MedInsight Catalogue

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How to Instantly Advance Medicine by 100 Years



research institute

Tomorrow’s Medicine for Anyone, Anytime, Anywhere

In the US: MedInsight Research Institute 211 East Lombard Street, #297 Baltimore, MD 21202, USA

In the UK: MedInsight Research Institute Trust Island West, Steep, Hampshire, GU32 1AE, United Kingdom

In Israel: MedInsight Research Institute 27 Yitzchak Street, POB 386, Telz Stone 90840, Israel

Tel: +1-443-927-7755 Fax: +1-443-927-7756

MedInsight Research Institute is a registered US 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a registered UK charity whose mission is to save lives and ease suffering.

The MedInsight Project



... Pancreatic cancer patients living for years after diagnosis – completely free of pain … ... Breast cancer patients going into complete remission for good – without common chemotherapy and drastic, disfiguring surgery …

In 1962, Maurice Hugh Frederick Wilkins (1916-2004) was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, for his discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nucleic acids and its significance for information transfer in living material.

Left: A strand of DNA which contains the genetic instructions for the development and function of living organisms. Genetics promise to hold the key to disease prevention as well as ever-more effective medicines.

The Missing Gear

... Heart disease, at any stage, getting under complete control … ... Multiple sclerosis going into complete, durable remission …

… with a faulty, primitive gear connecting the two!

Imagine all this was not only true, but affordable to all!


Experts say this is the reason why:

Imagine a luxury car with an advanced, powerful engine under its hood and a set of fantastic wheels to whisk it in comfort over thousands of miles …

... Immune systems of Crohn’s disease patients normalizing, allowing normal life to people who have all but given up on all hope …

Milestones in Medicine


Imagine the cost of chronic disease treatment was lowered to the point that every man, woman and child could be fully covered by national insurance without mortgaging our children’s future to pay for it. …

That’s medicine. Medicine is divided into two main branches: research medicine and medical practice. In theory, the first should be seamlessly feeding the second with evermore efficient and affordable means to save lives and increase the quality of life of mankind. In reality, however, the two almost seem like distant galaxies.

This is what we dream medicine will give us in the next century. But in reality, it all can happen today.

Research medicine is burgeoning with information. As you’ll see later in this booklet, virtually all the medical knowledge to accomplish every single feat mentioned at the beginning of this text is already known.

In fact, it could and should have been here yesterday.

And new discoveries are being made every single day.

It’s true. The unimaginable amount of suffering and premature, often agonizing, deaths we experience today are all, in effect,

But the fact is that less than 0.00015% of usable medical research ever gets to help a single patient.



The first domino piece to topple seems to be that “we know too much”: research medicine publishes over 40,000 reports every week … while the average physician can read about 6! Wonderful knowledge is produced but cannot be digested. That leaves the responsibility of transmitting data from lab to the bench to the one entity that “lives in both worlds”: the drug maker. Because the average doctor is so busy seeing patients, he’s usually updated on the newest and latest during the periodical visits of the friendly pharmaceutical company representatives.

“Drug makers are not in the business of saving lives.”

Milestones in Medicine

Above: The first ever Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded in 1901 to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845 –1923) a German physicist, who, on November 8, 1895, produced and detected electromagnetic radiation in a wavelength range today known as x-rays. The discovery ushered a new era in the diagnostics of everything from skeletal issues to tumors.

Left: One of the first X-ray photographs, taken by the Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen of his wife's hand.

They, obviously, put their best foot forward. People love making the pharmaceutical manufacturers out to be the villains, but it should be kept in mind that it costs up to $2 billion to push a drug through the maze of FDA certification to the market. Every new drug, in effect, is a huge gamble. This is why they use every trick in the book to push their merchandise. With the drug companies being the almost exclusive conduit between research and

practice – both of information as well as actual drugs – it’s very understandable why the discoveries that do pass from research to the physician are only those that are profitable for the drug industry. But before one makes drug makers an easy target, one must keep in mind the plain, if unsavory truth: Drug makers are not in the business of saving lives. They are in the business of making and selling drugs – something they do very well. Saving lives is the job of doctors. It is their role to use the drug companies to accomplish that goal. People would say medicine has “fallen captive” into the hands of the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, doctors have been more than willing “victims.” But can you really blame them?

Easy and Safe Justified or not, the litigious society we live in presents doctors with the risk of malpractice lawsuits. We call it the advent of justice. One of the side effects of this justice is to make doctors practice “defensive medicine.” Defensive medicine is first and foremost sticking to “accepted protocol.”



It means ordering a slew of expensive screening tests that are often useless and many times harmful. That drives the cost of medicine sky-high – but it’s safe (for the doctors). Accepted protocol is still the best defense in the court of law. Accepted protocol is also an important emotional crutch for doctors: doctors deal with lives, some of which they lose due to their own mistakes. Psychologically, it is not an easy thing to go out on a limb on your own and face that kind of responsibility.

