Heartbeat Bangalow’s
free l july 2012 No.160 l Celebrating the Life and Times of the local Community
Perfect timing Like the recently restored War Memorial Clock in the Post Office, see story page10, the heart of Bangalow is still ticking.
For the
“RIGHT ADVICE” Whether it is SELLING or RENTING or any PROPERTY needs...
In this issue Heartbeat brings you reports on popular June events including the very successful Lions Curry Night, the ABC Now and Then 2 workshop and the Newrybar Fireworks, as well as updates from the Chamber of Commerce, the Bowlo and our local clubs and societies. We continue our Creative Passions series and bring you the first of a new series featuring streetscapes of Bangalow. In July there is much to look forward to: concerts at the A&I Hall, a board games night at the Anglican Hall, Inside Story with Bob McTavish and workshops by Screenworks and the Northern Rivers Writers Centre. The Bowlo will be offering
more new events, kicking off with Latin dancing on Friday nights. One of our local newspapers recently reported the findings of a British study that dancing significantly reduces the risk of dementia, even better than crosswords, so perhaps we senior citizens should swap our crosswords for dancing shoes. If that seems too energetic, tackle Steve Jones’ Vocabularium puzzle on p. 22. August sees the start of the festival season with the Bangalow Music Festival and the Writers Festival as well as our very own Cabaret da Desh. Note that tickets for da Desh go on sale this month. Don’t miss out. Di Martin for the Heartbeat team
Photograph by Judy Baker
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swamp paperbarks All gardeners know that plants can vary their flowering each year according to the weather. This year, with considerably more rain than has been seen in this area for many years, the autumn/winter flowering swamp paperbarks (Melaleuca quinquenerva) thought they were in paradise. This is a variety of paperbark which loves water so they are to be seen all along the coast road and anywhere it is swampy. It is among the most common of Australian trees, endemic right up the east coast and also in PNG and New Caledonia. But in the USA it is considered a noxious weed; this is the tree which has created havoc in the Florida Everglades.
M. quinquenervia seems to grow according to the space available and can vary from quite shrubby at around four metres to a 25 metre tree; it has a white/cream small bottlebrush type flower and a biscuit coloured papery bark – well known to all Australian children – hence the common name for this tree and others in its family. It is a very useful tree for coastal gardens as it will withstand salt wind. Melaleucas belong to the very large Myrtaceae family, all having brush type flowers (long stamens held in clumps), and a distinctive scent. Eucalypts are also in the same family. Helen Wilson
Editorial Team: Judy Baker, Marika Bryant, Sub Editor: Helen Wilson Web Pages: Wendy Gray Tony Hart, Lyn Plummer, Brian Sundstrom, Distribution: Bangalow Post Office, Brian Accounts: Rob Campbell Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Christobel Munson Chariman: Neville Maloney www.heartbeat.net.au Advertising: Janelle Saunders 0422 069 861 Sub editor: Helen WilsonSundstrom, Peter Bradridge DISCLAIMER. This newsletter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 advertising@heartbeat.net.au Distribution: Bangalow Post Office, Brian Ruth Kirby Incorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon. Editors Dianne Martin, Ruth This news-letter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat Incorporated POOfficer Box Neville 132 NSW 2479. Hon Editors Dianne Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ad Production: AllieDISCLAIMER. Leo Sundstrom, Peter Bradridge Kirby, Hon Sec/Public Maloney. Membership is open to all Email: editors@heartbeat.net.au adult residents of the “2479” postal district. opinions expressed Ruth Kirby Design: Niels Arup Martin; narup@bigpond.net.au Web pages: Officer Joanna Wilkinson Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/Public Helen Wilson. Membership is open to all adult residents of the The ‘2479’ postal district.byThe Advertising: Janelle Saunders individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editors and other Email: editors@heartbeat.net.au Editorial team: Judyopinions Baker, Marika Bryant, Tony Accounts:contributors Rob Campbellare not necessarily shared by the Editors and other members of the Association comexpressed by individual members of the Association committee. While every reasonable effort is Email:Collins advertising@heartbeat.net.au Cover photo: David Hart, Helen Johnston, Christobel Munson, Chairman: Neville Maloney mittee. While everyLyn reasonable effort is made to publish accurate information, Bangalow’s Heartbeat Bangalow’s Inc. accepts no responsibility made to publish accurate information, Heartbeat Inc. accepts Plummer, Andrea Sturgeon, Brian Sundstrom Production: allieleo@bigpond.net .au no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed. for statements made or opinions expressed.
bangalow’s heartbeat PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479
local news
the bowlo is on a roll Brian Mackney, club president, brings us up to date on happenings at the Bowlo.
members, must wait till Further to the 7 June the election of a new Bowlo newsletter, the board and adoption of board resolved in late strategic direction and June to award the may need to be delayed catering contract to Scott until the club is in a Morrissey and Mike Vidler, stronger cash position. one of three temporary Mel Manar, the new catering groups who Events and Entertainment have assisted the club Coordinator, is working with catering since the very hard to put together re-opening. Members and their guests can expect an entertainment to see an embellishment program, with lots of of the menus seen over exciting things being the past weeks and some planned. See Heartbeat’s exciting new ideas from Dressed up for a private party Community Noticeboard the kitchen in the near (pages 6-7) for event future, with the emphasis details each month. remaining on family A reminder to members affordable meals. “ We that the Annual General want to be able to feed a Meeting has been deferred family of four for around to Monday, 30 July. $50. Our functions menu, “Thanks to the strong including weddings, will support of the community be pitched at around $35 the club has begun to per head, and will be very re-emerge from the competitive with anything troublesome start to the else around. Keep an eye year. There is still a long out for Sunday morning way to go but the board is brunch, soon to be confident that, with good introduced.” management, many of James Cruickshank smokin’ With regard to finances, Brian Mackney the financial issues of the Scott Langley, the new manager, is needed management processes. Further past can be overcome. We look forward watching expenses and turnover very work on club refurbishment, given such to seeing lots of new faces in the club, Our closely. Stock control measures have a strong start prior to re-opening with Community & Sports Club, to enjoy the been put in place along with other much- voluntary assistance from community events and the new cuisine.”
