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York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Urbanism Construtcion Date: Opened in spring 2001 Regional context: Toronto, Ontario - Canada Urban context Climate: temperate, cold-humid Infill site – small footprint

The main entry 'crush space' opens up to the south exposure and Campus Walk, giving a visual welcome to the campus while also allowing indirect light to enter through louvers and canopies.

Building typology: University Lecture Hall/Offices Building Cost: Built for only $11.1 million, or $110 per square foot, the 101,400square-foot York University Computer Science Building comprises the largest green institutional building in Canada.

The atrium spaces provide life and vitality in the building, contributing not only to occupant comfort and well being, but also sustainable strategies.

Social Function: Collective Spaces The conception of spaces and the very flexible organisation of partitioned spaces breaks down the hierarchical barriers between social groups. The enormous glass walls bring equal access to light and air, thereby diffusing social hierarchies while simultaneously lowering energy costs. The “crush space” McGrow Hill Construction, Architectural Record 02/2003


DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Energy

Stack effect draws air into operable windows and wind Generating Energy pressure raises the air-change Solar energy is harnessed to power rate, allowing for passive cooling. the solaron thermal chimneys A direct digital control system, which manages the heating, cooling, and ventilation, determines the switch-over point from natural ventilation to normal systems and vice versa.

There are numerous thermal chimneys throughout the building for ventilation and cooling.

The Main Atrium contains many like coolors and emits much light through the skylight.

As a result of the highperformance envelope, heating and cooling loads were significantly reduced, which led to a 50 per cent reduction in mechanical equipment compared to a conventional building. The air rises in rooms and is warmed by building occupants and computers. The exposed concrete structure absorbs, holds, and slowly releases heat before it rises through openings in the building's two atria, creating a pressure differential.

Solar chimney

As a result of the high-performance envelope, heating and cooling loads were significantly reduced, which led to a 50 per cent reduction in mechanical equipment. McGrow Hill Construction, Architectural Record 02/2003 Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.


DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Energy Building Efficency Efficiency in Lighting and heating/cooling

semidirect electric lighting. Energy output for the building's steam heating system has been about 40 percent lower than for a comparable campus building, although some of that is attributable to an unusually mild first winter. Efficiency in Construction Were chosen elements requiring very low energy to produce, and which were low in volatile organic compounds. We kept toxic emissions from primers and adhesives down during construction."

The building's efficient envelope includes a sawtooth-patterned facade clad in copper. The orientation of the east sawtooth allows for winter solar gain and summer shading, and the west wall is oriented for northern light. The lecture hall, featuring a planted green roof for storm-water retention and thermal reflectance, is clad in precast concrete on its east wall. Electricity consumption for lighting is reduced by about half because of ample natural light and the use of indirect, up-and-down, and

For the concrete, the architects specified fly ash to replace 50 percent of the more typical Portland cement, "By substituting fly ash, a byproduct of burning coal, "we reduced the amount of greenhouse gases." Efficiency in Construction Simple in plan, complex in building intelligence - Spaces are simple and fully flexible to accommodate changing future technologies. A continuous perimeter raceway allows cabling flexibility. McGrow Hill Construction, Architectural Record 02/2003 Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.


DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Construction

A green roof, 50% recycled content for concrete and 100% Materials recycled content for reinforcing local / renewable materials steel. Corridors, lined with a cherry-faced Were chosen elements requiring plywood with low-VOC toxins, very low energy to produce, and have linoleum flooring, which is which were low in volatile organic renewable and inert. Most of the compounds. building's materials, including steel, concrete, and glass, were For the concrete, the architects produced locally in or near specified fly ash to replace 50 Toronto, the center of Canadian percent of the more typical manufacturing. Portland cement, which requires a Exterior walls, composed primarily great deal of energy to produce of curtain-wall systems, precast and gives off a lot of carbonconcrete, and copper, have a dioxide during its manufacture. "By thermal value of R23, and the roof substituting fly ash, a byproduct of has a value of R35. The fly-ash burning coal, Bettio explains, "we concrete will emit far less reduced the amount of greenhouse gas than conventional greenhouse gases released into concrete. the atmosphere during construction, enormously." Inside the building are natural and/or sustainable interior finishes such as wood, painted concrete, clear and sandblasted glass, ceramic tile, and linoleum. Operable, floor-to-ceiling fabricclad wood louvers provide acoustic buffering and allow classrooms to be darkened during presentations.

