Heartbeat Bangalow’s
free l OCTOber 2012 No. 163 l Celebrating the Life and Times of the local Community
The show certainly went on. Bangalow Public School wows us again with wild costumes, colorful sets and fabulous performances in their annual musical. Boom Tish! See p. 23.
editorial This month we bring you reports of the considerable progress made in September on community projects including the completion (or almost) of stage one of the Wetlands; the installation of a defibrillator in the main street; as well as improvements to the grounds at the Museum and Tearoom and gardens at Newrybar Public School. Musical delights included the In Harmony Choral Festival, the Bangalow Public School annual musical and Cabaret da Desh. See our centrespread this issue for the
promised photographs of our talented locals onstage at da Desh. Coming events include the Bangalow Cup, the BCCC’s Party at the Moulin Rouge and the Sample Food Festival – not to be missed! We also bring you stories on local identities, health information, gardening and much more. In case you didn’t notice, August rainfall was almost non-existent – a mere 7mls. Our graph maker is on holidays and this will be included in the updated rainfall graph next issue. Di Martin
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Newrybar Primary School was abuzz Thursday, 20 September 2012. An army of Baulderstone employees worked at the school all day improving the school grounds. The sandpit received a new boundary and sand refill, the tennis court got a high-pressure spray clean, gardens were mulched and new vegetable garden boxes were installed complete with plants. Students were very excited about their school grounds facelift and enjoyed watching and helping the Baulderstone employees. www.heartbeat.net.au
PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ruth Kirby Email: editors@heartbeat.net.au Advertising: Janelle Saunders Email: advertising@heartbeat.net.au www.heartbeat.net.au Advertising: Janelle PO Box 132 Bangalow Saunders 0422 069 861 Production: allieleo@bigpond.net .au
bangalow’s heartbeat
Baulderstone is the construction company in charge of the Tintenbar to Ewingsdale Pacific Highway upgrade that is now underway. A section of the upgrade will run behind Newrybar Public School down a large landscaped sound-absorbing mound. It will intersect beneath a new bridge on Broken Head Road. For more information on the Baulderstone project go to: www.rta.nsw.gov. au/roadprojects/projects/pac_hwy/ballina_tweed_heads/tintenbar_ewingsdale/ index.html. Andrea Sturgeon Editorial Team: Judy Baker, Marika Bryant, Tony Hart, Lyn
Plummer, Brian Sundstrom, Christobel Munson Sub Editor: Helen Wilson Distribution: Bangalow Post Office, Brian Sundstrom, Peter Bradridge Web Pages: Wendy Gray Accounts: Rob CampbellThis newsletter is published by BangaDISCLAIMER. Plummer, Sally Schofield, low’s Heartbeat Brian Sundstrom Chariman: Neville MaloneyIncorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon. Editors Dianne Martin, Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/
NSW 2479 advertising@heartbeat. Distribution: Bangalow Post Public Officer Neville Maloney. Membership is open Editors: DianneDISCLAIMER. Martin net.au Office, Brian Sundstrom, Heartbeat This news-letter is published by Bangalow’s Incorporated PO2479 Boxpostal 132district. NSWThe 2479. to all adult residents of the 6687 2592 Production: Allie Leo Kirby,Peter opinions expressed by individualiscontributors not Hon Editors Ad Dianne Martin; Ruth HonBradridge Sec/Public Officer Helen Wilson. Membership open to allareadult Ruth Kirby Niels Arup Web pages: Joanna shared by the Editors other members residents of Design: the ‘2479’ postal district. The opinions expressed bynecessarily individual contributors areandnot necessarily of the Association committee. While every reasonEmail: editors@heartbeat. Editorial team: Judy Baker, Wilkinson shared by theDon Editors and other members of the Association While every reasonable is made able effort is made to publish accurateeffort information, net.au Brown,Marika Bryant, Accounts: Rob Campbellcommittee. Bangalow’s Heartbeat Inc.for accepts no responsibility to Sharpe. publish accurate information, Heartbeat Inc. accepts no responsibility statements made or Cover photo: Lisa Tony Hart, Vicki King, LynBangalow’s Chairman: Neville Maloney
opinions expressed.
for statements made or opinions expressed.
community engagement
baulderstone eggs museum The old chooks at the Bangalow Museum and Tearoom have been joined by a new, younger breed following a major project completed in one day at Heritage House recently. The contractors for the Pacific Highway construction, Baulderstones, have made a positive contribution to the Bangalow community by constructing a chook house and pen, and three large raised garden beds at the rear of the building. This is a community engagement initiative by the company and reflects their concern for, and acknowledges their impact on, communities in which they operate. Baulderstone employees volunteer their time and expertise to help local communities with projects that address social, economic and environmental issues. The Historical Society submitted a project that will provide great benefits to patrons of the Tearoom and the whole community. It will be a wonderful example to other organisations that have facilities with land attached that could be put to better use. Bangalow Historical Society President, Rita Cowled, said, “ We wanted to develop the museum’s sustainability and self-sufficiency. We had sufficient space to set up an area for chooks and some herb and vegetable gardens. That way the hens could provide us with fresh eggs, the tearoom scraps could be
fed to the chooks, and the gardens fertilised from the manure. This would create a nice synergy between the tearoom and the immediate environment. Any vegetables and herbs grown in our gardens would be used within the tearoom to help us maintain economical meals for our customers.” Baulderstones agreed the merits of the
project deserved their attention and a small team consulted with some Society members and worked out where to build the enclosure and chook house and the layout for the gardens. “We were after something aesthetically pleasing and functional, and they needed to blend in with the Heritage House building and surrounds,” said volunteer Trisha Bleakley. All of this was negotiated with the company reps and a
date was set when a large team would bring all the materials to the site and construct the lot in a day, in Backyard Blitz fashion. And they came in numbers….men and women in hard hats and fluro vests, soil, chicken wire and timber, and a dozen of the prettiest hens ever to set foot in Bangalow. The volunteer staff from Baulderstones were clearly enjoying their work and a great camaraderie was evident as various skills were found to exist, or not, in the course of construction. The hens were allowed into the enclosure early so they could adapt to their new home before retiring for the night in the palatial henhouse that has to be seen to be believed. The company also undertook useful maintenance work at Newrybar School (see opposite), served food in a Byron Bay soup kitchen and supplied food to another charity in Byron Bay. Many in this community have felt a mixture of anxiety, grief and even rage about the intrusion of the highway work on their properties and lives. Most of us have accepted it and look forward to safer travel. Baulderstones have done a wonderful thing for Bangalow and are to be commended for their efforts in becoming a part of the community during their stay. Look out for the Roast Chicken specials on the Tearoom menu come Christmas time! Terry Bleakley
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weir views Photo by Benny Saunders
heritage values Many generations of my family have enjoyed a good swim in the historic Bangalow Pool. I’m sure all Bangalow’s Heartbeat readers would agree that this pool and it surrounds are a unique asset to our town. It is a very special place. Change being the only certainty, there have been many changes to the pool over the years. Floods have come and gone leaving their mark on the landscape. I’ve seen the waters rise over the top of the railings on the bridge many times, leaving a curtain of swept-up vegetation hanging there in the breeze. Then when the rains stop and a drought takes hold, the creek shrinks back to a narrow thread, the deepest pools stagnate and everything turns crisp all around. Years ago, when the weir was built, my family’s whole world was suddenly turned upside down. It took many years for us to recover. This was no vagary of nature. Our homes were flooded as they often are, but this time the water didn’t go down. The flow was blocked by a wall of concrete. Sadly, all we could do was count our losses and rebuild on higher ground. When I speak of many generations of my
family, perhaps you think I mean a century or so of local residency. I am actually referring to many hundreds of thousands of years of local habitation and of a ceaseless struggle for survival into the twenty first century. My family are the local platypus population (Ornithorhynchus anatinus). We have a heritage here in Bangalow stretching way back to Gondwana. I’d like to think we have now been here long enough to call ourselves locals. Once we had successfully relocated our burrows, we carried on as usual for about sixty years at the new water line created by the weir. A blink of an eye really. Then two seasons ago, the Bangalow weir sprang a leak! The water dropped back to its original level and all our relocated burrows were then left high and dry, right in the middle of the breeding season. I simply cannot tell you how much suffering this caused. Times have certainly been tough. The water quality has changed too. It was bad enough when you were all running around with horses and carts and letting your cows come and wander into the creek. That was a rude awakening but we managed to coexist. These four
wheeled beasts are the real monsters and it’s getting worse all the time. The water is tasting particularly strange lately. It can’t be healthy. We can’t help but worry about our kids. As a local resident with some knowledge of natural heritage values, I’d like to put forward a proposal for Bangalow’s pool that I hope you can find reason in your heart to support. Since Council doesn’t really have the money to rebuild the weir or maintain the pool so that your kids can swim in it safely, how about considering my kids and just leaving the water level alone. Please? If the weir is repaired and the water level rises again at some later date, our babies could be drowned. I know some environmentalists who will tell you how very lucky you all are to have such a resilient, active and forgiving bunch of monotremes in this picturesque residential area. We are all pretty active down here at the pool at the moment. So do come quietly on down to the park sometime very early in the morning and say G’day. We’re still here. Aren’t you lucky? As told to Benny Saunders
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The current work near the weir is wetland reclamation by Landcare volunteers (if you’d like to give them a hand, ring Liz Gander 6687 1309).
