Bank Street CPS Summer 2021 Course Brochure

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EXPLORE OUR ONLINE SHORT-FORMAT WORKSHOPS Courses for Early Childhood, Childhood, and Early Adolescence Courses for Educational Leadership Certification Support & State-Mandated Trainings


A MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear Educators, At Bank Street, we’re looking back at the unprecedented challenges faced by the teachers and students we serve. What do we want to let go? What do we want to keep? How can we best support the students and families that we work with in the year to come? With these questions in mind, the CPS faculty is offering these online summer courses and workshops that we hope will support you as you plan for the 2021-22 academic year. The pandemic has brought the social and emotional health of children and ourselves to the forefront. Courses like Bibliotherapy (p. 4), Normalizing Vulnerability in the Classroom (p. 9 and 12), The Spectrum of Play and Play on the Spectrum (p. 5), and Dynamic Leadership (p. 13) explore proven techniques and new strategies for incorporating socially and emotionally responsive practice. The rising violence, racism, xenophobia, and police brutality along with the resurgence of civil rights movements like #BlackLivesMatter and #StopAsianHate, are also on the minds of both children and teachers. Workshops like Restorative Practices in the Early Grades (p. 9), Play-Based Curriculum in the Early Childhood Classroom (p. 4 and 9), and Talking About Race with Children (p. 10) provide opportunities to work together to incorporate aspects of this work into your curriculum. Additionally Cultivating Critical Literacies (p. 8) explores how to move beyond traditional writing assignments to include culturally sustaining modes of communication. The political climate also raises questions of power and knowledge into the classroom. Courses like Constructing a Democratic Classroom (p. 4) and Creating Classrooms that Embrace Difference (p. 7), and Literature Experiences for Emergent Bilingual Children (p. 9) introduce practices that acknowledge gender, racial, and linguistic stereotypes. The CPS staff is working remotely through 2021. And while we look forward to a time when we can come together in person again, one aspect of the pandemic that we hope to keep is the shift to an online course format—It has brought together educators from across the country and world, from which we all benefit. I hope you’ll join us this summer as you reflect on the past year and start preparing for the 2021-22 school year. Sincerely,

Joy Ellebbane, Director I 1


Motor Play to Enhance Growth in the Classroom (Ages 1–6 Years) July 12 and 14 | Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–2:30 PM ET See page 4. NEW


The Spectrum of Play and Play on the Spectrum: Through a DevelopmentalIndividual-Difference, Relationship Model (DIR/Floortime) Lens (Ages Birth–6) August 4 and 5 | Wednesday and Thursday 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET See page 5. NEW


Creating Classrooms that Embrace Difference (Grades Pre-K–2) July 22 | Thursday, 10:30 AM–4:00 PM See page 7. NEW


Cultivating Critical Literacies (Grades 3-8) July 27 | Tuesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET See page 8 and 12. NEW


Normalizing Vulnerability in the Classroom: Strategies to Inspire Children to Take Social, Emotional, and Academic Risks (Grades K–8) July 27 and 29 | Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM ET See page 9 and 12. NEW


Restorative Practices in the Early Grades (Grades 1–3)

August 3, 4, 5 and 6 | Tuesday–Friday, 4:30 PM–7:30 PM ET See page 9.


Talking About Race with Children (Ages 5–10)

August 10 | Tuesday, 1:00–3:00 PM ET See page 10.

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EARLY CHILDHOOD SETE513N Bibliotherapy in the Early Childhood Setting (Grades Pre-School–3) Bibliotherapy is the art of using children’s literature to help children understand difficult experiences and resolve developmental issues that may interfere with their growth. You will learn how to choose books that address developmental and experiential difficulties. You will also explore how the use of story can help children better understand their own personal experiences and you will learn how to make books that address children’s individual and group needs. Instructor: Lesley Koplow July 14 and 15 Wednesday and Thursday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/7 TEED656N Constructing a Democratic Classroom: Focus on Routines, Rules, and Transitions (Ages 3–9 Years) Routines, rules, and transitions may be thought of as providing the framework for the daily life of the classroom. The way in which they are constructed and carried out strongly affects the social, moral, and academic atmosphere in the setting. What does democracy mean in relation to routines, rules, and transitions? How can children have a voice in determining them? The ultimate goal is not simply to create order, but also to encourage the development of both autonomy and a caring community. Topics to be considered are views of the nature of the child, developmental appropriateness, flexibility, the needs of English language learners and children with developmental variations, issues around power and control, the meaning of resistance, and how routines and transitions relate to academic learning and the various curriculum areas, particularly social studies. You will examine and analyze the structures in your own and each other’s classrooms. Instructor: Candace Barriteau Phaire August 2 and 4 Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/26 TEWS666N Designing Interdisciplinary, Play-Based Activities for the Pre-K– First Grade Classroom This workshop will focus broadly on how to design and implement curricula in pre-kindergarten/kindergarten classrooms that are, or strive to be, interdisciplinary and play-based. We will explore ways to integrate social studies, language arts, math, science, and art activities. We will also explore ways to scaffold and differentiate these activities to make them more inclusive and to address a diverse range of student needs. The unique and specific contexts of your settings will be taken into account and discussed. Instructor: Timothy Lightman July 13 and 15 Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 Registration Deadline: 7/6 4 I

TEWS715N Motor Play to Enhance Growth in the Classroom (Ages 1–6 Years) This course will demystify developmental concepts, such as Sensory Processing, Regulation and Sensory Integration. You will learn how motor play can impact energy level, attention, and a child’s ability to improve organizational skills. You will complete the course with a toolbox of activities to enhance fine and gross motor development, along with strategies to keep children alert, energized, and in control in the classroom setting. Discussions will include how to collaborate with families and caretakers in using motor play to extend skill building to the home environment, along with neuroscience research underscoring the importance of sensory motor play for brain organization and building the foundation for lifelong learning. Instructor: Jill Mays July 12 and 14 Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–2:30 PM ET 6 CTLE or .6 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/5 TEWS826N Play-Based Curriculum in the Early Childhood Classroom (Preschool–Grade 1) We will explore the role of play in a content-rich and developmentally appropriate classroom and discuss the theory and application of play as a medium for learning in young children; the assessment of behavior and content through play; and the creation of play/learning environments in a variety of educational settings. In addition, we will learn how to communicate with families to calm their fears and clarify the educational value of play. You will leave with strategies and techniques to expand your current play-based curriculum, in both virtual and socially distanced classrooms, or introduce play-based activities to your traditional setting. Instructor: Soyoung Park July 26 and 28 Monday and Wednesday 10:30 AM–1:30 PM ET 6 CTLE or .6 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/19 TEED654N The Reggio-Emilia Approach: From Theory to Practice (Ages Infant–5 Years) The early childhood program founded in Reggio-Emilia, Italy incorporates an emphasis on the learning environment, process vs. product, developmentally appropriate practice, and the importance of the community of learners. Much of this philosophy reflects the culture of the Italians and is difficult to recreate in the United States. This course is meant to provide an introduction to the approach and will attempt to bridge the Reggio-Emilia theory with American culture. We will view the Reggio-Emilia approach as a means to combat the push-down curriculum, competition, product over process, and the jumping/skipping of learning stages we are now experiencing in this country. Instructor: Pat Watkins July 20, 22, 27, and 29 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:30 AM–1:00 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/13

