39 minute read

List – categories of research

Z - Zoology and B - Botany



1. Meganeura monyi 2. Calopteryx splendens 3. Pieris brassicae 4. Gonepteryx rhamni 5. Pachliopta aristolochiae 6. Papilio palinurus 7. Carabidae 8. Phyllacanthus imperialis 9. Clypeaster reticulatus 10. Leodia sexiesperforata 11. Echinocyamus pusillus 12. Clypeaster rosaceus 13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arachnoidiscus 14. Diatoms Surirella 15. Diatoms Thalassiosira 16. Diatoms Triceratium alternans 17. Diatoms Chaetoceras spec 18. Radiolara Clathrocyclas 19. Radiolara Spumellaria 20. Radiolara Nasellarian 21. Radiolara Euchitonia elegans 22. Radiolara Larcospira quadrangular 23. Radiolara Lamprocyclas maritalis 24. Radiolara Cornutella 25. Radiolara Callimitra spec. 26. Pecten jacobaeus 27. Glass sponge Lyssacinosida 28. Venus' flower basket Euplectella aspergillum 29. Lactoria cornuta or Acanthostracion polygonius 30. Geotrupes silvaticus 31. Chthamalus stellatus 32. Hippopotamus amphibius skeleton 33. Rhinocerotidae skeleton 34. Balaenoptera physalus skeleton 35. Cardium edule 36. Mytilus edulis 37. Ploceus nests 38. Chrysiridia rhipheus 39. Aglaiocerus coelestis 40. Elysia crispata 41. Uta stansburiana 42. Pisaster ochraceus 43. Manis tricuspis 44. Argyroneta aquatica web Botany

1. Dracaena reflexa 2. Dracaena cinnabari 3. Amazonwater lilyleaf Victoria amazonica 4. WaterwheelplantAldrovanda vesiculosa 5. SouthernMagnolia Magnolia grandiflora 6. Chamaerops humilis 7. Venus flytrap Dionaea muscipula 8. Schefflera arboricola 9. Edgeworthia chrysantha 10. Ficus microcarpa 11. Strangler fig Ficus spp. 12. Nerium oleander 13. Pricklypear Opuntia leaf 14. Rhizophora mangle 15. Bird-of-paradise flower Strelitzia 16. Hornbeamleaf Carpinus betulus 17. Mimosa pudica 18. Drosera capensis 19. Schizophyllum commune fungi 20. Macrolepiota 21. Pediastrum biradiatum 22. Pediastrum subgranulatum 23. Pediastrum simplex 24. Physalis alkekengi 25. Cladium mariscus 26. Agave spec. 27. Bambusa spec. 28. Pinus nigra 29. Pinaceae cones 30. Heracleum mantegazzianum 31. Ipomoea alba 32. Lilium lancefolium 33. Physostegia virginiana 34. Impatiens balsamina 34. Caladium bicolor 35. Bellis perennis 36. Gerbera jamesonii 37. Primula obconica 38. Primula veris 39. Calopogon tuberosus 40. Hylocereus undatus 41. Abies koreana Wils 42. Equisetum telmateia 43. Pinguicula grandiflora 44. Bryonia dioica

Research Group: Albulena Smajli; Besjana Murseli Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31

Diatoms are algae that live in houses made of glass. They are the only organism on the planet with cell walls composed of transparent, opaline silica. Diatom cell walls are ornamented by intricate and striking paerns of silica. Diatoms have light-absorbing molecules that collect energy from the sun and turn it into chemical energy through photosynthesis. Diatoms are generally 2 to 200 micrometers in size, with a few larger species. Their yellowishbrown chloroplasts, the site of photosynthesis, are typical of heterokonts, having four membranes and containing pigments such as the carotenoid fucoxanthin. Diatoms are divided into two groups that are disnguished by the shape of the frustule: the centric diatoms and the pennate diatoms.Pennate diatoms are bilaterally symmetric. Each one of their 14. Diatoms Surirellavalves have openings that are slits along the raphes and their shells are typically elongated parallel to these raphes. They generate cell movement through cytoplasm that streams along the raphes, always moving along solid surfaces. Surirella is a genus of diatoms in the family Surirellaceae. Weavers are named for their elaborately woven nests. The nests vary in size, shape, material used, and construcon techniques from species to species. Materials used for building nests include fine leaf fibers, grass, and twigs. Many species weave very fine nests using thin strands of leaf fiber, though some, like the buffalo-weavers, form massive undy sck nests in their colonies, which may have spherical woven nests within. The sociable weavers of Africa build apartment-house nests, in which 100 to 300 pairs have separate flask-shaped chambers entered by tubes at the boom. Most species weave nests that have narrow entrances, facing downward.The birds build their nests together for protecon, oen several to a branch. Usually the male birds weave the nests and use them as a form of display to lure prospecve females. Zoology 14. Diatoms Surirella 26. Pecten jacobaeus Image

