CareConnection September 2013

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Care Connection

Metro Square employees volunteer during United Way Days of Caring.

2013 United Way Campaign Driving Change for Good

Baptist Health and United Way – Driving Change for Good On September 30, Baptist Health officially kicks off our 2013 United Way campaign with the theme, “Driving Change for Good.” Kick-off events will also take place at each campus. “Community advocacy is one of our Core Values at Baptist Health and is part of how we help drive change for good,” says Hugh Greene, president and CEO. “By supporting United Way of Northeast Florida, we help improve many lives, knowing that the money we raise in our community stays in our community and that programs funded are held to high standards of accountability.” Christine Johnson, assistant administrator of Human Resources, Community Relations and Volunteers at Baptist South, is serving as this year’s United Way Campaign chair, and Jarret Dreicer, director of Operational Performance Improvement, is serving as co-chair. Christine says, “Baptist Health’s commitment to Community Advocacy is demonstrated by our many employees who volunteer, advocate and give generously to the United Way of Northeast

Florida each year. We invite all employees to join our team as we drive change for good in our community by supporting the United Way.”

Incentives Contribute to the campaign and a race car with your name on it will be displayed in a prominent place in your facility. Donate at least $6 per pay period and you will receive a car savings bank. Donate $10 per pay period and also receive an insulated lunch cooler. Leadership givers, who pledge at least $27 per pay period, will receive the savings bank, lunch cooler and a fun, carshaped USB flash drive.

Two Ways to Make Your Pledge You can make your pledge online or by filling out a pledge form and returning it to the United Way Cabinet, HR Office, Baptist South. You can find pledge forms on the employee intranet. To make your pledge online, use the eWay link on the employee intranet or go directly to Campaign Code: Baptist2013 Username: Employee identification number, which is located on your badge (e.g., 12345) Password: First two letters of last name (lowercase) + last four SSN (e.g., de0123)

Three Ways to Give Payroll deduction – This is the most popular option. Sign up once and you won’t have to think about it again.

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Donating PTOs – You may donate accumulated paid time off, which will be counted at 100 percent of original value.

One-time gifts – Lump-sum contributions may be made via cash, check or money order.

United Way Days of Caring at Baptist Employees throughout Baptist Health supported the United Way of Northeast Florida by participating in Baptist Health’s “Day of Caring” events in

August and September. The Days of Caring gave

Baptist Beaches

employees the opportunity to stop by a location

near their workplace and help with a United Way

project for whatever amount of time they were able to give. Projects included preparing scarves for the Clara White Mission, writing thank-you cards for

Achievers For Life mentors, and preparing flashcards for Reading Pals kits. “We extend a huge thanks to

the 255 employees who participated, donating more

than 238 volunteer hours,” says Jarret Dreicer, Baptist United Way Campaign co-chair. “This equates to

Baptist Clay

nearly 30 full business days of community service!”

Baptist Nassau Baptist Jacksonville / Wolfson Children’s Hospital

Baptist Jacksonville / Wolfson Children’s Hospital

Baptist South

Cover Photo: Metro Square



Healthcare Reform: Where Are We Now? The Affordable Care Act (ACA), the healthcare reform law signed by President Barack Obama in March 2010, is now the law of the land. It is the most significant piece of healthcare legislation to be passed by Congress in almost 50 years, matched only by the legislation that created Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. Because of its scope and complexity, many people either don’t understand or are misinformed about what the ACA includes. To help increase understanding of the healthcare reform law, Baptist Health President and CEO Hugh Greene has been making a series of presentations around our community and within our healthcare system. These are some of the questions and answers Mr. Greene has discussed with employees during his recent presentations:

Will I be required to show that I have health insurance on my income taxes next year? Yes. This is the individual mandate requirement of the ACA. All U.S. citizens and legal residents, with a few hardship exceptions, will be required to demonstrate that they have health insurance on their 2014 federal income tax returns (which must be filed by April 15, 2015).

Learn More About Healthcare Reform

If you missed Mr. Greene’s healthcare reform law presentation, it will be available in October for viewing on the intranet. Please check the October issue of Baptist Briefs and CareConnection for more information.

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Is it likely that employers will drop health insurance coverage because of the healthcare reform law? Baptist Health definitely does not plan to stop offering health insurance to its employees, and we have not heard of other employers in our local area doing so.

Am I going to be taxed for my health insurance premiums? No.Your employer-offered health insurance premium is not subject to income tax. However, the value of the employerpaid portion of your monthly insurance premium will be listed for information purposes only on your W-2 Form.

Will I see an increase in my Baptist insurance premiums and co-pays because of the healthcare reform law? Just as we have experienced in past years, employees will see a small increase in their monthly premiums. However, this increase is not related to the healthcare reform law.

How does the ACA affect our health insurance at Baptist?

Baptist Health has already made a number of changes to its insurance plan to ensure that we not only meet but exceed the ACA requirements. A few of these are: • T here are no longer any co-pays for wellness and preventative services. • Life-time limits have been eliminated on our Medical Plans. • Coverage for children up to age 26 has been added to our Medical Plans. (Baptist has also extended this to our dental and vision plans, although it is not required by the law.) Even if they are not your dependents, adult children will be eligible for coverage up to age 26 if they are single and up to age 25 if they are married. For married children, this coverage does not extend to spouses or children.

I’ve heard that information collected during the Healthy for Life screenings will be used against me in the form of higher insurance premiums if my numbers aren’t good. Is this true? This is absolutely not true. Although Baptist does have a premium surcharge for tobacco users, the healthcare reform law makes it illegal to charge a person a higher monthly premium because of any health condition.

I’ve heard about the new Health Insurance Exchange called the Marketplace. Should I consider buying this new insurance instead of Baptist Health insurance?

