showgrounds, Saturday, 14 May, 1-4pm. Bring snacks, drinks and stories to share.

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For two weeks from mid-April, the Bangalow Historical Society staged two simultaneous exhibitions at Bangalow Heritage House Museum and Tearooms to mark Anzac Day and the vital roles played by Australian men and women during past wars. One exhibition, curated by Wendy Grissell, celebrated ‘Women in War: How Pin-up Girls inspired our Troops’. It displayed a range of well-loved post-cards and other images of girls back home, reminders of happier times designed to appeal to soldiers during the dark days of war. From women with wasp-like waists wearing floor-length dresses and ornate hats viewed by men during World War I, through to the sex goddesses of the 1960s wearing bikinis or less, Wendy had sourced a great variety of images. “It’s been an amazingly successful exhibition attracting people of all ages, from as far north as the Gold Coast, and south to Ballina and Alstonville,” Wendy said during the exhibition. “One Vietnam Vet came in looking for the images he and his mates used to look at during their time at war. He tipped me off to a website where I could source their favourite shots of Ann-Margret and Raquel Welch. Other people brought in family wartime mementoes to add to the collection, such as a woman’s army uniform worn by a local lady.” On demand, a DVD was screened called Paper Dolls, Australian Pinups of World War II. It documented the recollections of three former World War II pin-up girls, as well as the impressions they made on men who served in the army, navy and airforce during a frightening and lonely period of their lives. “This room was like a movie theatre, fre-

quently packed with people who’d brought their chairs in from the tearoom veranda outside to watch the documentary with fascination,” Wendy added. “I found a lady sitting viewing the film, moved to tears by the sight of soldiers in ships returning from the war to be met by family and friends. For her and many others, it brought back memories of the emotions connected with coming and going to war. The film also stimulated recollections and conversations.” As well, this exhibition covered the war efforts of individual women in all the services over many wars. The second display, put together by Dawn Lotty, covered ‘Australians and the Russian Intervention: ANZACs in Archangel’. It carefully documented a little-known story of 120 Australian soldiers who, in June 1919, had joined an expeditionary force of Allied forces. This included many thousands of British, American, Italian, Polish, Serbian and French soldiers who went to Archangel and Murmansk, in North Russia. Two Australians, serving there as part of the British Army, received the Victoria Cross, though no official history was ever written of the events, no medals or stars were struck, and no ribbon was issued to mark their valour in the face of bitter conditions, including attempted mutinies. To set the scene, the execution of the Russian Royal Family was included in this show in the background provided on the Russian Revolution. It is likely these exhibitions may be extended into May by popular demand. Phone Heritage House on 6687 2183 to confirm. Christobel Munson



BANgAlow PoulTRy CluB By the time this goes to print the Northern Rivers Pure Breed Poultry Auction will be all over. I hope you were able to purchase or sell the birds of your choice. The Poultry Club is holding its Annual Poultry Exhibition on Saturday, 28 May at the Bangalow Showgrounds. Now this is a must to attend: the kids will love all the different breeds. Over 1000 birds are expected to compete for the championship, that is about 150 different varieties with hundreds of different colours. These birds will be the finest quality of birds ever to be shown in the show pens. They will travel from South East Queensland as far north as Maryborough, from Tenterfield and Stanthorpe from over the range, and as far south as Coffs Harbour. The 2011 show will feature the Rosecomb Bantam and the Large Barnevelder. Each year the Dunedin Poultry Club in New Zealand donates a sash in exchange for a Rosette from our Club. The 2010 show featured Australian Games Large and Bantam which was won by Neil Hing from Lismore, and the Leghorn Bantam which was won by father and son team of Hec and Dean McKenzie. Bangalow Poultry Club show is one of the biggest country poultry shows in NSW and judging will start with five top quality judges travelling from Tamworth, Taree, Grafton and Lismore. Judging will commence at 8.30am and will finish by 1pm. The presentation will take place between 2-3pm, after which the birds will be released. The public is welcome free of charge to watch the judging and view the birds. We ask you don’t speak to the judges while they are working, but there will be about 15 stewards available who will be happy to talk to you. Last year’s winners were a Large Langshan female exhibited by father and son team, Owen and Jonathon Glover from Narangba in Queensland, and an Old English Game Bantam female exhibited by Ross Robinson from Lismore. See you at the Show. Glenda McKenzie