Milestones in Medicine

Above: Edward Jenner (1749 -1823) an English country doctor was the first to introduce and study the smallpox vaccine, the first successful vaccine ever developed. This paved the way to the practical eradication of many infectious diseases which up to that time would erupt in disastrous pandemics, killing millions of people.

Left: Doctor inoculating a baby. C. 18th century. Painting by Louis Leopold Boilly.

Accepted protocol may present “What everyone does” mediocre, limited, unimaginative, offers great sometimes even emotional dangerous protection in a solutions – but “what everyone very difficult does” offers great profession. emotional protection in a very difficult profession. It’s easy to forget that doctors are people, too! When people look at these enormous social, financial and psychological challenges, they tend to despair and give up. There are no easy solutions to any of those challenges … which is okay! It’s “okay” because those problems are

NOT the real reason that prevents medicine from being propelled into the next century right now. Medicine fails to live up to its potential – and keeps falling further behind – because it is practiced in an old, mid-20th century mode.

The Reason and the Chance Up to the 19th century, medicine was largely unscientific and forever searching through hit-or-miss for the Shotgun Solution – a miracle compound or treatment for “whatever ails you.” It was the age when medicinal protocols included bloodletting, mercury (if you can believe it), cocaine and arsenic. It also included some very successful solutions such as aspirin and sulfur which are very efficient and have many different and diverse uses. The 19th and 20th centuries saw the ushering in of the scientific age, and with it, the new “disease-specific” approach. Researchers started discovering the causes of disease on a microscopic level, and toiled to find means to stop them. Up to that point, the main killers were infectious diseases. Those were found to be the results of toxicity caused by bacterial or viral presence.



Penicillin and other antibiotics are interventions that kill off the bacterium, thus treating the disease successfully. As an approach, this is obviously much more scientific than the “shotgun” discipline and, in most cases, far more efficacious. The In fact, the very introduction mention of the of powerful, scientific term “cure” to a agents caused doctor many diseases immediately raises previously serious suspicions considered incurable, like of quackery! polio and tuberculosis, to virtually disappear. Milestones in Medicine

Above: Ross Granville Harrison (18701959) pursued new methods of exploration by culturing tissues outside the body for the first time. His was the first step toward development of new cancer medications and current research on precursor and stem cells.

Left: Cross-section of a nerve showing nerve fibers organized into bundles (or “fascicles”) enclosed by a band of connective tissue called epineurium. Single nerve fibers are also enclosed by thin layers of loose connective tissue called endoneurium. The open tubes showing are blood vessels.

side-effects, many far worse than the diseases the drugs come to cure! But even worse, the forceful approach to medicine has come up against a foe before which it is almost completely powerless: Chronic diseases. Cancer, heart disease, asthma, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and, indeed all chronic diseases cannot be cured by today’s disease-specific medicine. In fact, the very mention of the term “cure” to a doctor immediately raises serious suspicions of quackery! The reason chronic diseases defy the disease-specific approach is because, unlike infectious diseases, they cannot be tracked down to a single cause.

Pandemics which were regularly wiping out almost half of civilization in one fell swoop, such as bubonic plague or measles, became, for the most part, minor nuisances.

They cannot be summed up as easily, because they are comprised of a large number of “components” in the form of various subprocesses.

But with the eradication of the major infectious challenges of past history, the golden age of the disease-specific approach has come to an end.

Disease-specific medicine – an “anti-soand-so-disease pill” – is far too generalized.

Further progress has become slower and slower still, with problems and limitations cropping up ever more often. Trying to “fix” conditions with ever more forceful “shots” creates compounds that do a whole lot more than was intended; namely,

It is both too inefficient and harmful to cope with the complex underpinnings of chronic disease. Using ever-stronger drugs is akin to listening to the radio with static noise: The higher you turn the volume, the louder the static gets. The message doesn’t get any clearer.



Luckily, the 21st century is the computer age, which makes a new approach – one that is tailor-made for chronic diseases – possible. In fact, new horizons are opening as we speak.

“Sub-Process Medicine” The world owes the U.S. government a debt of gratitude it can never repay. Pointing out governmental ineptitude is a popular spectator sport. Critics were out in droves, jeering loudly at the ultimate “pink elephant” when the U.S. government commissioned the monumental project of mapping the human genome.

Milestones in Medicine First used in the 19th century, anesthetics continue to evolve and are the most vivid example of medicine’s capacity to lessen suffering.

Above: Crawford Williamson Long (1815 – 1878) performed the first surgical operation in general anesthesia induced by ether in 1842.

“It will never be finished,” the critics scoffed. Worse, those experts proclaimed, the U.S. government “idiotically” insisted that the project be carried out simultaneously in many different centers. All the centers were connected by a network that “obviously could never work.” That network was called Internet and the human genome mapping project is, in fact, all but complete.


The “pink elephant” has opened a new world in many ways.

Dr John Collins Warren (second from left) treating a surgery patient under ether, which was pioneered at the hospital in 1846.

The time has come to apply those very tools – computer and Internet – to the final challenge of making medicine all it can be.

To understand why, let’s explore, for a minute, the makeup of a disease.