The Marketplace is a new option for purchasing health insurance. Some people without access to employer-sponsored insurance, and with certain income limits, may also be eligible for a new kind of tax credit that lowers their monthly premium if they purchase this insurance. However, because Baptist Health’s medical plans exceed federal requirements for health insurance under the ACA, employees who are eligible for Baptist insurance coverage would not be eligible for a tax credit to lower their monthly insurance premium. Benefit eligible employees will pay higher rates at the Marketplace for plans that are not as rich as the plans offered here at Baptist Health. You will also lose your pre-tax benefit for the portion of insurance that you pay.



Healthy for Life Spotlight on Wellness:

Meet Laura Royal

Laura Royal has been a Medical Laboratory assistant at Baptist Nassau for 5 ½ years and has been an avid Healthy for Life participant. In 2011, Laura was looking at current photos of herself and realized that she needed to make a lifestyle change. She credits the continuous Healthy for Life programs and resources for giving her tools to jump-start her plan. The first change that Laura made was to “Rethink her Drink.” She stopped drinking sugary drinks such as sweet tea and soda and replaced them with water. She then increased her physical activity and balanced her diet. As a result of her healthier habits, Laura has lost a total of 90 pounds since April 2011, and she plans to shed another 20. Today Laura and her husband are still making good food choices and encouraging each other to live a healthier lifestyle. Laura enjoys going to the Health Corners each month to see her BMI and blood pressure continually go down. “I would encourage everyone to use the resources that Healthy for Life provides to all Baptist employees. I believe Healthy for Life has something for everyone!” says Laura. Most recently, Laura joined the Passport to Wellness Challenge this summer and was one of 10 lucky employees to win a free beach cruiser from Healthy for Life. She takes regular rides with her husband and is enjoying her new bike. Thank you Laura for your inspiring weight loss story! Visit Healthy for Life at the next Health

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Corner to start your journey to wellness. See the calendar on the intranet to find out when Health Corner will be at your campus.

Have you completed your PHA yet? With September soon coming to an end, be sure to complete your Personal Health Assessment (PHA), the first step in your Healthy for Life 2014 Health Insurance Discount. To complete your PHA, go to You may also set up a screening appointment at Remember, flu shots are a new requirement this year to get your discount. Get your flu shot at a Healthy for Life screening or submit proof to your Employee Health office by November 25, 2013. For questions, call Healthy for Life at 202.1819 or email

Employee Survey Results

Employees Give High Marks for Health and Wellness on Employee Survey Three new questions related to employee health and wellness were added to this year’s survey, and our scores in this area were all significantly higher than the U.S. health care norm. During the last few years, Baptist Health has made significant enhancements to the Healthy for Life program. The Healthy for Life screenings that begin October 1 offer employees more than just a discount on insurance. They provide the FREE opportunity for you to learn your numbers so you can take steps to improve your health. Healthy for Life also offers many programs and services to support you in making healthy lifestyle choices, including wellness coaching, monthly Health Corners and the “Down to Size” challenge.

2013 Baptist Health

US Health Care Norm

My organization promotes a healthy work environment.



My organization is effective at encouraging employees to improve their health and well-being.



The health and wellness-related initiatives andprograms offered by my employer have encouraged me to live a healthier lifestyle.



*statistically significant difference

For more information about Healthy for Life insurance discount screenings currently being conducted, visit the home page of the employee intranet.

Employee Feedback Used to Redesign Performance Review Process In the 2010 survey, 70 percent of Baptist Health employees agreed that their annual evaluation was helpful in improving their job performance and identifying their strengths and weaknesses. While these results compared favorably to the U.S. health care norm, Human Resources and senior leadership believed there was still opportunity to make the performance review process more meaningful to employees. The performance review process was completely redesigned for 2013 based on

feedback collected from more 100 employees who took part in focus groups. Changes that were made based on employee input included a simplified ratings system, a self-evaluation tool that focuses on career development and updated behavioral standards that integrate Baptist Health’s core values with our brand promise of “Changing Health Care for Good.”



Information Services Update Improving Customer Service and Communication for Technology Projects

Want to know the status of a Technology Service Request (TSR) project? Now you can do so by viewing the TSR Database. There are several ways you can search the database including by project title and project owner. Information Services has also developed a Project Portfolio Dashboard that provides an overview of all the projects currently in the Technical Service Project Management (TSPM) system. The TSR Project Database and IS Portfolio Dashboard can both be found on the intranet by going to the IS page and selecting the Project Management link on the left side.

Tap-in/Tap-out Technology – User Survey

Tap-in/Tap-out is a new technology designed for clinicians at Baptist. It allows users to access the Cerner Millennium system, tap their badge, and with a single click, enter the Electronic Medical Record without having to repeat their user name and password. If you use this technology, please take a minute to complete our brief survey, which can be found on the Patient and Family Care portal under announcements or by visiting

Service Desk: A Better Way of Providing Customer Support

On September 29, the Baptist Help Desk and Desktop Support teams will transition to become a Service Desk, a best-practice model in the industry for providing customer support. By combining the current Help Desk and Desktop Support staff, IS will be able provide a permanent 24/7 Service Desk. The new Service Desk will focus on providing request resolution in a timely manner, with a goal of resolving more types of requests during your first phone call. A new automated call menu will provide you with options for quicker routing of your call to the correct service area. More computer support will be provided remotely thanks to new Service Desk technology that helps us provide quality service and decrease the time it takes to resolve your request. As with any change, there may be some bumps in the road and we welcome your feedback as it will help us to uncover and address issues quickly. Service Desk personnel on your campuses can be easily identified by the “Ask me about the Service Desk” ribbon on their badge. Please feel free to ask them any questions you may have.

