Bangalow's Heartbeat October 2013

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Heartbeat Bangalow’s

free l OCTOBER 2013 No.174 l Celebrating the Life and Times of the local Community

On the right track If rail has failed then a trail should prevail. Get behind the push to turn the tracks into a bike and pedestrian trail from the hinterland to the sea, pages 4 and 5.


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The big September event reviewed in this issue was the Sample Food Festival, held on a sunny Saturday and attended by a huge crowd. What a wonderful day of eating. A big thank you to the organisers and restaurants from all of us at Heartbeat. This issue includes reports on two major initiatives bringing change to our town and region. Neil McKenzie brings us up to date on the rail trail proposal and Christobel Munson describes the recent working bee at the wetlands, weir and Sikh temple by our highway workers, building on the excellent work already completed by dedicated local groups. There are profiles of talented locals, food for spring, more tips from the Farmers Market and outdoor activities as well as information on events coming up in October. A request from me – could clubs, venues and societies please check the ‘useful information and contact numbers’ section on page 20 and let me know if changes need to be made to bring your entry up to date. Di Martin

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Tongue orchid (Dendrobium linguiforme)

tiny beauties Spring is the flowering season for many orchids. A beautiful native one flowering now is the tongue orchid, Dendrobium linguiforme. Look carefully at the tough leathery leaves and you can see how they got their name. They are epiphytes (and also epiliths), growing on trees and rocks in rainforest and moist coastal areas. The specimen pictured has firmly attached itself to a poinciana but I’ve seen them growing in the wild on native macadamia trees (Macadamia tetraphylla) or swamp paperbarks (Melaleuca quinquenervia). The flowers are only tiny – about 1-1.5cm long - but form a beautiful, delicate spray of creamy white. Judy Baker

bangalow’s heartbeat PO Box 132 Bangalow NSW 2479 Editors: Dianne Martin 6687 2592 Ruth Kirby Email: editors@heartbeat. Cover imagery: Jerry Presnell Advertising: Janelle Saunders


0422 069 861 advertising@ Ad Production: Allie Leo Design: Niels Arup Editorial team: Judy Baker, Don Brown, Marika Bryant, Sophie Clare, Helen Johnston, Tony Hart, Robin Osborne, Lyn Plummer, Sally Schofield, Andrea Sturgeon, Brian

Sundstrom Distribution: Bangalow P.O., Brian Sundstrom, Peter Bradridge, Neil McKenzie Website: Joanna Wilkinson Accounts: Rob Campbell Chairman: Neville Maloney

DISCLAIMER. This newsletter is published by Bangalow’s Heartbeat Incorporated PO Box 132 NSW 2479. Hon. Editors Dianne Martin, Ruth Kirby, Hon Sec/ Public Officer Neville Maloney. Membership is open to all adult residents of the 2479 postal district. The opinions expressed by individual contributors are not necessarily shared by the Editors and other members of the Association committee. While every reasonable effort is made to publish accurate information, Bangalow’s Heartbeat Inc. accepts no responsibility for statements made or opinions expressed.


local news

Show and tell

Rosemary Hill and Karlyn Major discuss the Bangalow Showgirl competition with Don Brown. In 1962 The Land newspaper and the Royal Agricultural Society established The Royal Showgirl Competition. Young women aged from 18 to 24 years would be judged for the qualities that would exemplify young rural women. The competition has grown with more than 120 show societies statewide and as many as 500 competitors. Contestants begin in their own local area and progress through zones to the eventual Sydney Royal. Winners at each stage become ambassadors for the show for the year following their win. The current Bangalow showgirl is Karlyn Major, a rental property officer with Elders Real Estate. As one of a small group of nominees Karlyn was mentored by show official, Rosemary Hill. At the local level the young women faced three judges who assessed their personalities and their records in education, hobbies, sports and community involvement. The judges also noted the women’s ambitions and hopes for the future. Rosemary explained that many talented potential candidates failed to nominate because they felt the competition may be too stressful and that they might fail to impress the judges. Karlyn pointed out that she had been well supported by Rosemary and that the judges were not looking to find fault but to recognise the personal skills and character of each of the young women. She also felt that her self confidence had grown and that the process of selection was good for her professional and personal growth. Karlyn also gained insights into her local community and an

Karlyn Major and Rosemary Hill

appreciation of what it had to offer. Dealing with the complex issues involved in the daily affairs of the rental business broadens her outlook and often calls upon an extensive range of interpersonal skills. Karlyn had previous experience of estate management in the mining community of Emerald in Queensland. She was assisted throughout the period prior to the judging by Rosemary’s knowledge of the area where she has spent her life. Rosemary’s frequent phone calls and meetings were helpful to all the participants. Contestants should note that this is not a beauty pageant. As Karlyn said, “The judges

seemed to judge on personality, confidence, ambition, general knowledge, life goals, presentation and speech.” There was no harsh criticism and plenty of helpful advice both from the judges and from Rosemary. When the Bangalow Show begins all the contestants are given tasks which bring them into contact with the variety of local occupations and lifestyles. Karlyn’s tasks were in the area of raising cattle, where she presented awards to the successful exhibitors in the various classes. She learned quite a lot and met new people. The young women’s performances in these tasks are the last contributing factor in the judges’ decision. One evening before the show the contestants attend a formal dinner with the judges. This is the most important part of the contestants’ assessments. It is a chance to show their skill in meeting and mixing with a new and unfamiliar group of people. Karlyn will be helping the contestants in this year’s competition as will Rosemary. They stressed that they will be trying to give the contestants confidence and to help them relax and even enjoy the competition. Karlyn’s positive attitude and her appreciation of the contribution made to her development should give the new contestants valuable guidance and support. The Show Girl Competition is a wonderful opportunity for young women to enjoy the same personal and professional growth. Interested women should contact Rosemary Hill by phone to 6687 2003 or by email to


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rail trail

Bikes on the tracks... an idea whose The momentum for the creation of a rail trail eventually linking Casino to Murwillumbah on the disused railway line is building following the findings of the NSW Government’s recent transport study released earlier this year, which concluded that it would cost an estimated $900 million to restore rail services. Its recommendations were that rail services remain suspended but that the rail assets be maintained to a minimum standard with a view to determining future uses for the corridor. The Casino to Murwillumbah rail line was completed in 1905 as a branch line to the inland Main North Coast line linking Sydney and Brisbane and was initially used to transport cedar from the Big Scrub to Byron Bay. It later become integral in the development of the dairy industry. However it eventually switched more to passenger services rather than freight transport. The first passenger service was the Gold Coast Mail Rail, an overnight service from Sydney, which was replaced by the Gold Coast Motorail and Pacific Coast Overnight Express in the 1970s. These were in turn replaced by the Countrylink XPT services in 1990 which continued until 2004, when the line was eventually closed due to the lack of patronage, improved inter-state road networks and cheaper air travel from regional airports. Countrylink now operates bus services to Casino, where it links up with the XPT service from Sydney to Brisbane. Since 2004 the disused track has fallen into disrepair, despite some regular maintenance work to ensure public safety.