The Composition of Disease The “bad news,” as mentioned before, is that every disease or condition is made up of a number of sub-processes, or “pathways.” “Diabetes,” “heart disease,” “cancer” and all other diseases are actually general names given to groups of very specific sub-processes, (or “metabolic pathways,” as they are called) that are occurring simultaneously. For instance: Coronary heart disease is a general name given to damage caused by compromised blood flow to the heart. The decreased flow is the result of a general process called atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. The hardening of the arteries is caused by several sub-processes that occur simultaneously. One such sub-process is the accumulation of plaque on the arterial walls. This sub-process may involve the rising levels of four materials in the body: cholesterol, iron, homocysteine, and interleukin-6. These four materials are players in two “sub-sub-processes” that lead to the eventual plaque accumulation.



The first is the oxidation of cholesterol. This happens when the cholesterol is combined with the excess iron. Only oxidized cholesterol molecules form plaque. The second “sub-sub-process” is inflammation. The walls of inflamed arteries lose their smoothness, attracting the deposits of cholesterol molecules, resulting in plaque. Homocysteine and interleukin-6 either cause or are involved with the inflammatory process. Each one of those biological sub-processes is a component of the total disease. The disease “needs” each one of those components to exist – but how much the disease is dependent on each sub-process differs from process to process and from person to person.

Milestones in Medicine

Above: In 1928, Sir Alexander Fleming (1881 –1955) a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the antibiotic substance penicillin.

Left: Spores on the conidiophores of the fungus Penicillium notatum. These fungi are the source of the antibiotic Penicillin.

Some sub-processes are “10% essential” for the disease. Other processes may carry 5%, or 20% or 50% or 80% of the responsibility. To alter the course of the disease, the subprocesses must be affected. They must be decreased, or disrupted, or enhanced, or regulated. The action of altering the subprocess is called pathway modulation. Pathway modulation is the face of 22nd century medicine. The good news is that this is nothing new.

Medicine has been aware of the compositional nature of disease practically since medicine became a modern science. In fact, this is the basis upon which new drugs are designed: The processes that make up the disease are mapped and a drug is formulated to modulate the sub-processes deemed most crucial for the existence of the disease. But even more importantly, all the drugs we already have on hand – whether designed for it or not – actually modulate processes.

Practically all diseases form an “extended network” by such sharing of sub-processes.

That means that we have both the methodology to identify those sub-processes as well as many, many drugs that efficiently modulate specific sub-processes.

A second piece of crucial good news is the fact that almost all chronic diseases actually “share” sub-process with many other diseases and conditions. Prostate cancer, lung cancer and arthritis share an inflammation process caused by an enzyme called COX-2. Macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, colon cancer, and lung cancer all share a common process where too many



blood vessels are created. AIDS, inflammatory bowel disease, and ovarian cancer share an over proliferation of a “guardian protein” called NFkB. Normal NFkB helps regulate the body’s immune system. Overabundance of NFkB causes inflammatory and cancerous processes. Strokes, coughing, prostate cancer, and lung cancer all share an overproduction of a protein called bradykinin. Bradykinin dilates blood vessels and naturally lowers blood pressure. After a stroke, the overabundance of bradykinin causes an inflammation that results in irreparable damage to the brain, and death. The same bradykinin also causes the cough reflex and feeds the cancer process. Practically all diseases form an “extended network” by such sharing of sub-processes. Milestones in Medicine

Above: French neurologist and surgeon Henri Laborit (1914-1995) discovered in 1952 some of the earliest known tranquilizing drugs, including chlorpromazine. The effect of this drug in emptying psychiatric hospitals has been compared to that of penicillin and infectious diseases.

Left: “The Cure of Folly”, by Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch c. 1450 – 1516.

The meaning of this – when you throw the computer into the mix – is nothing short of staggering.

The Age of Individualized Medicine Research medicine continues to map the inner working of disease, identifying subprocesses and the compounds that will disrupt them, to the tune of over 40,000 published reports a week.

Until now this meant that “we know too much.” First, because no doctor on earth has the time to look at any more than a few reports a week – if that. And second, because the pharmaceutical companies, the conduit to practical medicine, will only touch that which is commercially viable. But the meaning of all this “superfluous” knowledge changes radically the minute we depart from the old, 20th century diseasespecific approach and enter the age of subprocess approach. Instead of trying to treat a complicated disease with a single, crude blow of a sledgehammer, we now can concentrate on dealing with specific sub-processes of the disease. In place of one-drug-per-condition we now have a choice of ten or more subconditions with hundreds of proven drugs to choose from.

We can now begin to “choke off” the disease with far gentler means from within.

The result is medicine that is exponentially more efficient, safe, and inexpensive. Instead of poisoning the



patients by pounding diseases with ever more powerful drugs, we can now begin to “choke off” the disease with far gentler means from within. In fact, when we open up the bank of knowledge that research medicine has stashed away, we come up with some stunning revelations and treatments that were always there but we never saw them. For instance:

Milestones in Medicine Despite erroneous theories about what causes disease, new sewage disposal and water supply systems in the 1800s revolutionized public health in Europe.