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My FIRST PoulTRy SHow I have just experienced my first ever poultry auction at the Bangalow Showground and I had a ball. We recently built our first chook pen complete with three point of lay hens and had decided to add to the collection. So off we went to the Poultry Pavilion in the Bangalow Showgrounds on a rainy Sunday. We decided to bid on some Minorca Bantam Pullets. My 12 year old son did the bidding and although the auctioneer was concerned if he had the money to pay for it, we were very excited. We got them for exactly $60. It was a great way to spend a Sunday morning. We left with three bantams, breakfast, Glenda’s sponge cake and chocolate slices all for under $80. Lisa Sharpe

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MAY 2011




Bangalow’s 2010 Christmas Eve Carnival this year was held in March. Santa was running a little late this year but Bangalow’s famous Christmas Eve Carnival finally happened on Saturday, 19 March. A great night, well attended by locals, and thankfully very little rain. As always a big thank you to our sponsors who supported this year’s event – Bangalow Cellars, Elders Real Estate, GNF Real Estate, Wallaby Bars, Bangalow Hotel, Lois Buckett

Real Estate, Re-Tone, Foodworks, Beesley & Hughes Solicitors, Bangalow Dining Rooms and Bangalow Real Estate. A big thank you also to the RSL Hall, A&I Hall, Mic Deacon, Sue Holm, Julie Streckfuss, Byron Bay Police, Bangalow Lions Club, Tony Buckley (Byron Shire Council), the food stalls, entertainers and helpers. And almost last, but not least, the community

The Space Cowboy wows the crowd. (young and old) of Bangalow who continue to support this wonderful event. Finally the biggest thanks are due to two special angels in our community who answered a call for assistance and went above and beyond in making it all happen – Karen Preston and Kris Wiseman. Bangalow salutes you . Michael Malloy, President, Bangalow Chamber of Commerce

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C e l e B r At I O n S At t H e A & I H A l l

A&I HAll CentenAry CeleBrAtIOnS Our beloved Bangalow A&I Hall turns 100 this year. It is looking all spruced up and ready for the next 100 after recent renovations and painting. This included replacement of the pictorial signage on the facade. Local mural artist Guy Hastings, from Byron Bay, was given the brief of producing new signage in the vein of the old. Sue Holm, art teacher and member of the hall management committee, suggested a ‘still life’ rather than a cartoon and to include local produce. Guy said it was tricky working with enamels (for longevity) but he loved doing it. “Its history is part of the charm of Bangalow and the renovated hall maintains the heritage look and preserves its conservation value.” Michael Malloy, head of the hall committee of management, said: “We’re delighted with the finished product. It looks like it could have been there since 1911 and we hope it will last another 100 years.” To celebrate the occasion, Jan Hulbert, one of a band of locals who stood up to save the hall when council wanted to demolish it in the ‘80s, was asked to turn on the new floodlights. The small crowd cheered as Jan ceremoniously flicked the switch for the floodlights, which will light up the façade and signage for all major events in the hall. Judy Baker

MAY 2011

Guy Hastings, artist, on left, Jan Hulbert, centre, Michael Malloy, on right, in red shirt in front of the beautifully renovated A&I Hall.