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Local community groups have lobbied for its reinstatement as a local light rail service but it is unlikely that there is sufficient demand for this service. In the meantime the corridor continues to deteriorate and parts of it have become even more dangerous and unsightly. The greatest concern is that the corridor may be lost forever whilst its fate is being decided. The idea of converting disused railway corridors into cycleways and walkways has been happening all round the world in urban and rural areas. In New York the popular High Line is a public park and walkway/cycleway built on an historic freight rail line elevated above streets of Manhattan. The Otago Rail Trail in New Zealand’s South Island covers 150km through spectacular natural and manmade environments. In Australia, Victoria has led the way with a network of rail trails on disused rail lines throughout the state. The most notable of these perhaps is the Lilydale to Warburton trail which meanders through 40 km of spectacular snow country outside Melbourne. The aim in Victoria is eventually to link them all, creating a continuous statewide network of rail trails. The Riesling Trail in South Australia just north of Adelaide, traverses 25 km though a stunning landscape of rolling hills and vineyards from Auburn to Clare. Is it feasible then that the Casino to Murwillumbah rail line could be converted to a rail trail which could rival all of these, and even become one of the great rail trails of the world? The resurgence of cycling as a healthy and enjoyable recreational activity is a national

and international phenomenon. A survey conducted in 2011 by the Australian Bicycle Council (ABC) found about 3.6 million Australians ride a bicycle for recreation and another 1.2 million for regular transport journeys, which is 18% of the total population. The National Cycling Strategy 2011-2016 aims to double this number by 2016. All around the country, and certainly in the Northern Rivers region, you can see groups of lycra-clad ‘MAMILs’ (Middle Aged Men In Lycra) and their female equivalents (MAWILs?) cycling the back roads any day of the week. Even our new PM is a keen MAMIL! In 2010 a group of concerned local business people formed the Sourdough Group, a think tank whose aim is to look for business opportunities and make a positive difference to the well-being of the local community. One of their projects was to form the Northern Rivers Rail Trail (NRRT) committee whose aim is to galvanise local support for the conversion of the disused rail line to a rail trail. This committee was able to bring together many other interested individuals and groups to lobby government for the creation of this rail trail. At present an NRRT web site is being constructed and should be available within the next few weeks. The NSW State Government has recently announced the implementation of a feasibility study into the rail trail, the terms of reference of which have now been revealed. They include: assessing the benefits to the region for new forms of tourism and the generation of employment and new businesses; the cost of developing the

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time has come

entire line from Casino to Murwillumbah, as well as developing the project in stages probably beginning with Byron to Bangalow; identifying funding sources both for initial construction and ongoing maintenance; consulting with stakeholders including local governments, tourism operators and community groups; determining technical issues involved in construction and maintenance such as the condition of bridges and tunnels and finally, preserving the corridor for light rail services if a viable model ever became available and outlining options and legislative requirements (source: Byron Shire Echo 11 September 2013) The conversion of this now disused track to a world class rail trail would undoubtedly bring many benefits to the local region and the state and country as a whole. There are economic benefits such as the boost

to the tourism industry which will enhance local employment opportunities. It will also diversify the nature of tourism, providing more focus on the Byron hinterland as well as the coast. Businesses to benefit would include cafes, hotels and B&Bs. New businesses such as bicycle repair shops and rail trail cafes could be established, especially on the refurbished stations’ platforms which would become business nodes. Small villages on the trail such as Eltham and Mooball would be reborn. There are environmental benefits as the rail corridor is revitalised from an ugly blight on the landscape to a picturesque cycling and walking trail. Cyclists would no longer be forced to use overcrowded sub-standard local roads, thus reducing the accident risk. Social interaction would be encouraged as locals and visitors alike utilise this great asset. Cycling and walking are

excellent aerobic activities and may assist with reduction in obesity rates and reduce stress on the health system. The specific benefits for the village of Bangalow are far-reaching. As well as the boost to existing businesses there is the potential for many new enterprises to be established especially in the station precinct, which at present is a graffiti-covered eyesore. The whole focus of the town could perhaps be turned towards the station and A&I Hall rather than away from it. There may even be a noticeable easing of traffic congestion and improvement in air quality as local people use the trail as a commuter pathway to Byron and maybe even Lismore. This is an idea whose time has come. The Casino to Murwillumbah branch line formed a vital transport link for people and goods for nearly 100 years (1905-2004) and its loss was regrettable but inevitable. The recent State Government study concluded that the re-introduction of rail services on this line is not economically feasible. However, the conversion of the corridor to an international class rail trail catering for walkers and cyclers of all ages from all over the world is an exciting concept for the 21st century. If you wish to become more actively involved in this project please contact Marie Lawton from NRRT (6680 7517, 0434 552 283). There is a website under construction but at present no URL is available. There is a lot more information on the internet eg and Rail2Trail, eg www. . Neil McKenzie



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5 5

community noticeboard Bangalow Cup The Cup, usually run on the Monday of the long weekend in October, has been postponed till later in the year. Apologies to racegoers who have already bought their outfits and were looking forward to the day. Watch this space for the new date. Greg Nash

Bangalow Garden Club At the Garden Club meeting on Wednesday, 2 October Denise Stobart, a new member, will talk on aromatherapy, therapeutic oils and their uses. On the following Saturday a coach full of happy members is visiting a fruit tree nursery and two gardens in Kyogle. The Christmas lunch is being held at Figtree Restaurant and bookings will open at the next meeting. Helen Johnston

Red Cross Next meeting is Friday 4 October, 10am. Red Cross would like to thank cake bakers and eaters for coming to our Cake Bake. In particular Katrina Kanetani from Town, who judged the Amateur section and won the Professional, with Choux Choux second, and Rebecca Zentveld for donating fabulous coffee and Solways for the milk. A grand success. A great cause. Dot Gill

Spring art fair Sixteen artists from Ballina Art

Society are holding a spring art fair on the long weekend, 5–6 October, from 8.30am, at Newrybar Hall. All art work is at bargain prices. Free entry and all are invited to claim their masterpiece. Helen Craig

Museum and tea room The tea room is hosting a craft, plant and homemade produce fair on Saturday, 5 October from 8am – noon. Breakfast, morning tea and lunch will be served on the verandah. Carol Darroch

All Souls Anglican Church All creatures great and small and their owners are invited to the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, 6 October at 9am (NB daylight saving starts) at All Souls Anglican Church, when Father Matthew Smedley will bless the district’s dogs, chooks, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds, cows and horses with holy water and special prayers. All welcome to attend service afterwards. Christine McNeil

Bowlo Blues, Ducks & Doors Kick off your shoes for barefoot bowls beginning on 6 October; business house competition, evening bowls and Sunday afternoons for people of all ages. Barefoot bowls is great fun for the office Christmas party! Thursday, 3 October: The Buffalo Tales are joined by the

energetic five-piece band The Lamplights, a band that delights with their blend of folk and roots. Saturday 5: Lisa Hunt returns! So come on out for her first party of the season. Saturday 12 : Australia’s best known jazz band, Galapagos Duck, returns to the Bowlo to delight jazz and music lovers. Friday 18: The Doors’ Way to Hell is a high energy musical salute to rock’s great legends Jim Morrison and The Doors, and Bon Scott and AC/DC. The show’s six multi-talented musicians deliver a concert experience unlike any other! Saturday 19: Salsa Night Local Latin dance schools come together for the Byron Fiesta Pre Party, including sexy Kizumba lessons, dance performances and party ticket giveaways. At 4pm Sunday 20: Enjoy Sunday afternoon jazz at the Bowlo listening to a soulful blend of jazz, old-school reggae and Afrobeat with The Vampires and their special guests. Friday 25: Blues to Ozblues features Matt Taylor, ‘Grandfather of Australian Blues’ who will take us through a 47 year musical journey of playing the blues. Most importantly, the Board has a vacancy and we are keen to fill it with a person with a marketing background. Interested? Contact Chairman Tony Hart 6687 0607. Kat Antram

CWA news The CWA AGM will be held on Wednesday, 9 October. We will have a street stall on Saturday, 19 October and our monthly Monday craft night falls on 21 October. Thank you to all who participated in our Awareness day in September. Jane Curra

Funfair after Dark Dance the night away at the A&I Hall on Saturday, 12 October at the Children’s Centre major fundraiser for 2013. See the September issue (p23) for details. Ali Baldwin

Tintenbar art show The Tintenbar art show will be on Saturday, 19 and Sunday,

20 October. On the Saturday from 10am a pottery market will be held on the verandah of the Tintenbar Hall. Pictured is Brooke from Tintenbar’s Red Door Studio – she and other

