Heartbeat Bangalow’s
free l AUGUST 2014 No.183 l Celebrating the Life and Times of the local Community
100 years in Bangalow President, Dot Gill and treasurer, Charlotte Clark, ready to celebrate the centenary of the Bangalow Red Cross branch at the Big Cake Bake on Friday, August 15.
editorial The frosty weather in July failed to deter community participation in a number of local events. See reports in this issue for the Back to Bangalow celebration, High Tea for the Creative Women’s Association, concerts at the Bowlo and our all-time favourite – Cabaret da Desh. Next issue we’ll report on the birthday celebration for the Bangalow Farmers’ Market. Hope you didn’t miss it. Coming up in August we have another
feast of activities including a BBQ and Bluegrass day at the Showground, a big birthday Cake Bake by Red Cross, the Bangalow Music Festival, and an important meeting called by the Progress Association to assess and agree on competing priorities for future development. We also give you reports, amongst others, on people in the community, book reviews and tips for the garden. Di Martin
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One of the best ways to attract birds into your garden is to provide them with a bird bath regularly filled with fresh water. Even on the coldest days birds love to have a drink and duck into the water to clean and ruffle their feathers. Even though we have a large bird bath in another part of the garden I noticed many of the smaller birds were often trying to bathe themselves in the water held in the saucer of a potted plant without a great deal of success. I decided to buy a saucer and keep it filled with water to encourage the smaller birds to take a dip. We now have a large number of small
birds who regularly drink and bathe. These include Blue Wrens, Variegated Wrens, White-browed Scrub Wrens and very occasionally Red-Backed Wrens. Firetail Finches, Eastern Spinebills, Grey Fantails, Willy Wagtails and tiny Thornbills are also visitors to the bird bath. Next to the bird bath there is a bushy Indian Hawthorn which gives plenty of protection and cover for the small birds to dart to and from the water. These birds are a constant source of pleasure not only for their birdsong but also for the beauty of their ruffled feathers as they dip and bathe and drink. Lyn Plummer
bangalow’s heartbeat www.heartbeat.net.au PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ruth Kirby Email: editors@heartbeat. net.au Cover photo: Terry Bleakley
Advertising: Janelle Saunders 0422 069 861 advertising@ heartbeat.net.au Ad Production: Allie Leo Design: Niels Arup Editorial team: Judy Baker, Don Brown, Helen Johnston, Tony Hart, Lyn Plummer, Sally Schofield, Brian Sundstrom, Hilary Wise
Distribution: Bangalow Post Office, Brian Sundstrom, Peter Bradridge, Neil McKenzie Website: Joanna Wilkinson
Accounts: Rob Campbell Chairman: Neville Maloney
DISCLAIMER. This newsletter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat Incorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon. Editors Dianne Martin, Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/ Public Officer Neville Maloney. Membership is open to all adult residents of the 2479 postal district. The opinions expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editors and other members of the Association committee. While every reasonable effort is made to publish accurate information, Bangalow’s Heartbeat Inc. accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed.
local news
You are invited to be part of the Australia-wide 100-year celebrations by Red Cross right here in Bangalow. Our local branch has decided to pull out all stops and go for the ultimate in making your cake and eating it too. On Friday 15 August we are holding a fantastic competition with a birthday cake theme. Our aim is to get 100 cakes on show – everything from cupcakes to super-size-me are welcome and everyone in town (and their friends) is invited to be part of the fun. There are amazing prizes and awards to win and seven categories for entrants – which means chances of being declared Best in Section are pretty high. The competition is open to all ages from preschoolers to the wonderfully older. Check out the options: Best Looking Cake, Best Cake in Show, Best Amateur Cake, Best Professional Cake. Best High School Cake, Best Primary School Cake, Best Cup Cakes.
You can make whatever you fancy – and fancy is the operative word. Don’t forget, this is all about a birthday celebration so it’s an opportunity to pull out all stops and put on show your creativity. Cakes should be delivered to the RSL Hall by 8.30am for the judging ceremony. Highly qualified judges will be on hand to view and taste all entries before the doors are thrown open at 10am and folk are invited in to test
the results – the best part. A $5 entry fee will be charged and, for that, you will get a slice of cake of your choice and a cup of tea or coffee generously provided by Mark Bullivant. Cakes will also be available for purchase so you can take home a piece of Red Cross history. Thanks to our sponsors: Byron Bay Tea Company, Mark Bullivant - Independent Coffee Co, Brookfarm, Bangalow Primary School P&C, Bangalow Museum and Tearoom, Zentveld’s, Toy Kingdom Byron Bay and Lismore. For more information, phone Trisha on 0429 882 525. Stephanie King See page 9 for a Brief history of the Red Cross
This cake by Katrina Kanetani of Town; inset by Choux Choux, both from last year’s cake bake
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AUGUST 2014 3 AUGUST 2014 3
local news
back to bangalow celebration It is hard to believe that it has been 20 years since the village of Bangalow was bypassed by the Pacific Highway. To celebrate this occasion, the Bangalow Historical Society and the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce put together the Back to Bangalow celebration, which was held on Saturday, 19 July. The day started with a cemetery walk, conducted by Jan Hulbert, who shared a wealth of information on the history of the village and of the lives and deaths of the townsfolk who are now buried there. At the gravesite of Merridee Ruth Davis, aged six and a half years old, Jan explained that the little girl was tragically killed crossing the road near the chemist on Byron Street with her brother back in 1972. It was way back then that Jan, together with her husband and the community, helped to petition the RTA to bypass the village, which sadly didn’t happen until 12 years after this tragic accident. Some of the gravesites visited included that of the late Dr William Grey, whose surgery was opposite the Bangalow Public School; the returned prisoner of War, Lance Corporal OJ ‘Ozzie’ Jackson; and the graves of the first settlers in Bangalow, Charlotte and Thomas Robinson. The cemetery walk was also held in the afternoon, with everyone who attended applauding Jan Hulbert. She truly is a Bangalow treasure. Following the cemetery walk, a lunch was provided at Heritage House Tea Rooms. After lunch, two talks followed from two
Jo Milne with her 92-year-old mother Shiela, wife of the much-loved Dr William Grey, at the Saturday lunch
Sandra Harding (Bang Burger Bar), Jenny Shaw (Get Stuffed Gourmet), Cally Costigan (Possum Creek Pouch) at the dinner
previous Bangalow residents. Dr Jo MilneHome, Dr Grey’s daughter, spoke of winning swimming races in Byron Creek to escape the eels and the bull rats and of growing up as the local doctor’s daughter. Then Erica Holland, a former Bangalow Public School teacher and librarian shared her memories of walking out onto the then Pacific Highway and raising her hand requesting all the traffic to stop so that she could guarantee the safe passage of the local school students. Following the talks, guests were treated to an afternoon tea cooked by parents from Bangalow Public School using recipes from their fundraising cookbook Bangalow Banquet. Rita Cowled president of the Bangalow Historical Society, led the afternoon town walk following the Heritage plaque trail that was so generously funded by the late Michael Malloy and the Chamber of Commerce and researched by Vivienne Goric and Dawn Lotty from the Bangalow Historical Society. The day ended with the Back to Bangalow dinner at the Moller Pavilion, which saw
many past and present shop owners, current and former Bangalow residents enjoy a wonderful dinner, catered by Utopia. Following dinner, guests were treated to the premiere of Terry Bleakley’s film, Bangalow: a Story of Survival, which gave an insight into how the town has come of age. Many stories were shared during the evening highlighting the diverse range of people who have at one time or another called Bangalow home. We are truly so very blessed to live here! A heartfelt thank you to the following people: Wendy and Rex Grissell, Trisha Bleakley and the wonderful Tea Room volunteers, Jan Hulbert, Jo Milne, Erica Holland, Rita Cowled, Mary Nelson, Suze McLeod from Down Bangalow Road, Tanya St Clair Honey, Mick O’Reagan, Rick Allen owner/ Chef of Utopia, participating parents from Bangalow Public School and finally to Terry Bleakley, the creator of the must see film, Bangalow: a Story of Survival. Copies of Terry’s film and postcards of the main street through the decades are available from Heritage House. Joanna Wilkinson
local news
