Vancouver Bankruptcy Attorney Unfortunately, for more and more people these days’ Personal Bankruptcy filings seem to be inevitable. Life happens, and along with it comes a lot of twists and turns that can put people between a rock and a hard financial spot. Various types of accidents, health and medical issues, legal problems and in some cases, just plain poor money management, to name a few, can all lead to a person feeling that their only solution is to file one of the varieties of personal bankruptcies. And to be fair, this is to a great extent why the bankruptcy code exists in the first place. People shouldn't abuse the personal bankruptcy code, but it does serve a vital role in cases where other options don't exist or just aren't practical.
As a home mortgage originator and mortgage broker for the past 17 years, I have seen all too well though, the ramifications a personal bankruptcy can have on individuals and their families. It may seem like the best idea at the time of filing, but a few months or even a few years later, things can look a whole lot different. Again, I want to emphasize that I am not against personal bankruptcy filings, especially where all other viable options have been exhausted and bankruptcy remains the only real solution. However, my beef is with Vancouver Bankruptcy Attorney who may downplay the lasting effects that filing a bankruptcy will have on their clients. In my opinion, this is just as bad as those mortgage professionals who place their clients in highly aggressive or risky mortgages without properly disclosing the various downside implications of those products in various financial markets. Bankruptcy: