Barbara Bassett is a professional executive assistant, a freelance writer, and former TV and radio news writer. Bitten by the TV news bug at 15 while watching the Sacramento ABC affiliate, KOVR-TV, Barbara spent the late 70’s and early 80’s working as their news writing intern, producing copy for on-air broadcasts. She also wrote morning news for Sacramento’s country station, KRAK Radio. While living in Los Angeles, Barbara worked as a volunteer for AIDS Project Los Angeles and Project Angel Food in Media Coordination, which helped celebrities and media connect for photographs, interviews or any pre-arranged media opportunity. She also wrote press releases and advertising copy. Prior to her media history, Barbara won statewide second place scholastic awards for feature writing while on the high school newspaper and yearbook, and was voted Journalist of the Year at her high school in Sacramento. Family obligations eventually ended a professional pursuit of a true, down and dirty journalism career, but the writing gene survived. Barbara writes short stories and is currently writing a book of humorous life experiences, which she hopes to have published. A professional executive assistant for many years, Barbara has been responsible for keeping high-level executive lives on track, managing both their professional and personal businesses. Barbara makes her home in Northern California with her dogs Trixie, Minnie and Jeep who make her an official “crazy dog lady”. Contact information: 916-508-8092 E: LinkedIn: