BIOINSPIRATION - From Biological DESIGN to Architectural DESIGN_DS3b2021

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From Biological

to Architectural


Prishtina, 2021



From Biological

to Architectural



Copyright © 2021 Banush Shyqeriu and UBTPRESS.



From Biological

to Architectural





SYNOPSIS INTRODUCTION 1. Studio' Design Philosophy 2. Architectural Design Theme 2.1. Bioinspiration / Bionics / Biomime cs / Biomimicry 2.2. Poe cs of Architecture 2.3. Structure, Construc on, Tectonics 2.4. The New Structuralism 2.5. Novel Tectonics Research and Apply... METHODOLOGY From Biological DESIGN to Architectural DESIGN Zoology Botany ISSUES and BIOMIMETIC potentials A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature BIOMIMETIC poten als BIOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS FOR TECHNICAL PROBLEMS List – categories of research

IV 1 1 2 2 4 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 23 25 26 28

Diatoms Triceratium alter. ;Radiolara Larcospira quad.;Thinocero dae skel.|Dracaena cin.; Amazon water lily leaf V.A; Heracleum man. Research Team: Blerta Fazliji; Elsa Buzhala; Liridona Fetaj - Diatoms Tricera um alter.;Radiolara Larcospira quad.;Thinocerotidae skel.|Dracaena cin.; Amazon water lily leaf V.A; Heracleum man. Research Team: Suzana Krasniqi, Arbra Tahiri - Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.; Pecten jacobaeus; Ploceus nests | Nerium oleander; Mimosa pudica; Schizophyllum commune fungi Research Team: Besfort Ramadani; Pashtrik Shehu - Paschliopta aristolochiae ; Phyllacanthus imperialis ; Chthamalus | Aldrovanda vesiculose; Macrolepiota; Pediastrum subgranulatum Research Team: Erza Gashi; Erëblina Musliu; Bleona Sopa - Pieris brassicae; Gonepteryx rhamni ;Diatoms Surirella | Edgeworthia chrysantha; Birdof-paradise flower Strelitzia; Hornbeam tree carpinus betulus Research Team: Brikena Mehme ; Pranvera Kryeziu; Verona Begaj - Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.; Pecten jacobaeus; Ploceus nests | Nerium oleander; Mimosa pudica; Schizophyllum commune fungi Research Team: Blerina Muriqi; Valëza Tahiri - Hippopotamus amphibius skeleton; Elysia crispata | Lilium lance folium; Primula obconica Research Team: Albana Rafuna; Andina La fi -










Course Name: DESIGN STUDIO 3 – Design, Planning and Development of Economic Facilities Subject: The HYBRID Development of Interchange Transport Terminals in Kosovo Architectural Design Theme: “BIOINSPIRATION & THE QUEST FOR TECTONIC NOVELTIES IN WOOD – STRUCTURE AS ARCHITECTURE - ARCHITECTURE AS STRUCTURE & THE REVIVAL OF AUTOGENIC ORNAMENT” Architectural Design Philosophy: Hedonistic Sustainability through Biophilic Design SYNOPSIS: Architecture begins with the spark of an idea, which grows, evolves and prepares itself to enter in the realm of physical world. Hence, architecture as material entity is a synthesis of how we redesign and restructure the world with the same primordial materials our ancestors did, but always searching for the new ways to shape and express our built environment. These new ways dene our continuous quest for novelty and the poetics with which we construct these novelties. Structures remain a fundamental dener of architecture and our world, while through tectonics we give expression to the materials we construct. Architecture goes beyond utilitarian properties, it embodies hedonistic substance


INTRODUCTION 1. Studio' Design Philosophy: Hedonistic Sustainability 1.1. From Vitruvius Utilitas to Hedonistic Sustainability In his Ten Books of Architecture during the 1st century B.C.E. Vitruvius asserted that all the various types of buildings: Must be built with due reference to durability (Firmitas), convenience (Utilitas), and beauty (Venustas).


While architecture has to fulfill the three Vitruvian components, from the dawn of Industrial Revolution we have experienced an architecture which is mostly utilitarian, unpleasant and even unhealthy. Even though today's industrial facilities do not “vomit” so much smoke as their predecessors did, their image has most of the time remained within the “cold” stereotypes set centuries ago. The design philosophy which will fertilize the Design Studio course is the assertion of Hedonistic philosophy as an approach towards the architecture of pleasure and happiness, beyond the mere utilitarian buildings. The word 'hedonism' comes from the ancient Greek for 'pleasure'. Hedonism is a school of thought that argues that pleasure and happiness is the primary or most important intrinsic goods and the proper aim of human life. In architecture this philosophy is broadly defined as utilitarian parts of architecture that not just fulfill the ordinary purpose but improve the quality of life and human enjoyment.

2. Architectural Design Theme: “BIOINSPIRATION & THE QUEST FOR TECTONIC NOVELTIES IN WOOD – STRUCTURE AS ARCHITECTURE - ARCHITECTURE AS STRUCTURE & THE REVIVAL OF AUTOGENIC ORNAMENT” 2.1. Bioinspiration / Bionics / Biomimetics / Biomimicry Since the 'settlement' of human beings in this Planet, nature has constantly been called upon to act as an engineer in solving technical problems.

Bionics or Biomimetics, as we understand it today, dates back to the period between 1800 and 1925 and its proponents Alessandro Volta (electric battery), Otto Lilienthal (flying machine), and Raoul Francé (concepts). It was virtually reinvented under the strong influence of cybernetics in the 1960s by H. v. Foerster and W. McCulloch. The term biomimetics arose simultaneously with a slightly different connotation. “Bioinspiration” is a convenient modern overarching term that embraces everything from bionics and biotechnology to bioinspired fashion design.


According to Werner Nachtigall, the German language term Bionik originally comes from the English word "bionics", which was coined by the US Air Force Major J.E. Steele at a conference entitled "Bionics Symposium: Living prototypes – the key to new technology" in 1960, supposedly as a combination of the words "biology" and "technics" or "electronics". In German, the term "Bionik" has found a very expressive reinterpretation in the first and last syllables of the words Biologie [biology] and Technik [technology]. In the English-speaking world, the term "biomimetics" has appeared as equivalent to the German "Bionik" and is commonly used. Otto Schmidt coined this term in the 1950s. As the part "mimetic" suggests a mimicking of nature, the term is controversial. Recently, "Bioinspiration" has been used more often in the same context, but seems to be too general to prevail. Another solution for the continuing terminology discussion is to also use the term "bionik" in English. Nowadays, the three terms bionics, bionik and biomimetics are used synonymously.


2.2. Poetics of Architecture Like everything in our material culture, every act of architecture has its poetics, that is to say a 'reading' specific to its conception and realisation. What is poetics? Strictly speaking, poetics is the theory of literature and it concerns how poetry and other creative writing should be 'read' – that is, understood and evaluated.


Etymologically poetics stems from the Greek term ποιεΐν [poiein 'to make']. Poiesis is therefore by default related to making, fabrication, production (as much as described by Aristotle in his Metaphysics as the act of production following the thinking, noesis). In architecture, poetics has come to fill a similar role, that of “making” and “reading”.


POETICS, NOT POETRY We should emphasize that poetics is not used as synonymous to poetry. De facto, poetry is the form of literary art 'in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities in addition to, or in lieu of, it's apparent meaning.' As we have already set, poetics per se instead, in its classical dimension, is linked to production.


2.3. Structure, Construction, Tectonics 'Structure' should be understood to mean a network of relationships of elements or of elementary processes'. - Wolfgang Wieser Through tectonics the architect may make visible, in a strong statement that intensified kind of experience of reality which is the artist's domain—in our case the experience of forces related to forms in a building. Thus structure, the intangible concept, is realized through construction and given visual expression through tectonics. - Eduard F. Sekler

The simplest way of describing the function of an architectural structure is to say that it is the part of a building which resists the loads that are imposed on it. All of these loads tend to distort the building envelope and to cause it to collapse; it is to prevent this from happening that a structure is provided.


The function of a structure may be summed up, therefore, as being to supply the strength and rigidity which are required to prevent a building from collapsing. More precisely, it is the part of a building which conducts the loads which are imposed on it from the points where they arise to the ground underneath the building, where they can ultimately be resisted.

Strength, Stiffness, Stability, Synergy Structures must be designed to satisfy three Ss and should satisfy all four Ss of structural design: 1. Strength to prevent breaking 2. Stiffness to prevent excessive deformation 3. Stability to prevent collapse 4. Synergy to reinforce architectural design.


2.4. The New Structuralism The New Structuralism announces a new order in design and construction. With the onset of digital technologies, existing parameters have shifted. The old order of standardised design and its established processes no longer hold sway; contemporary architectural design can now be characterised by irregularity, and an appetite for producing customised non-standard, complex, curvilinear forms. The shift in design and production technologies requires a seamless design approach that fully acknowledges the interdependence of design and fabrication. Design is no longer wholly dictated by form with structure following behind; structure becomes integral to form-finding.


2.5. Novel Tectonics Novel Tectonics leads to a non standardized approach towards architectural expression, which in one hand comes as a result of environmental constraints (i.e. building envelope) and in the other hand from the fabrication logic itself. To realize this, it is required a close and intensified collaboration in-between innovative architects, engineers and fabricators.