Above: Sir Edwin Chadwick (1800–1890) an English social reformer who introduced the most dramatic improvement in the public health. He was a commissioner of the Metropolitan Commission of Sewers in London from 1848 to 1849 and commissioner of the General Board of Health from its establishment in 1848 to 1854.

Left: The foundations for a London sewer running 20 feet below the surface of the Essex marshes.

Suddenly, we find that a very efficient chemotherapeutic treatment for cancers of the breast, lung, prostate, ovaries, brain, and lymphomas, to name but a few is … a safe, non-toxic cough suppressant called Noscapine! Noscapine has also demonstrated outstanding clinical effectiveness in reducing the death rate from strokes. Additional potential clinical applications include reversal of morphine-induced respiratory depression, and potentiation of the pain-relieving effect of morphine by up to threefold! This is no miracle or old-wives’ tale – this is pure, sensible scientific knowledge breaking loose of the old, 20th century disease-specific mold. Noscapine has been known and used since the 1880’s!

In-depth studies of Noscapine and its anticancer properties have been going on for quite some time in quite a few centers in the world, most notably since 1999 at the Emory University Medical School. The old, 20th century medicine left this very promising treatment undeveloped mainly because Noscapine is not patentable. It’s easy to be cynical about such reasoning. But reality is that any pharmaceutical company that would have undertaken the cost of FDA-certifying Noscapine for cancer treatment would have stood almost no chance of ever recouping its expenses because anyone can sell Noscapine. But with the advent of the new, 21st century networking capabilities, the news of the trial tests and positive results achieved with Noscapine has reached many treating physicians who use it on their own – with startling results. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. A mere harbinger of much grander things to come.

The MedInsight Project We already know that diseases form a network by the fact they share identical subprocesses. As a result, we now have a huge body of knowledge of options to modulate those



processes – with more knowledge coming out of research centers every day. We also have a very large collection of drugs that can do many things – many more, in fact, than they were initially approved for. (Noscapine is currently FDA approved only as a cough suppressant.) And – we have a body of patients who, thanks in large part to advertising campaigns for drugs, have learned to become proactive. They demand their doctors pay attention to information they bring in – and in full, 50% of the cases, doctors follow that direction.

Milestones in Medicine Over the past few decades, computers have exploded into our lives and changed them forever. From decoding the genome to seeing our body and its functions in three dimensions, computers have changed the way we heal.

Above: The first computer: Hollerith tabulator and sorter box, invented by Herman Hollerith and used in the 1890 United States census.

Left: Claudia Mitchell demonstrates the functionality of her computerized thoughtcontrolled 'bionic arm' during a news conference on September 14, 2006 in Washington, DC.

We also have doctors who are increasingly more open to make “unofficial” ex-indication use of drugs (use the drugs for conditions other than those indicated by the FDA license). Almost all the puzzle-pieces needed to institute the individualized, sub-processtargeted medicine revolution are in place. Just one last piece is missing: A system that will bring it all together. A system that will not only contain the vast pool of knowledge of medical research worldwide but will also process it and make it instantly usable for any physician and patient. That system is called The MedInsight


The MedInsight Project is an international nonprofit effort that will supply medicine with the missing link it needs to make the quantum leap into becoming what otherwise would take 100 years to achieve – if ever! The MedInsight Project is comprised of a number of professional research teams. Each team will be dedicated to one specific area of medicine – heart, cancer, Almost all the diabetes, and so on. puzzle-pieces Each team will be “researching the needed to research” of their institute the area of expertise.

individualized, sub-processtargeted medicine revolution are in place.

In all, over 2,000,000 articles a year will be studied in depth, their contents analyzed and processed, mapped, and indexed into consumer-ready state, available for immediate use. The culled knowledge will be arranged in a perpetually-updating index system that will catalogue the information along three axes: diseases, sub-processes, and drugs. Any patient or doctor in the world will be able to log on and start his or her quest for individualized treatment options simply by typing the name of the disease.



The Disease Screen will contain all the current data and latest research papers published about the disease. A single “click” will reveal all the subprocesses known to make up that disease. Clicking on a sub-process will reveal every disease that shares the sub-process… … and all the drugs that effectively modulate it. The results will be medicine that is almost endlessly flexible in adapting itself to the individual nature of any patient.

Different Strokes for Different Folks Milestones in Medicine The advent of the Internet enabled the establishment of MedInsight in 2006, giving every doctor and patient in the world access to untapped treasures of medical research. The use of MedInsight by physicians will, in turn, supply efficient medical discoveries with the combined clinical proof they need to enter mainstream medical protocol. MedInsight-processed knowledge will make individualized medicine possible, ushering a new dawn of health.

Instead of trying to treat the entire condition with one thunderous, side-effectladen shot, doctors will be able to map out a strategy of a dozen little things they can do to gently pull threads, as it were, out of a disease, causing it to dissolve and disintegrate. The reason why this approach promises to be much more efficient than anything we’ve seen before is because of the singular nature of every patient. Though a disease, in general, will show mostly the same sub-processes in everyone, the “importance” of any sub-process to the overall disease varies from one person to another.

