Association of Bangsamoro Doctors in the Philippines (Bangsamoro Professionals who are holders of Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Degrees)
Cotabato City POSITION PAPER ON THE CRAFTING OF THE BANGSAMORO BASIC LAW COME NOW, the Association of Bangsamoro Doctors in the Philippinescomposed of Bangsamoro professionals who are holders of Doctoral and PostDoctoral degrees expressing and manifesting its absolute position on the crafting of the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) by the Congress of the Philippines; While we respect the dynamics of lawmaking in Congress, we ask the same democratic institution to respect the Bangsamoro aspiration for self-determination, self-governance, and selfidentity as well as entitlements to the universal human rights of freedom from fear, freedom from want, freedom from hunger, and freedom from imposed subservience; Anent, after several consultations and dialogues between and among ourselves, we came out with the following consensus as our official stand and firm position on the crafting of the BBL and other issues and concerns affecting the Bangsamoro: 1. We subscribe to all peaceful means as the best means, manner and procedure to address the Bangsamoro issue in Mindanao; 2. We are of the view that all the substantive peace agreements entered into by and between the Government of the Philippines (GPh) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) deserved to be protected by the Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and all other institutions and instrumentalities of government; 3. We believe that the agreed version of the BBL (House Bill 4994)submitted by the Office of the President to Congress is the most acceptable form and substance of an organic act that is capable of addressing the Bangsamoro aspiration for self-determination, self-governance and self-identity; 4. We adhere to the general sentiments of the Bangsamoro that any watered-down version of the agreed version of the BBL(House Bill 4994) is totally unacceptable; 5. We recognize that, if and when there exist any form of disagreement on any of the peace agreements entered into by and between the Government of the Philippines (GPh) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), the best mechanism is to have it negotiated and decided by the existing peace negotiating panels of both parties; 6. We commit amongst ourselves that any acceptable form and substance of the Bangsamoro Basic Law, or its equivalent by other name, deserves our full support and the moral obligation to campaign for its ratification. On the contrary, any watered-down or unacceptable version of the Bangsamoro Basic Law, or its equivalent by other name, deserves our total rejection and the moral obligation to campaign against its ratification; and 7. We commit to pray for a successful and fruitful peace agreement and basic law that will uphold the noble aspirations of the Bangsamoro. In view of the aforementioned, we sincerely pray and respectfully request the Congress of the Philippines to adhere to the agreed version of the BBL submitted by His Excellency Pres. Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III whose support and commitment to make the Peace Agreement succeed is beyond reproach. Finally, we call on all peace advocates and peace-loving citizen to support this position of the Association of Bangsamoro Doctors in the Philippines. Done this 22ndday of July at Cotabato City, Philippines.