Our mission is to ensure that students of different nationalities grow to their full potential as independent learners in a caring British international community.
Our mission is to ensure that students of different nationalities grow to their full potential as independent learners in a caring British international community.
We develop global citizens who shape their world through independence, empathy, creativity and critical thinking.
Protected, safe and secure
Motivated and engaged
Responsible and honest
Kind, compassionate and respectful
Balanced and fulfilled
Rigorous, inquisitive and creative
Collaborative and confident communicators
Critical, reflective thinkers
Resourceful and resilient
Conscientious role models
Committed to integrity and equity
Diverse and inclusive
Ethical and informed
Active stewards of the environment and our communities
Chris Sammons | Head of School
The mission of our founder Rosamund Struetzel was to provide a rst class education. For sixty-seven years teachers have followed her mission to provide learning opportunities that have enabled Grad’24 to achieve a world class set of examination results. You will see in these pages that their IB results mean they can choose to pursue passions and interests with the world’s brightest and best professors at some of the most prestigious universities.
Our Year 11 (I)GCSE students have attained equally remarkable results on their journey. The investment of focus and time by our students will pay dividends as they continue onwards. It is testament to the quality of our care and teaching, that this year is a milestone with the highest number of students remaining at Bangkok Patana School for their entire school education. Families who join us stay with us. The care, support and challenge they are seeking for their children is hard to replicate anywhere else.
The success of a child’s educational journey is founded in our Primary School and the achievements of our students this year, well above regional and international benchmarks, validate our well planned curriculum and teaching approaches.
Tables, charts and examinations can only express a fragment of our students’ potential. The remaining lessons which our students master are to be found in the daily care and support which our teachers give as guardians of the school values: well-being, learning and global citizenship. For sixtyseven years generations of teachers have been cultivating collaboration, critical thinking, creativity and skills that transcend academic boundaries; these serve our students for the rest of their lives. Our students become true pioneers ready to take on the world and any job that is yet to be invented, just ask any of our Alumni.
Sarah McCormack | Primary Principal
I am truly honoured to introduce the Primary student achievement for the 2023/24 academic year. As the Primary Principal, I am lled with pride and gratitude as I re ect on a remarkable year in a truly remarkable school.
Patana Primary continues to grow stronger as we strive to uphold our guiding statements and unlock the full potential of our students. This year has been particularly special, with new events, activities and an even greater focus on building and celebrating our vibrant learning habitat. A true highlight of the year was our inaugural Year 6 musical, designed to mark our students’ time in Primary school and celebrate their progress and growth during these foundational years. This year, ‘Madagascar’ brilliantly showcased our students’ creativity, collaboration and communication skills and was a riot of colour, dance and song.
I feel incredibly fortunate to be a part of this school, witnessing rsthand the dedication, resilience and joy that our students bring to every challenge and opportunity. This Student Achievement is a celebration of all they have accomplished and I invite you to explore its pages with the same pride and admiration that I hold for our wonderful Patana Primary community.
David Walton | Assistant Principal, Assessment and Reporting
In the Primary School, the International Students’ Assessment (ISA) is administered in upper Key Stage 2. These assessments are designed by the Australian Council of Educational Research (ACER), who are also responsible for the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). The ISA results provide an invaluable opportunity to benchmark our students’ performance against their peers globally. Given our standing, we take particular interest in comparisons with similar schools in the Asia-Paci c region; and with countries such as China and Singapore, who consistently achieve high rankings in the PISA assessments.
As illustrated in the accompanying tables, Patana Primary students have outperformed both regional and international schools in Mathematics and Reading. Notably, the Year 6 Mathematics results are the highest we have recorded since its implementation in 2016. The results also show an incremental year on year improvement in mean scores for both Mathematics and Reading across all cohorts.
2023/24 Year 6 Reading Mean Score 22% higher than mean score of all schools
2023/24 Year 6 Mathematics Mean Score 18% higher than mean score of all schools
Matt Seddon | Secondary Principal
I always feel very proud whilst introducing the Student Achievement book, which is a celebration of our students’ brilliance, dedication and resilience, and a celebration of their diverse talents. This book is a proud celebration of the incredible e orts of our students, showcasing not only their academic achievements but also their engagement in a variety of extra-curricular activities. I hope, as you read through these pages, you feel as inspired and proud as I do by the exceptional young people at Bangkok Patana School.
Our 2024 graduating class has once again proved that great learning leads to great outcomes. Their dedication over the last two years has been remarkable, this is evidenced through their outstanding IB Diploma results. This year, our students achieved an average score of 36 out of 45, continuing our tradition of excellence well above the global average. Kudos to Norman Hjellegjerde, Yerin Kang, Amanda Ljungberg and Krishaan Phlaphongphanich who all attained an exceptional 44 points, and also Zara Pedersen and Nicolas Zimmerman who both scored an average of 1.3 points per subject above their predictions. These results, and the many, many individual success stories are a testament to the commitment and dedication of our students and sta alike.
Our Year 11 cohort also achieved very impressive results in their (I)GCSE examinations. 64% of all grades, in all subjects were at A* or A (7-9), re ecting the strong academic culture at our school. We recognise Akane Hirono, Xiang Jie Lim, Kaeo Lumentut, Letizia Ravizza and Isabelle Thomas, who achieved nine or more A* / grade 9s. As these students progress to Year 12 and beyond, their achievements serve as a foundation for future successes in the IB Diploma Programme.
While we celebrate these academic accomplishments, we also celebrate the broader spectrum of achievements within our school community. This book captures the vibrancy of our students’ participation in the arts, sports, Model United Nations (MUN) and the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award, among other activities. These experiences enrich their educational journey, fostering skills and values that extend beyond the classroom.
Furthermore, we honour the signi cant impact of student voice in shaping our school. Whether through the Student Representative Councils, Community Engagement Teams, or various leadership roles, our students actively contribute to the school’s direction and culture. Their voices are instrumental in building a dynamic and inclusive community.
This publication is a re ection of everything the Bangkok Patana family stands for. I am reminded daily of how fortunate I am to be part of such a vibrant and dedicated community. Thank you for sharing in our celebration of student achievement.
Luke Jones | Vice Principal, Samuel Mooring | (I)GCSE Examinations Leader
This year’s (I)GCSE examination results are a testament to the exceptional dedication, hard work and perseverance of our students, supported by the unwavering commitment of our teachers, sta and the broader school community. The achievements of many students, who attained top grades of A*, 9, or 8 across multiple subjects, and the signi cant number who earned A*, A, 7 to 9, highlight the outstanding academic standards that de ne our school. With an impressive 97% of all grades within the A*-C range and nearly 90% reaching the A*-B level, these results re ect not only academic ability but also the resilience and determination of our students — qualities we proudly nurture at Bangkok Patana.
