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Welcome Message from the Organizing Committee

Welcome Message

Soaiba Zannat Organizing Comittee Chairperson for ACTION 2020


Dear beloved IFMSA Asia Pacic,

It has been more than ve years since BMSS shared its rst splendid IFMSA experience being the host for APRM 2014. Since then we have been longing to host the most popular IFMSA transnational project of Asia Pacic region “ACTION (Asian Collaborative Training on Infectious Disease Outbreak, Natural Disaster and Refugee Management)”. Finally, the wait is over !! We, the organizing committee are thrilled and honored to invite you all for rst ever in fteen years to the virtual ACTION 2020.

We believe and support the inspiration behind ACTION with full spirit and with that spirit virtual ACTION 2020 will take place from 6th September to 30th September.

Bangladesh’s devoted role in management and rehabilitation of approximately 10,00,000 refugees during Rohingya crisis signicantly reects the theme of ACTION itself. We may be from dierent culture, dierent tongue , dierent mentality. We believe ACTION 2020 will play a role to ll in these dierences and will bring out the best diverse solutions from participants to develop the region internally with all the resource using. As per planning ACTION 2020 was in the process of being materialized, entire OC put their heart out to make our dream come true but unfortunately due to COVID-19 pandemic, the ” process had to be halted for health & safety requirements. But since it has always been our mission to make our region stronger than ever in establishing disaster management regulative framework to mitigate the eects and our role accordingly, we took one step backwards, halted the motion and came back with full force, to unite our beloved Asia Pacic Region discussing the global health issues, with a focus on the management of infectious disease outbreak, disasters and refugee crisis, as per our theme for ACTION 2020 “ It’s Now or Never”. On behalf of the whole OC, I wholeheartedly welcome you all to Bangladesh virtually for an inspired, motivated and innovative ACTION 2020 that will surely reect what we are And what we stand and strive for as an NMO. See you all in Virtual ACTION 2020 !!!

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