Creative Industries Call On the last Sunday morning of June, at Newrybar Community Hall, 80 local women gathered for the Creative Business Women’s High Tea. The event was organised by Janine Emerson at Love In A Cake and children’s book author, Zanni Louise. Their intention was to bring local women together to connect and inspire each other. Many women who attended the event started a business after having children. They were looking for ways to work independently from home, with flexible hours. They also were looking for an outlet for their creativity and their productive energy. But working regionally and independently can be isolating. Getting to conferences and other social events in metropolitan areas is tricky with small children, so Janine and Zanni wanted to give women the opportunity to gather right here, in our local area. One of Australia’s most influential bloggers and social media personalities, Chantelle Ellem from Fat Mum Slim, was invited to speak at the High Tea. Chantelle spoke in a panel with other local women in creative businesses - Christie Connelly from Fig & Cherry and Sarah Rosborg from Castle Design and Rafiki Mwema. The panel was chaired by Zanni Louise. The women shared their insights into working independently and online. The overriding theme in the conversation was that working independently is a lot of hard work, but it’s also one of the most rewarding things you can do. The women shared ideas for finding the balance between work and family life, like spending
Nina-Rae Saunders plays to the crowd
a minute meditating in the shower each day, or learning to delegate and ask for help. Chantelle and Christie talked about building an online presence. One of the key factors, they both said, was finding an authentic, genuine voice, and being consistent with the material you share. Sarah brought the audience to tears with her own powerful story of recovering from a horrific car accident, and diverting her attention from the chronic pain she was in towards charity work. Now rehabilitated, Sarah has successfully integrated charity work into her graphic design business. She runs a safe house for girls in Kenya called Rafiki Mwema. All proceeds from the High Tea were donated to Rafiki Mwema. Nearly $3,000 was raised from ticket sales and the lucky door prize. While the guests sipped tea from Byron Bay Tea Company and sampled Love In A Cake’s
treats, Bangalow singer-songwriter Nina-Rae Saunders performed. Her acoustic folk tunes added to the ambience of the event. After Nina-Rae’s performance, local creative Ellie Beck talked about the importance of creating from heart, rather than for profit. Ellie spoke of the challenges of putting your heart out there, and how vulnerable it can make you. But she wanted us all to know how fulfilling it is to create authentically. Jenny Johnson, Artistic Director of Brainstorm Productions, then spoke about the development of her own successful creative business over the last 30 years. In contrast to Ellie, Jenny talked about the pragmatics of running a creative operation. Basically, it comes down to hard work. Jenny helped many of the mothers of young children resolve their guilt about working around their children. She wanted to assure the women that integrating work with family life is a positive thing. Children learn from seeing their mothers involved in running a business. They learn organisation skills, multi-tasking, passion and ambition. Women left the event feeling full of inspiration and positivity. Genuine connections were made, and continue to be strengthened over social media. For future events and more information about the Creative Business Women’s High Tea, visit the Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ creativebusinesswomenshightea of follow #CBWHighTea on social media. Benny Saunders
“The Little Art Shop” is now at Bangalow Newsagency Your local newsagency, in the heart of Bangalow, now bringing you ART SUPPLIES For all your reading, writing and drawing needs!
Bookworms & Papermites a.k.a. Bangalow Newsagency “an awesome little bookshop in the heart of Bangalow”
26 Byron St, Bangalow NSW 2479 § bangalownews@optusnet.com.au § 02 6687 1396 AUGUST 2014
5 5
community noticeboard Bangalow BBQ & Bluegrass Festival Come to the Bangalow Showground, Saturday, 2 August. Open to everyone, categories include fiddle, guitar, mandolin and banjo. All proceeds from entry fees and general admission go to prize money. Register now at www. bbqbluegrass.com.au/pickers, www.bbqBluegrass.com.au| facebook.com/bbqBlue or for more info ring 0433 535 796. Kelley Quirke
What’s On @ The Bowlo Saturday, 2 August A high impact, high energy show to DANCE, DANCE, DANCE to the greatest songs of all time. Three hours of non stop dance music featuring ‘Brian and Annie’ will help you relive again the frenzy of the superstars that changed your life and the face of music forever. Doors: 7.00 pm Show: 7.30 pm Tix: $10 Saturday, 9 August A Night with a Live Latin Band – Oz Latin Bros (OLB). Your host Robert has a love of Latin music and dance, your hostess Layla shines not only as a teacher but also on the dance floor. Leyla and Rob will start the night with a La Salsa lesson before a magic night of live Latin music to dance the night away! Not to be missed. Doors open 6pm Salsa Lesson 7pm Presale Tix: $20 (+bf) Door Tix: $25 available at bar or on
the door at night. Every Wednesday – NEW SWING FIT CLASSES Dance your way fit! SWINGFIT is a great way to exercise and increase flexibility whilst working on your co-ordination, timing, musicality and jazz prowess. Each class involves one hour of jazz inspired moves/ steps in small rhythmic mini patterns that are easy to learn/ do. Think swing dancing meets body blast. The class starts at 5.45pm on Wednesdays before the Lindy Hop 1940s classes. Every Thursday morning – 9.30am PILATES Every Thursday night – 5.00pm TANGO CLASSES, 7.15pm ROCK N ROLL CLASSES Every Sunday – Rock’n’Bowl We are rocking and bowling to our new sound system on the green at The Bowlo on Sundays from 12pm. Why not come down to the Bowlo and enjoy a relaxing day on the green with the whole family, A great afternoon of music, beers, barefoot bowls and the great outdoors! Friday Futsal for the Kids – bring down a soccer ball for a kick around and maybe dinner at the club. Kat Antrim
Garden Club At the next meeting on Wednesday, 6 August at 1.30pm in the Moller Pavilion, Rita de Heer will speak on Fungi. Carole Gamble will
North Coast Bookkeeping Services For all your Bookkeeping requirements including BAS, QuickBooks or MYOB ph: 6687 2604 Ian Holden fax: 6687 2893 7 Rosewood Ave, Bangalow book001@bigpond.net.au Member of Australian Bookkeepers Network
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present Plant of the Month. Over 60 members were very appreciative of the opportunity to visit the splendid Cedarvale Farm at the July Saturday Social Visit. Helen Johnston
Rainforest Regeneration Site Inspection Between 2 and 3.30pm on 9 August there is an opportunity to view a 10 acre subtropical rainforest regeneration site that has been under repair for 15 years at 11 Cooks Rd, Nashua. The rainforest ranges from wellestablished canopy to areas where primary work has just been completed with grants from Rainforest Rescue and the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority. Rainforest flavour afternoon tea included. Please RSVP Sue Haynes on 0414 291 055 by 6 August and bring boots for walking on a slope. Sue Haynes
CWA news The CWA are holding a street stall and raffle on Saturday, 16 August. Recently the CWA ladies opened the Cabaret da Desh with an outstanding performance. It was an homage to the early sixties girl groups, and set the standard high for the rest of the show! Jane Curran
Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day Rebecca
Northern NSW is encouraging people across the region to join her in volunteering for Cancer Council’s Daffodil Day Friday, 22 August. To join Rebecca by becoming a team leader and to show your local community that you care contact Sarah on 02 6639 1303 or email sarahro@ nswcc.org.au You can also visit www.daffodilday.com.au. Sarah Royall
Bangalow Business Women Group BBW meeting details: Utopia Cafe, 7.30 - 9.00 Every second Tuesday of the month Who are we: a group of local business women who meet on a monthly basis to support each other, listen to guest speakers and discuss ideas. BBW group is about business networking, education and support for women in Bangalow and surrounds. Contact www. f a c e b o o k . c o m / B a n g a l o w. Business.Womens.Networking/ info. Sally Pattison
CHEGS fitness programs
Mums in Motion, cardio and Pilates where babies and children are welcome, and free Falls Prevention program which runs for 7 weeks in August. All at Bangalow Bowlo. Phone Lee 0405 617 426 . Lee McGuire
Extra lurrvv to give? When we realised the plight of
Heritage House Tearoom open9.30 10am open amtoto3pm 3 pm Wednesday - Friday Tuesday – Saturday Booking (p) 6687 2183
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our companion animals in our local area we decided to do our small part in fostering a rescue dog. Four years on and we have cared for many dogs. We give them love, exercise and a safe home to stay in until they can find their forever home. CAWI
provides all the food, bedding and vet care. It has been a deeply satisfying experience to meet so many unique, beautiful, funny and innocent little souls, to have experienced their wonderful company and to know that, without our help, they would not have been saved. CAWI has rehomed hundreds of dogs and continues to raise money with the aim of building a dog shelter in the Byron Shire but we urgently need more foster carers. Contact CAWI on 0458 461 935 / 0488 415 444 or email us at cawidogs@ hotmail.com. You can also leave a donation in one of our money collection boxes located at Liberty Service Station, Bangalow Fuel Supplies and Choux Choux who all kindly support us. Jacqui Agnew
Out of Town or Next Month Ballina concerts As part of the inaugural Ballina Celebration of the Arts there are two events at St Mary’s Anglican Church, Norton St, Ballina. On Saturday, 2 August, 7.30pm is Gounod’s St Cecilia Mass with organ, choir (Spiritsong) and soloists. Admission $10. And on Sunday, 3 August at 1.30pm, a grand variety concert. Admission by donation.