Even more impressively, this cohort exceeded expectations when benchmarked against CEM data, surpassing progress projections that are standardised against both global and independent school norms. As a non-selective school, we are particularly proud of the diversity of achievements in our 2024 cohort, especially as they navigated heightened exam board grade boundaries returning to pre-pandemic standards. Each student has risen to meet these demands, demonstrating not only academic growth but also personal resilience. Their success is a re ection of their own hard work and the supportive, nurturing environment fostered within our classrooms. We celebrate these achievements alongside our students, parents, and the wider community, con dent that this year’s results showcase not just academic excellence but the character, adaptability, and future potential of every student.
of grades across all subjects were between A* and B (6-9) students received 9 or more A*(9s) of grades awarded were either A* or A (7-9) across all subjects 89% 64% 5 of grades across all subjects were within the A* to C range 97% students achieved A*, A (7-9) on 9+ subjects
Samuel Mooring | (I)GCSE Examinations Leader
Akane Hirono
Isabelle Thomas
Kaeo Lumentut
Letizia Ravizza
Matthew Thepsoparn
Pannyanat (Pann)
Xiang Jie Lim
Peeraya Poshyanonda
Gui-chai Tangchaiyawong
Monika Wierda
Jasmine James
Flavio Romei
Tajjkorn Srivikorn
Matthew Thirawat Thepsoparn - Mathematics (Without Coursework), Top in World
Namfah Pibulsonggram - Mathematics (Without Coursework), Top in World
Pariya Kunplome - Mathematics (Without Coursework), Top in World
Nandhavud Bhirombhakdi - Business Studies, High Achievement
Yuanxia Xu - Computer Science, High Achievement
Samuel Barta - Literature in English, High Achievement
Alicia Hamilton - Edexcel GCSE Art and Design: Graphic Communication, Highest Mark in the World
Najai Wongpaibool - Edexcel GCSE Art and Design: Photography, Highest Mark in Asia
Maximilian Gerlach - Edexcel International GCSE German, Highest Mark in Thailand
Natalia Suthiwongsunthorn - Edexcel International GCSE Chinese, Highest Mark in Thailand
Xinning Huang - Edexcel International GCSE Chemistry, Highest Mark in Thailand
Andrew Ro | Assistant Principal, IB Coordinator
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a ve-term programme of study that consists of students taking six subjects, three at Higher Level and three at Standard Level, each of which can score a maximum of seven points. Additional components of the IB programme are Theory of Knowledge and the Extended Essay which can provide up to three ‘bonus’ points to students, giving a theoretical maximum score of 45 points, with 24 points being the minimum pass requirement. Creativity, Activity and Service (CAS) must also be completed as it is a core part of the IBDP which aims to encourage students to continue their learning outside the curriculum through their involvement in the local and wider community.
We are delighted to share the wonderful results of our Graduating Class of 2024, who scored an incredible 6 points higher than the World Average in their IB Diploma results.
of Bangkok Patana IB Diploma students passed, against a global average pass rate of 80%
Bangkok Patana Average Score, 6 points higher than the World Average of 30 points
Mean Grade in individual subjects, out of a possible 7 points, against a World Average of 4.9
Andrew Ro | Assistant Principal, IB Coordinator
As a non-selective school, we are incredibly proud of our statistics in the IB Diploma. Such a high average score points to some outstanding individual performances.
To achieve 40 points or more in the IB Diploma is a signi cant challenge to even the most able student as they must not only balance the demands of these subjects but also the demands placed upon them by the core elements (CAS, the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge) as well as the wide range of extra-curricular activities with which they are involved. Congratulations to these students who achieved 40 or more points and make up 25% of our cohort of 118. Globally only 9% of students received 40 or more points.
Tammy Bahora
Marwin Banluelap
Kaitlyn Cheng
Sirikorn Dansiri
Tawin Habanananda
Elyse Hawson
Norman Alexander Hjellegjerde
Nicolas Huard
Jun Ishihara
Christiaen Jonas
Yerin Kang
Phisira Kashemsri Chatchupong
Ari Kim
Amanda Ljungberg
Mahi Lodha
You Wei Lu
Ilian Meyer
Ansh Narula
Korn Niruttinanon
Jeremy Nygaard
Ken Patanotai
Lucas Perren
Krishaan Phlaphongphanich
Supatcha Poolvoralaks
Ayesha Sachdev
Parima Sinhaphalin
Sharnipa Tantiponganant
Prim Traisorat
Tanat Tungsubutra
Nicolas Zimmerman
Using a standardised model allows us to project a likely IB Diploma points score for students based on an adaptive skills test taken at the start of Year 12. Tracking each student’s progress against this projection allows us to identify the students who have made the greatest progress over the course of the two-year Senior Studies programme. With this in mind, it is also very important to recognise and celebrate the achievement of the following students who demonstrated excellent application and hard work during the course of their IB Diploma to achieve the furthest above their projection.
Jun Ishihara
Phisira Kashemsri Chatchupong
Ilian Meyer
Ansh Narula
Zara Pedersen
Ayesha Sachdev
Parima Sinhaphalin
Nicolas Zimmerman
Andrew Haughton | Head of Faculty, Careers and University Counselling
Grad’24 continued the Bangkok Patana School tradition of securing desirable places at universities around the world. Eighty-two percent of students received an o er from their rst or second choice university. Students demonstrated the values of well-being, learning and global-citizenship in their thorough research to nd the university which best t their personal and academic needs. Additionally, over half students are attending a university ranked in the global top 100 according to either TES, QS or US News and World Report ranking. Eager to see the world in a di erent way before starting university, six of our Grad’24 students are taking a gap year or entering military training. No matter what their chosen path, every Grad’24 student has found the best t for themselves.We know they will make Bangkok Patana School proud.
Ahl Amelia Monash University
Chopra Nidhish University of New South Wales
Corey Natalie University in Australia
Fan Winston Monash University
Goh Isaac University of Melbourne
Hannaford Tisha
University of Melbourne
James Natalie University of Melbourne
Kunplome Suthita
University of Melbourne
Langdon Kristina Bond University
Leelerdphun Pijak (Hugo)
Mason Finlay
Pedersen Zara
Monash University
University of Queensland
University of Sydney
Richards Adrian University in Australia
So Chi In University of Melbourne
Wang Chien-Shiang University of Melbourne
Christiaen Jonas KU Leuven
Graindorge Jonathan Solvay Brussels School
Baigent Braden
Dansiri Sirikorn
Advanced Computer Science
Bachelor of Science
Business/ Science
Accounting and Finance
Film and Television
Ancient World Studies
Business Management
Business Management
Sports Science
Food Science
Foundation and then Economics
Engineering Science
McMaster University
University of Toronto
Huard Nicolas McGill University
Ishihara Jun
University of British Columbia
Kim Ari University of Toronto
Miki Mao University of British Columbia
Mohanty Anoushka
University of British Columbia
Neville Joshua Western University
Perren Lucas University of British Columbia
Pjongluck Korn University of British Columbia
Singh Upjiya
University of British Columbia
Zimmerman Jack Western University
Zimmerman Nicolas University of British Columbia
Zanco Matteo
Worrall Zoe
Chai Sebastian
Life Sciences
Physical and Mathematical Science
Pharmaceutical Science
Science combined with Mathematics
Commercial Aviation Management
Urban Studies
Chemistry and Mathematics
ESCP Business School
Stadin AO
Constructor University
Burrell Amy Gap Year
Lee Minju Gap Year
Narula Ansh Gap Year
Business Administration
Textiles and Fashion
Integrated Social and Cognitive Psychology
ISME School of Management and Entrepreneurship
Tang Miles
Bruno Gaia
Hilgert Florencia
Nickolai Hjellegjerde
Seah Nicholas
Jung Jiyong
Kang Yerin
Garmy Chow-Chine Dorian
McAuliffe Thea
Thebpatipat Chananon
Warriner Aaron
Bahora Tammy
Banluelap Marwin
Berry Armaan
Bohren Pinnracha
Chamsawang Unsaya
Chatchupong Phisira
Chong Zi Leong
Dugar Mohak
Hjellegjerde Norman Alexander
Hussain Safeer
University of Tsukuba
University of Amsterdam
University College Roosevelt Liberal Arts and Science
BI Norwegian Business School Business
Singapore Military Service
Sogang University
Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology
Electrical Engineering
IE University Business
University of Navarra Medicine
University of Nottingham and Srinakharinwirot University Medicine
Asian Institute of Hospitality Management
University of Warwick
Imperial College London
University of Exeter
University of Manchester
King’s College London
Imperial College London
University of Glasgow
University of Bath
London School of Economics and Political Science
University of Reading
Italia Siya City University, London
Kaushik Ananya
King Alexander
Ljungberg Amanda
Low Maetus
Mcknight-Burrell Keira
Mehrotra Nandini
Meller Sophie
University of Westminster
Bournemouth University
University of Cambridge
University of Edinburgh
University of Edinburgh
University of Reading
University of Bath
Melling Alicia Lancaster University
Meyer Ilian
Niruttinanon Korn
Nygaard Jeremy
Patanotai Ken
Richards Erin
Sachdev Ayesha
Sehmar Niamh
Sidgwick Celina
Smith Edward
University College London
Imperial College London
University College London
London School of Economics and Political Science
Brunel University London
The University of Edinburgh
Queen’s University Belfast
University of Nottingham
Leeds Beckett University
International Management
Biomedical Technology Ventures
Business and Management
Biomedical Sciences
Aeronautical Engineering
Chemistry with Management
Business Economics
Business with Marketing
Human Nutrition
Mechanical Engineering
Economics and Geography
Criminology and Law
Urban Planning, Design and Management
Mechanical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Biomedical Sciences
Anthropology and International Relations
Sport and Exercise Science
Smith Alex
University of Manchester
Stuart Nathaniel University of Exeter
Tangkaravakoon Yodsawin
Chaitavatputtiporn Demi
University of Bath
Otis College of Art and Design
Chan Lydia Babson College
Chang Alison
Chansiri Att
Chen Yo-Lun
Cheng Kaitlyn
Chowla Tarini
Gao Tianyi (Thomas)
Habanananda Tawin
Hawson Elyse
Hilboldt Tate
Hoglund Natalie
Jain Princess
Janvatanavit Tee
Keil Jennifer
Khemkhon Usama
Kiatphaibool Athawi
Kittikul Naran
Kosiyabong Jai-D
Lertpisitkul Senna
Lodha Mahi
Lu You Wei
Mauerberger Isabel
Pakdeejit Kris
Phlaphongphanich Krishaan
Pisuttisarun Pittayut
Poolvoralaks Supatcha
Puttisombat Krin
Sastrasinh Tanyasuda
Schlaeppi Carly Alexia
Shah Kashish
Singh Aaditya
Sinhaphalin Parima
Suksatit Rinrada
Tantiponganant Sharnipa
Techasukij Sarisa
University of California, Davis
Northwestern University
Purdue University
Harvey Mudd College
Pratt Institute
University of Virginia
Traisorat Prim
Tungsubutra Tanat
Wang Yiming
Yao Yiting
History and Geography
Computer Science
Game/Entertainment Design
Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology
University of California, San Diego
Pomona College
Fordham University
Columbia University and Sciences Po
Boston University
New York University
Cal Poly State University
Parsons School of Design at the New School
Clark University
Boston University
Boston University
Boston University
University of Pennsylvania
Northwestern University
New York University
Babson College
Stanford University
Haverford College
Boston University
University of Virgnia
University of California, Irvine
Northeastern University
New York University
Business Economics, Computer Science and Engineering
Economics and Mathematics
International Studies
Political Science
Biochemical Engineering
Music Technology
Business Administration
Strategic Design and Management
Mechanical Engineering
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Southern Calfornia
University of Washington
Cornell University
Middlebury College
University of California, Los Angeles
Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management
Business Administration and Management
Management Science and Engineering
Business Administration
Software Engineering
Public Health
Northwestern University
Carnegie Mellon University
Rice University
Industrial Engineering
Statistics and Sport Analytics
Bangkok Patana School’s Foundation Board recognises the talent and hard work of our students with these awards.
Studies Awards
Higher Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement
Norman Hjellegjerde, Yerin Kang, Amanda Ljungberg, Krishaan Phlaphongphanich, Zara Pedersen, Nicolas Zimmerman
Award for Exceptional Academic Progress in Year 12
The following students achieved projected grades in their Term 3 reports that were on average more than a grade higher than their ALIS prediction.
Parita Phanratanamongkol, Sara Fuseno, Devaansh Banga, Shruti Zariye, Scarlet Hornby, Hanseol Ryu
Key Stage 4 Awards
Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement
Akane Hirono, Jasmine James, Xiang Jie Lim, Kaeo Lumentut, Peeraya Poshyanonda, Letizia Ravizza, Flavio Romei, Tajjkorn Srivikorn, Pannyanat Tanarujiwiwat, Porngarun Tangchaiyawong, Matthew Thepsoparn, Isabelle Thomas, Monika Wierda
Award for Exceptional Academic Progress in Year 10
The following students achieved projected grades in their Term 3 reports that were on average more than 1.5 grades higher than their Yellis prediction.
