2 minute read

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture


Through a process of inquiry, research and analysis of natural / biological systems it is required to research, idenfy and develop an analogical catalogue where nature will serve as inspiraon for extracng various rule-based principles and approaches to be applied in two scales / levels in architectural design: macro and micro-scale / level.


Aer selecng natural / biological systems for enquiry, research and analysis, each group of students should proceed through following steps:

1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale

In this scale (macro-scale), the students should focus on rule-based design in nature for their soluons in composion of elements and components in a whole system, which would be applied in Part 2 (Macro-scale: Master-planning). Some of the composion rules to be extracted are as follow:

Network and connection structures involving self-formation processes. a Soap bubble layer between two glass plates. b Leaking sand model based on an Ethiopian settlement (Soqota). c Crack structure in porcelain. d Dried-out crack structure of a gelatin layer. e Dragonfly wing. f Maple leaf. (Adapted from Becker et al. 1994) Some of the unusual dune types seen on the surface of Mars. (Photos: NASA.)

o Composion rules and paerns § Affiliaons § Gradients § Associave logics and populaon · Modularity · Agglomeraon · Aggregaon · Packing · Folding · Bifurcaon · Assemblage · Accumulaon · Transformaon · Subdivision and (geometrical) manipulaon o Triangulate o Stellate o Honeycomb o Catmull Clark o Pentagonizaon o Checkerboard o Fractal o Sierpinski o Voronoi o Penrose o … etc · Deformaon · Variaon · Mutaon · Exaggeraon · Disturbance · Blending · Warp · … etc

2. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected system) in micro-scale

In this scale (micro-scale), the students should focus on rule-based design in nature for their soluons in composion of elements and components, which would be applied in part 2 (Micro-scale: Space-planning, configuraon and composion). Some of the composion rules to be extracted are as follow: o Composion rules and paerns

§ Affiliaons § Gradients § Associave logics and populaon · Modularity · Agglomeraon · Aggregaon · Packing · Folding · Bifurcaon · Assemblage · Accumulaon · Transformaon · Subdivision and (geometrical) manipulaon o Triangulate o Stellate o Honeycomb o Catmull Clark o Pentagonizaon o Checkerboard o Fractal o Sierpinski o Voronoi o Penrose o … etc · Deformaon · Variaon · Mutaon · Exaggeraon

3. Idenfy the principle(s) and formulate abstract idea(s) to be applied in part two

Organism and abstraction

Sketches of the function processes of leaves. Abstraction and transformation of the system

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