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Visit the New Baptist Health Online Store

Logo is embroidered over pocket

Logo embroidered left ch

The Baptist Health Online Store has been upgraded and now features a brand new selection of merchandise, with many new items on the way, including apparel, writing instruments, bags, journals and much more. The online store now accepts credit cards including Visa, MasterCard and American Express. Orders can also be placed by phone Monday through Friday. We can also help you with your custom orders. Visit the Baptist Online Store at To reach us by phone, call 813.9916 between 8 am – 8 pm, Monday – Friday, or contact Anna Soloway via email at


Health Insurance News for 2014 As part of our commitment to employee health and wellness, we will extend health benefits to samegender domestic partners in 2014. This will create greater access to care for a significant number of our employees and their families. Also for 2014, our Florida Blue Medical Plans will feature a Tier 1 network of Baptist Specialists in the areas of Cardiology, Neurology, Neurosurgery, ENT and Orthopaedics. Co-pays for these Tier 1 specialists will remain at the current level. However, co-pays for Tier 2 Florida Blue specialists in these areas will increase by $20 on both the Preferred and Value Plans. Pediatric specialists will not be included, and all Florida Blue Pediatric specialists in these areas will remain as Tier 1 specialists. September2013


Wear in the World is Baptist Blue? Congratulations to Arnwell Holland and Adam Badt, the first two weekly winners of our “Wear in the World is Baptist Blue?” Employee T-shirt Photo. Each weekly prize is a $25 Publix gift card. All current employees are eligible to enter this contest where you show your pride in Baptist Health by sharing your photos featuring our blue Changing Health Care for Good T-shirts.

Photos taken anytime this year are eligible, and they do not have to be taken at work. However, if taken at work, please keep HIPAA and other privacy laws in mind. To enter our photo contest, post your photos to the Baptist Health Facebook page or email to with your name and email address. Winning photos must fit into one of the contest themes. Learn more about the contest themes and rules on the employee intranet under About Us, “We are Changing Health Care for Good.”

Speaking of Women’s Health More than 1,000 women from throughout Northeast Florida enjoyed a day of connecting with good health on Saturday, August 24, at the Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Riverfront during the annual Speaking of Women’s Health event. The day included breakout sessions with many different medical experts, free health screenings, a keynote presentation by Hugh Greene, President and CEO of Baptist Health, and a fabulous lunch.

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New Software System to Enhance Materials Management and Reimbursement Standardization of Product Descriptions Occurs in Early October Purchasing will implement a new software system called NuVia in late September to enhance the management of our ever growing data needs at Baptist Health. NuVia is a companion tool to our current requisition (Procurement Suite), contracting and financial systems. It will continually update our hospital’s item file information and standardize item descriptions across all facilities.

With the assistance of the Value Enhancement chairs and their teams, the standardized description attributes have been reviewed and approved. Standardization of the product descriptions is scheduled to take place by early October, with a one-time upload into the Materials Management System. Watch the Employee Homepage to find out when the change has been implemented.

The NuVia system offers many benefits including tracking of order/product history and continuous monitoring of changes, updates, and duplicate records. These features will help reduce the potential for error and increase potential reimbursement revenue by identifying the Healthcare Common Procedure codes (HCPCS) prior to the purchase of new products.

Once the upload takes place, you will see the use of standard abbreviations, which are necessary to provide as many of the attributes (size, length, composition, type, etc.) as possible in a limited character description field. A description abbreviation key is available to assist you with reading the new descriptions. It can be found on the employee intranet in the Materials Management section of Apps & Tools.

A key to the success of this new data management system is the standardization of product descriptions. With the growth of the health system, Purchasing now manages more than 100,000 items across five entities, making it impossible for departments to have custom descriptions.

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to your colleagues in Purchasing.




Early Recognition of Sepsis Saves Lives Sepsis is the body’s often deadly response to infection. Each year, it kills more people throughout the world than AIDS, prostate cancer and breast cancer combined. Sepsis is one of the most common but least recognized diseases, and is often misdiagnosed. “The single most important action we can take is to educate ourselves on sepsis and treat it as a medical emergency,” says Rachel Gear, RN, assistant nurse manager, ICU, Baptist South. “Recognizing and treating sepsis within the first hour of presentation increases the survival rate by 80%. By six hours of delay, the patient only has a 30% chance to survive.” Front line nurses and staff have a pivotal role in identifying and treating early sepsis. Baptist Health has several efforts underway to improve the outcome and survival rate for our patients. • At Baptist South, an interdisciplinary team has created an algorithm for early recognition that will be made available for all Baptist hospitals along with bundle cards. • All facilities now have access to the new Emergency Department Sepsis power plan that allows the nurse to initiate the early treatment. For more details, including a more extensive list of symptoms, go to: • • •

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Symptoms of Sepsis If you, a relative or a patient feels severely sick and shows any of the following symptoms, you should suspect sepsis: • Weakness • Loss of appetite • Fever and chills • Thirst • Signs of worsening organ function such as: – Difficult or rapid breathing – Rapid heart rate – Low blood pressure – Low urine output If any of these symptoms are present and the person has a suspected or diagnosed infection such as pneumonia, abdominal infection, urinary tract infection or wound infection, sepsis is the most common cause. A more extensive list of symptoms for clinicians, can be found at sepsis/symptoms/

Radiologist Robert DeFlorio, MD, uses the new front-end voice recognition technology at Wolfson Children’s Hospital.

New Front-End Voice Recognition Technology Means Quicker Access to Radiology Reports Front-end voice recognition technology, a method of completing medical reports that reduces turnaround time, is now being used by radiologists at Baptist Health.

“I like the technology because referring physicians can get the

Radiologists dictate into hand-held microphones and software translates the spoken words into computer text the radiologists can review and edit. This differs from the previous process, where the voice file was sent to a medical transcriptionist.

exam results within minutes,”

With front-end voice recognition, the completed reports can interface with the PACS and EMR systems, where they can be viewed by the ordering physician or medical staff within two to three minutes of completion by the radiologist.

are reading the study.”