NEW SPED587N The Spectrum of Play and Play on the Spectrum: Through a Developmental-Individual-Difference, Relationship Model (DIR/Floortime) Lens (Ages Birth–6) Play is the portal through which young children are afforded access to a vast array of developmental opportunities. This course presents the developmental spectrum of play and the manner in which play supports the formation of self-regulation, is self-curative, and contains an unwritten curriculum with no need for imposed tasks, which will be examined as concept and practice. The second portion of the course examines how the play of children on the autistic spectrum is both alike and different from typically developing children and the impact of sensory and motor processing variations on the achievement of the developmental competencies of play. How to employ the Developmental-Individual Difference-Relationship Model (DIR/Floortime) to progress play with children on the spectrum will be a core feature. Attention will be given to how to support the developmental play journey in order to expand and symbolize the full range of emotions and understand what is real or not, what is safe or not, and to regulate anxiety and behavior. All will incorporate a parent-mediated approach. Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to discuss challenges you may encounter related to children with whom you are working. The relationship between the material being presented and the current pandemic, as well as the use of play for both expressing and working through trauma, will be addressed. Instructors: Gilbert Foley and Serena Wieder

August 4 and 5 Wednesday and Thursday 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/28 TEWS693N Sounds in Motion: The Development of Auditory Perception and Early Literacy Through the Use of Body Movements (Grades Pre-K–1) This workshop is designed to teach educators a unique, engaging, and effective program that helps early learners in both regular and special education classes acquire phonemic awareness, listening, early literacy, vocabulary, and articulation skills through the use of body movements. The program has been shown to be beneficial to children who are English Language Learners and students who qualify for Title 1 schools. You will learn body movements for 40 phonemes, along with techniques for teaching developmental listening and language skills. Instructor: Holly Thomas

TEED630N Supporting Emergent Literacy in the Classroom (Ages 3–5 Years) This course will help you meet the literacy standards for pre-K programs in a developmentally appropriate fashion. We will explore: • The role of classroom routines and environment • Children’s expressive and receptive language skills and the components of literacy development • Center-based, large and small group instruction • Ways to read aloud effectively • Supporting English language learners • Methods of supporting children’s emerging phonemic, phonological, and print awareness • How to create meaningful writing experiences Instructor: Tali Berkovitch July 6 and 7 Tuesday and Wednesday 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 6/29 SEWS554N Supporting Language Development in the Preschool Classroom (Ages 2–5 Years) This workshop is based on the premise that with increased opportunities to practice language in the classroom, young children will become more efficient communicators. You will learn a variety of classroom techniques that will engage children with a wide range of language abilities and will help them to listen, learn, and communicate most effectively. You will learn to analyze teacher communication styles and how to best match them to the language learning styles of your students. Using a timeline for development as a foundation, we will review the course of typical language acquisition and contrast it with language delay, differences, and disorders. We will use multisensory materials to practice how to incorporate language stimulation techniques into daily lessons in order to seize all interactions as language learning opportunities. Instructor: Suzanne L. Abrams August 3 and 5 Tuesday and Thursday, 5:00 PM–8:00 PM ET 6 CTLE or .6 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/27

August 2 Monday, 10:00 AM–4:00 PM ET 6 CTLE or .6 CEU $215 Materials Fee: $80 Registration Deadline: 7/26 I 5

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CHILDHOOD SETE508N Behavior Management Strategies for the Classroom Teacher (Grades Pre-K–8) Good classroom management is at the heart of effective teaching. This course is aimed at teachers in regular and special education settings who want to learn how to organize their classrooms to help students realize their maximum potential while also keeping their classes on track. It includes a step-by-step approach for setting up and carrying out a behavior modification strategy. This course is intended for educators with less than five years experience, but more experienced professionals will also come away with new techniques to add to their repertoire. Instructor: Ginny O’Hare Perrin July 20, 22 and 27 and 29 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30 PM–9:00 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/13 TEED346N Building Computational Fluency: Multiplication and Division (Grades 3–6) When teachers understand how children make sense of multiplication and division, they are better able to create strategies that support students in developing computational fluency. Using student work samples and video clips, we will explore how children develop meaningful, efficient, and accurate computational strategies for multiplication and division. We’ll examine mathematical ideas central to multiplication and division, thereby deepening mathematical content knowledge. Additionally, we’ll analyze the role of the traditional algorithm in a standards-based elementary mathematics classroom. Instructor: Julie Broderick July 27 and 29 Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 AM–5:00 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Materials Fee: $45 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 7/20 TEWS671N Clarifying Comprehension: Practical Strategies for Educators (Grades 1–5) Teaching students to understand what they read is one of the most challenging tasks for teachers; however, there are numerous strategies that offer ways to increase student engagement in the reading process. This workshop covers schema and how to activate it; types of text and how to best teach the differences; ways to instruct with visualization techniques using Question/Answer/Response (QAR), Think Aloud, Reciprocal Teaching, Retellings (oral and written) for narrative and expository text; and how to use these techniques for gleaning information about student process, along with ways to teach inferences from the text. Please bring some stories or books you are using in your classroom. Instructor: Laurie Rabinowitz July 12 and 14 Monday and Wednesday, 11:00 AM–2:00 PM ET 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/5

NEW TEWS850N Creating Classrooms that Embrace Difference (Grades Pre-K–2) We will explore how power and knowledge can be shared with students by allowing them to weave their own stories into the curriculum. Starting from this place, we will be better positioned to understand how classrooms can become educational spaces where students’ identities, interests, skills, and expertise are honored. We will examine how storytelling, language, literature, and projectbased making can support multiple funds of knowledge and ways of knowing. Instructor: Kelly Bird

