1.1 Seven Day Members may enter all club competitions and always use the facilities and course.
1.2 Intermediate Members (7 Day Members) generally, may enter all club competitions and always use the facilities and course. From time to time, new Intermediate Members in their first year of membership may be limited booking access to Timesheets due to membership numbers.
1.3 Six Day Members may enter club competitions but are excluded from all competitions played on Saturdays and excluded from playing socially on a Saturday.
Six Day Members wishing to play socially or practise on a Saturday, can request to do so via the Pro Shop and will be required to pay the fee of a Member’s Guest rate.
1.4 Midweek Members may only enter club competitions or play socially Monday to Friday. Midweek members are not entitled to play socially on a Saturday or Sunday.
Midweek members wanting to play socially or practise on a Saturday or Sunday, can request to do so via the Pro Shop and will be required to pay the fee of a Member’s Guest rate.
1.5 Sunday and Public Holiday Members may only enter club competitions or play socially on Sunday or a Public Holiday.
Sunday and Public Holiday Members wanting to play socially or practise on other days other than a Sunday and Public Holiday, can request to do so via the Pro Shop and will be required to pay the fee of a Member’s Guest rate.
1.2.1 All members of the club may represent BGC in all men’s and ladies’ representative teams providing they comply with Golf NSW or the organising bodies particular tournament rules and conditions. Members competing in any representative competition the club enters are also subject to that tournament rules and conditions.
2.1. The Match & Play Committee of Bankstown Golf Club (the Club) and its designated representatives may, from time to time, vary these conditions and shall resolve any dispute or question arising as to the qualification of any entrant and may, in its absolute discretion at any time and without assigning any reason, therefore, refuse any entrant deemed ineligible to compete.
2.2. The Members of t-he Committee present may exercise all functions of the Committee in relation to the event and shall constitute the Committee within the meaning of the Rules of Golf for the purpose of the conduct of the event.
2.3. All disputes shall be settled by the Match Committee.
2.4. Protests/disputes must be made in writing and submitted to the Committee or its appointed delegate within fifteen (15) minutes of the conclusion of the day’s play.
2.5. Play shall be in accordance with the Rules of Golf and the Local Rules of the Club.
2.6. Entries into Events must be made on the Club’s time Sheets or as directed by the Committee.
2.7. Competitors must be Playing Members of the Club and any Visitor must be a member of a Club affiliated with Golf NSW an equivalent Interstate or Overseas Association.
2.8. In the event of a player being suspended by the Club or any other affiliated Club on a golf related matter the player shall not be eligible to enter or play in any event.
2.9. Competitors must hold a Golf Australia handicap or a BGC Club handicap.
2.10. Professional golfers, may be invited to compete at the discretion of the Committee. Any such professional golfer must hold a recognised GA handicap but will not be eligible to win Scratch events. Professional golfers that are Members of the Club can win selected Scratch events but can’t compete in Championship events.
2.11. The Committee reserves the right to establish and/or alter starting times. The Starter shall have authority to alter or re-arrange starting times.
2.12. Players shall start at the time recorded on the timesheet or as directed by The Starter.
2.13. Pace of Play: Our target time for 18 holes is 4 hours and 20 minutes.
i The player with the lowest handicap in their group is responsible for pace of play.
ii Bankstown GC encourages ‘ready golf’ - if a player can proceed with a shot out of turn that does not affect their groups safety or the group in fronts safety, please play.
iii Move from green to tee singularly if you have finished putting out and the group in front has moved on
iv Penalties may be issued to individuals in such groups who, by their pace, create delay and field banking
2.14. Cancellation: Players unable to compete for any reason should cancel no later than 12pm the day prior to play,
2.15. Competitors are requested to report to the starter minutes before the appointed time given in the draw. If a competitor has not reported 15 minutes before the time his/her time may be allocated to a player on the waiting list.
2.16. Competitors must pay the prescribed Competition Fee as set down by the Committee to play in competition times.
2.17. Ties. Except as provided in Special Conditions of an event, ties will be decided by the Golf Australia method of countback.
2.18. Mobile Phones: During a competition, mobile phones must be on ‘silent’ or ‘do not disturb’ mode and are only permitted for the use of scoring, or in the event of an emergency.