Alstonville Fair
Fair Trade evening
Alstonville Quota Annual Art and Craft Fair will be held on 3031 August. Alstonville Leisure and Entertainment Centre, Commercial Rd, Alstonville. Saturday 9am - 4pm, Sunday 9am - 3pm. Entry fee: $5.00 (includes ticket for the Lucky Door prize). All profits will go to local Quota community projects. The Fair’s ‘Garden Pavilion’ at Alstonville Leisure Centre will come alive with plant life, delicious food and coffee, TAFE small display gardens, and gardening-celebrity speakers including ‘Garden Guru’ Phil Dudman. Visitors will have a chance to see the amazing variety of plants grown in this region. All plants will be for sale,
A Fair Trade evening will be held on 11 September at 7pm at Bangalow Uniting Church, Station St. Everyone is invited to find out what fair trade is, how it works and some of the success stories behind the movement. Guest speaker is Pam Mcgann, longtime Fair Trade advocate and supporter of many Fair trade projects. Share in the talk, free finger food and coffee, tea and a glass of wine. Great selection of fair trade goods for sale, but no pressure to buy. What’s our goal? To explore turning Bangalow into a Fair Trade town - find out how! More information call Corinne 6629 1692 or just turn up! Ken Day
Dosa & Curry Night Bangalow Historical Museum From 5.30pm - 8.30pm
on 2nd Friday of July 2nd and 4th Friday of August & September Book early to avoid disappointment Contact John on 0449 252 476
www.lisasharpe.com.au AUGUST AUGUST 2014 2014
and there will be something for any gardener, whether it’s just herbs for a small pot or that special plant for a collector’s garden. Lots of new and different craftspeople have confirmed their sites including a botanical artist, creative jewellers, and fabrics for patchwork, exquisite yarns for knitting and crochet, paper crafts of all sorts. Woodworkers, candle makers and vintage crafts to make or buy. Visit our website for more information www. quotaalstonville.com.au, or contact Diana on 0417 251 952. Diana Cooper
Tribal art exhibition On 13 September the Federal Village Gallery is to host a special preview exhibition of new works by master Warli Tribal Artists from India. The Warli are the traditional adivasi (Aboriginal) people of Maharashtra and Gujarat in Western India. The exhibition is curated by Narmada Smith MFA who is a recent resident and professional artist from Bangalow. The Gallery will be open Friday to Sunday 11 to 3pm until 12 October. Narmada Smith
CoDA National Convention Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA) is a worldwide network of groups of men and women who share the common purpose of learning how to develop and maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships. CoDA is holding its first Australian convention in Bangalow on Saturday, 27 September. It will be a day of guest speakers and workshops on relationships, boundaries and the recovery process. It is $25 for the day and everyone is welcome to attend. For more information or to register for the National Convention please visit: www.ozcoda.webs.com/codaconvention. For more information on CoDA please visit www. codependentsanonymous.org.au. Caitlin Bennetts
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local news
Twenty years of the Bangalow Progress Association Not too many readers will know that the BPA has been around for almost 20 years, that it has bewwen significant in how Bangalow is today and even spawned a few other community groups. A few Back to Bangalow Day revellers reminiscing over dinner about the Bangalow Progress Association set former BPA President, Ian Ritchie, recalling how, shortly after moving to Bangalow in 1994, he joined the Chamber of Commerce then meeting in the back room of the Bangalow Pharmacy. In the mid 1990s the Chamber appeared uninterested in the full range of issues then facing Bangalow. Ian and Tony Jones plus a few others held meetings out of which emerged the Bangalow Progress Association. Tony left Bangalow in late 1997 (when Ian succeeded him as President) but not before he thought up the Billy Cart Derby. BPA was much involved in joint efforts to revitalise Bangalow, celebrate and benefit from the Pacific Highway bypass and launch a new start towards a thriving Bangalow main street. It was Tony’s imagination and commitment that drove many ideas for the revitalising of Bangalow and the preservation of its buildings to establish its character and attractiveness as a town of history. The turn of the century was a
busy time for the BPA. It assisted in moves for preservation of the Bangalow style of architecture, recognition of the Main Street historic value with aims to preserve its style, developed a proposal for the Bangalow Local Approvals Policy which was accepted by Byron Shire Council to maintain features of the Federation style of domestic architecture for houses being constructed in the new subdivisions around Bangalow and contributed to the Bangalow Village Strategy in 2003. That Bangalow is now such a thriving centre and visitor attraction owes much to the drive and interest of BPA members in those years. Ian reminded me that Jane I’ons and Vivienne Gorec were two of the many unsung heroes of the Progress Association working tirelessly to obtain grants for the skate park and the Tea Rooms. An Australian Bicentenary of Federation Fund grant made possible a commercial kitchen within the old Bangalow railway station buildings. Officially opened in 2001 by then Minister Larry Anthony, it was ultimately installed in Heritage House, where it
underpins the current Tea Rooms business. The Association was also a springboard for other initiatives and a few spin-offs such as Bangalow’s Heartbeat (Colin Cook) and Rivercare (David Pont). The latest BPA initiative - Community Groups’ Coordination meeting Last month’s 2014 AGM resulted in some changes to committee members. Tony Hart stays on as President and former Byron Shire councillor Jenny Coman is now secretary. Liz Parks remains as treasurer. BPA’s main achievement this year has been installation at last of the Bangalow skate park. Other activities have included advising on signage for the T2E (including trying to get the new ‘to Lismore’ sign removed from RMS proposals), sports-field access, parking and zoning, precinct plans for streets in the Bangalow CBD and submissions to council on the Bangalow chapter of the Byron Shire Development Control Plan and the 9 Station Street development proposal. A major outcome of the AGM was a desire to revitalise the BPA in the wider interest of Bangalow. Ian Ritchie with Tony Hart
What for the BPA in the future? Bangalow is proud that for its size it has a strong community spirit. It certainly has a large number of community groups, BPA being just one of at least twelve community-wide bodies. Each has its own agenda and timing and sometimes funding. This is great, but it can lead to dissipation of resources, priorities and funding and deliver confusing, even competing messages to council, state government, other community bodies, local businesses and residents alike. Some groups, such as Lions, Red Cross and CWA are long-standing, often branches of State or national bodies. Others are clearly local such as Bangalow’s Heartbeat (which, it might surprise many readers to learn, has much wider objectives than just to produce a monthly local magazine), the Parks Trust, the Historical Society, Land and Rivercare and the Bangalow Sports Association. Others, such as
the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce which represents the interests of business people in Bangalow (although many members do not actually reside in Bangalow), are more limited. New groups sometimes emerge to focus on specific, often specialist issues such as Bangalow Weir and the Swimming Pool. There are some that cut across many issues, such as the BPA and the Bangalow Community Alliance which is currently a partner in the Bangalow Weir initiatives, now renamed Bangalow Parklands. Some activist Bangalow residents are members, or otherwise involved in more than one of these groups. But there seems to be a danger of lack of wider communication and input – it is interesting that the two issues that caused the best attended public meetings were the weir and the 9 Station Street development. Of course, every month a dedicated few still attend
the T2E community liaison meetings. Would Bangalow be better served with a more coordinated approach where our groups come together at regular meetings to discuss each others’ activities and, hopefully, agree on any competing priorities and approaches? To test out this process BPA has decided to take the lead in greater community coordination by inviting representatives of all Bangalow bodies to a meeting to assess what better coordination might achieve and whether it is possible. This will be held from 5.30 to 7.00 on Thursday 21 August in the auditorium of the Bangalow Bowlo. All groups should, by now, have received their formal invitations. Anybody else is welcome to participate. Remember, the Progress Association opens its doors to all in the community with the aim to assist in solving many issues presented by residents. Tony Hart
local history
On the Western Front
Selling flowers for funds
Bangalow Branch in the 1980s
A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE RED CROSS International The International Red Cross was born 155 years ago – on 24 June 1859 – in the small village of Solferino, Italy. A bitter battle fought there was between Austria and a French/ Sardinian Alliance, involving more than 300,000 men. It lasted fifteen hours and left more than 40,000 killed or injured. There was minimal organised medical service available and many died because there was a gaping lack of knowledge and care, though many of the wounded somehow made it to the nearby town of Castiglione. In a moment of supreme serendipity a young Swiss banker, Henri Durant, was travelling in the area on business. Appalled at the carnage he observed, he worked with the villagers, mostly women, to help the wounded, insisting that allies and enemies should be treated alike. In 1862 Durant published A Memory of Solferino – an account of what he had seen. In it he proposed ‘the creation of national relief societies of trained volunteers to provide neutral and impartial help to wounded soldiers in times of war’.