July 22 Thursday, 10:30 AM–4:00 PM 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/15 TEWS832N Cultivating Connection, Community, and Joy in the Age of COVID-19 (Grades K–8) As socially distanced teaching or remote teaching (or a hybrid of both) remains our new normal, how can teachers tailor curricula to help students make sense of their emotional responses to the pandemic, develop community with each other, and find joy and meaning in their schoolwork? This workshop outlines how creative writing, games, feedback frameworks, and other techniques can empower students to manage their anxiety and connect with peers (and have a bit more fun at school, to boot). A digital folder of practical resources will be shared with you after each session. Instructor: Lily Howard Scott July 19 and 21 Monday and Wednesday, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 7/12 TEED656N Constructing a Democratic Classroom: Focus on Routines, Rules, and Transitions (Ages 3–9 Years) Routines, rules, and transitions may be thought of as providing the framework for the daily life of the classroom. The way in which they are constructed and carried out strongly affects the social, moral, and academic atmosphere in the setting. What does democracy mean in relation to routines, rules, and transitions? How can children have a voice in determining them? The ultimate goal is not simply to create order, but also to encourage the development of both autonomy and a caring community. Topics to be considered are views of the nature of the child, developmental appropriateness, flexibility, the needs of English language learners and children with developmental variations, issues around power and control, the meaning of resistance, and how routines and transitions relate to academic learning and the various curriculum areas, particularly social studies. You will examine and analyze the structures in your own and each others’ classrooms. Instructor: Candace Barriteau Phaire August 2 and 4 Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/26 I 7

NEW TEWS848N Cultivating Critical Literacies (Grades 3–8) In this workshop, you will learn how to move beyond traditional writing assignments to include culturally sustaining modes of communication that include alphabetic writing, video, radio, podcasts, visuals and other digital forms. We will explore and cocreate multimodal information sets for nonfiction learning, focusing on the processes and pedagogy behind curating layering texts that broaden understandings of what it means to compose and communicate. You will come away with an understanding of how to evaluate modes of communication that are unfamiliar to you; how to create equitable communication sets for classrooms; and ideas for modifying class work to respond to and exalt the uniqueness of any and all communities. Instructor: Nawal Qarooni Casiano

July 27 Tuesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 7/20 TEED650N Early Numbers, Addition, and Subtraction (Grades K–4) How do children develop computational strategies to help them add and subtract? This course explores how children make sense of these operations. Through video clips and student work samples, we’ll examine effective, efficient, and accurate problem-solving strategies that children can use to master addition and subtraction. We’ll discuss the role of the standard algorithm in a standardsbased mathematics classroom and consider the teacher’s role in helping children develop computational fluency. In addition, you will examine mathematical ideas central to addition and subtraction, thereby deepening our own mathematical content knowledge. Instructor: Eliza Chung July 12 and 14 Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Materials Fee: $45 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 7/5

SPED585N The Essential Orton-Gillingham (Grades 1–6) The Orton-Gillingham method of teaching decoding, spelling, and handwriting is a multisensory approach that has been used successfully with children who experience difficulty learning these skills. This course trains you in the Orton-Gillingham techniques and translates high-interest comprehension activities into literacy programs. Required text: Preventing Academic Failure, by Phyllis Bertin and Eileen Perlman (Monroe Associates Publishers). Instructors: Ginny O’Hare Perrin and Debbie Zlotowitz Section 1 July 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 and August 2, 3 Mondays and Tuesdays, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET 24 CTLE or 2 CEU $830 / 2 credits $3,420 Materials Fee: $110 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 6/29 Section 2 Sunday–Thursday August 8, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET August 9, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM and 6:00 PM– 9:00 PM ET August 10, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET August 11, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM and 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET August 12, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET 24 CTLE or 2 CEU $830 / 2 credits $3,420 Materials Fee: $110 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 7/29 TEWS749N Language Matters! Supporting Mathematical Discourse in the Classroom (Ages 5–13) This workshop will explore the role of discourse in the mathematics classroom. How do we support the development of ideas and language in mathematics? All students, including ELLs and those with language-based disabilities, need supported opportunities to communicate their mathematical thinking and develop mathematical language. The workshop will focus on the “why” of mathematics while exploring strategies to support and develop productive discourse for all learners in a classroom. Instructor: Amy Withers July 8 Thursday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $295 Registration Deadline 7/1 NEW

“ I came away with very clear and practical takeaways for application in K-3 classrooms. Eliza has an endless wealth of knowledge.”   — Participant, Early Numbers, Addition and Subtraction

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TEWS849N Literature Experiences for Emergent Bilingual Children (Grades Pre-K–4) Participants will learn engaging literacy practices that normalize bilingualism/multilingualism and challenge notions of gender, racial, and linguistic stereotypes through a variety of literacy experiences both in reading and writing. In this work, the importance of connecting to family and community literacies is emphasized as we navigate through this new terrain of remote/blended learning. The class will review how to critically choose children’s books and introduce strategies for sharing books with children to increase opportunities to engage multilingually and multimodally. You will have the opportunity to plan and share how to bring these engagements to your work with students. This workshop is geared towards, but not limited to, mainstream classroom teachers, English as a New Language teachers, and bilingual teachers. Instructors: Laura Ascenzi-Moreno and Cecilia Espinosa July 13 and 15 Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 AM–2:30 PM E 6.0 CTLE or.6 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/6

TEED565N Meeting the Diverse Needs of Beginning Readers (Grades K–3) In every classroom, some children take longer to master beginning reading skills. Teachers, therefore, need to develop a variety of materials and approaches to help all children and particularly those having difficulty learning to read. We will discuss and demonstrate strategies you can use to enhance children’s decoding and encoding skills. We will also review methods and engage in activities designed to improve reading comprehension skills. You will have the opportunity to explore how you can use these techniques in your individual school settings. Some teaching experience is required. Instructor: Allison Arthur May August 10 and 12 Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 8/3 TEWS851N Normalizing Vulnerability in the Classroom: Strategies to Inspire Children to Take Social, Emotional, and Academic Risks (Grades K–8) Children who have learned to normalize vulnerability operate with resilience, confidence, and a growth mindset. This workshop outlines how games, work-sharing protocols, connection circles, and other techniques can inspire children to share openly with— and support—one another. A digital folder of practical resources will be shared with you after each session. Instructor: Lily Howard Scott NEW