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6687 1500 JUNE JULY 2012 2012
local news
osf candidate running for mayor ‘Our Sustainable Future’ has announced that the current Deputy Mayor of Byron Shire, Cr Basil Cameron, will be the OSF candidate for Mayor in the September elections. Our Sustainable Future president and Lismore City Councillor, Simon Clough, will stand for re-election as its candidate in Lismore. “We are delighted Our Sustainable Future can field candidates who clearly and demonstrably hold our vision of social resilience and economic viability so closely to their hearts,” said OSF secretary, and party founder, Hugh Ermacora. “Basil has a track record of support for social sustainability, such as his recent front-line support for the Mullumbimby hospital. As a Byron councillor, he has devoted a great deal of energy to community matters and finding constructive ways to build a strong local economy - and he’s had a very useful ‘past life’ in the legal world.” On announcing his intention to stand for
CMA updates its action plan Catchment Management Authorities (CMAs) are the State Government bodies assisting regional communities manage and improve natural resources in their catchments. Northern Rivers CMA covers this area. It works with farmers, Landcare and other ‘carer’ groups, Aboriginal communities, local government, industry and state agencies. Their projects, such as regeneration work in riparian zones and wildlife corridors, will be well known to many readers. Such activities are planned and co-
support for “the Bangalow community’s position on the amenity of the village, especially regarding traffic arrangements associated with the Pacific Highway upgrade.” He has supported the development of Bangalow skate park, sports fields, walking track, sculpture park and Byron Creek revegetation, as well as facilitating community priorities for infrastructure improvements from s94 funds. He also helped obtain funding for regional wild dog control. An independent regional political party founded in Byron Shire in 2000, OSF is registered with NSW Electoral Commission. It was formed “specifically to field candidates in local elections, with the objective of delivering functional, cohesive and productive government to local residents. Policies are developed and implemented here, for the benefit of our communities,” added Cr Clough. For further details, see www.osf.org.au. Christobel Munson
mayor, Cr Cameron said: “During my term as a Byron Shire councillor, I have learnt a lot about meeting the challenges of local government. I Mayoral candidate enjoy working with Basil Cameron the community to get results. With this practical handson experience behind me, and fully understanding the realities of the position and its demands, I believe I can hit the ground running as mayor.” A Goonengerry resident who has lived in the area for 25 years, Cr Cameron takes a keen interest in rural matters. He has worked constantly to find a “better deal for rural roads”, especially “tackling safety issues for all rural road users”. As a councillor, he has maintained strong
ordinated under a Catchment Action Plan (CAP). Northern Rivers CMA recently held a workshop in Bangalow to develop their next CAP. The emphasis was on using mapping to identify different levels of landscape health and to overlap that with community capacity maps. Areas needing most resources can then be targeted. One key area of discussion was the need for more integration across areas, eg combining rivers and estuaries and bringing people and various government
departments together with the same goals. Another topic was how to balance the needs for long-term maintenance of existing work with funding new projects. The new CAP will be released early in 2013. In the interim, community feedback will continue to be sought through surveys and submissions - open to 20 July 2012. You can have your say on www.yoursay. northern.cma.nsw.gov.au or contact the CMA Community Support Officer (Byron) 6626 7028 wendy.gibney@byron.nsw.gov. au. Brian Sundstrom
H O L I D AY I n A G R A C I O U S A pA Rt m e n t I n n O B L e pA L A z z O n O tA R n I C C H I in a stone sicilian village high in the m a d o n i e m o u n ta i n s
local news
lions lines The Bangalow Lions have been very busy in recent times. Following quickly on from the Billycart Derby, the whole club got involved with the annual Lions Curry Night staged at our wonderful A&I Hall. Once again the Singh family cooked up a magnificent feast, as they have been doing since 1985. A ‘sell-out’ crowd (and for a short time we thought maybe ‘oversell’) was greeted by the Belly Dancers as the fragrances of the curry wafted through the hall and the anticipation of wonderful food was intense. There appear to be a lot of people in the community now vegetarian as they were invited to dine first. Some of these vegetarians were also seen lining up for seconds later in the night. Lion Greg Nash did a wonderful job as MC for the night and what set out as a ‘Red
Faces’ competition developed into a ‘talent quest’ featuring some of our favorite young local talent. Annie Plummer dazzled the crowd and gained the majority vote to win the night’s major award. John and Joe Wilson , Hannah
Parrington, Charlie Burton and The Deers were all warmly received. The Indian Drummers (led by Raj) and local dancers provided great atmosphere to finish off a very successful night. Brian Grant, President
chamber membership Do you do business in the 2479 area? Are you a local business owner? You need to support your business community by joining the Bangalow Chamber of Commerce. In addition to a range of new initiatives that will increase visits to Bangalow including the launching of a new much improved web site, the Chamber also works hard to build, drive and manage
JULY JULY 2012 2012
the many events and festivals that benefit ALL the businesses of Bangalow and surrounding areas. E-mails and a letter drop will commence late June for 2012/13 membership renewal and new membership and we would like to think the whole business community will support the Chamber. With a strong Chamber we have a stronger voice with council, we can help build and
support the extensive events and festival program that is part of Bangalow’s charm and character, and most importantly, it provides you the opportunity to have a ‘voice’ about your future. Be active. Be responsible. Be prosperous. If you would like further info, or an application form, please feel free to e-mail us at admin@bangalow.biz Greg Crump
community noticeboard Show business Donna Jenner, the head steward of the cooking section of the annual Bangalow Show, is hosting an information afternoon in the Moller Pavilion on Saturday, 21 July from 1.30 with guest Andrea Bryant, an accredited cookery judge. Entry is free for Show Society members, $2 for nonmembers. For bookings, please ring Donna 6687 1698 or 0438 871 698. Karen Ryan
Speed cameras for safer roads If you would like to have your say about where speed cameras should be located, go to this site to lodge your suggestion. Perhaps Granuaille Rd or Lismore Rd would be a good place to start. www.saferroadsnsw.com.au. Phil Kirby Garden club At the next meeting on Wednesday, 4 July Penny Fox will speak about orchid history and culture. The Saturday social visit on 7 July is to the property of Vicki and Gary Mann at Binna Burra. This is a double treat with a lovely garden to explore and the Bijou gallery to enjoy with its collection of handcrafted arts of Asia and the Middle East. Helen Johnston
Reminder Community information sessions for the Pacific Highway Tintenbar to Ewingsdale upgrade are held
every fourth Tuesday at the A&I Hall. Two sessions are run per day, mid-day to 2.30 pm and 5.30 pm to 8pm. The sessions give the community an opportunity to meet with the project team, discuss progress, ask questions and give feedback. The topic of each meeting is only released a few days before the meeting. Ruth Kirby
Bastille Day board games night Men, don your berets and ladies dress in red, white and blue to attend the board games night at 7pm on Saturday, 14 July at All Souls Anglican Hall. Prompt start, be early. Bring nibbles and drinks but a super supper will be supplied. There will be prizes plus a raffle. Adults $10, children under 10 years $2. Tables of six, bookings 6687 2228 or 0402 061 110. Ellen Lehane
Bangalow Tennis Club Membership is now due for the club. All regular players need to be members. This is a legal requirement with our insurers (Tennis NSW). We have discounted junior members this year to just $20 per child to try and encourage more junior members. All membership should be paid as soon as possible. Membership forms are in the club house. Our coach, Denis Hopking, can be contacted on 0406 277 459 for any coaching enquiries.
