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6. Substance Abuse/Treatment – Drug use and access to substance abuse treatment came in at the fifth and sixth places on the community health issues list. The 2019 Kentucky State Police
Annual Report ranks the service area as one of the worst for drug arrests in Kentucky. There have been a large number of births with infants who exhibit neonatal abstinence syndrome, requiring time in the neonatal intensive care unit. Finally, over the last year, the syringe exchange program, sponsored by the Hopkins County Health Department, has seen 264 visits to syringe exchange, 51 unique participants, 25 participants have returned at least one time in the past year, and 213 repeat visits to Syringe Exchange.
The committee noted several different sources for why substance abuse and treatment should be a main health concern. They also noted that harm reduction through the health department’s syringe exchange program must continue; by providing new syringes for intravenous drug users, it reduces the spread of HIV and Hepatitis C in the community while decreasing the cost of treating these conditions.
7. Childcare Services – The committee identified this as an issue, especially in light of COVID-19 and the dearth of childcare options in the community.
The hospital may only be able to explore options for increasing childcare options in the area.
Strategic Implementation Plan
Baptist Health Madisonville will develop its strategic implementation plan over the next several months. It will include the issue, the goals, and the outcome objectives. This document will be published and made available in the same manner as this Community Health Needs Assessment within three and a half months after the end of the hospital’s fiscal year.
The committee reviewed the 2019-2021 Strategic Implementation Plan. It found the majority of goals and activities had been achieved. Those that are in areas covered by this plan will be continued and monitored.
Communications Plan
Results from the 2022-2024 Community Health Needs Assessment will be communicated in the following methods:
Posting the written report of the assessment on the hospital’s website. Posting on the website of other local organizations with a link to Baptist Health
Madisonville’s assessment. Providing the website address where the document can be accessed through media communications.
This 2022-2024 Community Health Needs Assessment will remain available at least until a 30