GREENIE Of ThE MONTh: IaN PIck They say walking is good for us, so doing it Landcare group to get sound advice and cover in National Parks, with friendly people, must insurance liabilities. This was done and Ewbe even better. Our Greenie of the Month, Ian ingsdale Landcare was born in 2008, with Ian, Pick, is helping a lot of people do just that. He Gail, Deidre Page and Robert Heffer the main also makes time for significant Landcare and drivers. Council has assisted with some mulch rainforest restoration work. and trees but these four have done most of the Ian came to Australia from the UK in 1975 work, “with other volunteers roped in at times”. and met his wife Gail. They moved to Suffolk Most of this land now has healthy plantings. Park in 1982 and ran a successful essential oil “One of the most pleasing results,” Ian said, business. On ‘retiring’ from this in 2002 they “was to see native tree seedlings, in particular moved to a 1.5-hectare block at Ewingsdale. guioas, coming up under the large camphors we An early priority was to plant some rainforest poisoned. Birds roost in the dead branches and on this virtually drop the treeless land. “It’s great to see folk enjoying themselves seeds. Lots Early results of weeds in the bush” says Ian. “More were mixed, but and young people appreciating our National Parks camphors lessons were quickly learned also strengthens community support for c o m e u p and the majortoo, but their maintenance and improvement.” ity of their block with renow has full peat weedcanopy cover, with trees up to 12 metres. (See ing we now have a good result. I fully support picture of Ian in a nine-year-old planting). Ian getting rid of camphors as they are a major says their best pioneer species were Sandpaper threat to our native species. From our house, fig, Lillypillies and Macaranga. The most for example, we can see them invading a nearby prominent species now include umbrella cheese paperbark coastal rainforest.” trees and flame trees. What about the walking you ask? Three Buoyed by early results on their own block, years ago, Ian and Gail joined the Northern the Picks turned their attention to the adjoining Rivers Bushwalkers Club. Ian quickly became reserves – East and West Bay Vista lane. These involved in organising and leading walks - last total another 1.5 hectares and were mainly year 20 or more! Most walks were in this area growing lantana, camphor and other weeds. Ian but he has also taken groups to Ebor and Tasmaapproached Council about doing some work nia. “It’s great to see folk enjoying themselves in in the reserves. It was suggested they form a the bush,” says Ian. “More people appreciating

Ian Pick in his rainforest. our National Parks also strengthens community support for their maintenance and improvement.” Ian’s favourite walks within an hour of Bangalow include Christies Creek in Mooball National Park and The Nightcap track. As well as all this walk-leading Ian has revamped the club website (northernriversbushwalkersclub. and helped in the formation of cycling and canoeing groups within the club. Brian Sundstrom

LION LINEs - a ROaRING sUccEss The Lions Lines has made a comeback this month with lots to roar about. Firstly, a big thank you to the Market Committee. It was a major contributor to the $14,000 that was raised by the Bangalow community and forwarded to the Lions Queensland Flood Relief Appeal earlier this year. They allowed the Lions Club to collect and donate the money raised from the market car parking. The Market Committee, Bangalow Lions Club, the Anglican Op Shop and other private donations made the Bangalow contribution possible.


March was a busy month for the Lions volunteers barbecuing up a storm at the Cancer Council Relay for Life and at the A&I Hall Street Party. The club also had a dinner for partners and friends of the club, in appreciation for all their hard work and support throughout the year. The Q1 District Governor, Lesley Lyons also attended. DG Lesley congratulated all Lions clubs throughout Australia for the mammoth effort their volunteers put in collecting and distributing goods and funds for the Queensland Flood Relief Appeal and thanked Bangalow for their great effort.

Lions Worldwide has also been doing its bit to help the people of Japan and New Zealand during this time of natural tragedy. US$5 million has been donated in tsunami aid to Japan and the more than 107,000 Lions in Japan mobilised to help determine where best to use the money. Likewise, US$110,000 has been given to aid the relief effort in Christchurch and a further US$100,000 has been received through Lions donations. Finally thanks to all the Lions Volunteers who barbecued in true Aussie spirit after the ANZAC Day march. Andrea McLean


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MAY 2011




HEART HEALTH Despite all the advances in medical science cardiovascular disease (CVD) is still the biggest killer in Australia. What is cardiovascular disease? CVD is the accumulation of fat in the arteries. This fat can cause the blood to form clots. A clot may form which is large enough to completely block the blood vessel. When this blood vessel is feeding the heart, part of the heart will die. This is a heart attack. If the blood vessel is connected to the brain, part of the brain will die. This is a stroke. What causes cardiovascular disease? There are a number of well known risk factors for CVD such as high cholesterol,

high blood pressure and smoking. The sobering statistic is these known risk factors only account for 50 percent of the people that die from CVD. Extensive research has shown that there are a number of less known risk factors which contribute significantly to CVD risk. Most of these risks increase the levels of inflammation within the body. Evidence now shows inflammation is in fact the primary trigger for CVD. Many natural medicines have an anti-inflammatory effect that can reduce the risk of CVD. Come into Bangalow Naturopathics for a free blood pressure check and receive ‘Heart Health’ advice. Kaye Shadbolt

Megan Savins, our Practice Manager, recently won Practice Manager of the Year. This was a GP Training initiative hosted by North Coast NSW GP Training Ltd. The 11 finalists were chosen from 41 teaching practices between Tweed Heads to Kempsey. Megan was nominated by her principal doctor, Dr Graham Truswell (Bangalow alarms. Medical Centre), as well as two registrars Dr “Smoke alarms give residents an early warnCynthia Spiers and Dr Nispa Kronkaew who ing of a fire in the home. Those precious minutes were previously employed by the practice. can be the difference between life and death,” Each of these submitted a glowing report Captain Hill said. of Megan's ability to manage the Bangalow The SABRE project has been designed to Medical Centre. support senior citizens who are still residing Her three nominators described her invaluat home. As part of the SABRE program, fire able contribution to the management of the officers work with community service organisapractice. Her knowledge base and pleasant tions to identify ‘at risk’ seniors who may be approach were considered to be paramount interested in the program, which involves fire in establishing a highly organised practice officers visiting homes to replace smoke alarm and resulted in high practice morale. batteries. Captain Andrew Hill Dr Graham Truswell potential plus ouline ad.pdf 14/3/10 9:13:55 AM

Smoke Alarm Battery Replacement for the Elderly program (SABRE) encouraged by firies The NSW Fire Brigades (NSWFB) is encouraging seniors to consider taking part in its successful Smoke Alarm Battery Replacement for the Elderly program (SABRE). Captain Andrew Hill of Bangalow Fire Station said: “Our research shows people over the age of 65 are three times more likely to die in house fires than other people. This program targets this ‘at risk’ group by enabling the NSWFB to replace the smoke alarm batteries in their homes annually.” Under NSW law all places where people sleep are required to have working smoke









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the arts May and we’re on the cusp of winter: hanging on like a burnished leaf, ready to fall headlong to the ground, joining all the other leaves already piling onto the pavement ready to cushion our fall. A month to pack away packages and retrieve packages that have been previously packed away! May is ponder month: what, really... what can just one person do to make a difference? When the rain hits, and the news hammers, and all the dark clouds look way too heavy to stay up all by themselves, then it is time to shift one’s paradigm and recruit help, or be the helper. Let’s launch into ponder month with a positive attitude, a helping hand, a creative mind, and push away some dark and heavy clouds …

Cabaret 360 Auditions:

Physical theatre, dance, circus, comedy, performance poetry, costume, music – just about the whole grab-bag of entertainment! Feel you could ‘come to the Cabaret’? Hamilton Barnett is conducting auditions for the June 2011 show (held at the Uki Hall) Tuesday 24 and Wednesday 25 May: anyone interested in auditioning should contact Hamilton at cabaret360@gmail. com.

sionate responses to life and its meanings’ (OMG! I might have to tackle that one myself) $20,000 worth of prizes including the MUA Blake Prize for Human Justice, worth $5,000 – details www.blakeprize. by 24 June; Manning Art Prize 2011 calling for artists to submit photographs, digital images, 2D art in any medium, 3D art (no installations please) with prize monies totalling $15,000. Details www.fogsmanningvalley. by 14 August.

Screen It 2011:

Local Art Exhibition:

National competition for school-aged filmmakers (run annually by Aust Centre for Moving Image – ACMI) seeking registrations with this year’s theme ‘Respect’. Teachers and students can really shift paradigms with this theme! Free to enter (either through school or independent challenge) and a powerful tool for future creative brains! Details

Art on the Move – your local consortium of artists, on show again at the Moller Pavilion, band end of the showgrounds, coinciding with Bangalow Market Day, fourth Sunday of the month. Come and talk to artists in situ plying their trade and find out the passion behind the painting and the creativity bubbling up over everything. Marika Bryant

National Call for Artworks: Australian Animal Studies Group with Qld College of Art responding to theme Animals, People – a shared environment; Fremantle Arts Centre Print Award 2011 calling for any print or artist’s book made in the past two years. by 13 June; 2011 Casella Art Prize themed Australia’s Built and Natural Environment; $5000 and $2500 prize haul. www.griffith.nsw. and go to themes/theatre/page by 20 May. The Blake Prize is inviting artists to explore ‘their most pas-

Get a hurry on to walk the Kokoda Track; Challenge applications closing soon There is only one week remaining to apply for a fully paid opportunity of a lifetime - to walk the Kokoda Track. ClubsNSW is offering two people between the ages of 16 and 22 the chance to trek the Kokoda Track as part of the 2011 Kokoda Youth Leadership Challenge. For more information or an application form, visit or email au. Applications close Sunday, 8 May, 11.59pm.