From Biological

to Architectural

research and apply...





Interdisciplinary studies, without and with a specific objec ve and focus

to a technical issue; structures, tectonics / cladding



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given & free choice, studio theme interest


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From Biological DESIGN to Architectural DESIGN From ancient times to the latest science development it has been (scientifically) proven that knowledge from biology can be used for technical developments in engineering, materials science and architecture. Inspiration from biology has been a wide concern of 19th and 20th century architects, while nowadays advances in science and technology especially in the topics related to structure-function relationships in diverse biological systems shows how knowledge from biology can be used for technical developments (bio-inspiration, biomimetics) in engineering and architecture. “Nature does nothing uselessly.” Aristotle


Zoology -


bird-of-paradise flower (Strelitzia) Meganeura monyi Clypeaster rosaceus Leodia sexiesperforata Echinocyamus pusillus Diatoms Ac noptychus and Arachnoidiscus Radiolara ...............

Diagram demonstrating insect diversity (dark grey segment of the pie) as a source of biomimetic ideas for application in architecture (Adapted from Gorb 2011)

Botany -

Dragon trees (Dracaena) Dracaena reflexa Aldrovanda vesiculosa Dionaea muscipula Schefflera arboricola Opun a ...


ISSUES and BIOMIMETIC poten als:



Organiza on / self-organiza on


Rule-based composi on




Skin / envelope




Form-structure rela onship


Form-environment rela onship


Structure-environment rela onship...

BIOINSPIRATION / BIONIK / BIONICS / BIOMIMETICS / BIOMIMICRY Through a process of inquiry, research and analysis of natural / biological systems it is required to research, iden fy and develop an analogical catalogue where nature will serve as inspira on for extrac ng various rule-based principles and approaches to be applied in two scales / levels in architectural design: macro and micro-scale / level.

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture A er selec ng natural / biological systems for enquiry, research and analysis, each group of students should proceed through following steps: 1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale In this scale (macro-scale), the students should focus on rule-based design in nature for their solu ons in composi on of elements and components in a whole system, which would be applied in Part 2 (Macro-scale: Master-planning). Some of the composi on rules to be extracted are as follow:



Network and connection structures involving self-formation processes. a Soap bubble layer between two glass plates. b Leaking sand model based on an Ethiopian settlement (Soqota). c Crack structure in porcelain. d Dried-out crack structure of a gelatin layer. e Dragonfly wing. f Maple leaf. (Adapted from Becker et al. 1994)

Some of the unusual dune types seen on the surface of Mars. (Photos: NASA.)


Composi § § §

on rules and pa erns Affilia ons Gradients Associa ve logics and popula on · Modularity · Agglomera on · Aggrega on · Packing · Folding · Bifurca on · Assemblage · Accumula on · Transforma on · Subdivision and (geometrical) manipula on o Triangulate o Stellate o Honeycomb o Catmull Clark o Pentagoniza on o Checkerboard o Fractal o Sierpinski o Voronoi o Penrose o … etc · Deforma on · Varia on · Muta on · Exaggera on · Disturbance · Blending · Warp · … etc



2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale In this scale (micro-scale), the students should focus on rule-based design in nature for their solu ons in composi on of elements and components, which would be applied in part 2 (Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on). Some of the composi on rules to be extracted are as follow: o

Composi on rules and pa erns § § §

Affilia ons Gradients Associa ve logics and popula on · Modularity · Agglomera on · Aggrega on · Packing · Folding · Bifurca on · Assemblage · Accumula on · Transforma on · Subdivision and (geometrical) manipula on o Triangulate o Stellate

· · · ·

o Honeycomb o Catmull Clark o Pentagoniza on o Checkerboard o Fractal o Sierpinski o Voronoi o Penrose o … etc Deforma on Varia on Muta on Exaggera on


3. Iden fy the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two

21 Organism and abstraction

Sketches of the function processes of leaves. Abstraction and transformation of the system


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design; 2.


Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and pa erns – structure of space: use the rulebased design in nature from point 3 to set rules and criteria for composing and configuring space: modularity, subdivision, transforma on, interpenetra ng spaces, juxtaposi on, interpola on, extrapola on, etc. 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on, indeed compose space through structure by using rule-based design methods, techniques and processes; Modularity, assemblage, transforma on, varia on, 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form / forms of the design according to the given func on – design brief and various other external constraints, sitespecific.


BIOMIMETIC poten als:



Self-organiza on


Morphogene c Design


Structural Op miza on


Ribs and Frameworks


Offset Beams


Layered Structure


Hierarchical Structures


Spa al Structures


Fold Systems




Shading and Direc ng Light


Color without Pigments


Ven la on Systems for Breathing Envelopes


Reac ve Envelope Structures, etc.



Structural pa erns o







Structural elements


Structural components


Geometrical Duality – geometry=structure


Structure and force


Structure and form


Structure and func on


Structure and performance, etc.



Biomimetic top-down approach (technology pull process) of adaptive components for built structures. The technical challenge is to develop structures with adaptive stiffness and continuous hinge-less kinematics (P1+A1). Biological concept generators are (P2) herbaceous plants and (A2) mouthparts and ovipositors of insects. The underlying functional principles found in plants (P3) and animals (A3) will be translated into computational models (P4+A4).

List - categories of research Z - Zoology and B - Botany



1. Meganeura monyi 2. Calopteryx splendens 3. Pieris brassicae 4. Gonepteryx rhamni 5. Pachliopta aristolochiae 6. Papilio palinurus 7. Carabidae 8. Phyllacanthus imperialis 9. Clypeaster reticulatus 10. Leodia sexiesperforata 11. Echinocyamus pusillus 12. Clypeaster rosaceus 13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arachnoidiscus 14. Diatoms Surirella 15. Diatoms Thalassiosira 16. Diatoms Triceratium alternans 17. Diatoms Chaetoceras spec 18. Radiolara Clathrocyclas 19. Radiolara Spumellaria 20. Radiolara Nasellarian 21. Radiolara Euchitonia elegans 22. Radiolara Larcospira quadrangular 23. Radiolara Lamprocyclas maritalis 24. Radiolara Cornutella 25. Radiolara Callimitra spec. 26. Pecten jacobaeus 27. Glass sponge Lyssacinosida 28. Venus' flower basket Euplectella aspergillum 29. Lactoria cornuta or Acanthostracion polygonius 30. Geotrupes silvaticus 31. Chthamalus stellatus 32. Hippopotamus amphibius skeleton 33. Rhinocerotidae skeleton 34. Balaenoptera physalus skeleton 35. Cardium edule 36. Mytilus edulis 37. Ploceus nests 38. Chrysiridia rhipheus 39. Aglaiocerus coelestis 40. Elysia crispata 41. Uta stansburiana 42. Pisaster ochraceus 43. Manis tricuspis 44. Argyroneta aquatica web

1. Dracaena reflexa 2. Dracaena cinnabari 3. Amazon water lily leaf Victoria amazonica 4. Waterwheel plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa 5. Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora 6. Chamaerops humilis 7. Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula 8. Schefflera arboricola 9. Edgeworthia chrysantha 10. Ficus microcarpa 11. Strangler fig Ficus spp. 12. Nerium oleander 13. Prickly pear Opuntia leaf 14. Rhizophora mangle 15. Bird-of-paradise flower Strelitzia 16. Hornbeam leaf Carpinus betulus 17. Mimosa pudica 18. Drosera capensis 19. Schizophyllum commune fungi 20. Macrolepiota 21. Pediastrum biradiatum 22. Pediastrum subgranulatum 23. Pediastrum simplex 24. Physalis alkekengi 25. Cladium mariscus 26. Agave spec. 27. Bambusa spec. 28. Pinus nigra 29. Pinaceae cones 30. Heracleum mantegazzianum 31. Ipomoea alba 32. Lilium lancefolium 33. Physostegia virginiana 34. Impatiens balsamina 34. Caladium bicolor 35. Bellis perennis 36. Gerbera jamesonii 37. Primula obconica 38. Primula veris 39. Calopogon tuberosus 40. Hylocereus undatus 41. Abies koreana Wils 42. Equisetum telmateia 43. Pinguicula grandiflora 44. Bryonia dioica




01. Meganeura monyi

02. Calopteryx splendens

03. Pieris brassicae

04. Gonepteryx rhamni

05.Pachliopta aristolochiae

06. Papilio palinurusi

07. Carabidae

08.Phyllacanthus imperialis

09.Clypeaster reticulatus

10. Meganeura monyi

11. Echinocyamus pusillus

12. Clypeaster rosaceus

13.Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arachnoidiscus

14. Diatoms Surirella

15. Diatoms Thalassiosira

16. Diatoms Triceratium alternans

17. Diatoms Chaetoceras spec

18. Radiolara Clathrocyclas

19. Radiolara Spumellaria

20. Radiolara Nasellarian

21. Radiolara Euchitonia elegans

22. Radiolara Larcospira quadrangular

23. Radiolara Lamprocyclas maritalis

24. Radiolara Cornutella

25. Radiolara Callimitra spec.

26. Pecten jacobaeus

27. Glass sponge Lyssacinosida

28. Venus' flower basket Euplectella aspergillum

29. Lactoria cornuta, or Acanthostracion polygonius

30. Geotrupes silvaticus

31. Chthamalus stellatus

32. Hippopotamus amphibius skeleton

33. Rhinocerotidae skeleton

34. Balaenoptera physalus skeleton

35. Cardium edule

42. Pisaster ochraceus

43. Manis tricuspis

44. Argyroneta aquatica web

36. Mytilus edulis

37. Ploceus nests

38. Chrysiridia rhipheus

39. Aglaiocerus coelestis

40. Elysia crispata

41. Uta stansburiana


Studio-master: prof. Banush Shyqeriu; Ass. Bardha Meta & Blend Dema

1. Dracaena reflexa

2. Dracaena cinnabari

3. Amazon water lily leaf Victoria amazonica

4. Waterwheel plant Adrovanda vesiculosa

9. Edgeworthia chrysantha

10. Ficus microcarpa

11. Strangler fig Ficus spp.

12. Nerium oleander

18. Drosera capensis

19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

20. Macrolepiota

27. Bambusa spec.

28. Pinus nigra

36. Gerbera jamesonii

37. Primula obconica

5. Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora



6. Chamaerops humilis

7. Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula

8. Schefflera arboricola

13. Prickly pear Opuntia leaf

14. Rhizophora mangle

15. Bird-of-paradise flower Strelitzia

16. Hornbeam leaf Carpinus betulus

17. Mimosa pudica

21. Pediastrum biradiatum

22. Pediastrum subgranulatum

23. Pediastrum simplex

24. Physalis alkekengi

25. Cladium mariscus

26. Agav spec.

29. Pinaceae cones

30. Heracleum mantegazzianum

31. Ipomoea alba

32. Lilium lancefolium

33. Physostegia virginiana

34. Caladium bicolor

35. Bellis perennis

42. Abies koreana Wils

43. Pinguicula grandiflora

44. Bryonia dioica

38. Primula veris

39. Calopogon tuberosus

40. Hylocereus undatus

41. Abies koreana Wils

Studio-master: prof. Banush Shyqeriu; Ass. Bardha Meta & Blend Dema


Research Group: Blerta Fazliji; Elsa Buzhala; Liridona Fetaj Diatoms play a fundamental role due to their massive contribu on to global photosynthe c oxygen produc on. A unique feature of diatom anatomy is that they are surrounded by a cell wall made of silica (hydrated silicon dioxide), called a frustule. Diatoms are ubiquitous monocellular microalgae, responsible for about 20–25% of the global oxygen produced by photosynthesis. Living in environments where sunlight is not so easily accessible, evolu on shaped diatoms in order to exploit light with high efficiency. In par cular, diatoms are provided with an external, micro- and nanopa erned silica shell, the frustule, surprisingly similar to ar ficial photonic crystals and able to manipulate light in many different ways.

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19 Zoology 13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac. 26. Pecten jacobaeus 37. Ploceus nests


13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.

The colour of the body of Pecten maximus is pink or red with the mantle marbled brown and white. The adductor muscle which is used to close and open the valves is very large and powerful. The margin of the mantle has two layers the inner layer is finely fringed while the outer is lined with long tentacles. Pecten maximus occurs in the eastern Atlan c along the European coast. Pecten maximus frequently creates a slight hollow in the substrate for its shell to lie in by opening and closing the valve to eject water from the mantle cavity, which raises the shell at an angle to the substrate so that subsequent water jets into the sediment.

Nests are built with grass and palm fiber, and construc on passes through several dis nct stages, including an intermediate helmet-shaped structure. Completed nests are closed, with a ver cal entrance tube of varying length.


26. Pecten jacobaeus


31 37. Ploceus nests

Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.; Pecten jacobaeus; Ploceus nests | Nerium oleander; Mimosa pudica; Schizophyllum commune fungi

Botany 12. Nerium oleander 17. Mimosa pudica 19. Schizophyllum commune fungi


Nerium oleander is either na ve or naturalized to a broad area spanning from Northwest Africa and Iberian peninsula eastward through the Mediterranean region, to the Arabian peninsula, southern Asia, and as far east as Yunnan in southern parts of China. It typically occurs around stream beds in river valleys, where it can alterna vely tolerate long seasons of drought and inunda on from winter rains. Nerium oleander is planted in many subtropical and tropical areas of the world. It reduces the absorbance of ultraviolet radia on that reaches the cells, while its morphology helps the a rac on of insect pollinators. Cu cular boundary layer combines many aspects a ributed to smart materials, and the way it has evolved seems to be well suited for playing many different roles at a me.

12. Nerium oleander


17. Mimosa pudica


19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

Mimosa pudica from La n: pudica "shy, bashful or shrinking" The leaflets close when s mulated in some ways, such as touching, warming, blowing, shaking, which are all encapsulated within mechanical or electrical s mula on. These types of movements have been termed seismonas c movements. The main structure mechanis cally responsible for the drooping of the leaves is the pulvinus. Mimosa’s leaves are described as bipinnate. This means that they are compound leaves consis ng of four main leaflets called pinnae, which in turn are composed of many even smaller leaflets called pinnules. O en seen on sickly hardwood trees, but equally common on dead wood including cut mber, the Split Gill fungus usually grows as a sessile bracket. On the undersides of branches, however, it more o en forms centrally-a ached circular fans, as shown on the le , below. Seen from above, this is just another small white bracket-like fungus, but beneath the cap are radial gill-like folds, each of which is centrally split - hence the common name Split Gill. These splits are a clever adapta on to changing environments.


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale

13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.

26. Pecten jacobaeus

33 37. Ploceus nests

34 12. Nerium oleander

17. Mimosa pudica

19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale

13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.

35 26. Pecten jacobaeus

37. Ploceus nests

12. Nerium oleander

17. Mimosa pudica

36 19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two

13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.

26. Pecten jacobaeus

37 37. Ploceus nests

12. Nerium oleander

17. Mimosa pudica

38 19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

stra fica on

radial sca ering


intercommunica on

radial sca ering

stra fica on

-The project structure is concentrated in the center of the loca on and spread on 2 sides, leaving the other sides free for low greenery with high green interven ons, which will be selected. The greenery will "mix" with the solid structure naturally, just like the shapes of the building. Will cover parts of the first floor and will connect the side areas which will be concentrated in the middle.. In addi on to extending the greenery in context, it will also be integrated into the interior, common areas, atriums and exterior of the cover,this extension will start from the ground floor to the top floor crea ng inside-outside interference.

intercommunica on


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and pa erns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3... As a star ng point of the project was phyllotaxia, since the development of the concept starts with the centrality, we have done the same with the structure..we have created a system with a center and distribu on of nodes throughout the planimetry. These horizontal nodes will be connected to columns, which will be the same size. Together they will fit the shape of the "cover ", with sloping and straight cases

41 26. Pecten jacobaeus

13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on,...

Using Mimosa pudica as configuration in parking part


17. Mimosa pudica

Using Mimosa pudica as configuration in parking part


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 13,26,27 | B: 12,17,19

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form / forms


1) Referenca 1 ( 2) Referenca 2 ( 3) Referenca 3 ( 4) Referenca 4 ( 5) Referenca 5 (


Research Group: Suzana Krasniqi; Arbra Tahiri

Z: 16, 22 ,33 | B: 2, 3, 30

Diatoms are a major group of algae,specifically microalgae, found in the oceans, Zoology waterways and soils of the world.They are microscopic elements. 16.Diatoms Triceratium alternans. The type species (lectotype) of the genus Triceratium is Triceratium favus Ehrenberg. 22.Radiolara Larcospira quadrang. This name is currently regarded as a synonym of Biddulphia alternans(Bailey)VanHeurck 33.Rhinocerotidae skeleton Triceratium is characterized by valves with elevations bearing ocelli, valvar surface with pseudoloculi, sometimes poorly developed, mantle projected outwards in the valvar margin and valves generally tripolar, rarely bipolar or tetrapolar.Valves are triangular with straight or concave sides. An elevation with one ocellus and one rimoportula appears in each corner. The valvar surface is areolate; areolae in radial disposition.1 Type locality: USA: various localities on Atlantic coast (Index Nominum Algarum).2


16.Diatoms Triceratium alternans.

Radiolara Larcospira is a microscopic element .Cortical shell with thorny surface, three times as long as the lentelliptical medullary shell. Perimeter of the lateral plane nearly quadrangular, with four rounded corners one and a third times as long as broad, with one sagittal constriction at the poles of the principal axis. Length of the cortical shell 180µm, breadth 140µm; length of the medullary shell 60µm, breadth 4µm. Type locality: Central Pacific Ocean, "Challenger" radiolarian ooze.3 True rhinos are members of the family Rhinocerotidae.Rhinos are the world’s secondlargest land mammal.The typical Rhinoceros has an overall height of 1.7-2.1 m and body length of 3.4-4.2 m.An average Rhinoceros weighs between 1,600-4,000 kg and their skeleton is a dependent system of ribs and muscles that connect to the spine.


Type locality: There are five species of rhino found in the world – two in Africa, and three in Asia.A complete ancient rhino skeleton, was found on the island of Luzon in the Philippines.4


22.Radiolara Larcospira quadrang.