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local quality potters will have distinctive pottery for sale as well as the amazing art entries. Opening night for the art show is Friday night, by ticket entry only – call Steph on 6687 8793. Don’t miss out. Stephanie McGarry


On Monday, 21 October ADFAS (the Association of Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies) presents: Behind the Scenes at the Antiques Roadshow. The Roadshow is now recording its thirtyfifth series. What has made this program one of the most successful and long running hits on the BBC? Hilary Kay joined the Roadshow in 1978 and here she gives a fascinating insight, recreating the dramas, disasters, exploits and the life on the Roadshow circuit. Hans Mol

Nashua community day Nashua’s annual community cricket and picnic day is on for the seventh year in a row, Sunday, 27 October 11am- 3pm (ish), celebrating a rich tradition of community, and cricket games in Nashua that go back to 1907. It’s a day when newer locals mix with ones that have been here almost forever; when loyalties are divided and teams chosen to play for the Trimble/ James team or the Savins/Taylor team. It’s all about a great game of cricket, games for the kids, a


shared afternoon tea, and a BBQ and coffee stall to raise funds for our Landcare group. Come along and join in! Everyone is most welcome to attend this event coordinated by the Nashua Landcare group. Thanks to Elders Bangalow for sponsoring this great day once again! Seven years of community cricket days, and seven years of Elders support. Details on nashua.localweb. or our Facebook page: Contact Jacinta 6629 1736 or Wally/Vicki 6629 1666 (or catch them at Nashua coffee at the farmers markets). Jacinta Lithgow

Cancer Council NSW Cancer Council NSW would like to sincerely thank and congratulate the Northern NSW community for the incredible support, community spirit and goodwill shown towards this year’s Grow Hope campaign to support Daffodil Day. The event was an outstanding success with over 1000 dedicated volunteers helping to raise over $300,000. Cancer Council NSW would like to thank the many team leaders, countless volunteers, school students and teachers, local businesses, community groups and individual donors who gave their time throughout August and on the official event day, Friday 23rd August. Sarah Royall

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Tai Chi/Qigong for Health Community Health Education Groups Inc (CHEGS) is offering a new class for beginners commencing mid October. These classes are held at St Kevin’s Hall in Bangalow. Please contact 6687 2592 for information and registration. Di Martin

And in November

Friday, 1 Nov: The Jive Lounge Saturday, 2 Nov: Pugsley Buzzard Band. For tickets, show times and more info go to www.

Bangalow Show – Of Sand and Sea The 114th annual Bangalow Show will be upon us very soon, 1516 November, and the Pavilion (A&I Hall) has opportunities for everybody to get creative and enter. The show theme is ‘Of Sand and Sea’. This may seem an unusual choice at first for a country show in the hinterland, but as we all know the ocean is downstream of everything, so all our actions, no matter where we live, will have a direct impact on the ocean. Included in this section is the return of ‘My Little Green Frock’ and we are looking forward to some amazing garment designs, created to the oceanic theme. The popular Diorama is also back but has been downsized from last year’s

shoe box to a sardine tin, or a tin of similar size, for beautiful miniature ocean scenes. Other sections in the Pavilion also have classes that give a nod to the theme. The Cooking section asks you to follow the given recipe and enter the once very fashionable Sand Cake. Horticulture challenges you to make a marine-themed floral bouquet featuring ‘Flotsam and Jetsam’ and in Photography the 2013 challenge is ‘Underwater’. The Written Word Section is also focused on the ‘Of Sand and Sea’ theme – for example, write a limerick that includes the word Fish or compose a short story up to 250 words titled ‘What the Sea Gave to Me’. During the show the Society will also be holding an exhibition, in and outside of the Moller Pavilion, of historical photographs titled ‘A Show of Shows’. If you or your family have any photographs of past shows we would love you to get in touch, contact Jan Hulbert 6684 7214. Don’t worry that the photo might ‘not be good enough’ either, those casual happy snaps can often be the most valuable for getting across the feel of the show and igniting memories and anecdotes. Show schedules should be on the streets mid-October. For further information contact the Secretary, Karen 6687 1033 at the Show Office. Karen Ryan

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that old time religion

bangalow’s sikh temple It’s been a busy morning at Bangalow’s Sikh Temple or Gurdwara (doorway to the people). The delicious waft of curry lingers following the Langer (community lunch or free kitchen). Baulderstone contractors are still busy planting trees as part of the community tree-planting day. Members from the Bangalow Sikh community participate in community events such as the curry night for the Bangalow Lions Club. Food and community are central to Sikhism, one of India’s predominant religions. Bangalow has a long Indian cultural heritage. Bangalow Temple member, John Singh, mentioned that his grandchild goes to Bangalow Primary School. In his family there are three generations living in the Bangalow area. John mentioned that at one time at the Bangalow Show, there were approximately five hundred Indians there. For a long time the Bangalow Sikh community used a hall for their congregations but in 1979 three acres of land along Ballina Road were purchased from Mrs Emily Smith to build a Sikh Temple. In 2000 building commenced. In October 2004 the temple opened. Now, every third Sunday of the month, the approximately seventy members congregate. There is a new Indian priest, Gurbinder, who is “Well educated and versed in our holy book. He can read and interpret. Not many Sikh priests can do it”, according to temple member Harry Singh. Harry said, “When we do our prayers we

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ask for the welfare of the whole of humanity. Nobody is excluded.” Sikhism prides itself on being a gentle religion promoting equality. All Sikh men have the collective surname Singh, meaning Lion. All Sikh women have the collective surname Kaur, meaning princess. The purpose of the collective surname was to give people respect and self-esteem. Previously surnames could be construed as defining the social standing of people. Temple member, Sutinder Singh, spoke to me about the history of the Sikh religion. It

started in 1469AD in the Punjab region of India. Sikhs believe in one spiritual God. The religions first Guru (teacher) was Guru Nanak. There have been ten Gurus and Sutinder explained to me that “the light passed from one to the other”. A Sikh is known as a disciple or learner of the Guru. Sikhs used to be commonly seen displaying the five symbols of the Sikh faith: kes (uncut hair), kangha (a comb), kara (a steel bangle), kirpan (a sword or knife) and kachcha (special breeches or undergarments). The sword was worn for protective purposes only. Sutinder mentioned that the Mughals persecuted the Sikhs in the late 17th century and late 18th century and this was the reason for the protective accessories and defining look. The scripture Guru Granth Sahib determines a Sikh day. Harry demonstrated to me how every morning the scripture is removed from the separate room it was retired to the previous night. The scripture is then opened randomly and read. During the day the scripture is placed within a colourful altar. Toward the end of my temple visit l went inside the temple, observing traditions by taking my shoes off and covering my hair. The altar was front centre stage and very beautiful with silk and other ornaments such as a gold sword draped across it. The Sikh community in Bangalow encourages visitors and is more than happy to help and participate in the wider community. Andrea Sturgeon

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local exhibition

ARTISan AND STONEMASON I’m sure Jarrah Johnson must feel that he is fulfilling his dreams living locally with his lovely wife Nikita and baby daughter and working in the two fields that have always been his passions: painting and stonemasonry. Jarrah benefited from growing up in an artistic environment with a love of paint and stone running in the blood through past generations. From an early age he watched and helped as his father Ron Johnson designed and created their stone home in 1988. As a youngster he was always sketching and drawing, encouraged by his mother Leilani who had a keen interest in art. As Jarrah says, “I am mostly selftrained. A love of art has always been part of my being and is partly inherited.” After completing the HSC and excelling in art he was accepted to exhibit at The Cape Gallery in Byron Bay when straight out of high school. His early success has led to his exhibiting professionally for the last 15 years with his art being shown in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. His paintings have sold in the US, Hong Kong and France. Jarrah comments, “I have always been inspired by nature and landscape, especially land untouched by human habitation. I like to keep my work varied and interesting and always try to keep evolving and developing my style and technique.” While other young artists may spend years at art school he was fortunate to travel to Europe and live for some time in France. It was there that he developed a passion for and appreciation of European art and architecture and the skill of early artisans. He paints mostly in acrylics and enjoys working quickly as they dry quite rapidly. Colours can be quite hard to blend for this reason and can be unforgiving if mistakes are made. Jarrah says that being a perfectionist means that he will often put


