Courses for Early Childhood, Childhood, and Early Adolescence Career Development Workshops
Certification Support & State-Mandated Trainings
Courses for Early Childhood, Childhood, and Early Adolescence Career Development Workshops
Certification Support & State-Mandated Trainings
Dear Educators,
At Bank Street, we strive to provide opportunities for you to build your practice and your community. Through our online and on-campus courses, you’ll gain practical strategies grounded in theory that help you make the most of your career as an educator and leader.
We hope to see you at the annual Teaching Kindergarten Conference focused on “The Power of Language.” Learn strategies from our experts for using language to improve the academic, social, and emotional growth of the children in your care—and rediscover your own voice as an educator. See the facing page for more information.
Our Saturday Math Program has expanded to include Thursdays, too, and offers online and on-campus programs (see p. 3).
New spring offerings include Free Play as a Liberatory Process (p. 6); and Reimagining Geography: Making, Sharing, and Interpreting the World Around Us (p. 5). Favorite courses like Plant-Based Learning in the Classroom (p. 5 and 6) and Art with Young Children (p. 4 and 6) are offered on campus for hands-on experience. The Essential OrtonGillingham (p. 5 and 7) and other classes remain online to minimize your travel time.
We hope you’ll explore our course offerings and connect with our community.
Warmest wishes for a productive 2025.
Joy Ellebbane Director, Continuing Professional Studies
Teaching Kindergarten: Where Did the Garden Go? The Power of Language
Friday, March 7, 5:30 PM–8:30 PM ET
Saturday, March 8, 10:30 AM–4:30 PM ET
On Site at Bank Street College and Online
Everything in school is about language. Explore how to create an engaging curriculum and classroom environment that encourages all children to formulate and express their ideas, feelings, and opinions through words, books, the arts, play, STEM, and more. Learn how language strengthens and supports your kindergartener’s academic and critical thinking skills as well as their social/emotional development in monolingual and dual language settings. Equally important, this conference will encourage you to find, or perhaps, rediscover, your voice as an educator.
We know many of you are eager to be in the same space together, so we are moving the conference back to an in-person format. Since many people aren’t able to travel to Bank Street, we will also offer the conference online. Same keynotes, different interactive workshops.
Keynote Presentations:
• Critical Elements for a Strong Kindergarten| Dr. Pedro Noguera
• The Art of Bookmaking | Alana Chernicki
• Teacher Talk: The Power of Your Words | Dr. Lydia Soifer
• “That One Child” | Carmen Deedy
Register Now
To register and for more information, visit
• Early Bird Registration Fee (by Feb 14, 2025): $249
• Registration Fee: $339
Welcome to our Saturday Math Workshops, a place where teachers, administrators, curriculum enthusiasts, and other colleagues meet to explore our own mathematical thinking and discuss issues related to teaching and learning mathematics. Each facilitated session consists of interactive activities and discussions. You will go home with resources and ideas to try in your own practice. Session topics may focus on content (e.g., connecting fractions, decimals, and percents) or pedagogy (e.g., using mathematical routines). We will always provide ample opportunity to make connections to your unique practice as a teacher, coach, administrator, or as another education professional. While these workshops will build upon the previous one, they can be taken individually. CTLE documentation will be provided upon request after May 6, 2025. Instructors: Nancy Buck and Bank Street math leadership graduate students
Multiplication and Division
We will explore the connection between these two operations and the journey that students experience from thinking about multiplication through arrays to understanding why all the rules we learn about multiplication and division seem to change when we shift to fractions and decimals.
Thursday, February 27 | Online
5:30 PM–7:30 PM ET
Fee per session: $25
Ratios Through Linear Relationships
This is closely related to the previous session. We will be thinking about how to connect fraction concepts to ratio concepts to proportionality to linear relationships. What is the story of this journey? How does knowing the journey help us in supporting our students who are not there yet?
Saturday, April 26 | On Campus 10:00 AM–1:00 PM Fee per session: $25
To register and for more information, visit
delight wonder joy discovery ask free persist adventure leaps absorbing innovation passionmagnificent creativebeautyelegant
game explore
The Reggio-Emilia Approach: From Theory to Practice (Ages Infant–5 Years)
The early childhood program founded in Reggio-Emilia, Italy incorporates an emphasis on the learning environment, process vs. product, developmentally appropriate practice, and the importance of the community of learners. Much of this philosophy reflects the culture of the Italians and is difficult to recreate in the United States. This course is meant to provide an introduction to the approach and will attempt to bridge the Reggio-Emilia theory with American culture. We will view the Reggio-Emilia approach as a means to combat the push-down curriculum, competition, product over process, and the jumping/skipping of learning stages we are now experiencing in this country. Instructors: Pat Watkins and Rafa Pérez-Segura
April 1, 3, 8, and 10 | Online*
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00 PM–8:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425/1 credit* $1868
Registration Deadline: 3/25
*2 hours of asynchronous work required
Play as a Tool of Early Intervention (Ages Birth–8 Years)
Young children play to express feelings, gain mastery over materials, and find meaning in complex experiences. When an emotional crisis interferes with a young child’s development, the disturbance manifests itself in the child’s play. If early intervention is required to promote healthy development, play becomes an essential therapeutic tool, as well as a diagnostic indicator. This course will utilize current theoretical perspectives to gain insight into children’s play. You will work with these theories to develop play techniques to use in early childhood classrooms and in individual therapy sessions. A basic understanding of early childhood development is required. Instructor: Lesley Koplow
April 4 and 5 | On Campus
Friday and Saturday, 4:45 PM–9:15 PM and 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425/1 credit $1,868
Registration Deadline: 3/28
Location: Bank Street College
Art with Young Children (Ages 3–8 Years)
This course shows you how to provide rich art experiences for young children in a variety of settings. Participants will work with art materials and consider the contribution of art to children’s learning and development. Other topics to be discussed include: setting up art areas; selecting, presenting, and storing materials; planning a meaningful sequence of art experiences; how to make appropriate comments on children’s work; and ways to make art an integral part of the curriculum. Instructor: Timothy Lightman
April 25 and 26 | On Campus
Friday and Saturday, 4:45-9:15 PM and 9:00-5:00 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,868
Materials Fee: $25
Registration Deadline: 4/18
Location: Bank Street College
Plant-Based Learning: Gardening Projects in the Classroom (Grades Pre-K–4)
A growing body of research indicates that plant-based learning projects, such as indoor gardening and school gardens, are powerful teaching tools inside and outside the classroom. These activities provide an atmosphere that incorporates hands-on learning and strengthens academic, personal, and social development while encouraging children to develop critical skills, such as healthful living, stewardship, decision-making, and self-sufficiency. This course provides participants with an introduction to botany and applications for plant-based learning inside and outside the classroom, even in limited space. We will move beyond bean investigations by exploring multiple methods for growing plants and learning through plantbased projects. Cross-curricular connections will be made through scientific inquiry and literacy as we explore how to use plants to understand phenomena and the world we inhabit. Participants will receive seeds, plants, and materials for continued exploration at their schools and in virtual spaces. Instructor: Jacqueline Pilati-Rodriguez
May 2 and 3 | On Campus
Friday and Saturday 4:45 PM–9:15 PM and 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425/1 credit $1,868
Materials Fee: $35
Registration Deadline: 4/25
Location: Bank Street College
The Essential Orton-Gillingham (Grades 1–6)
The Orton-Gillingham method of teaching decoding, spelling, and handwriting is a multisensory approach that has been used successfully with children who experience difficulty learning these skills. This course trains you in Orton-Gillingham-based techniques using the PAF Reading Program (formerly known as Preventing Academic Failure Reading Program), which is research based and wellsuited for use in a variety of educational settings. You will leave with an in-depth understanding of the specifics of an Orton-Gillingham approach to teaching reading and you will learn how to incorporate this methodology into your practice. This is a fast-paced, intensive class intended for experienced educators who have familiarity with the different components of learning to read, including decoding, fluency, and comprehension. Your prior knowledge of these concepts will serve as the foundation to learn this multisensory approach to the teaching of reading. Direct all questions to Required text included: PAF Reading Program Teacher Handbooks 1 and 2. Instructor: Ginny O’Hare Perrin