Radiologists at Wolfson Children’s Hospital went live with front-end voice recognition on August 12. The second phase of the project, which included adult radiologists, went live on September 16.

says Radiologist Robert DeFlorio, MD. “The report is more accurate because we are proofing the report while we

Radiologists still have the option to use medical transcriptionists, if they need. Radiologist Chris Schettino, MD, says, “I like that we can send a report to a transcriptionist for editing if we see a mistake and don’t have time to edit it ourselves.”



Baptist Health C a l e n d a r

September 30

2013 Conference on Meditation with Children: The Mind Body Spirit Connection 8 am – 3:30 pm Schultz Center for Teaching and Leadership, Jacksonville

Conference Sessions: • Ernie Christie, Author of “Coming Home: A Guide to Teaching Christian Meditation to Children” • Catherine Day, PhD, Director of the Catholic Education Office, Diocese of Townsville, Australia • Michael De La Hunt, MD, MHS, Medical Director of Pediatric Mental Health Services at Wolfson Children’s Hospital and Chief, Psychology and Psychiatry Division, Nemours Children’s Clinic, Jacksonville The $40 fee includes breakfast, lunch, healthy snacks, conference materials and parking. Continuing education credits provided. Register at

October 16

Florida Forum Speakers Series Presents Tony Blair Times-Union Center for the Performing Arts 7:30 pm

The 2013-2014 Florida Forum speaker series, produced by The Women’s Board of Wolfson Children’s Hospital, begins its all-star line-up of speakers with Tony Blair, former Prime Minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Learn more at

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November 1

Sixth Annual Pediatric Bioethics Conference University of North Florida, Jacksonville 8:30 am – 4 pm

Conference Sessions Include: • Through a Mothers Eyes: Values, Autonomy and Decision-Making in the Pediatric ICU Environment • Conscientious Objection in Health Care • Ethical Issues in Childhood Obesity • Discussing Death With Children • Ethical Complexities After Near-Drowning Incidents • Behavior Contracts in Pediatric Settings Baptist Health employees receive free attendance. For promotional code, please enter: EMPLOYEE. Register at

November 16

State of Geriatric Care Clinical Update University of North Florida 8:30 am - 4 pm

Local and national experts will present the latest evidence-based practices and issues in caring for older adults. Conference Sessions Include: • Thriving in the Affordability Environment • Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST) • Respecting Wishes Across Care Settings • Understanding and Managing the Legal Aspects of End of Life Medical Care in Florida • Advanced Directives/Advanced Care Planning • Managing Dementia in Primary Care Setting Registration fee is $55. Baptist Health employees are eligible for a discount. Type “Employee” into the discount code field. You will be asked for your employee number as part of the registration process. Register at


Baptist Nurses Published in Nursing Management Kristin Vondrak, Patty Starling and Jessica de Guzman have co-authored an article recently published in Nursing Management, a peer-reviewed monthly journal for nurse leaders. The article titled “Mandatory influenza vaccination: Is it part of the answer?” was published in the August 2013 issue of the magazine, which has a national circulation of 80,000.

Kristin Vondrak

Patty Starling

Kristin Vondrak, DNP, ARNP-BC, NE, CPHQ, is vice president and chief quality officer at Jessica de Guzman Baptist Health, Patty Starling, BSN, RN, CIC, is a nurse epidemiologist at Baptist Beaches and Jessica de Guzman, RN, MAN, NE-BC is a nursing performance improvement coordinator at Baptist Beaches.

New Medical Staff Services Manager Melissa Feliciano has been promoted to manager of Medical Staff Services. Melissa has been with the Medical Staff Services office at Baptist Health for five years and was the lead credentials specialist before transferring to PRN status to pursue her bachelor’s degree in Education. She graduated in May. Melissa’s years of experience in Medical Staff Services, her excellent rapport with the medical staff and her strong relationships with our team will significantly contribute to her future success,” says Danielle Palmer Stein, system director of Medical Staff Services. Congratulations Melissa on your new role!

2013 Service Award Recipients Congratulations to the 2013 Service Award recipients! These employees have provided five to 50 years of service to Baptist Health. We are fortunate to have so many dedicated, long-term employees committed to providing quality care. In appreciation, each recipient will receive a check based on his or her years of service. Checks will be distributed to vice presidents the week of October 14 and awarded to recipients at their department events in October and November.



The Flu Ends With You! Beginning October 1, the Employee Health offices at all Baptist Health campuses will offer the annual flu vaccine FREE of charge to employees, volunteers and licensed independent practitioners. Check the employee intranet for a schedule showing when flu shots are available at each Employee Health office. Flu shots will also be available during all Healthy for Life screenings, so remember to make an appointment for your screening. More information about Healthy for Life screenings is available on the employee intranet. This year, all employees are required to either accept or decline the influenza vaccination by November 25, 2013. Any employee who

chooses to decline the influenza vaccine for any reason, including personal, medical or religious reasons, will be required to wear a mask while in patient care areas starting Monday, December 2. Employees who receive the flu shot at Baptist Health, or provide documentation to Employee Health showing that they have received the flu shot elsewhere, will receive a sticker to place on their badges to indicate that they do not need to wear a mask while in patient care areas. Flu shot compliance rates by department will be placed on the intranet starting in late October.

Employee Health and Wellness Announces Changes in Staff Karen Coleman, director of Employee Health and Wellness, is entering the next phase of her life as a stay-at-home mom, so she is stepping down from this role. The good news is she will remain with Baptist on a per diem basis continuing to consult with us on our employee health and wellness initiatives. Karen has done an amazing job in leading these efforts and while we will miss her, we are excited for her opportunity to stay home with her son.

responsibility for coordinating system wellness initiatives and projects. They will both report to Camille Cossa, director of Employee Benefits, who is assuming new responsibility for employee health and wellness.

Nicoasha Nicholson, RN, is promoted to Employee Health coordinator with responsibility for Employee Health services on the Jacksonville campus and Latrice Kempt is promoted to senior wellness coach with

In addition, Nicoasha will have a dotted-line reporting to Chris Olinski, senior consultant, for clinical issues related to Employee Health. Congratulations to Nicoasha and Latrice on your new roles!

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(Left to right) Karen Coleman, Nicoasha Nicholson, Latrice Kempt

Marianne Hillegass Named Senior Vice President and Chief Resource Officer Marianne Hillegass, who is assuming system-wide oversight of all Baptist Health construction projects, has been promoted to Senior Vice President and Chief Resource Officer. In her new role she will continue to have systemwide responsibility for Purchasing, Materials Management, Accounts Payable, Laboratory Services, Property Management, Operations Performance Improvement (OPI) and Value Enhancement. “Marianne’s diverse talents and drive have produced exceptional results in every area that she has been privileged to lead,” says Mike Lukaszewski, Chief Financial Officer. “In addressing complex issues, another key to her success has been her ability to develop a multidisciplinary team approach involving all levels of the organization.” Marianne joined Baptist Health as a financial analyst in 1987 and was promoted to Budget/Financial Planning director shortly thereafter. In 1997 she assumed the role of Vice President of Operations and Chief Resource Officer. She is a member of the American College of Healthcare Executives, Healthcare Financial Management Association and Leadership Jacksonville Alumnae Association. She also serves on the boards of Community Connections, The Blood Alliance and United Way of Northeast Florida.

Michael Lanier Named Vice President, Operations and Support Services As Baptist Jacksonville centralizes its core operations and services related to the patient experience, Michael Lanier, MA, has been named Vice President, Operations and Support Services. In his new role, Michael is assuming oversight of Environmental Services, Food and Nutrition Services, and Safety, Security and Parking. He will also continue to oversee Guest Services (formerly Patient Advocacy), Volunteer Services and Audiovisual Services, as well as serve as administrative liaison to Behavioral Health, the AgeWell Institute and the Patient Experience initiative. “The change of scope in Michael’s responsibilities enables us centralize these nonclinical support services that are so important to the patient experience and environment,” says Hospital President Michael Mayo. “With his proven leadership skills, I know he will effectively bridge these important services with those provided by our clinical partners to enhance the overall patient experience on the Jacksonville campus.” Michael Lanier, MA, joined Baptist Health in 1994 as executive director of Psychological Association, a division of Baptist Medical Center. Throughout the years, he has been a strong guiding force in the growth of behavioral health services at Baptist. In 2006, he was named Vice President. In 2005, Michael was among the first group of Baptist leadership to become a Fellow of the Advisory Board, and he is a member of the Leadership Jacksonville Class of 2009. He has also been honored with the Community Connections Leadership Award and the UNF Distinguished Alumni Award.



Baptist Offers First Robotic Spine Surgery in North Florida Patients suffering from debilitating back pain now have a new option for minimally invasive spine surgery. Baptist Health has the only Mazor Renaissance Robotic technology between Atlanta and Orlando, bringing North Florida residents the latest tools for increased precision in minimally invasive spine surgery. Andrew Cannestra, MD, PhD, a board-certified a neurosurgeon with additional fellowship training in spine surgery and spinal cord injury, is the medical director of the robotic spine surgery program at Baptist. He is joined by spinal surgeons in Lyerly Neurosurgery and Jacksonville Orthopaedic Institute, who have received special training on the Renaissance technology. “This robotic spinal surgery solution allows us to treat more complex spinal deformity patients, those who have severe scoliosis, with less radiation, less operative time and less blood loss,” Dr. Cannestra says. Surgical treatment of the spine requires careful planning because each patient’s anatomy has unique challenges. Specially trained spine surgeons use Renaissance’s advanced 3D planning software before entering the operating

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room to create the ideal procedure for each patient’s condition. As a result many patients experience faster recovery and return to daily activities. “We’re thrilled to be putting the latest technologies in the hands of North Florida’s most experienced, skilled physicians,” says Nicole Thomas, Vice President, Specialty Services, Baptist Jacksonville. To learn more about Mazor Robotic Spine Surgery at Baptist Health, go to

A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place The 5S Lean Approach to Organizing Work Environments is Catching on at Wolfson Children’s Hospital

Kristin Johnson and Amanda Brown

Taught by the Operational Performance Improvement (OPI) Department during Lean/Sigma Six training, the 5S Lean Approach involves identifying and sorting out unnecessary waste in work areas and using visual tools to improve quality, productivity and safety.

The 5S elements are: - Sort through and then sort out what is not needed. -S traighten what must be kept. Make it visible and self-explanatory so everyone knows where everything goes. - Shine everything that remains. Clean all equipment tools and the workplace. - Standardize by implementing best practices to keep the workplace clean and organized. - Sustain it by making a habit of properly maintaining the correct procedures.

Clinical Nurse Leader Amanda Brown, 4th floor, Wolfson Children’s Hospital, learned about the 5S Lean Approach during Emerging Leaders training. When her work area was being remodeled in August, she thought it was the perfect time to implement 5S by using visual communcation tools in their storage area. Working with Nurse Manager Associate Kristin Johnson and Nurse Manager Sharon Simmons, they reorganized the storage area photos. Nurse Manager Kip Deckerhoff, Weaver Tower 4, also is working on a 5S project. “We saw how it was working in other areas and thought that adding pictures would allow us to standardize what items should be in each room and help keep the rooms straight and organized.” Senior OPI Consultant Matt Myers says, “It is very rewarding to see Amanda and Kip take what they have learned from OPI training and use it as an opportunity to implement 5S on their units. Our goal is that this continuous improvement mentality will continue to spread not only amongst emerging leaders, but throughout our entire health system.” To learn more about 5S of Lean/Sigma Six, contact Jarret Dreicer, director of OPI at 202.4924 or look on the OPI page on the intranet under Tool Kit.




Integration Welcome New Hospitalists

Rutuja Patel, DO

Baptist Primary Care is pleased to welcome the following new physicians to the Hospitalist team:

Dr. Patel is practicing at Baptist Jacksonville. She obtained her medical degree from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, Midwestern University in Downers Grove, Illinois and completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. Most recently she was the chief resident in Internal Medicine at the Advocate Lutheran Hospital.

Malleswari Ravi, MD Dr. Ravi is practicing at Baptist Beaches. She obtained her medical degree from Gunter Medical College in India. She completed her Internal Medicine residency at State University of New York, College of Medicine & University Hospital, Stony Brook, and her Infectious Diseases fellowship at the University of Florida, College of Medicine in Gainesville. She is board-certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. Most recently she was an assistant professor at the UF Center for HIV/AIDS Research, Education and Services (UF CARES) which provides a full array of patient care services.

Philip Tran, MD Dr. Tran is practicing at Baptist Jacksonville. He obtained his medical degree from the University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, and completed his Internal Medicine residency earlier this year at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville. He is a native of Jacksonville and completed his undergraduate education at the University of North Florida.

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Syed Jafri, MD Dr. Jafri is practicing at Baptist South. He obtained his medical degree from Sindh Government Science College in Pakistan and completed his residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Florida, College of Medicine, Jacksonville. Most recently, he was the chief resident in Internal Medicine at the UF College of Medicine, Jacksonville.

New Physician at Baptist Heart Specialists Bharat K. Gummadi, MD Baptist Heart Specialists is pleased to introduce Bharat Gummadi, MD. Dr. Gummadi obtained his medical degree from St. George’s University School of Medicine in Grenada, West Indies. He completed his residency in Internal Medicine and fellowships in Heart Failure, Cardiology and Interventional Medicine at the University of Florida Health Science Center, Jacksonville. Most recently, he was chief resident and UF Shands, Jacksonville.

New Physician at Baptist Behavioral Health Hamilton Warren-Sutton, MD

Baptist Physicians Voted Favorites in Their Communities

Baptist Behavioral Health is pleased to introduce Hamilton Warren-Sutton, MD, who is practicing at the Jacksonville Beach office. Dr. Warren-Sutton obtained her medical degree from the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle. She completed her residency in Psychiatry at UCLA/Sepulveda VAMC in North Hills, California, and her fellowship in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of Utah. Most recently she worked as medical director at Northwest Neurobehavioral Health in Meridian, Idaho. For an appointment, call 376.3800.

Two Baptist Primary Care physicians were recently honored by local newspapers for receiving the most votes by readers as favorite physicians in their communities.

Kudos to Lisa Abarno Office Specialist Lisa Abarno, Baptist Endocrinology, was recently recognized by apatient who said, “Your unwavering commitment to patients of Baptist South does not go unnoticed. I believe it is so important to acknowledge when one goes beyond average patient care, so I am bringing your compassion and dedication to the attention of Hospital President Ron Robinson.”

Dr. Sam Fern

Congratulations to Sam Fern, DO, Baptist Primary Care Beaches, who was Dr. Kevin White voted “Beaches Favorite Physician” by readers of the Beaches Leader and to Kevin White, MD, Baptist Primary Care Yulee, who was voted “Best of the Best 2013 Doctor” by readers of the Fernandina Beach News Leader. Both physicians have received this honor before, and they are blessed to have a great staff that enhances their medical practice. For an appointment with Dr. Fern at Baptist Primary Care Beaches, call 249.0335. For an appointment with Dr. White at Baptist Primary Care Yulee, call 225.2311.









Distinguished Caregiver is First Gold Pin Recipient


BaptistJacksonville Jacksonville R V I C

Dennis Jelsma, Security Officer Safety and Security Denny Jelsma became the first Baptist Health employee to receive a gold pin as a Distinguished Caregiver on September 12 when he was presented with his pin during a system-wide Leadership Meeting. Denny had already received the bronze and silver pins. An employee who is a single mom says she was getting on the bus to ride to the student lot one day and Denny noticed that she looked sad. He asked her what was wrong. At first she wouldn’t say, but after some prodding, she told him that she’d had a very high car repair bill and didn’t have enough money to make it to the next payday. She needed to buy food for her family but was too embarrassed to ask for help. The next day as she was about to get on the bus, Denny handed her a Publix gift card that he and his wife had purchased for her. When she got to the store, she was astonished at the high amount on the gift card. In a letter, she said “My kids and I are so thankful to Denny and his wife.“ In recognition of Denny’s generosity, a check for $1,000 was presented to the Employee Care Fund. This fund is managed by Pastoral Care for the purpose of helping employees in need.

22 CareConnection

Good Neighbor Award for Connie Valarinos Congratulations to Connie Valarinos, RN, BSN, CNOR,

Adult Surgical Services educator at Baptist Jacksonville, who received the “Good Neighbor” Award from Florida State College Jacksonville August. The award, which honors those who have supported the educational mission of the college, was presented to her by Dr. Barbara Darby, North Campus President. Connie was specifically recognized for supporting the Surgical Technology and Registered Nurse programs, mentoring students and ensuring positive clinical experiences.

BaptistBeaches Beaches

Baptist Beaches has selected 50 health and wellness professionals from the Beaches and West Beaches communities to be designated as Baptist Fit & Well Partners, as part of a new year-long program that provides free medicalbased continuing education to a select group of personal trainers, massage therapists, and Yoga and Pilates instructors. The program will provide deeper medical knowledge to these partners through a series of quarterly seminars conducted by board-certified health professionals affiliated with Baptist Health. It is initially being offered at Baptist Beaches with plans to expand to other Baptist locations in the future. The first seminar took place at Baptist



Fit & Well Partner Program Kicks Off at Baptist Beaches

Alexey Oiinyk, RE A Radiology Technologist E R V I C Alexey’s co-workers have complimented his proficiency and willingness to jump in to help out when needed. One co-worker shared, “Alexey is efficient and professional and we are glad to have him on our team!” Another said, “I would like to formally recognize Alexey for his efforts when we had five people out due to illness and vacation. He stepped up and was willing to work late, take call and work shifts other than his own. Another employee said, “Alexey attends classes at Florida State College Jacksonville in the mornings and works in our department in the evenings. He manages this demanding schedule with grace. He is caring and compassionate and a great asset to our team.” N

He has specified that the money be used specifically for the ICU. In a letter, Mr. Kostenski stated, “Thank you for all you have done for Joe and for the tremendous support provided to the family. We would especially like to recognize the efforts and professionalism of Terri Wallace and her ICU nursing staff. They have done an amazing job.”

Distinguished Caregiver


In early summer, Baptist Health Foundation received two donations totaling $75,000 and designated for the Baptist Beaches ICU from a business executive who was grateful for the excellent care provided to his brother. Ed Kostenski, president of Nationwide Finance in Jacksonville, made an initial gift of $50,000 on behalf of his family because of the skillful and compassionate care provided to his brother, Joe Kostenski. About a week later, he made a second $25,000 donation which included donations he had received from business associates around the world.

Beaches on August 18 on the topic of Digestive Health. It was presented by Robert Bass, MD, Jeffrey Hoffman, MD, and Baptist Beaches Clinical Dietitian Marni Sumbal.


Beaches ICU Receives $75,000 Gift From a Grateful Brother

Lunch and Learn

Baptist Beaches will host a Lunch and Learn titled, Breast Cancer: A Personalized Approach, presented by Thomas Gaddis, MD, Thursday, October 17 from noon – 1 pm at the Quality Suites in Jacksonville Beach. Please RSVP to 202.CARE (2273) by October 14.



BaptistClay Clay Clay County Senior Expo Baptist Clay recently participated in the first annual Clay County Senior Expo on Wednesday, August 28. Those who attended received blood pressure screenings, prediabetes assessments, and Baptist giveaways. Thank you to everyone who participated in making the event a success.

Wolfson Children’s Specialty Center Now Open

September was a busy month at Baptist Clay with the opening of the Wolfson Children’s Specialty Center, which operates in partnership with Nemours Children’s Clinic, Jacksonville, and the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville. Nemours Children’s Clinic Fleming Island and Wolfson Children’s Rehabilitation opened on September 3. Wolfson Children’s Rehabilitation offers occupational and physical therapy, speech and language therapy, Little Bites Feeding program and sports and orthopedic rehabilitation. Opening September 11 was the University of Florida College of Medicine – Jacksonville Pediatric Cardiology and Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology. Several events took place to celebrate these openings and give the community the opportunity to see our new facilities including an open house and tours of the Medical Office Building on September 5 and a Fall Family Health & Safety Fair on September 7.

24 CareConnection

BaptistNassau Nassau Mac Steger is Named Best Pharmacist in Nassau County

Congratulations to Pharmacist Mac Steger who was recently voted “Best of the Best Pharmacist” by the readers of the Fernandina Beach News Leader. This is the first time Mac has received the community newspaper’s award, although the Baptist Nassau Pharmacy has received the Best of Best Pharmacy” recognition several times before. Matt joined Baptist Health in 1996 when he sold Steger Pharmaceuticals to Baptist Health. He served as system director of Retail Pharmacy from 20012006 and for the last few years has worked as a float pharmacist at several Baptist locations. He is also a resident of Fernandina Beach since 1959.

Anne Apt is New Development Director The Baptist Health Foundation is pleased to introduce Anne Apt as the new development director at Baptist Nassau. Anne has more than 20 years of fund-raising experience and a deep love for the medical field. She moved to Jacksonville in 2008 and was the area development director for the University of Florida College of Medicine before transferring to the main campus in Gainesville in 2011.

Staff Collaborates with Community to Improve Care Baptist Nassau was recognized by Healthgrades with an Outstanding Patient Experience Award for 2013. To further improve the patient experience at Baptist Nassau, a new volunteer committee called the Patient Community Advocacy Team (or PCA Team) has been created. The PCA Team, which is comprised of patients, hospital and community volunteers and staff, spends most of its time listening and learning. Senior Chaplain Jim Tippins, the group’s leader, says, “It’s been eye opening, because even those of us who work here often know only our own area. We’ve taken many suggestions to hospital administration and many have been implemented.” Other employees serving on the PCA Team are Leslie Owens RN, Connie Barniak, Cardioimaging, and Tia Rogers, Lab. Hospital President Stephen Lee says, “We’re very excited about deepening our commitment to incorporate the voices of patients and family members into our hospital.”

Jim Tippins is leader of the PCA Team.










BaptistSouth South R V I C

Distinguished Caregiver Karla Brooks, RN Emergency Services Karla was selected as a Distinguished Caregiver because of her willingness to put her life on the line for one of our patients and her husband. One evening she was wheeling a discharged patient to the emergency entrance to be picked up by her husband. The patient’s husband pulled up to the curb and exited his van without realizing he had left it in reverse gear. As the vehicle began to roll backwards, it knocked the driver to the ground. Without hesitation, Karla responded by chasing the runaway van, jumping into it, and stopping it before anyone else was injured. We are so thankful that no one was hurt and there was no damage to the vehicle or hospital property. Thank you Karla!

Caring Arts Program Puts Patient in StressFree Zone

During an extended hospital stay at Baptist South, Janice Cerny needed a way to help pass time. She found that the Caring Art Program did that and more. It awakened her creative side and put her in a comfortable and stress-free zone. She was given a box of crayons and then involved her nurses on 3B in color selection for her compositions. “I love color and when nurses complimented

26 CareConnection

me it made me feel so good about what I was doing,” said Janice, who used to be a nurse herself. The Caring Art Program helped clear her mind regarding her condition and helped get her ready for the things she may face when returning home. She says, “Anytime you are concerned about something like your illness for example, this type of activity takes your mind off of it and you don’t feel so scared to be in a condition you have no control over.” Janice is now going to try writing poetry and journaling. “This was a very rewarding experience for me and I think this is a super hospital for having this program.”

