Dear Friends,
At Bank Street, our work is rooted in the knowledge that human beings can improve the society they have created. We believe that education can and should be a practice of freedom that promotes critical consciousness and creates a true dialogue among teachers and students to support meaningful learning.
These values serve as touchstones for our community as we navigate the injustices and conflicts in the world around us and work toward our mission to improve high-quality progressive education for all. Last fall, we laid out an ambitious new strategic plan to help strengthen and sustain our institution with a focus on three interconnected goals: developing educators as chagemakers, working to build equitable systems and schools, and cultivating new knowledge to solve the toughest problems in education.
As we tackle the important work ahead, we will continue to broaden access to our programs, expand our partnerships, and build a more inclusive community that supports a sense of belonging for all.
In the Graduate School of Education, we have built new exciting partnerships with nonprofits and school districts that allow us to offer more affordable graduate programs that prepare new teachers and leaders in public schools. Last year, we launched a scholarship opportunity for Math Leadership students supported by the National Science Foundation, established a new cohort of the Childhood Dual Certification Residency Program in collaboration with New York City Public Schools, and expanded our partnership with New Leaders to provide an affordable pathway for equity-focused educators across New York State as they move into school leadership. We’ve also actively engaged in building new relationships with faculty members from Wesleyan, Molloy, and several other undergraduate institutions to design fifth year master’s degree programs that would allow students to begin earning credit toward their graduate degree while in undergrad and complete their master’s degree at Bank Street in just one year.
In the Bank Street Education Center, we’ve reorganized our work across four key areas—Early Childhood Education; K-12 Math Education; Culture, Race, and Equity; and Responsive Design—to better meet the needs of our partners. In our work to disrupt inequity and design better educational experiences for both children and adults, we’ve launched a new cohort of early childhood leaders through an action research cycle to identify the most effective way to recruit, train, and retain educators in New York City centerbased and family child care settings. In addition, our Early Childhood Education team continued its partnership with Children’s Aid to co-design and implement professional learning for preschool educators across nine early childhood centers in New York City.
The K-12 Math Education team partnered with the University of Michigan Youth Policy Lab to lead professional development and coaching focused on utilizing the game-based supplemental math club program High-5s within community-based organizations and supported four New York City school districts in expanding Illustrative Mathematics coaching as part of the New York City Solves initiative. The team also collaborated with the Culture, Race, and Equity team to support the Harlem Racial Equity Math Project to help increase the percentage of Black students in grades pre-K through second grade who receive high-quality instruction and are on track for success in math by third grade.
In addition, the Responsive Design team engaged a cohort of 27 New York City principals to launch the Principal Innovation Fellowship, a program that supports public high school leaders in redesigning their schools to offer relevant career pathways and work-based learning opportunities for students that lead to economically sustaining jobs.
In our Children’s Programs, the School for Children evolved its leadership and school structures by combining the Lower and Middle Schools into one Lower School to help strengthen collaboration across age levels and better align the work of student support across the school. The school also completed planning to implement the Bridges to Math curriculum to provide more differentiated and open-ended materials for faculty and students.
In the Family Center, educators have spent time reflecting on and making changes to the way children’s development is assessed and documented to provide parents with detailed, specific feedback that is helpful to them as they support their children. Bank Street Head Start launched an exciting project to identify partner organizations to help establish an after school program and Liberty LEADS has increased student and family engagement, providing opportunities to participate in college tours and access handson support in securing student scholarships for postsecondary studies.
At the city and state level, we have strengthened Bank Street’s voice in questions around policy. We advised the New York State Education Department on policies to strengthen teacher preparation in literacy and co-led a convening of local education stakeholders to engage in proactive thinking about proposed state changes to teacher preparation programs. In addition, our research centers, Bank Street Head Start, and our Center for Emotionally Responsive Practice presented the work they are doing with New York’s newest immigrant families to persuade policymakers to invest in the many children and families with whom Bank Street works who are experiencing loss, homelessness, and trauma.
In the words of Bank Street founder Lucy Sprague Mitchell, we see in education the opportunity to build a better society. I look forward to collaborating during the year ahead as we work to support highquality, equitable education for all and build an inclusive world that promotes a sense of belonging for all.
Shael Polakow-Suransky, GSE ’00 President, Bank Street College
The mission of Bank Street College is to improve the education of children and their teachers by applying to the education process all available knowledge about learning and growth and by connecting teaching and learning meaningfully to the outside world. In so doing, we seek to strengthen not only individuals, but the community as well, including family, school, and the larger society in which adults and children, in all their diversity, interact and learn. We see in education the opportunity to build a better society.
Lucy Sprague Mitchell, who founded Bank Street as the Bureau of Educational Experiments over a century ago, wrote a credo that continues to define the spirit of imaginative and critical inquiry that motivates and guides our work today.
What potentialities in human beings—children, teachers, and ourselves—do we want to see develop?
• A zest for living that comes from taking in the world with all five senses alert
• Lively intellectual curiosities that turn the world into an exciting laboratory and keep one ever a learner
• Flexibility when confronted with change and ability to relinquish patterns that no longer fit the present
• The courage to work, unafraid and efficiently, in a world of new needs, new problems, and new ideas
• Gentleness combined with justice in passing judgments on other human beings
• Sensitivity—not only to the external formal rights of the “other fellow,” but to him as another human being seeking a good life through his own standards
• A striving to live democratically, in and out of schools, as the best way to advance our concept of democracy
Our credo demands ethical standards as well as scientific attitudes. Our work is based on the faith that human beings can improve the society they have created.
Anthony K. Asnes, SFC ’75
Charles R. Bendit
Kristin Black
Jay Chakrapani
Jonathan R. Cole
Nancie H. Cooper
Sean Decatur
Paul Ellis
Yolanda C. Ferrell-Brown
Ofelia Garcia
Russell Granet
Victoria Hamilton, Chair
Margaret Honey
Kristen V. Kane
Christopher Kellen
Fern Khan
Shilla Kim-Parker, SFC ’96
Kenneth B. Lerer
Lisa Lewin, Secretary
Adam H. Litke
Rebecca Mai
Marianna McCall, GSE ’22
David Offensend
Sandra Pinnavaia
Shael Polakow-Suransky, GSE ’00, ex officio
Barbara A. Schatz
Anne V. Shutkin, SFC ’95
Jeffrey Q. Smith
Howard S. Stein, Treasurer
Jeffrey I. Sussman, Vice Chair
Wendy Van Amson
Carlos Velazquez, GSE ’16
Debbie Zlotowitz, GSE ’90
Farhad Asghar, Parent Associate Trustee -elect
Jody Feldman, Parent Associate Trustee
Melle Powers, Parent Associate Trustee
Sara Kliger, Staff Associate Trustee
Mark Nagasawa, Staff Associate Trustee
Alexis Armistead, Student Associate Trustee
George P. Scurria, Jr.
Kate R. Whitney
Fifty years ago, we enrolled our children in the School for Children and became Bank Street parents. Today we are parents and grandparents of four Bank Street alums and one grandchild in the 9/10s. In many ways, our values were formed by our Bank Street experiences, and we know our family would not be who we are today without this school and this community. This is why we give back to Bank Street, and why Jeff has stayed on as a Board member for 40 years.”
Jeffrey I. Sussman, Trustee, Bank Street College of Education, and Susan Sussman
“The teachers are very helpful and very kind. I realize how lucky I am to go to Bank Street!”
Addy Hawn, SFC student and grandchild of Jeffrey and Susan Sussman
As of June 30, 2024
Bank Street’s accomplishments are not possible without the generous support of our donors. Gifts to our annual funds help support many of our new initiatives and leadership at the forefront of progressive education. Every dollar matters because it directly supports our students, our faculty, financial aid, special programs, and a variety of other essential functions. When the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2024, together we had raised a collective $25.61 million.
Named in honor of our founding year, the 1916 Giving Society recognizes donors who make annual gifts (including matching gifts) of $1,916 or more in support of the Bank Street Annual Fund. Society members receive special recognition in Bank Street’s Annual Report and are invited to a special event with the Dean of Children’s Programs. To become a 1916 Giving Society member today, visit give.bankstreet.edu/SFC or contact Jeremy Wells, Director of Annual Funds, at jwells@bankstreet.edu.