33.Rhinocerotidae skeleton

Diatoms Triceratium alter.;Radiolara Larcospira quad.;Thinocerotidae skel.|Dracaena cin.; Amazon water lily leaf V.A; Heracleum man.

Botany 2.Dracaena cinnabari 3.Amazon w.l.l Victoria amazonica 30.Heracieum mantegazzianum

Dracaena cinnabari, the Socotra dragon tree or dragon blood tree, is a dragon tree native to the Socotra archipelago, part of Yemen, located in the Arabian Sea. It is so called due to the red sap that the trees produce.In this tree the first element that stands out is the structure Its leaves are found only at the end of its youngest branches; its leaves are all shed every 3 or 4 years before new leaves simultaneously mature.Its leaves measure up to 60 cm long and 3 cm wide.


2.Dracaena cinnabari

The dragon's blood tree usually produces its flowers around March, though flowering does vary with location.The flowers tend to grow at the end of the branches. The fruits take five months to completely mature.5 Victoria amazonica is a species of flowering plant, the largest of the water lily family Nymphaeaceae. It is the national flower of Guyana.Its native regions are Guyana and tropical South America.


3.Amazon w.l.l Victoria amazonica


30.Heracleum mantegazzianum

The Victoria amazonica has very large leaves, up to 3 m in diameter, that float on the water's surface on a submerged stalk, 7–8 m in length..6 The leaf of Victoria is able to support quite a large weight due to the plant structure,the weght needs to be disrtibuted across the surface through mechanical means. Heracleum mantegazzianum, commonly known as giant hogweed is native to the western Caucasus region of Eurasia.It was introduced to Britain as an ornamental plant in the 19th century, and has also spread to other areas in Western Europe, the United States, and Canada. Giant Hogweed typically grows to heights of 2 to 5 m.The leaves are incised and deeply lobed. A mature plant has huge leaves, between 1–1.5 m. it is considered to be a noxious weed in many jurisdictions.7


Z: 16, 22 ,33 | B: 2, 3, 30

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale Diatoms have a rule used by nature, where this system is a geometric system in which in used “centrality”. There is used the triradial system or in its geometric sense we can notice the triangular system.

Centrality and radial openings in the middle. These diatoms consist of division and subdivision of elements.


These are areas where are fewer openings because here the diatom has the most stressed parts

The rule of nature here is the branching which forms the supporting system of the crown and leaves. From te body of the tree, which stands as a strong pillar of the system,the divisions of the thickest branches are made depending on the size of the tree ( 1,2 or 3) and these divisions are each branched into two parts in which the same division is repeated.



The root system is the same as the branching system which is distributed over a large area because the weight from the crown is transferred to the body of the tree, to the roots and through the roots to the ground.

The crown is quite large nd extended which should seem to be disproportionate to the body of the tree but the balance is set by the roots which extend in the same way as the crown.


Z: 16, 22 ,33 | B: 2, 3, 30

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture 2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale

When we enter the depths of the diatom we notice other elements which in the macro view have no resemblanc to these elements.

In the depths of diatom we can clearly see how the elements are connected to each other and to the wrapping.

This diatom system is formed by a networked structure which forms a plurality of holes.


If we cut a part from the structure and analyze it, we notice that even here we have a triangular system which is uniformly repeated.

At first glance we can see the pronounced branching of the dragon tree branches.When we go into its depth and analyze it in micro terms, we can see that these branches multiply continuously to the top where the leaves and fruits are.

These rucurring branches create a ribbed system and spatial structure.

leaves branches

At the end of the branches are the leaves and there bloom the flowers to give the fruits of the dragon tree.


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 3, 30 Z: 16, 16, 22 22,,33 33 || B: B: 2, 2,3,30

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two





Ribbing/Node/Load distribution


35 53

Bifurcation / Rame

Branching / Multiplication

Stability / Strength

Rame / Focus / Stability

Affiliations / Multiple

Branching / Radiance



Z: 16, 22 ,33 | B: 2, 3, 30

Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design Diatoms structure applied to the materplan. add + unite substract 3D

Masterplan example


Dragon blood tree structure applied to masterplan. cut

add push unite

3D Masterplan example



Z: 16, 22 ,33 | B: 2, 3, 30

Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraa on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and perns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3... a)

substract add


8 components structure

spatial composition


add branching b)

Branching structure

Spatial Compositions



Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 16, 22 ,33 | B: 2, 3, 30

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraa on and composi on 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on,...




Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 16, 22 ,33 | B: 2, 3, 30

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraa on and composi on 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on andorm / forms

Structural element


Structural elementa

1) 2) 3) 4) e%20species%20of,the%20island%20of%20Java%2C%20Indonesia. 5) 6),as%20ox bow%20lakes%20and%20bayous. 7)


Research Group: Besfort Ramadani, Pashtrik Shehu

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

Clypeaster rosaceus, the fat sea biscuit,[2] is a species of sea urchin in the family Clypeasteridae. Zoology This is a very large sea biscuit with a strong inflated test, growing to a maximum length of 12. Clypeaster rosaceus around 200 mm (8 in). In shape it is ovate to slightly pentagonal, with the margin thicker at the 28. Venus' flower basket Euplectella anterior end. The petaloid area is broad, the anterior (front) petal being longer than the two 37. Ploceus nests posterior, paired petals, which are all of equal length; the area between the pores is wide and raised above the rest of the aboral (upper) surface. The oral (under) surface is fairly flat, with a deep depression around the mouth, and with deeply indented food grooves. The anus is on the oral surface near the posterior margin. The spines are short and coarse. When alive, this species Image is a dark brown colour, while the bare test is whitish.The species is found in the western Atlantic Ocean. Its range extends from South Carolina to the West Indies, Barbados, Texas and Venezuela. 12. Clypeaster rosaceus The Venus' flower basket (Euplectella aspergillum) is a glass sponge in the phylum Porifera. It is a marine sponge found in the deep waters of the Pacific ocean. As other glass sponges, they build their skeletons out of silica, which is of great interest in materials science as their op cal and mechanica proper es are in some ways superior to man-made materials. Like other sponges, they feed by filtering sea water to capture plankton.Glass is widely used as a building material in the biological world, despite its fragility. Sea sponges have evolved to effec vely reinforce this inherently bri le material.


Ploceidae is a family of small passerine birds, many of which are called weavers, weaverbirds, weaver finches and bishops. These names come from the nests of intricately woven vegeta on created by birds in this family. The family is believed to have originated in the mid-Miocene. All birds of the Ploceidae are na ve to the Old World, most in Africa south of the Sahara, though a few live in tropical areas of Asia. A few species have been introduced outside their na ve range.

Image 28. Venus' flower basket Euplectella aspergillum


37. Ploceus nests

Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.; Pecten jacobaeus; Ploceus nests | Nerium oleander; Mimosa pudica; Schizophyllum commune fungi

Botany 10. Ficus microcarpa 13. Prickly pear Opuntia leaf 18. Drosera capensis


Ficus microcarpa is a tropical tree with smooth light-gray bark and en re oblanceolate leaves about 2-2.5 inches (5–6 cm) long which in Mediterranean climates grows to about forty feet (twelve meters) tall and with an equal spread of crown. Where condi ons are favorable for the banyan habit (tropical and humid subtropical) it grows much larger, producing great numbers of prop roots. The largest known specimen is Aun e Sarah's Banyan at the Menehune Botanical Gardens near Nawiliwili, Kauai, Hawai'i which is 110.0 feet (33.53 meters) in height, 250 feet (76.2 meters) in crown spread, and having over one thousand aerial trunks.Ficus microcarpa was widely distributed as an ornamental plant and is one of the most common street trees in warm climates. Outside its original range, the species has been introduced to North Africa,

10. Ficus microcarpa


13. Prickly pear Opuntia leaf


18. Drosera capensis

O. ficus-indica is a large, trunk-forming, segmented cactus that may grow to 5–7 m (16–23 ft) with a crown of over 3 m (10 ft) in diameter and a trunk diameter of 1 m (1 yd).[1] Cladodes (large pads) are green to blue-green,bearing few spines up to 2.5 cm (1 in) or may be spineless.[1] Prickly pears typically grow with flat, rounded cladodes (also called platyclades) containing large, smooth, fixed spines and small, hairlike prickles called glochids that readily adhere to skin or hair, then detach from the plant. The flowers are typically large, axillary, solitary, bisexual, and epiperigynous D. capensis produces strap-like leaves, up to 3.5 cen metres long (not including the pe ole) and 0.5 cen metres wide, which, as in all sundews, are covered in brightly coloured tentacles which secrete a s cky mucilage that traps arthropods. It is a perennial, herbaceous plant that forms a rose e with a diameter of 18 to 25 cm and is characterized by numerous, reddish glandular erosions on 7 cm long and 5 mm wide, elongated leaves. The plant flowers in summer (December and January in its na ve habitat in South Africa) with up to 50 pale-violet.


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale 13.Clypeaster rosaceus - Modularty - Agglomera on - Aggrega on - Stellate - Catmull clark - Voronoi - Varia on In this species the oral surface is strongly concave with the peristome at the apex of the concavity near the center of the oral surface.The peristome is the region surrounding the mouth .In life, the peristome is covered by the peristomial membrane with the mouth at its center, as it is in regular urchins.


28. Venus' flower basket Euplectella aspergillum - Agglomera on - Catmull clark - Fractal - Deforma on - Variarion - Fractal - Sierpinski - Disturbance

37.Ploceus nests - Agglomera on - Packing - Accumula on - Transforma on

Glass is widely used as a building material in the biological world, despite its fragility. Sea sponges have evolved to effectively reinforce this i n h e re n t l y b r i tt l e m ate r i a l . glass rods of similar length scales.64 The flexure strength of the spicule n o t a b l y e x c e e d s (by approximately fivefold) that of m o n o l i t h i c g l a s s .

The Ploceus nests are created for their selective parasitic nesting habits instead and for elaborately woven nests.Steps are : first by creating the ring t h e n r o o f , e g g chamber,antechamber and after finished all of these steps it start to finished also the main entrance of the nest.

- Gradients - Assemblage - Varia on - Warp

10. Ficus microcarpa Agglomera on Bifurca on

13. Prickly pear Opuntia leaf Modularty Deforma on

18. Drosera capensis Gradients Modularty

Proces of Ficus microcarpa : -Determine the size to be created -Determine the front -Proces by the years -Cut above the leaf bud position -Control the direction by bending the wire -Creating branches -12 years

A beauty and a beast, prickly pear is beloved for its blossoms and feared for its vicious spines. Its yellow, red, and orange cup-shape flowers last just one day, but a large clump of prickly pears will bloom for several weeks in summer In cold winter regions,They will expand and revive as soon as warm weather returns.

Has two color forms; red and white. When fruit flies were introduced to the two differently colored plants, there was no difference between the means of the flies captured.White and red forms as coloration is due to anthocyanin - or the lack of – and does not affect the UV coloration of the plant


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale


13.Clypeaster rosaceus - Agglomera on - Bifurca on - Fractal - Varia on - Catmull clark - Checkerboard

28. Venus' flower basket Euplectella aspergillum - Modularity - Agglomera on - Bifurcaa on - Catmull Clark - Fractal - Deforma on - Variarion - Fractal

37.Ploceus nests - Agglomera on - Packing - Accumula on - Transforma on - Folding

Diagramatic longitudinal sections through (A) Clypeaster rosaceus and (B) C. subdepres- sus showing epibenthic habit, degree of aboral surface cover, and relative positions of the peristomes. A, anus; I, infundibulum; L, lantern; S, test support pillar; T, tooth; Th, piece of dead Thalassia. convergence on the midline

Seven hierarchical levels in the sponge skeleton are identified as major fundamental construction strategies, such as laminated structures, fiber-reinforced composites, bundled beams, and diagonally reinforced square-grid cells, etc.

Weaver birds use a variety of plant materials to build their nests; including strips of grass, leaves, twigs and roots. A weaver bird has a strong, conical beak, which it uses to cut blades of grass that it will use in nestbuilding

- Gradients - Assemblage - Varia on - Warp

10. Ficus microcarpa Gradients Bifurcaa on Fractal

13. Prickly pear Opuntia leaf Modularity Voronoi Agglomera on

Ficusleaves can deposit one or more of the three major mineral types found in leaves: amorphous calcium carbonate cystoliths, calcium oxalateThe mineral distribution patterns are generally different on the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf. All species examined have abundant calcium oxalate deposits around t h e v e i n s .

These plate-like sections are actually modified stems and reach a length of 2 to 6 inches. Stem sections remain green with age and are covered with 3inch-long spines. Very minute spines (glochids) are located in the numerous areoles. The larger spines are quite painful, however the minute spines cause a lot of irritation if they are captured in clothing or attach to the skin surface.

18. Drosera capensis Agglomera on Aggrega on Packing The results of simulation reveal a clear bending. We also observe an overall reduction in internal stresses as the structure bends . Moreover, we use the same finite element model to explore the contribution of turgor pressure in inducing leaf bending. We thus impose a homogeneous increase in the pressure of the cell interior without wall loosening. The result reported indicates that changes in turgor pressure would be able to induce bending even without auxin e f f e c t s . .


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two


Sketches of the function processes of Venus Flower Basket.Abstraction and transformation of the system

Extract the structure



Venus Flower Basket

Skeletal System

Crosed Grid

Cellular Grid

Diagonal Lattice Grid


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

Extract the structure

Duplicate/Mirror Conjunction

Venus Flower Basket



Crosed Grid

Cellular Grid

Diagonal Lattice Grid



Masterplan Wireframe

Diagonal Lattice Grid System




B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and pa erns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3... Ficus microcarpa

Main Structure

Envelope Structure




Ficus microcarpa | Prickly pear Opuntia leaf

Spaces for air and sun

Envelope Structure Prespective

Windows for air and sun


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on,... Ploceus Nests Roof Conjuction

Transformation of Nests Interior Structure

Clypeaster rosaceus


Ficus microcarpa

Leaf of Ficus .M

Calcium Oxalate

Facade Structure


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 12,28,37 | B: 10,13,18

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form / forms Drosera Capensis 1st step

2nd step

3d step

4th step

5th step

Hunting of Drosera

Flexibility of Drosera

Attention colors of Drosera

77 use of colors

use of colors

Ploceus Nests



Envelope Structure 1) Biomimetic Research for Architecture and Building Constructio - Jan Knippers & Klaus G. Nickel (Book) 2) Biomimetics for Architecture & Design - Göran Pohl · Werner Nachtigall (Book) 3) 4) 5)



Research Group: Bleona Sopa; Erëblina Musliu; Erza Gashi

Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

Pachliopta aristolochiae, also known as the ‘common rose’ bu erfly, is a species of the swallowtail Zoology bu erflies. It is na ve to South and South East Asia such as India, Thailand, Malaysia and the 5.Paschliopta aristolochiae Philippines (Pachliopta aristolochiae, 2020). The bu erfly has predominantly black wings with 8.Phyllacanthus imperialis some white and red spots. Their wings are covered with scales that not only protects the wings, but 31. Chthamalus stellatus are also able to absorb sunlight and turning it into heat. These scales allows the bu erfly to capture solar energy over a wide range of angles and wavelengths, due to the bu erfly being cold blooded, the black wings enables the bu erfly to maintain a high body temperature (From Bu erfly Wings to Image Solar Cells, 2017). Efficient sunlight harves ng, responsible for the black appearance of these bu erflies under different viewing angles, is achieved by a combina on of light absorbing pigments together with a sophis cated morphology of the wing scales. 5.Paschliopta aristolochiae

Phyllacanthus imperialis, also known as the Sputnik urchin, imperial lance urchin, imperial urchin, pencil sea urchin, lance urchin, knobby sputnik sea urchin, mine urchin, and land mine sea urchin, is a species of sea urchins in the family Cidaridae. It has dis nc ve thick, blunt spikes. The shell is brown or black. This species emerges at night to eat invertebrates and sponges. During the day, it tends to remain hidden in holes in the coral reef. Phyllacanthus imperialis is found throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Inhabits shallow reef areas at depths of 0 to 15 m. Hides in holes or under corals at day me and burrows in coral rock .


C. stellatus is a sessile barnacle that a aches to rocks and other firm materials in the inter dal zone using its membranous base. It is basically cone-shaped but can assume a more tubular shape in a crowded colony. The chalky white shell of C. stellatus has a kite-shaped opercular opening when it is a juvenile and an oval operculum opening when it is an adult. The shell is made up of six solid wall plates of approximately equal size.It has bright blue ssue with black and orange markings which can be seen when its opercular aperture is not ghtly closed. Depending upon environmental condi ons and the amount of food available, it can reach up to 14 millimetres in diameter.


8.Phyllacanthus imperialis


8.Phyllacanthus imperialis

Paschliopta aristolochiae ; Phyllacanthus imperialis ; Chthamalus | Aldrovanda vesiculose; Macrolepiota; Pediastrum subgranulatum

Botany 4.Aldrovanda vesiculosa 20.Macrolepiota 22.Pediastrum subgranulatum


Aldrovanda vesiculosa, known colloquially as the waterwheel, faces a similar situa on. It is a carnivorous aqua c plant na ve to wetlands in Australia, Africa, Asia and Europe that, due to the degrada on and loss of wetland habitats, has been classified by the Interna onal Union for the Conserva on of Nature as Endangered.Aldrovanda is limited in habitat by its carnivorous nature and, as a result, lives primarily in standing and slowly flowing freshwater. Naturally, it also prefers dystrophic environments, such as fishponds, lakes, and even shallow pools in sand pits . It is a free floa ng plant with shoots about 10 to 30 cms long with small leaf whorls containing traps that it uses to hunt. Similar to its rela ve Dionaea muscipula (be er known as the Venus flytrap), it uses traps triggered by sensi ve hairs to capture its prey.Aldrovanda has a very diverse diet as well, consuming everything from insect larvae to even small fish.