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Adult social tennis is on Tuesday mornings (contact Vivienne on 6687 1803) and Tuesday nights 7pm (contact Lois East on 6687 1834). Lois East
What’s on at the A&I Hall Saturday, 14 July: Songs of Haight Ashbury Stage Show, 8pm. Celebrating the musical legacy that was San Francisco 1967 and the legendary ‘Summer of Love’, with music from The Band, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Arlo Guthrie, Joni Mitchell and so many more. Last show in the Byron Shire for 2012, this local production will have you rocking in your seats and yelling for more. $25 from Barebones Art Space, enquiries to Nick Hanlon on 6679 5074. Saturday, 21 July: Goldner String Quartet, 2pm. Launched in 1995, the Goldner String Quartet is named after Richard Goldner, founder of the original Musica Viva Australia. Since performing to critical acclaim at Wigmore Hall in 1997, the Goldner String Quartet returns often to London and many other prestigious US and European musical festivals and appears regularly in venues around Australia. Members include Dene Olding (violin), Dimity Hall (violin), Irina Morozova (viola), Julian Smiles (cello). Tickets $40, members $35, available Barbeones Art Space, Mary Ryans Byron Bay, Mullumbimby Book Shop or at the door. Susie Warrick
Missing billycart I lent a billycart for general use on Derby Day, 20 May so that kids who did not have one of their own could have the thrill of competing in this fabulous event. It has not been returned to me. I understand that it is now permanently missing. Please return the billycart, no questions asked, so that it can be available again next year for someone else who needs it. Phone me on 6687 2276. Pam Le May
Inside Story Following the highly successful Inside Story with Michael Balderstone, Bangalow Historical Society is now presenting Mick O’Regan in conversation with local legend, larrikin and international surfing icon, Bob McTavish. This event will take place at the Heritage House Museum and Tearoom on Sunday, 15 July commencing at 1pm with a delicious gourmet BBQ and dessert all for $30 per head. It is BYO but soft drinks, tea or coffee are available for purchase. Bob has led a wonderfully interesting life and it is sure to be an entertaining afternoon on the verandah, hopefully in the warm winter sun! Tickets available from Heritage House 6687 2183. Terry Bleakley
Bowlo full steam ahead What a HUGE month June has been at the bowlo. We’ve literally had weddings, parties
Heritage House Tearoom open 10am to 3pm Wednesday - Friday Booking (p) 6687 2183
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and everything in between! Our Facebook page is packed with pictures - just Google: ‘Please Help Save Bangalow Bowling & Sports Club’ for a look. The ‘Arty Farty Party’ kicked off on 14 June with international comedian Akmal lighting up the stage with his unique brand of laughs. He has promised to return with a few standup friends for a mini-comedy festival so stay tuned for updates. In the meantime, please come along on Thursday evenings at 7pm to show your support for local artists and musicians who’ll be pumping creative life into the club’s auditorium. A $5 donation will be very welcome. Glitches with technology have caused a few issues at the club. We’re still in a queue for getting the internet connected. Our www.bangalowbowlo.com.au site is a work in progress and our phone number is 6687 2741, so ignore the new phone book. Please rest assured that Board members are working diligently on the membership database. Our best wishes go out to our courtesy bus driver, Bobby, who recently severely broke his ankle. Here’s to a speedy recovery mate! Hope to see you all soon at the bowlo. Mel Manar
In Bangalow, the charming, quaint heritage hinterland tourist town, the streets are paved with … tin cans,
keep a donation box all year round. Many thanks to all those generous folk who so willingly give us some of their hardearned cash. It is a good cause and greatly appreciated. Dot Gill
paper coffee cups, plastic cups, glass bottles, paper lids, plastic lids, metal lids, tissues, empty cartons, iceblock wrappers, icecream sticks, icecream wrappers, popper packets, straws, sweet packets, sweet wrappers, brown bags, white bags, plastic bags, lunch wrappings, rotting leaves, palm fronds, mountains of dog poo … then down at the sports fields all of the above PLUS sports tops, sports shoes, sports bags, T-shirts, visors, drink bottles, walking shoes, shoe laces, shoe soles, shoe inserts, football boots, track pants, underpants, left thongs, right thongs, scarves, socks, track jackets, lunch boxes, lunch, folding chairs, beanies, gloves, even skateboards, bikes and scooters …Is this Bangalow or the tip? A Bushbird
Playing Possum, a bush band from Uki, will provide three hours of traditional Australian and Celtic music for your dancing and listening pleasure on Saturday, 4 August at 7pm. Not knowing the steps is no problem as each dance will be demonstrated before it occurs. All proceeds go to the improvement of the hall. Tickets $25 each, confirmed on payment. Call 6687 8443 or newrybarhall@gmail.com. au and it’s BYO with supper served. Ian Duncan
Red Cross Report
Locals’ night for BMF
Our next meeting is Friday, 6 July at 10am at the RSL Hall. And put a note in your diary that our AGM is on Friday, 3 August at 9.30am at Heritage House. All welcome. May was an amazing month. We had a street stall selling jams and preserves, cakes and seedlings as well as selling tickets in a raffle for two of our highly prized boxes of kitchen pantry goodies. We also received a very generous donation from the Suffolk Park Tavern where the owners
The Bangalow Music Festival’s Community concert, or Locals’ night, will be held on Thursday, 16 August at 7pm at the A&I Hall. Local musicians from Bangalow and surrounding areas and townships will perform a joint concert with festival musicians. This is a festival tradition of great success with local audiences. The local lineup includes Scarlet Affection, Hot North Wind, Spirit Song, Aria Viva and more. Tickets $25 from Barebones Art Space. Margaret Curtis
Traditional bush dance at Newrybar hall
Cabaret da Desh Cabaret da Desh is here again on 25 August. Tickets go on sale at Barebones Art Space, Saturday 28 July from 9am. Tickets are limited to six per person and will be $25 each. Don’t forget there is a theme this year: ‘Carnivale’ For further information, drop in or call Ruth or Karen at Barebones 6687 1393. Ruth Ryan
Action Stations at Heritage House A Hobby Club has now been introduced to provide the opportunity to meet new friends, be entertained and learn new skills and have a bit of fun. On the first Tuesday of each month, the Museum hosts a casual Book Club. On the second Tuesday of the month a Recipe Swap and Cooking session is held, while on the third Tuesday a Movie is screened, with the chance to discuss its pros and cons afterwards. (The movie for July will be Tea with Mussolini.) The fourth Tuesday sees a Craft Day happening, where you can bring along any unfinished garments, or learn new skills from others. Each Hobby Club session, which runs from 11am to 2pm, costs $12 and includes lunch and refreshments. The Tearoom is open from Wednesday to Friday from 10am to 3pm. For more information on any of these events, please phone 6687 2183. Christobel Munson
North Coast Bookkeeping Services For all your Bookkeeping requirements including BAS, QuickBooks or MYOB ph: 6687 2604 Ian Holden fax: 6687 2893 7 Rosewood Ave, Bangalow book001@bigpond.net.au Member of Australian Bookkeepers Network
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JULY 2012 JULY 2012
inside story Milton Cater in his Aladdin’s cave
promoting bangalow There has been something quietly going on in the back room of Milton and Anne Cater’s beautiful rug shop in the main street of Bangalow for the past 13 years. Back in the 1990s Milton had already built his own website and was selling rugs all over the world when the gold rush for internet domain names began. In what he describes as the “wild west”, shonky operators would register a place name and sell it to the highest bidder for purposes unrelated to the name. Milton was determined that no dodgy Texan millionaires were going to
touch his beautiful Bangalow. At the same time as our hospital and birthing unit were shut down, the railway stopped and the Commonwealth and National Banks closed, other coastal holiday destinations were being blackmailed, their domain names held elsewhere, owned by outsiders. Milton was convinced www.bangalow.com should remain local. He canvassed various Bangalow associations but the internet was only in its infancy and its impact was still unknown so there was little support.
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On the positive side there was resurgence of interest in Bangalow - the A&I Hall had been re-furbished, improvement in the shop frontages was under way and Bangalow had the highest concentration of school age children per capita in the Byron Shire. The highway bypass allowed mums and babies in strollers to access the main street easily. Businesses and properties were owned and operated by locals and business was slowly improving as a growing Bangalow went against the tide of highway by-passed villages. Sensing that Bangalow was going to prosper and have a strong culture of its own, Milton went ahead and registered the domain name, then contacted local groups with a view to building a community based website that individual locals could access. “This was before social media. I saw it as typically Bangalow, a vehicle for community cohesion, a place that with a single password others could post on.” But with still no local interest, during a rainy February 1999, at home with three young kids, aged one, four, and six, he used an HTML builder Microsoft FrontPage and the website www.bangalow.com was born. Now that the kids are older, Anne has decided to take on the running of the newly updated site. The move to the new look www.bangalow.com is a modern mix of open commerce and community volunteering. Anne and Milton’s hope for the future is that www.bangalow.com will continue to grow, contribute to and enhance the uniqueness of Bangalow and its community. Janelle Saunders
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local history
Photo by Carmel McConville
Photo by Daniel Peacock
