Heartbeat Bangalow’s
free l april 2014 No.179 l Celebrating the Life and Times of the local Community
A bridge not far
The highway moves on at two metres per minute, see our report page 3. The new bridge nears completion, autumn is upon us and we finally have some rain.
editorial It’s April already. Big events for this month are the Anzac Day parade and Easter, both reported in this issue. We bring you some results from the Heartbeat Reader Survey and announce the winner. If there is a subject you think deserves coverage please consider becoming a community contributor. The team works hard each month to ‘celebrate the life and times of the local community’ but we can’t cover everything. In the April issue we have nine ‘team’ articles and 10 (excluding community notices) by community
contributors, which is about par for the course. The highway moves on, and dedicated local groups are working to green up the surroundings. See the reports on pages 3 and 23. Other news. Chooks, pets, new arrivals, health – including local cancer and luekaemia fundraisers - food, books and much more. Next month the big events in town are the Billycart Derby, the Mad Hatters Tea Party and the return of Cabaret da Desh. Get your acts together! Di Martin
something sacred At rescue time
Pin feathered
At 17 weeks
In the big aviary
Late in January WIRES rescued four tiny Kingfishers, found in a nest on the ground in Alstonville. After nine days of care the birds moved into the next stage of development with the emergence of pin feathers. At this point, it was still a mystery what kind of Kingfishers had been rescued but WIRES knew they were healthy and had a good chance of growing up and being released. At the age of 2½ weeks, the birds’ beautiful coloured
plumage started to show and they were positively identified as Sacred Kingfishers. They were still at the nest box stage, but soon they would be ready to fledge and learn how to fly. A number of different carers helped with this case. Now the birds are in the last leg of their WIRES journey, preparing for return to their wild life. The Kingfishers will be soft released on the forest property of a WIRES carer. Muriel Kinson, WIRES
bangalow’s heartbeat www.heartbeat.net.au PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ruth Kirby Email: editors@heartbeat. net.au Cover photo: Judy Baker Advertising: Janelle Saunders
0422 069 861 advertising@ heartbeat.net.au Ad Production: Allie Leo Design: Niels Arup Editorial team: Judy Baker, Don Brown,Marika Bryant, Sophie Clare, Helen Johnston, Tony Hart, Lyn Plummer, Robin Osborne, Sally Schofield, Andrea
Sturgeon, Brian Sundstrom Distribution: Bangalow Post Office, Brian Sundstrom, Peter Bradridge, Neil McKenzie Website: Joanna Wilkinson
Accounts: Rob Campbell Chairman: Neville Maloney
DISCLAIMER. This newsletter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat Incorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon. Editors Dianne Martin, Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/ Public Officer Neville Maloney. Membership is open to all adult residents of the 2479 postal district. The opinions expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editors and other members of the Association committee. While every reasonable effort is made to publish accurate information, Bangalow’s Heartbeat Inc. accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed.
local news
T2E accelerates to 2 metres per minute!
Twelve months ago our highway constructors were paddling around in mud, puddles and landslides as the region coped with 1,430mm of rain (over 56 inches in the old scale). Highway construction was not only seriously delayed but went backwards, as much work had to be redone. In comparison the current ‘wet season’ with only one month to go, has so far delivered only 155mm (6 inches). Construction Director, David Packer, is overjoyed and recently happily reported on what he described as significant progress since the last community information meeting in November. The coming months will see some key milestones (or are they kilostones?) Rock
crushing at Arundel Hill and Ewingsdale will continue until mid year; the Bangalow Road bridge walls should be completed by midApril and all bridge girders across the whole project will be in place by the end of June; the Clover Hill sound mound is growing daily; and the Broken Head Road bridge will open in April. Only 500,000 cubic metres of soil remain to be repositioned, much of it we hope not transported along Bangalow’s main street. One morning in February I counted 37 trucks-and-dogs on the main street during a two hour period. We all sympathise with Byron Street businesses. Also with Granuaille Road residents who additionally
have had to cope with even more trucksand-dogs using the Bangalow roundabout as the nearest (meaning most convenient to the RMS) turning point for trucks working at the Ewingsdale end of the highway. Most construction sites of this size and scale would have set up internal haul roads months ago. However, we are told that a span of the new Byron Creek bridge will be ready to carry haulage transport “by the end of March” which should result in a reduction of earth haulage trucks on the main street. But all moaning apart, things appear to be going well. Perhaps the best indicator being that paving the highway will start in earnest during April, starting with the Ross Creek to Minor Creek section. A Heath Robinson paving machine will progress along the carriageways at up to 2m per minute as long as it can be fed with enough concrete. The aim is to complete paving the highway before Christmas 2014. So when will T2E open to traffic? Dave Packer’s latest estimate is before July 2015, weather permitting of course. So perhaps now we will see greater focus on early revegetating of the highway corridor and planting of trees and bushes, without which the highway will remain an intrusive scar on our local landscape. Hopefully this need not wait until construction is complete. I am told senior RMS management has been meeting to finalise the landscaping plans but there has, as yet, been no significant local community involvement in developing the plans and providing local vegetation, soil and climatic knowledge. And RMS should remember that, unlike drivers, it is the local residents that will have to look at the highway when the construction teams are long gone. Tony Hart
APRIL 2014 3
local information
Heartbeat 2014 Readership Survey Thank you to the 48 respondents who took the time to answer our readership survey. The information collected will help guide the editorial and advertising teams who volunteer their time and services. Heartbeat will consider the subjects for change with a view to implementation in the future. The entry judged as having the most helpful suggestions for future development was from Claire Dawson, a resident of Bangalow. Congratulations! Please identify yourself to David Collins Jeweller in April in order to claim your prize. Joanna Wilkinson
... and some results: l the highest readership (33%) is the 35-44 age group l 48% of respondents work part-time l 73% of respondents said they ‘quite often’ take up an offer or call an advertiser after seeing an ad in Heartbeat l 48% of respondents said they read Heartbeat cover to cover l 65% of respondents said two people read their household’s issue of Heartbeat – based on this information (from a very small sample) a staggering 5,750 could be
assumed to read the Heartbeat each month l respondents ranked local news (92%), local events (79%), the community noticeboard (65%) and local food (63%) as their favourite sections. For the detailed results go to www. heartbeat.net.au/gallery Thanks to Heartbeat’s Joanna Wilkinson, Sally Schofield and Janelle Saunders for organising the survey and to David Collins for his generous sponsorship. Di Martin
local news
Tracey and Janice with their shitbox
