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 EXPERI ENCE Jul y2016Sept2016

Depar t mentofHousi ngDevel opment ,I nt er nshi p Tai xi ngUr banPl anni ngBur eau|Ji angsu, Chi na Responsi bi l i t i es: •Makedomest i candi nt er nat i onalhousi ngdevel opment casest udyandcompar i son •I nvest i gat et hecur r entsi t uat i onofTai xi nghousi ng devel opment •Anal yz eexi st i ngpr obl emsi nt hehousi ngdevel opment i t epapert oi l l ust r at ehow t osol vet hesepr obl ems •Wr

Jul y2015Sept2015

Depar t mentofAr chi t ect ur ePr oj ectManagement ,I nt er nshi p Ji angsuBestDecor at i on& I nst al l at i onLLC|Ji angsu, Chi na Responsi bi l i t i es: •Vi si tt hesi t ewi t ht heconst r uct i ont eam •Checkt her epor tofpr oj ectcost •Eval uat et heconst r uct i onper f or mance •Par t i ci pat ei nt heper sonnelar r angementoft he depar t ment



ver si t yofSout her nCal i f o Sept2016- Uni Pr esent Mast erofLandscapeAr chi t ec Expect edGr aduat i on:May2020

Pr eMast er ’ sPr ogr am

Per i od:Sept2016-May2017 Vi t alf oudat i ont ogetusedt ocul t ur andl andscapeoft heUni t edSt at es.

ver si t yofSci ence Sept2012- SuzhouUni June2016 Bachel orofSci ence

Ur ban& Rur alPl anni ngManageme Ser vedast hecl assmoni t orf or3ye Achi evedt het opgr adeschol ar shi p

f or ni a ect ur e+Ur bani sm

ur e,l anguage, s.

eandTechnol ogy

ent year s pever yyear



AdobePhot oshop AdobeI l l ust r at or Aut oCAD Rhi no3D Sket chUp Ar cGI S Lumi on

Spor t :Basket bal l ,Tabl et enni s, Badmi nt on,Soccer , Runni ng,Fi t ness. Tr avel& Phot ogr aphi ng Readi ng& Wat chi ngmovi es


Vol unt eerASLA AnnualMeet i ng St udentVol unt eeratLosAngel es Convent i onCent erf r om Oct ober 20t o23,2017

CONTACT DESI RE FOR EXPERI ENCE St ar t i ngf r om l i t t l edesi gnbackgr ound, t her ef or e,Idobel i eveIam aqui ck l ear nerandIam notaf r ai dofany chal l engesi nt hewor k.

Phone:2136101939 Emai l :bangpend@usc. edu




    A

            


                  


Laf ay et t ePar kPl ant i ngI mpr ov ementDes i gn

Lar gerScal eAnal ysi s


NA l va r ad oS t

El ysi anPar k

Su nse tB l vd DodgerSt adi um

Echo Par k


Shat t o Recr eat i onCent er

Vi st aHer mosaNat ur al Par k

Si t e

Li ber t y Par k

St at eHi st or i cpar k

0 11

MacAr t hur Par k

Cont r er asHi ghSchool St adi um Gr andPar k

SeoulI nt er nat i onal Par k


0 11 Per shi ng Squar e Nor mandi e Par k

Gr andHope Par k

Rosedal e Cemet er y

Laf ayet t ePar k,al soknownasLaf ayet t e Recr eat i onCent er ,i sapubl i cpar ki nt he West l akedi st r i ctofLosAngel es,Cal i f or ni a. I ti sagooddest i nat i onf orpeopl et oenj oy t hef r eshai randr el axt hemsel veswel li n t hi sver yur bancondi t i on,butatt hesame t i me,i tmayal sof acet hepr obl em ofl acki ngbi odi ver si t y ,enoughhabi t at s, andi nt er act i onbet weenuser sand ef or e,t hi spr osal t heenvi r onment .Ther ai msati mpr ovi ngt hehabi t at s’l i vi ng envi r onment ,i ncr easi ngt hebi odi ver si t y andenhanci ngt heeducat i onalf unct i on oft hi spar k,especi al l yi nasust ai nabl eway .

I 10

Habi t atCor r i dor s

St eppi ngst onepat ches

Thepopul at i oni smost l yLat i no,54% — most l yMexi can butwi t hl ar genumber sofSal vador ans,Guat emal ans, Hondur ansandOaxacans. Ther estoft hepopul at i oni s 32% Asi an( most l yKor ean) ,7% whi t eand4% bl ack. Kor eat owni sl ar gel yaKor eancommer ci al di st r i ct ,j oi ni ngapopul at i ont hat ’ sl ar gel y poorandmost l yLat i no.WhenKor eat own wasof f i ci al l ydesi gnat edi n1980, Kor eat ownwasl i mi t edt oOl ympi c Boul evar d.However ,ast heKor ean popul at i onandbusi nesseshavepour ed outi nal ldi r ect i ons,def i ni t i onshave gr ownt oi ncl udeal lofWi l shi r eCent er andpar t sofnei ghbor i ngdi st r i ct s,and notwi t houtcont r over sy .