‘now and then’ challenge On Saturday,16 June Heritage House hosted a very special workshop. ABC Open and the Northern Rivers Writers’ Centre partnered with the Bangalow Historical Society to teach anyone who wanted to attend how to take a photo for ABC Open’s national project ‘Now and Then’ and how to write a great story to go with it. All this for free! For those of you who have not yet encountered ABC Open, it is an initiative of our public broadcaster where producers based in our regional areas work with the community, people just like us, to teach us how to tell our own stories. Catherine, the local ABC Open producer, runs workshops in writing, audio recording, photography and video. You can check out the great projects made by people all over Australia at abc.net.au/open. But back to the workshop. For the 12 participants the day started with some hot tips on how to use a camera, whether it was a SLR, point and shoot or a phone camera. With a simple demonstration she demystified those tricky concepts of aperture, shutter speed, ISO and depth of field. Then Siboney Duff from the Northern Rivers Writers’ Centre arrived. Spilling over from her arms was a large bunch of herbs to start the creative word-smith juices flowing. We were invited to smell, touch, let our memories wander to a time surrounded by a garden full
of these sensations. Words, ideas, stories of surprising quality poured out onto the page. Next we turned out attention to the tales and images of Bangalow, beautifully prepared by Dawn Lotty, Rita Cowled and Wendy Grissell, members of the Historical Society. There were 27 manila folders, each with a photo and a paragraph on what is known of the people, structures and event it captured. Siboney Duff invited participants to place themselves in the scene they chose for their ‘Now and Then’ story, and shared expert tips on how to do this with words. With a great tool kit for both the photography and writing tasks in the bag, the group hit the road to create their ‘Now and Then’ photo. Thanks go to Terry Bleakley who volunteered as Catherine’s fixer. One of the participants, Janelle Saunders, lives right in the heart of the village. She said, “It has given me a greater appreciation of the town that I live in. We are so lucky to have so much of our architectural heritage intact. I was really impressed with the structure of the workshop. It was comprehensive: from taking the photo the right way to seeing an exhibition on the net at the end of the day, and having Siboney from the Writers’ Centre was a lot of fun.” The first of these contributions are starting to come in to the project and can be found
exhibited at ABC Open’s ‘Now and Then’ website and on a special website set up by the Historical Society: Bangalow Museum ‘Now and Then’ Challenge. This public workshop is being followed up with two more workshops specifically designed for the students of Bangalow Public School. Rita Cowled and Vivienne Gorec from the Historical Society have volunteered to tell the students everything they know about the museum’s old photos of Bangalow. Wendy Grissell, President of the Historical Society, says she is really excited about the students being involved. “It’s great to get them acquainted with the museum and to help bring the history of their village alive for them.” Wendy would love to showcase all the contributions at Heritage House in a special Bangalow ‘Now and Then’ exhibition later in the year. If you would also like to take a ‘Now and Then’ photo at your home, on your property or in the town, it’s not too late to be involved. Just contact Catherine Marciniak at ABC Open on 6627 2014 and she can help you make it happen.You can find out more about Siboney Duff’s writing tips and all kinds of great tips on digital storytelling in Catherine’s ABC Open North Coast blog. Go to abc.net.au/open, click on regions, click on NSW and click on the image of Catherine. Catherine Marciniak
www.bangalow.com JULY 2012
JULY 2012
9 9
lest we forget
turning back the hands of time rather slapdash maintenance have all taken their toll on the monument. But as a master jeweller and goldsmith, David also trained in the art of watch and clock repairs and restoration, giving him all the skills required to undertake a spot of restoration. “I had thought a lot about restoring the clock over the years but I guess it was ANZAC Day this year that truly inspired me to do something,” says David, whose grandfather served in World War II. “Although I never met my grandfather – and although it may sound strange – I thought of this restoration work as my own way of saying thank you and showing my appreciation, not only to him but all the ANZACs.” So, armed with a little of love and a lot of patience, David embarked on a project to restore this historic timepiece to its former glory. “Restoring the clock that reads: “lest we forget” is a way of saying that we have not forgotten.” Sally Schofield
Uniquely positioned in his store adjacent to the Bangalow Post Office, jeweller David Collins knows the War Memorial Clock that faces the main street is something of a curiosity to the many tourists that visit Bangalow each week. “I often see people stop and take photos of the clock,” says David, who has had a jewellery studio in Bangalow since 2006, and moved into the former store section of the Post Office in late 2010. David had often marvelled at the clock, with its distinctive LEST WE FORGET message on its face in place of traditional numerals, and knew that beneath its somewhat shabby Local jeweller and clock restorer David Collins exterior – and under numerous wellintended paint jobs – was a real this historic clock is a work of beautiful diamond in the rough. Unveiled on 1 April 1937 by the Bangalow craftsmanship. The clock was originally crafted Sub-Branch of the Returned Sailors’ and Soldiers’ Imperial League of Australia from spun copper, mounted on a solid (now RSL: Returned & Services League rosewood backboard and featured a black of Australia) in memory of their fallen marble plaque originally etched with gold comrades in the Great War 1914 – 1919, lettering. Time, the elements and some
RSL Memorial Hall Continuing the series Hall Stories History The RSL hall has quite a varied history. It was built in 1940 and originally situated at Evans Head where it served as the barracks for those who were in training for the air force during World War II. After the war it was relocated to Brunswick Heads where it functioned as the Brunswick Heads Bowling Club. In 1946 the wooden hall was moved to its present site and became the Bangalow RSL Memorial Hall. It is the focal point in Bangalow for the service which follows the Anzac Day march. After the service there is a breakfast provided by Bangalow Lions Club and a willing team of volunteers. Cost to Rent The hall can be hired for $15 per hour or $50 for a half day. An extra
$35 is charged for use of the kitchen. Capacity The hall has seating for 100. Facilities The hall has a fully equipped kitchen. Hall hire covers the use of tables, chairs, crockery, cutlery and glasses. Any Restrictions Anyone hiring the hall must have their own insurance. The hall is available for many community events. However it is not available for 18th and 21st birthday parties.
Who Uses it Members of Bangalow RSL meet at 1.30 on the last Friday of each month. New members are always welcome. Contact Col Draper on 6624 5560. 0408 440 243 or Bob Heffernan on 6628 4489. House of Dance – Bangalow Studio: Monday to Thursday 4pm-8pm. Contact Holly Hayes 0413 857 021. Hapkido on Tuesday and Thursday 6.30am, Wednesday 6.30pm and most Saturdays at 8am. Contact Phil Kingston 6687 1508. Nia Dance at 11am on Tuesdays. Contact Janet 6684 9303. Bangalow Red Cross meet at 10am on the last Friday of each month. Contact Dot Gill 6687 1246 How to Book the Hall The hall can be booked by phoning Charlotte at Charlotte’s Parlour on 6687 2828. Lyn Plummer
Ph: 0402 061 110
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JULY JULY 2012 2012
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granauille road
taking it to the streets
Christobel Munson takes the first steps in an occasional new series that looks at our streetscapes Passing through town along Granuaille Road, the charm and quirky character of each distinctive house is apparent. Some fences are almost hidden behind lush tropical jungles, brightly painted wooden doors just peeping through, giving the feeling of being in rural Malaysia or the islands off Hong Kong. Other houses fit the traditional ‘Australian country town’ format: weatherboard, tin roof, maybe some lavender bushes in the front, with lomandras or Bangalow palms growing too – just so you know what town it is. Great pride is also taken in working out the right sort of fence, to match the style of the house. Whether the house has been in the same family for generations, decades, or months, the owners and residents clearly take great pleasure in creating an individual look for their particular home environment.
a lifetime of colour Andrea Sturgeon talks to local artist Donna Sharam in this continuation of our Creative Passions series.
When visiting the home of Clunes artist Donna Sharam there are hints of the visual feast to come. From the colourful sign ‘Donna’s Art House’ in the driveway entrance to the vibrant totem poles lining the path to the front door, it doesn’t stop there. Inside Donna’s house is her gallery of artwork adorning every wall. Donna describes painting as her “passion” and colour as her “vision”. Her love of colour began at an early age: dressing up in colourful outfits, dyeing her hair purple and wearing different coloured shoes. Donna’s infatuation with colour has seen her successfully through careers as a fashion designer, home wares designer, art teacher and now fulltime painter. “I’ve been painting full-time for at least three years now. That’s really when l started painting for myself,” she reflects.
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This latter part of Donna’s artistic career has allowed her to work from home which she shares with her husband Robert (Bob) McClure and her three teenage sons. Bob’s background as a product developer and writer has been a significant influence in Donna’s artistic career direction. “Bob and I have been together for about eight years. As for the ‘creative partnership’ it was immediate,” says Donna. Bob and Donna are regular stallholders in the Bangalow A&I Hall for the monthly Bangalow Markets. Bob and Donna also host a monthly ‘Imagination Workshop’ at their house for small groups of aspiring artists. Here Donna combines her artistic and teaching talents for one day and Bob caters by providing morning and afternoon tea plus a very tasty lunch. Bob and Donna are nearing the final stages of publishing two children’s books.