ShitBox Rally 2014 Two teams from Bangalow are again getting set to take part in the annual Shit Box Rally, one of the major community based fundraisers for the Cancer Council each year. Commencing 31 May, rally drivers take seven-days to tackle a course of 3,500kms from Perth to Darwin via the beautiful but arduous roads of the Kimberley in a $1,000 shit box car. The rally hopes to raise $1.4 million dollars for the Cancer Council, which has over the years contributed to amazing breakthroughs in detection and treatment of a number of cancers. Rising to the task is Team Honey Bees #1, comprised of Debbie Jarrett and Jo Millar from millar & more. The girls will be driving a
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24-year-old Ford Laser donated by Marty and Bill from Auto Top Trade in Lismore. Like too many of us, cancer has affected both Debbie and Jo in their personal lives and each has close friends battling the disease. “Every day there is another story. It doesn’t discriminate,” says Debbie. The second Bangalow team competing in the rally is Honey Bees #2 featuring Janice Maple and Tracey Wild from Elders Real Estate. The pair is hoping to raise $15,000 and have already collected over $10,000 through a wonderful High Tea at Heritage House and with sponsorship donations from the community and business networks. Janice is excited to be participating in her first rally. “I’ve never been to WA or Northern
Territory so getting to see the whole thing in seven days is fantastic. And it’s a good cause,” she says. Honey Bees #2 are piloting a 1987 Toyota Corolla bought locally for $1,000. “It’s currently at North Coast TAFE in Wollongbar where they are panel beating and spray-painting into honey bee theme,” says Janice, adding that the TAFE are completing the work free of charge as a project for the students. Over the last 10 years, the rate at which Australians die from cancer has fallen by 13% thanks to research, screening, and better treatments. In order to build on this success the fundraising efforts need to continue. For more information go to: www.shitboxrally. com.au. Sally Schofield
community noticeboard Bangalow Garden Club Forty members enjoyed a most fascinating visit to a Biodynamic Farm in Mullumbimby on our first Saturday social visit for 2014. Jane Collins, vice-president of the club, will give a talk on succulents at the next meeting on 2 April. On the following Saturday we will visit the garden of Dianne and James Stuart in Coopers Shoot Road. Helen Johnston
Red Cross for April Our next meeting is on Friday 4 April at 9.30am at the RSL Hall. Note earlier time. General business will be discussed. At 10.30am the general public is invited to a 45-minute presentation on the Red Cross RediPlan. Our special guest – local Red Cross emergency coordinator, Carolyn Forbes – will provide an introduction to, and guide through, this well thoughtout and easy to follow plan for survival in the case of fire, flood, cyclone or whatever the weather throws up. This is important information for every household – a stepby-step process to being totally prepared to face unexpected challenges. Please take time to come along to the talk. It could save your life and the lives of precious family. Tea and refreshments are provided. This is a big year for Red Cross, and very important for
the Bangalow branch. The organisation is celebrating 100 years of service and Bangalow is one of the few branches that has been going – uninterrupted – for all that time. A milestone to celebrate! We invite everyone with an interest in history, and specifically the Red Cross, to join us for a picnic at Heritage House on Saturday, 3 May 9.30 am to 11.30 am to help us mark this historic moment. The Museum is mounting an exhibition to co-ordinate with the big occasion and there will morning tea and a sausage sizzle. Free. We look forward to seeing you all. Dot Gill
CWA news Our next meeting is 9 April which will be followed by our birthday luncheon at the Bowlo. Because of Easter there will be no craft meeting in April. We held a successful street stall on 15 March, while on 27 February our local CWA ladies entered the handicraft section of the Land CWA Cooking and Handicraft Competition held
at the Bowlo. Many entries from Bangalow won prizes and Shirley Boyle took out the Champion of the Show with her cross-stitch piece (pictured). The ladies are all very excited and thrilled to have done so well in the Far North Coast region so are bubbling with enthusiasm and keen to have another go next year. Also, some observant eyes recently noticed a beautiful pair of crocheted linen shoes in a glossy magazine. Turns out the Luludu shoes are made
by crafter Alana Deukett who first learned her crochet skills from women at our Bangalow CWA. You never know where our craft nights might take you! Jane Curran and Judy Baker
Infant massage A four week infant massage course starts Thursday, 10 April at 10.30 am at the Bangalow Bowlo, costing $80. Learn infant massage from a qualified instructor. Good for babies as it can help them settle, sleep better, reduce crying and relieve
problems such as wind and colic. Good for parents also; research has found that caregivers felt more confident, less stressed, and felt a close bond with their babies after learning infant massage. Phone 0405 617 426. Lee Maguire, CHEGS
Bowlo events Thursday, 10 April and Friday, 11 April: A Tribute to David Ades’ Life though Jazz and Art (over two nights). The finest Jazz musicians from around the country will be arriving at The Bowlo, Bangalow to celebrate one of this country’s finest saxophonists, David Ades. David played with the cream of Australian’s musicians for over 25 years. Very sadly in November last year David passed away, leaving behind him a legacy of amazing music. Art exhibition: 6.30 pm Music: 8pm Presales tix: $10.00 (+bf) Door tix: $15. Door sales will be donated to the David Ades Foundation. Sunday, 13 April: The Seven Deadly Sins hosted by acclaimed Australian actor Steve Bisley. Ten locals will tell us how one of the Sins has touched their lives. Nothing is taboo! We will hear stories of Lust, Wrath, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony and Pride. Steve will also tell us his Big Sin. High tea, live music and incredible stories. Performance: 2 pm sharp. Door tix: $30 Presales online: $25 (+bf) Book
early to avoid disappointment. Sunday, 20 and Monday, 21 April 2014: MG Club National Meeting. On both Sunday and Monday mornings of the Easter weekend, The Bowlo will host the Gold Coast MG Car Club for their Annual MG National Meet from about 10 am to 12 noon. If you love classic cars and old MGs, The Bowlo will have over 50 MGs parked outside the Club and in the Car Park for a Show and Shine. The MGs range from the 1930s up to the present day and should present a fantastic display for the MG enthusiast. Come down, it’s free! Saturday, 26 April: The Swamp Stompers play dirty slide guitar blues with heavy grooves. They are a local band and have played at both the Byron Bay Blues Fest and the Sydney Blues & Roots Festival in 2013. Door: 7.30 pm Door tix: $15, Presale tix: $10 (+bf). Friday, 2 May: Neil Murray. “Neil Murray is simply one of the greatest singer/songwriters Australia has ever produced…. his music is hard hitting and true to life… it’s real..., just like the man himself.” [Lee Kernaghan]. Neil will introduce new songs from his latest release as well as renditions of well known songs from his back catalogue. Support for the evening is Jimmy Dowling. Doors: 7 pm / Show 7.30 pm
APRIL 2014
Tix: Pre $25 (+bf) / Door $30 available www.kupromotions. com.au. Kat Antram
All Souls All Souls Bangalow are holding their first stall for 2014 on Friday, 11 April from 8 - 11 am. Jean Daly is an amazing cook. She is making chutneys and slices. Of course Judith Chandler the best date scones, so morning tea is assured. Not to forget the raffle. So don’t miss out. See you in front of our newsagent. All Souls Guild