March 1, 2, 8, 9, and 13 | Online* Saturdays, Sundays, and Thursday (7 sessions) Saturdays-March 1 and 8, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM ET, Sundays-March 2 and 9, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM and 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET Thursday- March 13, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET 24 CEU $830/2.4 credits* $3,736
Materials Fee: $145 (includes required text and shipping)
Registration Deadline: 2/21 *3 hours of asynchronous work required
Interactive Read-Alouds: Making Literacy Learning Come Alive
This course outlines how to weave creative drama strategies (such as narrative pantomime, guided imagery, and spotlighting, among other techniques) into read-alouds. These kinesthetic techniques both deepen children’s reading comprehension and inspire them to engage with literacy learning in a personalized, creative, and joyful manner. Practical, easy-to-adapt resources (such as readaloud suggestions and lesson plans, reading responses, videos of interactive read-aloud techniques, and student work examples) will be shared with participants after each session. Instructor: Lily Howard Scott
April 21 and 23 | Online
Monday and Wednesday 6:00 PM–8:00 PM ET
4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 (not offered for credit)
Registration Deadline: 4/14
An Introduction to Mindful Awareness for Educators (Ages 5–12 Years)
Mindful awareness is a particular way of paying attention with kindness to internal thoughts, sensations, emotions, and external stimuli. Practicing mindful awareness in educational settings supports the development of self-knowing, self-regulation, and metacognition while honing attention skills and decreasing stress. In this experiential workshop, you will practice mindful awareness and will learn activities to support social-emotional learning, communitybuilding and classroom instruction. Practicing mindful awareness can support ourselves and the children we care for as we navigate academic requirements and the joys and challenges of learning in community. For teachers, administrators, parents, caregivers, child life specialists, and museum educators. Instructor: Bonnie Levine
April 8 and 10 | Online
Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00 PM–8:00 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 (not offered for credit)
Registration Deadline: 4/1
Reimagining Geography Instruction: Making, Sharing, and Interpreting the World Around Us
Environments shape people and people shape environments. This class offers teachers opportunities to develop a geographic lens through active learning experiences. Maps play a central role in the class—the creation of maps and the use of maps as tools to spark open-ended inquiry that addresses the needs of all learners. We’ll move from the concrete to the abstract by mapping some of our own lived experiences and navigating a terrain model. The class explores the development of critical vocabulary and fluency with maps and the habits of mind necessary to develop a geographic lens. An inclusive approach is taken with specific references to promoting conceptual and vocabulary development for students with disabilities and multilingual learners. Instructor: Ellen McCrum
April 4 and 5 | On Campus
Friday and Saturday, 4:45 PM–9:15 PM and 9:00 PM–5:00 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425/1 credit $1,868
Registration Deadline: 3/28
Location: Bank Street College
Art with Young Children (Ages 3–8 Years)
This course shows you how to provide rich art experiences for young children in a variety of settings. Participants will work with art materials and consider the contribution of art to children’s learning and development. Other topics to be discussed include: setting up art areas; selecting, presenting, and storing materials; planning a meaningful sequence of art experiences; how to make appropriate comments on children’s work; and ways to make art an integral part of the curriculum. Instructor: Timothy Lightman
April 25 and 26 | On Campus
Friday and Saturday, 4:45-9:15 PM and 9:00-5:00 PM ET
12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,868
Materials Fee: $25
Registration Deadline: 4/18
Location: Bank Street College
Plant-Based Learning: Gardening Projects in the Classroom (Grades Pre-K–4)