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STELLAr ArrAy Of TALENT fOr MUSIC fESTIVAL 12-14 AUgUST 2011 This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Bangalow Music Festival and artistic director, Paul Dean, has not disappointed with his choice of wonderfully talented classical musicians from around Australia and around the world. Leading a stellar line-up will be the virtuoso violinist Jack Liebeck from London, the Silver Garburg piano duo, Marshall McGuire, the Flinders Quartet, Jason Gillham and returning again the dazzling Slava Grigoryan on classical guitar. The finale concert in St Kevin’s Catholic Church will feature Purcell’s ‘Dido and Aeneas’ performed by the Queensland Choir and the Bangalow Festival Chamber Orchestra. Three day festival passes can be purchased from Barebones Artspace (6687 1393) with tickets to single concerts available from 19 July. The very popular ‘Concert for Bangalow’ will happen on Thursday 11 August featuring festival stars and some very special local talent. Tickets on sale at Barebones. This festival has grown in stature from its beginnings to this 10th anniversary, which also happily coincides with the centenary of the A & I Hall. A not to be missed event. Further information is at Michael Malloy

Slava Grigoryan practising in the A & I Hall before a concert. Beside him is soprano Margaret Schneider who is a regular at the festival. Slava will be returning to Bangalow this year

ALExEy yEMTSOV TO pLAy IN ByrON BAy As part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, Byron Music Society is presenting a Steinway Concert Sunday, 8 May at 2 pm at the Byron Bay Community Centre. One of Australia’s leading concert pianists, Ukranian born virtuoso Alexey Yemtsov will perform works by Beethoven, Brahms, Schumann, Ravel and Stravinsky. Over 100 years have passed since its birth and the phenomenon of the Russian piano school lives on in spite of the storm of revolutions and social upheavals. These traditions bring to us

the experience of great art and unforgettable moments of pleasure in music. The Russian school is known for its emphasis on touch and tone control, richness of sound and the individuality of each performer. It is the holistic approach to the music and playing that makes it seem natural and effortless. Russians integrate all the musical abilities and aptitudes, which provide the pianists with the real skill of playing as naturally as the Italian singers sing. Born in Pavlograd, Ukraine in November 1982, Alexey Yemtsov is an artist of enormous

skill and sensitivity. He began piano lessons at the age of seven and has won numerous awards, including first prize at the first Horowitz International Piano Competition and the Prokofiev International Piano Competition. His ability to capture the essence of the great masters has been acclaimed by critics and maestros alike. Admission $30, $25 Byron Music Society members, $10 children. Tickets on line, BBCC Box office 6685 6807, Mullumbimby Bookshop, at the door. Caroline Mager

HALLELUjAH The Northern Rivers Conservatorium Arts Centre and the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce have agreed to sponsor a major choral event in Bangalow on Sunday, 29 May. The head of Community Studies at the Conservatorium, Anita Bellman, and the President of the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce, Michael Malloy, have agreed Bangalow with its many community halls and spaces is an ideal location to host the numerous community choirs which are active in the Northern Rivers area,


coming together in celebration of the human voice. Details of registration for choirs and the organisation of the event will be available on the NRCAC website ( in the near future. This will be an inclusive event for people of all ages and abilities who embrace the joy of singing. Always remember – “The only thing better than singing is more singing”. Bangalow is proud to host such a wonderful event. Michael Malloy