Sujata Acharjee and Aniruddha Banerjee
Anthony Baer and Margaret Barry
Nancy Balaban ’55
Henry L. Belber
Kristin Black* and David Hensle
Emmanuel Boursin and Isabelle Berner
Susan H. Bralove ’73 and Steven Bralove
Marjorie S. Chernikoff ’78 and Joel D. Chernikoff
Jonathan R. Cole* and Joanna L. Cole
Susanna Cole ’92
Nancie H. Cooper*
Ed Corey and Delia Corey
Wadad Cortas ’93 and John Lenahan
Jeffrey Cox and Caren Cox
Temis de la Pena
Susan K. Dunn ’00 and Thomas Dunn
Sergei Dzhosyuk and Katharine Chen
Doug Evans
Dr. Gloria Farber ’79
David Feldman and Katherine Markham
Jody Feldman* and Brett Feldman
Geeta Fleck and Samuel Fleck
Alice Marie Ford ’12
Adam Galinsky and Jennifer Olayon
Lara Galinsky ’88
Luis Gravano
Stephanie Gundogdu and Omer Gundogdu
Anne L. Gwathmey and Archie Gwathmey
Hilary Harris and Dr. Benjamin Harris
halley K. harrisburg and Michael Rosenfeld
Rita V. Hirsch ’72 and John L. Hirsch
Bob Hughes
Dr. Robin E. Hummel ’08 and Ralph Hummel
The Iger Family
Leila L. Javitch ’83
Fern Khan*
Robert P. Kogod and Arlene Kogod
James Lester and Heather Zuber
Lisa Lewin* and Daniel Ilundain
Jessica Licata and Brian Licata
Adam Litke* and Bridget Collins
Jacqueline Mahal and Benjamin Segal
Hannah Major-Monfried ’93 and Seth Ard
Elizabeth Mann and Micah Lasher
Christopher Mayer and Linda S. Martinson
Mark McDougle and Ann Linden
Maxwell H. Meyers ’90 and Sara Pick
Leslie D. O’Toole ’19 and Brian O’Toole
Sandra Pinnavaia* and Guy Moszkowski
Jonelle Procope and Frederick O. Terrell
Andrea P. Robbins ’96 and David S. Robbins
Barbara A. Schatz* and Rick Schaffer
Judith E. Scheuer ’92 and Joseph Mellicker
Carole Schwartz and Stephen Schwartz
Scott Schwartz and Julia Motyka
George Scurria‡ and Janet Scurria
Ian Shapiro and Kathleen Cassidy
Samuel Shapiro ’96 and Andi Shapiro
Anne V. Shutkin ’95*
Steven Silverstein and Maite Jimenez
David Smiley and Lauren Kogod
Amy Smith and Jeremy Mindich
Jeffrey Q. Smith* and Marie-Noelle J. Smith
Howard S. Stein* and Jill C. Stein
Amy Stuart Wells
Jeffrey Sussman* and Susan Sussman
MaryAnne Toppan and Alex Toppan
Cecelia E. Traugh and Alexander F. Doan
Francesca Weindling ’86
*Statutory Trustee † Associate Trustee ‡ Life Trustee § Parent Associate Trustee ¶ Deceased
Bank Street’s commitment to joy in learning, to the arts, and to kindness in how we treat each other and the earth positively impacted my whole life. When I visited Bank Street two years ago to consider sending my own child there, I was delighted to find that the ethos of the school I had so loved attending remained largely unchanged.”
Alexia Schapira, SFC Parent, and SFC ’92 and Melko ’33
Bank Street’s endowment, which totals approximately $52,218,646, is primarily spent in three ways. First and chiefly, the endowment funds financial aid for students and families in the School for Children and the Graduate School of Education. This makes for a more diverse, representative student body, and Bank Street is proud to offer financial aid to more than half the students across our programs for children and adult learners. Additionally, a portion is spent on professional development, which empowers Bank Street staff to be lifelong learners and ensures access to tools and resources necessary to provide the highest quality of instruction and execution across our programs. Lastly, a portion of the endowment is spent on special initiatives and operating expenses. If you are interested in starting an endowment or learning more, please contact Heather Price-Wright, Executive Director of Advancement, at hpricewright@bankstreet.edu or 212-961-3337.
JUNE 30, 2024
Bank Street Children’s Programs is dedicated to providing children with meaningful opportunities to learn, grow, and reach their full potential. Today, our mission is more critical than ever before. Our families, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends place value on the experience we offer at the School for Children and Family Center, which provides child-centered programming for over 400 students. The School for Children maintains a 6:1 student-teacher ratio, which allows our educators to foster trusting relationships with students that support deeper learning. Like other independent schools, we rely on philanthropy to bridge the gap between tuition dollars and the actual cost of educating each child. Donations also support financial aid for over half of the students in the School for Children, breaking down economic barriers for families and increasing access to a Bank Street education. When the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2024, we had raised a collective $666,208.
When I think about what Bank Street means to me and my family, I reflect on the foundation it provided for my husband and me in our graduate studies, equipping us with a deep respect for the power of compassionate, high-quality education. This foundation made it an easy choice to entrust our daughter to the Family Center, where she’s been thriving since she was one. Now, as she approaches four, we continue to see how essential Bank Street has been in fostering her growth and development. For us, Bank Street is more than a school; it’s a nurturing community that shapes who we are as parents and as lifelong learners.”
Chaylor Clark, GSE ’20, SFC Teacher, and FC Parent, Kyalik Clark, GSE ’20 and FC Parent, and Kamala Clark, FC Student
The Bank Street Graduate School of Education prepares exceptional educators who enter the profession ready to make a difference in the classrooms and communities in which children and adults learn. Built on a distinct set of progressive principles, the Graduate School of Education helps teachers, leaders, and caregivers acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to plan, create, and maintain effective learning environments that meet the needs of all learners.
The Graduate School of Education relies on those who understand the power of progressive education— our alumni, faculty, staff, and friends—to help cover expenses that tuition alone cannot meet. By giving to the Graduate School Annual Fund, you help ensure that Bank Street is able to attract and retain top faculty who are thought leaders in education. Contributions also help us provide critical financial aid to students who need it most, enabling aspiring teachers from all socio-economic backgrounds to pursue a Bank Street degree. In the 2023-24 academic year, Bank Street was able to award nearly $11 million in financial aid to approximately 65% of our graduate student body.
Bank Street graduates go on to become classroom teachers, school and system leaders, museum educators, child life specialists in hospitals, early childhood professionals, and so much more. Studies show that Bank Street graduates remain in the field at higher rates, have higher confidence in content areas, and feel more prepared to support students’ social-emotional development compared to graduates from other schools of education. Your support is vital to our ability to cultivate tomorrow’s educators as changemakers. When the fiscal year ended on June 30, 2024 we had raised a collective $280,515.
We are a village. You know this if you ever have bumped into another Bank Streeter. Teaching was never meant to be done alone, and we Bank Streeters are part of an amazing community. ” 2024 Commencement Speaker, Grasilel Diaz, GSE ’24, EdM, Progressive Leadership
The Bank Street Education Center believes in teaching and learning as expressions of justice. We partner with schools, districts, institutions of higher education, community-based organizations, and thought leaders to design high-quality educational experiences for both children and adults. In deep collaboration with program partners, the Education Center influences policy and implements customized strategies that support strengths-based, learner-centered educational practices to help all students and educators thrive in school settings. The Education Center’s public impact programs support system leaders in navigating real-world challenges to disrupt inequity in education. We are building an evidence base to inform local practice and address some of the nation’s deepest organizational challenges currently hindering effective and equitable teaching and learning for all. Your support helps us extend the Bank Street approach to education to thousands of educators and tens of thousands of young people in New York City and beyond.
$9,529,639 $1,355,609
The Lucy Sprague Mitchell Society recognizes and honors donors who have thoughtfully chosen to leave a legacy gift to Bank Street College of Education. By including Bank Street in their estate plans, members have demonstrated a resolute commitment to the future of progressive education. The generosity of our legacy donors ensures that Bank Street will continue to provide the best possible education to children and their teachers for generations to come. Bank Street College of Education is grateful to these donors for their vision and commitment to Bank Street’s future:
Cynthia J. Adams ’73
Dr. Rae Alexander-Minter ’73
Jane R. Altman ’68
Nancy Balaban ’55
Eileen Blank ’91
Susan H. Bralove ’73
Larry L. Bucher ’73
Christine Caliandro ’95
Rosalind Chachkes ’77
Mary L. Christie ’68
Stan Chu ’72
James W. Clay, Jr. ’88
Esther Cohen
Barbara Cohen-Stratyner ’92
James G. Courage ’96
Millicent M. Cox ’75
Sandra Danu ’71
Denise A. DeShane ’94
Diane T. Dodge ’70
Virginia A. Durloo ’88
Gretchen Dykstra ’72
Jacqueline Ellis ’72
Patricia Ensworth
Edith J. Gilligan ’04
Judith Gold ’80
Gale Goldman Ficalora ’82
Ann Halpern ’68
June H. Harland ’59
Anne D. Herrmann ’70
Carol B. Hillman ’67
Rita V. Hirsch ’72
Leila L. Javitch ’83
Leslie Kandell ’61
Teresa S. Karamanos
Judith E. Klein ’71
Laura W. Martin ’75
Susan Matthew ’60
Nancy P. McKeever ’76
Dr. Hal R. Melnick ’74
Barbara P. Morgan
Vera L. Nordal ’52
Katherine M. O’Donnell
Marion Palm ’95
Elizabeth S. Pforzheimer
Carla Poole ’03
Jennifer L. Prout ’09
Rena N. Rice ’77
Virginia Lee Ross ’70
Ruth Saada ’86
Dr. Terry S. Salinger ’73
Ronnie Sampson ’77
George P. Scurria‡
Jo Ann Secor ’83
John A. Shutkin
Ellen J. Silverman ’71
Yung M. Tang ’82
Mary T. Timson ’93
Jean B. Vitalis ’80
Mary Ellen A. Warner ’90
Joan K. Weltz
*Statutory Trustee † Associate Trustee ‡ Life Trustee § Parent Associate Trustee ¶ Deceased
Have you remembered Bank Street in your will or estate plans? If so, please let us know so we can thank and welcome you as a Lucy Sprague Mitchell Society member. Informing Bank Street of your planned gift intention will also allow us to designate the gift appropriately and according to your wishes. For more information on the Lucy Sprague Mitchell Society please contact Tracy Snyder, Donor Engagement Officer, at (212) 961-3360 or tsnyder@bankstreet.edu.
Donor list: If your name is listed incorrectly, please let us know at giving@bankstreet.edu.
Donations that are pledged over multiple years are listed at their full value in the year that we receive the commitment.