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aside a painting and return to it later. As well as his art Jarrah has developed skills at stonemasonry. He finds the creative process of painting and stonework go hand in hand. What started as a family project of building their first home has led to Jarrah building stables, barns, pool features and fireplaces for a range of clients. He is selftaught and feels he has an eye for stone. He says he has developed an obsession for beautiful stone buildings. He builds with local basalt and local sandstone, which has a range of colours. He thinks that one of the most enjoyable aspects of working locally is to be able to work alongside excellent artisans such as blacksmiths and timber craftsmen to create unique projects. Jarrah has been acknowledged for his use of stone in buildings which have won awards from the Master Builders Association. Jarrah has an exhibition coming up in November at Windhorse Gallery

in Bangalow along with owner Peter Mortimore. The inspiration for this exhibition came from the trip Jarrah took to South America two years ago. He loved the landscape of Patagonia with its stunning scenery and isolation. It was here that he spent time building a stone home whilst living in a teepee without electricity and running water and only horses for transport. It was during this trip that he met Nikita, from Chile and Arizona. These places have always held a fascination for Jarrah. Jarrah has a strong work ethic. He likes to live by a quote from Salvador Dali that “No greatness ever came out of laziness”. He has certainly achieved an enormous amount by the age of 32. He currently has work locally building a fireplace and pool features as well as preparing for his upcoming exhibition. His art work can be seen by visiting his website at www. . Lyn Plummer

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local books

A tale of two survivors

Robin Osborne chats over lunch with Rosebank author David Spiteri.

There may be a connection David Spiteri between riding Harley-Davidsons with a photo of and ships of war, but it still seems the subject of his a giant leap from wearing the black next book, former leathers of an outlaw motorcycle RAN stoker Lloyd Munro, a sailor’s club to the whites of an RAN sailor. tally (cap) band David Spiteri is a man of such from HMAS Perth, extremes, leaving school before and the author’s completing the Intermediate – first book The Prez, about outlaw the equivalent of today’s year 10 motorcycle clubs. – and going on, via brushes with the law and a life-saving career as a navy cook, to write a highly successful book. Soon, his second work will be published and its subject could not be more different from the first, The Prez, (HarperCollins 2012), “the true account of the birth of outlaw motorcycle clubs in Australia.” The knockabout story details how those clubs started and are organised, and what they get up to, whether or not the law is watching. Names have been changed – to protect the guilty, perhaps – and the details of events merged or obscured, which is “the only way the story could be told,” as the cover blurb says. As it was, the club drummed him the Perth. He said he’d been on the Perth as out long before the book was published. With his bad-boy days well behind well, then added, ‘the one we lost’. “I knew what he meant, because the first him, Spiteri is settled into north coast life, relishing his garden and his kitchen. Prior Perth was sunk by the Japanese off Java in to our lunchtime conversation he has 1942. I was on the second one, which was prepared fettuccini with smoked ocean eventually scuttled as a dive wreck off WA in trout, capers and cream, accompanied by 2001. Now there’s a third Perth on duty.” Spiteri had only sketchy knowledge of chilled white wine. As a navy cook, he fed the hungry crews the original Perth tragedy that saw 353 crew of PT boats and later served on the guided- members die and the survivors taken off to POW camps in Southeast Asia, including missile destroyer HMAS Perth. “But mostly I was catering to the officers, slave labour on the infamous Burma-Siam and even for the top brass in Canberra HQ. railway. He kept in touch with his drinking mate, I cooked for Princess Margaret once, at the the Byron Bay lad who died earlier this year at Tuvalu independence celebrations…” Then he breaks into a story about creating the age of 89, and last year, having convinced a replica in pastry margarine of Nelson’s ship him that people would be interested in his story, conducted lengthy interviews. Victory for a Trafalgar Day dinner. “It’s rare that we get to hear the experiences “It was fully rigged, and fired flaming brandy out of the barrels of its deck cannons.” of the non-officer class,” Spiteri says. “Most wartime memoirs are written from His service on Perth, and a chance meeting at the Byron Bay Bowling Club, sparked his the top, but this is the story of an ordinary – enthusiasm to write the latest book, although but of course extraordinary - man’s will to he wouldn’t begin it, let alone finish, for survive against astounding odds.” Spiteri says that Munro, like many veterans, another twenty years. “Over a beer at the bowlo I got chatting was reluctant to open up about the traumatic with an interesting old local named Lloyd events he witnessed. “He said his father, who’d lost a leg in Munro. He asked what I did and I mentioned 10

WW1, advised him to talk about what had happened, but he couldn’t even share it with his dad. I know he had a lot of nightmares, and after hearing his stories, I’m not surprised. But I never saw him cry, no.” Lloyd ‘Darby’ Munro – nicknamed after a famous jockey – was a stoker on Perth, one of the toughest onboard jobs. Wrote journalist Mike Carlton in his magisterial book Cruiser, The Life and Loss of HMAS Perth and Her Crew, “The name came from the early days of steam… by 1939 stokers needed more brains and had significant mechanical skills. But they still did the dirty work.” When the ship was destroyed Munro ended up in the sea, clinging desperately to wreckage. Picked up by the Japanese, he was among prisoners sent to Changi camp in Singapore, then to the railway of death. “In 1944, that hellish job done, the survivors were loaded onto a cargo ship bound for Japan. The convoy was ambushed by the Americans north of the Philippines, with many casualties, Japanese and Australian, but again Lloyd survived. He was only 21.” As Mike Carlton put it, “The sun was pitiless by day and the nights were chilly. They were smeared with oil, blistered by sunburn, gasping to breathe, their tongues swollen in salt-caked mouths.” Help came in the form of US submarines, with 92 Australians and 60 British saved. “It was,” Carlton wrote, “the war’s greatest rescue at sea.” For the ultimate insider’s story on the fate of the Perth’s ‘lucky’ ones we must await the publication of Stoker Munro – Survivor, to be published by HarperCollins in mid-2014. With editing assistance from Bangalow’s Heartbeat editor Di Martin, it will be another milestone in David Spiteri’s unlikely career of writing about the subjects he knows best, motorcycles and the navy. As the last of the delicious fettuccini slides down, he falls silent, gazing across a paddock that is as far from the ocean as one could imagine. “In the last conversation before he died I told him I loved him,” he volunteers. The former hard man of the biking world has ridden a long way from his roots. BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT

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11 11

community involvement Working into the night of 20 September, the Baulderstone crew finishes the wetlands pathway.

A two-tonne boulder in the ceremonial circle.

John Singh rakes mulch at

Bangalow’s Own ‘Backyard Blitz’ In recent months, Bangalow residents and visitors have been witnessing a slow and rather wonderful transformation occurring in and around Ashton Street’s park. Unlike the TV-style Backyard Blitz where a professional team arrives and radically transforms a needy person’s garden in a matter of days, this blitz has been carefully planned and staged over many months. And everyone in Bangalow’s the winner! First, we witnessed a lot of hard work taking place as a degraded, soggy swamp riddled with weeds was thoroughly restored, slowly replaced with site-appropriate plantings of reeds, native bushes and trees to create a gorgeous and functional wetland. The wetland now filters stormwater gushing down from the main street before it reaches Byron Creek.