Months later a Committee of Five, momentous occasion: ‘A meeting of ladies interested in the including Henri Durant, was formed in Geneva to begin the organisation of these formation of a branch of the Red Cross Society relief societies. This committee later was held in the School of Arts Bangalow on became the International Committee of the afternoon of the 20th instant. Mrs Keff the Red Cross. The evolution of the Red was elected President, Mrs TW Blackwell Secretary and Mrs AS Baldick Cross, and the Red Crescent, Erica Holland (Hayter) in Treasurer. There were about movements had become junoir Red Cross outfit, 1957 twenty ladies present and well-established by 1864 much enthusiasm was and continues to this day manifested. It was decided – working to assist people that, if possible, 50 soldiers’ in crisis in many countries bags should be sent from throughout the world. Bangalow, each bag to An interesting side bar is contain two flannel shirts, two that the Red Cross symbol is sets of pyjamas, two pairs of the Swiss flag reversed. socks, towel, stationary, etc. Local Sixteen bags were promised The Australian Red Cross at the meeting, and collectors began serving Australia in were appointed to canvas 1914. Our Bangalow branch was one of many original groups set up at the town and outlying districts for further the time but is distinguished by continuously donations. The annual subscription was operating from then ‘til now. Most other fixed at one shilling and another meeting called for next Wednesday to report progress branches closed during the war years. An article in the local paper, the Northern and make further arrangements.’ Stephanie King Star, Saturday 22 August 1914, covered the
Bangalow Cellars Locally owned and operated You’ll always find something special in
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local entertainment The Silver Garburg Duo
bangalow music festival 15-17 august Now in its thirteenth year, the music festival has become woven into the fabric of this town’s life and takes its place high on the list of anticipated annual events. Well established in its mid-August slot, the Festival expresses some of the warming characteristics of its Leo star sign: it shines like the summer sun (even though we are wrapped in the overcoat of winter), makes life pleasant and radiates charisma, loves the limelight and provides a stage for the performing arts. Every year has a theme – or thread – that binds the performances together. According to creative director and oboist Tania Frazer, “It is all about the power of partnerships – the internal essence of chamber music. We are particularly focused on the power of two. If you spend your life with another musician who experiences music maybe a little differently, you can help each other… couples can achieve more. Couples are more than the sum of the parts.” Spotlighting this theme of relationships, and building on magnificent partnerships of classical musicians throughout history, this year’s program presents violinists Jack Liebeck and Vicky Sayles and pianists Sivan Silver and Gil Garburg who perform as the Silver Garburg Piano Duo. Vicky and Jack (who has previously performed to great acclaim in Bangalow) along with the Silver Garburg Duo, will take to the stage in Concert 2 ‘The Rebels’ under
the baton of Sarah-Grace Williams and with Wagnerian soprano Lisa Gasteen, Emma Sholl, the Southern Cross Soloists and the Festival musicians. The repertoire includes music by Mendelssohn, Ravel, Ian Clarke, Wagner, Moszkowski and Piazzolla. The Israeli-German Silver Garburg Duo will own the stage in Concert 6, ‘The Pianists’. Along with works by Dvorak and Ravel, they will be playing the Brahms Piano Quartet No.1 in G minor Op.25 in the original fourhand arrangement by the composer. The two concerts listed above are just the tip of the iceberg, and a trip to the website www.southernxsoloists.com or a flick through the program will provide a wealth of inspiration. Other major stars to attract your ticketing dollars are violinist Sophie Rowell, ex-Australian String Quartet member and owner of a 1751 Guadagnini Milanese violin, and the White Halo Quartet featuring violinist Adam Chalabi and three other experienced and versatile chamber musicians who explore new terrain in their music. Flautist Emma Sholl brings her magic to a number of concerts with the highlight being the last one, Concert 9 at St Kevin’s, where she is appearing with – among others – the highly respected Paul Dean. Their program includes Bernstein, Vaughan Williams, Copland and
Cimarosa/Benjamin pieces. Local musicians are also brilliantly showcased. Northern Rivers jazz superstar Leigh Carriage brings her passion and mastery to Concert 5, ‘The Odd Couple’, that also features Trichotomy and the Southern Cross Soloists. As pianist Sean Foran says in the program notes: “For this groundbreaking collaboration [we] present a new work that explores the concept of mirrored ensembles. Trichotomy, with the classic jazz trio combination of piano, bass and drums, and vocalist Leigh Carriage, will face off against the Southern Cross Soloists. A duel to the death, perhaps… or perhaps a fascinating blend of musical styles, brought together by captivating melodies, unique ensemble textures and instrumental combinations. On a final musical note, this year’s festival will feature the inaugural Bangalow Music Festival Fellowship Quartet, composed of musicians selected from a national talent search to discover Australia’s most talented up-and-coming ensemble. They will be performing throughout the weekend in various situations and formations. Be among the first to hear these emerging stars so that you can sit back and say, “Well, I knew them when they were just starting out!” As you wander through the mighty A&I Hall, sipping a coffee and high on the magical music you’ve just heard, pause to reflect on the art works on the surrounding walls. This is another first and will, it is planned, become another Festival tradition. Prepared by Windhorse Gallery and Barebones Art Space, the paintings on show herald what will become, in the years ahead, an art competition featuring local artists. A MUSICAL SIDE BAR: In addition to Concerts 1 to 8 (at the A&I Hall) and Concert 9 (at St Kevin’s) there is the traditional Festival Prelude on Thursday at 7pm and a Friday morning schools concert at the A&I. Plus, in what promises to be a sublime moment, a Coffee Concert at Zentveld’s Newrybar Roastery. This is at 11am on Friday 15, will feature many of the headline artists, costs $55 (including coffee and cake), has limited spaces available and can be booked on (07) 3844 7260 or bought at the door (if any are left!). Tickets and more information at Barebones Art Space or www.southernxsoloists.com
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local entertainment The CWA Ladies “follow him”
cabaret da desh
Another Cabaret da Desh warmed up the night a few weeks ago in the A&I Hall and a very big thank you to everyone who performed. Many were up on stage for the first time ever, singing, dancing and having a ball. Special mention should be made of Mark Noble who was thown in the deep end and came up smiling as MC and really did a wonderful job. On behalf of all the performers and crew, a massive ‘Cheers’ to the audience who were into the spirit of the night from the moment the curtains opened. It was cheeky, it was fun and it will be back in 2015. Karen and Ruth Ryan Photos by Judy Baker
Wrong Direction: Bruce, Simon, Michael and Justin
The Chapels: Tony, Kris, Suzanne & Hannah
Delilah: Steve & Ruth 12
Islands in the Stream: Jo and Stuart BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
local food
Sample Food Festival 2014 The fourth annual Sample Food Festival Day is shaping up to be the biggest one yet. Last year attracting over 10,000 visitors from all over the country, it takes place at Bangalow Showground on Saturday, 13 September between 8am and 4pm. There will be over 200 exhibitors featuring food from local restaurants, local produce and farmers market stalls, plus entertainment, cooking demonstrations and children’s activities. Usually a one day event this year there are pre-festival ticketed events on the Thursday evening in Lismore and in Bangalow’s A&I Hall and a Showground marquee on Friday from midday. Lismore will host celebrated indigenous chef Clayton Donovan for a food and art networking evening when he will demonstrate a few of his signature dishes in the Alley Nesbitt Lane. Cost is $20 per person for canapés and champagne with all proceeds to charity. On Friday lunch choice in Bangalow will be between an Italian Feast with Darren Simpson and Alex Herbert at $75
including wine and beer or a Clean Living Lunch with Luke Hines and Scott Gooding at $60 for three courses. On Saturday’s Festival Day entry to the Showground will be free although you might find you have to pay for some of the food! The day kicks off at 8am with the Byron Farmers Market Breakfast with Scott Gooding and Luke Hines on the Northern Rivers Food Cooking Stage. During the morning at 10am Alex Herbert will take over the cooking stage with the Macadamia Society recipe winner. Darren Simpson will follow, taking on TAFE students in a ‘ready steady cook’ challenge. As always, 26 local restaurants will be