Networking lunch At Town café on Thursday, 24 April at 1pm. Our presenter is Trudy Johnston of Vim and Zest Communications. Trudy will explain about how to communicate with confidence to rocket-charge your business promotion! Clarity of vision and ability to communicate it is the foundation of a great business. Bookings are essential at: www. byronandbeyondnetworking. com.au. Phone 0412 475 543 Rose Marie Toynbee
ANZAC Day in Bangalow
As the centenary of the landing at ANZAC Cove approaches in 2015, there is a growing interest in the ANZAC story and it is hoped that many people will join us for this year’s commemoration on Friday, 25 April. The Parade will be formed at
Memorial Park, near the roundabout at 10.30 am, for the march along Byron Street to Station Street and the RSL Memorial Hall. All ex-service men and women are invited to take part. A wreath-laying ceremony takes place at the Cenotaph. This includes the Last Post, the recitation of the Ode and Reveille. At the conclusion, everyone is invited to the short, traditional ANZAC service in the hall. Accompanying the veterans in the Parade will be members of the 41st Battalion, a Drum Party, WWII vehicles, and community and school groups. Enquiries to Col Draper, Hon. Secretary of Bangalow RSL SubBranch, 6624 5560. Chris Gray
Shitbox fundraiser Get frocked up for an afternoon of fun, fashion and fundraising for cancer research on Saturday, May 3 from 2pm to 5pm. Jo Millar and Deb Jarrett, owners of millar & more, invite you to support them as they head off on the Shitbox Rally. Enjoy champagne and finger food, a fashion parade, lucky door prizes and a silent auction. $35 entry includes food and the parade at Deb’s home at 665 Coopers Shoot Road, Coopers Shoot. Tickets available at millar & more, 35 Byron Street, Bangalow or tel: 6687 0400. Jo Millar
Cabaret da Desh Mark your diaries now for this much-loved event’s return on Saturday, 31 May 2014. Tickets will be $30 and go on sale Saturday, 3 May at 9am from Barebones Art Space. Don’t forget, if you have a yearning to perform, this is your perfect opportunity. Further info from Karen or Ruth at Barebones 6687 1393. Ruth Ryan
Museum and Tea Room Just a reminder that the Museum and Tea Room is now open from Tuesday to Saturday inclusive. Weekday hours 9am to 3.30 pm. Saturdays 7.30 am to 3.30 pm. Wendy Grissell
WIRES WIRES Northern Rivers branch covers an 8800 square kilometre area, encompassing Byron, Ballina, Richmond Valley, Kyogle and Lismore. There are so many bird rescues and never enough bird carers to manage the workload. All bird carers joined WIRES and took the basic training before deciding to do more intensive work with birds. Would you like to be involved in this satisfying work? WIRES makes the required specialised training easily available to its members. Have a look at the website -- www.wiresnr.org -- or call the 24-hour hotline on 6628 1898. Next basic training will be 14-15 June. Muriel Kinson
a reflection
Easter LIFE We all hope for something. I hope it rains soon. I hope I will get a place in my university course. I hope that after the operation I will be better. Hope is about the future, for something we desire, for a change in the state of something. Hope is about the future and positive hope helps drive us along. We look to the future and hope carries us there, even through all the trials and tribulations of life. Who would not desire a better state of being? We all look forward to Easter.As soon as Christmas is over the shops immediately replace Christmas decorations and cards with chocolate Easter eggs and Hot Cross Buns. We look forward to the ‘break,’ for most of us, four days off! Another opportunity to go away, for families to gather, even for a quiet time at home. The quietness and stillness of Good Friday amazingly remains, even though many do not know why. For Christians, Easter is the high-point of the year. A greater festival than Christmas, Easter confirms our hope. Indeed, faith is the assurance of things hoped for. There is a
struggle between life and death at Easter, and the good news is that life reigns supreme. In the northern hemisphere, this is attested by the natural environment bursting to new life after the cold and darkness of winter. For us in the south, the leaves are falling, the days are shortening, and the temperatures are dropping. After the heat of the summer, our environment is cooling down and being refreshed with rain. Our hope remains.
We gather, sit around the fire and tell our stories. Imagine the joy when our ancestors discovered that if lifeless stones were struck together, if fallen twigs or dead wood were rubbed hard and patiently together and a living human breath blown onto these, a spark of fire would spring forth and a reality of extraordinary potential would be born. Central to the celebration of Easter is new life. Families gather and feast together, celebrating life, affirming one another and sharing experiences. At Easter we are renewed and refreshed, even when we are alone. Those who travel keep life, with new experiences and new discoveries. If we use the time at home to clean, to do gardening or to read, we are finding new ways of living. In the second century of the common era, Irenaeus equated glory with the human being fully alive. He also considered that those who see light stand within it and share its brilliancy. As humanity, we share an innate desire to be fully alive. So let us celebrate LIFE together! Fr Matthew Smedley
pet tales
Hi, my name is Bintu and everyone says I am absolutely beautiful, and if I may say so myself, I agree with them. I was born in Sydney 19 years ago but looking at my most recent photo you would never believe it. I lived on the northern beaches and have had the most wonderful life. Newport offered many walks on the beaches and
a wonderful companion, Zefferelli. Around 11 years ago, to our horror we were transported to Federal from a quarter acre block to 16 acres and expected to keep an eye on it. It pushed both Zeffie and me to the limit but together we managed the challenge. Life on the farm took some getting used to. Unfortunately we are not alone as Peggy the giant python lives here too. I cannot be left on the verandah unattended as my four kilo body would make a tasty morning tea for Peggy. Then there are the cows. They look good from a distance but very intimidating and it was a nasty surprise when I realised they didn’t want to play with us. Federal has been a great sea change for me. So many people to meet and see and my much loved carers have so much more time at home now and can give me all the attention I require. When Zeffie died I was at a loss and went into a deep decline. The magical Wags, our rescue dog, came to live with us. I gave him the cold shoulder for some time but then relented as he was just adorable and respected that I was top dog. Sadly we did not have him long enough and he is resting with Zeffie in the garden. Two years ago came Mr McGinty. Boy what a difference he has made around the place! He is a very handsome schnauzer. He is the
best. We go to Belongil every day for a walk and then have to sit around while our carers have a coffee. I must give full credit to them though as they have given me a wonderful life. I have travelled extensively throughout Australia and seen so many exciting places. My trip to the Queensland outback was a great experience and we were made welcome in dog friendly caravan parks. Even when they said they weren’t dog friendly they melted when they met me and McGinty. Society is certainly getting its act together with regard to realising dogs need a holiday too and separation anxiety is very real for dogs when owners go away without them. I still love the beach and smile to myself when people say, “Can I pat the puppy?” I don’t know why my carers have to let on I’m nineteen but they always do. My great friend Michael looked after all my health needs but sadly he is no longer with us. Now I have Megan and I am putting my trust in her hands as the ageing process starts to kick in. I overheard my family planning a holiday up to Cairns and Magnetic Island (always wanted to go there) and although they think I am getting a little deaf, I heard them say that because they think I am a bit fragile now I will be going with them. McGinty is staying home with great friends as he is only two. I daren’t tell him yet but he will be spoilt no doubt. Everyone thinks he’s cute too but not quite as cute as me. As I celebrate my 19th birthday I can say it’s been a good life. But I must say I could not imagine the world existing without me in it! Bintu Postscript: Sadly Bintu left us a week after writing her story. She was a special little soul and her spirit is with us, gently drifting in the rainforest where she rests. Rhonda Ansiewicz