Next, colourful signs appeared explaining the history of the park and the evolution of the wetland to those wandering through the park. Then, over one very busy day in September, a new 110m walking track emerged between the wetland and the creek, allowing walkers and wheelchair riders alike easy access over what used to be a sometimes muddy trail. Now anyone can easily wander through the park to the creek. On the other side of the creek, that day 300 more native trees were planted and mulched in the grounds of the Sikh Temple, facing the creekside area where thousands more native trees have been planted by the indefatigable Bangalow Land and Rivercare group over the last dozen years. And as a semi-finale for this particular blitz, two very special new areas have

now been created in the park. With a bit of imagination, some creative magic and the major contribution of Pacific Highway construction contractors, Baulderstone, as part of one of its Community Days, Bangalow is now the proud owner of two distinct and quite unique stone circles. One is located where a tongue of low land juts into the creek, south of the barbecue and playground area. Now seven flattopped, two-tonne boulders have been set in place to create a natural ‘ceremonial circle’, a place where anyone can choose for a wedding venue, a special meeting place, or simply a quiet spot for meditation, listening to birdsong, the buzzing of insects and the sound of running water. One of the huge landscaping rocks has been located in the shade of a tree, and the entire area has

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12 12


the Sikh Temple planting.

Rocks in place create a magic circle.

Richie Allen rolls down the pathway to cut the ribbon, declaring the new pathway open.

Photos by Terry Blealley, Christobel Munson and Brian Sundstrom

been surrounded by a recent planting of lomandra. As part of the planning for the wetland, the partners in that project formed the idea of creating a ‘story circle’, a place where school children, for example, could sit in nature, and learn about indigenous and European history, as well as the natural environment surrounding them. Already the wetland is attracting more birds, frogs and water dragons. This second new stone circle is sure to be a big hit with both kids and grown-ups. At dusk on the night the path and stone circles were created, as the finishing touches were being made to the wetlands pathway, a pair of rare spotted birds appeared in front of the workmen, pecking at worms among the reeds. Identified as Lewin’s rails, they are small ground birds, highly prized

by birdwatchers. The Baulderstone crew member working the roller, (Strongo to his mates), a keen birdwatcher, was “ecstatic” at seeing the pair. And the story doesn’t end there. Though the historical creek swimming pool is still fenced off, the Bangalow Weir group has submitted a grant application (with the support of the Byron Shire Mayor, Simon Richardson) for what’s hoped will be the grand finale in this series of community actions: to fund the repair of the damaged weir walls. The team is already working on the Development Application required. It’s an ambitious dream to have the entire park transformed, but, in ‘bite size chunks’, it’s being managed. Watch this space – and please thank all the hardworking volunteer groups and

individuals whose unpaid work behind the scenes, and in the face of a series of somewhat overwhelming obstacles, are slowly bringing back to life the most loved public space in Bangalow. In the words of Bangalow Landcare President, David Pont, “We’re very grateful to everyone involved for their community spirit and their contribution to Bangalow life. Baulderstone has been a pleasure to work with. They’ve gone out of their way to leave lasting gifts for the entire community.” As Bangalow Weir team mover and shaker, Terry Bleakley, commented: “I see these rocks as symbolic of the ‘rocks’ in the community, past and present, who have created and nurtured this space, with enthusiasm and pride - rocks upon which Bangalow has been built.” Christobel Munson




health and wellbeing

Pam Morrow - Iona Herbs This month Heartbeat spoke to Pam from Iona Herbs about the vast array of produce grown on her Tyagarah property. With a warm spring, many things green are growing with gusto and she kindly shared with us some of her tips and tricks for making the most of this fine growing weather. Pam has been producing herbs and vegetables for the local markets for the past eight years. She explains however, she’s been growing such produce on the family owned property since she was a child. Iona Herb’s list of produce includes basil, chilli, shallots, chives, kale, parsley, eggplant, capsicum, asparagus, thyme and beans (but this is just to name a few!) and the business is certified organic. At local markets, Pam not only sells produce ready for consumption, she also stocks seedlings and offers useful advice to buyers. Pam’s tips for growing such produce in this subtropical climate include selecting plants which are suited to the environmental conditions of the area and ensuring soil condition is sufficient by maintaining healthy levels of nutrients through the use of compost. Pam explains that the high rainfall in the area can wash away essential nutrients from the top layers of the soil. To combat pesky bugs and cabbage moth problems, some of Pam’s methods include

the use of Eco Neem and Dipel, which are both acceptable for organic gardens. During our visit to Pam’s property, she drew attention to two vitamin packed and flavourful leafy greens that are now in season, kale and silverbeet. Iona Herbs offers both of these at local markets and Pam has shared with us one of her favourite recipes. Kale and Silverbeet Pie Ingredients 1 bunch of kale (roughly chopped)

1 bunch of silverbeet (roughly chopped) 1 bunch of shallots (finely sliced) 4 eggs 250g of fetta (crumbled) 250g ricotta 250g tasty cheese (grated) 2 sheets of buttered puff pastry ½ teaspoon of mixed herbs Salt and pepper Method Preheat oven to 180C. Lightly steam silverbeet and kale, strain and set aside. Combine fetta, shallots, eggs, tasty cheese, ricotta and mixed herbs. Add silverbeet and kale mixture. Use salt and pepper to season to taste. Line baking dish with pastry and pour filling on top. Cover mixture with a second pastry sheet and pinch edges closed with a fork. Brush top with egg yolk for glaze. Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes, or until cooked and pastry is golden. For further information on Iona Herbs or the Byron Bay Farmers’ market visit www. Sophie Claire

Prevention is better than cure How do we prevent illness? The answer is well known – eat healthily and exercise regularly. But in our timepoor society many people opt for ‘convenience’ foods. These may include premade pasta sauces or salad dressings, frozen meals or packaged biscuits. But good nutritious meals do not have to take a lot of effort. Our local markets supply us with an abundance of seasonal produce that can easily be made into balanced nutritious meals. Sometimes we just need a little inspiration. With heart disease still being the number one killer across the globe and


obesity rates on the incline it is time we all started thinking about what we are eating, how we prepare our food and how much of it we eat. ‘Portion distortion’ is an epidemic and

so is our carbohydrate addiction whilst vegetable consumption is often insufficient, so we need to re-assess. Starting with our children, leading by example as well as packing a balanced lunchbox will form good eating habits. Many common childhood problems can be helped by eating a balanced nutritious meal. By eating right we help our gut develop the right bacteria; by eating highly processed foods we kill the good bacteria and allow an imbalance to occur. Good healthy eating encourages a better immune system – thus prevention which is better than trying to cure. Sally Pattison


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15 15

health and wellbeing

Spring and the Element Wood Did you know that even 5000 years ago the Chinese knew that spring was time to get things done! Still to this day they believe that all of nature and us as human beings are made up of five fundamental energies – The Five Elements. These elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. In my training as a Five Element Acupuncturist I could learn more about people and the flow of life by watching the Five Elements as they produce the five seasons of the year than from any of my textbooks. Let’s look at the element Wood, it creates the season of spring; this is the beginning of nature’s cycle, a time of new beginnings and growth. Wood is the energy that pushes the new grass through the snow, produces new branches from old wood and the new leaves of the year. Spring bursts forward with hope and optimism, offering renewal after the quiet still time of winter. The ancient Chinese also believed that there are 12 main acupuncture meridians in our bodies and likened these meridians to officials in a kingdom, each official in charge of a part of our personality as well as our physical being. Wood energy can be found in two of these meridians; the gall bladder, known as ‘The Upright Official who Excels in Judgment’ and the liver, known as ‘The Official in Charge of Planning.’ So what are these Wood meridians doing in us? They are helping us look toward the future, make plans and take decisions. Wood is the part of us that sets boundaries

with others and helps us have a healthy relationship with anger and assertion; it is also the part of us that senses what is right and wrong. When our Wood energy is not working we can feel a little hopeless, have trouble making decisions or even seeing what the future has in store for us. Poor wood energy can lead to procrastination even when we