Visionary Partners ($50,000+)
Anthony K. Asnes* ’75
Kristin Black*and David Hensle
Nancie H. Cooper*
Victoria Hamilton*and John A. Slowik
Arlene Mark and Reuben Mark
Marianna McCall* ’22 and Mark McCall
Elizabeth S. Pforzheimer and Carl H. Pforzheimer
Craig Podell
Estate of Lynn G. Straus¶ ’57
Leadership Circle ($25,000–$49,999)
Henry L. Belber
Carol Carter
Geeta Fleck and Samuel Fleck
Archie Gwathmey and Anne Gwathmey
Robert A. Iger
Christopher Kellen*
Innovators Circle ($10,000–$24,999)
Wadad Cortas ’93 and John Lenahan
David Feldman and Katherine Markham
Jody Feldman§ and Brett Feldman
Roger Ferguson and Annette Nazareth
Stephanie Gundogdu and Omer Gundogdu
Carol B. Hillman ’67
Dr. Robin E. Hummel ’08 and Ralph Hummel
Kristen V. Kane* and Matthew M. Onek
Kenneth B. Lerer*and Katherine R. Sailer
Adam Litke* and Bridget Collins
Hannah Major-Monfried ’93 and Seth Ard
Lisa Lewin* and Daniel Ilundain
Jonelle Procope and Frederick O. Terrell
Nancy Rauch Douzinas and Kostas Douzinas
George Scurria‡ and Janet Scurria
Jeffrey Q. Smith* and Marie-Noelle J. Smith
Jeffrey Sussman* and Susan Sussman
Christopher Mayer and Linda S. Martinson
Mortell Family
David Offensend* and Janet Offensend
Leslie D. O’Toole ’19 and Brian O’Toole
Dr. Laura Parsons and Richard D. Parsons
Sandra Pinnavaia* and Guy Moszkowski
William D. Rueckert and Fleur A. Rueckert
Barbara A. Schatz* and Rick Schaffer
David Sorkin and Amy Sorkin
Cecelia E. Traugh and Alexander F. Doan
Londa Weisman
*Statutory Trustee † Associate Trustee ‡ Life Trustee § Parent Associate Trustee ¶ Deceased
Changemakers Circle ($5,000–$9,999)
Anthony Baer and Margaret Barry
Charles R. Bendit* and Karyn K. Bendit
Emmanuel Boursin and Isabelle Berner
Susan H. Bralove ’73 and Steven Bralove
Jay Chakrapani* and Saileshi Patel
Jonathan R. Cole* and Joanna L. Cole
Susanna Cole ’92
Sean Decatur* and Renee Romano
Susan K. Dunn ’00 and Thomas Dunn
Anne Ehrenkranz and Joel S. Ehrenkranz
Earl E. Engle¶
Dr. Gloria Farber ’79
Adam Galinsky and Jennifer Olayon
halley K. harrisburg and Michael Rosenfeld
Rita V. Hirsch ’72 and John L. Hirsch
Impact Partners ($1,000–$4,999)
Sujata Acharjee and Aniruddha Banerjee
Kristen Agbato and Olusegun Agbato
Pamela J. Anderson Sparks ’03 and Wesley W. Sparks
Lisa Anderson and Marc Rauch
Sara B. Ardrey ’03 and Robert G. Ardrey
Christopher Bailey and Sarah O’Gleby
Nancy Balaban ’55
Luis Barbier and Jannice Barbier
Craig Bauer
Jane Beatty
Marcia H. Bennett ’79
Sue Berland and Joseph Berland
Carol Berner ’92 and Anthony R. Berner
Marielle Blackburn and Benjamin Gilbert
Ailish Brady
Jim Broner and Mimi Broner
Valentine Burr and Steven Friedman
Heather Bynoe
Margaret B. Carey ’74 and Tobe Carey
Ana Cepeda and Maria Diaz
Tiffani Chambers and Reginald Chambers
Marjorie S. Chernikoff ’78 and Joel D. Chernikoff
Carol B. Clark ’79
Carla Clarke-Wu and Jeffrey Wu
Kenneth Cooper
Fern Khan*
Robert P. Kogod and Arlene Kogod
James Lester and Heather Zuber
Diane Masucci and Nick Masucci
Mark McDougle and Ann Linden
Zelie Pforzheimer and Andrew Pforzheimer
Judith E. Scheuer ’92 and Joseph Mellicker
Carole Schwartz and Stephen Schwartz
David Smiley and Lauren Kogod
Abraham Stein and Sabrena Silver
Howard S. Stein* and Jill C. Stein
Amy Stuart Wells
MaryAnne Toppan and Alex Toppan
Francesca Weindling ’86
Michael Willner
Ed Corey and Delia Corey
Jeannette M. Corey ’17
Michelle Costa
Jonathan Couchman and Arika Couchman
Jeffrey Cox and Caren Cox
Richard Cunniff
Temis de la Pena
Elizabeth D. Dickey
Ruth Douzinas
Mary Pat Draddy and Jonathan Rosenshine
Nicole Duignan and Joshua Pittman
Sergei Dzhosyuk and Katharine Chen
Doug Evans
Yael Even Moratt and Yonatan Even
Alice Marie Ford ’12
Alyson E. Forde ’99
Tamara C. Fox
Donna Freyman Stup and Richard Freyman Stup
Felice S. Friedman ’76 and Darrell Friedman
Ellen V. Futter
Lara Galinsky ’88
Alejandra Garcia
Caroline Gelman and Andrew Gelman
Russell Granet* and David Beach
Luis Gravano
Marcela Hahn and Alfred Kelley
Dr. Anna D. Halperin and Evan Halperin
Impact Partners ($1,000–$4,999) continued
Deon T. Hilger ’79
Gloria Holmes ’81
Dr. Margaret Honey*
Bob Hughes
Leila L. Javitch ’83
Gordon J. Kahn ’71 and Edgar Galloway
Nicole Kahn and Ian Kahn
Leslie Kandell ’61
Sue Kaplan and David Karnovsky
Dr. Augusta S. Kappner
John Katzman
Abigail A. Kerlin ’00 and Wade Tucker
Douglas R. Knecht and Stephanie Guyet
Daniel R. Kramer and Cynthia H. Kramer
Dana Kroll and David Carlos
Philip Kunhardt and Margaret S. Kunhardt
Priscilla H. Lambert ’96
Jessica Licata and Brian Licata
Amy Lieberman and Sam Dolgin-Gardner
Jonathan Litt
Cindy Liu and Patrick So
Melinda M. Lyon ’72 and John D. Lyon
Jacqueline Mahal and Benjamin Segal
Elizabeth Mann and Micah Lasher
Ana Marin and Ramon Baez
Nancy P. McKeever ’76
Ines McMillan and Brian McMillan
Dr. Alan H. Medville ’79 and Roberta A. Miller
Amy G. Menes
Ivy A. Metz ’91
Richard A. Metzler
Maxwell H. Meyers ’90 and Sara Pick
Kimberly Miller and Ian Pancham
Mignon R. Moore and Elaine Harley
James A. Neuberger ’85 and Helen L. Stambler
Alison Overseth and Kenneth deRegt
Michelle Paladino
Michelle Parks Anderson
Margery Perlmutter ’68
Ann Pforzheimer
Gary Pforzheimer and Mary Pforzheimer
Shael Polakow-Suransky* ’00 and Cynthia Hanawalt
Rekha Ramani and Sameet Palkhiwala
Kevin Reymond
Bess N. Reynolds ’71
Lesli Rice and Louis Slesin
Ann Ritter and Leo Korein
Evi M. Rivera Williams ’99
Andrea P. Robbins ’96 and David S. Robbins
Alexandra Rosen and Josh Rosen
Katherine R. Rosenfeld and Jeffrey M. Miller
Atoosa Rubenstein
Nick Sallon and Celine Ruben-Salama
Abigail Samaha and Adam Samaha
Kristen Sauer and Harry Sandick
Conner Sawyer
Scott Schwartz and Julia Motyka
Pamela A. Shaftel ’72 and Mel A. Shaftel
Samuel Shapiro ’96 amd Andi Shapiro
Rachel Shapiro and Christopher Grymes
Anne V. Shutkin ’95*
John A. Shutkin and Kathie Shutkin
Steven Silverstein and Maite Jimenez
Niki Singh
Gerri Sommers and Andrew Sommers
Richard J. Spitz ’83 and Jill W. Spitz
Allyson Spurling and Patrick Comaskey
Dr. Ellen Stern Garland ’84
Burton Strauss, Jr. and Harriette Burton
Barkley J. Stuart ’72
Kate Sussman ’98 and Aaron Hawn
Nicki Tanner and Harold Tanner
John Treiber
Daniel Troiano and Danielle Troiano
Maria Tsepilovan Edman and Jeremy Edman
Petra Valentova and Gaurav Gupta
Wendy Van Amson* and George L. Van Amson
Carlos Velazquez* ’16 and Melissa Velazquez
Alexandra Wagner and Sam Kass
Christopher Walther and Song Han
Jane B. Webbink Goldman ’85 and Charles Goldman
John Werwaiss and Beth Werwaiss
Susan N. Wilson ’76
Kevin Woodruff and Jennifer D. Woodruff ’95
Priscilla P. Woyke ’96 and John F. Woyke
Sharon Zane and Gregory Macosko
Reva Zenruffinen and Joseph Zenruffinen
Debbie Zlotowitz* ’90 and Rick Greenberg
Bercem Akbayin and Ozgur Sahin
Anna Allanbrook ’81
Timothy Allanbrook
Alan E. Alterman ’75 and Carol Alterman
Divya Anantharaman and Sriram Subramanian
Angelique Anderson-Nunez and Yarnis Nunez
Tove E. Andvik ’74
Jessica L. Anzelone ’09 and Adam Brown
Sarah Aschenbrenner and Eric Aschenbrenner
Elizabeth A. Ascoli ’00 and Avi A. Tsapira
Farhad Asghar§ and Ana Tiburcio
Linda K. Ashcraft ’67
Eric Ashton
Gergely Baics and Caterina Pizzigoni
Jason Baker and James Augustine
Cherry A. Banks and James A. Banks
Joseph Baranello
Timothy E. Barnes ’92 and Pamela W. Barnes
Penny Barrett
Mollie A. Bass ’02
Kalian Bassingthwaighte ’96 and Kristina Bassingthwaighte
Laura Becking and Ashley Gillespie
Megan Bethke and Brian Bethke
Kum Kum Bhasin
Jaclyn Blake and Jonathan Blake
Erika L. Blumberg
Erika Bohman
Jessica Borrelli and Joseph Laub
Ann Brady
Nancy Bravman
Daniella Brewster and Gregg Brewster
Bob Bruder
MacKenzie Cadenhead ’90
Jean W. Cahouet ’70
Trudy Calabrese and Tom Calabrese
Elizabeth Careathers and Jaime Careathers
Dr. Hazel M. Carter
Shirley Chang and Christopher Chen
Aidan Y. Chen
Annie Cheney and Benjamin Bailes
Michael Cisneros and Alex Hanson
James W. Clay, Jr. ’88 and Arthur Blecher
Terry M. Cohen ’97 and Joel I. Cohen
Victor Cohen
Barbara Coleman
Linda Colina
Joseph Corey
Matthew Costa
Candis Cousins ’72 and Bruce W. Kerns
Alison Coviello and Richard Ouimet
Lisa Cross Ph.D.