July 27 and 29 Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM ET 4.0 CTLE or 0.4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 7/20 TEED649N Plant-Based Learning: Gardening Projects in the Classroom (Grades Pre-K–4) A growing body of research indicates that plant-based learning projects, such as indoor gardening and school gardens, are powerful teaching tools inside and outside the classroom. These activities provide an atmosphere that incorporates hands-on learning and strengthens academic, personal, and social development while encouraging children to develop critical skills, such as healthful living, stewardship, decision-making, and self-sufficiency. This course provides an introduction to botany and applications for plant-based learning inside and outside the classroom, even in limited space. We will move beyond bean investigations by exploring cutting edge methods for growing plants and for learning through plant-based projects. Cross-curricular connections will be made through scientific inquiry and literacy as we explore how to use plants to understand phenomena and the world we inhabit. You will receive seeds, plants, and materials for continued exploration at their schools. Instructor: Jacqueline Pilati August 2 and 4 Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Materials Fee: $35 Registration Deadline: 7/26

TEWS826N Play-Based Curriculum in the Early Childhood Classroom (Grades Preschool–1) We will explore the role of play in a content-rich and developmentally appropriate classroom and discuss the theory and application of play as a medium for learning in young children; the assessment of behavior and content through play; and the creation of play/learning environments in a variety of educational settings. In addition, we will learn how to communicate with families to calm their fears and clarify the educational value of play. You will leave with strategies and techniques to expand your current play-based curriculum, in both virtual and socially distanced classrooms, or introduce playbased activities to your traditional setting. Instructor: Soyoung Park July 26 and 28 Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–1:30 PM ET 6 CTLE or .6 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/19 NEW TEED658N Restorative Practices in the Early Grades (Grades 1–3) Restorative practices hold great promise for shifting the power balance, structures, and approach of traditional classroom and disciplinary practice. At their core, restorative practices are equitable and explicitly anti-racist. They incorporate themes of socialemotional learning, racial and cultural equity, and relationshipand trust-building to promote healthier classrooms and schools. Restorative practices encourage us to engage in self-reflection, to participate on the same level as our students, and to actively question some of the assumptions many of us may hold. In this course, we will explore the foundational philosophy and values of restorative practices, familiarizing ourselves with common themes and practices as we adopt a restorative and transformative lens. Together we will engage with practical applications of restorative practices in the elementary classroom, trying them out together and reflecting on our experiences. Instructor: Ellen Ferrin

August 3, 4, 5, and 6 Tuesday–Friday, 4:30 PM–7:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/27 TEWS693N Sounds in Motion: The Development of Auditory Perception and Early Literacy Through the Use of Body Movements (Pre-K – Grade 1) This workshop is designed to teach educators a unique, engaging, and effective program that helps early learners in both regular and special education classes acquire phonemic awareness, listening, early literacy, vocabulary, and articulation skills through the use of body movements. The program has been shown to be beneficial to children who are English Language Learners and students who qualify for Title 1 schools. You will learn body movements for 40 phonemes along with techniques for teaching developmental listening and language skills. Instructor: Holly Thomas August 2 Monday, 10:00 AM–4:00 PM ET 6 CTLE or .6 CEU $215 Materials Fee: $80 Registration Deadline: 7/26 I 9

TEWS843N Support Language and Writing Within Workshop Structures: Make Data Meaningful (Grades K–5) Explore quick ways to use the observational anecdotals and formal data to support writers with both language acquisition and learning. Often in schools, we collect piles of papers or files that easily sit for weeks before they are used (or tossed out). This course will guide the analyzing of student work with a focus on literacy and language, modifying curriculum based on needs and strengths, and implementing teaching methods to encourage independence. You will carry away strategies and plans to try in your classroom as teachers or across your school community as coaches, administrators, or support staff. These strategies can be applied to virtual, blended, and traditional classroom settings. Instructor: Emily DeLiddo July 6 and 8 Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 AM–1:00 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 6/30 TEWS833N Talking About Race with Children (Ages 5–10) This workshop explores how to talk about race and anti-racism with children in a classroom setting. The Bank Street community affirms that teaching and learning are expressions of justice. You will be introduced to concrete examples from an existing social justice curriculum utilized in the Bank Street School for Children. The curriculum is based on Bank Street College’s guiding belief that human beings learn best in the context of meaningful relationships and through doing, making, and changing the world around us. Participants will leave with tools and ideas that they can try out in their own classrooms in the fall. Instructors: Soyoung Park and Chaylor Johnson August 10 Tuesday, 1:00 PM–3:00 PM ET .2 CTLE or 2 CEU $75 Registration Deadline: 8/3

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EARLY ADOLESCENCE SETE508N Behavior Management Strategies for the Classroom Teacher (Grades Pre-K–8)) Good classroom management is at the heart of effective teaching. This course is aimed at teachers in regular and special education settings who want to learn how to organize their classrooms to help students realize their maximum potential while also keeping their classes on track. It includes a step-by-step approach for setting up and carrying out a behavior modification strategy. This course is intended for instructors with less than five years of experience, but more experienced professionals will also come away with new techniques to add to their repertoire. Instructor: Ginny O’Hare Perrin July 20, 22 and 27 and 29 Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:30 PM–9:00 PM* ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/13 TEWS832N Cultivating Connection, Community, and Joy in the Age of COVID-19 (Grades K–8) As socially distanced teaching or remote teaching (or a hybrid of both) remains our new normal, how can teachers tailor curricula to help students make sense of their emotional responses to the pandemic, develop community with each other, and find joy and meaning in their schoolwork? This workshop outlines how creative writing, games, feedback frameworks, and other techniques can empower students to manage their anxiety and connect with peers (and have a bit more fun at school, to boot). A digital folder of practical resources will be shared with you after each session. Instructor: Lily Howard Scott July 19 and 21 Monday and Wednesday, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 7/12 TEWS848N Cultivating Critical Literacies (Grades 3–8) In this workshop, you will learn how to move beyond traditional writing assignments to include culturally sustaining modes of communication that include alphabetic writing, video, radio, podcasts, visuals and other digital forms. We will explore and cocreate multimodal information sets for nonfiction learning, focusing on the processes and pedagogy behind curating layering texts that broaden understandings of what it means to compose and communicate. You will come away with an understanding of how to evaluate modes of communication that are unfamiliar to you; how to create equitable communication sets for classrooms; and ideas for modifying class work to respond to and exalt the uniqueness of any and all communities. Instructor: Nawal Qarooni-Casiano NEW