work update One of the cruellest things to happen in Bangalow recently is the false hope that something was being done to restore the Bangalow weir. All the wonderful work on the wetlands opposite Heritage House, with the movement of trucks and equipment, workers and general activity, excited locals to assume that something WAS BEING DONE! Well, not quite. The wetlands project has a long history of negotiation and consultation, and all that talk has finally resulted in actual work. It’s a credit to those people with the vision and patience to ride out the incredibly disheartening process of trying to get ordinary people’s expectations converted into action. This same process has been under way in regard to the repair of Bangalow’s beloved pool weir. Age and neglect have led to the weir disintegrating and as we all know, things become very expensive to fix or replace if not regularly maintained. Council has appointed a major consultant group, BMT WBM, who have an office in Bangalow and much local experience, to prepare a report on options for the future of the weir. The word ‘consultant’ has probably sent most readers to sleep by now, but for those still reading, these people have made an impressive start by conducting an information session with local representatives that actually gave the participants confidence that the community’s wishes were to be acknowledged and accommodated wherever possible. Of course, any proposal has to be funded and that will ultimately be Council’s responsibility. It is heartening though to know that Council considers safety to be paramount, and that a do nothing option compromises that position. Landcare, the Chamber of Commerce,
the Historical Society, and a local architect/ designer were all given an explanation of the consultants’ brief and how the study would be conducted. Contractors working on the new highway who might have some rock to contribute also attended. Participants were given every opportunity to express their own thoughts, but more importantly, to pass on the wishes of the community as expressed in the public meeting earlier this year. It is far too early for any meaningful detail as yet, however it is clear that there is common ground in finding an economical option that recognises the social, historical and cultural values of the weir and pool area, that balances engineering requirements and aesthetics, and safety and amenity. A collaborative effort with like-minded and co-operative people is in place. Those privileged, yet burdened, with the responsibility of representing the ordinary person in the street are pleased that this part of the process is in good hands. Neither the skill nor the oratory ability of any of the major players will ultimately succeed in solving the problem of the weir. It is local people, some with direct familial ties to those who constructed the weir, and new settlers who have embraced the importance of maintaining our heritage and who wish to one day become part of that heritage themselves who will decide the fate of the Bangalow weir. Show interest, show concern, ask questions and offer your support. The main street has to keep up with the times, but the back street should remain a haven for the true retention of heritage values, a link to the natural world and a place from which to escape those pesky tourists. Terry Bleakley
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community noticeboard Red Cross report Our next meeting is Friday, 5 October, 10am at the RSL Hall. All welcome. We would like to thank everyone who contested and contributed to our annual Cake Bake, especially Rebecca Zentveld and Solways Garage. Also thanks to the many happy voters who, on Council election day, gave generously to our table of coins. Dot Gill
Film and dinner night at Newrybar Hall Monsieur Lazhar, the acclaimed new Canadian film, screens at the Newrybar hall on Saturday, 6 October. This will be another fabulous dinner / movie night where you can join your friends for a great night out. Dinner will be served from 6.30pm with dessert and tea/ coffee to follow. Dining is on the verandah. BYO. See www. travellingflicks.com for the dinner menu and more details. This evening is a fundraiser for the hall and is presented in conjunction with Travelling Flicks. Tickets are $30 and include dinner. Purchase at Driftlab (Newrybar), Barebones (Bangalow) or direct deposit to: Newrybar Community Hall, BSB. 032591, Acc. 236213 (indicate name with payment) and email confirmation. For info please call 6687 4424 or email newrybarhall@gmail. com. Noel Jeffries
Bangalow Garden Club After surveying the members of the Club, the decision has been made not to run a garden competition in the future. Today’s members prefer excursions such as a bus trip to Mt. Tamborine Open Garden Day taken recently and the less competitive Saturday Social Visits to members’ home gardens to see what can be achieved. The next one is on Saturday, 6 October to the Plummer garden in Newrybar. The monthly meeting is on Wednesday, 3 October at 1.30pm in the Anglican Hall. Helen Johnston
Brooklet Fernleigh Newrybar CSG FREE? Brooklet Fernleigh Newrybar Group (BFNG) will host a meeting on Sunday, 7 October at Newrybar Hall from 2 - 4pm. The aim is to gain consensus to survey the entire community and if a majority of residents is in favour, declare Brooklet, Fernleigh and Newrybar CSG free. For more information email gasfieldfreebfn@gmail.com. eds
Blessing of the Animals To honour the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment, all creatures great and small and their owners are invited to the Blessing of the Animals on
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Sunday, 7 October at 9am at All Souls Anglican Church. Bishop Keith Slater and Father Phillip Hardie will bless everyone’s much loved animals with holy water and special prayers. All welcome to attend service afterwards. (Please note this is the first day of daylight saving). Christine McNeil
Our House accommodation project
creations by two of our region’s most celebrated artists. John Giese has created a beautiful, new painting titled ‘Kimberly’ especially for the event. Also local legend Emma Gale will contribute a collage on paper called ‘Tweedle Dum’. Tickets are $35 and on sale now from BCCC (Ph 6687 1552) or Bangalow Post Office. Entertainment will be courtesy of Circus Arts, Scarlett Affection, Pole Catz, DJ Beaver, MC Sharon Fraser and can-can dancers from the INXS Dance Academy. Viv Fantin
Don’t miss NOW AND THEN, a fashion parade and luncheon fundraiser on 10 October for Our House, accommodation for patients at Lismore Base Hospital. Exquisite vintage Nashua community day fashions, the latest designs Now in its 6th year the Nashua from Anna Middleton Boutique, Community Picnic and Cricket gourmet lunch and wines Day is on again. This is a great included at this private function community event with a little on beautiful Gretel Farm. something for everyone so Call 0425 243 860 or email come along on Sunday, 28 gretelfarm@aapt.net.au for October from 11am - 4pm. your invitation. Vicki Brooke All welcome! It is held at ‘Johnston’s pitch’ which is now the Trimble farm, just near BCCC party BCCC’s annual knees up, this the James Bridge in Nashua. year with a French, burlesque Bring something to share for twist, is just days away now. afternoon tea and a picnic for PARTY AT THE MOULIN your lunch or enjoy a Nashua ROUGE is the major fundraiser coffee and a Nashua Landcare Jacinta Lithgow to be held on Saturday, 13 BBQ. October at the A&I Hall with all proceeds going directly back to Byron Shire ‘Farmer of our much-loved not-for-profit the Year’ centre. In addition to some The Bangalow Show Committee cracking entertainment, there invites nominations from within will be some killer auction items the Byron Shire to enter the on offer including priceless inaugural ‘Farmer of the Year’.