Image 37. Ploceus nests

Diatoms Surirella; Ploceus nests | Schizophyllum commune fungi; Ipomoea alba


19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

31. Ipomoea alba


19. Schizophyllum commune fungi Schizophyllum commune is a species of fungus in the genus Schizophyllum. The mushroom resembles undulang waves of ghtly packed corals or loose Chinese fan. "Gillies" or "split gills" vary from creamy yellow to pale white in colour. The cap is small, 1–4 cenmetres wide with a dense yet spongey body texture. It is known as the split-gill mushroom because of the unique longitudinally divided nature of the "gills" on the underside of the cap. This mushroom is found throughout the world. It is found in the wild on decaying trees aer rainy seasons followed by dry spells where the mushrooms are naturally collected. It is known for its high medicinal value and aromac taste profile. It has recently aracted the medicinal industry for its immunomodulatory, anfungal, anneoplasc and anviral acvies that are higher than those of any other glucan complex carbohydrate. They grow in shelf-like arrangements, without stalks. The gills, which produce basidiospores on their surface, split when the mushroom dries out, earning this mushroom the common name split gill. It is common in rong wood. The mushrooms can remain dry for decades and then revived with moisture.

31. Ipomoea alba Ipomoea alba, somemes called the tropical white morning-glory or moonflower or moon vine, is a species of night-blooming morning glory, nave to tropical and subtropical regions of North and South America, from Argenna to northern Mexico, Florida and the West Indies. Though formerly classified as genus Calonycon, species aculeatum, it is now properly assigned to genus Ipomoea, subgenus Quamoclit, secon Calonycon. It is a perennial, herbaceous liana growing to a height of 5–30 m tall with twining stems. The leaves are enre or three-lobed, 5–15 cm long, with a 5–20 cm long stem. The flowers are fragrant, white or pink, and large, 8–14 cm diameter. The flowers open quickly in the evening and last through the night, remaining open unl touched by the morning dew. 31

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale

14. Diatoms Surirella

37. Ploceus nests

19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

31. Ipomoea alba

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31


14. Diatoms Surirella


37. Ploceus nests Ribbed

Weaving Modularity


19. Schizophyllum commune fungi


31. Ipomoea alba

Fractal Segregaon Modularity

Modularity Arch 35

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two

14. Diatoms Surirella

37. Ploceus nests Ribbed

Weaving Ribbed


19. Schizophyllum commune fungi

31. Ipomoea alba Arch Arch

Fractal Fractal 37

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

Fractal Mirroring Vecally Mirroring Horizontally

definion of form Implementaon in the project

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.1. Spaal composion and paerns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...

Ribbed implementaon of the paern in the structure



B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion,...

Extracon of the structure

Applicaon in structure

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 14,37 | B: 19,31 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion and form / forms


Facade structure

implementaon on the facade

1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophyllum_commune 2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ipomoea_alba 3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ploceidae#:~:text=Materials%20used%20for%20building%20nests,have%20spherical%20woven%20nests%20within. 4) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diatom

Research Group: Albion Jakupi; Endrit Ahmeti; Rinesa Hasani Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26

Diatoms play a fundamental role due to their massive contribuon to global photosynthec oxygen producon. A unique feature of diatom anatomy is that they are surrounded by a cell wall made of silica (hydrated silicon dioxide), called a frustule. Diatoms are ubiquitous monocellular microalgae, responsible for about 20-25% of the global oxygen produced by photosynthesis. Living in environments where sunlight is not so easily accessible, evoluon shaped diatoms in order to exploit light with high efficiency. In parcular, diatoms are provided with an external, micro- and nanopaerned silica shell, the frustule, surprisingly similar to arficial photonic crystals and able to manipulate light in many different ways.