Antoinette C. Cunningham ’90 and Kevin F. Cunningham
Ruth G. Cunningham ’75
Hayden Cushing ’22
Rossmery Dais and Landon Dais
Erica R. Davis ’11
Susan F. DiCicco
Yana Domuschieva and Anton Gorbounov
Jane Donahue
Laura Drachman and Sergio Troncoso
Allison Draizin
Dinh Loc Duong
Gretchen Dykstra ’72
Patricia Edwards and Eric Gottlieb
Jonathan Eger and Alex Van Clief
Camille P. Ehrenberg ’02 and Peter Ehrenberg
Cara G. Eisen ’09
Mariana Elder
Dolores Elkin ’88 and Joseph Rubin
Priscilla Ellsworth
Rachelle J. Epstein ’75
Lee Evangelakos and Hyunho Lee
Carmen Farina
Louise Fay ’75
Andrew Fay-Bergman
Matti Feldman
Katie V. Firth and Jonathan Bank
Jeffrey Fisher
Donna Fishman and Steven Cohen
Aidan Flaherty and Alfred Chung
Rachel M. Flax ’13
Diane A. Fogg ’82
Ayirini Fonseca-Sabune and Zachary Lazar
Glenora Forde
L. Kent Fowler and Juline Douglas
Susan Fox and Robert Dichter
Gabrielle Friedman
Ellen M. Galinsky ’70 and Norman Galinsky
Silvia Garcia Mora Pinto and Nadeem Janmohamed
Ofelia Garcia*
Andrew E. Gardner ’03
Lorraine Gardner
Nathaniel Garnick and Abigail Garnick
Phoebe Gebre and Henock Assefa
Heather Genovese and Eric Blinderman
Judith M. Gentry ’06 and Eric C. Gentry
Miguelina German and Anthony Mercado
Dr. Mark Gilbert ’58
Arlene Goldsmith
Anne Grand and Paul Grand
Diane F. Green ’72 and David B. Joseph
Thomas M. Green ’74 and Eve Green
Lee Greenhouse and Flora Greenhouse
Angela Griggs and Chris Griggs
Andrea L. Grimaldi ’97
Manoj Gupta and Vivien Chan
Kathy K. Hakim
Samantha Hakim ’16
Ann S. Hampson ’85 and Todd Hampson
Carol S. Henderson ’82
Linda R. Henigin ’02 and Greg Brail
Alice Henry ’92
Ellen H. Hsu
Anne Hubert
Nefertiti Ingalls
Elizabeth W. Isles ’03 and Christopher Isles
Monika M. Jaeckle ’99
Doug Jaffe
Christine Javier and Ramon Javier
Sharon Jean-Pierre and Leslie Jean-Pierre
Hope H. Jeffrey ’02 and David L. Jeffrey
Emily Jones
Charuta Joshi ’11
Jill Kaplan and Myron L. Kaplan
Marjorie Kaplan and Gustav Szabo
Dr. Cathy A. Kaufman Iger ’79 and Mark Iger
Martha Kim and Bryan Kim
Shilla Kim-Parker* ’96
Tewodros Kiros and Celeste Kiros
Peter Knobler
Edward Koral and Leah Lipton
Alice W. Kraus ’00 and Douglas Kraus
Michelle R. Krumland ’01
Joanna Lack
Jeanne C. Lamb
Ruth Lande Shuman
Kareen Laton and Scott Laton
Virginia Lazarus
Eve R. Lazovitz ’06
Dr. Ruth A. Levinson ’72
Elizabeth A. Levy
Rebecca Lewin and Morgan Resta-Flarer
Jane Linsay and Ernie Linsay
Deborah G. Litt ’82 and Robert S. Litt
Nina Liu ’92
Xin Liu and Jean Wang
Kelly Lorenz
Joseph W. Madero ’72 and Rosemarie Madero
Morgan Magistro-Capuozzo and Patrick Capuozzo
Tala Manassah and Deb Shoval
Deanne Marein-Efron ’64
Nikki Margarites
Melissa Marinari
Laura Marlin ’07 and John F. Marlin ’95
Laura W. Martin ’75
Cynthia Marvell ’80
Elyse Matthews
Maggie Maurone and Jeffrey Maurone
Risa L. May ’96 and Bradford J. May
Hillary Mayers and Stephen Poppel
Sally McConnell-Ginet
Claire H. McNeill ’66
Robert K. McNeill
Hollis K. Milark ’87
Rachel E. Miller
Julia Minutaglio and Mark Minutaglio
Vladimira Mircheva and Bradley Bennett
Ellen L. Mishkin ’78 and Andrew Mishkin
Heather J. Mitchell ’05
Meredith C. Moore ’06
Manijeh Moradian
Ann K. Morgan ’90 and Vincent S. Morgan
Kirsten Morgan ’96
Meg Morse-Schindler and George de Brigard
Hanna Moskin and Jeffrey Moskin
Megan Mylan and Michael Chin
Nichole Naranjo and Shuber Naranjo
Amy S. Narishkin ’89 and Cyril Narishkin
Miri Navasky ’82 and David L. Mizner
Etsuko Newman and Edward Newman
Michela F. Nonis ’09
Leslie Oberdorfer and John Oberdorfer
Lori O’Brien
Talibah Ometu and Uzo Ometu
Karen M. O’Neill ’03 and Stephen H. O’Neill
Anna Ortega-Williams and Andrea Ortega-Williams
Deborah H. Ostrosky ’84 and Richard P. Schmit
Rachelle G. Parker and Nathan Parker
Patrick Persons
Ellen C. Petersen ’84 and Eric Petersen
Lindsay Pitzer and John Pitzer
Judith G. Pott ’79
Nicholas Pott
Michelle Powers§ and Jeremy Brisiel
Heather Price-Wright
Paul Ragusa and Jamie Ragusa
Gabriel Richman ’07
Lyle Robinson ’83
Thomas W. Roderick ’72 and Maxine E. Phillips
Gina Roh and Mark Roh
Ruth Rosaler and Joshua Rosaler
Ellen Rosenberg
Susan Rosenthal ’83
Allison Rothman
Christopher Ryan and Lauren Picker
Lillian M. Ryan ’77 and Douglas F. Ryan
Kira E. Sadaka ’09
Alexandra Sadowy and Guy Dicks
Alexia Schapira ’92
Dr. Gil Schmerler
Joseph Scionti
Ritchie M. Scribner ’79 and Charles Scribner
Robin Sedgwick ’83
Christina Selig
Eve S. Selver-Kassell ’10 and Jason Mears
Erica S. Shatz-Spry and Roger Spry
Sabrina B. Shear ’07
Deborah I. Shipler¶ ’69 and David K. Shipler
Leah A. Silver ’17
Mariko Silver and Thom Loubet
Amy Singer and Richard Einhorn
Margaret W. Singer ’88
Sally A. Smith ’72
Jenny Sobelman
Sora Song and Noah Bray
Vito Sperduto and Dione Enea
James Spigel
Margaret M. Steere ’72 and Allen C. Steere
Emily Stein and Tony Stein
Patty W. Strom ’09
Dr. Anne K. Sutherland and Adam Fields
Beverley Sutherland and Sunil Kumar
Millicent Sutton
Ira Tabas and Donna Tabas
Judith Terk Futterman and Philip Futterman
Benjamin Terk ’85 and Danielle Smit
Mary T. Timson ’93
John Traver
Nona Ullman
Kathryn S. Updike-Younger
Michèle Urvater
Emily B. Van Agtmael ’76 and Antoine W. Van Agtmael
Neela Vaswani and Holter Graham
Elizabeth G. Vershay ’91
Elke Videgain
Aaron Viny and Aly Viny
Suzanne Walters and John Lee
Julia L. Washburn ’99 and William M. Kules
Sam Waterbury
Phil Weinberg
Toby A. Weinberger and Harold P. Weinberger
Jeremy Wells and Süheyla Zubaroluğlu
Theodore K. Wells ’07
Rebecca J. Wharton and Elliot L. Jurist
Christina Whitman
Catherine S. Whittington ’78
Regina Wickham and David G. Shane
Jenney G. Wilder ’05
Joshua Winter
Angela Wu and Christopher Ortiz
George T. York ’82
Michele Zaccario
Marissa Zalk and Cody Zalk
Supporters ($1-$249)
Labiba Abdur-Rahman ’93
Marilyn Ackerman
Vanessa Agard-Jones
Echika Agugua and Wallace Bruce-Konuah
Lauren Aguiar and Reese Mason
Avi Aiken Fernandez ’06
Suzanne Ainslie ’83 and Paul Ainslie
Alina Ainza and Matteo Minasi
Anne K. Akyuz ’02
Angelines Alba Lamb and Michael Alba Lamb
Evelyn Albert ’90 and Kenneth S. Albert
Vanessa Alcantara
Molly B. Alexander ’14
Edgar Alfonseca
Alisa R. Algava ’08
Karen Allocco-Rowe ’02
Zachary Alpern and Pria Alpern
Elsa Alvarez ’82
Michael Amaral ’15
Jennifer G. Andelman ’00 and Matthew B. Andelman
Kendra Anderson
Lourdes Andre
David Anselmo and Amy Anselmo
Mary-Andree Ardouin-Guerrier and Gregory Guerrier
Elizabeth Armstrong and Hector Armstrong
Rohit Arora and Ashmi Arora
Susan Arshack
Nancy Arzu and Elie Gbemenou
Kathryn Aschliman ’67
Vicki C. Aspenberg ’83 and Gary Aspenberg
Alexandra Atlas
Melinda Atsin and Barthelemy Atsin
Catherine M. Audage ’07
Evelyn J. Ayum ’94
Virginia Bach and Arthur Bach
Margaret Bachenheimer ’70 and Steven L. Bachenheimer
Michael Bachrach and Amy Minter
Dr. Elsa K. Bailey ’71
Carol Baingana
Robin W. Baker ’80 and James Baker
Jennifer Balinas and Starky Acevedo
Mary A. Ballard and Alexander Blachly
Vanessa R. Bangser ’10
Wendy Banner ’91 and Geoffrey Weiner