Behind the scenes at Designbank Continuing our series on Bangalow businesses

Kim and Chris with twins Archie (left) and Tom. Kim and Chris Topham are passionate about their Designbank business which operates in the old bank building in the main street of Bangalow. They started the business after they became proud parents to twin boys, Tom and Archie, who were born in January 2007. The

ambience of the old bank building gave them the idea to fulfil a dream of having their own business even though they had no prior experience in the fashion industry, other than Kim being a self confessed shopaholic. Kim is originally from Forbes in Central West NSW and Chris hails from Manchester in the UK – the Manchester United gnome by their back door gives away his favourite football team. Although they met in Sydney, they decided the Northern Rivers was the perfect place to bring up the boys. They love the local community and the diverse and friendly way of life that Bangalow allows. Living at Federal gives them the perfect balance with their ever expanding menagerie of labradors, chooks and ducks. Their house is filled with all things African after their extensive travels in East and southern African. Before the boys their interest was wildlife photography and the many photos in their house tell a wonderful story. Kim and Chris could not make the business work without Janelle, Ruth and Stephanie who are the friendly faces you see in the shop every day. They all work together to create an atmosphere of fun and easy shopping. You will often see Chris in the shop as well. Over the years they have listened to their local customers and have tailored their buying to suit. They are constantly on the lookout for new brands and enjoy the challenge of ensuring the shop is ever changing and interesting to visit. Kim and Chris love their life in the Northern Rivers and are looking forward to their journey as the boys grow up. Life in Bangalow seems to ‘fit them like a glove’. Di Martin and Hilary Wise


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New business happenings in Bangalow Top Spot Landscape Supplies has opened a plant nursery. All plants are sun hardened, frost tolerant and reasonably priced. New stock arriving weekly. Pavers are also available. After many years local identity Aneka Sidoti-Mills has sold Echidna Place to new owners who will be continuing the children’s line and incor-

MAY 2011

porating a new business, Bangalow Lounge, selling ladies’ casual clothing and homewares. Windhorse Gallery welcomes the new owners Carolyn McGirr and her partner Peter Mortimore, a highly acclaimed rural artist, to the Byron hinterland. The new gallery will be opening in mid-May, specialising in Australian art and Australian-made products relevant to the region.



COAL SEAM GAS Coal Seam Gas (CSG) exploration has mushroomed all across the Northern Rivers with about 45 approved production wells and more than 100 approvals for exploratory drilling. Each well can be up to 2,000 metres deep. Some are very close to Bangalow, such as the one at Bexhill, and it is almost certain the exploratory wells cross the same water tables that feed bore water in Bangalow. Sadly there is no map of the aquifers to prove that one way or another. It is not yet possible to know if any of the gasses currently leaking out of other local wells may surface in a Bangalow bore or affect its water table. Rous Water is sufficiently concerned to have called for a moratorium on all CSG exploration. The mining companies have assured us there is no chance of risk to water purity. There are no surety bonds required by mining companies so whilst we accept the view of their current executives accidents do happen. It could be the problems surface in 20 years time. In the USA there are significant issues with CSG and much visual evidence of contaminated water supplies and indeed the rather spectacular footage of kitchen taps looking more like flame throwers than faucets. The enviro-doco Gaslands has had quite a few showings in the Northern Rivers and its trailer, which can be seen on YouTube, is quite a revelation. A recent Four Corners programme highlighted the problems closer to home. State and federal governments appear to have been caught on the hop and it seems the governing legislation is lagging mining companies’ practices. Let’s hope all governments, federal, state and local, take a keen and urgent interest in protecting the farmers and our waterways. It would only take one of the thousands of wells to go badly wrong

Coal seam gas wells in the Clarence Moreton Basin 2005-10 photo courtesy of Environmental Defenders Office Lismore to create long lasting detrimental effects on the water of the Northern Rivers, surely one of our most valuable resources. Tony Gilding


AA Tues 5.30 Doug 6687 8668 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior Greg 6687 1231 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bangalow Freemasons 4th Monday 7.30pm Steve 6624 5547 Bridge Fri 12pm Brian 6687 2427 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 CWA 2nd Wed Claire 6687 0557 Garden Club 1st Wed Shirley 6687 1417 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Vivienne 6687 2183 Jazz-x-ercise Thurs 6pm Ann 6629 1041 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Ian 6687 2604 Lawn Bowls,Women Tues 9am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm Roger 6687 0543 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Jenni 6629 1740 Pony Club Kim Herwig 6687 8007 20