July 27 Tuesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET 4 CTLE or .4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 7/20

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SPED585N The Essential Orton-Gillingham (Grades 1–6) The Orton-Gillingham method of teaching decoding, spelling, and handwriting is a multisensory approach that has been used successfully with children who experience difficulty learning these skills. This course trains you in the Orton-Gillingham techniques and translates high-interest comprehension activities into literacy programs. Required text: Preventing Academic Failure, by Phyllis Bertin and Eileen Perlman (Monroe Associates Publishers). Instructors: Ginny O’Hare Perrin and Debbie Zlotowitz Section 1 July 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 and August 2, 3 Mondays and Tuesdays, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET 24 CTLE or 2 CEU $830 / 2 credits $3,420 Materials Fee: $110 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 6/29 Section 2 Sunday–Thursday August 8, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET August 9, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM and 6:00 PM– 9:00 PM ET August 10, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET August 11, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM and 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET August 12, 6:00 PM–9:00 PM ET 24 CTLE or 2 CEU $830 / 2 credits $3,420 Materials Fee: $110 (includes required text) Registration Deadline: 7/29 TEWS749N Language Matters! Supporting Mathematical Discourse in the Classroom (Ages 5–13) This workshop will explore the role of discourse in the mathematics classroom. How do we support the development of ideas and language in mathematics? All students, including ELLs and those with language-based disabilities, need supported opportunities to communicate their mathematical thinking and develop mathematical language. The workshop will focus on the “why” of mathematics while exploring strategies to support and develop productive discourse for all learners in a classroom. Instructor: Amy Withers July 8 Thursday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET 5 CTLE or .5 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/1 NEW TEWS851N Normalizing Vulnerability in the Classroom: Strategies to Inspire Children to Take Social, Emotional, and Academic Risks (Grades K–8) Children who have learned to normalize vulnerability operate with resilience, confidence, and a growth mindset. This workshop outlines how games, work-sharing protocols, connection circles, and other techniques can inspire children to share openly with—and support— one another. A digital folder of practical resources will be shared with you after each session. Instructor: Lily Howard Scott

July 27 and 29 Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 AM–12:00 PM ET 4.0 CTLE or 0.4 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 7/20

LEADERSHIP LEAD528N Dynamic Leadership: Inspiring and Supporting Your Teaching Faculty (Ages 3–10) This course is designed for administrators, program directors, and emerging leaders working with early childhood/early elementary programs. We will identify opportunities and challenges inherent in the leadership role and examine ways to build engaging teaching and learning communities. Discussion will emphasize concrete ways to motivate, support, inspire, and cultivate teacher leaders. Topics will include creating positive school culture, exploring effective ways to use meeting and professional development time, and maximizing on the potential of physical space in an educational setting. Instructor: Elizabeth McKenna July 27 and 29 Tuesday and Thursday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET *2.5 hours of asynchronous work required 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/20

TEWS672N Working Effectively with Your Teaching Team (Grades Pre-K–3) This workshop will explore the complex dynamics of working as a team in an early childhood environment or classroom. We will discuss techniques to create a successful school environment that leads to more competent and confident children, healthier partnerships with parents, and a more fulfilling workplace for teachers and administrators. Directors and head teachers will learn techniques for building a strong, dynamic teaching team, how to be an effective mentor, how to work collaboratively, and how to delegate responsibilities. Instructor: Jean Schreiber July 26 and 28 Monday and Wednesday, 10:30 AM–3:30 PM ET 9 CTLE or .9 CEU $425 Registration Deadline: 7/19 I 13

CAREER DEVELOPMENT LANG 760N American Sign Language: Module One This course offers an introductory immersion approach to American Sign Language (ASL) in communication with deaf persons. ASL may also be explored as an alternate means of communication with hearing children with language disorders who may be delayed in acquiring spoken English. Sessions will focus on aspects of deaf culture and the vitality and rich potential of American Sign Language communication. ASL lab practice opportunities will be built into the schedule. Instructor: Carole Lazorisak The benefits of learning ASL include the following: • Enhances cognition, creativity, and abstract thinking • Enhances your communication skills through the use of gesture and signs for working with language barriers • Improves your ability to communicate with the approximately 36 million, or 1 out of 10 people with hearing loss in the United States • Increases awareness of hand and eye coordination and the use of spatial relations • Opens your eyes to become more aware of your peripheral vision and surroundings • Provides a new skill in communicating visually with diverse populations in different situations July 6, 7, 8 and 9 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 11:00 AM–2:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit* $1,710 Registration Deadline: 6/29 *Fulfills 1 credit towards language prerequisite LANG 761N American Sign Language: Module Two This course offers an immersion approach to American Sign Language in communication with deaf persons. The course builds on Module One and is designed to provide students with an essential fundamental knowledge of the language, its culture, and its grammatical principles. Prerequisite: LANG 760N or permission of instructor. Instructor: Carole Lazorisak July 12, 13, 14, and 15 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 11:00 AM–2:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit* $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/5 *Fulfills 1 credit towards language prerequisite LANG 762N American Sign Language: Module Three This course is the third and most advanced module of the American Sign Language series. Sessions led by an educator who is herself deaf continue the immersion approach to American Sign Language. The course builds on the skills and abilities developed in the first two modules, further extending knowledge of the language, its culture, grammatical principles, and skill in communication. Prerequisite: LANG 762N or permission of instructor. Instructor: Carole Lazorisak July 19, 20, 21, and 22 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 11:00 AM-2:30 PM ET 12 CTLE or 1.2 CEU $425 / 1 credit* $1,710 Registration Deadline: 7/12 *Fulfills 1 credit towards language prerequisite 14 I

ARTS551N Summer Art Studio: Painting, Construction, and Textile Arts Join us this summer in a virtual zoom studio art time with Maria Elena Richa. This course will provide you with an opportunity to explore and discover properties of two-dimensional and threedimensional materials, such as paint, cardboard, and textiles. During our time together, you will develop and have exposure to: language of art along with concepts of art, such as composition, line, color, and form. Scaffolded lessons will build confidence and skills each day along with a strong foundation for future art endeavours. Instructor: Maria Richa August 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Monday–Friday, 8:30 AM–12:30 PM* ET 24 CTLE or 2.4 CEU $830 / 2 credits** $3,420 *4 hours of asynchronous work required **Fulfills the prerequisite for 2 credits in studio art Materials Fee: $55 Registration Deadline: 7/26 TEWS830N Picture Book Workshop If you ever thought: I have always wanted to write (or finish!) that picture book, here is a chance to get going. This is a nuts-andbolts workshop that focuses on making your story better. Rhythm. Pacing. Voice. Dialogue. Universal themes. Choosing just the right words. These are just some of the things we will look at with a view to giving a uniquely picture book shape as well as your own very personal touch to that story. You should come to class with at least the beginnings of a story. Instructor: Amy Hest August 4 and 5 Wednesday and Thursday, 5:00 PM–6:30 PM ET 3 CTLE or .3 CEU $195 Registration Deadline: 7/28