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in service
William Jackson of Newrybar with portrait of Ernest Jackson, one of Australia’s first Gallipoli casualties, his brother James’ ‘Nasho’ medal, and the commemorative display of grandfather James Jackson’s service in the Sudan in 1885
Memories live on for the fighting Jacksons Get out the World map and see how far it is from Milton, on the NSW south coast, to Sudan, in north-eastern Africa. Now think back to 1885, before the age of air travel, when such places were so remote that no one from pre-Federation Australia would have dreamed of travelling there. Unless, of course, there was a war to fight on behalf of an ally – in this case, Britain, which was striving to keep that distant place, like so many others, under its authority. Compounding the case for military involvement, forces loyal to the Mahdi, an Islamist who still inspires Muslim fanatics, had laid waste to the British defenders of the capital, killing their commander, the evangelistic Gen. Charles Gordon, nicknamed ‘Chinese’ for his exploits around Shanghai two decades earlier (and played by Charlton Heston in the film, Khartoum). Enter the boys of the NSW Rifles Contingent, including young James Jackson and his brother Phillip, crack shots who
volunteered to travel to the far reaches of Empire in the hope of helping bring the rebels to heel. As the description in the Australian War Memorial (AWM) reads, “In 1885, in response to the death of Gen. Gordon, NSW sent a contingent of infantry, artillery and ambulance corps to assist British forces.” The Jackson boys, James listed as a laborer, Phillip as a blacksmith, set sail for distant Sudan. Like so many young Australians who would later go abroad to fight the wars of our ‘mother countries’, both suffered greatly. They were not there long, but when the time came to return home, Phillip, who had contracted typhoid, was left in the care of British medicos to recover. He did not, and was buried in Suakin, Sudan. James fared better, although also suffered from the ravaging disease. He and ten others were offloaded in Colombo, Ceylon, returned to good health and disembarked in Sydney in July of that year. When
discharged from the army the 21-year old was described as being of a “fresh” complexion. He was awarded the Sudan Service Medal and the Egyptian Star, rare honours that are proudly held by his family, who include grandson William Jackson of Newrybar. “The Jackson family of Milton made a great contribution to the foundation of Australian military history,” says the citation displayed in the AWM in Canberra. Not long into the next century, there was more distinguished family service, and, sadly, more death, to come. James Jackson’s eldest son, Ernest, had joined up to fight another Muslim adversary of Britain, the Turks, in WW1. At the age of 25, no doubt as fresh-faced as his forebears, he became one of Australia’s first fatalities at the site now known as Anzac Cove. The year was 1915, and the Jacksons had made another contribution to the nation’s military history. By then, however, they were not known as hailing from the south coast, but from the north, specifically around Kyogle where the family was involved in the dairy and banana growing industries. The next soldier in the ranks was destined to be James Elliott Jackson, a National Serviceman, who was fortunate enough not to be posted to the nasty front of the Korean War in 1951. His brother William gained a similar reprieve, with his work in agriculture being deemed an essential industry, although given the family history he would have been keen to serve if called upon. Tragically, James was killed in a car accident in his 20s, although a reminder of his ‘Nasho’ service was brought home when the family received his Anniversary of National Service Medal 1951-1972 [the latter date marking when the Australian troops left South Vietnam]. Now off the land and living in Newrybar village, William Jackson is a proud custodian of his family’s history in some of Australia’s most remote theatres of combat, whatever the causes and outcomes may have been. His advancing years position him to survey a landscape of reflection, not least that war is a ghastly business that can bring out the best in ordinary people. Robin Osborne
APRIL 2014
taking it to the streets Photos by Andrea Sturgeon
In 1881 Robert Campbell arrived in Bangalow and selected 640 acres under the Robertson Land Act of 1861. His land extended across the north and west of Byron Creek. After five months Marion Campbell joined Robert with their three children, one of whom was Colin. By 1903 Colin Street, named after this son, was established as part of a residential subdivision of the area. Colin Street is within walking distance from the main town in Byron Street and is accessed from Keith Street. It is north of Byron Creek and the disused railway line. Colin Street is a wide road that swings around slightly to the right about three quarters of the way up. It is a no through road and has farmland at the end. The houses in the street are mostly made of brick and look to be built around the 1960s and 1970s era. There are a few unit complexes as well. Andrea Sturgeon
local news Minorcas
to prearrange to make bids by phone on the day. Some bidders are simply looking for good layers while others are looking for show birds and will pay exhibition prices. The most common breeds sold are white or brown Leghorns, Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. The most popular sellers are often the pretty breeds such as Pekin Bantams, Hamburghs, Minorcas and Frizzles. The auction also includes ducks, geese, turkeys and caged birds such as finches. This year there are some beautiful Australian Call Ducks in apricot or blue colours. Turkeys are always popular and sell well. Sometimes canaries, budgies and parrots are also auctioned. As a general rule most vendors do not put a reserve price on their poultry. Bidders must be registered and can download registration forms from the Bangalow Poultry Club website. Payment is in cash only and buyers need to bring their own box to transport their poultry home. So if you’re keen to see a variety of poultry for auction and maybe make a bid, come along on auction day. For more information about the club go to bangalowpoultryclub.com.au or contact Glenda McKenzie at gmckenzie@hotkey. net.au or ph (02)6687 1322. Lyn Plummer
CALLING ALL POULTRY FANCIERS On Sunday, 20 April at 10am Bangalow Poultry Club will once again hold its annual poultry auction in the Moller Pavilion at the Bangalow Show Grounds. This event has been held for the last eight years and has grown enormously over that time. The auction originally had one auctioneer but now two auctioneers are needed to handle the large number of birds which are entered for auction. Entries come from as far away as Armidale in the west, Nambour in Queensland and sometimes even Maitland in the south. Many vendors are regulars but each year more new ones become involved. The poultry are able to be viewed by the public two hours before the auction starts. The club runs a barbecue to provide refreshments for the day.