The same process that is, say, “5% responsible” in patient A’s heart disease may actually be 50% or 60% responsible for it in patient B! That means that when a doctor will give a drug that modulates that specific subprocess to these two patients, the patient A will experience almost no change while patient B will become virtually free of his heart disease for life! Further micro-targeting other sub-processes of heart disease will enable the doctor to keep on “pulling processes out” of the Patient A will equation of the experience disease for patient A.

almost no change while patient B will become virtually free of his heart disease for life!

And when the subprocess that holds the paramount responsibility in patient A’s disease is successfully modulated, he or she, too, will become free of the disease.

Affordable Health Individualized sub-process targeted medicine will also make treatment of chronic diseases far less expensive, too. The collection of proven drugs and


therapies we already have and understand is immense. When we shift to microtargeting of sub-processes, those solutions can not only efficiently treat many conditions currently considered to be “dead ends” – the treatments will be much less expensive. There will be very limited need to develop bigger “cluster bomb” drugs that drive up the cost of medicine beyond the reach of most people.

Intellectual Independence The pharmaceutical companies who know about The MedInsight Project were quick to offer funding and sponsorship – only to be turned down.

Once adjusted, drug companies will be big winners from the individualized subprocess medicine revolution – but being forced to do things differently is sure to arouse resistance. The temptation to tamper will be almost irresistible. This is why it’s crucial for MedInsight to be a project for the people, by the people. MedInsight is a non-profit entity that shall forever remain free to all mankind.

The project must take the populist road to funding because of the profound effect MedInsight’s use will have on the drug industry.

An intellectually-independent MedInsight will give every doctor on earth his or her own multi-million dollar research team. This will enable him or her to administer super-efficient, gentle individualized medicine to every single patient in the world.

Pharmaceutical companies will still be able to do what they do best – which is making and selling drugs – but new ways of thinking will have to be adopted.

It is the dawn of a whole new world of medicine.

This, unfortunately, is an absolute must.

Few people realize what huge gambles the development of new hyper-expensive powerful drugs present to the pharmaceutical companies – and how many of those gambles they lose!


With a growing majority of conditions efficiently treated by existing drugs, those funds will become free both to tackle problems for which we have no solution yet, as well as for the development of more efficient and ever gentler “micro-drugs.”

Welcome to the Age of Individualized Medicine: 23

The following are actual clinical cases in which individualized medicine was practiced, utilizing MedInsight researched and processed data. These cases offer a mere glimpse into what suddenly becomes possible when we mine the buried knowledge treasures of scientific medical research, unleashing the explosive healing capabilities of that which is already known. Soon, with MedInsight, every man, woman and child in the world will have free and unlimited access to this kind of medicine.



Individualized Medicine in Action

1. Liver Cancer In 2002, Yam Haya was diagnosed with cancer of the liver (hepatoblastoma) as a fetus before she was born. After delivery by c-section, she weighed 5.5 pounds (2.5 kg) – of which close to one-fifth was a 6-inch (15-cm) tumor.

Mainstream Disease-Specific Treatment: Regular treatments involve surgery where possible, either followed or preceded by aggressive chemotherapy. The chances of survival in infants are extremely low. Indeed, one expert oncologist advised that Yam Haya should be allowed to die without subjecting her to the agonies of treatment. In the few cases where children with such cancers survive, the chemotherapy usually causes deafness as well as neurological damage. Yam’s parents were asked to sign that they understood this before Yam Haya received her first chemotherapy session. “As I have explained to the parents, based on my extensive medical experience, with any medical therapy known today this case is hopeless. The chances of achieving a complete or partial cure are virtually zero.” Professor Yoav Horn M.D. Chief Department of Oncology Assaf Harofe Medical Center, Zrifin, Israel

Individualized Treatment: Local doctors did not consider surgery an option. Yam Haya was given chemotherapy on her 8th day of life and almost died from infections caused by it. At this point her parents left the hospital and went looking for other options. MedInsight research, however, uncovered evidence that surgery was Yam’s only chance of survival while chemotherapy would be useless in her case. Dr Jean C. Emond, a world-renowned pediatric surgeon in New York’s Columbia Presbyterian

Hospital agreed to operate, on MedInsight’s recommendation. Dr. Emond managed to remove the tumor but could not obtain clean margins (removal of healthy tissue around the place of the tumor to ensure no cancer cells were left). Instead of chemotherapy, baby Yam Haya was given OGF for two months post surgery, with her parents injecting the baby with the drug twice daily. OGF is a substance produced by the body that inhibits the division of cancer cells. Once the tumor marker had dropped to normal non-cancerous level, treatment was switched to oral low-dose Naltrexone®, which stimulates the body’s own production of OGF. Yam Haya also received Noscapine. MedInsight research found this non-addictive cough medicine derived from opium that was discovered at Emory University in 1998 to have anticancer effects at high doses. Noscapine works in the same fashion as certain chemotherapy drugs, but without the side effects or toxicities. Yam Haya was also given AHCC. AHCC, an extract of a Japanese medicinal mushroom, is a biological-response modifier. It has been shown in repeated Japanese studies of patients with liver cancer to increase the body's NK (Natural Killer) – the white blood cells that destroy virally infected cells, cancer, bacteria, parasites and fungi. Again, AHCC has no side effects at dosage used. Rounding out Yam’s treatment was bovine-source Colostrum. Studies from Finland of this classic mother’s-milk ingredient have shown its ability to increase the body's antibody levels which fight diseases. It was given in this case to help build up the immune system. Naturally, Colostrum is as safe and side effect-free as mother’s milk.