“ Carole is an awesome, inspirational teacher and I loved that she provided us with a real sign language immersion experience. Our class had so much fun taking these baby steps in communication.”   — Participant, American Sign Language

TEWS598N Writing for Children: Finding Your Voice So you want to write a children’s book! This workshop will give you the boost you’ve been waiting for and get you started on that picture book, novel, or young reader, once and for all. In this friendly, supportive environment, class discussions will focus on all aspects of good storytelling and good writing, including tone of voice, clear dialogue, characters who feel real, and beautiful language. The focus is on the exciting process of finding your voice and writing not just a story, but one that really means something to you. Teachers will gain a better understanding of the writing process so that they, in turn, can help their students find pleasure in crafting their stories. Everyone who takes this course will come away with new insights about the beautiful power of storytelling, and why children’s books will always count. Instructor: Amy Hest July 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, and 28 (7 sessions) Mondays and Wednesdays, 5:00 PM–7:00 PM ET 14 CTLE or 1.4 CEU $460 Registration Deadline: 6/30

TEWS810N The Writer’s Lab for Unpublished Authors We are offering this lab for a small group of committed writers who enjoy the writing process and want to come together each month to share their works in progress and receive feedback from other committed writers. This is a safe, supportive place to try out what you’ve been working on independently in a facilitated workshop. Instructor: Amy Hest Prerequisite: Finding Your Voice (listed above) or submit a manuscript in progress. Inquiries and manuscripts should be emailed to by June 26, 2020. Space will be limited to 15 people. Individuals who submit a manuscript (or who took a prerequisite class) will be notified of acceptance on a rolling basis. July 13, 20, and 27 Tuesdays, 5:00 PM–7:00 PM ET 6 CTLE or .6 CEU $295 Registration Deadline: 7/6 (Registration is limited and manuscripts must be submitted by 6/26) I 15

CERTIFICATION SUPPORT AND STATE-MANDATED TRAININGS PLEASE NOTE: Registrants should make sure to log into or arrive at these courses at or before the specified start time. No one will be allowed to participate in any of the State-Mandated Workshops after the posted start time. Those who log in or arrive late are not eligible for a transfer or refund. EDTPA501N edTPA Informational Workshops This two-hour online workshop will outline the edTPA requirements. You will leave with a clear understanding of the process and a suggested timeline of activities. Participation in one of these information sessions is required to participate in the edTPA Support Workshop scheduled in the Fall. Instructor: Tara Kirton Section 1 July 13 Tuesday, 6:00 PM–7:30 PM ET Registration Deadline: 7/6 Section 2 August 5 Thursday, 6:00 PM–7:30 PM ET Registration Deadline: 7/29 $35 (not offered for CTLE hours) Fee is waived for matriculated students at Bank Street College TEWS500N State-Mandated Training in Child Abuse Identification and Reporting All licensed professionals working with children under 18 years of age are required by New York State law to report suspected child abuse and neglect. This course will help you learn to identify symptoms of child abuse and neglect and will provide you with information about the required procedures for reporting abuse. The New York State Certificate of Completion will be issued to all registrants who attend the full two-hour session. Section 1 June 15 Tuesday, 5:15 PM–7:15 PM ET Instructor: Christine Low Registration Deadline: 6/8 Section 2 July 12 Monday, 5:15 PM–7:15 PM ET Instructor: Deborah Vilas Registration Deadline: 7/5 Section 3 August 11 Wednesday, 5:15 PM–7:15 PM ET Instructor: Christine Low Registration Deadline: 8/4

TEWS501N State-Mandated Training on School Violence Prevention Anyone applying for certification after February 2, 2001, must complete two hours of training on school violence prevention and intervention. This workshop includes training in effective classroom management techniques, identifying the warning signs of violent and other troubling behavior, and intervention techniques for resolving violent incidents in the school. The New York State Certificate of completion will be issued to all registrants who attend the full twohour session. Section 1 June 17 Thursday, 5:15 PM–7:15 PM ET Instructor: Ana Tiburcio Registration Deadline: 6/10 Section 2 July 15 Thursday, 5:15 PM–7:15 PM ET Instructor: Erin Baer Registration Deadline: 7/8 Section 3 July 28 Wednesday, 5:15 PM–7:15 PM ET Instructor: Lauren Hyman Kaplan Registration Deadline: 7/21 Section 4 August 9 Monday, 5:15 PM–7:15 PM ET Instructor: Ana Tiburcio Registration Deadline: 8/2 Fee for any one section: $75

“ I feel that the workshop was excellent, despite the COVID pandemic. I learned more concretely about groups more likely to experience bullying and how to create a more inclusive and positive classroom culture.”   — Participant, Dignity for All Students (DASA)

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TEWS708N State-Mandated Training: Dignity for All Students Anyone applying for certification during or after the Fall 2013 semester must complete six hours of training on the social patterns of harassment, bullying, and discrimination. This workshop includes training in identifying indicators, early warning signs, prevention and intervention techniques, and how to interact with families of victims and aggressors. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, New York State has approved part II to be held in a live, synchronous session online. Sessions will be held on Zoom until New York State requires workshops to be held on campus. Section 1 Part I: 3-hour asynchronous online component—must be completed by 11:55 PM ET on 6/7 Part II: Online Synchronous Session: June 10 Thursday, 5:00 PM–8:00 PM ET Instructor: Ron Woo Registration Deadline: 6/2 Section 2 Part I: 3-hour asynchronous online component—must be completed by 11:55 PM ET on 7/6 Part II: Online Synchronous Session: July 7 Wednesday, 5:00 PM–8:00 PM ET Instructor: Lauren Hyman Kaplan Registration Deadline: 6/30 Section 3 Part I: 3-hour asynchronous online component—must be completed by 11:55 PM ET on 7/14 Part II: Online Synchronous Session: July 19 Monday, 5:00 PM–8:00 PM ET Instructor: Lauren Hyman Kaplan Registration Deadline: 7/11 Section 4 Part I: 3-hour asynchronous online component- must be completed by 11:55 PM ET on 7/29 Part II: Online Synchronous Session: August 3 Tuesday, 5:00 PM–8:00 PM ET Instructor: Lauren Hyman Kaplan Registration Deadline: 7/25 Section 5 Part I: 3-hour asynchronous component-must be completed by 11:55 PM ET on 8/8 Part II: Online Synchronous Session: August 12 Thursday, 5:00 PM–8:00 PM ET Instructor: Ana Tiburcio Registration Deadline: 8/4 Fee for any one section: $140 NOTE: You must complete the online session (Part I) by the date and time listed for each section and attend online (Part II). Workshops start promptly. You must be on time for the second session in order to receive a completion certificate. Students who are late will NOT be permitted entrance to the workshop and are not eligible for a transfer or refund. Students who do not complete both Part I and Part II are not eligible for a transfer or refund. Withdrawals or transfer requests made in writing are subject to a $15 change fee and will be accepted up to the registration deadline.