2.19. Prizes will be determined by the Committee.
2.20. Competitors must conform to Bankstown Golf Club’s dress regulations.
2.21. Social play in competition times – preference will be given to players in competition. However, if there are vacancies on the day a member can play a social round in competition times, however they can’t book a time on the time sheet.
2.22. All players entering and hitting off in a club competition, (18 or 9 holes) will be officially handicapped.
2.23. In the interest of all, players must play without delay. It is the duty of all players to maintain the position of their match in the field and should the match fail to keep up with the group ahead, it is the responsibility of the lowest handicap player to call the following group through at the appropriate time. Subject to reasonable standards of safety, players should keep one shot behind the group ahead.
2.24. Before leaving a bunker, players should carefully repair any footmarks, holes or other damage and replace the rake outside of the bunker.
2.25. All players, whether in a competition or otherwise, are required to carry and use a bucket of sand provided.
2.26. All players must repair divots and pitch marks on greens, including practice greens.
2.27. All players play at their own risk and must take care for their own and other players’ safety.
NOTE: Specific events, such as Club Championships may have additional conditions. Where there is any inconsistency between the conditions set out in these Standard Conditions for Events, the conditions specific to the Event will prevail.
2.1.1. A Member may withdraw from a competition up until 12pm on the day prior to the competition by removing their name from the timesheet or by contacting the Pro-shop requesting they be withdrawn. Every Member is personally responsible for their timesheet bookingAny Member who withdraws for any reason after 12pm on the day prior of the competition may incur a penalty equal to the combined total of the Member green fees and Member competition fees. This fee is payable to the starter on or before the next time the Member is to play in a Member competition. Non-payment of this penalty will result in the Member being prevented from playing in any competition until the penalty is paid.
2.1.2 On Visitor’s Days, the Member inviting the visitor is responsible for payment of his visitor’s green fees and should the visitor withdraw for any reason on the day of the competition the Member will incur the same penalty for his visitor as he would for himself.
2.1.3 The starter may recommend to the Captain extenuating circumstances which may preclude a Member from payment of the penalty.
2.1.4The Match & Play Committee will be the sole arbitrator on whether the penalty is payable and his/ her decision will be final.
2.1.5 A player who has withdrawn on the day of the competition, by notifying the Starter, is not eligible to re-enter the competition later in the day. In the event of inclement weather, the Pro-shop shall have the discretion to reallocate tee times to allow Members the opportunity to participate in the competition.
2.1.6 Where a player has failed to report to the Starter 15 minutes prior to the allocated tee-time, the Starter may at his discretion and with the consent of the other Members of the absent player’s group, call the next group to the tee.
2.1.7 If the absent player has not arrived by the time the tee is vacant, the other Members of the absent player’s group shall proceed to the tee.
2.1.8 Any player who fails to appear on the tee at their allocated time without notifying the Starter, shall be subject to the conditions outlined the Booking and No-show Policy (please refer to Bankstown Golf Club Booking and No-Show Policy).
2.2.1 Protests can be lodged when a player believes the course rules/procedures have been breached
2.2.2 Any person wishing to lodge a protest in connection with a match or competition must notify the Duty Manager or Match and Play Committee representative of their intention to protest inperson within 30 minutes following the completion of the player’s round. Following this, details of the protest must then be submitted in writing using the Bankstown Golf Club Protest Form.
2.2.3 All protests will be managed in line with the processes outlined in Section 11 of the Bankstown Golf Club Constitution.
2.3.1 Players must use the score cards issued by the Starter or the MiClub App. Cards must be completed with the “cross out” section as well as the numerical section in accordance with the Rules of Golf and scanned in the Pro Shop on the BGC computerised scorecard system.
2.3.2 This should be done within 15 minutes of the completion of their round.
2.3.3 The competition closes 15 minutes after the last group finishes their round. Scores submitted after this time will not be included in the competition, unless otherwise determined by the Captain.
2.4.1 All events will be managed by a timesheet or lottery, which will be available from 3:00pm, 15 days prior to the competition date.
2.4.1 The Match and Play Committee may issue timesheets earlier for special or major events where appropriate.
2.4.1 Members are permitted to book a maximum of only four players on any competition day.
2.4.1 Cancellations are to be made as soon as possible to be fair to all players.
2.4.1 Any cancellation made less than 12pm prior to a competitor’s tee time shall be deemed a breach under the ‘No Show’ and Booking Policy.