Glenda McKenzie (Club Secretary) says, “The Bangalow auction is a very popular one. People love driving to the Bangalow area for its beautiful countryside and the lovely setting of the showgrounds. We get feedback every year from customers who comment on how very friendly and efficient our staff are. We are quick to complete the necessary paperwork after a sale has been made so that people can leave to travel home as soon possible rather than having to wait in line at the end of the auction to be paid.” Only pure bred poultry are auctioned. Often there are up to 250 lots which may be singles, pairs or trios so around 500 to 600 birds may be sold on the day. Prices vary according to the popularity of breeds with prices ranging from $10 to $500. It is possible
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the person behind the job “The naysayers predicted that I would go under, but they got it wrong. Ten years later I’m still afloat.” This is how Jared began our conversation about his video rental shop. He explains that once every town and village had at least one video store but technological c h a n g e s , competition and overheads knocked many of them out. This culling favoured the small well-run businesses with low costs, few staff and premises which were not too expensive to rent and which offered something more than just the rental of videos. That describes Jared’s business precisely. Jared and his family left the northern beaches suburb of Narrabeen when he was entering Year 5 at school. They moved to a rural holding and Jared entered school at Bangalow Public. He went on to high school at Trinity in Lismore and completed a university degree in Arts, majoring in film and television. During his last high school years he had a casual job at the Video Store which he was later to purchase. He wanted the opportunity to work for himself and when it came up he bought the business. He was 23 years old and faced the demanding task that creating a business involved. Jared had always been a fan of film and his university training in history led him to the rich catalogue of film that was such an important contributor to Australian culture. He was also a very gregarious young man for whom customer relations proved no problem His store is a one-man band, which became something of a drop-in centre where talk of films was always on the menu. “Local groups looking for something to pass the time would just ‘drop in to see Jared’ and these customers have remained loyal through the many changes,” he explains. Jared’s taste in films has also evolved.
Jared and Georgie. Photo by Judy Baker
BEATING THE ODDS Don Brown chats to Jared Wyatt from My Favourite Video in Bangalow
When asked what is his favourite film he was quick to reply, ‘Jaws!’ He points out the importance of the technical aspects of this classic which have influenced the making of movies ever since. Of recent films he really enjoys blockbusters such as Avatar. He likes comedies as well and we shared a laugh remembering the hilarious fun of the film Best in Show, a great favourite for both of us. Hire it if you want a good laugh. Despite his love of Jaws Jared’s favourite relaxation is ocean swimming. He keeps fit in preparation for the Winter Whales Swim held annually in early May, which raises money for local charities. Though previously he had enjoyed both tennis and basketball the demands of his business restrict his leisure activities. The store is open 364 days a year, Christmas Day being the only closing day. The compensation for this restricted social life is the steady flow of customers who have become friends, and the store is the scene for many happy conversations. He has had short holidays in which he travelled to Asia and Europe, something he will be keen to do again in the future. The ability to chase up films on the internet and the practice of illegal downloading has been a source of problems for video rentals. Though at first there was a small dropoff, the boom in TV series has meant that people become avid followers. But what happens when they miss an episode? They can make illegal copies or buy a boxed set at great expense. “I can get the missed episode for a few dollars and with a few day’s wait,” Jared explains. TV series such as Homelands and Game of Thrones are in demand even when they are being shown on television. Computer games are another good source of revenue. For company Jared has his fifteen year old dog, Georgie. Despite her age she is still active and often spends the day at the store supervising. Jared also likes old music, feeling more at home with ‘70s rock and folk than the current crop of music. For the immediate future Jared will keep the business going. He will try to keep space for a holiday every two years. But in the longer term he would like a change from the demands of running a small business. “I’m glad that I have met the challenge of running a small business and have proved the naysayers wrong , but for my next job I would like a 9-5 job five days a week and to enjoy the many things I’ve had to put aside to run the store,” Jared said. In the meantime it’s business as usual.
APRIL 2014
health and wellbeing
why you should probably stop eating wheat Fifty years ago scientists began cross-breeding wheat to make it hardier, shorter, and bettergrowing. This work introduced some compounds to wheat that aren’t entirely human friendly. Today’s hybridised wheat contains sodium azide, a known toxin. It also goes through a gamma irradiation process during manufacturing. Hybridised wheat also contains novel proteins that aren’t typically found in either the parent or the plant — some of which are difficult for us to digest. Consequently, some scientists now suspect that the gluten and other compounds found in today’s modern wheat are responsible for the rising prevalence of celiac disease, ‘gluten sensitivity’ and other problems. Gluten is a protein composite of gliadin and glutenin that appears in wheat as well as other grains like rye, barley, and spelt. It’s also what gives certain foods that wonderful chewy texture. Gluten also helps dough to rise and keep its shape. Gliadin and glutenin create an immunogenic response which increases intestinal permeability, thus triggering systemic inflammation by the immune system which can lead to any number of autoimmune diseases, including celiac, rheumatoid arthritis and irritable
bowel syndrome. Gliadin is a strange protein that our enzymes can’t break down into elements small enough for us to digest. Our enzymes can only break down the gliadin into peptides. Peptides are too large to be absorbed properly through the small intestine. Our intestinal walls or gates, then, have to separate in order to let the larger peptide through. The immune system sees the peptide as an enemy and begins to attack. In a normal person, the intestinal walls close back up, the small intestine becomes normal again, and the peptides remain in the intestinal tract and are simply excreted before the immune system notices them. In a person who reacts to gluten, the walls stay
open as long as gluten is being consumed. It is also believed that gliadin degrades to a morphine-like compound after eating and creates an appetite for more wheat. So wheat actually has an addictive quality to it. Plus it also has a high glycaemic index and raises blood sugar. So it is also blamed for the onset of other health conditions like obesity and heart disease. Small low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles also form after eating lots of carbohydrates. These are responsible for atherosclerotic plaque, which in turn can also trigger heart disease and stroke. Lectins are also found in whole grains and cause problems. They bind to our insulin receptors and intestinal lining increasing inflammation, autoimmune disease and insulin resistance. Phytates too bind to metal ions like calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. In turn, these minerals cannot be properly absorbed after eating. So phytates, combined with gluten, make it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients, which can lead to anemia and osteoporosis. Though whole grains provide necessary fibre we can get adequate amounts simply by eating fruits and vegetables. Sue Daly, the bangalow naturopath
Get Shaved!