1.Ur banCont ext

2.St eppi ngst one

3.Nei ghbor hood

4.Educat i onResour ces

Al t hough t heof f i ci alname “ Hi st or i cFi l i pi not own” suggest st hatt hePi noy pr esencei nt henei ghbor hoodi shi st or i calonl y , i ti si nf acthomet oaver y l ar geconcent r at i onof Fi l i pi nosaswel las manyFi l i pi no i nst i t ut i ons I ti snamedaf t ert heMacAr t hurPar k. West l ake’ seast si decount er par twas East l akePar ki nLi ncol nHei ght s,whi chwas r enamedLi ncol nPar kbacki n1917.Oncemost l y homet oaweal t hywhi t epopul at i on,af t ert hedest r uct i on ofBunkerHi l landChavezRavi ne,manyMexi cansmovedt o t hear eaandt heAngel i nosmovedwest .I t ’ snowi ncr easi ngl yhome t oGuat emal ans,OaxacansandSal vador answhi chi swhyi t , al ongwi t hPi coUni on,havesomet i mesbeencol l ect i vel yand col l oqui al l yr ef er r edt oasLi t t l eCent r al Amer i ca.

Pi l gr i m School

NewConvenant Academy

Lar chmontChar t erSchool atLaFayet t ePar k

LASRChar t erSchool

Sout hBayl oUni ver si t yLA Equi t asAcademy #4Mi ddl eSchool Cal st oneUni ver si t y

Cent r alLosAngel es Mi ddl eSchool#3

SI TE Laf ayet t e Recr eat i on Cent er

Ri seKohyang Hi ghSchool Hear tofLosAngel es ( HOLA)

Sout hwest er n LawSchool

Ri seKohyang Mi ddl eSchool

Char l esWhi t e El ement ar ySchool

Kor eanSchool Associ at i onofAmer i cal

I nt he1960s,manyBangl adeshi scamet o t heUSonst udentvi sasandmanychoset o l i vei nt henor t her npor t i onofWi l shi r eCent er f ori t scheapr ent sandi t scl osepr oxi mi t yt o LACC.Af t ert heBangl adeshiLi ber at i onWarbr okeouti nMar chof1971, t her ewasonemor er easont or el ocat e.

Near byResour cesRel at edt oEducat i on Wi t hi n10Mi nut es’ Wal ki ng 5

Wi t hi n5Mi nut es’ Wal ki ng

Si t eScal eAnal ysi s

1.Aer i alPl an

6.Topogr aphy

2.Ci r cul at i on

5.Exi st i ngBui l di ngs

3.Exi st i ngPr ogr ams

4.I mpor t antExi st i ngCanopy

Exi st i ngPat h

Skat ePl aza

Tempor ar yPat h Ent r ance

Chi l dr enPl aygr ound

Basket bal lCour t SoccerFi el d

Pi cni cAr ea Recr eat i onCent er

NewHOLAHeadquar t er sUnderConst r uct i on

Wat erFl owDi r ect i on

NewHOLAHeadquar t er s

Laf ayet t eRecr eat i onCent er

Wat erGat her i ngGr ound

Fel i peDeNeveBr anch Li br ar y

Count ySuper i orCour t&Chi l d Suppor tSer vi ce


I r r egul ar

Pal m

Shr ub


Pr ec edentSt udy Pr ecedentSt udy1:Sant aMoni caDemonst r at i onGar den

I r r i gat i onPl an

Cent r al LosAngel es Mi ddl eSc hool #3

Ent r anceDeser tGar den

Amphi t heat r eBer m

Woodl andAr ea

Rai nGar den

 I r r i gat i onFaci l i t y

Wat er shedAppr oach


Nat i v ePl ant s

 Bi ol ogi calabsor pt i on

Pi l gr i m Sc hool

NewConv enant Ac ademy

Lar c hmontChar t erSc hool Pr ecedentSt udy2:Nat ur alHi st or yMuseum Par k atLaFay et t ePar k

LASRChar t erSc hool

Sout hBay l oUni v er s i t yLA Equi t asAc ademy #4Mi ddl eSc hool Cal s t oneUni v er s i t y

SI TE Laf ay et t e Rec r eat i on Cent er

Ri s eKohy ang Hi ghSc hool Hear tofLosAngel es ( HOLA)

I mpr ovement Pr oposal


Sout hwes t er n LawSc hool

Ri s eKohy ang Mi ddl eSc hool

Char l esWhi t e El ement ar ySc hool

Kor eanSc hool As s oc i at i onof Amer i c al

SoundscapeDev i ce

I dent i t yCar d

Knowl edgeBi l l boar d




    A

               


              




    A

                


                   




   A

             


           


                            

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