Teerin Thanunmanee, Parisa Kaocharern, Swasakorn Sapayanon, Zhewen Cao, Khadeejah Sarboor Khilji, Jui-Chi Wang, Sira Anuras, Alin Sae-Be
Key Stage 3 Awards
Key Stage 3 Academic Achievement (Year 9) - who exceeded expectations by the greatest value across all subjects at the end of Year 9.
Atisha Chermjutidham, Zahira Choksiri, Varsha Dahiya, Chenxi Hu, Yintong Laio, Thanataj Luenganantakul, Saba Piller, Sanja Rodel, Proudpalin Suriyabhivadh, Yuanheng Yang
Throughout the year, our students have myriad opportunities to showcase their knowledge and we have some examples below. Congratulations to the students who took the challenge to compete!
A team of four Year 6 students participated in the Primary FOBISIA Maths Competition, held at Singapore International School Bangkok. The competition was held over two days and consisted of fun, fast-paced collaborative team rounds as well as an individual round, all testing mathematical skills, problem solving skills and logic. One of the collaborative challenges was to construct the longest paper chain from a single piece of A4 paper. Our team were the winners of that challenge with a chain that was 8.72m long which was over 20 cm longer than the second place team! Other rounds consisted of challenges such as Mancala, Sudoku, domino challenges, missing numbers, riddles and code breaking.
A huge well done to our team members who proudly represented Patana over the two days of competition:
Kevin Keiser, 6P Kyan Vigoda, 6F
Ken Nonaka, 6T Leah Leung, 6M
Congratulations to Kevin who was awarded a Silver Medal for his individual round result and Kyan received a bronze award for his individual result. Overall the team came in sixth place out of the 41 teams that took part.
On Saturday, 23 September 2023, Bangkok Patana marked a triumphant debut at the WMC following a two-year hiatus due to the COVID pandemic. Competing in the Junior category, three teams of three students each demonstrated exceptional problem-solving and teamwork skills against peers from international schools across Bangkok. The competition, comprising both online individual and in-person team events, tested their mathematical strategy, creativity, and collaboration over three rigorous days. Patana students excelled, securing a total of 33 medals, including three ‘Overall High Rank’ medals and numerous golds. Vachiravich (Turbo) Phantratanamongkol, Xiang Jie (XJ) Lim, and Yuanxia (Richard) Xu were among the top medal earners. Seven students from Bangkok Patana also won Golden Tickets to the WMC Junior Final at the University of Melbourne, Australia.
Bangkok Patana hosted the WMC Senior Quali er on 31 March 2024, a key event leading to the nals in London. The competition attracted over 90 students from across Bangkok, fostering new friendships and a shared passion for mathematics. The WMC’s unique format, featuring ‘lightning’ and ‘shuttle’ rounds, combined mental acuity with physical agility, challenging participants beyond standard curricula. Patana students excelled, winning 15 medals and six golden tickets to the nals. Special recognition goes to Yuanxia (Richard) Xu for his outstanding performance. The event highlighted the school’s commitment to mathematical excellence and community spirit, inspiring students to pursue further achievements in mathematics.
On 10 June 2024, Bangkok Patana’s Year 9 and Year 10 students showcased their mathematical prowess at the inaugural King’s Mathematics Competition held at King’s College International School Bangkok. Competing as the Algebraic Avengers (Richard, Yeonjae and Win) and the Pi-Rates (Kaka, Masayuki and Aarush), our students excelled in various rounds, including anagrams, dingbats, and challenging mathematical relays. Our teams took rst and second place in the competition and accepted their victory with grace.
This year’s theme for the prize was ‘Perspective’. We had a record amount of entries and an interesting range of perspectives – some pondered the very nature of perspective, some adopted the persona of plants, animals or the earth, while other poems were deeply personal, exploring emotional perspectives on relationships, events or the persona’s place in the world. It was wonderful to be sent so many and of such high quality – it can be an incredibly nerve-wracking experience sharing your poetry with others for the rst time. To every person who submitted a poem this year – please keep on writing.
In third place with her poem, ‘A Labyrinth’, Emily Tooley; in second place with her poem ‘Weight’, Amanda Ljungberg; and in rst place – with her poem ‘Perennial’, Trinity Jantarach.
Bangkok Patana School’s Scholars excelled at the 2023/24 World Scholar’s Cup, showcasing their skills at both the Global Round and the prestigious Tournament of Champions (TOC) at Yale University. During the Globals in Bangkok, over 3500 scholars from 40 countries participated, and our school’s delegation, consisting of 17 Junior and 18 Senior Scholars, delivered outstanding performances. Collectively, they earned more than 150 gold and silver medals. Chanya (Bayla) Somboonvechakarn stood out, placing sixth in the Cria Scholar category, while Senior Scholars like Patharasiri (Seiya) Tiraratanakul, Utkarsh Bagaria and Veer Golechha secured team trophies for their remarkable achievements. Following the success at Globals, all teams quali ed for the TOC at Yale, where they faced top scholars from around the world. The TOC wasn’t just another competition; students engaged with Yale students, explored the renowned campus, and ventured into nearby cities such as Boston and New York. Our Scholars did an amazing job and the experience was truly meaningful. They took part in debates, learned about di erent cultures, made new friends and built valuable skills for the future.
Christopher Ferne | Head of Faculty, Arts
Charles McLean | Primary Leader of Learning, Excellence in the Creative Arts
The Arts at Bangkok Patana School are powerful in giving our students avenues for expression. We craft opportunities to enable students to share their creativity, both individually and in collaboration with others. Here are the highlights of the 2023/24 academic year:
IB Visual Arts Trail, November 2023
IB Visual Arts Exhibition, March 2024
Year 10 GCSE, June 2024
Primary Performance Week, October 2023
Solo Festival, October 2023
Patana Plugged, October 2023
Key Stage 3 Strings Festival, November 2023
Christmas Concert, December 2023
Chamber Recital, January 2024
Patana Classic Meets Jazz, March 2024
Patana Unplugged, April 2024
Senior Drama Production: Crucible, November 2023
IB Theatre Solo Evening, February 2024
Key stage 3 Matilda, May 2024
Ian Murphy Visiting Visual Artist, November 2023
Marcel Pusey, November 2023
Red Leap Theatre Company, February 2024
Primary Performance Week, May 2023
Year 6 Production: Madagascar, May 2024
Year 5 Performance Poetry Competition, June 2024
Patana United, June 2024
Patana Primary, June 2024
Bangkok Patana Arts students continually astound us with their ability to deliver moving and memorable pieces and performances. This year awards were presented to Secondary students who have demonstrated exemplary skill and exhibited outstanding commitment to their learning in the Arts.