Isaac Brandon in the hot seat
On Friday, 14 March, Getsteffed hair salon in Bangalow was transformed into a den of flashing lights and wild fun as the Getsteffed team got behind a great fundraising event, the World’s Greatest Shave. Local lads had their heads shaved for the cause, while children (and the odd mum!) had bright coloured temporary hair colours applied. “I really wanted the kids to relate to it,” says Stephie, salon owner and mother of two. “I got involved because it’s for a good cause and it’s about hair and it’s fun, especially for the kids.” This annual event is the major fundraiser for The Leukaemia Foundation. This year fundraisers across the country have collected over $10 million which will go towards research needed to find better treatments and cures for leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders. Stephie is over half way towards reaching her fundraising goal of $500 and is still accepting tax-deductible donations directly at the salon. Sally Schofield
Leaky Gut: a second helping Following on from the article on Leaky Gut in Heartbeat’s November 2013 edition, Hayley Stathis, Nutritionist and Naturopath, gives her top tips for repairing an overly permeable digestive system. To recap: Leaky Gut is an inflammatory condition that causes the intestinal wall to become more permeable, allowing unwanted substances to pass into the bloodstream. Symptoms can include: • bloating • food intolerances • eczema • psoriasis • fatigue Poor diet, alcohol, antibiotics, parasites
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and some medications can all contribute. Regardless of the cause, given the right attention, your gut has an amazing ability to heal. The first thing we do is improve your diet. A wholefood diet, as organic as possible and free of processed foods, trans fats and sugar will help relieve inflammation. Potential allergens like gluten and dairy should be removed in the healing phase. Think easily digested and nutritious soups and stews, bone broths, pears, smoothies and fermented wonders like sauerkraut and kefir. If parasites are still present, we need to eradicate them with anti-parasitic herbs. Introducing beneficial bacteria in the form
of probiotics will help restore balance. We repair the intestinal lining with Slippery Elm powder, L-glutamine and certain herbs. There are some fantastic gut repair formulations containing all these beneficial substances in easy-to-take powder form. Avoiding caffeine, alcohol, aspirin, NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) and antibiotics is important as these substances are all known to damage the intestinal wall. Hayley now offers Hemaview™ Live Blood Screening, an in-clinic test that can help screen for signs of a leaky gut, inflammation and dysbiosis. For more information, contact Hayley at Herbal Wisdom on 6687 0457.
new horizons
Holland, Townsville, Brisbane then – at last – the Byron hinterland Helen Johnston continues her series, this month profiling Anni and John Abbink who settled in the area in 2011.
Anni, born and educated in Melbourne and John, originally from Holland, met and married there in 1970. John worked as a stock broker until the early ‘80s before looking for a change of pace from their frenetic life in the city. They moved to Townsville with their two sons Dan, then aged 10, and Nick, aged eight. John had a total change of career when he bought an Italian restaurant and later established a smart gourmet delicatessen, the likes of which had never been seen in that part of the world. Anni was employed in various positions in administration and the family enjoyed a more laid back life style that a tropical climate demands. In 2000 Anni was offered a job she couldn’t refuse as an Associate to a Family Court judge in Brisbane. Commuting became a way of life for some time until John wound up his food businesses in Townsville and purchased and operated others in Brisbane. It was from here that they discovered the Byron Bay hinterland and annual holidays became a regular event. For many years they rented a house which was part of the old Music Farm in Coorabell. When the house, ‘Vista’, named for its beautiful views, came up for sale in 2009 they bought it with retirement in mind. In 2011 they moved here permanently. John was happy to leave the running of the family catering business to their son Nick. He now keeps busy with landscaping projects on the five acre property, his vegetable garden and orchard and keeping his lawn mowers happy, seven very handsome
Dexter cows. To Anni, health and fitness have always been important and she plays tennis in two local groups and attends a gym class in Bangalow. As a couple they walk up to the lighthouse several times a week. On arriving here Anni joined ADFAS, short for Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society. Her deep interest in the arts, her networking skills and her sense of community now see her as chairperson of ADFAS this year. The main aim of the society is to promote all aspects of the arts and this is done by way of eight informative illustrated talks by well qualified lecturers each year in the A&I Hall. Samples of the subjects this year are ‘Antarctica – a global village’, ‘A Woman Artist looks at Women Painters’ and ‘Travels in Rajasthan with Rudyard Kipling’. It is a testament to Anni’s enthusiasm and the members of the 2014 committee that the membership and attendance has grown this year. Drinks and light refreshments are served at the meetings which give attendees the opportunity to chat and mingle. Information about upcoming lectures can be found in Heartbeat and on line www.adfas.org.au Anni and John often sit on their back verandah with its stunning view and think how lucky they are to be living in such tranquil beautiful surroundings, not too far away from their sons and their families in Brisbane. Their four young grandchildren love to visit to play on the tennis court, swim in the pool and enjoy riding their bikes and running free on their grandparents’ idyllic property. Helen Johnston
local events
Antarctica – a global village On Monday, 28 April, ADFAS Byron Bay & Districts presents this talk on Antarctica by Professor Robert Clancy AM. Prof Clancy will explore the idea of Antarctica and how it evolved from an area of frozen uncertainty to the modern global village it is today. To this end he will use contemporary maps which he believes are an exciting and visual way of telling Antarctica’s 500 year history. Prof Clancy has collected maps of Terra Australis for over 40 years. He has written four books on historical cartography and lectures and writes widely on a variety of cartographic subjects. Prof Clancy is a medical graduate and a physician with a PhD in auto immune disease. As well as his research interest in mucosal immunity and oral vaccines to manage chronic airways disease, he was Foundation Professor at the innovative medical school at the University of Newcastle, New South Wales. He was
awarded Membership of the Order of Australia in 2005 for his service to cartography as a collector of early maps of Australia and to the field of immunology. Prof Clancy last visited Byron Bay as a hitchhiking medical student in 1959 and is very much looking forward to visiting the
present day Byron. Prof Clancy will be travelling with his wife Christine with whom he runs a Venice-London tour, following the course of the Black Death and aimed at tracing medical, scientific and pharmacalogical history from renaissance times to the present. Robert and Christine now live in Sydney where Robert operates a couple of clinics with a colleague, is involved in the development of history of medicine courses and is on a number of boards, which together with his family, keep him busy. For all those who are interested in Antarctia, and indeed those who would like to discover more about it, his presentation is not to be missed. It will be held at the A&I Hall in Station Street, Bangalow at 6.30pm. Please come along and enjoy a drink beforehand and a light supper after the presentation. For enquiries please call 6684 3249. Non-members $25 entry. Anni Abbink
more madness at tea party Bangalow Public School is holding its Mad Hatter’s Derby Tea Party once again to coincide with the Lion’s Club’s annual Bangalow Billycart Derby. Bangalow Public School Principal, Susie Boyle, said she had high hopes for the fundraising event again this year, and was looking forward to another fabulous and festive day organised by the school’s P&C Association. “We’re anticipating another incredibly fun day this year. We are very grateful to
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the generosity of our parents and broader community in their support of the school. It’s great to see the kids having such a fun community day. Funds raised at the event and raffle last year, plus sales of our Bangalow Banquet Cookbook are enhancing learning experiences of our children. In addition to purchasing 10 laptops, library books and curriculum resources, the P&C funding has helped us to introduce an environmental
sustainability program, purchase musical instruments, visual arts materials and science equipment.” The Mad Hatter’s Derby Tea Party is a family haven for the annual Bangalow Billycart Derby being held on Sunday, 18 May from 9 am to 3 pm at Bangalow Public School grounds. Kids can play between derby races while families relax in comfort and safety, enjoying family-friendly activities and wholesome food. Catherine Rogers
what I’ve been reading Extraordinary stories of the pioneering struggles and religious conflicts in four generations of a local family.