We know, just as you do, that thoughtful teachers and leaders are needed now more than ever. With a master’s degree or advanced certificate, you’ll stand out as a forward-thinking educator and leader—confident, wellprepared, and ready to thrive across the diverse settings where children and adults live and learn. We hope you’ll explore our programs for teachers and educational leaders and consider taking a transformative step—both for your career and for your students and their families.

Programs for Teachers

• I n our signature programs in early childhood and childhood education, you’ll learn how to help young children build a healthy, robust foundation for social, emotional, and cognitive growth that will serve them for the rest of their lives. • Our dual degree options in general and special education, some in collaboration with Columbia and Hunter College, widen your career options to include roles like social worker, psychotherapist, and early interventionist, among others. •  Reading/literacy, mathematics, dual language/ bilingual education, TESOL, and infant and family development and early intervention programs offer you the chance to advance your career while helping fill the growing national need for specialized teachers.

Programs for Educational Leaders

• O ur signature program in progressive leadership prepares you with a master’s degree for a range of pre-K–12 leadership roles, including principal. • With specialized programs for aspiring leaders in mathematics education and museum education, you’ll expand your capacity to lead change through one of the few programs in the nation in these niche fields. • Advance your credentials with our early childhood leadership (SBL/CPAC) and school district leader (SDL) certificate programs while joining our community of educational leaders.

Specialized Offerings

• With our child life specialist programs, you’ll gain certification and join our professional community of healthcare advocates who support children and their families during times of illness or trauma. • Our signature program for educators in museums in cultural organizations, one of just a few nationally, prepares you to become a sought-after educational professional advancing multicultural education programs that engage communities with science and culture.

Contact our Admissions team at gseenrollment@ I 17 or 212-652-8722

OUR FACULTY For more details, visit Suzanne L. Abrams has a Master of Science in Speech Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She also has a certification in Speech/Language Pathology from ASHA (American Speech and Hearing Association). Laura Ascenzi-Moreno earned her PhD from the CUNY Graduate Center with a focus on biliteracy, reading assessment, and teacher knowledge. She holds a MSEd from Harvard Graduate School of Education in Individualized Studies and a BA in Sociology & Anthropology from Swarthmore College.

Amy Hest is the author of more than 35 books for children of all ages. She has an MA in Library Science from C.W. Post College and a BA from Hunter College. Lily Howard Scott holds a MS in Elementary Education and Literacy from Bank Street College. Her BS from Northwestern University is in Theater and History. Lauren Hyman Kaplan holds an MA in Counseling from New York University and a BA in Psychology from Emory University.

Erin Baer holds a Master of Social Work in Clinical Practice and Human Services Management from Fordham University and a BA in Journalism and Mass Communication, English, and Creative Writing from New York University.

Tara Kirton holds an MSEd in Early Childhood Special and General Education from Bank Street College and an MA in Public Communications from Fordham University. Her BA is from the State University of New York at Albany in English.

Candace Barriteau Phaire received her PhD from New York University in the Department of Teaching and Learning and her MSEd in Elementary Education from Brooklyn College. She earned her BA in Political Science from Spelman College in Atlanta, GA.

Lesley Koplow has a Master of Science Education in Educational Leadership from Bank Street College and a LCSW from Hunter School of Social Work. She also holds a BA in Child Development from New College.

Elise Bauer has an MSEd from Bank Street College and a BA in American Civilization from George Washington University.

Carol Lazorisak earned an MA with a double major in Deafness and Vocational Rehabilitation and Counselor Education from New York University. She also holds an Interpreter Master Mentor Certificate from University of Colorado at Boulder and Northeastern University. Her BA in Psychology and Sociology is from Gallaudet University in Washington, DC.

Tali Berkovitz holds a PhD, where the focus of her studies was on the successful integration of dual language instruction, and an MA in Early Childhood Education from New York University. She holds a BS in Psychology from Brooklyn College, City University of New York. Kelly Bird is currently working toward her PhD in Educational Leadership at the University of Pennsylvania. Bird earned a MSEd from Bank Street College of Education in Elementary Education and a BA in Psychology/Sociology from Wesleyan University. Julie Broderick has an MS in Applied Linguistics from Georgetown University and an MSEd in Math Leadership from Bank Street College. She has a BA in Government and Linguistics from The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA. Eliza Chung has an MA in Cognitive Studies of Educational Practice from Teachers College, Columbia University and a BS in Psychology and Education from Barnard College, Columbia University. Elise Clark has an MSEd from Bank Street College and a BA in American Civilization from George Washington University. Cecilia Espinosa earned a PhD from Arizona State University in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Language & Literacy (Dual Language). She also holds a MEd and BA both in Elementary Education from Arizona State University. Ellen Ferrin earned an MSEd in Childhood general and Special Education from Bank Street College. She also holds an MSW in Social Work from Columbia University School of Social Work. Her BA in Sociology and Black Studies is from Amherst College. Gilbert Foley earned his EdD in School and Counseling Psychology from Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA. He graduated magna cum laude with a BA in psychology from Albright College in Reading, PA.