Demi Chaitavatputtiporn
Prim (Taey) Traisorat
Kenny Patanotai
Lucas Perren
Felix Darley
Benjamin Lu
Minee Siamwalla
Minju Lee
Finn Habanananda
Billy Osborne | Cross Campus Head of Sport
In 2023/24, our sports programme was once again integral to student development, promoting teamwork and a love for athletics. We boasted a wide range of Primary teams throughout the year that regularly excelled in invitationals, showcasing their skills and sportsmanship. Our young athletes achieved remarkable success at the FOBISIA Primary Games hosted at the wonderful Pattana Sports Resort, where their dedication was rewarded with lots of medals, recognition and personal bests in athletics and the pool. In our local BMAC conference, tournaments expanded in size and competitiveness with the addition of more schools. Consistent xtures and specialised tournaments have contributed to maintaining a robust competition schedule for all of our athletes throughout the school.
Additionally, our Varsity athletes were part of fantastic SEASAC trips to Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Jakarta, Hong Kong, as well as our home city, Bangkok. These international experiences provided our students with opportunities to represent our school with pride and compete at a higher level while embracing diverse cultures.
Through our extensive sports o erings, students developed essential life skills that extended beyond the pitches, courts, gyms, studios, tracks, pools and elds which they competed on. With our dedicated coaches, top-notch facilities and a supportive community, we continue to nurture the next generation of athletes, fostering their growth both on and o the eld. Our sports programme exempli es the spirit and pride of Bangkok Patana School.
• Varsity Boys’ Swimming - 1st Place
• Varsity Girls’ Softball - 1st Place
• Varsity Boys’ Basketball - 2nd Place
• Varsity Girls’ Basketball - 2nd Place
• Varsity Gymnastics - 2nd Place
• Varsity Girls’ Tennis - 2nd Place
• Varsity Boys’ Tennis - 3rd Place
• Varsity Giris’ Swimming - 3rd Place
• Varsity Boys’ Softball - 3rd Place
The Dance Festival in October 2023 involved over 100 students from Patana and other Bangkok schools. Workshops were led by guest teachers and covered several di erent dance styles. A real highlight was the masterclasses and performances from professional dance crews!
Our U11 Boys won BMAC and nished 3rd place at BISP. The U13 Boys and Girls also nished in 3rd place at BISP, whilst the U15 Girls were crowned champions.
We hosted the rst ever BPS International 7s with 98 teams from across Southeast Asia joining us for the two day event. There was lots of success for the Bangkok Patana teams in various categories, a special mention to our U9 Boys and U15
The Dance Academy hosted both a Tiger Cats Showcase and Year-long programme Dance Recital, allowing for more Primary and Secondary students than ever to perform. Showcasing Hip Hop, Ballet and Jazz through solo and group performances, the audience were amazed by both the variety and level of skill on show.
Girls who were crowned overall champions. Throughout the course of the year, players within the football academy were treated to playing on the world class professional training facilities of BG Pathum United, as we host U9, U12 and U14 competitions. As well, U9, U11, U13, U15 and U18 students played inside a professional stadium at Muangthong United.
We are pleased to have been able to o er more opportunities for students to participate in Gymnastics at Bangkok Patana in 2023/24. This included an additional 30 spaces in the team, plus a new Little Paws Plus programme for Year 1 and 2.
Our performance this year in competition proved to be very successful both in terms of podiums, and lessons learnt along the way.
We traveled to Jakarta twice, allowing gymnasts to compete internationally at FOBISIA and SEASAC. Among the 34 podium positions at SEASAC, particular mention goes to the MAG L3 team who secured second place and Paengrum, Emily, Oliver and Sam who secured second and third places individually overall. Kelly Simm and Claudia Fragapane, GB Olympic and Commonwealth Gymnasts joined us for two weeks towards the end of
The TigerSharks once again represented the school overseas at SEASAC Senior and Junior in fantastic fashion for the 2023/24 academic year. With SEASAC Senior taking place at CDNIS in Hong Kong and SEASAC Junior taking place at SSIS in Ho Chi Minh City. The Senior Girls once again demonstrated their brilliant competitive nature, attaining an overall third place and a fth successive top 3 nish. The Senior Boys who were keen to maintain their title, did so for the third year in a row. The
In the 2023/24 season, our Tennis Academy had an exciting year of growth and achievement. Highlights included two incredible weeks in Hua Hin, where 45 students proudly represented Bangkok Patana in the FOBISIA tennis competition.
Junior Girls took second place overall with the Junior Boys claiming third place overall, continuing our intention to always being competitive and retaining top 3 status.
We hosted our largest ever Feeding Frenzy to date. With 16 travelling schools who made the trip to Bangkok with over 650 swimmers participating in the meet. This was a brilliant demonstration of just how strong the whole programme is both from a competitive perspective and from an
Additionally, we celebrated a successful SEASAC tennis trip to Singapore, marking our rst trip overseas in ve years. The girls showcased their talent by nishing in second place, while the boys secured a commendable third.
A growing Foundation Stage o ering within the Academy allows for an early love of Dance to be captured within our youngest students, hoping to see them as the future of our competitive teams!
We were lucky enough to host exprofessional Manchester United legends Paul Scholes and Nicky Butt, as well as Liverpool legends Robbie Fowler, Michael Owen and Steve McManaman. Various players throughout the academy had the chance to train, meet and get autographs with the legends, who ran football clinics for our players.
the summer break. They delivered GB Masterclasses, conditioning sessions, private lessons and keynote speeches. Bespoke CPL sessions were provided for our PE sta , coaches and the wider Bangkok coaching community. We were all inspired by their professional gymnastics journeys, skills and knowledge.
ability to host big competitions.
The TigerSharks competed ercely in the local BMAC conference to assert their top position for another year at both the short course and long course championships. In a collective e ort from both the senior and junior groups, it was a great sign of things to come for the future as well as enjoying the current rewards of hard work in training and great racing in meets.
Throughout the year, our athletes committed to six months of rigorous training o -campus as we eagerly anticipated the opening of our state-of-theart tennis centre, which promises to elevate our training experience further.