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Their artistic combination has resulted in what Bob describes as a book writing process that “started backwards. Normally with a book you’ve got a manuscript then you get an illustrator to draw the images. Ours started with Donna’s paintings and then the idea of the book came second”. Donna’s immediate family has been a driving influence, taking her artistic career to where it is now. Donna’s surrounds, however, have played an important part in the subject matter of her paintings. Donna has completed several series of paintings: Lying Under Trees, Living Architecture, Funky Friends and the Art Bik Drawings. Iconic Byron Bay landmarks and elements of the Byron Hinterland feature in these paintings. The “…quirky villages, amazing landscapes and eclectic mix of people ignite my passion to paint,” explains Donna.
Donna does most of her painting on her back veranda looking out across a spectacular hinterland vista. Subjects such as the vibrant and endearing ‘Betsy’ the cow have spawned from this outlook. Betsy features in Donna’s Funky Friends painting series. She will also be the star character in the first of Donna and Bob’s children books and a feature character in the second book. “Halfway through the Lying Under Trees series I got a bit bored with trees and looked over the railing and saw the cow. It was a hit. I could have sold it 25 times all over the world,” Donna said. “Every time I do a new series or a new painting, I go wow! This is so much better than the last painting.” To read more about Donna visit her new website www.donnasharam.com and her facebook page www.facebook.com/ DonnaSharamArt.
GNF bangalow (02) 6687 2833 www.gnfrealestate.com.au JULY JULY 2012 2012
13 13
local history
the police station Last month Heartbeat ran a story about the new police constable at Bangalow, Peta Erickson. While interviewing her, Brian Sundstrom was shown the two-cell lockup at the rear of the station. This stimulated his interest in its recent and past use. Here are some of the more humorous stories he tracked down. The lockup behind the station was built in 1905 with two very solid cells (see picture) and an exercise yard. It is generally not used now, as people are instead taken direct to Byron or Lismore stations, but it is well maintained and ‘ready to go’ if needed. Some stories from the 1965 – 1980 era: A local farmer told Heartbeat of a young woman who was renting a cottage from him in the late 1960s. She went into town to register her car (then done at the station) and in the process it was found she had several unpaid parking fines. This resulted in three days in jail, during which time her landlord had to take in various requisites and “found her generally very comfortable.” From 1974 – 81, Brian Shultz was the sergeant in Bangalow, then a town of 600. He lived with wife Jan and family in the residence and has since retired in town. He explained that fines such as the above “were worked out at say $20 a day – so five days for a $100 fine. Some people were rather cunning about it, no doubt on the advice of their solicitors. By coming in just before midnight, that counted as a day and they could leave after 6.30am on the last day. We only held locals we knew and with minor offences, otherwise they went to Lismore or Grafton. At the time, there were some families living in the showgrounds. This was illegal, but tolerated. One young man, who had a taste for rum, was often involved with minor offences and hence a candidate for overnight stays at the station. For this story we’ll call him Rummy.”
Rummy was ‘in’ for a few days’ detention. As the wife of the local sergeant, Jan Schultz
had to feed the inmates and received a small payment for this. “While there was an official menu,” she says, “I generally gave them what we were eating. On the week Rummy was in, I was doing a French cooking course, so he ate this too. When he left he said it was the best holiday he’d ever had.” Jan also said the kitchen in their house had a small serving window, “so food could be passed through to inmates. Generally things went smoothly, though some of the drunks were noisy at night.” As well as the lockup stories, Brian Shultz said “running the motor registry and driving tests was a lot of book work, but we got to know the community well. Most youngsters coming in for their licence, with anxious mums, were so keen they came on their birthday even if a weekend.” One wonders if Sgt Bundy, who is immortalised in the mural on the Heritage Park wall (pictured left) for solving the great pumpkin heist, put the culprit into those cells? The current residence was built in 1905 as the Court House, with the office and lockup behind. In 1909 a separate courthouse was built next door (now the station) and the original building became the residence. Two mounted police were stationed there until 1940, when replaced by ‘foot police’ with a vehicle. Two officers were stationed there until the mid ‘90s, when it dropped back to the one position. The courthouse held its last sittings in 1964. Motor registrations ceased as a police duty in the late 1980s.
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15 15
health and wellbeing
Health benefits of fish oils Sue Daly gives us more hints for healthy living. Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are polyunsaturated fatty acids that cannot be produced in the human body so must be obtained from the diet. They are divided into two groups – omega 3 and omega 6. Omega 3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis. Excess of omega 6 can interfere with the metabolism of omega 3 and tends to promote inflammation. So it is important to keep these two groups in balance. Most diets tend to be high in omega 6 foods such as corn, sunflower and safflower oil as well as meat, chicken and eggs. Fish, plant and nut oils are the primary dietary source of omega 3 fatty acids. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are found in cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel, halibut, sardines, tuna, and herring. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is found in flaxseed oil, canola oil, soybeans, pumpkin seeds and walnut oil. The health effects of omega 3 fatty acids come mostly from EPA and DHA. ALA from flax and other vegetarian sources needs to be converted in the body to EPA and DHA. EFAs are particularly abundant in brain and retina tissue, nerve synapses, adrenal glands and sex glands. Clinical evidence suggests that EPA and DHA help reduce potential plus ouline ad.pdf 14/3/10 risk factors for heart disease, including
high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Fish oil has been shown to lower levels of triglycerides (fats in the blood), and to lower the risk of death, heart attack, stroke, and abnormal heart rhythms in people
who have already had a heart attack. Fish oil also appears to help prevent and treat atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) by slowing the development of plaque and blood clots, which can clog arteries. Because EPAs and DHAs are precursors to the body’s natural anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, omega 3 oils may offer relief for rheumatoid arthritis, lupus (IBS), painful menstruation, osteoarthritis, eczema and 9:13:55 AMSome studies suggest that omega psoriasis.
3 fatty acids may also help increase levels of calcium in the body, improve bone strength, and increase bone density. A number of studies also show that reduced DHA is associated with increased risk of age-related cognitive decline or dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, poor brain development, poor cognition, learning and behaviour, ADD, ADHD, and poor concentration and memory, Omega 3 fatty acids are essential in pregnancy for foetal growth, brain development, learning and behaviour. Women with low plasma levels of DHA are more likely to give birth pre-term. Lactating women should also increase their EFAs. Other symptoms of omega 3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, dry/itchy skin, mood swings, poor circulation, brittle hair and nails, constipation, frequent colds, lack of physical endurance and joint pain. Concentrated sources of EPA/DHA can be taken in the form of fish oil capsules but be sure to buy supplements free of environmental toxins, purified and molecular distilled, from sustainable sources such as sardines and anchovies (not krill). Check dosage with your naturopath or health care provider because of the potential for side effects and interactions with medications.