4.Aldrovanda vesiculosa




22.Pediastrum subgranulatum

Macrolepiota is a genus of white spored, gilled mushrooms of the family Agaricaceae. The best known member is the parasol mushroom Macrolepiota procera, the parasol mushroom, is a basidiomycete fungus with a large, prominent frui ng body resembling a parasol. It is found solitary or in groups and fairy rings in pastures and occasionally in woodland. Globally, it is widespread in temperate regions. Frequent in southern Britain and Ireland, Parasols are less common in northern England and Scotland except for sheltered coastal loca ons. This species occurs also in most parts of mainland Europe and in the USA. Pediastrum is a genus of green algae, in the family Hydrodictyaceae. It is a photoautotrophic, nonmo le coenobial (fixed number of cells) green algae that inhabits freshwater environments. Pediastrum reproduces asexually by producing autocolonies. The protoplast of each parent cell gives rise to a biflagellate zoospore for each cell in the parent colony. The zoospores are freed from the parent cell within a vesicle and then arrange themselves into the cellular arrangement for that par cular species. The cells then enlarge un l they reach full size. Each cell can generate a daughter autocolony with exactly the same number and arrangement of cells as the parent colony.


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale The Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae asteris) - Species of the family Papilionidae tend to have the full complement of veins from 1a to 12 on the forewing and 1a to 8 on the hindwing (with vein 1b missing). - Symetry, - Folding, - Varia on

Phyllacanthus imperialis


The knob which connects with the spine /Modularity, Once the barnacle is fixed in place it is unable to detach again . All species grow faster in early life and slower in later life, and chthamalids tend to become tubular when crowded. The growth rate varies with a variety of biological and environmental factors, including current flow, orientation with respect to current, food supply, wave exposure, shore height, surface contour, and intra- or inter-specific competition. Modularity, Variation




Modularity Distribute Varia on Stellate

Exaggera on Distribu on Accumula on ·

Macro scale: Macrolepiota procera- Basidiomata/ Transforma on, Folding


Macrolepiota Procera, Macro View from underneath a Parasol Mushroom, basidiomycete fungus.

Modularity Varia on

Pediastrum colonies are disk-shaped and are characterized by peripheral hornlike projections. The number of cells per colony varies (2–128) depending on the species.


Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture 2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale

Ruled based design; some of the composi on rules and pa erns: Agglomera on

Echinoderm skeletons aren't simply inorganic calcium carbonate, they are actually infused with ssue/Modularity, Repeat, Agglomera on


Modularity Repeat Varia on Fractal Accumula on

Phyllacanthus imperialis displaying the stereom microstructure

Macrolepiota olivascens: a – spores, b – cheilocys dia, c – basidium. Scale bar = 10 μm.

MacrolepiotaMicroscopic features (from the holotype) a. Spores; b. Basidia; c. Cheilocys dia; d. Pileus coverin; d*. Pileus covering underlying elements; e. Annulus elements; f. Velar elements

The genus Pediastrum (Hydrodictyaceae) consists of disk-shaped coenobia or colonies composed of a variable number of cells (Gray, 1960). Cells are arranged in a concentric pa ern, with each cell of the outer ring containing one to three spines. The geological range of Pediastrum remains uncertain. Stanevich et al. suggested that the Neoproterozoic acritarch Dictyo dium minor from the Chencha Forma on of eastern Siberia is structurally similar to the extant P. boryanum, and thus may represent an early rela ve of that genus. Today the genus lives exclusively in freshwater, and its presence in marine rocks


Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture 3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two


Deforma on

Concentra on


Transforma on Modularity Repeat Accumula on

Transforma on


Modularity Repeat Accumula on

Exaggera on

Transforma on

Accumula on

Accumula on

86 Varia on

Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design


Applica on of research of the first part of Paschliopta aristolochiae in the Masterplan

Main spaces;different func ons as part of the terminal Walking paths


87 Applica on of research of the first part of Phyllacanthus imperialis in the Masterplan


Applica on of research of the first part of Aldrovanda in our project as kine c facade

Walking paths


88 Applica on of research of the first part of Macrolepiota in the Masterplan

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and pa erns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...

Configura on

Accumula on


Design in nature from Point 3

Division into triangles


Structure of space

Design in nature from Point 3

90 Modularity

Configura on

Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on,...

Biological model


Applica on : Structure and space

91 Biological model

Applica on : Structure and space


Biological model

Applica on : Structure and space


Z: 5,8,31 | B: 4,20,22

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form / forms


Microstructure of Phyllacanthus imperialis

Applica on : Structure, space and form

93 Applica on : Structure, space and form

Makro/Microstructure of Macrolepiota

Applica on : Structure, space and form

Applica on : Structure, space and form 1) Reference 1 (, 2) Reference 2 ( ) 3) Reference 3 ( ) 4) Reference 4 ( 5) Reference 5 (


Research Group: Brikena Mehmeti, Pranvera Kryeziu, Verona Begaj

Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

Pieris brassicae, the large white, also called cabbage buterfly, cabbage white, cabbage moth , or Zoology in India the large cabbage white, is a buterfly in the family Pieridae. It is a close relalae of the 3. Pieris brassicae small white, Pieris rapae. The large white is common throughout Europe, North Africa and Asia. 4. Gonepteryx rhamni 14. Diatoms Surirella

Morphology: The adult is about 20 mm long, the forewings are white with 1-2 round black spots and a large anterior black area, hindwings with an anterior black spot. The larvae are hairy, green-grey with black dots and yellow lateral stripes, the head is blackish, body length up to 40 mm.


Anatomy: Hindwing, Forewing, Eye, Antenna, Labial Palp, Femur, Tibia, Tarsus, Claw, Foreleg, 3. Pieris brassicae Midleg, Hindleg. The buterflies are prone to wandering and may occur in urban gardens. Frustules isopolar or heteropolar, valves bilaterally symmetrical.The Brimstone has a wingspan of 55-60 mm.Unusually for buterflies it always rests with wings closed, its colour and wing shape blending in cryp ally with its surroundings.When seen nectaring at flowers such as thistles, Image knapweed and dandelions its dis nct ely shaped wings and veining makes it easily idenen fiable from other Bri sh bu erflies 4. Gonepteryx rhamni


Diatoms are generally 2 to 200 micrometers in size, with a few larger species. Their yellowishbrown chloroplasts, the site of photosynthesis, are typical of heterokonts, having four membranes and containing pigments such as the carotenoid fucoxanthin. Diatoms have two dis nct shapes: a ew (centric diatoms) are radially symmetric, while most (pennate diatoms) are broadly bilaterally symmetric. A unique feature of diatom anatomy is that they are surrounded by a cell wall made of silica (hydrated silicon dioxide), called a frustule.A unique feature of diatom anatomy is that they are surrounded by a cell wall made of silica (hydrated silicon dioxide), called a frustule.


14. Diatoms Surirella

Pieris brassicae; Gonepteryx rhamni ;Diatoms Surirella | Edgeworthia chrysantha; Bird-of-paradise flower Strelitzia; Hornbeam tree carpinus betulus

Botany 9.Edgeworthia chrysantha 15. Bird-of-paradise flower Strelitzia 16. Hornbeam tree carpinus betulus


Edgeworthia chrysantha (common names: Oriental paperbush, mitsumata) is a plant in the family Thymelaeaceae. Edgeworthia chrysantha, commonly called paperbush or edgeworthia, is a deciduous suckering shrub that typically grows to 4-6’ tall and as wide.. It is na e to woodland areas in the Himalayas and China. Short-stalked, lanceolate-oblong, dark green leaves (to 3-5” long and 2” wide) are crowded near the branch ends. Edgeworthia chrysantha (Paperbush) is a stunning late winter flowering shrub with a truly outstanding architectural branching structure. When si n , leave enough room for Edgeworthia to reach its full poten al – pruning an ruin the natural form. The fragrant, yellow flowers begin blooming in late winter and can con nue u n l early spri , hanging down from the bare branches.

9. Edgeworthia chrysantha


15. Bird-of-paradise flower Strelitzia


16. Hornbeam tree carpinus betulus

Strelitzia reginae, also known as crane flower, is na ve to South Africa and derives its name from the unusual flowers, which resemble brightly colored birds in flight. The plant needs warm temperatures and plenty of sunshine to produce the characteris c blooms anatomy- It has s ff, erect, leathery, concave, and oblong leaves borne on a long pe ole (leafstalk). The leaves are bluish green in colour and may have a red midrib. The Bird of Paradise flower is composed of a series of highly colored bracts, or modified leaves, formed into green, red, and or purplish canoe-like structures Hornbeam a large na ve tree, though probably only truly na ve in the south and east of England as one of the last of the species to arrive from con nental Europe before the forma on of the English Channel a er the last Ice Age.Hornbeams are small to medium-sized trees, Carpinus betulus reaching a height of 32 m. . A tree with a maximum height of 25m (80 ) though o en less, it is upright when young but eventually forms a rounded, elongated head. The leaves are oval and similar in size and form to beech, though with more prominent veins and rougher to the touch.


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale


4. Gonepteryx rhamni

98 eyes morphology

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture 2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale


Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

9.Edgeworthia chrysantha


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture 3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two


Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

16. Hornbeam tree carpinus betulus



Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design


Project Site

Conceptual sketches

duplicate add




Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraa on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and perns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...