Most of the building's furnishings are covered with a DesignTex fabric developed by William McDonough. The fabric involves a more efficient dyeing process and reduction of wastewater. Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.


DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Construction Embodied Energy The building has low embodied energy due to the use of local materials, those with recycled content or made from renewable resources, and the fact that the entire building can adapt to new requirements. Construction Method Prefabrication and on-site construction - The 102,250-squarefoot (9500-square-meter), threestory building is composed of striking elements: precast concrete cladding, fully-glazed walls, aluminium sunshades and copper fin walls. The Computer Science building was constructed to maximize energy efficiency. Special attention was given to material selection and exterior envelope composition in order to produce a well-insulated and high-performing building. Innovative solutions were also used for the structure of the building. CSB uses EcoSmart concrete made with a maximum percentage of supplementary cementing

materials, mainly fly ash. EcoSmart concrete produces less carbon dioxide than conventional concrete mixes and enhances engineering and architectural properties such as strength, durability, and aesthetics. Construction Lifespan Intended lifespan - York Computer Science Building has a long lasting life, very flexible for future use. Programmatic reuse - Currently a home to computer science, the building can readily be adapted to another academic or office use at any time in the future. Spaces are simple and fully flexible to accommodate changing future technologies.

The floor plan is designed to be flexible; partitions can be used to divide the space into offices (Left) or leave the floor plate open (Right) for additional classrooms. Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.


DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Light & Air Air Comsumption heating & cooling systems Natural Ventilation: 100% Natural Ventilation during swing seasons. Operable window throughout, atrium spaces, thermal "chimneys" on roof; wind sensors control opening and closing of windows in upper atrium spaces.

Building Section: diagrams natural daylighting and mechanical systems in winter season.

The building has the capability of performing as a naturally ventilated "tropical" structure. The hot climate design incorporates a central atrium to capture heat stratification opportunities. Thermal "chimneys" on the roof and a large component of operable perimeter glazing maximize free cooling in spring and fall and night time "flushing" in the summer.

According to the architects, the Toronto climate will allow for natural ventilation without heating or air-conditioning 55 percent of the year. When natural ventilation is adequate for maintaining comfortable temperatures, temperate air is drawn through intake grilles into an underground plenum where air is passively cooled, then drawn into rooms through floor- or wall-based diffusers

The diagram shows the offices and classrooms adjacent to the courtyard atrium. In summer, cool air is delivered from fan-coil units through diffusers that are individually controlled by room occupants. Cool air is also brought into the atrium from the ground. The planted roof allows for evaporative cooling in summer, absorbing as much heat as a black or grey membrane roof would.

Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.

Light & Air

DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Light & Air

Air Comsumption Air Technology - indoor air quality The air rises in rooms and is warmed by building occupants and computers. The exposed concrete structure absorbs, holds, and slowly releases heat before it rises through openings in the building's two atria, creating a pressure differential. Stack effect draws air into operable windows and wind pressure raises the airchange rate, allowing for passive cooling. A direct digital control system, which manages the heating, cooling, and ventilation, determines the switch-over point from natural ventilation to normal systems and vice versa.

In natural ventilation conditions (diagram), cool air enters the rooms through operable windows. Warm air rises and enters the atrium, where it is exhausted through the clerestory. Passively cooled air enters the atrium floor from the underground plenum.