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the arts
Katherine Howell and Jesse Blackadder with NRWC members after the In Conversation in May
writers’ festival launched The last month has been an exciting one for the Northern Rivers Writers’ Centre with two In Conversation events, two workshops, a seminar, not to mention the finalisation and launch of the 2012 Byron Bay Writers’ Festival program. The first of our In Conversation events for May involved Maggie Groff, author of Mothers Behaving Badly and the newly released Mad Men, Bad Girls and the Guerilla Knitters Institute. Then there was another with Katherine Howell (popular and award-winning author of Frantic, The Darkest Hour, Cold Justice, Violent Exposure, and Silent Fear) being interviewed by our very own Jesse Blackadder (author of After the Party and The Raven’s Heart, as well as recipient of an Antarctica Fellowship and winner of the 2012 Guy Morrison Prize for Literary Journalism). These In Conversation events are free to members of the Writers’ Centre and strictly limited. May and early June also saw two of our most popular workshops this year. Anneli Knight, contributing feature writer to the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age newspapers and author of articles for travel magazines including Australian Geographic Outdoor, Conde Naste Traveler and online at Holiday Goddess, ran a fabulous two day Freelance Journalism course mid-month. Then in early June, Hilary Rogers (Publishing Director at Hardie Grant Egmont) presented a full day workshop where she discussed The Dos and Don’ts of Children’s and Young Adult Publishing and spent the following day providing one on one consultations to beginning and emerging writers wanting feedback on their manuscripts. Finally, Alex Adsett presented an edifying seminar about publishing contracts and copyright, leaving us all with a better understanding of copyright law in Australia and what to look out for in terms of JULY 2012
publishing contracts – not to mention the recognition that it’s best to have someone with the relevant skills and experience looking over a potential contract rather than trying to do it yourself. Mid June, we launched the full program of the 2012 Byron Bay Writers’ Festival. The line-up this year is diverse and inspirational, with a heady mix of writers across genres and specialties, a range of political and philosophical topics on the agenda, and an assortment of opportunities for thoughtful debate and laughter. We also have one of the most impressive line-ups of children’s and young adult authors that we’ve ever had, ensuring not only that our Kids’ Day program in the ABC3 marquee on the Sunday is hugely popular, but also giving our loyal adult audiences a chance to hear from well-respected children’s and YA authors including John Marsden and Morris Gleitzman throughout the festival and in the other marquees. This year’s Byron Bay Writers’ Festival also brings with it a myriad of opportunities for aspiring writers. The Heading North Young Writer Short Story Competition, generously sponsored by Byron and District ADFAS and Bangalow Lions, is open to all residents of the Northern Rivers area aged 16-25 years. First prize is $1,000 to go towards skills development and furthering the winner’s writing career, as well as a three day BBWF pass, inclusion in the BBWF program, and publication of the winning story in northerly, the bi-monthly magazine of the NRWC. Stories must be up to 1,000 words long and the competition closes on Tuesday, 10 July.
There is also a Pitch Perfect Competition for those courageous souls not intimidated by the thought of pitching their book idea live to a panel of publishers at the Festival, as well as the chance to book one of 10 editorial consultations with acclaimed author and mentor, Marele Day. To find out more about any of these opportunities, visit our Festival website or email Siboney Duff at siboney@nrwc.org. au, and be sure to get in quick as eligibility criteria, limited availability, and strict deadlines all apply. The release of the Festival program also means the chance to book in for one of 16 workshops, one of three literary food events, and one of three feature events. So if you’d love to attend a workshop with Andy Griffiths, or you like the idea of Stand Up Comedy with Fiona O’Loughlin, Mandy Nolan, Jon Doust and Shamini Flint, or salivate at the thought of a delicious meal while listening to Gail Jones and Charlotte Wood talk literature with Caroline Baum, then now is the time to book your tickets. For further information, and to purchase your tickets, visit www.byronbaywritersfestival. com or call 1300 368 552. And if you’re interested in any of our Centre events (including an upcoming weekend workshop with Sarah Armstrong 7-8 July exploring The Fundamentals of Fiction: Plot and Scene, an In Conversation event with Cate Kennedy for members on 13 July, or a workshop about Writing Memorable Short Stories with Cate Kennedy on 14 July be sure to contact us on 6685 5115 or email Siboney Duff at siboney@nrwc.org.au Siboney Duff, Centre Manager, NRWC 17
royal visit
Around the world on the smell of an oily rag?
Christobel Munson speaks with British adventurer, Harry Lyon Smith, who spent a few days in Bangalow recently as part of a world trip travelling on a strangely modified Royal Enfield motorcycle.
A few months back, Binna Burra residents Rebecca and Roland Dickson were contacted by Harry Lyon Smith. Harry and Rebecca knew each other as teenagers growing up in Dorset, England, and had kept in touch erratically in the intervening years. Harry explained he was going to be in Australia in May, so the Dicksons naturally offered to put him up at their Friday Hut Road home if he was coming up this way. As it happened, his visit took place 12 months and about 25,000 miles (40,244kms) into a trip which started from London in May 2011. Harry’s initial intention was to “circumnavigate the globe riding a 400cc vegetable oil fuelled diesel motorcycle. This will mean that the trip will have a very light footprint on the environment, something very close to my heart, and it should be affordable. The bike does about 120 miles to the gallon, and the tank has a range of 600 miles,” he said during his Bangalow stop-over. The frame of his bike, named Batty, was built in 1971, while the engines seem to come and go. His stated aim was “among other things, to highlight the practicality and sustainability of contemporary, carbon-neutral fuels.” So how does this trip make that happen? “Well it doesn’t!” he admitted, somewhat ruefully. Things have changed somewhat over the course of meandering across half the world, and he’s had to replace the engine twice. Firstly, “it went pop” in Nepal. “I could have had it rebuilt and carried on, but I succumbed to the wish of speed and bought a new engine. After the next few thousand miles, I discovered that the 18
new engine didn’t like vegetable oil.” By the time he reached Singapore, he had made the necessary decision to install a new Yanmar engine, being “more powerful, quieter and a smoother ride”. However, on it, too, introducing vegetable oil “gummed up the rings.” He’s now written to Yanmar, an ‘environmentally aware’ company, asking for advice on using diesel plus biofuel, and for the moment, he’s adding a litre of vegetable oil per 20 litres of diesel fuel. Earlier in his trip, through Asia, he was powered by 75 percent vegetable oil, while at other times, it’s been 75 percent diesel. By the time Harry reached Bangalow he was about half way through his trip. After Australia, he’ll spend another year travelling through North and South America (having shipped over his bike in a box and flown over himself.) How does he sustain his motivation when things get tough? “There are no tricks. I just don’t have a choice. The alternative – giving up – is unacceptable!” He has discovered help is surprisingly at hand when he encounters mechanical problems that he can’t handle himself. In India and Thailand, when he broke down, mechanical help was readily available. Since driving up from Melbourne and Sydney, other motorcycle ‘aficionados’ have appeared at the right time to lend a hand, or a spare part or two. At times, people react to his dual-fueled bike with total disbelief when they see Harry pouring in vegetable oil. “In Iran, one fellow went down on his knees, begging me not to do it! There, diesel is so cheap,
being heavily subsidised, and vegetable oil is far more expensive.” By trade, Harry has been an illustrators’ agent since 1985, but though this trip is his ‘long service leave’, he still manages to do a few hours’ work each week. The total weight of his luggage is 45kg, including an Apple laptop, camera, GPS, I-phone, two shirts, two pairs of trousers, three pairs of underwear and some socks. One of the highlights of his trip was the time he travelled over the highest roads in the world in the Himalayas. “The hardest two days of my trip, with an average speed of 15mph, it was pretty extreme riding - but that’s what made it the most exciting.” The conclusion he’s come to at this point of his adventure is: “I’m realising that people everywhere are so kind and generous. I’ve observed that in poorer countries, everything’s recycled, whereas in first world countries, we just buy everything. In countries like India, their consumption is growing but they don’t hide it. You see the rubbish, the sewage, the cans, which are all recycled. In first world countries, we just hide it.” Harry’s website, www.VegiBike.com details the route he has taken to date, tracing every stop he has made and miles travelled each day. It also refers to the travel books of Ted Simon, a former Sunday Times journalist, who made many solo motorcycle journeys. The books on his adventures have been the start of many people’s dreams. Those, and websites such as jupiterstravellers.org “encourage adventure travellers to go the extra mile and transform their experiences into something of value for the world to share”. BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
the arts July and the new financial year begins. In keeping with the purge that July invariably brings, I am doing a tad of re-valuation: to this end I have a request for those artful dodgers who actually read the Artery. I need feedback. What does a creative person want to see in this column? Do you want to read about other like-minded souls who are out and about creating art, writing books, involved in theatre, making music and all other arty pursuits that go bump in the night? Or do you want to keep abreast of arty opportunities, grants, residencies and prizes that might suit you and your own practice? This is your chance to speak up and be counted for future Artery input. Email me at marikabryant@hotmail.com with the subject line “want to read about others” or “want the opportunities” and I will adapt accordingly! Any feedback, thoughts and wish lists will be scrutinised, but for now, let’s throw a few opps into the ether: Close to home: The Arty Farty Party is a happenin’ thang at the Bangalow Bowlo every Thursday night from 7pm (if you all make it happen, that is) so check it out (donation at the door). Local artists also have a chance to hang their paintings for some exposure. More info artyfartyparty@y7mail.com. Artfelt Art Prize (in support of Heartfelt House) is seeking artists to enter their themed work, Darkness and Light, for a chance to not only help out a worthy cause, but to share in over $5,000 in prizes; exhibition in two venues; and inclusion in a commemorative book. More info www.artfeltartexhibition.shutterfly.com by 3 August. Jacaranda Acquisitive Drawing Award entry is open to all Australian artists with the major award $15,000 acquisitive, and further acquisitions to the value of $15,000 and (JADA) entry nationally recognised. More info www.grafton.gallery.nsw.gov.au Bowness Photography Prize 2012 All film-based and digital work from amateurs and professionals is accepted. There are no thematic restrictions. Photographers will be competing for $25,000 first prize and $1,000 People’s Choice Award. More info www. mga.org.au/browness-prize/info by 13 July. Art-on-the-Move local artists’ exhibition coinciding with Bangalow Market Day. Come visit the artists in situ at the Moller Pavilion inside the show grounds (band end) - some artists are now offering workshops for the wintery months so drop in and check it out. www.art-on-the-move.net
opportunities for local Filmmakers Bangalow based Screenworks is creating opportunities for screen concept creators throughout the Northern Rivers. On 7 June Screenworks held a seminar on Developing A Concept with guest speakers producer Helen Bowden (The Slap) and writer director Belinda Chayko (Lou) inspiring an audience of around 70 emerging and professional filmmakers. Developing A Concept was the first session in Screenworks THRIVE professional development program (Talent Hothouse – a regional intensive vision escalator). Recently launched by The Hon Don Page MP, THRIVE is designed to assist Northern Rivers screen content creators to build commercially viable screen industry projects and careers. “The response to the first THRIVE event is very exciting”, said Screenworks general manager Jill Moonie. “We had so many creative people from this region attend and we are being presented with some really engaging and achievable program ideas and film concepts. We look forward to assisting them on their journey to bringing their concepts to fruition.”