offering $5 and $10 tasting plates throughout the day and live music will be happening from midday. P o t t e d celebrities’ bios follow to help the nonfoodies or noncommercial TV addicts to make their choices for Festival Day: Darren Simpson is known as one of the finest Italian hatted chefs. He is presenter of The Best in Australia (series 1, 2 & 3), is a regular guest on Sunrise and Ready Steady Cook and is My Kitchen Rules judge. Alex Herbert successfully operates her business Bird Cow Fish out of Sydney, is a Delicious magazine produce award judge and an advocate for farmers and growers all over the country. Luke Hines and Scott Gooding were finalists in last year’s My Kitchen Rules television show. Gavin Hughes, Sarah Swan, Monique Guterres, Victoria Cosford and the Salumi Australia boys are local chefs. More information at www.samplensw. com Remy Tancred
AUGUST 2014 13
the person behind the job
THE BEAT GOES ON Peter Woolnough talks to Don Brown about the Big Foot Stompbox and his role as principal carer for his mother. Peter Woolnough was born in Bangalow Hospital and educated in the shire. At Mullumbimby High he completed his education and began playing the guitar. After school, he worked in a number of jobs in various places; as a fruit picker, a timberyard hand, for the Department of Veterans’ Affairs and in music shops. In the music shops he became interested in musical instruments and importing quality guitars. His knowledge of these instruments and his skills in woodworking made him a valuable source of information for his customers. The idea of the stompbox came from a customer and Peter worked on various models till he produced the Bigfoot Stompbox. The stompbox is used, usually by soloists, to give the depth and rhythmic consistency required for backing the instrumentalist. The attention to detail and the time and effort put into the project made the Bigfoot Stompbox a market leader from the start. From a few individual orders, word of mouth advertising, the only kind Peter has ever used, led to growing demand which took up all his working time. Byron Bay was a good place to start because of the musical culture in the shire and its popularity with touring musicians on both the national and international performance circuits. In recent times overseas demand for the Bigfoot Stompbox has increased, matching local demand. Completely handmade by Peter in his garage, largely from salvaged timber when it is available, the Bigfoot Stompbox remains market leader because of the excellence of its design and craftsmanship. It has the appearance to match its functional excellence. Peter remains the sole producer and while others have entered the market Bigfoot Stompbox remains the leading name brand. In recent times Peter has placed the product with wholesale distributors in order to save time that would normally be used for paperwork. It is an increased cost, but it saved time, and time, for Peter is important. “I’m not happy being buried in paperwork, and worrying about money,” he explains. Demand has grown till sales are now close to capacity. One might think that Peter would have more than enough to do already, as the sole employee in a complex and demanding business. However, he is also the principal carer for his 95 year old mother, who lives with him on the family farm in Coorabell. 14
Peter Woolnough with the Stompbox. Photo by Judy Baker
Mrs Woolnough was a talented painter, an artistic skill shared with her daughters and Peter. But these days his mother’s frailty demands full support all day and every day so the painting and other social activities are not possible. Peter, the youngest family member, as her live-in carer, must be certain that there is someone for support at all times. Recent reports of changes announced in the national budget do little to ease the burdens. Paid carers even at the paltry rates payable are a great strain on the family resources nor could they give Mrs Woolnough the reassurance that a family member can provide. Carer support is also means tested, and the recent success of the stompbox project has meant that there have been reductions in the government support. The loss of companionship and the sense of isolation common among family carers, while still serious, are less of a problem for Peter. He is happily engrossed in his work and when relief is desperately sought, he has support from his siblings.He is also well adapted to solitude and quite enjoys the rural peace and quiet in which to work. Holidays have been a very rare event in the last seven years. In that time, Peter has
taken only three weeks off duty. One activity which he enjoys is riding his bike around the beautiful backroads near Coorabell and he was able to join some friends for a bike riding holiday in Tasmania. He also is a Ducati motor cycle enthusiast. Peter has another job on his crowded list. He hosts an open microphone evening at the Bangalow hotel each Tuesday evening. This gives him a chance to play his guitar and to meet people with aspirations to join in the entertainment industry. At the moment it hasn’t played to big crowds but Peter has hopes of building support. “The quality of the performers is surprisingly good and it’s an enjoyable evening,” he explains. My final question to Peter was to ask whether he was related to the Tenterfield saddler of the same name, in Peter Allen’s song. The answer is yes. Two cousins came from the UK and one settled in Tenterfield, the other, Peter’s branch, settled and remains in Byron Shire Have a look at a Bigfoot Stompbox some time. Its design and workmanship are delightful and a tribute to one man’s pursuit of excellence. BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
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arts and crafts
The Bauhaus comes to Bangalow On Monday, 18 August, the Australian Decorative & Fine Arts Society of Byron Bay will present a talk by Andrew Spira entitled The Bauhaus. The Bauhaus was the most influential and innovative school of design in the 20th Century. It combined avant-garde ideas of abstract art with a conscientious approach to social reform and domestic living. The Bauhaus was founded in 1919 in the city of Weimar by German architect Walter Gropius (1883–1969). The Bauhaus’ main objective was radical at the time: to combine elements of both fine arts and design education. The Proclamation of the Bauhaus in 1919 described a utopian craft guild combining architecture, sculpture, and painting into a single creative expression. The curriculum included textile workshops, metalwork workshops and cabinet making. It combined an interest in nature with faith in industrial design, revolutionising art education. The aim was to turn out artisans and designers capable of creating useful and beautiful objects appropriate to this new system of living. However, aspects of this approach proved financially impractical and, while maintaining the emphasis on craft, in 1923 the goals of the Bauhaus were changed to stress the importance of designing for mass production. The school employed some of the most celebrated artists of the 20th century including Wassily Kandinsky and Paul Klee. Unfortunately, the increasingly unstable political situation in Gemany eventually led to the closure
Wassily chair by Marcel Breuer 1925
of the school in 1933. During the turbulent and often dangerous years of World War II many of the key figures including Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Joseph Albers and László Moholy-Nagy, emigrated from Germany to the United States where their work and their teaching philosophies influenced generations of young architects and designers. Although the school closed in 1933 it yielded a range of classic designs that still have an impact on the style of our lives today. For example, Marcel Breuer’s Armchair (1922), Ludweig Mies van der Rohe’s minimalist MR Armchair (1927), and Marianne Brandt’s beautiful silver and ebony Tea infuser and strainer (ca. 1924). These works are held in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York http://www. metmuseum.org/. Andrew Spira graduated from the Courtauld Institute of Art in London (http:// www.courtauld.ac.uk). The Courtault
Institute is one of the world’s leading centres for the study of art history and conservation. It houses one of Britain’s best loved collections including famous impressionist and postimpressionist masterpieces. Andrew completed an MA in Museum and Gallery Management at City University in London. He has worked at the Temple Gallery, London, specialising in Byzantine and Russian icons and as a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum where he specialised in 18th century British Art and Design and Metalwork. For 20 years he has taken tours to cultural sites in Western Europe, Russia, Armenia and Georgia. He has been a Course Director at Christie’s Education since 2004 and is currently Programme Director, Art, Style and Design. Andrew has published many books in his fields of expertise. His latest, published in October 2008, is a book on the modern Russian icon: The AvantGarde Icon, Russian Avant-Garde Art and the Icon Painting Tradition. He is currently working on a book on personal identity and the way it is reflected in the material culture of Western Europe from the Middle Ages to the present day. Andrew will give his presentation at the A&I Hall, Bangalow on Monday, 18 August at 6.30pm. Doors open at 6.00pm. ADFAS members free, guest fee $25, including wine and a light snack. Anni Abink
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community strength
When a whole community says STOP! ENOUGH! Simon Clough, chairperson of the national Lock the Gate Alliance and deputy mayor of Lismore, recently took time out to reflect on the fourmonth long Bentley Blockade that has halted industrial gasfield development in the Northern Rivers – at least for now. He talked to Ken McLeod.