Karen M. Baptiste ’12
Dr. Kent Barrabee ’70 and Nancy Barrabee
Christine Barros Veguilla
Sara F. Barton ’90 and Reverend Henry Elek
Margo A. Bayroff ’90
Patti Bayross
Nancy L. Beal
Sanayi Beckles-Canton
Purva Bedi ’88 and David Stoler
Anne M. Bedrick ’90 and Scott Bedrick
Bret Begun
Tracie Benjamin-Van Lierop ’15
Katie Benn and Adam Benn
Dr. Priscilla W. Bercovici ’99 and Hillary Bercovici
Robert F. Berent ’73
Mary B. Berger ’83 and Henry Berger
John A. Bergfeld
Kristin P. Bergfeld ’73
Jill A. Berie ’75
Jane E. Bernard ’73 and Glenn Strickman
Elizabeth Bernhardt and William Bernhardt
Jane Bevans
Sarah A. Bevington ’96
Stephanie Black
Eileen Blank ’91
Elena Blank
Elizabeth Block ’83
Andrew Boatti and Raomej Boatti
Maria G. Bolanos
Kate Bolotnaya and Gleb Osatinski
Daniel Bonamassa
Elaine C. Bonoff ’81 and Edward L. Bonoff
Sergi C. Bosch ’95
Michelle M. Boston ’03
Geraldine Botwinick
Michelle Boyd ’20
Priscilla Boyle and Michael Boyle
Julia R. Bradford ’97
Marion M. Bradford ’95 and John Bradford
Maeve Brady
Mary Brady
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Loryn Brantz and Jake Brotter
Frances G. Breslauer ’66 and S. Daniel Breslauer
Lisa E. Breslof ’97
Susan M. Bretz
Crystal K. Bria ’88 and John Bria
Janet L. Brof ’82
Akeyla Brown ’00
Margaret Brown
Marion S. Brown and Alan Brown
Molly F. Brown ’17 and Jason C. Scott
Prudence Brown and Paul Stetzer
Sheila Brown
Mariah L. Bruehl ’00
Larry L. Bucher ’73
Dion Bullock
Jill Bunting and Daniel Sommer
Eileen Burgos and Justin Razon
Marc Bush
Jeffrey P. Byrd ’74
Daliza Cabrera
Katharine Calhoun ’90
Christine Caliandro ’95
Jeanne Calloway ’08 and Isaac Saposnik
Dr. Emory Campbell
Mario Cancel and Edline Jacquet
Jill H. Cane ’78
Christina Capaldi Selig ’15 and Ira Selig
Abigail M. Carmer ’20
Celeste Cassius
Connie S. Castro ’76
Lauren Cavallaro
Rosalind Chachkes ’77
D. Helena Chan ’86 and Michael P. Schulze
David Chan
Diane Y. Chan ’84 and Kevin C. Chan
Tiffany Chantra and Randy Auerbach
Karen Chatfield and Piers Cardew
June Chaykin Harland
Christine P. Chen ’76
Jiao Chen and Zeyu Zhang
Joan M. Cherney ’80 and Norman Turner
Dara Cho and Victor Kao
Michael Cho
Audrey Chrovian and Ron Chrovian
Chaylor Clark ’20 and Kyalik Clark
Stacey W. Cloud ’06
Bobbie B. Cobbs ’75 and Robert Cobbs
Marina Cofield
Michele Cofield
Deborah Cohen
Laura Cohen
Sara W. Cohen ’65 and George M. Cohen
Barbara Cohen-Stratyner ’92
James Cole Jr.
Jean C. Colebank ’03
Noelle Colina
Roland Colina
Steve Colten ’69
Anthony Conelli
Simon Connolly
Jennifer Conway
Helen Cook
Sophie C. Cook
Elizabeth Cooper and Jay Cooper
Michael Cooper ’99
Ivelisse Cortes
Daniel Costa
Teresa Costa
Richard Costella
James G. Courage ’96
Jennifer Covell
Judith Coven ’77 and Curtis Coven
Caltha A. Crowe ’90
Catherine Crowley
Jose M. Cruz ’02
Marina Cruz
Pamela M. Cummins ’88 and Dr. Theodore R. Cummins
Allison Dailey and John Lasala
Coy Dailey and Monika Le
Karen Dallaire Sambets
Naomi Danis ’74
Danny E. Darby ’02
Gregory David ’11 and Audrey L. David
Patricia David and Simeon David
Judith Davidson
Stephanie L. Davidson ’67
Helen M. Davis ’88
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Matthew P. Davis
Naima Davis ’97
Melissa De Feo
Gema De las Heras
Gladys S. Deutsch ’76 and Sidney S. Horowitz
Zosha Di Castri and David Adamcyk
Julie Diamond ’73
Raygine DiAquoi
Patricia Diaz
Lauren G. Diemar ’17
Jennie M. Diercksen ’15
Alan O. Dixler
Deborah E. Dixler ’82
Johanna Dobrich and Sarah Milburn
Lisa Dombrow ’91
Jessica Donoghue
Megan Donovan ’14
Sarah H. Dorer ’79
McKenzi Dorilas and Janese Dorilas
Joshua Dormont
Kelly A. Dornan
Geoffrey Dube and Jennifer Langsdorf
Miriam Dube ’21
Constance Dubin ’74
Annick Duignan
Julie Duignan
Michael Duignan
Gretchen Dumler
Lillian Dunn
Christina Duszlak
Anne F. Echols
Courtney Echols
Channing V. Edson ’06
Madeleine Ehrlich and Jon Sesrie Goff
L. Rivka Einy
Rebecca B. Eisenberg ’09 and Brendan Cheney
Lisa Eisler
Andrea F. Elliott and Timothy Golden
Francesca Elms ’78
Elizabeth Emens
Laurie E. Engle ’73
Joyce G. Erato ’86
Jeanne C. Esposito ’78 and Dr. George E. Karras
Jennifer A. Eusanio ’04
Nicki Eybel ’88
Phyllis Fabricant Lakner
Frances W. Fairchild ’82
Lorraine Falchi
Hsiao-yi Fan
Sandra Farber
Dr. Ann Feddersen ’78
Susan Feldman and Michael Feldman
Karen Y. Ferby Guy ’78
Laurie Festa
Madeline Figueroa
Marlene Filewich
Janet Fisher
Judith G. Fisher ’80 and David E. Fisher
Lauren Fisher
Kim M. W. Fitzgerald ’72
Mary K. Fitzgerald ’19
Portia L. Fitzhugh ’77
Michelle Fizer Peterson
Mariela Flambury-Williams and Damian Williams
Mia Flores
Jacquelyn L. Florsheim ’82 and Henry Florsheim
Helene P. Foley and Duncan Foley
Andrew Ford
Rachel Ford and Alejandro Marx
Franciene Forte
Diane Foster and Eric McKay
Margaret M. Fox ’85
Rebecca Fraiolli and David Lundell
Princess Francois ’22 and Andy Estevez ’20
Jessica Freeman-Jeffries
Dr. Helen Freidus
Jill Freinberg ’75 and Mitchell B. Freinberg
Tuere Frere-Johnson and Darryl Johnson
Sally L. Frey ’83
Amanda Fuller and Steve Whigham
Gloria Fung Chaw and Benjamin Eckhardt
Lonnetta M. Gaines ’79
Dr. Tara Galano and Greg Galano
Naomi Gams-Towers ’78 and Frederic J. Towers
Jack Gangi ’77
Jiemi Gao and Kevin Zhou
Carrie Garber Siegrist
Melissa Garner Adelman and Jesse Adelman
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Lisa Gavell and Theodore Fair
Mary J. Gerson and Charles D. Gerson
Antoinette G. Gifford
Janai J. Gilkes ’20
Lisa M. Ginet ’87
Ellen J. Giusti ’93
Rosalinda Glennon and John Glennon
Sheila Gogineni
Susannah Gold
Judith E. Golden ’74 and Andrew S. Luck
Lauren Goldenberg
Linda Goldenberg
Karen Goldfarb
Gale Goldman Ficalora ’82
Esther L. Goldman ’82
Kathleen Good
Pamela Good and Jed Goldberg
Nadia Goodman and Matthew Goodman
Natasha J. Gordon ’16
Vivien R. Gordon ’93 and Sherwin Gordon
Laura Gorin ’80 and Abbott Gorin
Elizabeth Grace
Yvonne L. Graham ’98
Ellen M. Granum ’68 and James Granum
Juliet S. Gray-Moliere ’04
Norma E. Green
Paula Green
Steven Green and Tracy Green
David Greengrass
Linda C. Greengrass and Alan Greengrass
Robin R. Greenwood ’85
Cathy B. Griffin ’93
Marion A. Grillon ’73
Ari Grunzeweig and Heather Huff
Lee F. Gruzen ’69 and Jordan Gruzen
Laura Guarino ’94
Jackeline Guerra and Felix Castro
Maria Guerrero and Daniel Alarcon
Sharon Guity
Kay D. Gunderson ’85 and Barry L. Gunderson
Elsie Gutierrez
Eric F. Gutierrez
Suzanne Guziec and Alejandro Suarez
José A. Guzman
Karen J. Hack ’80 and Mark Mohrmann
June Hallums
Rasha Hamid ’04
John Hanawalt and Patti Hanawalt
Lynn M. Handelman ’98
Diana D. Hansard ’75
Anne W. Harding ’86 and James H. Harding
June H. Harland ’59
Rosalie R. Harman ’65
Kathleen I. Harper ’80
Maureen Harrell
Sandra T. Hart ’92
Shani Hartwich and Mor Ben Ami
Brenna Hassinger-Das
Maura M. Hauck ’05
Karen G. Hawkins ’13
Samantha A. Hay ’07 and Joshua M. Krinsky ’08
Elizabeth Helbraun ’84 and Joshua D. Blackman
Jennifer F. Helies ’10 and Bradley W. Helies
Marco Hellman and Sabrina Hellman