JULY JULY 2012 2012
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Another extraordinary opportunity that Screenworks has created for local emerging and professional screen practitioners is a one day forum called ‘What the Markets Want’ on 20 July with key screen industry decision makers. Executives from ABC, SBS, Screen Australia and an online broadcaster will present their programing requirements and wish lists, trends and opportunities. Participants will also be able to sound out their concepts with the broadcasters and Screen Australia at round table sessions. This is a not to be missed event for anyone who wants to get a screen project off the ground. For more information visit www. screenworks.com.au or call Jill and Lisa at Screenworks on (02) 6687 1599.
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19 19
what I’ve been reading
High Season by Jim Hearn
Every now and again I pick up a book that I just can’t put down. Jim Hearn’s memoir High Season is such a book. Beginning on New Year’s Day 2009, Jim is the head chef of Rae’s on Watego’s, a five star restaurant and boutique hotel in Byron Bay. He is mentoring and coercing a team of young chefs and kitchen hands through the high season, the most stressful period of the year in any hospitality kitchen. They are a team who have worked together for more than two years and emotions are beginning to fray. Paris Hilton and a party of girlfriends and bodyguards have dropped in for lunch without making a booking and everyone in the kitchen knows this is not going to end well because the maitre d’ has been unable to contact the owner Vinnie Rae to let him know. The highs and lows of this day culminate in a tragedy which Jim did not see coming and for which I, the reader, was unprepared. The book, which reads like a novel, is based around this single day but it is the interspersed story of Jim’s life and how he came to be there which is equally compelling. Whether describing al dente pasta, the technique for medium rare steak or the clarity and quietness of mind
produced by his first hit of heroin, I loved his attention to detail. Jim’s descriptions are illuminating; this is the closest any narrative has ever come to helping me understand the allure of drug taking and the mind of an addict. And he doesn’t hold back. It’s authentic and raw and, luckily, he manages to hit rock bottom without dying during any of his overdoses. Jim demonstrates a deep understanding of human nature and he is passionate about hospitality and about what that means for the giver and the recipient. If I had any criticism of this book (and this is only a little one) it would be that it was not long enough and there is not enough detail on the period of his life when he got clean and how he came to be the head chef at Rae’s. That aside, this is a colourful memoir with brusque language, characters who are larger than life, and a fascinating look at restaurants from behind the scenes. Jim writes, “Not everyone can stand the heat, sweat and abuse of a busy five-star restaurant.” Reading his descriptions of the workings of a kitchen during service left me wondering why anyone would ever want to work in a kitchen at all! Whilst I rank this highly as a very readable book, be warned, there is a lot of tragedy and sadness but also redemption. Carolyn Adams
useful information and contact numbers AA Tues 5.30 Richard 0466 885 820 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior Greg 6687 1231 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bridge Fri 12pm Brian 6687 2427 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 CWA 2nd Wed Claire 6687 0557 Garden Club 1st Wed Hazel 6687 8409 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Wendy 6687 2183 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Ian 6687 2604 Lawn Bowls,Women Tues 9am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm Roger 6687 0543 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Cyndi 6687 0640 Police Peta 6687 1404 Pony Club Kim 6687 8007 Pool Trust 3rd Wed Peta 6688 4236 20
Poultry Club Hec 6687 1322 Progress Association Ian 6687 1494 Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Leonie 6687 1453 Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot 6687 1246 Rugby Union Richard 0415 773064 S355 C’mtee Heritage House Dawn 6687 2442 Scouts Tues 6.30pm Alison 6628 1024 Show Society Karen 6687 1033 Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick 6687 1607 Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian 6684 7444 Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian 6687 1024 Sporting Field bookings Nick 6687 1607 St Vincent de Paul Thurs 10-11am/Catholic Hall Tennis Court Hire 6687 1803 Writers Group 1st Thurs Ruth 6686 3008 VENUES A&I Hall Station St Susie 0428925472 Anglican Hall Ashton St Philip 6687 1046 Bangalow Showgrd Moller Pavilion Karina 6687 1035 Sports/Bowling Club Byron St Scott 6687 2741 Catholic Hall Deacon St Jane 6685 6260 Coorabell Hall Coolamon Scenic Simon 6684 2888 Newrybar Hall Newrybar Village Ian 6687 8443 RSL Hall Station St Charlotte 6687 2828 Scout Hall Showgrounds Jenny 6687 2047 Heritage House Deacon St Dawn 6687 2183 BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
gardens old and new
Are you a budding or experienced writer resident in 2479? We’d love for you to join our team! Email: editors@heartbeat.net.au
adfas july Intellectual Gymnastics to Formulaic Intelligence – The Georgian Garden 1712-1783 What a title! It seems we’ll never look at garden design in the same way again after attending this ADFAS lecture. It promises to stimulate the mind and show how Georgian garden designers shaped the landscape. This was the time of Capability Brown, the renowned landscaper who moved tons of earth and created hills, vales and lakes to make a better ‘view’. Designers tried to create ‘neoclassical arcadias’, often with ‘follies’ - classical structures to draw attention to the garden landscape. Caroline Holmes is a consultant garden designer, specialising in evoking historical, artistic and symbolic references. She has written many books, including Impressionists in their Gardens – Living Light and Colour, Follies of Europe – Architectural Extravaganzas and Monet and Giverny. Caroline’s notes tell us: “The high formality of Stuart Baroque, recorded by Kip and Knyff in the early eighteenth century, was initially swept into intellectual classical scenes, followed by commercially viable
Brownian landscapes. Nature’s beautiful and sublime had been captured on canvas by Salvator Rosa, Claude Lorraine and Nicholas Poussin, offering an idealised view of the Roman Campagna. Whilst Pallido inspired architects, William Kent designed ‘landskips’ for classically educated Grand Tour nobility. The roll call includes Pope, Burlington, Vanbrugh, Kent, Adams and Brown. The talk compares the landscapes as we see them now with early illustrations and sites, including Studley Royal and Fountains Abbey, Stourhead, Castle Howard, Painshill, Chatsworth and Stowe”. Come along to the A&I Hall on Monday, 16 July. The lecture starts promptly at 6.30pm (doors open at 6pm). The hall will be heated during winter months and we all appreciated the better heaters at the lecture in June. Another improvement is the use of a new, larger screen. All are welcome to attend: guests pay $25 for the lecture, supper and drinks and a very social evening, chatting to the lecturer, members and guests. Enquiries to Carole Gamble on 6684 4996 or email cazzabul@bigpond.net.