Social movements are participatory democracy in action. They are a grassroots response when representative democracy fails. When a whole community makes a stand the power brokers and politicians must eventually take notice or be swept aside by the power of the social movement. Our success at Bentley was built on at least six major pillars. 1. A commitment to a whole-of-community approach, bridging entrenched political and social divides From the outset Lock the Gate was committed to building a grassroots campaign that was inclusive of all sections of the community. Once the momentum of a process like this builds and people start to realise the power of connecting with their neighbours, their street, their village, and their whole community, it becomes selfperpetuating. 2. A clear common purpose - providing a single focus across the whole community When such a large, diverse gathering of people occurs over an extended period as we saw at Bentley, keeping overall clarity of purpose is a challenge. Everyone brings their own agendas and there is a real danger that these ‘parallel causes’ can derail the movement. It takes significant steadfastness to see that yes, all these causes are valid, but our common purpose was to stop Megasco getting its drilling rig onto the site.
Photo by Rod Poole
3. A commitment to non-violent direct action - involving both a wide understanding of the principles of nonviolence and practical skills Our non-violent action training group trained at least 1,000 people for Bentley. In an action on this scale you have to keep reminding people of the underlying principles. In the end non-violence becomes part of the DNA of the whole operation and respect and compassion become fundamental to how people treat one another and how they approach their opponents. Our commitment to non-violence was critical in our dealings with the police. If we had shown ourselves to be an undisciplined rabble, I think it would have been a very, very different outcome. 4. Distributed leadership, empowering people to take leadership whenever circumstances required it Bentley was so big and the culture of those involved was generally anti-authoritarianism. Success depended on how well we could create systems to leadership that allowed people to step forward and take responsibility and which supported them in doing that. 5. A cultural underpinning expressed in opportunities to celebrate the
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shared values of respect, compassion and solidarity One of the really important elements at Bentley was the contribution of the Aboriginal people who were there the original custodians of this land. They were able to articulate in so many ways their deep connection with country. They were an integral part of the ‘Greet the Dawn’ ceremonies that happened every day, and also the evening gatherings. These rituals also displayed the pragmatic ability of this diverse group of people to take care of themselves and each other in a way that was distributed and voluntary. They were great expressions of the shared values of the people on the blockade and in the camp. This was vitally important to creating solidarity for the campaign. 6. Courage to go beyond comfortable roles and step into the unknown So many people at Bentley displayed courage by stepping outside their normal comfort zones. This was most obvious in the people who scaled the high mono-poles and were prepared to lock on to them, ready if necessary to endure hours and hours of danger and discomfort while the police removed them from their lock-on installations. It was also evident in people who had never even thought to associate with a blockade, but felt that the Bentley issue was so important that they overcame their media-induced fear of ‘extremists’ and ‘radical activists’ to come out to the blockade and participate. Needless to say these people quickly found the reality of the blockade far from the media hype.
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local news
Buttery Director Retires
After 31 years working at The Buttery*, 26 of these as Director, Barry Evans retired at the end of July. Brian Sundstrom asked him about the main developments he’d overseen and his plans for retirement. Barry begins our chat by acknowledging the excellent staff he has worked with and attributing much of The Buttery’s success to their efforts. Clearly though, he has been an excellent and widely respected leader of this group. When asked the major changes he’d seen, Barry discussed these points: Increased quality and quantity of accommodation. In the 1980s The Buttery had only 16 beds for residents, in fairly basic conditions. They now house 34, in quite comfortable, self-catering, accommodation blocks of six to eight people. Greatly increased range of programs and professionalism. The organisation has grown from a small ‘therapeutic community’, to having two residential programs and five outreach programs. These cover a range of addiction issues, including gambling. Combined, they work with some 800 people a year, from Ballina to Tweed and out to Kyogle. Barry feels their newer residential program, Maintenance to Abstinence, helping people move from reliance on prescribed opiates, is very important and successful. The establishment of two halfway houses in
Byron has also increased their long-term success rate. The Recovery choir, now renamed Twisted Sister, has been very effective too. Greater community understanding, “that addiction is non-discriminatory. It could be your partner, children or friends’ reaction to life circumstances,” Barry explained. “Our programs had initially to be low profile and discreet, but there is now much broader acceptance of the need for our work. In the 1980s the majority of our clients named opiates as their drug of concern. Currently alcohol is the major one.” I also asked his opinion on preventative measures to reduce the number of potential Buttery clients. “There is of course no magic bullet, but we need a mix of education and legislation. For example, drink-driving penalties are at least as important as education. Plain packaging of cigarettes and legislation against illegal drug manufacture are other examples,” Barry said. “Being in a supportive and caring community is of course the overall greatest preventative though.” In retirement, Barry and wife Wendi have
a new campervan in which to explore more of Australia. They live in Byron and will have extra time for their surfing and bay swims. Barry also plans to get back into his art, the profession that first took him to The Buttery 31 years ago as an art therapist. *The Buttery is a highly regarded addiction recovery centre in the old NORCO butter factory at Binna Burra, just west of Bangalow. It was opened in 1972 by the Anglican church as the original ‘drop-in refuge’ on the North Coast. It has since developed into an independent non government organisation, funded in part by a contribution from the NSW Ministry of Health and from the money provided by residents of the program, who give 80% of their Centrelink Benefit in exchange for board, lodging and a contribution to their treatment costs. There are residential and outreach programs for a range of problems such as alcohol, opiate and gambling addictions.
Scout news Over the school holidays, members of the Bangalow Scouts attended an adventurous weekend at the state Scouting Rally at Cataract Park an hour south of Sydney. In anticipation of all the physical challenges they would face at the rally, the Scouts spent some time hiking at beautiful Minyon Falls before they left. During the rally, the Scouts participated in activities such as orienteering, construction of shelters, and simulation of an escape from a mine disaster to name just a few. At Cataract Park, Scouts learn valuable skills such as preparing and cooking meals, team
work, communication, leadership and confidence building not to mention serious adventure and fun. They reported having a fantastic time and enjoyed meeting other Scouts from all over the state. The Bangalow Scouts and Cubs have been busy with some local fundraising initiatives to raise much needed money for equipment, supplies, upcoming outings and events such as the Australian Scout Jamboree which will take place over 10 days in January of 2016 at Cataract Park. This is an amazing opportunity for Scouts from all over to be a part of a unique
experience that will put all their skills to the test and provide valuable new experiences. Every second Saturday of the month the Scouts and Cubs will be at the Farmers market with a children’s activity, game or lucky dip available for a gold coin donation. If you have a youngster over the age of seven and are interested in finding out more about Scouting, please stop by to get some information brochures. For more information please call Jenny Holden on 6687 2047 or email jenny_holden@ bigpond.com. Cyndi Harris
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18 18
local food
a breathtaking roast Byron Bay Garlic 40 Clove Chicken Serves 6 to 8 Something of a classic, this dish sounds far more menacing than it is, as the garlic gets gently poached in the cooking both and juices of the chicken, making for a ridiculously delectable and strangely subtle dish. 1 x size 16-20 organic chicken 1 lemon, in half 8 whole sprigs fresh thyme 4 sprigs thyme, finely chopped Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 100ml Byron Bay Garlic oil 50g butter 40 cloves of Byron Bay Garlic, peeled 150ml brandy 250ml chicken stock Preheat the oven to 200C. Prepare the chicken by generously seasoning the inside cavity with salt and pepper then place the 2 halves of lemon and 8 sprigs of thyme inside. Rub the skin with about 1/3 of the olive oil, then season with salt and pepper and rub the chopped thyme into the skin, massaging it in well. Melt the butter and remaining olive oil in a sturdy casserole dish just big enough to
snugly fit the chicken. Add the chicken and brown over a high heat until well coloured on all sides. Add all the garlic cloves, then the brandy and allow to reduce by half. Add the stock, then pop a lid on the casserole and place it in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the lid and continue cooking the chicken for a further 15 to 20
minutes or until the chicken is just cooked through. Remove the casserole from the oven, replace the lid and allow the chicken and garlic cloves to steam through for a further 5 to 10 minutes. Serve this with beautiful roast or pureed potatoes and kale braised in chilli flakes and a squeeze of lemon. www.thefarmbyronbay.com.au
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AUGUST 2014 19
what I’ve been reading Two psychological thrillers of great intrigue and quality to keep you up all night with the light on.