2.4.1 If there is no vacancy, a member can add their name to the Waiting List.
Members may play on the course outside competition times provided they:
3.1. Book in to play and report to the Pro shop before playing
3.2 A breach of these rules may result in an individual being asked to leave the course or other disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the Venue Management – with this one, this sentence is to follow the existing sentence that says; Sometimes these rules are not observed as they should be, owing perhaps to lack of thought, or to the intense concentration by a player upon his/her own game, to the exclusion of the convenience and enjoyment of others.
3.3 Play no more than 2 balls.
3.4 Always carry and use a sand bucket.
3.5 Adhere to the Practice Policy
Note that Course Staff have always right of way.
3.1.1. Prior to undertaking any practice on the course or practice facilities, members must first report to the pro shop.
3.1.2 Members are advised that playing to or putting on any green and playing practice shots from any fairway or bunker on the course are not permitted without approval from the Captain, Match and Play Committee or Club Professional.
3.1.3 Members playing a practice round on the course are permitted to play two balls only during the play of any one hole.
3.1.4 When practising putting drills on the putting greens, please stand on a towel.
3.1.5 Players practising on the course are reminded that competitors have the right of the course. At no time should a player “cut in” on any hole when players are on the previous green.
Members are reminded to pay particular attention to the following rules of etiquette, observance of which will add to the pleasure on the course of all concerned. Sometimes these rules are not observed as they should be, owing perhaps to lack of thought, or to the intense concentration by a player upon his/her own game, to the exclusion of the convenience and enjoyment of others.
3.2.1 No one should move, talk, or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is addressing the ball or making a stroke.
3.2.2 No player should play until the group in front is out of range.
3.2.3 In the interest of all, players should play without delay.
3.2.4 A player who has incurred a penalty should inform his/her opponent or marker as soon as possible.
3.2.5 Players while searching for a ball should allow other matches coming up to pass them; the lowest handicap player of the group should signal to the players following them to pass and having given the signal should not continue their play until those players have passed and are out of range.
3.2.6 After having played out of a bunker, a player should rake the bunker appropriately.
3.2.7 A player should ensure that any turf cut or displaced by them, is replaced, and covered with sand at once and pressed down, and that on the putting green any pitch mark made is repaired as far as possible. Scores should be marked on tees while other players are hitting.
3.2.8 Players should ensure that when dropping bags or the flagstick on the putting green, no damage is caused to the putting surface, and that neither they nor their caddies damage the hole by standing close to the hole or when taking out or replacing the flagstick. The flagstick should be properly replaced in the hole before the players leave the putting green.
3.3.1 No unauthorised Motorised Golf Transport vehicle is permitted onto the Bankstown Golf course
3.3.2 Motorised Golf transport must not be driven within 10 metres of greens or on tees unless on a defined pathway. Motorised Golf Transport should: (i) use paths wherever these are provided; (ii) accelerate and decelerate slowly; (iii) not be driven up or down steep slopes; (iv) avoid previously damaged areas; and (v) stay outside any line marking around greens.
3.3.3 In wet weather, Motorised Golf Transport should remain on paths were provided and avoid soft patches on the fairways. Players should walk to their ball where possible to avoid damage to the course.
3.3.4 For the safety of all golfers, Motorised Golf Transport must be operated in accordance with these instructions and any notices posted in the cart.
3.3.5 Players utilising Motorised Gol Transport must, at all times, take care of their surroundings and operate vehicles so as not to endanger themselves, other players and not risk damaging the course.
3.3.6 Players must not utilise Motorised Golf Transport if under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances.
3.4.1 A member shall not introduce more than three playing visitors on any one occasion.
3.4.2 The member must play in the same group as the visitors and the visitor’s fee will be the member’s guest rate. The fee on an invitation day will be the competition fee.
3.4.3 Members may not bring visitors to play on the course on competitions days (other than on Open or Invitation days), except with the permission of the Club Captain, the Club Professional or President.
3.4.4 This permission has a restriction in that the visitor cannot win a trophy voucher. A member can only invite the same guest a maximum of four times a calendar year and to competitions for which the member is eligible. The visitor will pay a member’s guest fee.
3.4.5 Once a visitor has played four (4) times as a guest he/she will pay the designated competition fee in further competitions.