Project Site

Conceptual sketches

Speculation through paper models

Conceptual sketches



Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraa on and composi on 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on,...


floded system



Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 3,4,14 | B: 9,15,16

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraa on and composi on 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form/forms


1) h 2) h 3) h 4) h 5) h

ps:// c-flower-like-none-other.htm ps:// ps:// c-flower-like-none-other.htm p:// sh-bu erflies/the-brimstone-bu erfly-and-caterpillar-gonepteryx-rhamni/ ps://


Research Group: Blerina Blerta Fazliji; Muriqi,Elsa Valëza Buzhala; Tahiri Liridon Fetaj

Z: 25,34,35 13,26,27 || B: B: 12,17,19 5,7,26

Radiolaria are free-living marine amoeboid protozoans characterized by aZoologjia. radia ng network of Zoology Në këtë zonë bëhet përshkrimi i shkurtër tekstual i specieve të dhëna nga slender pseudopodia, an organic “central capsule membrane” within the and a Teks : Calibri 8Pt. Përshkrimi përfshinë të dhëna bazike edhe për ambien n kucytoplasm, shtrihet dhe 13. Diatoms 25. Radiolaria Actinoptychus Callimitra spec. and Arac. skeleton composed ofmetrike transparent “skin”.¹ Radiolarians are organisms in all 34. jeton specia, specifika dhe të dhëna tjera me fokus nëunicellular zbërthimet e pikave that tjera,live 26. Pecten Balaenoptera jacobaeus physalus skeleton oceans and come in a lotStruktura... of varie es.(teks They mostly floatAngleze). around in the top 100 meters of the sea but 35. 37. Ploceus Cardiumnests edule Morfologjia, Anatomia, në gjuhën can also be found at greater depths. They are known from of their lacy exoskeletons which is preservable. Each specie is unique and a true work of art. ²

(Photo: Kjell Rasmus Bjørklund, University of Oslo)

Radiolaria Callimitra is a specie with a helmet-shaped with a pointed apex, and unequal, subpolygonal pores; separated from the pyramidal thorax by a dis nct contour change and indis nct collar structure.³ (Photos source: Micropaleontology Vol. 24, No. 4 (1978), pp. 432-439)

Balaenoptera physalus mostly known as “fin whales” are found in oceans and open seas and they are the second largest mammals. They tend to live in coastal and shelf waters but never in water less than 200 meters deep.’ The fin whale skeleton is curved shape and very characteris c. The neck vertebrae are small and compressed together so the neck is very short. The breast bone is joined only to the first ribs. The rudimentary pelvic bone represents the thigh bone, and the pelvis is not a ached to the backbone, so the vertebrae represents the sacrum.’


13. Diatoms 25. Radiolaria Actinoptychus Callimitra spec. and Arac.


26. Pecten 34. Balaenoptera jacobaeus physalus skeleton

29 111

Cardium edule is a rare term which is daily known as common edible European cockle. It’s a species of edible saltwater clam, a marine bivalve mollusc in the family Cardidae, the cockles. It is found in waters of Europe, from Iceland to western Africa. The ribbed oval shells can reach 3.5 to 6 cen meters across and are white, yellowish or brown in color. The shell is oval, and covered by ribs, which are fla ened in the middle part of the shell. This species is a filter feeder, where water is inhaled through an inhalant siphon, and exhaled through an exhaling siphon.

(Photo source: h p://


37. Ploceus 35. Cardiumnests edule

Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.; Pecten jacobaeus; Ploceus nests | Nerium oleander; Mimosa pudica; Schizophyllum commune fungi

Botany 5. Southern Magnolia Grandiflora 7. Venus Flytrap Dionaea Muscipula 26. Agave Spec

5. Southern Magnolia Grandiflora


Magnolia Grandiflora is one of the trees that belong to the family Magnoliacea, a medium to large evergreen tree (a plant which remains green and func onal during more than one growing season). It usually grows into a pyramidal shape, with broadly ovate simple numerous leaves. Its na ve origin is from southeastern United States, while today it is cul vated all over the world. It grows up to 27m in height. It’s leaves are dark green, s ff and leathery, proceeding with the flowering which usually occurs during late spring, with 6 to 12 white wavy-textured petals per fl o w e r, e m e r g i n g f r o m t h e p s o f t w i g s o n m a t u r e b ra n c h e s o f t h e t r e e . The blossoms open in the morning and close at night for 2 or 3 days; then all the stamens are shed and the flower reopens, turns brown, and disintegrates. The flowering as a process of the tree appears throughout summer and also again in the fall. Due to its growing shape Magnolia Tree has also other uses such as that of decora ve and ornamental Etymologically speaking, the plant's name refers to Venus, the Roman goddess of love, its genus name, Dionae refers to the Greek goddess Aphrodite, and it's species name, Muscipula comes from La n meaning both “mousetrap” and “flytrap”. It was given that name because it is a carnivorous plant, meaning that except the process of photosynthesis genera ng energy, the plant consumes other nutrients from trapping animals and insects. It's “roots” are na ve to sub-tropical wetlands such as the East-Coast of the United States of America and South Carolina.

7. Venus Flytrap Dionaea Muscipula

Agave; from the ancient Greek-agauê; A plant of the genus Agave, which includes the maguey or century plant which produces a gigan c flower stem at maturity. It is most common for the plant to Image

develop within hot and arid regions of America. It is known as a xerophyte, a plant which has adap ons to survive very easily in an environment with li le liquid water. Most Agave species grow very slowly, they're primarily known for their sharp leaves, and can grow up to two meters in height

26. Agave Spec


A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 25,34,35 13,26,27 | B: | B: 12,17,19 5,7,26

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale Composi on rules and pa erns a) Radiolara Callimitra spec. aggrega on, accumula on, varia on, Subdivision and geometrical , manipula on: voronoi b)Balaenoptera physalus skeleton: modularity gradients folding

31 113

c) Cardium edule: folding packing affilia on Subdivision and geometrical , manipula on: fractal




Composi on rules and pa erns: Agglomera on Accumula on

The trunk; 5. Southern Magnolia Grandiflora

Composi on rules and pa erns: Folding Modularity

7. Venus Flytrap Dionaea Muscipula

Composi on rules and pa erns: Rota on Transforma on

The main branches

The crown

Diges ve Glands

114 26. Agave Spec

Sharp leaves

The core

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 5,7,26 Z: 25,34,35 13,26,27 | |B: B: 12,17,19

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale b)




Micropaleontology Vol. 24, No. 4 (1978)


h p:// nuousplankton.html

Composi on rules and pa erns a)Radiolara Callimitra spec.: aggrega on, accumula on, voronoi, sierpinski, bifurca on b)Balaenoptera physalus skeleton: modularity, packing, muta on, agglomera on c)Cardium edule: affilia on, gradient, folding, transforma on. c)



Composi on rules and pa erns: Rota on Packing

5. Southern Magnolia Grandiflora

The branches The leaves Composi on rules and pa erns: Folding Assemblage

7. Venus Flytrap Dionaea Muscipula

The diges ve glands Sharp Teeth Composi on rules and pa erns: Fractal Folding

The flower

The seeds

Nectar Secre ng Glands Trigger hair Structure

116 26. Agave Spec

The branches

The seeds

The core

The flower

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 5,7,26 Z: 25,34,35 13,26,27 | |B: B: 12,17,19

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two Radiolaria Callimitra spec. - geometry extrac on

Radiolaria Callimitra spec.

zooming-in - selec ng an area

the exoskeleton’s structure

principle: Voronoi Geometry extracted by its exoskeleton as the most characteris c part

the golden ra o

principle: Spiral Geometry

Cardium edule - geometry extrac on

35 117 Cardium edule

exploring its shape

7. Venus Flytrap Dionaea Muscipula Structural Design

Open Leaf Closed Leaf



26. Agave Spec

Pressure reservoir supplying cells The shape of the single polygonal cells change when opened or closed

118 Macro-Scale The never ending spiral -Blossom-

Structural Design- Grid Inspired Systems

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 25,34,35 | B: 5,7,26

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

spiral geometry extracted by cardium edule specie

Golden Ra o is extracted in the Cardium Edule or the common European cockle’s closed shell, which helped genera ng a spiral geometry. This geometry was the main constraint in the masterplan of the hybrid complex.


main ini al contours where natural analogies, more concretely: spiral geometry extracted by natural analogies worked as constraint

from conceptual abstract contours to a refined, func onal solu on

the final masterplan of the hybrid complex

26. Agave Spec

Macro-Scale The never ending spiral -Blossom-

Agave Spec is a type of plant which has it’s main core, rooted in the grounds that gives strength and support to the heavy sharp-edged leaves. The core is characterized by its heavy thick base material, and it’s unique pattern, which we can divide it into two main patterns, the one similar to a grid structural pattern and the one same as blossom.

The Concept; The building is concentrated and derives from a main centric point gradually increasing same way as blossoms, generating undulated forms, creating a visual flow of movement. Starting from the 3 stories high ramps everything derives from that, with circulation and access from each point of the anexes/objects, creating the concept of inner gardens filled with greenery. Due to its form, the complex represents a welcoming warm entrance serving as a gateaway from the city with all the open-public green spaces that are wrapped up inside of it in serve of the people.


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 5,7,26 Z: 25,34,35 13,26,27 | |B: B: 12,17,19

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and pa erns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3... Structural Module genera on = inspired by Radiolaria Callimitra spec.

the module as a wall pa ern:

2D Voronoi pa ern extracted by the specie’s exoskeleton

39 121

The organic shape and the flexibility of this module, (that its similiarity with the voronoi diagram provides), makes it possible for it to be applied and contextualized in many ways in the project. For example: It can be a module of a grid + shell structural system. Or it can be used as a fundamental part of the tectonic system, such as in walls and roo ops.