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know they are things we really want to do. Spring is the time of the year when these meridians are at their best, ready to wake us up from the quiet time of winter. Like the new green buds on the trees we can be bursting with new ideas, ready to make plans and to have the energy to make them happen. It’s spring, so let’s get going! Gye Bennetts, 5 Element Acupuncture

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springtime According to the ancient calendar spring is the beginning of another cycle. It’s considered the first season of the year so brings with it a sense of renewal and creativity. It’s about birth, youth and inspiration. Its energy is rapid, and its direction is ‘up and out’. So what does all this mean? Consider how you felt in winter. Perhaps you were a bit slower in your movements, more ‘inwards’ with your thoughts and maybe even less social. Winter is considered the end of the year, the end of another cycle – like the winter of our lives. We can see how different the season are by looking at what we plant and what produce is available to us in spring. It’s the season to enjoy fresh fruit and vegetables as opposed to preserved, pickled and dried foods. These are made in the more abundant warmer months out of excess produce and prepared in such a way that they last through to the winter, when fresh produce historically wasn’t so available. As the days get longer and warmer, we begin to feel lighter - physically and emotionally. Spring is a time when everything lightens up, the colour and weight of our clothing, our food, our heavy emotions from winter. If you’re wondering why your allergies or migraines get worse every spring then look to your liver, one of the organs associated with spring. If your liver is in need of a clean out – like any filter needs from time to time – then you may also experience symptoms like sinus, headaches and digestive complaints, eye or skin problems, issues with your fingernails or toenails, reproductive or fertility problems or emotional symptoms like depression, crankiness, impatience, frustration, irritability. Sounds like a hangover right, and, yes, the symptoms are the same, as your liver is suffering then also. You may also experience insomnia as a result of too much heat in your body that then rises to your head and causes the kind of insomnia you get when you can’t stop thinking, at worst not even long enough to keep your eyes closed. The objective in spring is to get outside

“The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.” Steve Jobs and enjoy the sun (we hope). It’s time to be outside as much as we can so less time will be spent inside cooking. That doesn’t mean you buy take away or forget all about the quality of food you’re putting in your body. It means faster cooking methods are recommended. So put your slow cooker away and bring out those salad bowls. Give the oven a good clean from all the use it got over the cooler months as you won’t be using it as much now. Get that wok out and if you’ve been baking your veggies throughout winter then it’s time to steam them. It’s time to swap the heavier creamy sauces and dressings for lighter ones, so use ingredients like orange juice, raw honey, mustard and perhaps some extra virgin olive or flax oil instead of mayonnaise and cream. Salads don’t need to be, and shouldn’t be all raw, and if you’re like me and don’t have a forgiving digestive tract then it’s probably a good idea to still cook your veggies just a little, as in stir frying or at least a light steam. A totally raw meal is difficult for most of us to digest. Many clients who come to me with digestive issues tell me they eat really well. They then describe a daily salad with raw capsicum, beetroot, tomato, grated carrot, alfalfa, rocket or lettuce and snow peas. It’s all raw! There needs to be some cooked or fermented food in there. Too much raw food will exacerbate poor digestion. Raw foodies will disagree with me, but Traditional Chinese Medicine believes cooked food is much easier for us to digest and then assimilate, and my body agrees. Instead of raw veggies in your salad add roasted, steamed or stir fried veggies, and a cooked protein like pan-fried tempeh, cooked legumes like chick peas or navy beans, fresh local eggs or occasionally organic chicken or meat if that’s your thing. Regarding juices, ‘tis the season for them, and respect the saying – eat your fruit and

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juice your veggies. Fruit really needs to stay whole; keeping the fibre in means you’re not getting only the fructose (sugar), which will go through your liver the same way alcohol does. Too much fructose creates dangerous, internal fat around your organs. Avoid fruit juices. Sour is the flavour that stimulates the liver and gall bladder. These are fruits like lemons and limes. Sweet flavours are also recommended in spring so include complex sweeteners like coconut nectar and sugar, rice syrup, real maple syrup, spelt syrup, dark agave and raw honey. The sweet flavour is also detected on our tongue when we eat complex carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nut and seeds. Bitter foods are also encouraged as this flavour has a great effect on the liver rocket, rye, radicchio and chamomile. It’s the weather to eat young greens and fast growing plants like salad greens, sprouts, wheat grass and barley green. Fruit salad and veggie juices are recommended now. Cabbage, broccoli and dark leafy greens will be of benefit here as they promote the digestion of meat and fatty foods. (Probably a little more was enjoyed throughout winter.) This is the time for scallops, prawns and calamari as opposed to fish. This doesn’t mean you need to avoid fish, it just means that it’s not as recommended now. Enjoy herbs like mint, basil, fennel, rosemary, dill and bay leaf. In winter we tend to eat more heavy and salty foods like meat, cheese, sauces and more desserts. These now need to be reduced, as too many heavy foods will put a big strain on your liver as will excessive amounts of alcohol. Times have changed and we can get just about anything we want whenever we want it. This comes at a huge cost to our environment, our farmers, health and economy. By eating in season you are giving your body what it wants, keeping it healthy on every level as well as having the ripple effect of reducing flight miles thus pollution, and keeping our farmers farming. Janella Purcell, Women’s Health and Wellbeing

BANGALOW TANGO Introduction to Argentine Tango Bangalow Bowls Club Thursdays 5pm -7pm new beginners please book

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music festival in review The Bangalow Music Festival proved to yet again be a highlight in the calendar for those who attended. It began with the Festival Prelude held on Thursday night with Peter Thompson as our MC. The Education concert for schools on Friday was a hit, the Champagne Launch on Friday evening was a wonderful event and the range of Australian and international performers throughout the Festival guaranteed this Classical Music Festival a place in the diary for 2014 in Bangalow. Margaret Curtis

Emma Scholl, flute

Peter Luff, french horn, in St Kevin’s

The audience shows their appreciation

Ian Bowles leading the Lismore Symphony

Not all classical music is serious - Jayson Gillham and the Silver Garburg duo have some fun while playing six hands on the piano

Hot North Wind takes a long, cool champagne

Nicholas Routley, Director of Vox Caldera

Photos by Morgan Roberts 18


more music

wolfmail returns Wolf Mail is one of the world’s most unique blues artists with a career spanning 27 years. This Montreal-born, Californiaraised blues rocker is a self confessed ‘gypsie nomad’ and although he now resides in Australia, he spends a large percentage of the year touring worldwide. Here in Bangalow, we are lucky enough to have seen him twice in just two months! He took part in the recent ‘Aussies against Fracking’ event at the Bowlo and returned to Bangalow on 27 September as part of his national tour promoting his newly released album Above the influence. When he spoke to Heartbeat this month he explained this album’s stripped back production style delivers

a “rawness” with “heart and soul”. He describes it as a guitar-oriented blend of passionate blues and rock and believes this album’s honesty enables people to easily connect with it. Playing exclusively on Tasmanian produced Mark Gilbert Guitars and influenced by blues, jazz, soul and country, Wolf Mail delivers a rich, earthy sound. His guitar tone and husky vocals are recognised worldwide, as is his personal approach to writing. Whether you’re a new or long-time follower, his return to Bangalow produced a show that was engaging, entertaining and honest. For a preview of Above the influence, his sixth album, visit WolfMailmusic1 Sophie Claire

Fashion High Notes Fashion and food are one of the great combinations and on Tuesday 8 October, at 11.30am the Bangalow Red Cross will be hosting a showing of this season’s latest looks. There will be a ‘must-have-that’ fashion parade on the beautiful summer-filled verandah of the Museum Tea Room with clothes from Le’Chelle’s Boutique in Lennox Head. There will also be jewellery for sale, with ten per cent of profits going to the Red Cross, raffles and a lucky door prize. A delicious two-course lunch, including tea, coffee or punch, comes

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with the $25 entry fee. BYO. Models are some of the hard-working local ladies of the Red Cross, so you know that you can relate to what you see. And there will be the opportunity to buy, or order, on the spot. Reservations are a must as space is limited. Be seen, be there. Phone the Museum on 6687 2183. Stephanie King

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19 19

what I’ve been reading This month, novels dealing with the plight of young women growing up in remote Australian towns.