Heritage House Tearoom open 10am to 3pm Wednesday - Friday Booking (p) 6687 2183
To celebrate the Australian Year of the Farmer, the Bangalow Show Society is looking for local farmers exhibiting excellence in agriculture. They are looking for a farmer who has implemented successful agricultural strategies which demonstrate Best Practice, Innovation and Sustainability. To enter either yourself or a farmer you would like to nominate, please complete the following in 300 words or less. Describe the farming enterprise and your/their role in it. Describe the strategies that have been implemented which have led to a positive impact for the enterprise. Demonstrate the commitment to sustainability, your industry and the Byron Shire farming region. Any additional information you would like to include. Entries must be submitted via email to bangalowshow@ bigpond.com.au or via mail to Bangalow Show Society, PO Box 35, Bangalow 2479 by 31 October 2012. The entries will be announced during the Opening Ceremony at the Bangalow Show on 17 November. Any enquiries, please call Merrick Blok 0447 417 406. Merrick Blok
Bangalow Pony Club
Bangalow Pony Club invites present and past members to
join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the club. Come and enjoy a pig on the spit dinner and band on Saturday, 24 November, beginning 6 pm at the Moller Pavillion, Bangalow Showgrounds. Tickets are $25 adults and $10 students and are available from Newrybar Produce or Barebones in Bangalow. We are currently collecting photos and memorabilia to create a display for the night. These can be left at Newrybar Produce, attention Sharon Hampton. General inquiries can be directed to President Peter Hill, phone 66847495. Donna Jarrett
Volunteers for show day During the show the Moller Pavilion is the centre of all the action and gets very busy, especially on the Saturday. A roster has been drawn up for volunteers in ‘the Moller’ to work for two hour shifts, serving customers, making sandwiches and so on. If you have time to give and would like to be involved with your local Show Society, call either Jan Hulbert, 6687 1429 or Karen in the Show Office, 6687 1033. Jan Hulbert
Museum and Tearoom It’s been a big month, as usual, and our thanks go out to the wonderful community that supports us. In fact, we have so
many interesting and diverse events, we recommend that you read us on the web or Facebook so you can keep up. Or become a member. A Nashua history display is being held over all the month of October. Come and discover our fascinating past. The Big Scrub day was beautiful weather and lots of people and new trees. Our next BIG party is a Greek celebration: Ochi (or No) Day. This commemorates when the Greeks denied Mussolini’s request for free passage to invade their country. It’s on Sunday, 4 November, 12-5pm. At $50 per person, we promise fab food, dressing up and fortune telling (which will be great preparation for our Melbourne Cup lunch on Tuesday 6 November, only $30). Be a winner and book at the House by Friday, 26 October, 6687 2183. Wendy Grissell
Bowlo news The new Bowlo website is LIVE! Check it out at: http://www. bangalowbowlo.com.au/. Check out the coming events and drop us a line at info@ bangalowbowlo.com.au Community Engine is an exciting new website that the club has recently reconnected with. The more people who follow our page, the more chance the Bowlo has of receiving $5000 so just go to
http://about.communityengine. com.au/ to support your club! Sassy Salsa dance classes are still in full swing for spring each Friday evening at 6pm. Salsa organisers Tim and Leyla are also keen to create a social dance for locals, so come along after their classes to keep up the beat at The Bowlo! For more details contact Tim on 0427 221 391. The Baulderstone construction crew are now in town to begin work on the new highway. We recently met many of them and we warmly welcome them to The Bowlo! I’m heading off on to new adventures now that my work here is done at your club, so a warm Thank You to all who offered encouragement and support during my time in your community – it’s been fun! Mel Gates-Manar
CWA Awareness Day CWA Awareness Day was held on Saturday, 8 September. It was wonderful to see the children and many adults enjoying the art of decorating a cupcake while also learning about their local CWA and what we offer to the community. Come in for a visit or learn how to knit, crochet or sew. We are happy to help. Open Monday–Friday 9:00am2:00pm, Saturday 9:00am -12:00 noon and every 2nd and 4th Monday evenings from 6:30pm -8:00pm. All welcome! Sue Gow
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the arts
pete murray sings for nrcf A bustling crowd queued up in anticipation at the Bangalow Bowlo on Sunday, 19 August to see singer/songwriter Pete Murray perform live at the Northern Rivers Community Foundation fundraiser (NRCF). A local resident and also a highly successful singer/songwriter, Pete has not let success go to his head. He was more than happy to lend his talents to help NRCF (www.nrcf.org.au) in growing their community fund, which enables them to give grants to service organisations right across the Northern Rivers. “I think that living in the community and being part of the community, it’s always nice to give back,” he commented. The proceeds of the day have gone to the Tony Narracott sub fund which supports the many needs of disadvantaged local kids and teenagers. The event was a sell-out. Approximately 150 people had booked their tickets in advance via Oztix, who themselves had waived their normal booking fees to help support NRCF. Excitement was in the air – one lady commented how she’d come alone all the way from Brisbane on her birthday as a little
Audience member helps Pete with his lyrics
present to herself, because she loved Pete Murray’s music that much. The support band, our very own Scarlett Affection, did a fantastic job warming the crowd up. There was a raffle and an auction with wonderful prizes given generously by local businesses, including overnight accommodation in a penthouse apartment at Beach Suites Byron Bay, a Harvest Café dining voucher and a weekend for two at Bangalow Guest House. A Delene Grier sculpture of a torso in cold cast bronzing was valued at $850 but auctioned for a massive $1550. All for a good cause.