Diatoms are a major group of algae,specifically microalgae, found in the oceans, Zoology waterways and soils of the world.They are microscopic elements. Triceraum is characterized by valves with elevaons bearing ocelli, valvar surface with pseudoloculi, somemes poorly developed, mantle projected outwards in the valvar margin and valves generally tripolar, rarely bipolar or tetrapolar .Valves are triangular with straight or concave sides. An elevaon with one ocellus and one rimoportula appears in each corner. The valvar surface is areolate; arcolae in radial disposion. Highly variable in color; most commonly purple, but can also be orange, orange-ochre, yellow, reddish, or shades of brown.These sea stars are able to regenerate arms that are lost and are thought to live up to 20 years. Average arm radius in CA/OR is around 9 cm but can reach 3x this size. Individuals usually have 5 arms but this can vary from 4 to 7. Aboral surfaces have many small white spines arranged in detached groups or in a reculate paern, generally forming a star-shaped design on central part of disk . Tube feet on the undersides of arms have suckers that allow them to remain aached to rock in high wave energy shores. Zoology

13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac. 16. Diatoms Triceratium alternans 42. Pisaster ochraceus


13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.


16. Diatoms Triceratium alternans


42. Pisaster ochraceus

Diatoms Act. and Arac.; Diatoms Triceratium alt.; Pisaster ochra. | Waterwheel plant Adro. ves; Pediastrum biradiatum; 26. Agav spec.


4. Waterwheel plant Adrovanda ves. 21. Pediastrum biradiatum 26. Agav spec.


4. Waterwheel plant Adrovanda ves.


21. Pediastrum biradiatum


26. Agav spec. Aldrovanda vesiculosa, commonly known as the waterwheel plant, is the sole extant species in the flowering plant genus Aldrovanda of the family Droseraceae. The plant captures small aquac invertebrates using traps similar to those of the Venus flytrap. The traps are arranged in whorls around a central, free-floang stem, giving rise to the common name. This is one of the few plant species capable of rapid movement. While the genus Aldrovanda is now monotypic, up to 19 exnct species are known in the fossil record. While the species displays a degree of morphological plascity between populaons, A. vesiculosa possesses a very low genec diversity across its enre range. A. vesiculosa has declined over the last century to only 50 confirmed extant populaons worldwide. These are spread across Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.[5] However, potenally invasive populaons exist in the eastern United States. It is kept by hobbyists. Pediastrum is a genus of green algae, in the family Hydrodictyaceae.It is a photoautotrophic, nonmole coenobial (fixed number of cells) green algae that inhabits freshwater environments. Pediastrum reproduces asexually by producing autocolonies. The protoplast of each parent cell gives rise to a biflagellate zoospore for each cell in the parent colony. The zoospores are freed from the parent cell within a vesicle and then arrange themselves into the cellular arrangement for that parcular species. The cells then enlarge unl they reach full size.

Agave, , genus of the some 200 species of the family Asparagaceae (formerly Agavaceae), nave to arid and semiarid regions of the Americas, parcularly Mexico, and the Caribbean. The genus contains a number of economically important species, especially those required for the producon of mescal liquors, including the blue agave used for tequila. Sisal , henequen , and cantala are significant sources of fibre and are of interest as potenal bioenergy crops. The century plant, or maguey , and blue agave are the primary sources of agave nectar, a syrupy sweetener. Addionally, a number of species are grown as ornamentals in desert landscaping.

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale

13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac. 16. Diatoms Triceratium alternans 42. Pisaster ochraceus

Diatoms have a rule used by nature, where this system is a geometric system in which is used "centrality”

Centric diatoms have radially symmetric valves where the striae are arranged around a central point

Composition rules and patterns: CENTRALITY There is used the triadial system or in its geometric sense we can notice the triangular system. These are areas where are fewer openings becausehere the diatom has the most stressed parts Composition rules and patterns: TRIANGULATION Composition rules and patterns: STELLATE DEFORMATION VARIATION

4. Waterwheel plant Adrovanda ves. 21. Pediastrum biradiatum 26. Agav spec.



A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26

13. Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac. 16. Diatoms Triceratium alternans 42. Pisaster ochraceus

SEM images of Actinoptychus senarius.External valve face shows six alternately raised and depressed sectors, smooth central area, and a beveled edge

Composition rules and patterns: AGGLOMERATION GRIDING They create a grid structure.

When we enter the depths of the diatom we notice other elements which in the macro view have no resemblance to these elements. In the depths of diatom we can clearly see how the elements are connected to each other and to the wrapping. This diatom system is formed by a networked structure which forms a plurality of holes.

Composition rules and patterns: AGGLOMERATION GRIDING HEXAGON Composition rules and patterns: AGGLOMERATION VORONOI

4. Waterwheel plant Adrovanda ves. 21. Pediastrum biradiatum 26. Agav spec.

Composition rules and patterns: VARIATION MODULARITY Composition rules and patterns: AGGLOMERATION SUBDIVISION VORONOI Composition rules and patterns: BLENDING VARIATION REPEPTION

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two






B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

Extracting the lines The concept of masterplan is inspired in TRIANGULATION.In this project triangles were used to generate the shapes in masterplan.

Using different triangles to create the masterplan The shape of triangles is based on the location,access and roads.

The masterplan based on triangulation

Now it can be easily detected that triangulation is the main concept of our hybrid project.Starting from the masterplan which directely gave functions to the poject,continuing with structural system,landscape design the project in itself contains triangles. Creating the structural system through triangulation to add the atriums,lanterns and to create the landscape design.

The final masterplan 55

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.1. Spaal composion and paerns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...

Inspired by the waterwheel plant and how it is distribution, the spatial composition in some parts of the hybrid project is exactly the same. Extracting the spatial composition from waterwheel plant.

Spatial composition at some parts of the project An example with sketches taken from project.

Inspired by Pisaster ochraceus and its voronoi system.

Voronoi pattern extracted from the piaster ochareus Creating similar shpes with triangles based on the voronoipattern

Following the voronoi pattern,but turning the shapes into triangles-based on our project’s concept triangulation. 3D of this pattern

Materialization-using cross laminated timber

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion,...

Pisaster ochraceus Centrality Using sea star form to create structural elements

Wrapping the piaster ochraceus Materialization-using timber and concrete for the base to give strengh to the element Adaption to the studio project

Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac. Centrality Extracting the lines

Used glass to get natural light from these elements

Materialization-timber,concrete and glass. Adaption to the studio project 59

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 13,16,42 | B: 4,21,26 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion and form / forms

Voronoi pattern is used in different parts of the hybrid project. Adaption in the studio project

Applying voronoi patterns in structural walls.At the same time the structure is creating the space and form.It is used at the tectonic system.

Adaption in the studio project inspired by centrality

1) https://www.hindawi.com/journals/jspec/2016/2490128/ 2) https://repository.usfca.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1046&context=honors 3) https://pubs.usgs.gov/bul/1765/report.pdf 4) https://www.scielo.br/j/rbbio/a/GhGqPfKfkbpGD6FxzK4Xsvz/?lang=en 5) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0028825X.1980.10427255 6) https://academic.oup.com/plankt/article/34/7/590/1465831 7) https://marine.ucsc.edu/target/target-species-pisaster.html 8) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7795913/ 9) https://www.britannica.com/plant/Agave 10) https://www.britannica.com/science/Pediastrum

Research Group: Dardan Hasani; Rinor Reka Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20