Epilogue: Yam Haya is a well and healthy child, nearing her 5th birthday. There has been no recurrence of the cancer.



Individualized Medicine in Action

2. Metastatic Breast Cancer Mrs. A. was 54 years old in 2002 when she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic breast cancer is incurable, with a maximum life expectancy of about 24 months. Death from metastatic breast cancer is very painful, with patients often bedridden for much of the time due to untreatable fractures and breakages of bones. “As the one who referred Mrs. A. to MedInsight’s founder for consultation, I am especially gratified by the incredible results which Mrs. A. has achieved. Thankfully, this has enabled her to continue to be part of our team at the Ministry of Health, and my sincere hope is that all cancer patients should be able to avail themselves of such successful treatment approaches.” Mrs. Simcha Book Project Manager Health Information Services State of Israel Ministry of Health


Mainstream Disease-Specific Treatment: The treatment for metastatic breast cancer that today’s disease-specific medicine employs is chemotherapy to shrink tumors. The side effects of chemotherapy are nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, neurological symptoms, low blood counts, life-threatening infections and death. As the pain inevitably intensifies, patients receive increasing doses of opiates. The opiates cause constipation and loss of lucidity. As resistance sets in, dosages need to be raised constantly.

Individualized Treatment: Instead of receiving the usual treatment, Mrs. A.

has received individualized, sub-process treatment. The individualized treatment of Mrs. A. included four conventional drugs – none of which is a part of “accepted protocol” treatment of cancer. The first targeted treatment she received is called OGF (Opioid Growth Factor). OGF is a substance that is produced by the body itself to slow the division rate of cancer cells. Its administration enables the body, as well as other agents, to effectively attack the cancer. It has very minor side effects. The second treatment was the drug Noscapine. Noscapine is a cough medicine derived from opium. In 1998, it was discovered at Emory University to have anticancer effects at high doses. It works in the same fashion as certain chemotherapy drugs, but without the side effects or toxicities. The third drug used in the treatment of Mrs. A. was Dipyridamole®. Dipyridamole® inhibits the formation of blood clots. It, too, is an old drug approved in the 1960's for treating angina and cardiovascular disease. Dipyridamole® prevents platelets from sticking together to form clots. Extensive laboratory work has shown Dipyridamole ® to have anticancer activity.

Possible side effects of Dipyridamole® are transient headaches and digestive disturbances that are negligible in comparison to chemotherapy and safe for long-term use. The last drug in Mrs. A.’s individualized treatment was Heparin®. Low-Molecular Weight Heparin® (LMWH) is a drug used to break down clots and prevent reformation of clots after the treatment. Numerous reports have shown a positive effect on prolongation of survival in cancer patients, via several mechanisms. Heparin® has recently been shown to be a direct cytotoxic (i.e., it kills cancer cells like chemotherapy does). Heparin ® is a generally safe drug, with rare, reversible bleeding episodes (less than 1%). Longterm use can contribute to osteoporosis unless calcium and vitamin D are taken regularly.

Epilogue: Five years later, Mrs. A. is alive and well. Her disease is in remission and she continues to lead an active lifestyle, going to work daily. While such rare remissions are known to be possible, Mrs. A. – and other patients – are achieving them with none of the side effects experienced by cancer patients who go through today’s disease-specific “normal” cancer treatment protocol.

Notes: The anticancer properties of Noscapine have been known for a while and individual doctors around the world have been using it successfully. Since Noscapine is non-patentable, no pharmaceutical company was going to invest the funds necessary to approve it for cancer treatment. Currently Emory University has managed to patent a synthetic form of Noscapine for cancer and this will be entering clinical trials in the coming years. Thousands of drugs, procedures and treatments, many startlingly beneficial, form the hidden treasures of the medical world, destined never to make it to “the street.” The general public is denied access to them for reasons totally unrelated to effectiveness. The introduction into clinical use of extraordinary drugs and treatments for cancer such as OGF, Noscapine, Dipyridamole®, and Heparin® is one of the prime benefits of the MedInsight system. Access to those discoveries allows doctors to think of diseases as a set of sub-processes instead of a single condition to be treated. This ushers in the age of individualized medicine that’s tailor-made to fit the individual patient.