And finally Pete Murray arrived on stage. He launched into his repertoire with ‘Passing Time’ and then seamlessly sang his way through hits from his various albums. He started off in a pensive mood with a solo set, playing guitar and harmonica whilst singing some of his favourite ballads, and then invited two backing musicians on stage as he upped the tempo. Pete’s style was relaxed and conversational as he chatted away with the crowd and invited requests and participation. At one point, someone requested ‘Happy Ground’ and there was a slight hiatus as he struggled to remember the lyrics. Problem solved – one young lady in the audience Googled the lyrics on her iPhone and then stepped up on stage and held them in front of him as Pete belted out the lyrics and told her off when she failed to scroll down quickly enough. All in all, a great community event with a real sense of occasion. Thanks Pete and NRCF for hosting such an enjoyable event for those who attended - and for such a worthwhile cause for those whom it supports. Vicky King
ADFAS: More to music than meets the ear Music speaks to us through pictures and gestures in sound, all pre-arranged by talented composers. In this lecture, Professor Heath Lees explores how western composers have created soundbased messages through gesture and pattern. En route, he travels through a wide variety of musical media – instrumental
music, opera, sacred music, pop music and even advertising jingles. Professor Lees, originally from Scotland, moved to New Zealand in 1978. He was Professor of Music at Auckland University for 25 years and, now retired, lectures on the creation of music and the relationship between music and
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language and music and literature. ‘More to Music than Meets the Ear’ on Monday, 15 October, A&I Hall, Bangalow. Doors open at 6pm, lecture starts promptly at 6.30 pm. Non-members welcome: $25 for wine, supper and a delightful evening. Enquiries Carole Gamble, 6684 4996 or cazzabul@bigpond.net.au. Judy Baker
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Festival finale The Big Sing
bangalow in harmony The sound of voices raised in perfect harmony floated throughout Bangalow during the weekend of 8 – 9 September as Bangalow played host to the annual In Harmony Bangalow Choralfest. Already in its second year, the Choralfest provides a forum for all those interested in singing to come together, learn from each other and sing their hearts out. A range of choirs from all across Northern NSW attended, in order to make the most of the opportunity and attend the packed program of events. On the Saturday afternoon a series of workshops was held for those eager to learn more. The workshops covered subjects as diverse as ‘Singing for Serenity’ and ‘Universal Conducting Techniques’. At the ‘Reading Music Basics for Singers’ workshop, in just three hours the group learnt basic tips on how to read music, how to match rhythm, pitch and words, and then concluded by singing a song by sight from sheet music. In the evening, acclaimed choir ‘The Australian Voices’ sang in the A&I Hall. The
choir enjoys an international reputation and is made up of singers hand-picked from across Australia. The standard was fantastic and their repertoire ranged from classical to contemporary to, in some cases, humorous and irreverent. The diversity of styles continued into Sunday, when 11 choirs from across Northern NSW each performed in three different venues across Bangalow – the A&I Hall, the Uniting Church and the RSL Hall. Station Street was alive with small choir groups holding last minute rehearsals, practising intros and humming melodies to themselves in preparation for their performances. Highlights were Men Wot Sing, a group of guys from Coolangatta whose antics on stage almost eclipsed their wonderful singing, as they reflected on the trials and tribulations of being male singers; Twisted Fate, a blend of singers and guitar players who practise their art in support of The Buttery and people in recovery; and Vox Caldera, a wonderful new choir from Lismore comprising 16 hand-picked singers who rounded off the afternoon’s
proceedings at the A&I Hall. Performers were both adults and children – two school choirs were represented, from Goolmangar Public School and Cape Byron Steiner School. And Choir Baby, Bangalow’s own choir also provided two fantastic renditions of a number of a cappella world music songs, which had the audiences rocking in their seats. The grand finale was held in the A&I Hall. Brian Martin, one of the event organisers, did amazing things with a loop pedal, singing phrases whilst recording himself and then adding these recorded phrases over the top of his voice several times over. By the end, there were at least seven different harmonies in play, all created by Brian himself in real time in front of an impressed audience. We then heard a beautiful rendition of ‘Hush’ by the ensemble of all the directors of the various choirs. Finally, singers from all of the choirs came together for The Big Sing, when approximately 80 singers - in perfect harmony - belted out songs they had learnt just that morning. Bangalow is the perfect host for the Choralfest. The arts are such an integral part of Bangalow and this event had a wonderful community feel as it brought together so many like-minded people. The good news is that the Northern Rivers Conservatorium which successfully manages the event has already managed to secure funding for the 2013 In Harmony Bangalow Choralfest, so look out for announcements about the next event. In the meantime, if you would be interested to learn more about Tuesday night choir singing in Bangalow with Choir Baby, please contact Imogen Wolf, the choral director imogen.wolf@nrcac.edu.au. Vicky King
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our community
the person behind the job Rita Cowled is the first of a series of profiles of members of the local community interviewed by Don Brown. The interview with Rita Cowled took place as she was preparing to take over the presidency of the Bangalow Historical Society (BHS). She had previously held this position for three years from 20082010 and views the prospect of filling the role again as “just a joy”. During her last term she enjoyed working with a group of enthusiastic members in the creation of the Bangalow Heritage Walk. The research for this project was largely done by Vivian Gorec, the design by Dawn and Robert Lotty, and the late Michael Malloy and the Chamber of Commerce helped finance the project. Rita is looking forward to further chances to work collectively on community projects such as this. Rita’s work at BHS is just the tip of the iceberg of her community involvement. She is also an active member of the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society, the Australia Day Committee and the Now and Then project, working with local schoolchildren. Rita no longer lives in Bangalow but as she paraphrases Peter Allen, “she still calls Bangalow home”. In the mid 1990s, as owner with her husband of the My Fair Lady Coffee Lounge in Lismore, she was “chief cook and bottle washer”. This gave her the organizing skills which she has carried over into her voluntary work. Two of her three sons, Paul and Wayne, are married and live with their families in Perth. The third, Christopher lives at home and works in Byron Bay. Rita is a very private person in many respects, and she needs private quiet time to follow her many interests. Although she left school early, as many capable
girls did, her school experience gave her a taste for the arts, poetry and history, and led to her lifelong enjoyment of learning.
An avid reader, she likes to follow up her reading of fiction with research into the historical background of the stories. She keeps a supply of topic related books by her for her private time. She singled out for special mention, Iris Murdoch’s classic, An Unofficial Rose. Rita is an enthusiastic listener to music, being an admirer of the works of Tchaikovsky, especially the first piano concerto. She particularly remembers a performance of his 1812 Overture in the Royal Albert Hall in London, complete with
real cannons. Two duets are also special favourites, the duet from Bizet’s opera The Pearl Fishers and the flower duet from Delibes’ Lakme. The memory of the Australian ballads that she first heard in her schooldays led to her ongoing love of poetry, but she has widened her field of interest to include the Shakespearian sonnets and the poetry of W B Yeats. Her favourite Shakespearean sonnet is Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? Her special Yeats’ poem is the gentle, short poem He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven. Rita is an admirer of the great artists of the Renaissance and the French Impressionists. As a member of the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Society she can follow her interest in design and things of special aesthetic value. Running through our conversation were the constant themes of community and sharing, and the many rewards of quiet private time for her personal interests. Because of our shared interest in music and poetry we spent time exchanging views on the merits of our pet composers and poets. The community spirit she finds in Bangalow, the networking of people involved and the long term friendships that grow from tasks shared, explain why she leaves Lismore, her other home since 2004, to take part in the daily life of Bangalow. Despite serious illness in recent times she has drawn strength and encouragement from the people who share her involvement in community, and from the special care and attention of local health professionals. It takes a deal of organization to fit in all her interests, but with her orderly approach to tasks and her careful allocation of time, things get done.
