2025_02_Gaming Rules_March 2023

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Gaming Rules – March 2023

1. The Club may refuse any person the right to play or continue to play a gaming machine at its discretion at any time without giving any reason.

2. Players must always comply with all legal requirements and the Club’s constitution.

3. The Club may withdraw or amend any of these Conditions at any time at its discretion. Any change becomes operative immediately after it is displayed anywhere in the Club.

4. A person in the Club shall not:

A. ask or require any other person to give or lend them any money;

B. give or lend money to any other person, or

C. take any actions to recover monies claimed from or owed by any other person.

5. Legal proceedings and Club disciplinary action may be taken against any player who maliciously damages a machine, makes a fraudulent claim, fails to report a machine malfunction, uses undue force playing a machine, uses a machine for the intent of money laundering, or breaks any of the Club’s gaming machine rules.

Player Identity

6. It is illegal for minors to access and play gaming machines.

7. You must not use another person’s club membership card or permit another person to use your club membership card.

8. The law requires all gaming machine players to provide the Club with their full name, address, date of birth, and identifying documentation such as a driver’s licence or other suitable documentary proof. The Club may also inquire about the purpose of a customer’s visit to the venue. The Club may prevent you from playing if you do not satisfactorily comply with these requirements.

9. Prize winners may be required to provide additional identifying information. The law requires the Club to retain the player’s information for a period of time and to provide certain information to government agencies, including the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing and AUSTRAC.

10. A copy of the Club’s privacy policy is available on the Club’s website.

Player Safety & Awareness

11. Gaming machines provide information regarding their individual game mechanics and winning combinations. Players should familiarise themselves with how to play and the combinations that entitle them to a prize before commencing play.

12. If a player has set a limit via voluntary pre-commitment, and their limit has been reached, the previously agreed and personalised next steps will be conducted. The member will no longer earn Reward Points or gain entry into any club promotion until the limit is reset (after the agreed ‘rest period’ has expired.)

13. The Club wants to ensure all members and visitors have a positive and enjoyable relationship with the venue and conducts Welfare Checks on players at risk of

problem gambling. All encounters are digitally logged in an online Customer Relations Management System. Players who exhibit signs of distress may be asked to leave the venue.


14. The Club is a member of ClubSAFE Premium, the preferred responsible gambling program in NSW. It is a Multi-Venue Self-Exclusion Program (MVSE) designed to assist people with a gambling problem self-exclude from multiple venues around where they live, work and socialise. Speak to the manager on duty about how to selfexclude.

15. The club also participates in the BetSAFE multi-venue Self-Exclusion program.

16. The minimum period for a self-exclusion is six months.

17. All breaches are reported through the MVSE or BetSafe program.

18. When a person chooses to self-exclude from one of our venues, they are automatically excluded from all venues in the Bankstown Group.

19. If a self-excluded patron breaches their full self-exclusion, they will be suspended from the venue for two years, irrespective of their self-exclusion deed timeframe. If a self-excluded patron breaches their partial exclusion, they will be asked to leave on the first instance with a caution issued. If a second breach occurs, they will be suspended from the venue for two years, irrespective of their self-exclusion deed timeframe. These measures are part of our commitment to responsible gaming.

Recommendations Regarding Player Safety:

A. Gaming machine play involves the risk of financial loss. It is recommended that you set a budget before commencing gaming machine play and stick to it. It is your responsibility to decide how much time and money you wish to spend.

B. If you feel you have a problem with your gambling, please notify our staff, who can assist you by providing information regarding gaming machines and problem gambling, self-exclusion and counselling services. Alternatively, you should contact ClubSAFE counselling Line on 1800 99 77 66, which provides the Club’s problem gambling counselling service. ClubSAFE brochures are available throughout the Club.

C. You may also set your limit to the amount of money spent on gaming machines in a designated period – please contact the manager on duty to facilitate this. This initiative is only available to club members.

Gaming Machine Use

20. You must not loiter in the gaming machine area if you are not playing a gaming machine or accompanying another person who is playing a gaming machine.

21. Money is only to be inserted in gaming machines to enable gaming machine play. Persons who insert over $100 into a gaming machine at a time and then cash out after no play or minimal play without excuse may be guilty of misconduct and excluded from the Club.

