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Learning and Development

Learning and development concerns the development of a skilled and capable workforce that meets the needs of Bapco’s existing and future operations. It also includes the development of employee lifetime skills and capabilities. Learning and development is measured through performance and career development reviews to provide clear feedback on career performance.

GRI 103-01, 103-02, 103-03: Management approach

Our L&D Department offers a wide range of internal and external training programs to Bapco’s employees. We report on a yearly basis the total number of employees trained, the total number of training programs and the total learning hours. We continue to add new training programs that will help the personnel and support the professional development of our employees. We have created the ‘Seed’ program, under which employees who propose an innovative idea receive a recognition award if their idea is adopted.

GRI 404-01: Average hours of training per year per employee

During 2020-2021 average hours per year per employee was:

• General training was 20 hours;

• BMP-related training was 200 hours; and

• Familiarization training was 1,127 hours


404-02: Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programs

As part of the HR transformation program, Bapco has implemented a Goal and Performance Management System, a process that helps management and the individual employee to plan, manage, document, and evaluate their performance. One of the key elements of the system is the Structured Development Plan, which is a ‘smart’ goal statement aligned with the Department and company objectives. Bapco has also developed an IDP for all fresh graduates joining Bapco that builds an understanding of our operations into the personal and professional skills needed for their career at Bapco.

GRI 404-03: Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

As part of the new goal and performance management system, all Bapco employees receive a yearly performance review at the end of year. The total number of employees on active career development programmes in 2020 and 2021 is 134, of which 19% are female and 81% are male.

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