Alice Curwood | Cross Campus Vice Principal, Extra-Curricular Activities and Sports
We take immense pride in our extensive Extra-curricular Activities (ECA) programme. A dynamic and holistic o ering empowers our students to explore their passions beyond the classroom, fostering individual growth and shaping them into independent, empathetic, creative and critical thinkers. Tailored to meet the diverse needs of our learners, our programme o ers a wide range of opportunities for students to pursue their interests across arts, sports, community service and outdoor activities, preparing them with essential life skills for the future.
Our state of the art facilities support an inclusive array of ECAs every afternoon. Participation in these activities not only enhances academic performance but also boosts self-con dence, develops new skills, broadens social networks, hones critical thinking and improves time management. Delivered by a dedicated team of teachers, professional coaches and external specialists, our programme is designed to exceed expectations and ensure every student’s success.
Creative Arts ECAs: Students can express their artistic talents through activities such as drawing, sculpture, pottery, painting, photography, clay modelling and fashion designigniting and nurturing their creative potential.
Academies: Specialised coaching and competitive opportunities are available in gymnastics, dance, swimming, tennis and football, providing students with the chance to re ne their skills and compete throughout the year.
Community Engagement: Students are encouraged to think globally and act locally by participating in various charitable initiatives. These range from marine conservation and ethical co ee production to supporting organisations like Habitat for Humanity, Smile Club, PAWS and Interact.
Performing Arts ECAs: Our programme o ers a wide range of musical and performance-based opportunities, including individual instrumental lessons, choirs, ensembles, bands, musicals and stage productions.
STEM ECAs: Designed to equip students with essential skills for the 21st century, these sessions include coding, programming, robotics, online gaming, podcasting and electronics, helping students connect classroom learning to real-world applications.
Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award: Open to students in Years 10 to 13, this programme allows them to pursue Gold, Silver and Bronze International Award certi cations through challenges in skill-building, sports, community service and adventurous expeditions.
Competitive Sports: Our membership in SEASAC, FOBISIA and the Bangkok Metropolitan Athletic Conference (BMAC) provides students the opportunity to represent the school and compete against teams from across Bangkok, Southeast Asia and beyond.
Recreational Sports and Well-Being: We o er a wide variety of non-competitive sports designed to promote overall health and lifelong tness. These activities include rollerblading, table tennis, yoga, martial arts, spinning, fencing and tness suite access.
Percentage of total o erings shown in brackets
Percentage of total o erings shown in brackets
Paul-John D’Rozario | Head of Outdoor Education
The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (DOEIA) is the world’s leading non-academic award. At Bangkok Patana the programme seeks to develop balance in the school curriculum and gives students the opportunity to excel away from the rigors of academic study. The Award supports young people to nd their purpose, place and passion in the world; build self belief, resilience and adaptability; be positive agents of change, for themselves and their communities. Over 1.8 million participants are involved in the Award across 108 countries and territories.
The Award has a proud history at Bangkok Patana School - one of the premier Independent Award Centres in the region. Participation rates have seen a large increase over the last year. The Award is not easily attained. Students need to set themselves a SMART target and show clear and persistent e ort over a period of time in four sections: Physical, Skills, Service and the Adventurous Journey. Bangkok Patana students have utilised their talents in sports to ful l the Physical section such as swimming, football, gymnastics, basketball and tness etc. In Skills, many have progressed tremendously in languages, music, cooking, web design, chess and public speaking. Giving service and helping others in the community and those in need embodies a Bangkok Patana student. Many have elected to assist in the library, undertake student coaching, teach English in local schools, take a lead in the Mercy Centre and school charities.
The Adventurous Journey (receives all the kudos..) was a success across all cohorts this year and immense personal growth was on display. Year 10 Bronze students managed to navigate the scenic trails of Khao Yai and Khao Ito as part of their Practice and Qualifying Journey. It was great to see the huge improvement from the Practice to the Qualifying Journey. Year 11 Silver students elected to undertake cycling and kayaking as their mode of human powered transport - taking on the beautiful terrain of Kanchanaburi and Kaeng Krachan. Year 12 Gold students completed two challenging four day expeditions of either cycling or trekkinglocations included Nakhon Nayok and the idyllic mountains of Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai.
Congratulations to all students who have completed their Award. An incredible achievement - keep pushing your comfort zone !
Patreeya Banluelap
Ashvika Bansal
Michael Bell
Anchalika Boeni
Pinyada Boonsombat
Emma Christiaen
Kate Clare
Jonathan Cumming
Akane Hirono
Jihyo Hong
Takeyoshi Aiyama
Sira Anuras
Eleanor Artpradid
Amelie Ashbee
Carson Baigent
Dan Baker
Alin Beesley
William Bell
Jasmine Beroud
Porpiang Bunnag
Anyssa Bunnag
Rinka Bunsokuwan
Abigail Calver
Zhewen Cao
Samaira Chansrichawla
Narida Charanachitta
Ziyu Chong
Noparooj Chotima
Tanna Chou
Rosalie Clapp
Maya Collier
Apichana Dai
Raichah De Sousa-Huynen
Philip Duckworth
Aidan Firth
Elsa Gautron
Teoman Girard
Zachary Goh
Xinning Huang
Edward Hutchins
Yoochan Hwang
Anika Jagota
Annabel Jones
Sera Karl
Arevik Khanyan
Parit Leenabanchong
Pakapol Leeswadtrakul
QianMan Li
Jhanvi Golechha
Veer Golechha
Isabelle Graindorge
Elsie Griffiths
David Gschliesser
Aya Haviv Buck
Sofia Hilgert
Natasha Hjellegjerde
Ananda Isaac
Rithik Jain
Asama Jittachalodhorn
Tristan Kanjanapas
Parisa Kaocharern
Dongjae Kim
Esther Kim
Naisha Kothari
Neil Kumar
Chaiyanat Kuptivej
Benyapa Kuptivej
Max Lai
Seunghyo Lee
Yeonjae Lee
Irissa Lemke
Sean Lertpisitkul
Xiang Jie Lim
Sorawit Limvatanayingyong
Adrien Lombard
Rui ying Loo
Lucas Lim
Sofiya Malik
Kent Mitarai
Anisa Ngamtrakulpanit
Divyansh Ramchandani
Charyanath Seneviratne
Thomas Skilbeck
Lara Tabruyn
Ethan Mak
Anaiya Malhotra
Korntad Manavutiveth
Jacques Mawal
Alexandria Melling
Freddy Minchin
Krishna Mittal
Jasmine Myatt
Oliver O’Moore
Campbell Park
Misha Parker
Meet Patel
Cheng Peng
Janya Phlaphongphanich
Paro Phornprapha
Namfah Pibulsonggram
Charles Pitcher
Nodchaya Pongpat
Darsh Rawat
Praopat Ruengcharungpong
Arish Sachdev
Alin Sae-be
Alisa Sangiambut
Swasakorn Sapayanon
Parawan Sathienthirakul
Wadeeladda Satrulee
Sebastian Schrader
Anya Schroeder
Kulchad Thianthai
Isabelle Thomas
Norie Tohi
Chongrong Wang
Najai Wongpaibool
Lucy Wongwian
Wilasini Wongwian
Teeramet Yupoonsup
Vivaan Sehgal
Aditi Singh
Oliver Somanatha Arachchige
Shlok Somani
Yewon Son
Amy Soukvilay
Suphakorn Srisakulchawla
Miyu Suda
DingChen Sun
Cameron Tan
Tresco Tatam
Timothy Tan
Robin Theaud
Dolrit Thebpatipat
Mustafa Usman
Quinn van der Linden
Lancelot Wallin
Kezang Wangchuck
Sophia Wey Coelho
Isabel Wickson
Tobias Woessner
Jynna Wongswan
Jira Wongswan
Yuanxia Xu
Wynn Yangchana
Luomeng Zhang
Lorna Conroy | Vice Principal Student Welfare
At the end of the year, students and sta eagerly anticipate the results of the House competition. Every student plays a part in the outcome, contributing through participation in whole-school events like the dinosaur themed House Assembly or the House Quiz, as well as earning individual points throughout the year. The House System is fully inclusive with students earning points for participation in school and community events, as well as academic excellence, motivation, collaboration and commitment to their learning.
