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BMP Social and Environmental Projects

BMP is Bapco’s biggest infrastructure project in the company’s history and one of the largest infrastructure projects within the region. BMP is approximately 80% complete at the end of the reporting period. Throughout the pandemic, the BMP social and welfare team maintained community engagement to mitigate any negative impacts that could have emerged during the construction phase, in line with precautionary measures.

Our Community

We have completed several projects during the reporting period, where we worked closely with our community to provide them with financial and moral support during the pandemic, with several projects undertaken to improve the visual amenity of community facilities.

List of BMP community projects

Installation and distribution of sustainable solar benches

Rehabilitation of Eker Garden

Bahrain Autism Society

A total of 30 solar benches were distributed in April 2021 across various locations covering Southern and Northern Governorates in Bahrain, including Sitra-Bridge Walkway, Isa-Town Walkway, Sheikh Khalifa Garden, Askar Coast, Prince Saud Al Faisal Walkway, Princess Sabeeka Park in Awali, as well as several schools and health centres entrances.

In November 2021, we completed the rehabilitation work to Eker Garden with solar lighting, waste segregation bins, and a dedicated play area for people with special needs.

The society was provided with around 75 sensory boxes for their members, as a vital part of their educational program.

• Ma’ameer channel beach clean-up campaign is a regular activity conducted by local societies, contractors, employees, and labour working near Ma’ameer channel. Bapco has now achieved 75 days of cleaning and has gathered around 70,000 Kg of waste.

Beach clean-up activities

• RECSO beach clean-up that was attended by 50 volunteers and took place near the Ma’ameer shoreline.

• We have sponsored several beach clean-ups activities in various locations of the Kingdom, for example for the protected mangrove area in Ras Sanad.

Sponsorship of Professional Fishermen Society

We have sponsored fishermen by providing them waste bags at different fishing ports as well as first aid kits and rescue diving suit. This initiative was in cooperation with Professional Fishermen Society that aimed to minimize marine pollution generated from fishing activities.

Around 20 events for internal and external stakeholders were held during 2020-2021, for example:

• World Environment Day, several events were held including an Instagram photo competition for ecosystems that had been restored (see best from each category at the top of the page).

Other stakeholder engagement activities

• COVID-19 Campaign: we have provided the surrounding villages societies with disinfectants, personal and house hygiene products along with awareness leaflets that includes guidance to combat the spread of this pandemic.

• 20 million Safe Project Hours: we have shared special communication video reports on different social platforms: Bahrain television, Instagram, You Tube briefing about BMP project and its 4 fundamentals (Safety, Quality, Project Benefits & Budget).

Sponsorship of Shaikh Ebrahim Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Center for Culture and Research

We have sponsored the publication of two books that will be distributed for Shaikh Ebrahim Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Centre for Culture and Research’s 20th Anniversary celebration, scheduled for January 2022.

One of the two books that we sponsored for the 20th anniversary celebration of the Shaikh Ebrahim Bin Mohammed Al Khalifa Centre for Culture and Research

Our Employees and Contractors

BMP’s worker welfare team monitors welfare standards, which we believe exceed associated international standards. They have increased the number of inspections; re-arranged the accommodation to provide acceptable social distancing; and introduced enhanced hygiene measures.

Campaigns and activities were carried to continue to raise awareness, for example:

• Summer campaign that was held at different work sites under the title of “Stay Hydrated” which included electronic awareness emails, along with distributing water bottles and juice. This campaign was conducted with the cooperation of Bapco Health Promotion Unit to promote awareness of health practices to avoid heat related illnesses.

• Mental health campaign, which was held at the BMP camp, where workers attended a mental health awareness lecture given by our camp clinic doctor followed by a movie related to World Mental Health Day.

• Celebrating “One Year Zero Harm” at the Ma’ameer Sleeper Way Project to award workers who achieved a one year injury-free work personal milestone.

Our Environment

The environmental monitoring has been conducted on regular basis since the commencement of BMP construction activities as per the requirements of the Project Construction Environmental and Social Monitoring Plan.

The environmental monitoring includes ambient air quality monitoring at four locations in construction areas by using continuous ambient air quality monitoring stations and ambient air quality monitoring at three locations in worker accommodations areas by using passive diffusion tubes. Vehicle exhaust emissions monitoring for Carbon Monoxide and Hydrocarbons is being carried out during the construction phase of BMP.

Nine new groundwater monitoring boreholes were installed around the BMP Greenfield Area at the start of construction activities and groundwater monitoring is being carried out as per the project Groundwater Monitoring Plan.

Noise monitoring is being conducted at five sensitive receptors identified in BMP’s ESIA surrounding the BMP construction activities and at various locations within the BMP project site during the construction activities.

Dewatering activities in different areas whilst the excavations and foundation works are being carried out during the construction works. Total Suspended Solids monitoring has also been conducted on weekly basis to ensure compliance with project permit requirements, as required by SCE.

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