A growing body of research indicates that plant-based learning projects, such as indoor gardening and school gardens, are powerful teaching tools inside and outside the classroom. These activities provide an atmosphere that incorporates hands-on learning and strengthens academic, personal, and social development while encouraging children to develop critical skills, such as healthful living, stewardship, decision-making, and self-sufficiency. This course provides participants with an introduction to botany and applications for plant-based learning inside and outside the classroom, even in limited space. We will move beyond bean investigations by exploring multiple methods for growing plants and learning through plantbased projects. Cross-curricular connections will be made through scientific inquiry and literacy as we explore how to use plants to understand phenomena and the world we inhabit. Participants will receive seeds, plants, and materials for continued exploration at their schools and in virtual spaces. Instructor: Jacqueline Pilati-Rodriguez
May 2 and 3 | On Campus
Friday and Saturday 4:45 PM–9:15 PM and 9:00 AM–5:00 PM ET
12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425/1 credit $1,868
Materials Fee: $35
Registration Deadline: 4/25
Location: Bank Street College
Free Play as a Liberatory Process: The Importance of Physical and Emotional Risk-taking
This course explores the history of the adventure playground movement and the value of unstructured and child-directed environments. We will examine contemporary trends toward more adult-centered play experiences and consider the impact that a lack of agency can have on children’s social and mental health outcomes. We will visit The Yard playground on Governors Island and consider the role of the playworker approach in that environment. Drawing on this philosophy of playwork and other progressive traditions, we will reflect on how educators can support more affirming, confidencebuilding opportunities for play in various settings. Instructor: Abigail Kerlin
May 9 and 17 | Online and On Campus
Friday, 4:45 PM–9:00 PM ET | Online
Saturday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM ET | On Site
12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425/1 credit $1,868
Materials Fee: $35
Registration Deadline: 4/25
Location: Governor’s Island Adventure Playground (Travel to the Island is not incorporated into the class time. Arrangements will be made at the online meeting on May 9. Plan accordingly.)
“I came away with a wealth of resources and experiences for teaching art with young children.”
The Essential Orton-Gillingham (Grades 1–6)
The Orton-Gillingham method of teaching decoding, spelling, and handwriting is a multisensory approach that has been used successfully with children who experience difficulty learning these skills. This course trains you in Orton-Gillingham-based techniques using the PAF Reading Program (formerly known as Preventing Academic Failure Reading Program), which is research based and wellsuited for use in a variety of educational settings. You will leave with an in-depth understanding of the specifics of an Orton-Gillingham approach to teaching reading and you will learn how to incorporate this methodology into your practice. This is a fast-paced, intensive class intended for experienced educators who have familiarity with the different components of learning to read, including decoding, fluency, and comprehension. Your prior knowledge of these concepts will serve as the foundation to learn this multisensory approach to the teaching of reading. Direct all questions to Required text included: PAF Reading Program Teacher Handbooks 1 and 2. Instructor: Ginny O’Hare Perrin
March 1, 2, 8, 9, and 13 | Online* Saturdays, Sundays, and Thursday (7 sessions)
Saturdays-March 1 and 8, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM ET, Sundays-March 2 and 9, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM and 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET
Thursday- March 13, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET 24 CEU $830/2.4 credits* $3,736
Materials Fee: $145 (includes required text and shipping)
Registration Deadline: 2/21
*3 hours of asynchronous work required
An Introduction to Mindful Awareness for Educators (Ages 5–12 Years)
Mindful awareness is a particular way of paying attention with kindness to internal thoughts, sensations, emotions, and external stimuli. Practicing mindful awareness in educational settings supports the development of self-knowing, self-regulation, and metacognition while honing attention skills and decreasing stress. In this experiential workshop, you will practice mindful awareness and will learn activities to support social-emotional learning, communitybuilding and classroom instruction. Practicing mindful awareness can support ourselves and the children we care for as we navigate academic requirements and the joys and challenges of learning in community. For teachers, administrators, parents, caregivers, child life specialists, and museum educators. Instructor: Bonnie Levine
April 8 and 10 | Online
Tuesday and Thursday, 6:00 PM–8:00 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 (not offered for credit)
Registration Deadline: 4/1
With a master’s degree or advanced certificate, you’ll stand out as a forward-thinking educator and leader— confident, well-prepared, and ready to thrive across the diverse settings where children and adults live and learn.
We hope you’ll consider Bank Street Graduate School of Education’s 50+ in-person or online master’s degree and advance certificate programs for teachers and educational leaders.