Blood Drive Results

The Blood Alliance and Baptist South would like to thank everyone who supported our most recent blood drive held on August 28. From your generous donations 17 units of blood were collected with one donation being a double red cell unit.

Lunch and Learn

Ankit Desai, MD, Plastic Surgeon, will present, “Breast Health and What’s New in Reconstructive Surgery” at Baptist South’s next Lunch and Learn on Thursday, October 17, at noon. To register, call 202.CARE (2273).

Wolfson Wolfson Joint Pediatric Cancer Program Receives Outstanding Achievement Award from the American College of Surgeons For the second time, the joint Pediatric Cancer Program of Nemours Children’s Clinic, Jacksonville, and Wolfson Children’s Hospital has received the prestigious Outstanding Achievement Award from the American College of Surgeons (ACS). It is the only program in Florida, and one of just two Elizabeth from Jacksonville in the United States, is one of the many patients to receive this award, who has benefited from our joint pediatric cancer which is given to program. centers that achieve a commendation in all five of the American College of Surgeons’ standards of evaluation. The five standards are cancer committee leadership, cancer data management, research, community outreach and quality improvement. Last spring, the Pediatric Cancer Program of Nemours and Wolfson Children’s Hospital was one of only 11 programs in the nation granted three-year accreditation with commendation by the ACS Commission on Cancer.

College of Surgeons further confirms the high quality of care children and families are receiving through the program.”

Olympic Figure Skater Visits Wolfson Children’s

On September 9, U.S. and world champion figure skater Kimmie Meissner visited patients at Wolfson Children’s Hospital on 4 Weaver. Kimmie is a member of “Pandora’s Unforgettable Holiday Moments” figure skating team, which comes to the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena on November 9. The ice show is hosted by Olympic champion Kristi Yamaguchi and will feature performances by Kimmie, Michael Weiss, Brian Boitano and Sasha Cohen, along with Martina McBride and Mannheim Steamroller. A portion of the proceeds from the show will benefit Wolfson Children’s. This is made possible through SMG Jacksonville’s partnership with the 2013 Art & Antiques Show, the 2013-2014 Florida Forum and The Women’s Board of Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Visit for more information.

“The physicians, nurses and staff of the Pediatric Cancer Program are to be commended for achieving this level of excellence,” said Jerry Bridgham, MD, chief medical officer, Wolfson Children’s Hospital. “The Outstanding Achievement Award from the American


27 Tour Golf Championship Tickets to Benefit Wolfson Children’s Hospital The Tour Golf Championship is September 26 - 29 at Dye’s Valley Course in Ponte Vedra Beach. You can enjoy the tournament at a great price while benefiting Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Purchase a clubhouse ticket for $15, and $10 of each ticket will be donated back to Wolfson Children’s Hospital. Each ticket is good all week for the Championship and there is no limit to the amount of tickets you may buy. Wolfson Children’s Hospital Day is Sunday, September 29.

How to purchase your tickets: • Visit the Ticket Master website • Enter the following code: BAPTIST • Select the number of tickets you wish to purchase (there is no limit) and continue with the online purchasing process. • You will receive a confirmation email that includes your tickets, which can be printed from your computer for no additional charge.

Classifieds AUTOMOTIVE

1994 Toyota Camry – Automatic V6 XLE 4-door with sun roof. 213,000 miles. In pretty good condition. Needs TLC, $1,400/obo. Call or text 904.382.9255 1995 GMC Pick-up – 125,000 mi. One owner; garage-kept; no rust. A/C, auto transm. 4 cyl. Exterior teal; interior gray. $2,295. 904.624.2711 2000 Honda Civic LX – 4 door, 4 cyl, AM/FM, AC, excel condition, $3,500. Call 292.1822. Leave voice message


Southside home 3BR/2BA – 2150 sq ft, huge remodeled kitchen, fenced YD, 7 mi from BMCJ, $1175/mo, deposit same. Avail 9/3. Call/text Donna 904.208.0421


Roll top desk – Dark wood in good condition with a lock top and rolling chair. $100/obo. Call or text Milaura @ 904.382.9255


3 BR/2 BA river-front home – In Madison, FL. Pool, quiet, new carpet. Well maintained. Used as vacation home. $169K. 261.4108 or cell, 477.7636 .


Team Jordans/Nike sneakers – 7 pairs gently used Team Jordans/Nike sneakers for sale. Total asking price is $245 OBO. Call 904.928.0397 for photo text

Digital CareConnection

In order to help preserve our environment, Care Connection is an online publication. More issues can be found on the employee intranet by clicking on Life at Baptist.

Horse available for lease & lessons – Nocatee area. Excellent for children & beginning riders. Well trained & gentle. Call Paige 864.7615 Winter spinet piano – Good condition, $200 OBO. Please call if interested & will email or text pics. 904.773.3721 8 oak upper kitchen cabinets – (2 sets of three, 2 sets of 1). LxHxD: 48x42x12 inches & 17x42x12 inches. $400 OBO for all. Call or text 904.252.5373 for pictures New Cigar humidor – Cedar w/ hydrogometer. LxWxH: 10x9x4 inches. Includes cutters & leather pouch, $50. Call or text 904.252.5373 for pictures


Submit a Classified Ad Next deadline: September 30, 2013 On the employee intranet, go to Life at Baptist and select Submit Classifieds online. Please do not include your work phone numbers and email in the text of your ad. To submit an article, please email


Looking for a new home for Gator Mouth Pitt puppies. 2 females, 2 males. 904.406.6621


Looking for a ROOM FOR RENT close to BMCJ. Willing to pay $400-$500. 773.587.5059 or

28 CareConnection Goods advertised are sold by individual employees. Baptist Health claims no knowledge of goods advertised, offering no warranties or guarantees.

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