The common cockle was one of the many invertebrate species originally described by Carl Linnaeus in the landmark 1758 10th edion of Systema Naturae, where it was given its old binomial name Cardium edule. The species name is derived from the Lan adjecve ĕdūlis "edible". Italian naturalist Giuseppe Saverio Poli erected the genus Cerastoderma in 1795, making the common cockle the type species as Cerastoderma edule. The genus name is derived from the Ancient Greek words keras "horn" and derma "skin". For many years it was referred to by both names. Other common names in English are edible cockle and common edible cockle. On account of its heart-like shape, it is called the "heart mussel" in German and Scandinavian languages (Hertzmuschel and Hjertemusling). It typically reaches from 3.5 cenmeters (1.4 in) to 5 cenmeters (2.0 in) in length, but somemes it reaches 6 cenmeters (2.4 in). The shells are pale or whish yellow, grubby white, or brown. The shell is oval, and covered by ribs, which are flaened in the middle part of the shell. The digesve glands are light brown to dark green. In contrast, the similar lagoon cockle has an elongated shell posteriorly, black digesve glands and is found in substrate of stagnant water.

Elysia crispata is typically green with white spots, however, individuals with other colors can be found. Some have a rainbow of blues and yellows decorang their frilled bodies. The elongated visceral mass of Elysia crispata lies dorsally on top of the foot of the animal. The parapodia, dorsal to the visceral mass, form the disnctly ruffled, leuce-like appearance on the dorsal surface of the body. This characterisc is responsible for the common name of the species, the leuce sea slug. Although Elysia crispata is a mollusk, it does not have a mantle cavity, gills, or an osphradium, but does have a foot and radula. Elysia crispata lives on coral reefs and in mangrove lagoons of the Caribbean Sea, where it eats green algae and can store the algal chloroplasts in its own ssues. It is oen found “basking” in the sun in order to provide energy. Zoology

35. Cardium edule 40. Elysia crispata

35. Cardium edule

40. Elysia crispata

Cardium edule; Elysia crispata | Hornbeam leaf Carpinus betulus; Macrolepiota


16. Hornbeam leaf Carpinus betulus 20. Macrolepiota

16. Hornbeam leaf Carpinus betulus

20. Macrolepiota European Hornbeam or Common Hornbeam is a medium-sized ornamental deciduous tree that grows 40 feet (~12m) to 60 feet (~18m) in height and 40 feet (~12m) wide. The dense dark green leaves of summer, bright yellow leaves of fall, and smooth gray bark add beauty to the landscape year-round. The tree is a member of the Betulaceae or Birch Family. European Hornbeam is found widespread in Europe and western Asia. It has the hardest wood of all the trees in Europe. The wood has been used to make furniture and flooring. The genus name, Carpinus, is Lan for "hornbeam." The species name, betulus, is Lan and means "birch or birch-like." The common name, European Hornbeam, is derived from "horn," meaning hard, "beam," meaning tree in Old English, and European signifying its place of origin. The flowers are male (1.5 inches long and yellow) and female catkins (3 inches long and green) that appear in April and May before the foliage appears. It is pollinated by the wind. The fruit is a small hard brown nutlet with 3-lobed bracts and appears from September to October. European Hornbeam aracts small birds and mammals.

Macrolepiota is a genus of white spored, gilled mushrooms of the family Agaricaceae. The fungus was first described in 1772 by Italian naturalist Giovanni Antonio Scopoli, who named it Agaricus procerus. Rolf Singer transferred it to the genus Macrolepiota in 1948. The height and cap diameter of a mature specimen may both reach 30 - 40 (50) cm. The spe is relavely thin and reaches full height before the cap has expanded. The spe is very fibrous in texture which renders it inedible. The surface is characteriscally wrapped in a snakeskinlike paern of scaly growths. The immature cap is compact and egg-shaped, with the cap margin around the spe, sealing a chamber inside the cap. At full maturity, the cap is more or less flat, with a chocolate-brown umbo in the center that is leathery to touch. Dark and cap-coloured flakes remain on the upper surface of the cap and can be removed easily. The gills are crowded, free, and white with a pale pink nge somemes present. The spore print is white. It has a pleasant nuy smell. When sliced, the white flesh may turn a pale pink.

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale 16. Hornbeam leaf Carpinus betulus

The reddish-stalked, toothed-edge leaves have pairs of prominent veins (10-15 pairs). The triangular nutlets grow in clusters of eight, each with a leafy three-lobed bract. 20. Macrolepiota

The fruit bodies of Macrolepiota species, are characterised by movable rings (annuli) around the respective stipes. During development of the fruit body, the cap-stipe-connection zone breaks because of cap expansion, leaving the ring, which behaves similar to an uniaxially moving prismatic joint thereby providing a linear sliding movement between two rigid bodies (one degree of freedom).