Pool Trust 3rd Wed Peta Poultry Club Hec Progress Association Ian Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Leonie Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot S355 C’mtee Heritage House Dawn Scouts Tues 6.30pm Alison Show Society Karen Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian Sporting Field bookings Nick St Vincent de Paul Thurs 10-11am/Catholic Hall Tennis Court Hire B&S Club Kaylene Writers Group 1st Thurs Ruth VENUES A&I Hall Anglican Hall Bangalow Showgrd Sports/Bowling Club Catholic Hall Coorabell Hall Newrybar Hall RSL Hall Scout Hall Heritage House

Station St Ashton St Moller Pavilion Byron St Deacon St Coolamon Scenic Newrybar Village Station St Showgrounds Deacon St

6688 4236 6687 1322 6687 1494 6687 1453 6687 1246 6687 2442 6628 1024 6687 1033 6687 1607 6684 7444 6687 1024 6687 1607 6687 1944 6687 1235 6686 3008

Michael 6687 1081 Russell 6687 1046 Karina 6687 1035 Lynne 6687 1235 George 6687 1969 Simon 6684 2888 Kay 6687 1324 Charlotte 6687 2828 Jenny 6687 2047 Dawn 6687 2442



Muddled Puzzles Muddled Puzzles, a new business dedicated to “creating stress and strain between couples”, is the brainchild of Binna Burra man, Stephen Jones. Following the demise of his former business in the GFC Mr Jones was forced reluctantly into looking for a new way of earning a modest living. Realising that his 54 years had equipped him for nothing of any societal value, he started creating logic puzzles. “In the circumstances, it was the only logical thing to do.” Since February 2010 he has created several hundred puzzles, all of them based on the rules that govern Sudoku. According to Mr Jones, the puzzles - called Sudokions, Logikions, Pandemonions and Katastriophions - and varying in difficulty, are the ‘next thing’ in a post-Sudoku world. Two articles on Mr Jones and his puzzles have appeared recently in rural newspapers in NSW and Queensland and a group of volunteers is currently test-running a dozen Logikions. Early responses have been positive, with respondents agreeing the puzzles are much more interesting and challenging than Sudoku. Mr Jones is about to sign a contract with Lovatts, Australia’s largest puzzle publishing company, which is soon to launch an online puzzles website called In the meantime he is looking for a Sudokuplaying entrepreneur to promote his puzzles to newspapers and magazines. “So far, I’ve found lots of very good Sudoku players who have no interest in promoting,” says Mr Jones, “and a few entrepreneurs who know nothing about Sudoku. I’m just waiting for a little planetary alignment,” he added. When the puzzles are out on the streets, claims Mr Jones, players will be able to refuse requests for

assistance around the house with the legitimate excuse they are improving their memory and staving off Alzheimer’s. Muddled Puzzles can be found at Di Martin


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BangalOw PUBlIc SchOOl Things are never quiet for the students of Bangalow Public School. Already this year they have participated in student leadership, Kids Connections program, swimming carnivals, garden club, Art Smart workshops, music tuition, Year 7 orientation, gymnastics program, school disco and welcome BBQ, rugby and softball competitions, AFL and winter sports trials, Earth Hour, Harmony Day and assemblies. On top of this they participate in quality learning activities across six key learning areas. A bit different from how school used to be! Neve’s Photography Success The attached photo, entitled ‘Liam is cool’, is a finalist in the 2011 Moran Contemporary Photographic Prize. Congratulations to Year 6 student Neve Kelly who took it during a photography workshop at our school at the end of 2010. In being named a finalist, Neve’s work will be on display at an exhibition at the Moran Gallery in Sydney, and she won a digital camera as well. Congratulations! Lisa Peacock

BangalOw nETBall clUB nEwS The 2011 netball season is off to a great start with over 50 players, comprising five different teams, representing Bangalow every Saturday at the Mullumbimby Courts. Our youngsters aged 8-10 are represented in the Netta division. We have two Under 12 teams and this year has seen a resurgence in enthusiasm from the older ‘mums with kids’ as we field two senior teams for the first time. One of our players, Chelsea Matthews, has also been chosen for a second season to play in the State Representative team for Brunswick/Byron in the Under 15’s team. Last year her team came first in their division at the state age championships in Newcastle. Bangalow Netball Club and the Bangalow Sports Association are currently working together with the Byron Shire Council to try to accommodate us with two new hard courts for training. The existing grass courts are a challenge to coach and train on, especially after lots of rain. It would be wonderful to see a new facility in place to accommodate the Club’s growing popularity. We look forward to another successful season and are happy to see ‘netball is catching’! Bangalow Netball Club - 0411-788 311. Gary Sharman