22. Gaming machines are provided for the recreation of individual patrons, and activities of a commercial nature, including syndicate play, “link chasing”, bet hedging on

Multi-Terminal Gaming Machines or arrangements to play a gaming machine on behalf of another person, are prohibited.

23. You must not tilt, rock, move, damage or interfere with a machine or do anything calculated or likely to interfere with the normal operation of a machine.

24. Patrons who strike or damage a machine will incur a two-week suspension from the Club.

Reserving Machines:

25. You may reserve a gaming machine for up to 3 minutes at a time or use the “take a break” feature to take a break from gaming play whilst securing the machine. However, the Club may decide to disallow a gaming machine reservation to continue. The Club may allow a patron to reserve a gaming machine for longer.

26. The club has no liability if you reserve a machine that is then played or interfered with by another person.

27. If you leave the gaming machine area, you should take your belongings with you. The Club shall not be responsible for any property left by players in or near an unattended gaming machine, including money.

28. The Club may reserve any number of machines for a particular promotion or activity. If you are not entitled to play a machine under any such arrangement, then you are not entitled to claim any prize won on the machine that is so reserved.

Machine Malfunctions

29. You must not play any machine that the club has marked or indicated as withdrawn from play (out of order). The Club will not pay any prize won on any such machine.

30. You must immediately report to a club staff member any gaming machine that appears to be malfunctioning, and you must stop playing that machine.

31. The club may immediately withdraw a machine or any progressive system from play if the club suspects a malfunction.

Prize Payments

32. A patron who has won a prize by playing a poker machine must not offer to sell or transfer that prize to another patron; similarly, a patron must not offer to purchase a prize won by another patron from playing a gaming machine.

33. These conditions apply even when there are separate conditions stipulated for a particular machine, promotion, or prize, except where the Club expressly states in writing that it is amending these conditions.

34. A prize will only be paid if the winning combination is seen by an authorised staff member of the Club and verified for payment according to the Club's standard procedure for paying prizes.

35. Only the actual winner of a prize can receive payment for a prize. They must do so in person on the Club premises and provide such evidence of identity as the Club may require. The Club may, in its absolute discretion, waive this condition.

36. If the Club, in good faith, pays a prize to someone who represents the prize winner, then to the maximum extent permitted by law, payment or award fully discharges the Club from all liability concerning the prize.

37. For a monetary prize, the Club will pay the prize winner an amount equal to but not exceeding the value of the credits accumulated by the prize winner from playing a gaming machine.

38. Monetary prizes and stored or accumulated credits will be paid within 48 hours of a request for payment by the prize winner. At its discretion, the Club may pay part of a prize before paying the balance.

39. Prizes or accumulated credits of $5,000 and over will be paid by crossed cheque payable to the prize winner or by electronic funds transfer where that is requested by the prize winner and agreed to by the Club.

40. Where a prize is awarded in a non-monetary form, there is no option to take the prize in any other non-monetary form except as the club may have specified in writing.

41. Prizes are not payable to any person who is not either a valid member (either a current member, provisional member, temporary member or honorary member) or a bona fide guest of a member.

42. Prizes are not payable to anyone on premises illegitimately (including but not limited to barred, suspended, self-excluded patrons, or patrons breaching Club's constitution or legal requirements). Prizes are not payable to anyone who has signed a self-exclusion agreement with the Club while that self-exclusion agreement is currently in force.

43. A claimed Prize will not be paid where it arises as a result of a machine malfunction or simultaneously with a machine malfunction.

44. Payment will be withheld if the circumstances show any sign of interference with a gaming machine which may be unlawful, improper or in breach of these conditions

45. By claiming a prize, a prize winner consents to use their name and likeness by the Club for marketing purposes without additional compensation. A prize winner may ask the Club in writing to refrain from publishing anything that discloses their identity, in which case the Club may still publish general information about the prize won but shall not publish any information that may identify the prize winner.

46. If the Club offers any machine operated as part of an inter-club linked gaming system, then progressive jackpots( and other similar prizes) are payable by the operator of the linked gaming system alone. The Club has no liability to pay and gives no representation or warranty concerning any such jackpot prize or other benefits the operator offers.

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