35. Cardium edule 40. Elysia crispata

Shell cordate, obliquely roundish, or subtriangular, tumid; with the dorsal margin short, and either forming a slight angle behind, or sloping; the umbones very prominent and directly incurved; each valve with twenty-eight flattened ribs, marked with numerous little elevated, transverse lamellve; the inter-stices between the ribs narrow ; the colour whitish, or tinged with red or brown; the inside white, but frequently with a brown or blackish patch toward the posterior margin of each valve; the margins serrato-plicate. Length an inch and three-fourths, height an inch and a-half. Has a translucent body with a variation of colors. The rhinophores protruding from the back can range from blue to red to green. The slug’s color is known to fade or intensify with the sequestration of chloroplasts within its tissues. The more recently a slug has eaten, the more colorful it will appear. Has the ability to expand its parapodia in order to capture more energy from the sun, or fold them in close to decrease its vulnerability.

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20

16. Hornbeam leaf Carpinus betulus

Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) branches grown under optimal light conditions. During the first 3 years of life, normally leaf-bearing branches of planted, unpruned hornbeams, grown under good light conditions, formed 2-3-mm-wide tree rings. After that, growth was reduced abruptly, by over 90%. An internal factor triggered the change from a long-shoot to a short-shoot phase. No important structural changes take place. Possibly, the terminal ground tissue cells with heavily thickened cell walls, which are typical of juvenile tree rings, will disappear. 20. Macrolepiota

Macrolepiota is characterized by an absence of clamp connections, a pileal surface finely granular or with small concolorous squamules. broad squamulate surfaces are formed in a radial direction toward the periphery, might be in a stellate or cog-wheel manner; annulus simple or thickened at the lower surface towards the exterior.

35. Cardium edule

Are elegantly marked with radiating ribs, running from the umbones to the free margins; and in some cases the ribs are ornamented with spires of various and singular forms. 40. Elysia crispata

The skin is translucent. Visible colors therefore come from internal tissues and organs or any material that might be incorporated into the skin. Translucent skin is particularly important for kleptoplasty since radiant energy from sunlight must reach internally stored chloroplasts.

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.1. Spaal composion and paerns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion,...

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 35,40 | B: 16,20 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion and form / forms

1) https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385110121000307 2) https://www.marlin.ac.uk/species/detail/1384 3) http://www.seaslugforum.net/find/elyscris 4) Architecture Follows Nature-Biomimetic Principles for Innovative DesignBy Ilaria Mazzoleni · 2017 5) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpinus_betulus

Research Group: Elmedinë Pajaziti; Rineta Sinani Z: 5; 43 | B: 30; 41

Kingdom: Animalia,Phylum: Arthropoda,Class: Insecta,Family: Papilionidae; Pachliopta aristolochiae, the common rose is a swallowtail buterfly belonging to the genus Pachliopta, the roses, or red-bodied swallowtails. It is a common buterfly which is extensively distributed across south and southeast Asia.


The Pachliopta aristolochiae is a showy buterfly that is characterized by the dorsal part of velvety black color.


The red body, slow peculiar flight, bright colouration and pattern of the wings are meant to indicate to predators that this butterfly is inedible, being well protected by the poisons it has sequestered from its larval food plant. It also emits a nasty smelling substance when handled to further enhance its unappealing qualities.


Like all other insects, buterflies have six legs and three main body parts: head, thorax,They also have two antennae and an exoskeleton. Zoology

5.Pachliopta aristolochiae 43.Manis tricuspis

5.Pachliopta aristolochiae

The tree pangolin (Phataginus tricuspis) is one of eight extant species of pangolins ("scaly anteaters"), and is native to equatorial Africa.


They are made of keratin, the same material from which human fingernails and tetrapod claws are made, and are structurally and compositionally very different from the scales of reptiles.


