the barrister
EST. 1999
5 June - 31 July 2018 Trinity Term Issue
w w w. b a r r i s t e r m a g a z i n e . c o m
My own experience I may have been lucky in recent years, but there are several judges about whom I was warned, and warned others, rather longer ago. Some were known for being particularly bad when out of their depth. Others were moodily unpredictable, or inveterately sarcastic when pointing out errors or misunderstandings. A few female judges were known to be particularly hard on female counsel. A very few were just plain mean. Their nicknames were well known and often apt. We probably now have fewer of these judges, but every misbehaving judge (however few there may be) is one too many. The effects are not limited to the most junior practitioners. More senior
A message from BSB Chair, Baroness Blackstone I am pleased to update you on the work that we have been doing at the BSB since my last message in February. We have made a number of important policy decisions recently. Not least of these was our agreement in principle in March about the role of the Inns of Court in the future of Bar training. As I am sure you know, we have been undertaking a major review over the past couple of years of all aspects of the way in which barristers train and qualify. In March, my Board and I considered the BSB’s position in prescribing the role of the Inns of Court taking into account
ISSN 1468-926X
Judicial Bullying Bullying is nothing new; but far too many of us report still seeing and experiencing it. This includes bullying by judges, which has come to prominence unexpectedly, but having done so, has resonated with many.
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barristers have reported their own experiences, and senior silks have admitted to me that there have been times when they, too, have been unable to do their jobs properly as a result of bullying pressure from judges. Andrew Walker QC Experience may help, but it is no Chair of the Bar panacea, and nor should it be needed. What are we talking about? Let us be clear about what we are concerned with. Several definitions have been suggested, including the ACAS definition of workplace bullying , but while definitions are important, I prefer for now to refer to some specific p.8 forms of behaviour. My list is far from
By Phillip Taylor MBE, Reviews Editor of ‘the barrister’ and Head of Richmond Green Chambers
Video Evidence: Handle with Care By David Spreadborough, Amped Software
to sharpen your 22 How presentation skills
By Douglas McPherson, Director, Size 10½ Boots and author of The Visible Lawyer and Package, Position, Profit
New Silks - A pension annual allowance window of opportunity? By Andrew McErlean, Chartered Financial Planner, Saunderson House
the views of all those who very helpfully responded to our recent consultation. There is more information about our decisions on the detailed questions we posed in our consultation in our published policy statement, which is available to read on the BSB website. It is clear that the Inns play an important role throughout a barrister’s career and most of the consultation responses that we received reflected support for their continued involvement before prospective barristers are Called to the Bar and whilst they are still learning. It was felt by most respondents that both student membership of an Inn and participating in a minimum number of qualifying sessions add real value to barrister training. My Board, half of whom are themselves barristers, agree with that analysis. These policy decisions will inform our drafting of p.9 the new training regulations which
Mutiny on the BREXIT A most unlikely rebel leader An Interview with Dominic Grieve QC MP
News 5 6
A new digital service is allowing people to submit appeals over their tax bill entirely online.
Government commitment to fixed recoverable costs welcomed
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the barrister Trinity Term 2018