The Night Guest by Fiona McFarlane

If I say too much about this book I will spoil the reading. If I tell you that it begins with Ruth, the main protagonist, waking in the middle of the night to the sounds of a tiger in her seaside living room on the Australian east coast you’ll think that it sounds silly! But it is not a silly book, it is a beautifully written, gentle and suspenseful book. So I’ll start with the arrival of Frida; she’s been sent by the Dept of Community Services to assess Ruth’s entitlement to home care. Indeed, Ruth does need some help around the house because her beloved Harry has been dead for five years and both sons are living overseas. In fact, because of the isolation, it’s also nice for Ruth to have a bit of company. Memories of Ruth’s childhood in Fiji feature throughout the storytelling and particularly her first crush for Richard, a lodger in the family home when she was a teenager. After many years of exchanging Christmas cards she decides to get in touch with him. This mesmerising debut novel explores love, dependence and fear all through the voice of an unreliable narrator. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

The Vale Girl by Nelika McDonald

The Vale Girl was one of the 50 books you can’t put down on the 2013 Get Reading list. I was first attracted to the haunting picture of the young girl on the book’s cover. The young girl is 14 year old Sarah Vale and she’s gone missing from her home in the small fictional Australian town of Banville. Nobody realises or even cares when she is reported missing because, after all, she is only the daughter of the town prostitute. This is a well written story about a town full of bigots and bullies, and the values we put on people based on their standing in the community. But there are some redemptive characters in this story. The local Banville copper is a stand-out despite the angst created by the arrival of the big city detectives. I thought this was a great book; the author took me on an engaging journey, building the suspense and giving away very few clues. Nelika McDonald created some terrific characters with some complex background stories which are gradually released throughout the novel, explaining who they are and why they are still living in Banville. The ending was plausible, despite the resolution being a bit kitsch, and the journey to get there was worthy. Carolyn Adams – Bookworms & Papermites

useful information and contact numbers AA Tues 5.30 Richard 0466 885 820 Angling Club Outing 2nd Sat Ray 6687 1139 Aussie Rules Bill 6687 1485 Aussie Rules Junior Greg 6687 1231 Bangalow Community Alliance (BCA) Terry 6687 2525 Bangalow Markets monthly 4th Sun Jeff 6687 1911 Bridge Fri 12pm Steve 6688 4585 Cancer support 1st Wed 1-4pm Chris 6687 0004 Childcare Centre 7.45am-6pm Kerry 6687 1552 Cricket Club Anthony 0429 306 529 Co-dependents Anonymous Sat 4pm Gye 0421 583 321 CWA 2nd Wed Claire 6687 0557 Garden Club 1st Wed Hazel 6687 8409 George the Snake Man George 0407 965 092 Groundforce Georgia 6629 1189 Historical Society/Museum/Tea Room Wendy 6687 2183 Land/RiverCare 1st Sat working bee Liz 6687 1309 Lawn Bowls, Men Wed & Sat 1pm Gerry 6687 1142 Lawn Bowls,Women Wed 9.30am Dot 6687 1246 Lions Club 2nd/4th Tues 7pm John 6687 0634 Mufti Bowls 3rd Sat 9am Lynne 6687 1823 Netball Club train 4.15 Thurs Rachel 6687 0402 Op Shop 10-3pm Sat 10-12 6687 2228 Parks Committee 3rd Tues 7.30pm Jan 6684 7214 Playgroup Tues 10am Sue 0421 030 438 Police Peta 6687 1404 Pony Club Kim 6687 8007 20

Pool Trust 3rd Wed Dominic 6687 1425 Poultry Club Hec 6687 1322 Progress Association Ian 6687 1494 Quilters 2nd,4th Thurs Leonie 6687 1453 Red Cross monthly - 1st Fri Dot 6687 1246 Rugby Union Richard 0415 773 064 S355 C’mtee Heritage House Don 6687 1897 Scouts Tues 6.30pm Jenny 6687 2047 Show Society Karen 6687 1033 Soccer Club 2nd Mon 6pm Nick 6687 1607 Social Golf every 2nd Sun Brian 6684 7444 Sports Association 2nd Wed bi-monthly Brian 6687 1024 Sporting Field bookings Nick 6687 1607 St Vincent de Paul Thurs 10-11am/Catholic Hall Tennis Court Hire 6687 1803 Writers Group 1st Thurs Alexandra 0439 304 911 VENUES A&I Hall Station St Brian 0427 157 565 Anglican Hall Ashton St Matthew 6687 1046 Bangalow Showgrd Moller Pavilion Karina 6687 1035 Sports/Bowling Club Byron St Scott 6687 2741 Catholic Hall Deacon St Russell 0423 089 684 Coorabell Hall Coolamon Scenic Simon 6684 2888 Newrybar Hall Newrybar Village Ian 6687 8443 RSL Hall Station St Charlotte 6687 2828 Scout Hall Showgrounds Jenny 6687 2047 Heritage House Deacon St Don 6687 1897 BANGALOW’S HEARTBEAT

local food

Sample Festival a success

Record Crowds attended this year’s Sample Food Festival at Bangalow Showgrounds.

The favourite public show amongst many was the TAFE cook off between Fast Ed and Jules Allen. The Northern Rivers Food Group also kept punters excited with cooking demonstrations and tastings throughout the day. JR Smokehouse took out the best $5 tasting plate with their Texan Style Angus

Beef Brisket, “I haven’t eaten meat like that for a long time,” said Judge Fast Ed. The $10 plate was won by Bangalow’s Utopia Cafe with their duck croquette. “A very clever dish,” said food critic and judge Simon Thomsen. “I’m really pleased with how the day went. Most of the restaurants

were selling out just prior to closing time which was great. And the Byron Farmers Market and lifestyle exhibitors all expressed a good trading day as well. For the team, it’s time to recover and think about the new exciting additions for next year’s festival.” Remy Tancred, Festival Director

Not just a location change but a career change Helen Johnston talks to Sharon Fraser and Stephen Esson about new beginnings in Bangalow. In 1988 Stephen Esson from Bristol UK arrived in Australia, took a taxi to The Royal Hotel in Five Ways Paddington where he met the love of his life Sharon Fraser, all in the first few hours of landing in Sydney. Sharon worked in hospitality as a student whilst studying architecture at the University of NSW. They have been together for 24 years and married at Rae’s in the year 2000 after having had several holidays at Byron Bay. Steve suggested they move up here and Sharon’s father, a retired architect now also living in Bangalow, initially wondered if this was career suicide for her. However Steven, China and Sharon she found it to be just the opposite and successfully practised as an architect based in Federal for 10 years. vivacious seven year old to go to school, Steve did building work on their own they moved to a home in Rifle Range projects of buying and selling homes that Road and got on with another renovation. As involved parents they have nothing but they renovated. In 2007 they adopted their bundle of joy praise for the local school. Steve does named China after her country of origin. canteen duty and Sharon is happy to be As time approached for China, now a called upon at any event that needs a MC.