The pangolin skull is characterized by a lack of teeth, lack of zygomatic arches, and an extremely reduced mandible. Each dentary has a single, dorsal, bony tooth-like protrusion. Structure 43.Manis tricuspis The pangolin's scaled body is comparable in appearance to a pine cone.hey have short legs, with sharp claws which they use for burrowing into ant for climbing.

30. Heracleum mantegazzianum; 41. Abies koreana Wils;


30. Heracleum mantegazzianum 41. Abies koreana Wils

30. Heracleum mantegazzianum Kingdom: Plantae,Clade: Tracheophytes,Order: Apiales,Family: Apiaceae,Genus: Heracleum,Species: H. mantegazzianum; Heracleum mantegazzianum, commonly known as giant hogweed is a monocarpic perennial herbaceous flowering plant in the carrot family Apiaceae.


Giant hogweed typically grows to heights of 2 to 5 m (6 ft 7 in to 16 ft 5 in)Under ideal conditions, a plant can reach a height of 5.5 m (18 ft 1 in)The leaves are incised and deeply lobed.


A mature plant has huge leaves, between 1–1.5 m (3 ft 3 in – 4 ft 11 in) wide,[10] and a stout, bright green stem with extensive dark reddish-purple splotches and prominent coarse white hairs, especially at the base of the leaf stalk. Hollow, ridged stems vary from 3–8 cm (1–3 in) in diameter, occasionally up to 10 cm (4 in) in diameter and can grow to more than 4 m (13 ft) high.

41. Abies koreana Wils Kingdom: Plantae,Class: Pinopsida,Order: Pinales,Family: Pinaceae,Genus: Abies; Abies koreana the Korean fir, is a species of fir native to the higher mountains of South Korea, including Jeju Island. It grows at altitudes of 1,000–1,900 metres in temperate rainforest with high rainfall and cool, humid summers, and heavy winter snowfall. Morphology-It is a small to medium-sized evergreen coniferous tree growing to 10–18 m (33–59 ft) tall with a trunk diameter of up to 0.7 m (2 ft 4 in), smaller and sometimes shrubby at the tree line. Anatomy-The cones are 4–7 cm (1.6–2.8 in) long and 1.5–2 cm (0.6–0.8 in) broad, dark purple-blue before maturity; the scale bracts are long, green or yellow, and emerge between the scales in the closed cone.

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 5; 43 | B: 30; 41

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale

Life-cycle of Pachliopta aristolochiae Pachliopta aristolochiae wings

It is black in color with a crimson body and has a large white area on its hind wings. The outer margin of its hind wings has a series of deep red or brownish red spots.


Detail of panel

The maed hair in the three-pped scales is evident. Structure of manis tricuspis

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale

Z: 5; 43 | B: 30; 41

Detail of Giant hogweed Inspiraon from Giant hogweed Columns like a tree Giant hogweed leaf

Korean fir is a very popular ornamental plant in parks and gardens in temperate

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature

Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale: 1. Macro-scale: Master-planning Z: 5; 43 | B: 30; 41

1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

Pachliopta aristolochiae, known as the common rose, is a swallowtail bu©erfly belonging to the genus Pachliopta, the roses, or red-bodied swallowtails.Forewing with well-marked pale adnervular streaks on the discal area that do not reach the terminal margin, Hindwing with elongate white discal markings in interspaces 2–5 beyond the cell



Manis tricuspis


B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 5; 43 | B: 30; 41 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraaon and composion 2.1. Spaal composion and perns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...

Columns like a tree

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 5; 43 | B: 30; 41 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraaon and composion 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion,...

