Beca beeby black soldier flies diy

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Black Soldier Flies: Care, Keeping and Breeding in the UK. Beca Beeby Humble by Nature

Warmth: above 10C to survive, above 20C for activity, most happy & active at 28-35 degrees C. Light: Light sensitive, BSF will only mate in high light levels, and summer day lengths.

Airflow: BSF tend to congregate where airflow is cool and constant: vents and draughty areas are favourites! Space: BSF need a decent flying height to mate successfully: 2 metres absolute minimum but 3+ is best. Attractant & egg laying receptacle: There are various suggestions of what is best, I found rotting peppers to be the favourite! layered felt/fabric was also preferred to corrugated cardboard, and small gaps between wood and plastic.

Humidity: Our greenhouse tends to have quite a high humidity all year round, although they BSF tendency to flock around daughty areas may signify the prefer a drier atmosphere.

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