oUr KiDs

LocaL FamiLies KicK Up Their heeLs Around 200 people including children, their families and staff, gathered at the disco held for the Bangalow Community Children’s Centre on Saturday, 14 March. Held at the A&I Hall the Birthday Boogie was designed to welcome new families to the centre and also to kick off celebrations for the 30th Anniversary of BCCC. Needless to say, it was the first disco experience for many of the young attendees who dressed up in their party best and danced to fun tunes provided by our wonderful DJ Sally Sound. Kerry Ellbourne, Director of the Centre, said: “It was a wonderful opportunity to support children in building their sense of belonging in the community and developing social skills in a diverse environment.” Entry to the disco was by gold coin donation with all proceeds going to the Humour Foundation, a charity dedicated to promoting the health benefits of humour. Founded in 1997 by Dr Peter Spitzer, a general practitioner, and JeanPaul Bell, a performer, the Foundation’s core project is Clown Doctors. The Clown Doctors parody the hospital routine and lighten the serious side of the hospital, bringing support, fun and laughter. Clown Doctors can help distract children during treatment or help them forget for a moment that they are ill. There are more than 50 Clown Doctors nationwide who touch

the lives of over 100,000 people in 20 hospitals and on outreach visits each year. Sincere thanks go out to BCCC patron, Michael Malloy, for use of the A&I Hall and for providing sound and lighting, along with the food and Lions Club who cooked it. Also thanks

to Bun Coffee for serving up the best coffee, Dani at Hotcakes Byron Bay for the gorgeous birthday cake and to all the staff and BCCC committee for their tireless help in setting up this fun event. Viv Fantin BCCC Committee

BangaLow scoUTs Bangalow Scouts were blessed with fine weather for their first two camps of the year, a good change from a few washouts last year. Firstly they camped in the Bangalow Showground, participating in the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life. More recently they set up camp at Potter’s Farm on the outskirts of Bangalow.

MAY 2011

They will be attending the Region Rally in May. Look out for Scout parents doing their bit for the community and Scouts by helping with the parking every Saturday at the Bangalow Farmers Markets. Don’t forget the Scout Hall is available for hire. With its brand new kitchen and bathroom

it is a bargain for $12 an hour. It is a decent sized hall but still intimate for small groups or classes. The deck overlooking the showground is another great feature. Please phone Jenny Holden for more information on 6687 2047. Lisa Sharpe


M AY d i A rY

t o w n ta l k

Josie Peck and Geoff Jarrett were the first to sit at one of the two brand new tables installed at the Bangalow Fire Station Park. The tables were organised by the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce. They were made by former Bangalow, now Eureka, resident Johnny Thompson (left). Johnny’s business is called Plank Furniture For Life: unique custom built furniture made from quality recycled Australian materials. To see more of Johnny’s work go to or phone Johnny on 6688 4708 or 0432 623 408. It was standing room only for the latest Scarlett School concert where 41 students performed at the Bangalow Catholic Hall under the guidance of their teachers Nerida, Melia and Emily Rose. The audience members were amazed at the wonderful talents that were revealed by students young and not so young. For more information about the Scarlett School, please call 6687 1925.

Josie Peck and Geoff Jarrett with table maker, Johnny Thompson (left).


AdFAS - Textiles of Egypt


Garden Club meeting


Writers Group meeting

7 8

Garden Club social visit Alexey Yentsov concert


Eric Bibb at A&i Hall


Brian Cadd and russell Morris playing at the Bowlo


dinner/movie night at Newrybar Hall


Billy Cart derby


Mad Hatters Tea Party


Writers Group coffee morning


Well Swung daddies playing at the Bowlo


Biggest Morning Tea


Football Legends at the Bowlo


Annual Poultry Exhibition


Hallejujah Choralfest


AdFAS – royal Worcester porcelain


Auditions for Lions Club red Faces Talent Quest Farmers’ Markets: 7,14,21,28 Bangalow Market: 22 HB deadlines 11(Ads) 18 (Copy)

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