The House system also o ers students the chance to take on leadership roles and develop their skills. House Captains, selected from Year 12, lead their Houses and work closely with the Heads of House to oversee events and ensure a strong House Spirit. Alongside the House Captains, Year Leaders are actively organising teams and encouraging participation. Congratulations to the following House Captains for holding these positions and for being such dedicated supporters of their House.
Chang House Captains
Sam Barta
Saira Sachdev
Holly Myers
Nathasorn (Nat) Sorakraikitiku
Taku Ishizaki
Lanta House Captains
Claire Herslov
Rehana Kaur
Sunu Chang
Thiti Bhanarai
Trinity Jantarach
Phuket House Captains
Mya Tatam
Ratchapol (Tuna) Thebpatipat
Elliot Wallin
Max Thompson
Amy Brettell
The table below provides a sample of the results:
Samui House Captains
Fahsai Pibulsong-gram
Karnpichcha (Ada) Chanyaraksku
Hanseol Ryu
Tin (Bali) Vu Shoko Yoneyama
Lorna Conroy | Vice Principal Student Welfare
The Student Delegate team consists of nineteen senior students from Bangkok Patana who have been elected by their peers to represent the entire student body. These students are role models within the community, demonstrating a wide array of talents and qualities such as teamwork, diplomacy, analytical thinking and a strong work ethic. They are recognised for their kindness, empathy, approachability, authenticity, compassion and exceptional leadership skills.
The 2023/24 team was no exception. They worked collaboratively to support the entire school community and oversaw the Year 13 fundraiser, successfully raising THB 106,764 for Operation Smile.
In addition to their fundraising e orts, they played an active role in school-wide events, provided mentorship and coaching to their peers and represented the school as ambassadors during visits from external speakers and students from other institutions. Even in their nal week at school, they organised a series of farewell events, ensuring that the entire community could participate in the celebrations.
Phisira (Paengrum) Chatchupong
Kaitlyn (Katie) Cheng
Jai-D Kosiyabong
Anoushka Mohanty
Minju Lee
Demi Chaitavatputtiporn
Junior Delegates are chosen for their ability to live by and exemplify the school’s values. These student leaders are selected from Year 9 to serve as ambassadors for the entire Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9), acting as role models for over ve hundred students. They advocate for their peers and work to bring positive changes to school life, carrying out their roles with enthusiasm and dedication. Their leadership and active supervision of the Key Stage 3 Dance were especially commendable. Additionally, they introduced an innovative system using Padlet providing Year 6 students, with greater social and emotional needs, with a con dential platform for advice as they transition to Year 7. Their most groundbreaking and potentially transformative accomplishment was the initiation and implementation of student-led tours for prospective parents - an unprecedented achievement which proved to be a tremendous success. Congratulations to all our Junior Delegates!
The Student Representative Council (SRC) is dedicated to supporting the well-being of all students and enhancing the learning environment at Bangkok Patana School.
The SRC serves as the uni ed voice of the student body, with student representatives from Years 7, 8, and 9 forming the Junior Council and those from Years 10, 11, 12 and 13 comprising the Senior Council. Each council is skillfully led by a student President, Vice-President and Secretary, who oversee weekly meetings. These student-led councils provide a platform for students to share positive feedback, raise concerns, suggest improvements and discuss future directions. During the 2023/24 academic year, the councils were actively involved in several areas, including:
● O ering feedback on the well-being program
● Voicing student concerns about school life
● Contributing ideas for technological improvements
● Recommending new items for the Snack Bar and Canteen
● Proposing ways to enhance the learning environment
A heartfelt congratulations and thanks to the Senior and Junior SRC students from each tutor group for their active contributions to the student voice.
Robine Johnson | Lead Primary CAT Teacher Caroline Ferguson | Secondary CAS Coordinator
2023/2024 was a great year for Community Action in the Primary School. The year started with our whole school event, Tiger Spirit Day. This day focuses on who we are as a community and how we are connected. The Secondary Sports Council ran lunch time activities on the Primary Hard Court including the extremely popular dunk tank. Year groups partnered together for collaborative activities and games and Tuk Tuk the tiger brought a smile to everyone’s face.
Friendship Friday was a roaring success in November. Year groups invited their partner charities to come to school to explain more about their work and the communities they support. This helped us plan our year of fundraising and community action ahead. We also held our Friendship Friday market and exhibition inviting our parent community to learn more about our charities and purchase the fairtrade, homemade and second-hand items on o er.
At Christmas time, each Year group donated gifts to their partner charities. This gift giving was completed in conversation with the charities they support to ensure they received what they most needed. In Foundation Stage, nappies, milk powder and cleaning products were most useful to Home of Praise, a day care centre in Khlong Toey whereas in Year 1 students donated story books in Thai to help Grapongdeang enhance their school library.
Our numerous and varied student-led Secondary and Senior Community Engagement Teams have continued to strive to bring about positive change by tackling global issues through engagement with our local community partners. Here are just a few examples of the achievements of these student led initiatives.
Smile Day, in Term 2, raised THB 94,206 for Operation Smile. This year, the whole school from Foundation Stage to Year 13 participated in a Smile Tile art project which are displayed in our new Community Space near to the 25m pool. Busking Day, in Term 3, raised THB 75,964 for the Central Fund. This ever-popular event was moved indoors this year with great success.