What Came Before by Anna George; Summer House with Swimming Pool by Herman Koch I want to tell you about two great books I’ve read this month but psychological thrillers are really tricky to review. It’s strange that I should have read two in a row because the same thing happened last year when I read Gone Girl (Gillian Flynn) followed by The Dinner (Herman Koch). At the time I remember thinking that I wish I had not read them consecutively because they were both so good I felt that one had detracted from the brilliance of the other. Anyway, in a déjà vu coincidence the same thing has happened again. Firstly, it would be impossible to review What Came Before without making a comparison to Gone Girl as they are similar and the author, Anna George, has used the same device of alternating narrators. The husband starts the book with: “My name is David James Forrester. I’m a solicitor. Tonight, at 6:10pm I killed my wife. This is my statement.” Elle Nolan (the dead wife) is a thirty something, successful script writer who has never ‘fallen in love’ before meeting Dave and has been busy establishing her career. Situated in Melbourne, this is their story and what came before..... And in a second coincidence, the author of Summer House with Swimming Pool is Herman Koch. This is only the second book that Koch has had translated into English (he’s a Dutchman) but I think it is even better than The Dinner. Dr Marc Schlosser is the disturbingly analytical narrator of this tense psycho thriller which had me burning the midnight oil and forfeiting my early morning yoga. His insight into human behaviour and relationships is remarkably accurate but it is his delivery that becomes progressively creepy. One of his patients has died, the famous actor Ralph Meier, causing Dr Schlosser to be called before the Board of Medical Examiners to determine if he has made a medical error. Ralph was his friend (prior to his premature demise) and the previous year the two men and their families had holidayed in the Mediterranean at a summer house with swimming pool. What happened on that lazy summer holiday with days of sunshine, swimming, flirting, wine tasting and trips to the beach may have something to do with the current enquiry? Carolyn Adams – Bookworms & Papermites
useful information and contact numbers AA Tues 5.30 Richard 0466 885 820 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior Greg 6687 1231 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bridge Fri 12pm Steve 6688 4585 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 Co-dependents Anonymous Thurs 7pm/Sat 4pm Guy 0421 583 321 CWA 2nd Wed Di 6685 4694 Garden Club 1st Wed Hazel 6687 8409 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Wendy 6687 2183 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Gerry 6687 1142 Lawn Bowls,Women Wed 9.30am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm Roger 6687 0543 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Sue 0421 030 438 Police Peta 6687 1404 Pony Club Kim 6687 8007 20
Pool Trust 3rd Wed Dominic 6687 1425 Poultry Club Hec 6687 1322 Progress Association Ian 6687 1494 Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Helen 6684 1161 Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot 6687 1246 Rugby Union Richard 0415 773 064 S355 C’mtee Heritage House Don 6687 1897 Scouts Tues 6.30pm Jenny 6687 2047 Show Society Karen 6687 1033 Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick 6687 1607 Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian 6684 7444 Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian 6687 1024 Sporting Field bookings Nick 6687 1607 Tennis Court Hire 6687 1803 Writers Group 1st Thurs Alex 0439 304 911 VENUES A&I Hall Station St Brian 0427 157 565 Anglican Hall Ashton St Matthew 0488 561 539 Bangalow Showgrd Moller Pavilion Karina 6687 1035 Sports/Bowling Club Byron St Kat 6687 2741 Catholic Hall Deacon St Russell 0423 089 684 Coorabell Hall Coolamon Scenic Simon 6684 2888 Newrybar Hall Newrybar Village Ian 6687 8443 RSL Hall Station St Charlotte 6687 2828 Scout Hall Showgrounds Jenny 6687 2047 Heritage House Deacon St Don 6687 1897
new horizons
horses for courses Paula Todd and David Gee honeymooned at Rae’s on Watego’s in April 2008 and enjoyed an idyllic sunny week including a drive to Bangalow. They fell in love with the area and almost simultaneously one morning said to each other “we should live up here”. Paula always dreamed of having her own horses on her own farm and in January 2012 she began to live her dream. Sharing seven children between the ages of 23-32 years old, there was a window of opportunity to make a move from Melbourne to somewhere in the country. They researched other areas extensively but kept getting drawn back to the green rolling hills, coastal views and the attractiveness and vitality of Bangalow. Paula says one measure of its vitality was the Heartbeat magazine itself. They now live on the elevated outskirts of Bangalow, east of the highway on a 115 acre scenic property where they grow macadamias, raise 20 steers, keep three horses and a handsome boxer dog Oscar. They built a new home on the property and they still have several projects to complete,
including eradicating all the camphor laurel and lantana and re-foresting with native timbers. Paula grew up in Sydney, has a degree in social work and worked in this field for many years and later as a re-location counsellor both in Melbourne and in London. Having always been interested in movement and dance, she studied as an aerobics and gym instructor at TAFE in 1995 and later qualified
as a personal trainer. She now specialises in group and individual training for older adults and has a witty and wise catch phrase, “lose weight in the kitchen and get fit in the gym”. David is a civil engineer in the building and construction industry and is currently project manager for the new IKEA being built in Queensland. He also owns C&C Kitchen Solutions in Dudgeons Lane. As an AFL footballer from way back, he is on the coaching staff of the Byron Bay Magpies. One of Paula’s main joys in living on the farm is the immediate access to her horses. She has three off-the track thoroughbreds, a mare called Coco and two geldings, Bangas and Frank. She uses natural horsemanship methods to train them for pleasure riding. As a national level presenter for older adult fitness she is often called away to teach at fitness conventions and she publishes in various magazines. In addition to work commitments, Paula and David are hosts to many visitors, both family and friends who love what one son describes as their own slice of paradise. Helen Johnston
Station Street DA battle continues A public meeting held in Bangalow on 24 June was the chance for the community to voice continuing concerns over the proposed development at 9 Station Street and indicate whether it agreed with the planners’ assessment of the revised proposal. Earlier, at the instructions of the Land and Environment Court, the developers and council planners negotiated some amendments to the latest development proposal and council planners were recommending acceptance. Mayor Simon Richardson opened the meeting and stated he thought it was an “opportunity for something great as a template for the rest of Station Street”.