• Signature teaching programs in early childhood and childhood education
• Dual degree options in general and special education, some in collaboration with Columbia and Hunter College
• Specialized programs in reading/literacy, mathematics, dual language/bilingual education, TESOL, and infant and family development and early intervention
• Signature master’s degree program in progressive leadership
• Specialized program for aspiring leaders in mathematics education and museum education
• Early childhood leadership (SBL/CPAC) and school district leader (SDL) certificate programs
• Child life specialist programs for healthcare advocates
Contact the Admissions team—We’d love to talk with you about scholarship opportunities! 212-652-8722
The Director’s Role in Supporting Healthy Teaching Teams
This workshop provides insight into the complex dynamics of teamwork and will provide program directors with tools and strategies to support the growth of individual teachers and teaching teams. Teams tend to focus their work on curriculum development and the needs of the children; however, focusing on the needs of the team is vital to the health of the team and school community. You will leave this workshop with practical strategies to support teachers at all levels of their career, including:
• Developing mentoring skills
• Giving and receiving constructive feedback
• Dealing with the inevitable conflicts that arise
• Developing trusting relationships with their team members
Instructor: Jean Schreiber
May 3 | On Campus
Saturday, 10:00 AM–3:00 PM ET
5 CTLE or .5 CEU $195 (not offered for credit)
Registration Deadline: 4/25
Location: Bank Street College
“The class was engaging and had so much information and ideas to take away and apply right away for any leader or educator.”
Starting Your Own Tutoring Practice: The Nuts and Bolts of It All
Want to start a tutoring practice, but don’t know where to begin? This workshop will address how to determine what kind of tutoring makes the most sense for you and how to market yourself and your skills. Discussions will include topics, such as what to charge, tutoring at your home vs. student home vs. school, cancellation practices, becoming a DOE provider, and where to get materials, policies, and professional practices. Instructor: Ginny O’Hare Perrin
May 15 and 16 | Online
Thursday and Friday, 8:00 PM–10:00 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 (not offered for credit)
Registration Deadline: 5/8
Writing for Children: Finding Your Voice
So you want to write a children’s book! This workshop will give you the boost you’ve been waiting for and get you started on that picture book, novel, or young reader once and for all. In this friendly, supportive environment, class discussions will focus on all aspects of good storytelling and good writing, including tone of voice, clear dialogue, characters who feel real, and beautiful language. The focus is on the exciting process of finding your voice and writing not just a story, but one that really means something to you. Teachers will gain a better understanding of the writing process so that they, in turn, can help their students find pleasure in crafting their stories. Everyone who takes this course will come away with new insights about the beautiful power of storytelling and why children’s books will always count. Instructor: Amy Hest
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and June 5, 12 | Online
Thursdays, 5:00 PM–7:00 PM ET 14 CTLE or 1.4 CEU $460
Registration Deadline: 4/24 (Registration is limited. Early registration is suggested.
The Writer’s Room: Fine-tuning Your Story in a Supportive Community
We are offering this workshop for committed writers who enjoy the writing process and want to come together each month to share their works in progress and receive feedback from other committed writers. This is a safe, supportive place to try out what you’ve been working on independently in a facilitated workshop. Occasional guest speakers from the publishing world will join the group to discuss different aspects of writing, such as writing from an illustrator’s perspective or to provide personal viewpoints on the writer’s experience. Prerequisite: Writing for Children: Finding Your Voice Instructor: Amy Hest
April 8 and 22, May 6 and 20, June 3 | Online
Tuesdays, 5:00 PM–7:00 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $390
Registration Deadline: 3/30 (Registration is limited. Early registration is suggested.)
PLEASE NOTE: Registrants should make sure to log into or arrive at these courses at or before the specified start time. No one will be allowed to participate in any of the State-Mandated Workshops after the posted start time. Those who log in or arrive late are not eligible for a transfer or refund.
State-Mandated Training in Child Abuse Identification and Reporting
All licensed professionals working with children under 18 years of age are required by New York State law to report suspected child abuse and neglect. This course will help you learn to identify symptoms of child abuse and neglect and will provide you with information about the required procedures for reporting abuse. The New York State Certificate of Completion will be issued to all registrants who attend the full two-hour session.