4.1 A standard of dress generally acceptable to the Members of the Club will be always maintained on the course and in the Clubhouse and their immediate surrounds.
4.2 Any member of the Golf Committee, the Manager on duty, relevant staff and the Club Professional or his representative can raise any issue relating to the dress of a Member, Guest, or Visitor.
4.3 They have the authority to refuse admittance to any person failing to observe the dress standards. Guests, Visitors, and public green fee players are subject to the same dress standards as Members of the Club.
4.4 The following guidelines have been prepared but must be regarded as the minimum acceptable standard. The Manager on duty, Golf Committee members, or Pro Shop staff may object to attire that does not meet the dress standards outlined by The Club.
The minimum acceptable standards of dress for men are as follows:
4.1.1 Smart casual attire unless otherwise advised by management for special or themed events.
4.1.2 Tailored trousers, jeans and shorts including neat plain denim and cargo style trousers or shorts
4.1.3 Shirts may have attached or polo collars including turtleneck and round neck shirts. T-Shirts may be worn in the Clubhouse provided they are clean, in good condition and are not displaying what a reasonable person would consider offensive or suggestive words or images, however T-Shirts are not permitted to be worn on the course.
4.1.4 Suitable footwear while playing golf includes soft spiked golf shoes or rubber soled wholly enclosed shoes. Socks must be always worn while playing golf.
4.1.5 Suitable footwear while in the Clubhouse includes soft spiked golf shoes, wholly enclosed shoes without spikes, sandals, and loafer/deck style shoes without socks. Leather or rubber thongs are permitted in the Clubhouse and outside terrace, however, aren’t permitted in special functions held at the Club at any time.
Non permitted forms of dress for men are as follows:
4.1.6 Trousers or shorts with elastic or cord tie waists such as track, beach, or gym style attire.
4.1.7 Low slung trousers or shorts and abbreviated shorts, board shorts or swim wear.
4.1.8 Football wear such as jumpers, shorts, socks and tracksuits of any type.
4.1.9 Singlets, tank tops or similar.
4.1.10 Items of clothing displaying words or images which a reasonable person would find suggestive or offensive.
4.1.11 Untidy and/or dirty footwear or bare feet.
4.1.12 Untidy, dirty, or torn clothing.
The minimum acceptable standards of dress for women are as follows:
4.2.1 Smart casual attire unless otherwise advised by management for special or themed events.
4.2.2 Skirts, tailored pants, tailored shorts. Blouses, shirts, and tops should be tucked in unless wearing over pants, skirts, or shorts. T-Shirts may be worn in the Clubhouse provided they are clean, in good condition and are not displaying what a reasonable person would consider offensive or suggestive words or images, however T-Shirts are not permitted to be worn on the course.
4.2.3 Suitable footwear while playing golf includes soft spiked golf shoes or rubber soled wholly enclosed shoes. Socks must be always worn while playing golf.
4.2.4 Suitable footwear while in the Clubhouse includes soft spiked golf shoes, wholly enclosed shoes without spikes, sandals, and loafer/deckstyle shoes without socks. Leather or rubber thongs are permitted in the Clubhouse and outside terrace, however, aren’t permitted in any or special function held at the Club at any time.
Non permitted forms of dress for Women are as follows:
4.2.5 Football wear such as jumpers, shorts, socks, and tracksuits of any type.
4.2.6 Significantly revealing clothing, beach attire or gym style attire or similar.
4.2.7 Items of clothing displaying words or images which a reasonable person would find suggestive or offensive.
4.2.8 Untidy and/or dirty footwear or bare feet.
4.2.9 Untidy, dirty, or torn clothing.
5. Golf Club Membership 5.1 MEMBERSHIP FEE RENEWALS
5.1.1 Fees have been set to assist with the planning and realisation of future course and clubhouse development. Full payment is required under the Registered Clubs Act with Bankstown Golf Club’s annual subscription fees accepted no later than the 30th of June.
5.1.2 Please note: Any Grace Period for late fees is at the discretion of the Venue Manager or Bankstown Sports Club.
5.1.3 If your fees have not been paid by this date you will become an un-financial member with no playing rights.
5.1.4 Instalment options will be provided to members prior to the subscription renewal period.
5.2.1 The Venue Manager or Committee has the power on the application of any member to transfer that member to another category of membership (other than Life membership) if that member has the qualifications for that other category of membership.