Alice B. Heminway ’16
Margot Herrera and Jamie Lawrence
Johnny Heyward and Sara Skluzacek
Philippa G. Hindman ’80
Dr. Gail Hirsch ’71 and Dr. Warren M. Hirsch
Janie L. Hirsch ’71
Raphael E. Hockstein and Deborah K. Hockstein
Carly Hoffman
Elizabeth J. Hoffman ’80
Margaret L. Hoffman ’79
Martin J. Hoffman ’78 and Jane O’Shaughnessy
Phyllis M. Hoffman ’74
Milana Hogan
Jean A. Holzenthaler ’75 and John W. Holzenthaler
Sarah Honey
Karen A. Hughes ’15
Katharine E. Hungate ’01
Irene E. Huntoon ’96 and David A. Reiser
Anne Marie Imbornone
Minna L. Immerman and Robert M. Immerman
Ebony Innis-Woodburn and Rohan Woodburn
Gary Ireland
David Itzkoff and Amy Justman
Vignesh Iyer and Shivani Sundara Raman Attukal
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Edna C. Jackson
Alyce W. Jacobson ’83 and Martin C. Jacobson
Nina Jaffe ’82 and Robert F. Armistead ’82
Linda M. January ’08
Elizabeth Jarvis ’16 and Luis Zuluaga
Kima L. Johnson ’19
Mary Johnson
Mernel E. Johnson ’93
Jessica Jonas and Adam Jonas
Jo Ann M. Joseph ’97 and Paul A. Tumbleson
Pascale T. Josephson ’09
Merel Julia
Sarah E. Juram ’91
Jessica Justman and Jack G. Lerner
Khairah H. Kain-Klein ’05
Joann Kang and Artem Kaplan
Judith Kaplan
Paula F. Kaplan ’88 and Jack Kaplan
Rachel C. Kaplan ’03
Teresa S. Karamanos
Janet M. Katz ’83 and Simon Katz
Francine A. Katzman ’87
Annika P. Kaye ’06
Gloria Keenan
Charlotte Keister and Andrew Keister
Dorothy M. Kelder ’84
Nadine S. Kellogg ’85 and Scott H. Kellogg
Rita C. Kelly ’82
Candy Kennedy and Mark Sherman
Julia Kennedy
Jennifer V. Kessler ’96
Jennifer Ketay Brock ’70
Rana Khan
Swati Khurana and Andres Marquez
Jack King and Deanna E. King
Peter S. Kiok ’97
Alexandra Kivitidi and Olivier Kivitidi
Beverly Klau
Judith E. Klein ’71
Paula Kleinman and Stephen Kleinman
Lynn C. Kluepfel ’94 and Thomas Kluepfel
Laura K. Klug ’89
Cathy Knapp Fran
Ann C. Koermer ’73
Phylia Kohl ’70 and Marvin Kohl
Marie Konstance and Nicolas Bornozis
Elsa Kortright-Torres
Gloria Koster
Joanna Kozak and Mariusz Kozak
Tina Kukielski and Josh Weinstein
Susan Kuklin
Judith M. Kulczycki ’71 and Anthony Kulczycki
Li Yun Kung
Jackson Kytle
Danya Labban
Donna K. Lambert ’92 and Thomas Lambert
Zoe Landers and Christopher Therkorn-Landers
Cari Lang ’95
Jane Lange and Philip Lange
Kristina Lansbury and David Lansbury
Nancy E. Lauterbach ’81 and Larry Lauterbach
Hansen Law and Olivia Koentjoro
Honey Lazar
Nydia M. Leaf ’76
Paula Lee Poy
Richard Q. Lee ’96 and Eileen Kapp
Mary Leer
Soh Young Lee-Segredo ’97 and Gus Segredo
Stephanie G. Lehn ’16
Keith Lender and Jill Jorschick
Carlos Lenis
Kimberly Lennox and Andrew Gordon
David Lenzner ’00
Julie K. Leopold ’02
Caren M. Leslie ’82 and Jon Leslie
Ann Levine ’06
Bryna Levine
Emily Levine ’98
Joan Levine and James A. Levine
Barbara H. Levy ’72 and Stephen A. Levy
Jacob Ian Levy
Dr. Beverly N. Lewis ’75
Margaret Lewis
Chelsea Lewkow
Beverly J. Leys ’70 and George Leys
Saralinda B. Lichtblau ’03
Judith M. Lieberman ’77
Jed Lippard and Todd Zinn
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Danette S. Lipten ’94
Ron Liso ’86
Jamie Litt
Eve A. Litwack ’97 and Robert B. Litwack
Grace Liu and Daniel Wang
Qingmin Liu and Renna Wen
Sandra Lo
Lyndell V. Locker ’10
Lisa B. Lonnegren ’94 and Mark Lonnegren
Rosa E. Lopez
Melissa Lott and Francis Li
Dianne S. Louick ’74 and Rainer Bauer
Elsie Lowell ’75
James D. Lowenthal ’78
Fallon Lucombe ’07
Raquel Lucombe ’99 and Sherwin Charles
Rosemary Luizzi
Priscilla Ma
Linda P. MacCracken ’82
Claudia Machaver and Michael Bloome
Frances Mack and Bernard Mack
Paul Madigan
Diane M. V. Mager ’16
Indira Mahajan and Craig Sirianni
Christine Mahimainathan ’98
Rachel E. Maller ’10
Sarah A. Maller ’17
Christopher Malynowski and Hyo J. Kang
Clotilde Manahan ’95
Raizella M. Mandel ’94
Sheila G. Mandel ’68 and Stanley Mandel
Dale Mandelman
Helen Mandlin ’78
Will Mantell
Helen Marble ’93
Dr. Charlene Marchese ’93
Francine Marchese ’91
Alice Marcus ’56
Debra Marcus
Katherine H. Marcus ’87
Janet Mardfin
Amy Marinari
Kristi Marinari
Larry Marinari
Karen Marisak and Gerard Lynch
Jacqueline S. Mark ’13
Phyllis J. Marmon ’60
Catherine Marquis ’08
Dr. Alisa Martin Leighton ’95
Lee M. Matanky ’87 and Robert W. Matanky
Nicole Mathison and Daniel Aleshinloye
Sharrell N. Matta and Daniel Matta
Daniel T. Max ’75
Gloria Maximo and Shawn Mackinnon
Sally-Ruth May
Lillieth McAlpin and Angela Desoto
Marnie L. McCarren ’97
Nyafa McCloggan and Carl McCloggan
Ann McCormack
Marissa McDaniel-Francis and Jamaal Francis
Kyle McDonald
Mary B. McDonnell and John McAuliff
Steven McElheny ’72 and Karen Sexton
Michael H. McMahon
Sharon K. McMillan ’03
Kathryn McNally
Margaret A. McNamara ’78
Chase McNamee
Maddy McNeila
Elizabeth C. McPartland
Colleen Meade-Edwards
Renee Mease ’07
Yolene Medard ’92
Cesar Medina and Kethaki Nair
Dr. Marilyn J. Meese ’75
Dr. Hal R. Melnick ’74
Daniela Mendoza and Ash Carter
Alison Meyer
Lynn Meyers ’74 and William Meyers
Daniel Michaels ’79
Claire Milam ’97
Beverly G. Miller
Fredrika Miller and Howard Millman
Victoria Mills and John Flock
Maya Mitchell
Marianne Montero ’86 and Gerry Bogacz
Gayle Montgomery and Steven Montgomery
Carlos Montoya and Christiane Felsky
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Denise Moreno
Gia R. Moreno ’02
Dylan Morgan ’01
Arthur Morgenroth ’76
Debbie Morris ’06
Amy C. Morse ’02
Philip Morse
Virginia H. Morsman
Lila C. Mortimer ’09 and David Mortimer
Joan M. Moses ’60
Michael Mostow
Francine R. Motola ’73
Jordan Munn
Aparna Muralidharan
Jeremy Murphy
Mari M. Murtha-Caputo ’92
Jeffrey C. Myers ’75
Cece Nadeau ’76
Mark Nagasawa†
Thomas Naiman and Marguerite Holloway
Peter Napolitano ’02
Mark Narron and Erica Siegel
Christopher Natale ’03 and Liza Natale
Norma Nelson ’53
Peter Neyland
Wynstelle F. Nicholson ’94
Jessica Niebanck and Paul Niebanck
Eric Nielsen and Carolyn Louth
Corinne Nieves
Morgan Nixdorf and Mark Nixdorf
John H. Noble ’78 and Susan E. Hadfield
Kathleen M. Nolan-Kasal ’05
Vera L. Nordal ’52
Barbara Norton
Laura Norwitz ’96 and Lawrence Lustig
Danielle Nunez
Briana J. Nurse ’03
Mayowa Obasaju and Nathan Franco
Claudia B. Ocello ’93
Moses Ojeda
Jennie Ono and Kimani Rogers
Tiffany Opong ’16
Martha Ortiz
Patrick O. Osagie
Marilee H. Ostman ’91 and Reverend W. Sanford Ostman
Charles J. Otting ’93 and M. Dean-Otting
Dr. Esen S. Ozgener ’62
Thea Palad and Dylan Zeigler
Marilyn Palarea
Melissa Palarea and David Arnold
Marion Palm ’95
Rina Pandalai and Gopi Pandalai
Sasha Papernik and Justin Poindexter
Theresa T. Parsons ’92
Sachin Patel
Karen O. Patteson ’03 and Gary Patteson
Helene Pavlov and Harvey Zeichner
Dr. Kathryn L. Payne
Veronika Penciakova
Alexis Penzell ’95
Odelis Peralta
Laura Pereira and Juan Manuel Schvartzman
Vanessa Perez and Dr. Stephen Buck
Linda Perkins
Margot R. Perron ’91
Sarah Peterson
Yoland Philpotts and Sridevi Palanivelu
Marcia Picciotto ’82
Ellen G. Pincus ’80 and Arthur J. Pincus
Daniel S. Pine ’75
Pat Pitzer and Jack Pitzer