Section 1
March 12 | Online
Wednesday, 6:00 PM–8:00 PM ET
Instructor: Deborah Vilas Fee: $75
Registration Deadline: 3/4
Section 2
May 1 | Online
Thursday, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM ET
Instructor: Deborah Vilas Fee: $75
Registration Deadline: 4/24
State-Mandated Training on School Violence Prevention
Anyone applying for certification after February 2, 2001 must complete two hours of training on school violence prevention and intervention. This workshop includes training in effective classroom management techniques, identifying the warning signs of violent and other troubling behavior, and intervention techniques for resolving violent incidents in the school. The New York State Certificate of completion will be issued to all registrants who attend the full twohour session.
Section 1
March 5 | Online
Wednesday, 6:30 PM–8:30PM ET
Instructor: Ani Tiburcio Fee: $75
Registration Deadline: 2/26
Section 2
May 5 | Online
Monday, 6:00 PM–8:00 PM ET
Instructor: Lauren Hyman Kaplan Fee: $75
Registration Deadline: 4/28
State-Mandated Training: Dignity for All Students
Anyone applying for certification during or after the Fall 2013 semester must complete six hours of training on the social patterns of harassment, bullying, and discrimination. This workshop includes training in identifying indicators, early warning signs, prevention and intervention techniques, and how to interact with families of victims and aggressors.
Section 1
Part I*: Three-hour asynchronous session to be completed by 11:55 PM ET on 2/27
Part II: March 4 | Online Synchronous Session
Tuesday, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET
Instructor: Lauren Hyman Kaplan Fee: $140
Registration Deadline: 2/23
Section 2
Part I*: Three-hour asynchronous session to be completed by 11:55 PM ET on 5/1
Part II: May 6 | Online Synchronous Session
Tuesday, 7:00 PM–10:00 PM ET
Instructor: Ana Tiburcio Fee: $140
Registration Deadline: 4/27
*You must complete Part I online by the date and time listed for each section in order to attend the Part II in-person/synchronous session. Workshops start promptly. You must be on time for Part II in order to receive a completion certificate. Students who are late will NOT be permitted entrance to the workshop and are not eligible for a transfer or refund. Students who do not complete both Part I and Part II are not eligible for a transfer or refund. Withdrawals or transfer requests must be made in writing, are subject to a $15 change fee, and will be accepted up to the registration deadline posted.
Mathematics Support for the NYS Teacher Certification Exam (Grades 7–12)
In this course, students will engage in learning the content that is on the Multi-Subject: Teachers of Early Childhood (Grades 7–12) New York State Teacher Certification Exam in a supportive online environment through direct instruction and small group problemsolving. Instructor: Jada John Ali
April 30, May 1, 2, 6, and 7 | Online
Tuesday, Wednesdays, Thursday, and Friday, 7:15-8:15 PM ET
Fee: $200 (not offered for CTLE or graduate credit; fee is waived for matriculated students at Bank Street College)
Registration Deadline: 4/23
Preparing for the New York State Teacher Certification Exam— Content Specialty Test
This hybrid format workshop is designed to support teachers of Early Childhood (Birth–Grade 2) and Childhood Ed (Grades 1–6) preparing for the English Language Arts portion of the Content Specialty Test.
During the one-and-a-half-hour synchronous workshop, participants will get a brief overview of the test and work independently on practice questions. The workshop will also include a review of the answers for the practice questions. Mandatory asynchronous work is required for all participants who plan to register for this workshop. The asynchronous portion includes a video that explains how to register for the exam and offers suggestions for pacing yourself on test day. Instructor: Tara Kirton
April 27 | Online
Sunday, 6:00 PM–7:30 PM ET
Fee: $75 (Fee is waived for matriculated students at Bank Street College)
Registration Deadline: 4/18
Preparing for the New York State Teacher Certification Exam— Content Specialty Test (Grades 7-12)
This hybrid format workshop is designed to support teachers of middle and high school (Grades 7-12) preparing for the English Language Arts portion of the Content Specialty Test. During the synchronous workshop participants will get a brief overview of the test, work on practice questions, and review the answers as a group. Mandatory asynchronous work is required for all participants who plan to register for this workshop. The asynchronous portion includes a video that explains how to register for the exam and offers suggestions for pacing yourself on test day. Instructor: Maxine Townsend
April 27 | Online
Sunday, 6:00-7:30 PM ET
Fee: $75 (Fee is waived for matriculated students at Bank Street College)
Registration Deadline: 4/21
For more details, visit
Amy Hest has an MA in Library Science from C.W. Post College and a BA from Hunter College.
