Baptist Briefs May 2014

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Save the Date q

May 22 Nurses Night at the Jacksonville Suns Baseball Game Bragan Field 7 pm ALL Baptist Health employees are eligible for up to two FREE tickets. Just show your Baptist ID at the Suns Box Office anytime between now and game night. Office hours are 9 am – 5 pm and until 8 pm on game nights. Employees can also purchase additional tickets at half-price by showing your Baptist ID. First come, first served.


June 10 and 17 Transforming Stress Workshop Hill Breast Center, 4th floor Conference Room 10 am - Noon

Offered free for employees and their families. To register, visit For more information, call Debbie Jones at 202.1393.


June 13 Mind/Body/Spirit in Pediatric Health Care: Embracing Their (and Our) Connection Fourth Annual Conference on Children and Spirituality at duPont Auditorium For more information, visit Education Station on the intranet.

May 2014

Vestex® Uniform Ordering

Additional Scrub Ordering Events May 23 and 30 Baptist Jacksonville, 8th Floor, Tower Cafeteria, Function Room C, 11 am – 2 pm Self-Guided Ordering Procedure If you cannot attend one of the ordering events, use the self-guided ordering procedure found on the intranet home page to complete your order. Use the order sheet on page 4, and return by fax to 407.650.2534. n For changes, mark your sheet REORDER and record your entire order

as desired. This will replace your previous order. n To add items to your original order, write ADDITIONAL ORDER at the top of your order sheet and record only the items you wish to add. Charges will apply for all items ordered above your Baptist Health allocation. To view or try on Vestex garments, visit the Employee Health Office, Howard 710, Baptist Jacksonville, May 27 or 29, 7:30 am – 3 pm. If you have questions, please contact Lurlie Mixson at 407.781.2396.

Are You Ready for BCMA Go Live? May 19 is Go Live for Bar Code Medication Administation at Baptist Jacksonville and Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Retrofitting of WOWs (workstations on wheels) with scanner brackets and scanners began earlier this week. If you have any issues with new PC equipment being deployed, please e-mail for a rapid response.


Good News for New Moms Effective April 1, free electric breast pumps are available on both the preferred and value Baptist Health Medical Plans with no co-pay. This benefit enhancement allows you to obtain an electric breast pump from the Baptist Health Pharmacy or any Florida Blue participating pharmacy if you have an authorization form from your provider.

If you get your pump through the Baptist Pharmacy retail store, they can deliver it to your bedside in the hospital or you can pick it up at the Pharmacy. The Baptist Pharmacy provides the Medela Model 57081 to our employees. No substitutions will be made. For more information, contact the Baptist Health Pharmacy at 202.5288. If you are not at a Baptist location, call CareCentrix, the durable medical equipment provider for Florida Blue, at 877.561.9936, to locate a provider.

Healthy For Life

MyFitnessPal Now in All Baptist Health Cafeterias MyFitnessPal is an excellent tool to track your calories and other nutritional information. It also has a smartphone app that allows you to scan barcodes listed on the cafeteria menu to see the nutritional facts. We invite you to attend one of the following information sessions at your facility’s cafeteria during lunch hours to learn more about MyFitnessPal. Baptist Jacksonville: May 27 Baptist Nassau: May 28 Baptist South: May 29 Baptist Beaches: May 30

Ask the Experts at the Y Healthy Living Center


The Y Healthy Living Center at the Williams Family YMCA will present their next Ask-the-Expert series on May 28. This series focuses on seniors. n 11 – 11:45 am: A Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute representative will discuss aging hips and knees. n Noon – 1:15 pm: Baptist AgeWell Institute will host a booth on home safety for seniors. n 1:30 pm – 2:15 pm: An AgeWell Institute representative will discuss home safety for seniors. There is no cost to attend, but seating is limited. To reserve your space, visit

Physician Integration

Walk with a Doc Join a monthly Walk with a Doc and take steps toward better health. Each session includes a brief talk by the physician. Family, friends and well-trained pets are welcome. Sign up at Baptist Primary Care Mandarin South May 31, 9 am Meet at the office, located at 11261 San Jose Blvd., and walk with Sofija Rak, MD. Baptist Primary Care Callahan June 19, 5:15 pm Meet at Ewing Park and walk with Kiersten Prince, DO. New Hours for Baptist Neurology Lakewood Carlos Gama, MD, and Nitin Butala, MD, are pleased to announce new extended hours at Baptist Neurology Group Lakewood. The office is now open Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 8 am – 8 pm, and Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, 8 am – 5 pm. The office is located at 2736 University Blvd. W., Jacksonville. To make an appointment, call 733.4262.

Baptist Jacksonville

Give the Gift of Life by Donating Blood The next blood drive is scheduled for June 6 at the following locations: n duPont Auditorium, 7 am – 2:30 pm n Metro Square, 8:30 am – 3 pm n IS Center, 9 am – 11 am For additional information, contact Robin Williams, 202.2757, or $5 Jewelry Sale Back by popular request, the Auxiliary will present a $5 Jewelry Sale, Thursday, June 19, 7 am – 6 pm, in the duPont Auditorium. Payroll deduction is available for eligible employees. Cash and all major credit cards will be accepted.

Baptist Beaches

Chapel Dedication Ceremony The Baptist Beaches Chapel is being named in honor of Neptune Beach resident Brigitte “Gitti” Hardage, in recognition of her financial gift to support the Beaches Pastoral Care Endowment. Please join us for a dedication ceremony in her honor at the chapel, Thursday, May 22, at 3 pm. An ice cream social in the courtyard will immediately follow the ceremony.

Baptist Nassau

Important Parking Notice The Council on Aging parking lot and the gated parking lot are currently closed for expansion. Baptist Health employees who have been parking in the Council on Aging lot should park in the employee lot south of Medical Office Building A until construction is complete. Security staff will continue monitoring all parking lots for compliance so we do not interfere with the convenience of our patients or their families. Volunteer Artists Needed We are looking for artists and creative employees who would like to help brighten up the long empty hallway outside of Plant Facilities by painting murals. Other ideas are welcome as well. If you are interested, please contact Pat Hausauer, director of Finance, at 321.3503.

Baptist South

Summer Volunteen Program Baptist South will welcome 80 Volunteens into the hospital this summer. Letters of acceptance were recently mailed to this year’s participants. A total of 20 departments will host these students, who range in age from 15 to 17 years old, during two different fourweek sessions. The first group starts June 16, and the second group starts July 14.

Wolfson Children’s Hospital

Safe Kids Day at Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens You are invited to kick off the swimming season by attending the Safe Kids Day Water Safety Fair, May 17, 9 am – 1:30 pm, at the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens. Kids and adults will enjoy exhibits about all areas of water safety. Safe Kids Day 2014 is presented by Safe Kids Northeast Florida, THE PLAYERS Center for Child Health and Century Ambulance. Learn more at Safe Kids Day Water Safety Fair . Lobby Renovation Renovation of the Wolfson Children’s Hospital lobby is underway with major construction scheduled for completion the second week of July. The renovation will make room for a Hall of Discovery for patients and siblings to enjoy, a Media Center for parents and other guests, and other fun and engaging enhancements. Please visit intranet home page to see artists’ renderings of what is coming.

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