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Timothy Lightman has an MEd in Special Education and an MS in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, both from Bank Street College of Education. He also has a BA in American History from New York University. Christine Low has an MS in Social Work from Columbia University. She has been a licensed social worker since graduation. Between 1991 and 2004, she was licensed as a CSW and she received her LCSW in 2004 when that licensing option was initiated. Alison Arthur May holds an EdM in Curriculum and Teaching from Teachers College, Columbia University and an MEd in Elementary Education with a concentration in Science/Environmental Education from Antioch New England, in Keene, NH. Her BA is in Philosophy and the Political Thought/Environmental Studies from Muhlenberg College in Allentown, PA. Jill Mays earned an MS in Counseling and Human Relations from Villanova University and a BA in Occupational Therapy from University of Pennsylvania. Elizabeth McKenna received her Executive Coaching Certificate from Teachers College, Columbia University. She holds an MS in Education, specializing in Supervision and Administration from Bank Street College and a BS in Elementary Education from the University of Vermont, Burlington. Soyoung Park holds a PhD in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education from Stanford Graduate School of Education, Stanford, CA. Her MPS is in Early Childhood and Special Education from Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY. She earned her BA in Sociology from Brown University.

Ginny O’Hare Perrin has an MSEd in Special Education from Bank Street College. Nawal Qarooni-Casiano holds a Master of Education in Teaching from Brooklyn College and a Master of Journalism from Syracuse University’s Newhouse School. Laurie Rabinowitz, MSEd, MA, is a faculty member in Literacy and Reading. She has taught courses at Teachers College, Columbia University, Barnard College, New York University, Hunter College, and LIU Brooklyn and has supervised student teachers at Teachers College, Columbia University. Previously, she was a special education teacher at a public school in New York City. She has also worked as a Director of Instruction at a New York City charter school. Jacqueline Pilati earned her MA in Environmental Conservation Education from New York University and her BS in Childhood Education and Students with Disabilities from St. John’s University. Maria Richa has been teaching at the Bank Street School for Children since 1998. She holds a BFA from Columbus College of Art and Design and an MA from Columbia University, Teachers College. Jean Schreiber earned her MS in Early Childhood Education from Bank Street College of Education, where she is an instructor in the Continuing Professional Studies Program. Ana Lisa Tiburcio earned a Masters in Social Work from the City University of New York’s Hunter College School of Social Work. She also holds a BA in Psychology with a minor in Children’s Studies from City University of New York’s Brooklyn College.

Holly Thomas holds a MS in Speech-Language Pathology from Teachers College, Columbia University. She also holds a B.S. degree from Northwestern University’s School of Communication. Deborah Vilas, MS, CCLS, LMSW, is an educator, child life specialist, social worker, writer, public speaker, and consultant whose passion is anything that supports children’s development and healing in the face of everyday life or trauma. She earned an MSW from New York University and MSEd from Bank Street College of Education. Patricia Watkins has a dual master’s degree in Early Childhood Education and Special Education from Fordham University. Amy Withers holds a Master of Science in Education from Bank Street College of Education, a Master of Science in Teaching from Fordham University, and a Master of Public Administration from NYU’s Wagner School of Public Service. Serena Wieder, PhD, is a clinical psychologist who has pioneered important approaches to diagnosing and treating infants and toddlers with infant mental health and developmental disorders. She co-developed the DIR Model with Stanley Greenspan, edited two diagnostic manuals for infants and young children, and created models for post-graduate case-based training and work with parents. Ronald Woo has an MA in Applied Linguistics/TESOL from New York University and a JD from Brooklyn Law School.

“ Holly [Thomas] was able to demonstrate a concept that requires a lot of physical movement very well over Zoom.” “ Tim [Lightman] had a wealth of resources and experiences to share with us.” “ She [Soyoung Park] was so prepared and I took so much away from the course, despite it being online.” I 19

POLICY AND PROCEDURES Registration Fees Registrations are accepted on a space-available, first-come, first-served basis. All online registration will be acknowledged by email. All faxed, mailed, or in-person registration will be acknowledged by return mail. • Tuition & fees are subject to approval by the Bank Street College Board of Trustees. • Registration received after the posted registration deadline is subject to a $25 late registration fee. • Courses taken for credit include a nonrefundable registration fee. The registration fee in any one semester is $50 for 1 to 3 credits, and $100 for 4 or more credits. • Students taking courses in both the Graduate School and Continuing Professional Studes (CPS) should combine credits taken with each in calculating the applicable registration fee. • There is no registration fee for courses taken for CEU. Changes of Registration Changes must be submitted in writing to the Continuing Professional Studies office no later than one week preceding the first class meeting date and are subject to a $15 fee. No withdrawals/refund/transfer request will be accepted after that time. • Change from credit to CEU/Audit will be accepted up until (but no later than) the beginning of the second class session. • Change from CEU/Audit to credit will be accepted up until (but no later than) 5 business days after the last class session. Changes require approval of the instructor and CPS office. • Only the student named on the registration form may attend a course. Should a school wish to send another staff member in place of a registered student, there will be a late registration fee ($25) as well as a processing fee of $25. • Should an emergency prevent a student from attending a workshop, a full refund will be processed upon receipt of a written request and documentation of the emergency. (Emergencies are defined as unforeseeable situations that require the registered student’s immediate attention.) Attendance at all class sessions is required. A student who misses the first class session, may not attend future class sessions. Refunds or transfers are only processed in case of emergencies. (See emergency policy above, under Changes of Registration.) For exceptions, both the instructor and the Continuing Professional Studies office must grant permission. • Children are not permitted in class and may not be left unattended on Bank Street College property. • No one will be admitted to any State Mandated Training workshop after the posted start time and there are no refunds/transfer for late arrivals. Assignments for courses taken for one credit must be postmarked two weeks after the final class meeting. Courses taken for two or three credits must be postmarked four weeks after the final class meeting.

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Continuing Professional Studies Bank Street College of Education 610 West 112th Street New York, NY 10025-1898 Phone: 212-875-4649

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REGISTER FOR SUMMER 2021 ONLINE PROGRAMS TESTIMONIALS “ I took away a new skill of making books and [learned] how bibliotherapy can help children.”   —Bibliotherapy (p. 4) “ I learned that play is a culturally sustaining pedagogy and how to set up the classroom environment and engage students virtually. I also learned how to speak to parents about the importance of play.”    —Play-Based Curriculum in the Early Childhood Classroom (p. 4) “ I came away with practical ways to implement constructivist mathematical processes and ways to engage students in math online.”    —Building Computational Fluency (p. 4) “ The instructor provided practical resources that could be implemented right away.”   —Cultivating Connection, Community and Joy in the Age of COVID-19 (p. 7 and 12)

SEE OUR COURSES ONLINE AND REGISTER Bank Street College (#1321) is a registered sponsor of New York State CTLE hours.

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