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cabaret da desh
carnivale 2012 A fun night of locals entertaining locals – that’s what it is all about. The theme this year was ‘Carnivale’ and the old A&I Hall came alive with colourful bunting, flowers and even a beautiful mermaid lounging around on the side. After weeks of practising the performers donned their stunning costumes and relished their few minutes of being centre stage. The acts were just as exotic as some of the food that arrived with the audience. It was a different ‘da Desh’ again but one with a fresh, colourful and truly Bangalow feel. We would like to thank the wonderfully supportive audience and send a huge thankyou to our backstage people whom we must list: Mic Deacon and his crew; Emcee Greg Nash; Curtain Man Noel; Stage Manager Neville; Card Girl Tracey; Donna, Bruce, Lani, Barbara, Amanda, George, Suze and Fred. Finally, thank you to the performers who often find themselves not only performing but, along with everyone else involved, helping to set-up, make-up and finally clean-up. Where was the camera when Elvis was sweeping the floor at the end of night! Ruth Ryan
12 12
os by Suze Macleod, Judy Baker and Karen Ryan
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wrens and finches You may be lucky to have these two breeds of beautiful small birds in your garden. Both wrens and finches are often seen in this area. The most common varieties are the Superb Blue Wren and the Red-browed finch. Blue wrens, or fairy wrens as they are often called, are seen in family groups with one beautiful blue male and a group of brown females or immature males. The young males have a darker bill and a little dark blue in the tail. Wrens build a dome shaped nest of grass and spiders’ webs. They often build their nest quite low to the ground which can make them vulnerable to predators such as snakes and cats. They forage for insects on the ground and trapped in spiders’ webs and also often peck at their own reflection in the glass of windows. The Red-Backed Wren can also occasionally be seen but is not as widespread as the blue wren. The Red-browed or Firetail Finch is
regarded as the tamest of the Australian finches. They are often seen in large family groups flashing and darting from place to place or hopping along the ground as they forage for grass seeds. They build a flaskshaped nest with a tunnel entrance out of dry grass and leaves. The nest is mostly built in thick bushes to escape predators. Both of these beautiful little birds bring delight to bird watchers. However they can be nomadic and move on to other people’s
backyards. So it is always a thrill to hear their familiar calls and know that they have returned once more. Lyn Plummer
Scarlet Honeyeater
If you look very closely at the photo you will find a tiny bird whose head colour is exactly the same as the colour of the bottlebrush. ‘Tiny’ is the operative word here. The scarlet honeyeater (Myzomela sanguinolenta) is only 10-11cm in length, about four inches. Most birds will leave a tree when humans are nearby, but its name suggests a very calm temperament so you
can sit underneath and watch them darting between flowers. Often all that indicates that these birds are in the tree is the movement of some of the leaves and high pitched belllike notes. They begin breeding as the warmer weather approaches, the female building a small cup shaped nest with twigs and bark lined with grass. She lays two eggs, densely spotted in one hemisphere. While they dart around seeking nectar the predominant colours are red and white underneath but the wings are black on the topside and white underneath. The long slim slightly curved beak makes them unmistakably a honeyeater. As is usual in birdland the female is the same shape but whitish/
brownish in colour. The scarlet honeyeater has an extended range down the length of the east coast but they are most often seen from the northern rivers to the sunshine coast. They like the margins of forests and anywhere in their range where the trees are dense. They are sedentary in far north Queensland but more nomadic in the south. The bottlebrush where they are currently being seen has not been definitely identified (possibly Callistemon viminalis); the tree is at least 20 years old in quite an exposed southeast position. It gets no tlc except for occasional pruning but about three or four times a year it quietly puts on its flowers for a few weeks. It is then a haven for miners (the native bird not the Indian myna), wattle birds and Lewin honeyeaters but this is the first year that the scarlet honeyeater has been seen in it, around five or six males and a couple of females. Perhaps a family with children growing up. Helen Wilson
www.bangalow.com 14 14
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health and wellbeing
How to avoid garden injuries
© Stephen Jones, www.muddledpuzzles.com
preparing vegie patches and flowerbeds. to wear kneepads for extra comfort. Maintaining and creating your dream l Staying in one position for long periods garden can require repetitive bending, of time puts stress on your muscles and kneeling, reaching and twisting, resulting joints. l Always remember to keep in putting an extensive amount of strain on moving to avoid overworking specific areas of the body. your muscles and joints. Many gardeners overdo it and end up l Always be cautious on how you are needing treatment for a host of injuries lifting. When carrying heavy loads, hold including ‘gardeners back’, ‘weeder’s objects close to your body and, when wrist’ and ‘pruner’s neck’. Aches, pains lifting, lift with your legs not your back. and soreness are common conditions l To protect your skin, use sunscreen that osteopathic treatment can help. With with an appropriate SPF level for your people spending so much time raking, skin type or wear a wide-brimmed hat. Bimbi Gray, osteopath digging and planting, injuries are bound to happen. Listed below are some helpful tips to keep Hypernion H081 P081X1E (3) you pain-free and in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 your garden. 2 5 8 3 1 6 7 4 9 l Before gardening, take a short walk 3 1 6 4 7 9 8 2 5 and do some light 4 8 9 7 5 2 3 6 1 stretching to warm up your 7 9 5 1 4 3 6 8 2 muscles. 6 3 1 2 8 5 9 7 4 l Don’t try to do too 5 6 7 9 2 4 1 3 8 much, too quickly. Pace yourself and 9 2 4 8 6 7 5 1 3 spread your 8 7 2 5 3 1 4 9 6 workload over a few days. 1 4 3 6 9 8 2 5 7 l Avoid bending. Every row, column and cluster, including the fragmented Kneeling instead of pink cluster, must contain the numbers 1 to 9. bending will place Solution at: muddledpuzzles.com/10_12.pdf less strain on your For more Muddled Puzzles: www.sudokion.com back but remember
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health and wellbeing
chaste not chased Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) Vitex agnus-castus is the most important herb used by natural therapists for the treatment of female hormonal problems. Chaste tree got its name from the anaphrodisiac quality purported since its early use. Monks used to chew the berries and leaves of this tree to reduce the urges of the flesh. Syrup of the berries was even given at convents, to nuns, to reduce the chances of succumbing to sexual desires. The berries contain various alkaloids and flavinoids as well as substances which are precursors of steroidal hormones. Chaste Tree is a tonic for the reproductive organs and has been used as a female hormonal balancer for menstrual difficulties for thousands of years. This plant has the effect of stimulating and normalising pituitary gland functions, especially its progesterone function. It has been shown to correct progesterone deficiency and to regulate progesterone : oestrogen levels. Women who suffer with premenstrual syndrome, commonly called PMS, experience a number of symptoms, both emotional and physical, every month from two to 14 days before their menstrual cycle. Typical symptoms include headaches,
depression, menstrual cramps, breast tenderness and mood swings. PMS may be due to high levels of oestrogen or a deficiency in progesterone which is why Chaste tree works so well. Chaste tree is used to treat other kinds of menstrual irregularities such as amenorrhea or excessive menstrual bleeding and fibroids. It is used to help
the body regain a natural balance after the use of the birth control pill and is used extensively in the treatment of infertility. It’s also used to increase breast milk production and treat fibrocystic breast disease, It can be very effective in balancing the hormonal mood swings of teenagers, as well as the very stressful hormonal acne
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that is often persistent at this age. As well it can be very beneficial during early menopausal changes too. Like all herbs, chaste tree needs to be prescribed by a health care practitioner. It is not to be used for men, or pregnant mothers or those on anti hypertensive medication . It is often combined with other herbs depending on the nature of the problem. For example for acne it is used in conjunction with other liver and blood cleansing herbs. It also combines well with Dong Quai, another excellent hormonal normaliser. Although benefits may be seen straight away, it is not necessarily a fast acting herb. Chaste tree may be used for four to six months to treat premenstrual syndrome or to regulate the menstrual cycle. It may be used for 12-18 months for infertility or other more serious hormonal dysregulation like PCOS. It is best used from day 14 to 28 of the menstrual cycle but can be taken throughout the whole month. A usual dose is up to 2mg in tablet form daily or 2mls 1-3 x daily in a liquid herbal tincture. I find the best way is 2mls of the herbal tincture, taken first thing in the morning for the uptake by the pituitary gland. Sue Daly
Byron Shire Council: Section 355 Management Committees Council Invites Expressions of Interest for Community Membership Would you like to contribute to the betterment of our Shire by joining a Section 355 Management Committee? These committees provide a mechanism by which interested persons can have an active role in the management of Council owned community facilities. Interested members of the community are invited to submit nominations for membership to assist with the management of the following facility: Community Facility: Bangalow Parks (Bangalow Showground) Section 355 Management Committee, Rankin Drive, Bangalow All applications for nomination to these Section 355 Management committees must be submitted on an approved nomination form. The nomination form requests applicants to provide details such as interest in being on the committee together with personal qualifications. Nomination forms can be obtained at Council’s Administration Building, Community Access Points and on Council Webepage www.byron.nsw.gov.au/ public exhibition. Further information such as Terms of References, the Guide to Operation of Section 355 Management Committees and past meeting minutes can be found on Council’s Website at www.byron.nsw.gov.au/ section-355-committees Council wishes to again thank all current and past members of its Section 355 committees for their efforts and contribution over the last four years and advise they are encouraged to re-apply for inclusion on a committee. Nominations Close: Friday 26 October 2012 Enquiries: Gayle McCallum 02 6626 7045
17 17
life studies
new horizons
Helen Johnston talks to another couple recently arrived in Bangalow, and loving it.
Chris and Georgie Ward are originally from Devon in the UK. Married in 1993 they renovated their first home, a 17th century cottage and enjoyed the beautiful surfing beach of Croyde Bay nearby. Chris’ background is in engineering and Georgie, a painter herself, mastered the intricacies of the many styles of picture framing and spent several years based in the Cotswolds working for London galleries. In 2001 they moved to Deux Serves in central west France where they enjoyed the unhurried pace of rural life in a different country. They spent their time renovating picturesque stone cottages sometimes converting them into gites, simple accommodation for travellers. After seven years it was time for another change. Attracted to Australia for its surfing lifestyle they landed in Sydney in 2008, bought a campervan and headed north to find the right place to create a home. After spending time at the Broken Head camping ground they felt an affinity for this area and thought it not unlike the west country of their youth, but much warmer. Georgie always had a dream of opening an art shop and after considerable research Chris helped her make the dream into a reality, After finding a suitable space in Byron Street “The Little Art Shop” with a distinctive European feel opened last November. In this very artistic community their stock of quality art and craft supplies and framing service are a great resource. However, what makes it more than just an art shop is their ‘to do things’ for children. The natural eco paints, lyra pencils and organic chalks and crayons are safe for the very young. The reasonably priced arty-craft kits plus handmade ceramic gifts have made it a one stop shop for birthday parties. An exciting development for Georgie is having her own range of cards published soon. This enterprising couple have joined the Chamber of Commerce, employ two locals Naomi and Maureen part time and have made contributions to the Art Felt exhibition in Ballina and the Bangalow Show. They live five minutes from work and fifteen minutes from the surf where they relax whenever they have any spare time. 18
Sunshine is pouring through the window as I write my epistle for October. Now I want the rain - ha ha ha - we are never satisfied. The human condition wants it all, and in the wanting, comes the needing and in the needing comes the greeding. Let’s not be greedy for October, rather, let’s share the joy of creativity! A spoken (or written) word; a painting; a trip to the theatre or perhaps an art class? If you have a skill of any dimension it is a blessing and how better to use these creative skills than to share? The Arty Farty Party (AFP) invites you to be featured as ‘Artist of the Month’. Showing off every Thursday night for one month with ongoing exposure on the AFP website (plus radio campaigns), this is a new initiative to meld art exposure within a music residency. Three works in J-Peg photo form with a brief word doc intro should get you on the walls. More info artyfartyparty@ y7mail.com by 29 December. Byron All Shorts - Northern Rivers Short Film Competition wants your 30 minute film in any genre. If you have a comedy, a tragedy, a love story or just a darn good yarn, then enter this comp which is only available to residents of the Northern Rivers. The best of the rest will screen beside Flickerfest contenders, so get your camera rolling. More info www.iQ.org.au by 16 November. If you can’t make the film, then star in one! Gods of Wheat Street Casting Cryout is on and this ABC TV drama wants indigenous kids, teenagers, men and women 20 - 70 years old. More info 0413 689 495 by 8 October. JUMP 2013 applications are now open for the national mentoring program for young and emerging artists. Supporting early career artists, curators and producers across art forms, you can apply directly to the Australia Council to fund a mentorship. More info www.jumpmentoring.com.au by 1 December. JKAOS - Kyogle Arts on Sale Pop-up Gallery, “with the support of Kyogle Shire Council, Kyogle Tidy Towns and District Arts Council invite artists to take part in an exhibition inspired by Kyogle and its environs”. No commission charged on sales but a hanging fee of $20 for up to four small works will be charged (works in 2D or 3D). Where there’s art there’s hope. More info 02 6632 3332 by 29 October. Norvill Art Prize invites artists to submit a painting of Australian landscape in any medium or style. Worth $21,000, this is one of the largest privately funded art prizes in Australia. You’ve gotta paint it to be in it! More info www.norvillartprize.com by 7 October. Objects that Remember, an online exhibition and interactive workshop project, helps celebrate International Museums Day and is an opportunity for community members with personal or community collections, be they photos, memorabilia, medals, domestic items, trench art, or letters from conflict anywhere in the world. Check out gallery@clarence.com.au by 11 November. Art by the Creek Abstract Expressionistic Art Workshops - yes you can paint. Bookings are now being taken for these once-per-month weekend workshops in the hills of Federal. Art pack, food during the day and a whole lot of fun can be had with paint on a canvas. More info Art By the Creek on 02 6688 4227 or www.marikabryant.com Art-on-the-Move local artists’ exhibition will be on again to co-incide with the Bangalow Market Day. Take a walk INSIDE THE SHOWGROUNDS to the Moller Pavilion - band end of the markets, and visit your local artists in situ. Purchase your presents from an artisan - they need your support to keep their art alive. Paintings, ceramics, vintage items, glass objects, limited edition prints, small works of desire, cards, boxes, bling, beanies - you name it, they’ve made it. More info www. art-on-the-move.net Marika Bryant BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
local news Lions line up the defibrillator
Lions Lines Lions have been busy as usual helping community members who need financial assistance with a variety of worthwhile activities locally and internationally, from assisting a young local lady with expenses involved in entering an international longboard surfing competition to helping the Tabitha Foundation build affordable housing in Cambodia. Volunteers have applied their considerable barbecuing skills to the Eureka PS 125th anniversary and the Big Scrub Rainforest Day. Several members with practical DIY skills attached the new public defibrillator to the wall outside Foodworks. The defibrillator has been donated to the town by Bangalow Lions for use in an emergency situation where someone is suspected to have suffered a cardiac arrest in the immediate vicinity. It is an automatic external defibrillator (AED) which can be used by those without training as the machine, when activated, provides oral instructions.