Individualized Medicine in Action


“These results are practically unheard of in metastatic pancreatic cancer. They demonstrate the enormous hidden potential which exists for treating such cases using an approach which integrates the masses of widely-unpublicized medical knowledge and research.” Dr. Etienne Callebout M.D. Specialist in Oncology Harley Street, London, United Kingdom


Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer

Radiation is used in an attempt to shrink tumors which are causing pain. The side effects of radiation are burns, fibrosis, organ damage, low blood counts and life-threatening infections.

Pancreatic cancer is considered one of the speediest killer cancers known. The disease is incurable with an average 3-month survival rate once it has metastasized. Patients are usually sent to hospice very quickly since the pain is so devastatingly debilitating.

Narcotics are administered for pain. Their side effects include constipation and loss of mental lucidity. The dosages of the narcotics must constantly be raised as resistance sets in.

Mrs. P.W., a 79-year-old Holocaust survivor, was diagnosed with metastatic pancreatic cancer in August 2006. The cancer had spread to the liver and vascular system, causing the patient severe agony. Mrs. P.W. was put on numerous anti-pain medications which offered little relief. She experienced severe weight loss.

Mainstream Disease-Specific Treatment: The usual disease-specific treatment for pancreatic cancer includes three agents: Chemotherapy is administered in an attempt to shrink the tumor for a short while. The side effects of chemotherapy are nausea, vomiting, hair loss, fatigue, neurological symptoms, low blood counts, life threatening infections and death.

Individualized Treatment: Extensive MedInsight research has revealed a number of little-known agents. These were utilized to treat Mrs. P.W. The first was celiac plexus block, a procedure of injecting alcohol into the nerve near the pancreas. Multiple sources reveal that celiac block often gets rid of most of the pain of pancreatic cancer! According to Dr. Peter Mueller of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, “celiac plexus block is an effective tool for pain management that has been traditionally overlooked. … Complications are infrequent. After this procedure, patients with cancer generally report partial or complete symptomatic pain relief for the remainder of their lives.” Next Mrs. P.W. was administered OGF infusions.

OGF is a substance produced by the body that slows the division rate of cancer cells, thus enabling the body and/or other agents to effectively attack the cancer. OGF has been shown in a clinical trial at Penn State University to double survival time in pancreatic cancer patients. There are no side effects to OGF at doses used. The third agent was oral administration of Imiquimod®. Imiquimod® is a cancer drug used for treating skin cancer. MedInsight research revealed that studies show Imiquimod® increases the receptors for OGF. This can potentiate the effect of OGF exponentially, making it far more effective than when administered alone. There are no side effects to Imiquimod® at the dosages used. Mrs. P.W. was also given Tarceva®, a biological drug developed to treat lung cancer. The drug is used at a very low dose since MedInsight has identified a way to greatly increase its absorption. Possible side effects of Tarceva® in the dosages used include only skin rash and transient diarrhea. Omegaven® (intravenous fish-oil infusion) was introduced because MedInsight research indicated clinical trials that show it to reverse weight loss in pancreatic cancer patients. Omegaven® has no

side effects whatsoever. Antabuse®, a 60-year-old drug used to prevent alcohol-abuse, was added at a low dose since it has been revealed to have potent anticancer effect in experimental studies as well as in a number of case reports. While Antabuse® is designed to have horrible side effects if taken with alcohol, there are none when taken otherwise. Lastly, Thioctic Acid infusions were introduced. Thioctic Acid is a drug used in Europe as a treatment for some complications of diabetes. It is a very powerful antioxidant and liver regenerator. U.S. case reports have shown a few cases of longterm survival in pancreatic cancer patients using it. (Infusions must be administered gradually as too quick infusions of Thioctic Acid result in hypoglycemia.)

Epilogue: Mrs. P.W. is alive and well over one year after commencing individualized treatment. She is totally free of pain. The patient regained her preailment weight and kept it stable. She has not required even one day of hospitalization! Mrs. P.W. has been able to participate in her grandchild's wedding.



Individualized Medicine in Action


"… But doctors also acknowledge that the treatments can be difficult. The drugs cost $1,000 a month (in the U.S.) and must be given by injection – daily, every other day or once a week, depending on the drug. The course of treatment is indefinite, probably lifelong. The interferons can cause flu-like fever, chills and aches, and pain and swelling at the injection site. For all that trouble, the drugs do not cure the disease and may not make people feel better."

Multiple Sclerosis

Individualized Treatment:

In 1989 A. was 28 when he was diagnosed with MS. The deterioration in his condition was gradual with acute attacks.

MedInsight-uncovered therapies were administered to A. during an especially acute attack.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an incurable autoimmune disease. The manifestations of MS are muscle weakness that causes difficulty walking, as well as loss of coordination or balance, numbness, feelings of "pins and needles," or other abnormal sensations.

“I am delighted that my patient has achieved such fantastic results in such a short time period, utilizing what is essentially a non-toxic therapy. I have since used this same therapy in other patients with excellent results.” Dimitrios Karussis, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine, Department of Neurology Hadassah University Hospital Jerusalem, Israel


Patients with MS also have problems with vision (including blurred or double vision), fatigue, muscle stiffness, tremors (shaking), paralysis, pain, vertigo (dizziness, light-headedness), and difficulty with speech and/or swallowing. They often experience loss of bowel or bladder control, constipation and sexual problems, as well as changes in their ability to think clearly.