Extrusion of the pa ern

3D module

the module as tectonic ‘envelope’ system:

materializa on of the module using cross laminated mber

26. Agave Spec

Extracting the Pattern

Knitted structural pattern started by a module

The module


The pattern

Details of the structure and Axonometric Views

122 Extrude

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 25,34,35 | B: 5,7,26

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on,... Voronoi pa ern as a generator for the grid+shell structural system, inspired by Radiolaria Callimitra spec.’ exoskeleton - contextualized in the studio project.

eleva on 1

123 schema c perspec ve

eleva on 2

Schematic 3d Views of the wooden structure used as an example in the actual project; Achieving a structural expression; what is external becomes internal and vice versa


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 5,7,26 Z: 25,34,35 13,26,27 | |B: B: 12,17,19

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form / forms

voronoi pattern Inspired by radiolaria’s voronoi like exoskeleton, a real voronoi pa ern is transformed into a 3d module.

From a simple 2D pa ern to an organic and dynamic building envelope


This module is now mul plied and transformed into wall tectonic system.


perspec ve

adap on in the studio project

Schematic 3d Views of the wooden structure used as an example in the actual project; Achieving a structural expression; what is external becomes internal and vice versa

Authors: Robert M. Goll, E. Georges Merinfeld. source: ² ³ ⁴ ⁵ “Right Whale and Fin Whale” by D Erasmus and Joanna C Webb ⁶ Kon-Well-Wang;


Research Group: Albana Rafuna; Andina Latifi

Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37 Zoology

The La n word hippopotamus is derived from the ancient Greek ἱπποπόταμος, hippopótamos, from ἵππος, híppos, "horse", and ποταμός, potamós, "river", meaning "horse of the river".In English, the plural is "hippopotamuses", but "hippopotami" is also used. Hippopotamus amphibius was widespread in North Africa and Europe during the Eemian and late Pleistocene un l about 30,000 years ago.Hippos are among the largest living land mammals, being only smaller than elephants and some rhinoceroses. Among the extant African megafauna, behind the two African elephant species, they average smaller than the white rhinoceros but are larger by body mass than the black rhinoceros and the giraffe. Hippos measure 2.90 to 5.05 m long, including a tail of about 35 to 56 cm in length and 1.30 to 1.65 m tall at the shoulder. Mean adult weight is around 1,500 kg and 1,300 kg. Male hippos appear to con nue growing throughout their lives while females reach maximum weight at around age 25. This species is called the le uce slug because it is o en green in color, and it always has a very frilly edge to its parapodia. This makes the slug resemble the curly kinds of le uce, such as the lollo rosso variety. The maximum length of this species is about 5 cm and 3 cm in width. The le uce slug is extremely variable in color: it can also be blue, or very pale with red lines or yellow lines.This species lives in the tropical parts of the western Atlan c, and the Caribbean faunal zone. They are found in more coastal and tropical reef areas where the water is shallow and clear.

32.Hippopotamus amphibius skeleton 40.Elysia crispata


32.Hippopotamus amphibius skeleton


127 40.Elysia crispata

Hippopotamus amphibius skeleton; Elysia crispata | Lilium lancefolium; Primula obconica

Botany 32.Lilium lancefolium 37.Primula obconica


32.Lilium lancefolium


37.Primula obconica

Lilium lancifolium is an Asian species of lily, na ve to China, Japan, Korea, and the Russian Far East. It is widely planted as an ornamental because of its showy orange-and-black flowers, and sporadically occurs as garden escape in North America, par cularly the eastern United States including New England, and has made incursions into some southern states such as Georgia. It has the English name ger lily, but that name has been applied to other species as well.Lilium lancifolium is a BULB growing to 1.2 m (4 ) by 0.3 m (1 in) at a medium rate. It is in flower from August to September, and the seeds ripen from September to October. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and is pollinated by Bees. The plant is not self-fer le. Suitable for: light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and prefers well-drained soil. Suitable pH: acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It prefers moist soil.

Primula obconica is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae, na ve to China. It is a short-lived evergreen perennial growing to 40 cm tall by 25 cm broad, with rose es of coarse, heart-shaped leaves, and thick stalks bearing umbels of lavender flowers in late winter and early spring. The specific epithet obconica means "inverted cone", referring to the convex flowers. This is a tender plant which us usually grown annually as a houseplant or in a cool greenhouse. Numerous cul vars have been developed, of which 'Libre Magenta' has gained the Royal Hor cultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. The hairs on the leaves may cause allergic reac ons.


Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale


32.Hippopotamus amphibius Hippos have barrel-shaped bodies with short legs and long muzzles. Their skeletal structures are graviportal, adapted to carrying their enormous weight, and their specific gravity allows them to sink and move along the bo om of a river.Hippopotamuses have small legs (rela ve to other megafauna) because the water in which they live reduces the weight burden. Though they are bulky animals, hippos can gallop at 30 km/h on land but normally trot. They are incapable of jumping but do climb up steep banks.Despite being semiaqua c and having webbed feet, an adult hippo is not a par cularly good swimmer nor can it float. It is rarely found in deep water; when it is, the animal moves by porpoise-like leaps from the bo om. The eyes, ears, and nostrils of hippos are placed high on the roof of their skulls. This allows these organs to remain above the surface while the rest of the body submerges.

40.Elysia crispata Elysia crispata is typically green with white spots, however, indiviuduals with other colors can be found. Some have a rainbow of blues and yellows decora ng their frilled bodies. The elongated visceral mass of Elysia crispata lies dorsally on top of the foot of the animal. The l mass, form the dis nctly ruffled, le uce-like appearance on the dorsal surface of the body. This characteris c is responsible for the common name of the species, the le uce sea slug. Although Elysia crispata is a mollusk, it does not have a mantle cavity, gills, or an osphradium, but does have a foot and radula.

32.Lilium lancefolium

37.Primula obconica

Like other true lilies, the flowers are borne on upright stems that are 80–200 cen metres tall and bear lanceolate leaves 6–10 cen metres long and 1–2 cen metres broad. Lilium lancifolium produces aerial bulblets, known as bulbils, in the leaf axils. These bulbils are uncommon in Lilium species and they produce new plants that are clones of the original plant. Flowers are odorless. Each flower lasts a few days and if pollinated produce capsules with many thin seeds.

A tender perennial herb having basal, simple, elongated, glandular haired leaves. The flowers are terminal on a naked stem, 5-parted, funnelshaped, pale lilac or purple with a yellow eye. They bloom indoors when other plants are dormant, winter into early spring. They need cool condi ons and indirect sunlight for op mum performance. Its leaves are covered with ny hairs that secrete a toxic substance. If the leaves are touched, an immediate irrita on can occur, forming blisters.


Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture 2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale 32.Hippopotamus amphibius

40.Elysia crispata

The chloroplast-containing diges ve tubules and the white cell pigment spotsare visible through the surface of the foot.The foot of an Elysia crispata is thick, white, opaque, has definitelateral margins and no plas ds are visible in it or within theventral part of the body covered by the foot .Specimens of Elysia crispata typically have a narrow blue pigment band running the length of the outside margin of the foot .


The hippo is obviously a cumbersome animal, but it is not just because of their tubby physique. Parts of the appendicular skeleton of hippos are osteosclero c, meaning that their bones are extraordinarily dense due to the replacement of porous bone with more compact bone. (Hippos have extra, lighter bone material in the large medullary cavi es within their limb bones, too.) This means that their bones act as a kind of ballast to help them achieve neutral buoyancy underwater. Without this added weight they would have to ac vely expend a lot of energy to remain underwater (and, conversely, too much “bone ballast” would make it harder to surface when they needed to come up for air).

32.Lilium lancefolium

37.Primula obconica

The ger lily has a tall, straight stem.The leaves sprout from the single stalk and are usually long, narrow, and pointed. The flower petals are long and pointed, and come in groups of six. Being monocots, their petals come in sets of three, with two sets in the case of ger lilies. A common muta on of ger lilies causes them to produces flowers with large numbers of slightly thinner petals. Flowers are an orange or red-orange color with small black(usually) spots. They have fewer spots than other species of lily. The orange color combined with the black markings is what the name " ger lily" is derived from. The ger lily's petals will bend back very far during the flowering cycle, curling up against its own stem and exposing the stamens and pistol for pollinators.

Colours range from pure white, cream, all blues, lilac, mauve, pink, purples, salmon and so orange and many ruffly bi colours and lovely so pastels. Foliage is somewhat course or s ff with a lightly hairy texture. Leaves are roughly oval, ellip cal or round with irregular lobes, some mes with so teeth, folds or fluted indenta ons.Some people with sensi ve skin can have an allergic reac on when the foliage is handled.


Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture 3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two 32.Hippopotamus amphibius


40.Elysia crispata

32.Lilium lancefolium

37.Primula obconica


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design



B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.1. Spa al composi on and pa erns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...



B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on,...



B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Z: 32,40 | B: 32,37

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configura on and composi on 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spa al composi on and form / forms


1) Referenca 1 2) Referenca 2 3) Referenca 3


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