There were also a variety of amazing Year group fundraisers throughout the year including the Year 1 Spellathon which raised THB 151,441 for
Grapongdeang School and the Year 2 Spellathon raised THB 88,403 for Children of the Forest. The Year 3 Timestableathon raised THB 119,523 for Thomas House and the Year 4 Young Entrepreneur project raised an amazing THB 285,553 for the Mercy Centre. Year 5 raised THB 95,216 for the Cambodian Clean Water Project at their annual Bring, Buy and Bake sale and Year 6 raised THB 132,480 with their Sponsored Walk. These amazing successes could not be possible without the hard work of our Community Action Team teachers, the students, and the generosity of our parent community. Thank you all for helping us to be active stewards of the environment and our communities.
One of the major highlights of the SEC last year was their continued relationship with the Solar Village in Chiang Mai. With better fund-raising, they have installed solar power to all the dwellings in the village. They now plan to expand their reach to other villages in the region. In addition, their warm clothing drive delivered a huge supply of warm winter woolies.
Habitat for Humanity continued its mission to combat the housing crisis. The team raised THB 200,000 which supported a trip to Ayutthaya, where they helped build a safe and stable home for a family in need. Their e orts not only provided a new home, but also helped raise awareness of the ongoing issue of homelessness and substandard housing in Thailand.
The Smile Club is dedicated to raising awareness about cleft lips and palates and their mission is to fundraise for surgeries that can transform the lives of children a ected by these conditions. Last year, they proudly raised THB 106,764, which funded approximately four surgeries.
Amnesty has been extremely successful at raising awareness about human rights violations through events such as the annual Write for Rights programme and the Inaugural Amnesty Human Rights Debate. This year Amnesty at Patana also donated a large sum of money to fund refugees who need to take exams to allow them to work and earn a living here.
SWENext promotes women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM). SWENext does this by instilling passion for science, engineering etc in the hearts of young girls. The team hosted events, such as the interhouse Science Bowl through which they raised money to fund microscopes for a girls shelter in Thailand.
The BPS Economist Club installed two United Wardrobe Boxes at school, collecting around 4,500 clothing items. These donations were distributed to Mercy Centre, Second Chance Bangkok, Baan Nokkamin, Refugee Center and Bangkok Community Help Foundation. This initiative not only gave new life to discarded clothes, but also reduced over 48,000 kg of carbon emissions and saved more than 18 million litres of water.
PAWS (Patana Animal Welfare Society) supports, fundraises and raises awareness to protect animals all over Thailand. This year they visited animal shelters including Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) and The Man that Rescues Dogs (TMTRD) foundation to learn more about animal welfare and the work these charities do. They hosted the ‘Christmas Candy Cane Gram’ from which they raised over THB 20,000 to donate to these charities.
Right to Read promotes childhood literacy among underprivileged children in Thailand through the provision of accessible learning resources. Through their annual book drive, Right to Read collected over 300 books for the Bookworm Foundation. Their digital storybook read-along project had students make recordings of children’s books in English and Thai. These were then shared with the Pediatric Center at Thammasat University Hospital, along with several other organisations, as a means of relieving stress and anxiety for children with chronic illnesses.
This year PMCG raised awareness for marine life, initiated and led dive trips and kickstarted a marine science ECA. A highlight for the team was working with Thai Ocean Academy to start raising more awareness about what lies in our ocean. They especially targeted Year 7 geography classes with sessions about ocean pollution, and how students can get involved in tackling this issue.
The students engaged in this team interact with the underprivileged children who visit us from the Mercy Centre once a month. The team reached their fundraising goal and gained lots of new members who are now actively engaged during the Saturday visits. One highlight for the team was Fun Day, when children from Mercy Centre were able to visit us and enjoy the fair.
This team raised THB 8,700 to fund a trip to the slums to raise awareness of the impact of period poverty and help young girls overcome period stigma. They also held a fabric drive from which they
collected over 100 pieces of clothing to make reusable pads, which will be donated to women facing period poverty in Bangkok.
CANCURE donated THB 60,000 to the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, which will be utilised for breast cancer research and patient treatment. During the team’s visits, students learnt more about breast cancer. In addition, they have implemented many initiatives to raise awareness of breast cancer, including the annual Pink Day.
WFP donated over 150 boxes of food to the residents of the Nong Mai community of Bangkok. Their Masterchef event focused on food insecurity; the winners used the least amount of ingredients to produce the most delicious dish.
DIABEONE, PROJECT STAR, PRECIOUS PLASTIC, CUBECARE, STOP, EDULINK, WEHEARU, INTERACT are a few other Community Engagement Teams that are led by students in school. For more information on these teams scan the QR.
Congratulations to our alumni below who have been in touch to let us know about their recent graduations. Please contact alumni@patana.ac.th to tell us all about your journey after Bangkok Patana!
Master’s Degree
Arnav Jhaveri
Anthony Rawstron
Shreya Kaushik
Kentaro Constant
Proud Chanarat
Gene Dumnernchanvanich
Bachelor’s Degree
Guy-Watchara (Johnny)
Jo Vanden Auweele
Blanche Boucher
Guillermo Ibeas Rodriguez de Acuña
James Matijasevich
Phurit (Richie) Chansiri
Arnav Jhaveri
Takeshi Aramvit
Nandita Valiramani
Anastase Borione
Simran Ahuja
Toby Mills
Elena Bien
Bangkok Patana School is dedicated to providing students with a well-rounded education. Student Achievement 2023/24 celebrates the tremendous achievements of our students in the many diverse areas of school life, including academics, the arts, community service, leadership activities and sports.
Head of School
Chris Sammons headofschool@patana.ac.th
Cross Campus Principal
Cindy Adair ciad@patana.ac.th
Cross Campus Vice Principal Technology for Learning
Brian Taylor brta@patana.ac.th
Cross Campus Vice Principal Professional Learning
Carly Peart cape@patana.ac.th
Cross Campus Vice Principal Extra-curricular Activities and Sports
Alice Curwood alcu@patana.ac.th
Primary Principal
Sarah McCormack samc@patana.ac.th
Vice Principal Pastoral
Carol Battram caba@patana.ac.th
Secondary Principal
Matt Seddon mase@patana.ac.th
Vice Principal Student Welfare
Lorna Conroy loco@patana.ac.th
Admissions Director
Rachel Jones rajo@patana.ac.th
Vice Principal Learning and Curriculum
Mark Verde mavd@patana.ac.th
Vice Principal Curriculum and Assessment
Luke Jones lujo@patana.ac.th