Research Group:Blerina Zahiti; Blerta Hyseni

Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33

Papilio palinurus, the emerald swallowtail, emerald peacock, or green-banded peacock, is a buerfly of the genus Papilio of the family Papilionidae. It is nave to Southeast Asia, but is regularly kept in buerfly houses around the world.The genus name Papilio comes from the Lan word papilio meaning buerfly. The species name palinurus derives from Palinurus, the name of the pilot of Aeneas's boat in Virgil's Aeneid.Papilio palinurus has a wingspan reaching about 8–10 cenmetres (3.1–3.9 in). The dorsal sides of the wings are covered by a powder of green scales and the background vary from dark greenish to black, with broad bright emerald green metallic bands. The iridescent green sheen of the bands of this buerfly is not produced by pigments, but is structural coloraon produced by the microstructure of the wing scales. They refract the light and give rise to blue and yellow visible reflecons, producing the percepon of green color when addively mixed. Radiolara Euchitonia elegans -Distance between the paired arms half as large as their distance from the odd arm. This laer is straight, while both the former are concavely curved towards the middle line. Arms five mes as long as broad, at the distal end pointed and armed with a short conical terminal spine. Patagium nearly complete, enveloping four-fihs of the arms, with four to five concave chamber-rows.

Lyssacinosida is an order of glass sponges belonging to the subclass Hexasterophora. These sponges can be recognized by the parenchymal spicules usually being unconnected, unlike in other sponges in the subclass where the spicules form a more or less ghtly connected skeleton. New Zealand’s surrounding deep waters have become known as a diversity hotspot for glass sponges (Porifera: Hexacnellida) in recent years. Their body also consists of three parts in total: the inner and outer peripheral trabecular networks, and finally, the choanosome. Zoology

06. Papilio palinurusi 21. Radiolara Euchitonia elegans 27. Glass sponge Lyssacinosida

06. Papilio palinurusi

21. Radiolara Euchitonia elegans

27. Glass sponge Lyssacinosida

Diatoms Actinoptychus and Arac.;Waterwheel plant Adrovanda vesiculosa; Pediastrum biradiatum; Physostegia virginiana


4. Waterwheel plant Adrovanda vesiculosa 21. Pediastrum biradiatum 33. Physostegia virginiana

4.Waterwheel plant Adrovanda vesiculosa

21. Pediastrum biradiatum

33. Physostegia virginiana Aldrovanda vesiculosa, commonly known as the waterwheel plant, is the sole extant species in the flowering plant genus Aldrovanda of the family Droseraceae. The plant captures small aquac invertebrates using traps similar to those of the Venus flytrap. The traps are arranged in whorls around a central, free-floang stem, giving rise to the common name. This is one of the few plant species capable of rapid movement.While the genus Aldrovanda is now monotypic, up to 19 exnct species are known in the fossil record. While the species displays a degree of morphological plascity between populaons, A. vesiculosa possesses a very low genec diversity across its enre range.A. vesiculosa has declined over the last century to only 50 confirmed extant populaons worldwide. These are spread across Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.However, potenally invasive populaons exist in the eastern United States.It is kept by hobbyists. Pediastrum reproduces asexually by producing autocolonies. The protoplast of each parent cell gives rise to a biflagellate zoospore for each cell in the parent colony. The zoospores are freed from the parent cell within a vesicle and then arrange themselves into the cellular arrangement for that parcular species. The cells then enlarge unl they reach full size. Each cell can generate a daughter autocolony with exactly the same number and arrangement of cells as the parent colony.Pediastrum reproduces sexually via the fusion of small, biflagellate gametes that are released from the parent cell.

Physostegia virginiana, the obedient plant, obedience or false dragonhead,is a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae. It is nave to North America, where it is distributed from eastern Canada to northern Mexico.Physostegia are known commonly as obedient plants because a flower pushed to one side will oen stay in that posion.The name “false dragonhead” refers to the dragonheads of the related Dracocephalum,a genus to which the plant once belonged. 91

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture

3. Identify the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

1. Macro-scale: Master-planning 1.1. Urban and Landscape Design - Biophilic Design

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.1. Spaal composion and paerns – structure of space: use the rule-based design in nature from Point 3...

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.2. Structure and space: in an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion,...

B. Part 2_Analogies: Architecture follows Nature Z: 6,21,27 | B: 4,21,33 Apply the research from Part 1 in specific design studio theme, from macro- to micro-scale:

2. Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion 2.3. Structure – space – form: In an integral method, integrate structure with spaal composion and form / forms

1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexactinellid 2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyssacinosida 3) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papilio_palinurus 4) https://inaturalist.ca/taxa/341884-Papilio-palinurus 5) https://www.britannica.com/plant/carnivorous-plant

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