Barbara T. Plimpton ’66
Valerie Polakow and Simon Baseley
Florence D. Polikoff ’78
Wendy S. Pollock ’88
Amy Ponce ’07
Anna Pons
Carla Poole ’03 and Robert Mintzer
Jennifer Poole
Jennie Portney
Carole S. Powell-Henry
Patricia Power
Clara Presler and Andrew Fink
Cordell F. Price ’76
Jeff Price and Janet Kastelan
Trenton Price
Alexa Price-Whelan and Lars Dietrich
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Jennifer L. Prout ’09
Mervyn J. Punnett
Janhavi Purohit and Aditya Sreenivasan
Eleanor Quallo
Philip Quansah and Esther Frimpong
Carolyne V. Quintana ’08
Helene Rabinovitz
Seth Rader and Denisse Andrader
Stela Radovanovic
Molly E. Raik ’15
Mia N. Ramirez ’94
Isabel Ramirez-Inniss and Wayne Inniss
Carol S. Ramsey ’05
Rebecca N. Rawlins and Jason R. Rawlins
Caroline B. Reid ’75
Anna C. Rekate ’99
Julie Remache and Edward Remache
Gretchen H. Reynolds ’82
Donna B. Rich and Martin Rich
Nisha Atre Richardson
Matthew A. Rifkin ’73
Cinthia Rivas
Glenda Rivera and Marco Medel
Virginia Roach Yukins and Chris Yukins
Joyce Robbins and Alan Glickman
Silvia Roberts and Mark Roberts
Gillian Robinson
Lucy Y. Robinson ’75 and John A. Robinson
Ellen Roche
Isabel C Rochette
Simon Rodberg ’92
Dr. Hudson A. Roditi
Kerry Roeder ’20
Janice Romley ’69 and Arnold Romley
Sophia Roosth and Alma Steingart
Kimberly Roots and Nathaniel Fredman
Samuel M. Rosaldo ’06
Juan Rosales
Jane E. Rosenberg ’77
Janna Rosenberg and Michael Berger
Ruth M. Rosenblatt ’92
Ian Rosenblum and Lynn Cole
Sherry W. Ross Goodman ’91
Juliet Ross and Dan Burstein
Virginia Lee Ross ’70
Diana Rothman ’71
Lisa Rothman and Jeannie Chung
Thomas J. Rowe
Benjamin Rubenstein ’19 and Kristina C. Alden ’12
Kathy L. Rubin ’02
Lena Rumfelt and Chad Rumfelt
Reverend Henry C. Ruschmeyer ’72
Susan J. Russell ’75
Margaret Ryan ’01 and Steven Evangelista ’01
Michele Ryan ’94
Sarah L. Ryan ’96 and Robert M. Wieman
Lawrence Sacchetti
Krysta Sadowski
Lily Saint and David Freedlander
Dawn E. Salerno ’05
Milena Sales and Raul Martinez Fernandez
Matthew Salesses
Sarah Saltzberg and David Tirosh
Deborah Salzer ’70 and Clarence Salzer
Ronnie Sampson ’77
Sarah Sandelius
Melissa J. Sann ’97
Christina Santiago ’90
Kristina A. Satchell ’13 and Frederico de Oliviera
Krista Scenna
Tabby Schane
Letta Schatz ’48
AnaCarla Schelino ’02 and Matthew Seemann
Caroline A. Schill and Marcel Botha
Diana Schlesinger ’98
Joanna Schlesser-Perry ’92
Thomas Schoenwaelder and Zeynep Schoenwaelder
Caryn E. Schorr ’12
Jennifer Schriever and Joseph Varca
Becky H. Scudieri ’08 and Christopher Scudieri
Elizabeth C. Segal ’91
Judith D. Seidel ’89
Ahud B. Sela ’03
Shayla Sellars
Attiyya Settle ’10
Shamier Settle ’07
Charissa Sgouros ’02
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Rajnikant Shah
Stacey L. Shelnut-Hendrick ’99
Wendy E. Shepard ’75
Linda B. Shuffman ’17
Robin Shulman and Marcel Agueros
Frances Siegel
Elizabeth Silva ’10 and John Stechschulte
Barbara F. Silver ’80 and Michael Silver
Jane Silverman
Dale Singer and Gary Carriero
Kaveri Singh and Sameer Kumar
Priya Sitaraman ’13 and Mathieu Moss
Dr. Nicoletta Skoufalos-Sazaklis and John Sazaklis
Danielle Slevens
Janie Slevens
Emily Slotkin and Matthew Slotkin
Beverly J. Smith ’70
Courtney E. Smith ’94
Douglas Smith
Katharine Smith
Mary C. Smith ’71 and Wallace B. Smith
Piper L. Smith ’98
John Snyder
Tracy Snyder and José Peláez
Norma C. So ’80
Natalia Y. Sokolova ’08
Edward Solecki ’09
Paul Sommers and Marina Sommers
Stephanie Sonneborn and Alexander Sonneborn
Chandra Spears ’20
Lee Spencer
Tracy R. Spesia ’90 and David D. Spesia
Jane Spinak and Warren Scharf
Leanne V. Spitalieri ’09
Aurelia L. Spurlark ’74
Elizabeth Squires and Jonathan Squires
Clare D. St. Catherine ’08
Ivy Sta Iglesia
Mary K. Stanton ’82
Pamela D. Stark ’99
Polina Starr
Barbara M. Stern ’80
Betty P. Steuer ’72
Claire Stevick and Michael Stevick
Gillian Steyn
Jennifer Stine ’01
Charlotte L. Stiverson ’85
Anne C. Stokes ’77 and R. Leonard Stokes
Brooke Stolting
Phyllis B. Stone ’95 and Glenn H. Davis ’04
Barbara U. Streeter ’77
Dr. Judith C. Stubbs ’73
Dr. Sujatha Subramanian and Reuben Sinha
Pearl Sun and Johannes Rittershausen
Beverley W. Sutherland
Claire Sylvan
Abby Sypek
Joan P. Talkowsky ’74
Michele B. Taubenblat ’97
Maggie Tauranac and Evan Bardot
Fana Tekle and Bonaya Mudda
Cheryl Tetenbaum ’70 and Elliot Tetenbaum
Colette Thayer ’83
Colleen Thomas Young and William Young
Trinidell Thomas ’96
Mary Jane Thompson
Dr. Jane Thorbeck ’74
Annie Thorkelson and Jason Brown
Kathleen K. Tice
Margaret Tice
Amber Tingle and Jarrid Tingle
Terry Tom and Jay Tom
Ramey W. Tomson ’75
Grace A. Toolan ’17
Lorice J. Townsend-Brown ’99
Carol B. Traynor ’91
Susan Trerotola and Nancy Mahon
Christopher Trerotola-Mahon ’16
Bethene Trexel ’75 and Jonathan H. Tenney
Karen Trombly ’79 and Paul Trombly
Jasiri Tyler ’84
Helena Tyson and John Tyson
Doris Van Putten ’79
Rachel Ventura and Johanna Fifi
Tatiana Villanueva-Colman
Connie Vu and Toshi Porter
Sylvia G. Wagner ’74 and Bruce Wagner
Maura Walsh
Supporters ($1-$249) continued
Rahsaan T. Wareham ’93 and Julee Wareham
Abbyann Wasilew ’70
Marthetta W. Watson ’92 and Thomas Watson
Jason N. Watt ’99 and Sandra Ramos-Watt
Denise Waxman
Michael Weinraub
Michele Weisman
Emily Weiss
Kate Welch and Brian Shin
Marcia S. Weller ’73 and Herbert Weller
Dr. Donald A. Wells
Kristin F. Wells and Brent Wells
Sarah Westley
Dana M. Wheeler ’09
Pamela C. Wheeler-Civita ’05
Dominique White and Rashad White
Carolyn White-Lesieur ’75
Emma B. Whitman ’07
Karen D. Whitney
Edith Wiener ’91 and Martin Wiener
Marlene H. Wilburn ’82 and Richard G. Wilburn
Gloria Williams Ladd ’73 and Lincoln F. Ladd
Anne Williams
Judy S. Wilner
Mary Ann Wilson and Joe Wilson
Mary E. Winkley
Jonathan Winstone
Chris Witherspoon and Karina Mendez
Sara Witt and Boyce Cummings
Jennifer J. Wittmer ’94
Nancy Woeppel
Sarah Wolf
Betsy Wolfe and Adam Krauthamer
Mary Wolpert
William Wood
Larry Woodbridge
Kristen Worrell
Hudson Wright
Maria Wright ’93
Dr. Pauline M. Wright ’79
Claire Wurtzel ’77 and William Wurtzel
Janet M. Yabroff ’75
Lorraine M. Yamin ’95 and Eli B. Yamin
Denise Yankou
Masayuki Yazawa and Jue Feng
Eleanor E. Yee ’18
Mark R. Yim and Peter Hare
Jennifer M. Yonkers ’12
Dr. John R. Young ’77
Paula B. Young ’94 and Jackson M. Young
Laura Zadoff
Kayla E. Zionts ’14
Barry Zucker and Veronica Bertran
Hillary Zuckerberg and Tom Saputo
The Alliance for Early Success
The Altschul Foundation
America Online Gives
American Endowment Foundation
America’s Charities
Ameriprise Financial
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation
Arnold & Jeanne Bernstein Fund
Assured Guaranty Corporation
AXA Advisors LLC
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Becton Family Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The Blackbaud Giving Fund by YourCause
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Bond Schoenick & King PLLC
Booth Ferris Foundation
Brown, Brothers, Harriman & Co.