Roundabout at Bangalow by Shirley Walker
Shirley Walker, a resident of Alstonville, has written two books: The Ghost at the Wedding is Shirley Walker’s biography of her mother-in-law’s harsh life on the Clarence River for which Shirley won both the Kibble Literary Award and the Asher Literary Award. It was a compelling read addressing four generations of the Walker family and two world wars; a powerful presentation of the brutality of war and the enduring damage war does to families and society. There are no heroes here. Roundabout at Bangalow is Shirley’s own memoir, first published in 2001 by University of Queensland Press. Her early childhood was lived in and around The Channon, on the Queensland border at Wallangarra, at ‘The Bay’ and at Grafton. Woven into her own story, Shirley also tells the stories of her grandparents, parents and, later on, those of her in-laws (the Walker family). Much of this is necessary in order to understand the link between the experiences had by one generation and the enduring effect those experiences have on the next generation. Her story is intimate: her parents are unhappily married for most of her life and her mother suffers several breakdowns. And life is tough! Many years of her life as a child, and later as a newly married woman, were spent living in a tent. Newly married Shirley and her husband move to a soldier settlement block on Rita Island in the delta of the Burdekin River in North Queensland with dreams of a magnificent family home surrounded by beautiful gardens. After six years they have cleared 40 acres of land for sugar cane but have not yet reaped any benefit. They are homesick and decide to return to Grafton to buy the family farm. They endure an unprecedented number of floods, the last almost claiming the family. Shirley describes in detail the religious attitudes of the time and the impact your chosen religion has on your life. She details the roles of women and the class structures which existed after World War II. Her descriptions of the dances and balls and the carriages on the public trains took my breath away – at times I felt as if I had been transported back in time. At 16 Shirley was permitted entry to Teachers’ College and having her Teacher’s Certificate enabled her, during the tough times, to teach in order to supplement the family farming income. I felt her outrage at the prevailing sentiment of the times, that married women should not be teaching and, accordingly, were only ever given temporary status. Aged 38, Shirley commenced university study. She taught during the day, cared for her three children while her husband worked away from home and at night she studied. What can I say? This is one hell of a woman and one hell of a storyteller. This book is a powerful portrait of twentieth-century Australia. I loved it! Carolyn Adams – Bookworms & Papermites
useful information and contact numbers AA Tues 5.30 Richard 0466 885 820 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior Greg 6687 1231 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bridge Fri 12pm Steve 6688 4585 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 Co-dependents Anonymous Thurs 7pm/Sat 4pm Guy 0421 583 321 CWA 2nd Wed Claire 6687 0557 Garden Club 1st Wed Hazel 6687 8409 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Wendy 6687 2183 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Gerry 6687 1142 Lawn Bowls,Women Wed 9.30am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm Roger 6687 0543 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Sue 0421 030 438 Police Peta 6687 1404 Pony Club Kim 6687 8007 20
Pool Trust 3rd Wed Dominic 6687 1425 Poultry Club Hec 6687 1322 Progress Association Ian 6687 1494 Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Leonie 6687 1453 Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot 6687 1246 Rugby Union Richard 0415 773 064 S355 C’mtee Heritage House Don 6687 1897 Scouts Tues 6.30pm Jenny 6687 2047 Show Society Karen 6687 1033 Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick 6687 1607 Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian 6684 7444 Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian 6687 1024 Sporting Field bookings Nick 6687 1607 Tennis Court Hire 6687 1803 Writers Group 1st Thurs Alex 0439 304 911 VENUES A&I Hall Station St Brian 0427 157 565 Anglican Hall Ashton St Matthew 0488 561 539 Bangalow Showgrd Moller Pavilion Karina 6687 1035 Sports/Bowling Club Byron St Luke 6687 2741 Catholic Hall Deacon St Russell 0423 089 684 Coorabell Hall Coolamon Scenic Simon 6684 2888 Newrybar Hall Newrybar Village Ian 6687 8443 RSL Hall Station St Charlotte 6687 2828 Scout Hall Showgrounds Jenny 6687 2047 Heritage House Deacon St Don 6687 1897
local food
market forces Heartbeat, in association with Sample magazine and the Byron Farmers’ Market, is now bringing you delicious recipes each month. Check out the fresh locally grown ingredients at the Saturday market behind the Bangalow Hotel. Mesto Organic Dip 1 large bunch organic coriander 1 large bunch organic parsley 1 bunch organic kale 1 large organic lemon (or two organic limes), juiced 3 cloves organic garlic, crushed ¹⁄2 cup organic almonds, pre-soaked in water and drained ¹⁄2 cup organic light olive oil 1 teaspoon tabasco sauce sea salt, to taste First chop the almonds in a food processor. Add the garlic and process. Then add the lemon, oil olive and tabasco and process. Add the coriander, process then add the parsley and continue processing. Finally, add the kale. Once blended to a pesto consistency, season to taste. To store: Put mesto in a glass jar, pour a little olive oil on the top to seal, place on lid and keep in the fridge. It will keep in the fridge for up to two weeks. Recipe courtesy of Munch Crunch Organics
APRIL 2014 21
the environment
Biodiversity in our Green Spaces The preservation and promotion of biodiversity, to be effective, has to be carried out not only by individuals but also by governmental and corporate bodies. I am not here talking of biodiversity gardens like the ones in Dubbo or Cape Town. They have their place but are more akin to botanical zoos than broad scale pro-active action that is educative and has a greater impact. The city of Edinburgh in Scotland has an initiative called Edinburgh Biodiversity Partnership. They have developed a guide aimed at helping park managers to “look at the features that make up their parks and make them better for biodiversity.” It is a clearly written guide showing a list of options to benefit biodiversity for parks and green spaces. It is practical and can be added to existing management plans. The guide also emphasises the opportunity created to “... engage park users in the process and raise their awareness of biodiversity issues.” They encourage park owners and managers to inform the public through notice boards and signs. In Australia, the Victorian city of Boroondara has developed an Urban Biodiversity Strategy (2013-2023). This plan arose from an earlier biodiversity strategy initiative adopted by council in 2003. In 2005 they developed a Biodiversity Corridors Plan which helped them map out 15 wildlife corridors which have since been mapped, developed and restored. The new strategy builds on the previous work and has developed a plan to encourage community participation and has, to date, 170 households living near