The Lions Club first became interested in purchasing a defibrillator after listening to the story at a recent meeting of guest speaker Louise Owen, a Lennox Head resident, who suffered a cardiac arrest when teaching her class and was saved by the students and other teachers who administered CPR after learning the procedure from her in a previous series of lessons, and then by a defibrillator recently donated to the local ambulance by Grafton Lions. Our defibrillator is monitored by two CCTV cameras 24 hours a day so we hope that it will be treasured by the community and not vandalised or used improperly. The Lions Club is confident that the residents of Bangalow will value the amenity of this life-saving device and ensure that it is not interfered with, except to possibly save a life. At our regular monthly BBQ on Saturday, 6 October, which is always held at that location, Lions representatives will be on hand to explain more about this machine to anyone who is interested. Neil McKenzie
Bangalow in Community Awards semi finals Congratulations to Bangalow on making it to the semi finalist stage of this year’s NSW/ACT Regional Achievement and Community Awards in the Community of the Year Award category. Nomination of the Bangalow community for this award was submitted by the Bowlo in appreciation for the outstanding support provided to the Club by the community following the appointment of the Voluntary Administrator earlier this year. Although the Club still has a long way to go to achieve financial stability, without
the outstanding response and ongoing support from the community there would be no Club at all. We all know we live in a very special place and the ability of the community to work together in a whole range of activities for the benefit of the whole community is simply outstanding. We would like to take this opportunity to recognize Bangalow’s achievements through the dedication and commitment of many individuals and groups and say well done in becoming Top 10 in the state for this award! Brian Mackney
Community Engine to the rescue Organiser of the Sample Food Festival - A Taste of Northern NSW, Remy Tancred, was relieved when she ran into Dean Power from Community Engine the day she heard the news that a major festival sponsor had had to withdraw. Community Engine offered the money she needed to get powered and going that same day. “They came to the rescue with a few thousand dollars,” said Ms Tancred. “They certainly put the capital C back into community, they’ve really come in with community spirit.” Community Engine is a free, simple to use website which provides a community noticeboard and newswire system that helps small businesses and community organisations connect and transact. By providing a powerful online presence, groups are able to reach out to their communities with special offers and news. “Our dream was always to help the community here get going on the Engine, which was very new, then take this wonderful community of businesses, individuals and community groups out to the rest of the country and connect them with others,” said Dean Power, who lives in Bangalow with his wife Michelle and four children. The Community Engine Northern Rivers $100,000 giveaway has plenty of money left in the kitty. “We’ve just given out over $11,000 and are so happy to see new organisations signing up all the time. We’d love to give plenty more funds to beautiful Bangalow.” Locals signed up to Community Engine’s giveaway so far include BCCC, BPS, the Bowlo, Getsteffed, Hummingbird Media, MCNR and Robbie the Bird. Caroline Desmond 19
what I’ve been reading
Superannuation Clearing House I love contributing to Heartbeat and getting your feedback about my reviews and hearing that you have enjoyed the books I have recommended. I don’t always read a book in four weeks that I want to recommend to readers and sometimes it is a bit of an effort to get a review to the Editor before deadline – there never seem to be enough hours in the day. Anyway, that got me thinking that perhaps business people would appreciate a review of my experience with the Superannuation Clearing House (an initiative of the Australian Taxation Office). If you have fewer than 19 employees you have probably been receiving flyers over the past months about it. Being a very time stretched person I decided to trial it with the hope that it was
going to make meeting my superannuation obligations simpler and quicker. Well it did. Of course there was the initial setup time required for entering each employees details and finding the Superannuation Fund identifying SPIN number (but I was pleasantly surprised by how little time this actually took as I had anticipated it might be onerous). So I set everyone up in July and then, in August, completed my first return which was really simple and very quick. Once completed and submitted this generated BPAY details which I used to make one online payment. As to what I have been reading? I can highly recommend The Dinner by Herman Koch, another gripping little thriller that I could not put down. In a similar vein to Gone Girl (see last month’s review) everyone is not quite who you think they are and the secrets, as they are slowly revealed to the reader, are just a little bit creepy! Carolyn Adams
WIRES rescue rare Mountain Brushtail possums A caller to WIRES hotline has made a wonderful discovery near Clunes. A dead possum was found with two living joeys in her pouch. The twins are extremely rare. Though other possums routinely have multiple joeys, Mountain Brushtails give birth to only one young possum at a time.
Nicknamed Fred and George by rescuer Jo Chaffey, the very young boys will be carefully reared until they are capable of fending for themselves. Then they will be released back into the wild. The twins are doing well and putting on weight. Muriel Kinson
useful information and contact numbers AA Tues 5.30 Richard 0466 885 820 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior Greg 6687 1231 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bridge Fri 12pm Steve 6688 4585 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 Co-dependents Anonymous Sat 4pm Gye 0421 583 321 CWA 2nd Wed Claire 6687 0557 Garden Club 1st Wed Hazel 6687 8409 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Wendy 6687 2183 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Gerry 6687 1142 Lawn Bowls,Women Tues 9am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm Roger 6687 0543 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Cyndi 6687 0640 Police Peta 6687 1404 Pony Club Kim 6687 8007 20
Pool Trust 3rd Wed Peta 6688 4236 Poultry Club Hec 6687 1322 Progress Association Ian 6687 1494 Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Leonie 6687 1453 Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot 6687 1246 Rugby Union Richard 0415 773064 S355 C’mtee Heritage House Dawn 6687 2442 Scouts Tues 6.30pm Alison 6628 1024 Show Society Karen 6687 1033 Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick 6687 1607 Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian 6684 7444 Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian 6687 1024 Sporting Field bookings Nick 6687 1607 St Vincent de Paul Thurs 10-11am/Catholic Hall Tennis Court Hire 6687 1803 Writers Group 1st Thurs Simone 6629 1588 VENUES A&I Hall Station St Susie 0428925472 Anglican Hall Ashton St Philip 6687 1046 Bangalow Showgrd Moller Pavilion Karina 6687 1035 Sports/Bowling Club Byron St Scott 6687 2741 Catholic Hall Deacon St Jane 6685 6260 Coorabell Hall Coolamon Scenic Simon 6684 2888 Newrybar Hall Newrybar Village Ian 6687 8443 RSL Hall Station St Charlotte 6687 2828 Scout Hall Showgrounds Jenny 6687 2047 Heritage House Deacon St Dawn 6687 2183 BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT
in the garden
planting near pools Planting near pools is always a challenge as you have to think not only of the effect of the pool on the plants but also the effect of the plants on the pool. If possible allow for at least one metre of paving around your pool. More is better as it will allow you, your children and your guests to walk safely around the pool and will make it easier to maintain it. Let’s first look at the effect of the pool on the plants Chlorine and salt pools can make life difficult for plants if water slops into gardens in quantity although the odd splash should not be a problem. It will also depend on the amount of chemical you are using and the amount of pool water run off they are receiving. A small amount occasionally is not problematic but if the amount is copious or regular the plants will suffer. The plants effect on the pool comes in two ways, damaging and beneficial. The damages are more often caused by leaf litter; this is more an annoyance than a permanent damage but is the most common. Evergreen trees, strangely enough, drop leaves in a steadier stream than the deciduous trees which drop once a year. Large leaves are also easier to pick up than small leaves which will quickly clog the filter. The other and more permanent damage