Her talents in this area were boosted when she did Mandy Nolan’s stand up comedy course and was a NSW finalist in the Triple J Raw Comedy Competition in 2004. Not an activity she would have contemplated in her previous life in Sydney. The family spent the best part of 2010 on an extended holiday in Italy, the country they both love. They returned home and thought, what next? What next turned out to be a very exciting new horizon. Earlier this year they purchased, with a long term friend Aldo Davanzo, the lease on the business that has become ‘the italian diner’. Sharon designed the fit out of the restaurant and the eye catching image of Sophia Loren complements the 50s concept décor of a diner. Sharon describes Bangalow as a village one would design for a movie set. She, Stephen and China feel certain the movie would have a happy ending being made in such an idyllic and harmonious small town community.

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21 21

out and about

MOUNTAIN BIKING ON HAYTERS HILL As you drive from Bangalow to Hayters Hill you may have noticed a new bike track on the right, next to the Farmstay. This innocuous, small, visible section is actually part of a serious three+ km mountain bike track. It quickly goes out of sight from the road, through patches of rainforest and a native cabinet timber plantation. Rock gully crossings and many twists and turns are included, with fun and challenges for different experience levels. The track is being put in by Ivan Holland and Angela Grice, who now manage the Farmstay started by Ivan’s parents, Neil and Erica. Ivan and Angela both had careers in environmental science before their current business. Their environmental work included six years in New Zealand. As they both love active outdoor pursuits, mountain biking – which is very big in NZ – was soon a major interest, particularly for Ivan. Not long after returning ‘home’ three years ago, he started planning this track. The major challenge in doing such an enterprise on private property here in Australia is insurance. New Zealand has a national accident compensation scheme, which makes insurance very affordable, but here the premiums for such activities quickly stymie most ideas.

Scout News 1st Bangalow Scout Troop has been quietly going about their ‘scouting’ and having lots of fun along the way. This term the scouts held a hike along the old rail line between Bangalow and Booyong. They didn’t quite make it all the way as the rail corridor is very overgrown and safety was a concern – let’s hope that all the talk about the rail trail is a goer as we would love to use these walks. Brigid also organised her Red Cord

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Photo by Ivan Holland

Ivan sought help from Nick Bowman, the Australian Director of the International Mountain Bike Association, to design the trails to be sustainable and have maximum ‘flow’ (read fun!). It proved to be a great decision as professional design allowed the trail to be insured by Mountain Bike Australia (MTBA). Riders have to be members of MTBA, or take

Hike from North Wall, Ballina to Lennox Head. Three scouts participated on this hike and at the end they met up with the Lennox Scouts, who had been out on a canoe hike, and they all cooked their dinner and had a great night of movies and a sleep-over in the Lennox Scout Hall. There was also a Ten-pin Bowling night – all good fun. The next big activity for the Scouts is the JOTA/JOTI (Jamboree on the Air/Internet) which will be held in October. 1st Bangalow Cub Scout Pack has also

out a day permit on arrival, and then all parties are insured for the ride. Byron Bay Farmstay was awarded a grant from Destination NSW to help kick off the project. Construction started in mid-2012 and the track opened last October. For this grant, a performance indicator was set at 100 riders in the first year. Fortunately 115 turned up on the first day! Since then, another 400 have ridden the track. Income is all being put back into track work, with a further 2km expected to open later this month. Members of the new local mountain bike club – Northern Rivers Dirty Wheels - are regular riders and also help with working bees. Ivan told me one of the trails under construction will be designed for entrylevel riders (most is currently graded intermediate) and that there are plans for skills clinics, social events and races. Seeing progress so far, and how Ivan and Angela clear hurdles, these look very likely to happen. (More pictures on www. or www. Brian Sundstrom

been busy this term. They have been running a Bring a Friend program and we invested two new members last week with another two possibilities joining us shortly. The Cub Scouts attended the Region CubBoom camp at Glenreagh on 19-21 September, where they were part of the 190 + Cub Scouts who taking part in a weekend of camping and fun activities. Cubs and scouts are an active little group of boys and girls who under the direct supervision of trained adult leaders have lots of fun. Why not give us a try? You would be very welcome. For further information contact Jenny on 6687 2047 Jenny Holden


Landcare boots, toes and koala Talofa Lodge hosted a Field Day and the Annual General Meeting for Byron Creek Catchment Landcare Group. The group walked through our established planting, a dry gully and through more recent rainforest regeneration plantings. It was wonderful to have so many experienced landcarers in one spot willing to share their knowledge and provide advice gained from their years of experience. These field days are most informative and rewarding, particularly for those who began life in the city as I did. We were joined by Wendy Gibney, Landcare Coordinator for Byron Shire, who assisted us not only in plant identification but informed us of the developments of the proposed LEP and advised on future grants which may be

applicable to our landcare group. We are thankful to Wendy for her commitment and willingness to share her wealth of knowledge of landcare programs and for providing an insight into changing planning regulations which may affect

how we use our land. This year is heralding good things. A couple of days ago we had a koala visit one of our trees quite close to the house. We were entranced for the two days and nights he stayed. It was fantastic to see that something we started almost 20 years ago by planting close to 2,000 trees, partly funded by government grants, is now attracting endangered native creatures. Tough boots, sandals, coloured toenails and koala in the garden! What more can you ask for? Love it - great to live amongst the trees. Our informative and friendly AGM elected a new round of leaders to guide us though the next 12 months. Ian Ritchie, treasurer

Bouncing back from Cyclone Oswald Neville told me, “it took four months, We all remember cyclone Oswald, which lashed this area with three days for three men and myself, working three of fierce winds early this year. Devastation caused by Cyclone Oswald; Neville Singh While most houses, gardens and farms experienced some damage, banana farms, with their north facing slopes, were particularly affected. One such farm, owned by Neville Singh at Fowlers Lane just north of Bangalow, certainly copped its share of the wind, losing half of the crop. While visiting the farm recently, I was amazed to see how well it days a week, to clear the debris, tidy has recovered – due to a lot of hard work! up and replant some areas. We also

ny pa rs m le Co stal l ca In Lo cal Lo

had considerable family help and wet weather hampered everything.” The plantation has some 6,500 plants and is just coming back into full production of 50 –100 bunches/week (1 to 2 tonnes). Half is sold through local farmers’ markets and the rest wholesaled. Everything is now neat and productive. Grass strips between the rows help reduce any future erosion. All the dead butts had to be carted away, otherwise they harbour diseases. Brian Sundstrom

The Northern Rivers’


13000 200 433 | e: | | 224 River St Ballina



23 23

october diary

town talk

Bluedogs are premiers! Bangalow has won its first ever women’s premier league grand final beating Alstonville 3-0. It was a memorable triumph for perennial bridesmaids Bluedogs who have had to play second fiddle in recent years to highly successful Villa. Bangalow’s coach Paul Hanigan has nothing but praise for his players. “I’m just so very proud of all the girls, it just goes to show that if you are committed and willing to do the hard yards results


Garden club meeting


Folk/roots at Bowlo


Red Cross meeting


Fair at museum; Art fair at Newrybar hall begins; Lisa Hunt at bowlo


Blessing of the Animals at All Souls


Red Cross fashion parade



will follow. It’s been my proudest sporting achievement ever to have coached these girls to Grand Final victory”. Paul Hanigan


Galapagos Duck at bowlo; BCCC Funfair after Dark


The Doors tribute at bowlo

Book Club Many members in several book


CWA street stall; Tintenbar art show begins; Latin dance party at bowlo


Afternoon jazz at bowlo


CWA craft night; ADFAS


Matt Taylor blues at bowlo


Nashua community/cricket day; Bangalow market

groups operating in the Bangalow district read the books Carolyn Adams reviews in her column. The beautiful rural setting of the Eureka Book Group set a high standard last month while discussing The Rosie Project, as did the morning tea. Helen Johnston

HB deadlines: 16(ads) 21(copy)

Photo by Mark Delaney

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