Carnegie Corporation of New York
The Central National Gottesman Foundation
Cerini & Associates, LLP
Charities Aid Foundation of America
The Charles Hayden Foundation
Charles B. Sweatt Foundation
The Cleveland H. Dodge Foundation
Cognizant Technology Solutions U.S. Corp
Colliers International
Comcast NBCUniversal
Consumer Technology Association
Contentra Technologies
Cushman & Wakefield
The Dammann Fund Inc.
The DARMA Fund
Direct Clean Solutions
The Doris Duke Foundation
The Draizin Foundation, Inc
Ehrenkranz Family Foundation
Ehrenkranz Partners LP
Ellen G. Pincus Fund at Vanguard
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
The F. & E. Stamer Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fidelity National Title Insurance Services LLC
First American Title Insurance Company
First National Bank Texas
The First Presbyterian Church in the City of New York
Fitch Group
Florence V. Burden Foundation
Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobson LLP
Gloria & Hilliard Farber Foundation
Goldman Sachs & Co
Greentree Foundation
The Grodzins Fund
Gullah Heritage Consulting Services LLC
Hampson Charitable Fund at Renaissance Charitable hand2mind
Happiest Minds Technologies
The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.
Iger Bay Foundation
The Kahn Charitable Foundation
Jewish Communal Fund
Jim Neuberger and Helen Stambler Neuberger Foundation
John Gallin & Son, Inc.
JPMC Foundation
JPMorgan Chase
The Kandell Fund
Kinloch Consulting Group Inc.
Lakeside Book Company
LCU Fund for Women’s Education
Learning Mate Solutions Inc.
Leo Model Foundation Inc.
The Levy Group
London Stock Exchange Group
Marco & Sabrina Hellman Family Trust
Marsh McLennan Agency
Meltzer Lippe Goldstein & Breitstone LLP
Michael Rosenfeld Gallery LLC
The Moses Feldman Family Foundation
MSB Charitable Fund
MUFG Bank, Ltd.
Museum Partners Consulting LLC
National Philanthropic Trust
Network for Good
The New York Community Trust
New York Life Insurance Company
The News Corporation Foundation
The Offensend Family Foundation
Osage Venture Partners
The O’Toole Family Foundation
Patrick Jenkins & Associates
Paypal Giving Fund
The Philip and Lynn Straus Foundation
Raffetto Herman Strategic Communications
Rauch Foundation Inc.
Renaissance Charitable Foundation
Rexford Fund Inc.
The Robert P. and Arlene R. Kogod Family Foundation
Robin Hood Foundation
Rocking Chair Foundation
Ruth Winkelman Wender Foundation
Savvas Learning Company
Schaffer Family Foundation
Schwab Charitable Gift Fund
Shaftel Family Foundation Inc.
Sharp Electronics Corporation
SL Green
Solis-Cohen Spigel Family Foundation
Specialty Business Machines Holdings LLC
Starr Associates LLP
The Stephen & Carole Schwartz Foundation
Steven McElheny Builders, Inc.
Stuart Four Square Foundation
Symmetry Creative Production, Inc.
Terry and Sheldon Fleck Fund
TIAA Charitable
The Treiber Family Foundation
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Vanguard Charitable
Verisk Analytics
W. Clement and Jessie V. Stone Foundation
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
The Walsh Street Foundation
Walton Family Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Werwaiss Family Charitable Trust
West Harlem Development Corporation
The Wonderful Foundation
Every gift, no matter the size, makes a huge impact. If you’re considering making a gift, here’s how.
To make a one-time gift, please visit us online at bankstreet.edu/support-us, call Jeremy Wells at 212-961-3329, or email jwells@bankstreet.edu, or mail a check to: Bank Street College of Education, Attn: Development and Alumni Relations Office, P.O. Box 250865, New York, NY 10025.
Visit bankstreet.edu/monthly to become a Bank Street Educational Advocate monthly donor. Giving on a monthly basis is easy and allows for the sustained, consistent funding that Bank Street relies on to continue offering an innovative and experience-based education.
Visit bankstreet.edu/matching to search our database and find out if your company will match your gift.
Make a gift of appreciated securities using the information below. Please note that our broker does not receive donor information; to be properly acknowledged, we’ll need to know how many shares of which stock you transferred.
Broker-Dealer Name: NFS DTC#: 0226 100 Crosby Parkway KC1J, Covington, KY 41015 Account Name – Number: Bank Street College of Education – 636374252
If you’d like to make a grant from a donor-advised fund account at Fidelity, Schwab, Vanguard, or another institute or sponsor, you can place a request to our Federal Tax ID #13-5562167. Visit bankstreet.edu/DAF for more information.
To make a gift from your IRA, please contact your IRA administrator to request a funds transfer. To help us credit your gift, please ask your IRA administrator to make the check payable to Bank Street College of Education and include your full name and mailing address on the check, as well as a note that the transfer is an IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution.
For questions, please contact Jeremy Wells at jwells@bankstreet.edu or 212-961-3329. All gifts are fully tax-deductible.
Thank you for your support of Bank Street! We could not do the work we do without you.
Bank Street College of Education
610 West 112th Street
New York, NY 10025
Federal Tax ID # 13-5562167
Dear Bank Street Community,
We are excited to introduce ourselves to you as the co-chairs for Bank Street’s brand new capital campaign, Imagine Tomorrow. As trustees, parents, and champions of progressive education, we are committed to ensuring that Bank Street can live out its vital mission for many years to come. We ask you to join us in supporting the campaign at this critical moment.
We don’t need to remind you that we are living in extraordinary times or that the landscape of education is shifting beneath our feet—often in ways we’re excited about but sometimes in ways that challenge our most deeply held beliefs. For more than 100 years, Bank Street has met the moment by following the exhortation of our founder, Lucy Sprague Mitchell, to work “unafraid and efficiently, in a world of new needs, new problems, and new ideas.” Today, we face new needs like never before as we work to train aspiring educators, empower a diverse community of lifelong learners, and change the landscape of education through public policy initiatives.
Through the Imagine Tomorrow campaign, Bank Street aims to raise $30 million by 2028, comprising $15 million in individual major gifts; $12.5 million in increased annual fund giving; and $2.5 million in grant funding tied to our strategic plan. With those resources, we will be able to:
• Expand financial aid and scholarship programs in both the School for Children and Graduate School
• Invest in new partnership development across our public impact programs
• Pursue new knowledge and sharpen our practices through research and policy design
• Ensure our physical home on the Upper West Side is modern, welcoming, and inclusive.
We are thrilled to announce that as of June 30, 2024, just a few months into the campaign, we had raised approximately $14 million toward our goal. Doubtless, by the time you’re reading this, that number will be even higher, thanks to so many of you. Moments like this one remind us what a privilege it is to be part of a community that values children intrinsically, views education as an expression of justice, and believes fundamentally that learning is for everyone. We invite you to join us by contributing your time, treasure, and talents to this exciting initiative.
In partnership,
Nancie Cooper and Kristin Black Bank Street College Trustees and Co-Chairs, Imagine Tomorrow Campaign