Mainstream Disease-Specific Treatment: Current mainstream treatment for MS includes the drugs Betaseron®, Avonex® and Copaxone®. The efficacy of those drugs is summed up rather bluntly by this excerpt from a New York Times article:

The therapy suggested was the drug Naltrexone®, an anti-opiate-addiction drug. Low dose of Naltrexone®, less than 5% of the dose used to treat drug addiction, is effective in inducing remission in many autoimmune diseases. It does so by raising the body's endorphin levels which regulate the immune system. Side effects of Naltrexone® are uncommon and include transient, mild insomnia which lasts a few days. (This effect is achieved only with low dose use. Regular dose used for treatment of addiction would actually make MS much worse!) His doctor, who was present during the attack, ordered A. hospitalized on the spot despite having agreed to commence the MedInsight-suggested protocol. A., however, began feeling better within 6 hours of taking the Naltrexone® and avoided the need for hospitalization.

Epilogue: Treatment is continuing presently. The MS went into remission. The limping which had been going on for 4 years has disappeared. The patient feels more awake and alert than he had since diagnosis.


Individualized Medicine in Action

5. Crohn’s Disease

of which are used to suppress immunity in an attempt to suppress the inflammation.

MedInsight-unveiled treatment was used on a group of 17 patients, suffering moderate to severe Crohn's disease for which regular immune suppressing therapies proved inefficient. Their ages ranged from 23 – 63.

Individualized Treatment:

Crohn’s disease is considered an incurable and extremely debilitating disease in which a hypersensitized immune system causes inflammation of the gastrointestinal system.

“This is a novel, yet effective approach, to treating a common disease.” Jill P. Smith, M.D. Professor of Medicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology Hershey Medical Center, Penn State University Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA

Major symptoms of Crohn’s disease include abdominal pain, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, intestinal blockage and malabsorption. Patients suffer from weight loss and fistulas, often necessitating recurrent surgeries which result in short bowel syndrome, sometimes requiring intravenous feeding for life.

Mainstream Disease-Specific Treatment: Common, disease-specific treatment for Crohn’s disease includes a variety of drugs such as steroids, Remicade®, Methotrexate® and Cyclosporine®, all

MedInsight uncovered that the same anti-addiction drug Naltrexone® that was so successful in treating MS was equally efficient in treating the underlying sub-processes of Crohn’s disease. Naltrexone ® does this by raising the body's endorphin levels which regulate the immune system. Like in MS, this effect is only achieved with low dose use. Regular dose which is used for treatment of addiction actually would make the condition much worse. The group of patients experienced an 89% response rate and 67% of the group entered remission. The study of the MedInsight-recommended therapy was conducted by Dr. Jill Smith, Professor of Medicine at Hershey Medical Center of Penn State University. Results of the study were published in the prestigious medical journal American Journal of Gastroenterology.


Medical Advisory Board Ian S. Zagon, Ph.D. Chairman Distinguished Professor Hershey Medical Center, Penn State University Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA

Israel Barken, M.D., FACS

Patricia McLaughlin, Ph.D.

Clinical Professor, Department of Urology University of California, San Diego La Jolla, California, USA

Professor, Neural and Behavioral Sciences Hershey Medical Center, Penn State University Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA


Peter L. Pedersen, Ph.D.

Pinero House Harley Street London, United Kingdom

Professor, Biological Chemistry Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Baltimore, Maryland, USA



Raymond H. Chang, M.D., FACP

Theodore A. Slotkin, Ph.D.

Medical Director Meridian Medical Group New York, New York, USA

Professor, Pharmacology, Psychiatry and Neurobiology Duke University Medical Center Durham, North Carolina, USA



Olga V. Galkina-Taylor, Ph.D.

Jill P. Smith, M.D.

Research Director Neuro-Lab Ltd Bournemouth, United Kingdom

Professor of Medicine, Gastroenterology and Hepatology Hershey Medical Center, Penn State University Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA



David Goldenberg, M.D.

David E. Stein, M.D., FACS

Director of Head and Neck Surgery Hershey Medical Center, Penn State University Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA

Chief, Division of Colorectal Surgery Hahnemann University Hospital Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA



Steven R. Goodman, Ph.D.

Robert A. Wild, M.D., Ph.D.

Professor, Molecular and Cell Biology Editor-in-Chief, Experimental Biology and Medicine University of Texas at Dallas Richardson, Texas, USA

Professor of Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma University Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA


Dimitrios Karussis, M.D., Ph.D. Professor of Medicine, Department of Neurology Hadassah University Hospital Jerusalem, Israel 32


Etienne Callebout, M.D.


Joseph Yanai, Ph.D. Professor, Anatomy and Cell Biology The Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School Jerusalem, Israel

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Tel: +1-443-927-7755 Fax: +1-443-927-7756

MedInsight Research Institute is a registered US 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and a registered UK charity whose mission is to save lives and ease suffering.

The MedInsight Project

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