Objections received by council were based on three main reasons: The design quality: the bulk, scale and density of the proposed building are out of keeping with the streetscape. Traffic and related issues: Local primary school principal, Susie Boyle, attended the meeting especially to stress the danger to schoolchildren crossing the narrow lane with no footpath which would be the access road for the proposed development. She already supervises children leaving the school via the laneway as the main road (Byron Street) is too busy for children to cross. Social and Economic dimensions: The proposed development is not in
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keeping with the objectives outlined in the Bangalow Settlement strategy and is inconsistent with the heritage precinct concept for Bangalow village. Over 60 people attended the meeting with many speaking from the floor with well-reasoned arguments against the proposed development. At a subsequent council meeting, two days after this meeting, three Bangalow residents spoke against acceptance of the latest proposal and managed to increase the councillors’ votes against from the previous 5-4 to 6-3. The DA was rejected for the third time and the matter will now go to the Land and Environment court. Judy Baker
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Hinterland Groundswell The Byron Hinterland Collective has been busy the last few months. President Francesca Esposito-Rose says, “Our main focus has been applying for grants and funding for various projects to help invigorate the hinterland and to help provide jobs. One of the projects we have sought funding for is to replace the missing sculptures at Jeff Schneider Park in Bangalow. There were originally six sculptures installed, but since then, many of those have gone missing. No-one seems to know their whereabouts but it is sad to walk around the oval and see empty concrete footings with no sculptures on them. Many locals use the park for their daily walk and it would be beneficial for residents to have these sculptures replaced. We see this as a very worthwhile project and an outdoor attraction we can all enjoy. It would also be valuable for our visitors to have somewhere interesting to take their kids to run around after a days’ shopping in Bangalow.” “The Collective has also been busy advocating for better signs on the new Pacific Highway. “When Bangalow was bypassed over a decade ago, Bangalow has thrived as a unique destination and as a primary gateway to the broader hinterland.” Esposito-Rose says. “We need to make sure we don’t take a step backwards. This means ensuring our hinterland villages are properly signed so that visitors can find us easily when the new Highway opens up.” “The Collective has also identified the dire need for a master plan for Bangalow and surrounding hinterland villages. The Collective is aware of a number of attempts to consolidate planning instruments in order to pull together a forward-looking plan. However there is a strong need for a fully publicly documented master plan for Bangalow and the surrounding hinterland. Whilst recent S94 funding was available for this, it is the Collective’s fear that these Council
funds will be heavily directed towards main street developments. Together with other concerned local residents, we have been interacting with Byron Shire Council regarding the controversial 9 Station Street Development. We are also aware of the upcoming re-use of rail assets in and around Bangalow Railway Station. It is vital for the sustainable growth of our region that all new developments in our hinterland villages be sensitively designed.
However without a master plan, Bangalow and surrounding hinterland villages risk losing their heritage charm if new designs are left to the devices of developers who may only be seeking to maximise their profits.” Mrs Esposito-Rose says. “We also want to ensure that our railway assets are protected and remain publicly owned, for the benefit of the whole community.” “In breaking news, representatives of The Collective attended a public meeting held by Council last week, discussing the various proposed projects to develop the rail corridor. The private companies attending the meeting have been working on their various tenders for quite some time. Most of these see Bangalow Railway
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Station as an end-destination, not as a starting point. This would most likely generate more ‘day-trippers’ which would exacerbate an already congested Bangalow village, especially on weekend mornings. This Byron-centric view of future developments is the very thing that The Collective was set up to monitor and balance. The Collective is more interested in supporting developments that place visitors in hinterland beds, eating at hinterland restaurants and enjoying attractions dispersed throughout the hinterland, with the option of visiting the coast for a day-trip, not the other way around. “We also support the development of a Botanic Garden in the Bangalow Weir/ Pool precinct. This would help to enrich the hinterland for both locals and visitors and would be central to a new hinterland master plan.” The Collective is supporting a range of diverse projects and is often asked why it is involved at this community level. “Our primary focus is to help boost the visitor economy in the hinterland in a sustainable and sensible way. We aim to achieve this by extending the stay of our existing visitors, encouraging them to stay longer and across the midweek, not by increasing the volume of tourists on weekends. We believe that one of the primary reasons that tourists visit our area is because of the community feel and village charm of our hinterland. But first and foremost, we also live here and our kids go to school here, and so preserving the charm of our hinterland villages is vital for us all as locals, families and businesses,” says Esposito-Rose. “We also welcome new members from the community to help us sensitively shape our collective futures and to join us in this exciting groundswell of change.” For more information contact the team at ByronHinterlandCollective@gmail.com.
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in the garden
Invasive Species and Biodiversity The Australian Government definition of Invasive Species is: ‘An invasive species is a species occurring, as a result of human activities, beyond its accepted normal distribution and which threatens valued environmental, agricultural or other social resources by the damage it causes’. When we think of invasive species the names that come up are foxes, rabbits, cane toads, lantana, camphor, madeira vines. There is a list of invasive weeds available from your local council. This is a great way to avoid buying and planting what will become a problem later for your garden and the surrounding lands. You can also refer to the weed identification tool at http://www. environment.gov.au/cgi-bin/biodiversity/ invasive/weeds/weedidtool.pl Bio-diversity in our region is affected by invasive species. Ten to 25 threatened species have been considered at risk due to invasive species. Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and the effect of climate change is accelerating the process. Invasive species affect all types of land tenure. In New South Wales it is estimated that around 18% of national parks are affected by weeds and 36% by pests. Not all invasive species are directly visible. Pathogens, fungi and parasites are on the list of invasive species. Invasive fungi such as chytrid amphibian fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis), myrtle rust (Uredo rangelii) and Phytophthora cinnamomi (a root rot fungus) are three fungi of national concern. Further climate warming is of great
Singapore Daisy invading bushland
concern as it may increase the risk of fungi and pathogens spreading (Laurance WF, Global warming and amphibian extinctions in eastern Australia. Austral Ecology 2008;33:1–9), (Pritchard SG. Soil organisms and global climate change. Plant Pathology 2011;60:82–99). The Australian federal and state government bio-security agencies need to learn from past mistakes. Examples of recent failures from those agencies and their political masters can be seen in the cases of the myrtle rust control debacle and the decision by the Queensland government in 2012 to stop funding for the Crazy Ants eradication program although it was
deemed feasible and affordable. What can we do? It is the responsibility of all not to disseminate invasive species. Market stalls, retail nurseries, large hardware stores, nurseries, landscapers and gardeners, farmers and orchardists have to keep up to date with the latest updates on new weeds, pests and diseases that can surface from time to time. Some plants such as Singapore daisy (sphagneticolatrilobata) or night scented jesamine (Cestrum nocturnum) are still seen for sale in some places. Those two are weed species that have no place in gardens. Some websites are recommending Singapore daisy for bank retention and as a weed suppressant, this is highly irresponsible. Native habitats are under a lot of strain. Some of which we can stop with little effort, by educating ourselves, getting information from reliable sources and simple observation. Reduction in biodiversity affects us all directly. We may not be aware of the larger implications of the disappearance of a species of mistletoe but this does not stop it from happening. For further reading go on www.facebook. com/Interactive.landscapes where I have posted my reference sources Patrick Regnault (Dip.Hort) Registered Horticulturist 0062 MAIH
23 23
august diary
town talk This is being overseen by John Holland Rail CRN, who have contracted Byron Bay Tree Services to do much of this local work. There is a lot of new mulching around existing trees, near the old railway station. There are also new plantings of lomandra and other species to reduce the need for future spraying and mowing in some parts. I’m told this work will continue along the corridor leading into the western side of Bangalow. The men I spoke to are justifiably proud of their work, which they hope to continue. Brian Sundstrom.
That’s what you call Street Art. Photo by Saul Goodwin
Kids in action It was a real whole of street collaboration in Wattle Place as the kids got together to create this masterpiece. Unfortunately this is no longer on exhibition as it finally rained four hours after the photos were taken and was completely washed away. Joanne Wilkinson
Bangalow BBQ & Bluegrass; Bowlo dance night; Ballina concert
Ballina concert
Garden Club meeting
Rainforest regen inspection; Bowlo Latin night
Bangalow Music Festival (BMF) – Festival Prelude
Red Cross Cake Bake
CWA stall
BMF finishes
BPA town meeting
Daffodil day
Bangalow Market
Alstonville fair
Alstonville fair HB deadlines: 13(ads) 18(copy)
Mucho mulch. Photo by Judy Baker
Railway land tidy-up You may have noticed the recent landscaping and much-needed general tidying up of the railway land in Bangalow.
Brian Sunstrom, Lynette Binns and Monica Wilcox were snapped under a beautiful Pandanus tree at Cedarvale Farm by Christina de Water, all members of the Bangalow Garden Club.
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