Lily Howard Scott holds an MS in Elementary Education and Literacy from Bank Street College of Education and a BS in Theater and History from Northwestern University.
Lauren Hyman Kaplan holds an MA in Counseling from NYU and a BA in Psychology from Emory University.
Jada John Ali, PhD, earned a Doctor of Education from Teachers College, Columbia University in Mathematics. She holds a MSEd in Mathematics from Brooklyn College and received a BS in Finance from St John’s University.
Abigail Kerlin earned her MSEd in Early Childhood and Childhood General Education from Bank Street College of Education. She also holds an MA in Human Development from Teachers College, Columbia University and a BA in Education Policy from Hampshire College.
Tara Kirton holds an MSEd in Early Childhood Special and General Education from Bank Street College and an MA in Public Communications from Fordham University. Her BA is from the State University of New York at Albany in English. Kirton earned a doctorate degree in Early Childhood Education from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Lesley Koplow has an MSEd in Educational Leadership from Bank Street College and a LCSW from Hunter College Silberman School of Social Work. She also holds a BA in Child Development from New College.
Timothy Lightman has an MEd in Special Education and an MS in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, both from Bank Street College of Education. He also has a BA in American History from New York University.
Bonnie Levine earned her MSEd in Early Childhood and Childhood General Education from Bank Street College of Education. Her BA is in Women’s Studies/Liberal Arts from SUNY Purchase.
Christine Low has an MSW in Social Work from Columbia University. She has been a licensed social worker since graduation. Between 1991 and 2004 she was licensed as a CSW. She received her LCSW in 2004, when that licensing option began.
Charlene Marchese earned an EdD from Rutgers University in Early Childhood Elementary Education, specializing in Mathematics Education, and a MEd in Leadership in Mathematics Education from Bank Street College. Her BA in Elementary Education is from Rutgers University.
Ellen McCrum, MSEd, earned degrees in Leadership in Mathematics Education and Early Childhood & Elementary Education, both from Bank Street College of Education. Her BA is in French with a Biology Minor, is from Bowdoin College, ME.
Rafa Perez-Segura received his Masters in Elementary Education with a Spanish/Bilingual authorization from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Education.
Ginny O’Hare Perrin has an MSEd in Special Education from Bank Street College of Education and a BA in Child Psychology and Education from Swarthmore College.
Jacqueline Pilati-Rodriguez earned her MA in Environmental Education from New York University and her BS in Childhood Education and Students with Disabilities from St. John’s University.
Jean Schreiber earned her MS in Early Childhood Education from Bank Street College of Education, where she is an instructor in the Continuing Professional Studies Program.
Holly Thomas, MS, CCC-SLP, holds a BS from Northwestern University’s School of Speech and an MS in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University.
Maxine Townsend, MSEd, earned her degrees in Educational Leadership and an MSEd in Special Education, Adolescents with Learning Disabilities, both from Hunter College, CUNY. She holds a BA in Studio Art and Marketing from Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT.
Ana Lisa Tiburcio earned an MS in Social Work from The City University of New York’s Hunter College School of Social Work and holds a BA in Psychology with a minor in Children’s Studies from The City University of New York’s Brooklyn College.
Deborah B. Vilas, MS, CCLS, LMSW is an educator, child life specialist, social worker, writer, public speaker, and consultant whose passion is anything that supports children’s development and healing in the face of everyday life or trauma. She earned an MSW from New York University and MSEd from Bank Street College of Education.