biodiversity corridors and encouragement areas. This Backyard Biodiversity project was a finalist in the 2011 United Nations World Environment Day Awards and the city was named 2012 Sustainable City of the Year in the Keep Australia Beautiful Victoria Award. In 1999 the Secretary of State for Wales called for Local Biodiversity Action Plans (LBAP) to be prepared throughout Wales by 2000. This was followed up by a 2003 Welsh assembly review that supported the production of LBAPs across Wales and has since been followed up by various Acts, strategies and frameworks. Some funding has been made available for management for wildlife. Schemes such as the National Assembly for Wales’ ‘Tir Gofal’ and ‘Tir Canol’ have been developed to help farmers enhance biodiversity on their land. Grant schemes and advice for woodland management are given by Coed Cymru. Many education projects are also aimed at primary and secondary schools. The corporate sector has a large role to play in biodiversity preservation. Kajima corporation has developed a biophilic city design, an interesting concept that aims at designing cities in an environmentally integrated manner. The corporate sector can be accused at times of using good corporate citizen initiatives to deflect criticisms of the damage they inflict on the people and the environment. This said, positive initiatives can be replicated no matter where they originate. The Australian government has developed
the Australian Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (2010-2030). It contains 10 interim national targets for the first five years to 2015. You can find them at: http://www. environment.gov.au/resource/australiasbiodiversity-conservation-strategy-0. It is an interesting document to read as there are targets that are to be met by 2015. By looking at the examples above and many other I could not fit into this article, it appears that the successful biodiversity strategies are the ones that meet the following requirements: • a visionary leadership • a clearly written strategic plan • clear goals and steps that can be monitored and reviewed • a set of practical options that are easily implemented • involvement of on the ground staff • community education and participation We can also learn from the failed examples. I will not name and shame but we can see what they have in common: • lofty ideas • an over use of environmental jargon • vaguely defined goals • no participation or education for employees and the community • over reliance on reports that are easily left unread • implementation dates that are open to review and therefore can be shifted For further reading go on www.facebook. com/Interactive.landscapes where I have posted my reference sources. Patrick Regnault Registered Horticulturist MAIH
the environment
ALL SOULS welcome TREE PLANTING Plans are currently under way for a new piece of rainforest restoration on Byron Creek behind the Anglican Church. The date is set for Sunday, 13 April, Palm Sunday. Bangalow Land and Rivercare has partnered with Rous Water, Rainforest Connections, Big Scrub Landcare Group and of course All Souls Anglican Parish with the goal of restoring one hectare of riparian land along Byron Creek in Bangalow. The goals of the planting are to beautify the church grounds, reinforce the church’s connection with the natural environment, improve water quality and complement the existing plantings upstream and downstream of the proposed planting.
This is the first phase of the project which will eventually connect to the existing planting at the pool parkland. Fr Matthew has a vision to create a pathway from beside the church leading onto a walk path through the planting. When the planting is completed the path will connect to the pool parkland creating a loop walk along the creek. Seating and meditation facilities, and a memorial tree concept, also form part of the forest planting. Funding for this project has come from all parties but is ongoing. Rainforest Connections has a crowd funding website supporting many environmental issues of which we are one. If you can’t make it on the
day please consider donating through this site: www.rainforestconnections.org. As little as $10 will make a difference. Work begins at 10.30am and should be finished by 1pm. This is a community planting so we hope you’ll mark it on your calendar and lend a hand. Don’t forget the kids! Please wear boots, a hat and other sun protection and bring gloves. A shovel is always handy and as many wheelbarrows as we can get will make the mulching easier. Refreshments will be provided in the hall after work, a time to stop and look back at a job well done. Hope to see many old and new faces on the day. For further information call me on 6687 1309. Liz Gander
Greening Clover Hill Local resident Ritchie Allen was the driving force behind a landscape makeover that brought the community together on Saturday, 15 March at the Clover Hill Estate. With the support of Lendlease (formerly Baulderstone) and Roads and Maritime Service, the Clover Hill working party began planning a landscaping project to restore flora to Paperbark Place and surrounding areas. “Initially the planting was just supposed to obscure the fence, but I wanted more,” says Ritchie, who opted for using smaller plants to allow for more
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of the area to be planted out. “We purchased over 550 plants to use, all natives, all endemic – grasses,
ferns, cycads, palms, shrubs, epiphytes, trees and vines. Some of them are endangered and there aren’t many left in the wild,” he says. This ‘green fence’ will provide additional protection for residents from the wind and noise. It’s also an animal habitat, which is great news for the furred and feathered residents disturbed by the road works. Thank you to all the suppliers, local tradies, the greening Clover Hill team and all the wonderful volunteers who made the project a success. Sally Schofield
april diary
town talk they were off overseas again. This time to London to attend the Stratford East revival of Oh What a Lovely War, marking the show’s 50th anniversary, as well as the centenary of the Great War itself. The golden milestone is more strictly applicable to the Broadway production in 1964, which was supervised by company manager, Kevin, and starred Barbara Windsor. Kevin returned to his native Australia many moons ago but went back to London to re-visit Lovely War, make a documentary film about his life in the theatre and catch up with family and old friends. Di Martin
Garden Club meeting
Red Cross meeting
CWA meeting
Baby massage class; Tribute to David Ades
All Souls street stall; Tribute to David Ades
Seven Deadly Sins; Byron Creek tree planting
Good Friday
MG meeting; Poultry auction
MG meeting
Networking lunch
Anzac Day
Swamp Stompers
Top Snaps!
Bangalow market
Local photographer Richard Windeyer has taken out two silver awards at the coveted Wedding and Portrait Photographers International awards in Las Vegas. His winning photographs capture the whimsy and magic that is synonymous with a Northern Rivers wedding. A bridal party posing in a field with a vintage caravan were awarded in the Bride and Groom Together: Wedding Day category. The other image – a couple not by Lake Ainsworth but actually in it - took out a s ilver award in the Engagement category. Congratulations! Sally Schofield
Man about town Louie de Chamberlain, frequently seen about town sporting pink ribbons and even tutus, was recently spotted in more appropriate attire. Real men wear overalls!. Di Martin
HB deadlines: 16(ads) 21(copy)
Out of town Kevin Palmer and Bruce McDonough had hardly recovered from their celebratory trip to New Zealand (see March issue) when