3 minute read
Future School Leaders Academy
Paul Brennan, EdM
Meredith Brieant, EdM
Karin Brill, EdM
Christine Buckman, EdM
Kayla Castaneda, EdM
Daniela Castro, EdM
John Chapeton, EdM
Shannon Cipolla, EdM
Derrick DiRienzo, EdM
Kristy Emery, EdM
Melissa Ferraro, EdM
Emily Fiore, EdM
Paul Frisch, EdM
Veronica Galindo Delgado, EdM
Frank Guglieri, EdM
Michael Hirsh, EdM
Dana Keith, EdM
Dina Miller, EdM
Justin Olive, EdM
Jennifer Rinaldo, EdM
Erin Ryan, EdM
Diana Siclari, EdM
Ryan Spillane, EdM
Annelise Valerio, EdM
Leaders in Education Apprenticeship Program and Yonkers Urban Leadership Academy
Evlain Ayoub, EdM
Keith Brooks, EdM
Jacklyn Celona, EdM
Damen Davis, EdM
Marissa De Gaetano, MSEd
Caitlin Delphin, EdM
Leaders in
Education Apprenticeship Program and Yonkers Urban Leadership Academy (continued)
Parija Desai, EdM
Anabel Encarnación, EdM
Lisa Galeano, EdM
Stephanie Gianneo, EdM
Precious Glover, EdM
Khalilah Griffin, EdM
Muhamed Hadzovic, EdM
Rebecca Hanley, EdM
Dexter Hannibal, EdM
Christine Haralambou, EdM
Rebecca Harnage, EdM
Tiffany Henderson, EdM
Jaymie Hernandez, EdM
Olivia Jetawo, EdM
Shawn Jones, EdM
Shelly Lekhraj, EdM
Eric Maldonado, EdM
Allison Nelson, EdM
Carlos Ortiz, EdM
Christopher Philogene, EdM
Asiel Rajab, EdM
Virge Ramos, EdM
Felicia Reynolds, EdM
Stephen Rinaldo, EdM
Nicole Rodriguez, EdM
Erica Rubin, EdM
Kirsten SauthoffBruschi, EdM
Cyrus Shojai, MSEd
Patrick Sprinkle, EdM
Alison Sumter, EdM
Yolanda Swinton, EdM
Danielle Tornabene, EdM
This document is not an official graduation list. While every effort is made to ensure accuracy in this Commencement program, printing deadlines may result in omission of some names and use of names of persons not completing graduation requirements as intended. This printed program, therefore, should not be used to determine a student’s academic or degree status. The College’s official registry for conferral of degrees is the student’s permanent academic record, maintained by the Registrar, Office of Student Services. Names are displayed alphabetically by last name, by program, as indicated on each student’s application for graduation.
A Thank You To Dean Cecelia Traugh
On this commencement day, we’d like to express our gratitude to Cecelia Traugh, Dean of the Graduate School of Education, who is retiring after eight years of distinguished service to our community.
In her role at the Graduate School of Education, Dr. Traugh has nurtured a culture rooted in collaborative inquiry. Under her leadership, she has strengthened curricula, expanded our online programs, and advanced our commitment to equity and racial justice. She deepened our focus on research and scholarship, publishing many of her own pieces on the process of descriptive inquiry, including a book called Descriptive Inquiry in Teacher Practice: Cultivating Practical Wisdom to Create Democratic Schools, and actively encouraging colleagues to share and publish their research and ideas. She has also supported innovative faculty scholarship by developing new centers for thought leaders, including the Straus Center for Young Children & Families, the National Center for Children in Poverty, and a national network of teacher and leader preparation programs called EdPrepLab.
While working closely with faculty to broaden access to a Bank Street education, she established many innovative programs serving teachers and leaders who work in public settings, including the Early Childhood General Education Advanced Standing Program, which enables experienced early childhood teachers to earn a Bank Street master’s degree and New York State certification while staying employed full time, and the District 13 Residency Program in Childhood General and Special Education, a teacher residency program focusing on anti-racist pedagogy in partnership with District 13 in Brooklyn. These and many other efforts have resulted in a more robust academic environment and an increase in the diversity of our students and faculty.
Dean Traugh, you will be dearly missed. We’re so very grateful for the time you spent with us at Bank Street.
About Dean Cecelia Traugh
Prior to joining Bank Street in 2015, Cecelia Traugh served as dean and professor at Long Island University’s School of Education. She began her career teaching high school history, and taught at a child detention center in California. She then taught at Wichita State University, where she directed a statewide program offering an urban experience to potential teachers. She worked with Vito Perrone at the University of North Dakota, and participated in programs educating Native American teachers for reservation schools. She directed the Middle School at Philadelphia’s Friends Select School, and taught graduate courses at the University of Pennsylvania. In 1993, she became the director of research and evaluation at the Institute for Literacy Studies at Lehman College, where she began her school-based inquiry groups and contributed to a monograph series about the work of teachers teaching teachers in New York City. Dr. Traugh holds a BA and MA from UC Riverside, and a PhD from UC Berkeley.