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BIOINSPIRATION / BIONIK / BIONICS / BIOMIMETICS / BIOMIMICRY Through a process of inquiry, research and analysis of natural / biological systems it is required to research, iden fy and develop an analogical catalogue where nature will serve as inspira on for extrac ng various rule-based principles and approaches to be applied in two scales / levels in architectural design: macro and micro-scale / level.

A. Part 1_Analogies: Nature = Architecture A er selec ng natural / biological systems for enquiry, research and analysis, each group of students should proceed through following steps: 1. Extract the system of rule-based design (of selected natural / biological system) in macro-scale In this scale (macro-scale), the students should focus on rule-based design in nature for their solu ons in composi on of elements and components in a whole system, which would be applied in Part 2 (Macro-scale: Master-planning). Some of the composi on rules to be extracted are as follow:


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