• Any problem fixed fast • No call out fees • Great deals on new PC’s t: 6687 5573 or 6681 5575
MacDonald’s farm Garden Club visit to MacDonald’s, Ewingsdale. During the inclement weather of the June long weekend the spirits of the members of the Bangalow Garden Club were lifted by visiting the 12-year-old garden of Rosemary and Ranald MacDonald in Ewingsdale. Rosemary’s idea of a beautiful day is a long hardworking one in her garden and she had obviously spent many beautiful days prior to our visit. Urns of bougainvillea and vireya rhododendrons on the deck introduced a surprising amount of colour and this was continued in the beds and borders around the house. Many plants have been grown on from friends’ cuttings,
JULY JUNE 2012 2012
purchased at the Trading Table at the Garden club or carefully selected to show lots of variations in flower, form, colour and size. Nandina domestica, now with autumn hues, has been cleverly used as hedging around the pool. Heavily laden citrus trees with healthy luscious fruit are central to the herb and vegetable patch. A tight stand of 20 eucalypts is a landscape feature. They are framed by banks of native and introduced trees and shrubs that combine to attract birds to the property and display lots of different foliage characteristics. One particular favourite of Rosemary’s is “old man” banksia which is five metres high and still growing. Helen Johnston
21 21
kids in town
Sporty senior year
The Bangalow Public School P&C would like to extend a big thank you to the Bangalow community for its support of our Madhatters’ Tea Party fundraiser. The raffle and event raised over $11,500 that will be spent on a range of resources for students at the school. Special thanks to Gaia Retreat & Spa, Lisa Sharpe and Harvest Café who donated prizes for our raffle, as well as the Lions Club and Tony Heeson for staging such a great Billycart Derby day. The school community thoroughly enjoyed being part of it. Lisa Peacock
Scout News Unfortunately the Scouts were unable to provide activities on Billycart Derby day due to a clash of dates with our Scout Region Rally. We are hoping to be back next year. The Scouts travelled to Glenreagh to take part in the Rally. This is a competition camp with Scouts troops from Chinderah down to Laurieton all taking part. Our Scouts are busy fundraising for the Australian Jamboree to be held in January, so if you see them out and about selling raffle tickets etc then please dig deep and give them a hand. The Cub Scouts are still going strong and are busy working towards their Boomerang Badges. Their major camp, CubO-Rama, had to be postponed due to the wet conditions but has been rescheduled for September. Children are able to participate in our programme for 4-6 weeks at no cost to see how they like it. Cub Scouts (8-11 years) meet on Wednesday afternoons 5.00-5.30 – Scouts (1115 years) meet on Tuesday evening 6.30-8.30. If you think that you would like to try Cub Scouts or Scouts, then just give Jenny a call on 6687 2047 for more information. Jenny Holden
Daniel Peacock, Georgia Willey, Ambrosia Wilmans, Lachlan Sproul, Sebastian Gleeson-Power
Vocabularium VH081 E
H081AAO2H ( © Stephen Jones, www.muddledpuzzles.com
thank you madly
Bangalow Public School appears to have more than its fair share of sports stars, with five of its year six students recently representing the North Coast at two State NSW Primary School Sports Association (PSSA) Carnivals. Sebastian Gleeson-Power, Daniel Peacock and Lachlan Sproul made the long trek down to Griffith in late May to compete in the NSW PSSA AFL Championships, playing teams from across the state over a four day period. Georgia Willey and Ambrosia Wilmans also travelled south, this time to Sydney, as part of the North Coast team for the NSW PSSA Girls Soccer Championships held in early June. School Principal, Susie Boyle said, “We only have 19 year six students so it’s incredibly exciting to have five of them chosen in North Coast representative teams, and for them to have had the opportunity to play state level.” Lisa Peacock
At last - a logic puzzle for wordsmiths. As we're a bit pressed for space please go to our website to download the whole (larger-format) puzzle: www.muddledpuzzles.com/heartbeat_june_2012.pdf.
night life
LIGHTING UP THE NIGHT SKY After three solid soggy weeks of rain the sky cleared and provided a spectacular sunset for the twenty-ninth Fireworks and Fair at Newrybar Public School on Saturday, 16 June 2012. The 33 students currently attending the school became the Newrybar Lisstas parading their rhythmic bongo drumming dressed in masquerade costume. This parade was followed by a circus performance showcasing juggling and acrobatic skills learnt by the students at school. The entertainment continued on with the pony merry-go-round, ferris wheel and DJ music. There were plenty of great prizes won on the night via the adult and child tombola, the raffle and the chocolate wheel. The spook house, the fresh produce stall and the second-hand goods stall appealed to young and old. The grand finale of the night was the dazzling firework display. The fire theme extended on with a large bonfire throughout the evening closely monitored by the Newrybar Volunteer Bush Fire Service. The variety of food provided was a testament to the dedication of the school’s current and past parents and
JULY 2012
The relieving school principal Johanna Presgrave said, it was the “hard work and dedication of an outstanding P&C body who organised the event. How fortunate the school is to be supported by them.” The Newrybar Public School Fireworks and Fair proved to be a successful night for the school and the local community. Andrea Sturgeon (On behalf of NPS P&C)
local community volunteers. There was a scrumptious BBQ, vegetarian curry, doughnuts, popcorn and an assortment of cakes. The barista-made coffees complemented the degustation on offer. The Newrybar Fireworks and Fair comes together due to the generosity of all those directly involved in the school and the businesses who provided prize donations and money for sponsorship of stalls.
july diary
town talk The T2E highway construction is now under way at Bangalow. Photo by Judy Baker 12 June
Garden Club meeting
Red Cross meeting
Garden Club social visit
NRWC workshop with Sarah Armstrong
NRWC In Conversation with Cate Kennedy
Bastille Day board games night; Songs of Haight Ashbury stage show; NRWC workshop with Cate Kennedy
Sassy Salsa in Bangalow
Inside Story with Bob McTavish
Sassy Salsa welcomes anyone in the Bangalow area who would like to learn to dance Salsa, Cha Cha Cha, Bachata and other beautiful and popular Latin styles at the Bangalow Bowling Club. It started on Friday 29 June. Sassy Salsa instructors Leyla, Tim and Daniella have been teaching in Byron Bay, Lismore and Ballina for over 10 years. The beginners’ Salsa class is at 6pm,
ADFAS The Georgian Garden
Screenworks forum
Show cooking information session; Goldner String Quartet
22 Bangalow market 24 T2E community meeting Anton Vanderbyl with his vireyas
Sassy Salsa performing at the recent Byron Latin Festival
followed by an informal party to mingle and dance afterwards. All are welcome, and no partner is required! Tim Roberts
Vireya rhododendrons Anton Vanderbyl, from Main Arm, brought along a collection of these attractive plants
to the June meeting of the Bangalow Garden Club. Named in 1826, after the French pharmacist and natural historian Julien – Joseph Virey (1775-1846), Vireya rhododendrons are very well suited to the equable climate of this area. They bloom for months, make excellent pot plants and a tip of Anton’s was that the most hardy species are often in sunset colours. One requirement is very good drainage, so they are best planted on a mound covered with light mulch so the fine roots are well drained but protected from drying out. Plants are happy in half sun and enjoy light feeding. Helen Johnston
28 da Desh tickets on sale 30
Bowlo AGM Farmers Market; 7, 14, 21, 28 HB deadlines: 11(ads) 16(copy)