to any pool is due to root systems. Plant roots like to stay cool and will seek water. Pipes and pool wall can be damaged if you plant the wrong type of plants next or near your pool. Bamboos if planted too close can cause structural damage, so can all water loving trees with invasive root systems. A tree should be planted as far away from the pool as possible. Do not forget that a tree in its search for water will spread its roots in a lateral distance equal to its mature height and if planted in groups or rows the tree roots can go twice as far. There is a multitude of benefits brought in by plants. They will soften the pool area contours, bring in life and give a cooling effect in what can be a harsh environment. The tropical look is the most common with bird of paradise, Philodendron ‘Xanadu’, Palms, Ixora and grasses plantings. This is effective, low maintenance and does not cause structural damage. Another pool planting I often see is the formal look with hedges in layers and sometimes fronted with agapanthus. These require more looking after as the clipping of the hedges and the deadheading of the agapanthus must be regular. Finally there is the
minimalist look with plants in pots or with a couple of plants set within the paving and surrounded by pebbles. Another possibility for landscaping around a swimming pool is to set the pool and its paving surround within a lawn and have the plant borders as a sweeping background. This will give an unlimited number of plants and style to choose from. Whatever your choice do not forget that pool safety comes first and that your pool has to be fenced off, with no foothold provided by objects or plants. Patrick Regnault MAIH
Garden Club’s Trading Table The Trading Table at the end of the meetings is a very popular feature and a good income stream for the club. Members bring along plants and produce in excess of their needs. By the time everyone arrives the table is groaning with a great variety of stock. Pots of flowering orchids, bromeliads, cuttings, bunches of sub-
tropical flowers, posies of herbs, bags of fruit and vegetables make an inviting eyecatching display. The member with the lucky door number gets a free first choice from the table and then the remainder is auctioned off. Bidding is very lively and lots of fun. The money raised enables the excursions and Christmas lunch to be
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subsidised for our 90 financial members. Occasional donations to local causes or events are made such as a contribution to the Bangalow Show for prizes for the floral displays in the pavilion. The club also donated one of the four timber seats that have been installed around the sports fields. Helen Johnston
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in the field
bluedogs get leg up The Bangalow Bluedogs 1st Division men’s team has finished off the regular season as minor premiers and in doing so have promoted the club into the elite Football Far North Coast Premier Division. The Bluedogs completed the home and away rounds one point ahead of close rivals South Lismore who have been striving to regain a position in the Premier League for years. The club is in good shape to make its return to the top flight with its grade 17s teams finishing first and third this year and both teams are now into their respective grand finals. Mark Shepherd is in his second year as the first division coach at Bangalow and he has really branded the Bluedogs with their own free-flowing style of football. He has been happy with the team’s steady progress but believes the best is yet to come. But it’s not just the men kicking goals this year. Players Hollie Jarrett and Jade Bianchetti both made the FFNC team of the year along with the golden boot award to Jade and Hollie for the women’s player of the year. Fourth division women have also
booked their place in the grand final with a recent win over Lismore Workers. A special mention must also go to the grade 13 girls who have been playing together since they were six. This year they have made their first grand final.
Congratulations to the coach and players. Junior presentation for grades 6 to 11 were held on Tuesday, 11 September and the grades 12 to 17 on Thursday, 20 September. Senior presentation will be held on the 20 October at the Bangalow Sports Club. Paul Haniga
Scout News 1st Bangalow Scout Group has had a busy time lately with their fundraising for the Jamboree. Thank you to all those who have supported us by buying raffle tickets and pies. Thanks also to the Bangalow Market for our Charity of the Month donation of $1,425 which will go a long way towards helping our Cub Scouts and Scouts in future activities. The Scouts held a camp at Potter’s Farm in early August and would like to thank Gary and family for their generosity in allowing us to use their property.
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We would love to hear from anyone who is interested in training as a leader for our Scout section (10-15 year olds). Alison has been doing a great job but needs help in providing an interesting programme for our youth. The Cub Scouts welcomed three new members into their pack at a special campfire night recently. We now have 15 Cub Scouts and two leaders with another two parents putting up their hands to train as leaders. This is great progress for out pack in just over
twelve months of restarting. Brigid will be going up to Scouts this month. This will be our first ‘going-up’ ceremony from Cub Scouts to Scouts and is very exciting for our group. Nine Cub Scouts with their leaders and five parents attended the Cub-O-Rama at Glenreagh in September. They all had a great time with plenty of fun activities to keep them occupied over the weekend. Call Jenny on 6687 2047 if you are interested in joining our group either as a leader or youth member. Jenny Holden
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on the stage
Photos by Vanessa Reed, Jennifer Bade and Lisa Peacock
magical school musical Over 200 students dazzled their family and friends with a dramatic performance that followed the tale of young Billie and her search for the Silver Sea Eagle in the fantasy world known as Paradise Islands. The legend of the Silver Sea Eagle inspired Billie to set sail through a series of imaginary islands on a voyage of discovery. This culminated in her coming to terms with the importance of kindness and compassion. Audiences also got up close and personal
to the weird and wonderful creatures she met along the way; from Uno’s Garden to Dr Seuss, as well as wild things, butterflies, Japanese dragons, sea creatures, space aliens and medieval characters. For Principal Susie Boyle this was her first taste of a Bangalow Public School musical and she paid credit to the hard work and dedication required by the teaching staff in order to stage such a terrific event. “It’s a massive feat to have every class
and every student at the school perform over two nights and the staff did an amazing job,” she said. “Teachers and parents pooled their creative talents for props and costumes to magnificent effect, and the band and choir were also wonderful. It really was an inspiring example of genuine collaboration within our school community which had the united purpose of showcasing each and every student within the school.” Lisa Peacock
H O L I D AY I n A G R A C I O U S A pA Rt m e n t I n n O B L e pA L A z z O n O tA R n I C C H I in a stone sicilian village high in the m a d o n i e m o u n ta i n s
23 23
october diary
town talk
It’s on again! Saturday, 6 October from 8am – 8pm will see the Bangalow Showground filled with restaurant stalls and exhibitors from the region’s finest food producers for the 2012 Sample Food Festival – a taste of Northern NSW. There will be cooking demonstrations, Byron Farmers market, a vibrant entertainment program plus 33 restaurants showcasing $5 and $10 tasting plates to the public. The tasting plates will be judged by Simon Thomsen, Ben O’Donoghue, Alex Herbert and Belinda Jeffery, who will
determine who takes home the 2012 Golden Fork Award for best $5 and $10 plate. Other festival features include The Launch Pad, including the release of Belinda Jeffery’s much anticipated book Desserts, and the Wine Masterclass experience. There are close to 200 exhibitors this year including Brookfarm, Byron Bay Coffee Company, Bangalow Cheese Company and Duck Creek Macadamias, just to name a few. The festival program is available online: www.samplensw. com or see the September issue of Heartbeat for details. Remy Tancred
Community Engine’s Dean Power with Remy Tancred from Sample Food Festival. Photo Carly Brown
Bangalow Cup; Nashua history display commences at the museum
Garden Club meeting
Bowlo General Meeting 5.30
Red Cross meeting
Sample food festival; Newrybar film and dinner night; Garden Club social visit
BFNG coal seam gas meeting; Blessing of the Animals
Our House fundraiser Now & Then
Clare Bowditch at the A&I Hall
BCCC fundraiser Party at the Moulin Rouge
ADFAS ‘More to music than meets the ear’
Bangalow Showgirl nominations close
Bluedogs seniors presentations
Nashua community day; Bangalow Market
Farmer of the Year entries close HB deadlines: 10(ads) 22(copy)
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