5.2.2 The Venue Manager or Committee shall have the power to transfer an Ordinary Junior member who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years to another category of membership of the Club for which the Junior member has the necessary qualifications.
5.2.3 Any application for transfer of membership may be done once any additional subscription is paid in full.
5.2.4 A member will not be entitled to any refund of membership fees or any part there of if their application for transfer is approved.
5.3.1 Any member may, by giving notice in writing to the Venue Manager, resign from membership of the golf club. All such resignations shall take effect from the date on which it is received by the Venue Manager.
5.3.2 Such person’s resigning shall remain liable for any annual subscription and all arrears thereof due and unpaid at the date of cessation of membership together with any moneys due. All outstanding accounts including trophy vouchers will be forfeited from the date of resignation.
5.3.1 Any member who has resigned will not be entitled to any refund of any joining fee, subscription, levy, or other payment made to the Club.
Any member whose Golf membership is suspended pursuant to Clause 11.9 of the Constitution shall, during the period of such suspension, not be entitled to:
5.4.1 Use any of the course facilities of the Club for any purpose without the permission of the Committee; or
5.4.2 participate in any of the recreational, social or sporting activities of the Club without the permission of the Committee;
5.4.3 attend or vote at any meeting of the Club;
5.4.4 nominate or be elected or appointed to the Committee;
5.4.5 vote in the election of the Committee;
5.4.6 propose, second or nominate any eligible member for any office of the Club.
5.5 MEMBERSHIP LEAVE OF ABSENCE (Compassionate Leave)
5.5.1 Leave of Absence (LOA) – Approval is only granted to members, application via the Venue Manager.
5.5.2 If LOA is granted, members will have no access to the Course or the On-Course Practice Facilities.
5.5.3 LOA will only be authorised by The Venue Manager if a member is unable to play golf due to medical or compassionate reasons for a minimum period of 3 months. The maximum period of LOA is 6 months on any one membership term.
5.6.1 At renewal time, a member may apply to place their membership on-hold for a period of 12 months, to The Venue Manager. On-hold Membership can only be permitted based on medical grounds or due to interstate or overseas relocation for the 12-month period.
5.6.2 A fee, determined by the Venue Manager, is required to be paid to maintain a member’s affiliation and association fees with the Bankstown Golf Club.
5.7.1 Any complaint by Members of the Club concerning Club employees, other Members or matters relating to Club Management must be made in writing to the Venue Manager. Members of the Club must not directly reprimand an employee, contractor, another Member, or guest of the Club.
6 Match & Play Committee
6.1.1 How count backs will be decided: (i) (36 holes) Countbacks will be decided by the final 18 holes. (ii) (18 holes) The best net score over the last 9 holes; should there be a further tie; (iii) The best net score over the last 6 holes; should there be a further tie, the best net score over the last 3 holes (iv) If there is still a tie, the count-back will then be hole by hole from the 18th hole. If still equal, play-off on date to be decided by Match & Play Committee.
6.1.2 All elimination and knock-out competition matches must be played at Bankstown Golf Club on the day set down. Failure to do so, player or players will forfeit.
6.1.3 All scores should be completed and signed before entering the club house unless under exceptional circumstances. Under the rules of golf, failure by a player to sign is mandatory disqualification.
6.1.4 Scores need to be entered into the MiClub system via the app or on the club’s computer within 15 minutes of the group in front after the round is completed.
6.1.5 It is the responsibility of the player/member entering the scores to check that the scores have been entered correctly.
6.2.1 Match & Play Committee may allocate handicaps
6.2.2 Any Playing Member who does not hold a Golf Australia handicap shall, upon submitting 3x18 hole cards, be allocated a Golf Australia handicap by the Match & Play Committee.
6.3.1 The Golf Committee may, from time to time, approve the alteration of a members’ handicap if, in its absolute discretion, and having regard to all the circumstances, including the member’s results in any form of competition, it considers that the change is warranted under the Golf Australia Handicapping System which the Club follows. The member shall have no right to make any representation to the Committee in relation to any alteration of the member’s handicap
6.4.1 To be read in conjunction with the Rules of Golf. These are available on the Miscore App or at https://www.golf.org.au/rulesofgolf/
Penalty for breach of Local Rule, two strokes or in match play loss of hole.