Pat Watkins has a dual master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education from Fordham University and a BFA in Theater from Point Park University.
Registrations are accepted on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis. All registration will be acknowledged by email.
• Tuition & fees are subject to approval by the Bank Street College Board of Trustees.
• Registration received after the posted registration deadline is subject to a $25 late registration fee.
• Courses taken for credit include a nonrefundable registration fee. The registration fee in any one semester is $200 for courses in both the Graduate School and Continuing Professional Studies (CPS).
• There is no registration fee for courses taken for CTLE/CEU.
Changes must be submitted in writing to the Continuing Professional Studies office at no later than one week preceding the first class meeting date and are subject to a $15 fee. No withdrawals/refund/transfer requests will be accepted after that time.
• Change from credit to CTLE/CEU will be accepted up until (but no later than) the beginning of the second class session.
• Change from CLTE/CEU to credit will be accepted up until (but no later than) 5 business days after the last class session. Changes require the approval of the instructor and CPS office.
• Only the student named on the registration form may attend a course. Should a school wish to send another staff member in place of a registered student, there will be a late registration fee ($25) as well as a processing fee of $25.
• Should an emergency prevent a student from attending a workshop, a full refund will be processed upon receipt of a written request and documentation of the emergency. (Emergencies are defined as unforeseeable situations that require the registered student’s immediate attention.)
Attendance at all class sessions is required. A student who misses the first class session may not attend future class sessions. Refunds or transfers are only processed in case of emergencies. (See emergency policy above, under Changes of Registration.) For exceptions, both the instructor and the Continuing Professional Studies office must grant permission.
• Online classes are live and interactive. Your full participation in activities and discussions (to the best of your abilities) creates a rich and stimulating learning environment. The expectation is that you are actively engaged in class. For online classes, this means your video is on.
• For credit-bearing courses that meet less than 12.5 hours, asynchronous work is required.
• Students, with permission from the respective faculty member, may record a class session for their own personal use in support of their learning. The faculty member should alert the students in the class to the recording. No recording or materials of a Bank Street course may be shared beyond the student or for any public use. Recording a course or portion of a course without the permission from the respective faculty member and all students, or sharing externally, is a violation of Bank Street’s Code of Conduct.
• Children are not permitted in class and may not be left unattended on Bank Street College property.
• No one will be admitted to any State Mandated Training workshop after the posted start time and there are no refunds/transfers for late arrivals.
Courses taken for graduate credit require completion of an assignment and may require additional meeting times or asynchronous work. Final assignments must be submitted to your instructor within two weeks (for one credit courses) or four weeks (for two and three credit courses) after the completion of the class in order to receive course credit.
Students are expected to complete the work for a course by the end of the term in which it is taken. If a student is unable to finish assignments within the term, the student may request a grade of Incomplete (IN) and additional time to complete the coursework. Incompletes are granted at the discretion of the instructor and are only considered if the student has done satisfactory work up to the point of the request. Students must request an Incomplete before the end of the semester in which they are enrolled in a course. If a grade of Incomplete is granted, the student must complete all requirements of the course by the date agreed upon by the instructor and the student. The maximum allowable extension is no later than May 15 of the following term for a fall semester course, or December 15 of the following term for a spring or summer course. If the work is not completed by the revised due date, the grade converts to NC (No Credit).
Upon successful completion of the work, the instructor of the course must submit an official change of grade form. In exceptional circumstances, a student may petition the Committee on Academic Standing for additional time to make up incomplete work. The Committee, in consultation with the course instructor involved, will decide whether any additional time—not to exceed the subsequent semester—will be granted.
August 10–16, 2025
With approximately 600,000 Puerto Rican citizens residing in New York City, cultural connections between New York and Puerto Rico are strong. Historically, Puerto Ricans and New Yorkers of Puerto Rican descent have established educational and social institutions that have catalyzed key political and social movements. During the upcoming Long Trip, we will delve into the complex political dynamics surrounding the island’s designation as a commonwealth. We will speak with educators, community rights activists, artists, and business owners while exploring the beautiful city of San Juan. Leader: Cristian Solorza
For more details, visit