The tree-filled courtyard atrium, with offices primarily on two sides, is topped with fritted glass as well as clerestory windows that mechanically open in response to the need to exhaust warm air. Building volumes act as continuous vessels for air flow and cross ventilation, drawing air from perimeter windows into the atria, where it is exhausted through the courtyard atrium's clerestory as well as through thermal chimneys in the circulation spine atrium.

Building users can self-regulate spaces with manual controls for windows, air diffusers, and lighting.

Building Ventilation Schematic Winter Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.

Light & Air

DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Light & Air Lighting Comsumption Natural Daylighting - All spaces access natural light either exterior or to interior atriums.

oriented facing the north. For that reason, it minimizes heat gain from sunlight in the west and allows the accessibility for some northern light Lighting Technology

The louvers enable the control of natural light.

Electricity consumption for lighting is reduced by about half because of ample natural light and the use Resource Consumption of indirect and semi-direct electric There is reduced electricity lighting. Solar energy is also consumption for lighting by about harnessed to power the solaron half because of ample natural light thermal chimneys. and the use of indirect, up-anddown, and semidirect electric lighting. The building is designed so that it does not take in direct sunlight, , but absorbs as much natural light as possible. An example of the placement of the windows is the west wall exterior, which is built in a series of angles with office windows

An engineering schematic of the solar chimney Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.

Light & Air

DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Greenery, Water & Waste This significant accomplishment is achieved through many different design measures, all of which build upon one another to produce a highly efficient building. The mechanical design is made up of The York building lacks the two separate strategies to combat landmark presence in an urban this typical Canadian climate: cityscape. However, in the Toronto Summer/Winter and Spring/Fall. climate of harsh winters and hot The building employs a lowsummers, the York facility provides tech/eco-tech approach to its one of the best examples of North mechanical systems that is American institutional architecture primarily passive in nature. that fully integrates The two dominant passive environmentally sustainable elements are, first, the building's features into an intelligent design. capacity to harness its thermal It avoids the aesthetic clichĂŠs mass, and second, its ability to associated with “green.â€? take advantage of thermal stacking. York Computer Science Building through the energy efficient costs of materials, the passive designs and the general placements of elements, has fully utilized the natural environment surrounding it and serves as a prime example of sustainable architecture. Multi-Performance building's performance within the ecosystem

The building has the capability of performing as a naturally ventilated "tropical" structure. By connecting and working together with two systems; outer and inner system this building bring the multiperformance in many levels. Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.

Greenery, Water & Waste

DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

York University's CSB Busby+Associates and architects Alliance Greenery, Water & Waste The building also features a Waste & Nutrient-management intake / outtake of water & waste York Computer Science Building, over its 75 years, it is predicted to produce 85,700 tonnes less in greenhouse gas emissions than a standard building. The building impacts its surroundings in a positive manner; it provides no additional parking, no additional stormwater load, reduces heat island effects, and is linked to surrounding buildings while providing them with climatic shelter. It utilizes low-flow bathroom fixtures to conserve water while also using native species of plantings in the landscaping to reduce maintenance and water use.

planted roof (a green roof, 50% recycled content for concrete and 100% recycled content for reinforcing steel) that allows for evaporative cooling in summer and added insulation in winter. Excess rainwater is collected and stored in a rooftop tank for controlled dispersal into a drain to the ground. Stormwater is retained in the building's planted roof which consists of eight inches of soil covered with sod and wildflowers. Through the natural retention capability of the soil and grass, the use of flow-control roof drains, a tank located on the roof, and two cisterns located underground (to the east and west of the building), the load on the campus stormwater system has not been altered by this building. Measures to control the stormwater have also allowed the building to gain additional insulation through the soil on the roof, an evaporative cooling strategy, and reduced heat islanding through the plantings.

Polo, Marco. "York University Computer Science Building." Canadian Architect. January, 2001.

Greenery, Water & Waste

DIA - Architectural Theory WS08/09 Prof. Gunnar Hartmann

Banush Shyqeriu

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