7.1 Invitation days as indicated in the programme book are open to Members and their visitors from affiliated golf courses who hold a current GA handicap. Competition fees, as determined by the Committee apply for visitors on these days.
8.1 A visitor with a Golf Australia (GA) handicap who is a financial Member of an affiliated golf club may play in any Open Competition.
8.2 Permission must be given by the President, Captain or Professional if a Member wishes to bring a guest on any other occasion except Invitation and Open days. In all cases, a Member’s guest green fee must be paid on the day of play.
8.3 Children involved in golf development programs or clinics may play on the course under supervision of a parent, member or professional.
9.1 A PGA visiting member (PGA Associate) is entitled to play two (2) complimentary games of social golf per calendar year. Permission must be sought from the Head Professional prior to play. Any additional rounds will be charged at the guest of a member rate. A PGA visiting member is entitled to participate in open competition golf events throughout the year. Fees will be charged at the guest of a member rate. A visiting PGA member is not entitled to win any scratch event unless they have entered at the full visitor rate. Only amateur golfers are eligible to contest any nearest the pin competition.
10.1 Full-time PGA members, employed by the Head Professional, may participate in open club competitions at the members’ competition rate. Such employees, including the Head Professional, are not entitled to win any scratch event. Use of the club’s practice facilities and golf course by such employees must be with the Board’s consent.
11.1 The club professional conducts an open competition on Tuesdays and Fridays when the club is not using the course for its commitments. The costs to players and prizes are determined by the professional. The competition is open to people with Golflink handicaps to play in a scheduled Bankstown Golf Club competition. Open players pay the visitor rate of the day.
12.1 Veterans play every Monday. The Veterans competition is held in conjunction with the club’s Monday Open Competition. The club is affiliated with NSW Veterans, which allows our members to play, with arrangements, on many other NSW courses, on these veterans’ days. Note: No veteran trophy on Public Holidays.
13.1 The Ladies Captain prepares a yearly calendar that is incorporated into the Clubs fixture program. The Ladies competitions and major events are held in conjunction with the Clubs Thursday competition.
14.1 Opening and closing times may vary at The Venue Managers discretion. The Liquor Act and Responsible Service of Alcohol will be always observed by bar staff.
14.2 No alcohol purchased off-site is permitted to be brought onto the course under any circumstances.
15.1 Each of the listed Clubs shall extend to any visiting Member of the other Club, facilities usually provided to its own Members in the category of membership which is closest to the rights and privileges to which visiting Member is entitled at their home Club.
15.2 Members at the reciprocal club are admitted under the terms and conditions prescribed in the Clubs Constitution, By Laws or other authoritative instructions of each Club.
15.3 Visiting playing rights will be extended only to visiting members who are playing members of the reciprocal club.
15.4 Visiting Members shall abide by the booking procedure advised by the host club.
15.5 Visiting Members must upon arrival produce an introductory letter or show membership card on arrival.
15.6 The host club’s rules and regulations will apply to the visiting member during their visit to the host club.
15.7 A visiting member exercising visiting playing rights at a host club may do so on not more than six (6) occasions in any calendar year.
15.8 A visiting member exercising visiting playing rights will be required to pay the green fee to the host club payable by members of the host club for Cart Hire & Competition Fee’s. A visiting member wishing to play socially, or to practise, is required to pay the fee of a Members Guest rate.
15.9 Subject to course availability and prior approval by the Venue Manager of the host club, a visiting member shall have the same rights to introduce guests as are applicable to a member of the host club. Such guests shall pay the current member introduced visitor green fees.
15.10 A visiting member is eligible to enter minor golf competitions conducted by the host club applicable to their category of membership but may not enter major competitions or any perpetual trophy events at the host club.
15.11 A visiting member will be required to carry proof of current membership (i.e. current membership card) which indicates membership category at the time of their visit. Supporting personal information (drivers’ licence) may also be required.
15.12 Bookings from reciprocal clubs are restricted to a maximum of eight (8) players on any one day. Groups larger than eight (8) players will be treated as ‘group booking’ subject to approval by the Venue Manager and each player will be required to pay the applicable green fee.
15.13 The Golf Committee has the right to make determinations on any situation that arises that is not covered under these rules including making adjustments to these rules, where applicable.
16.1 The Golf Committee has the right to make determinations on any situation that arises that is not covered under these rules including making adjustments to these rules, where applicable.