Smith's Ideal Book of Babies Woollies: 33 designs in knitting and crochet (Book 2)

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AMY E. SMITH and DORA E. SMITH k T h e s e Books may be obtained direct from Box 1 8 8 8 G . P . O . Melbourne C . I . Vic

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SMITHS' Ideal Book of


33 D E S I G N S AND




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1931 W h o l l y set up and printed in Australia by Jenkin, Buxton 6- Co. Pty. Ltd., 497-9 Collins Street, Melbourne






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G.P.O. Melbourne, 'Victoria.




No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.

1—"Dora" Long Coat, Crochet 2—"Rose" Crochet Jacket 3—"Chick-a-Biddys" Knitted Coat 4—"Nanna" Matinee Jacket 5—"Pansy" Knitted Jacket 6—"Chick-a-Biddy's" Knitted Dress .... 7—"Nanna" Knitted Dress 8—"Rose" Crochet Dress 9—"Amy" Knitted Shawl 10—"Rose" Crochet Pram Cover 11—"Alfred" Knitted Brushed Coat 12—"Alfred" Knitted Brushed Overalls ... 13—"Geojge" Knitted Jumper ".. . 14—"George" Knitted Knickers 15—"Daisy" Knitted Bonnet 16—"Alfred" Knitted Brushed Bonnet ... 17—"Dora" Crochct Bonnet 18—"Tandy" Boy's Knitted Hat 19—"Evelyn" Boy's Crochet Hat 20—"Billie" Boy's Knitted Hat 21—"Daisy" Knitted Bootees 22—"Amy" Knitted Bootees 23—"Evelyn" Crochet Bootees 24—"Tandy" Knitted Socks 25—"Evelyn" Crochet Gloves 26—Silk Crochet Shoes 27—Silk Crochet Bib 28—Knitted Gaiters 29—Crochet Vest 30—"Amy" Knitted Vest 31—Knitted Wrap-over Vest 32—"Amy" Knitted Modesties 33—"Daisy" Knitted Modesties

5 6 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 21 21 23 23 24 25 25 26 27 27 28 29 30 31 31 32 32 33 34 34 35 3G

Many of the "SETS" are completed in "SMITH'S Ideal Book of BABIES' WOOLIES," No. I,



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No. 1.


MATERIALS—6 ozs. Shetland wool; fine bone crochet hook. MEASUREMENTS—Length from top of shoulder, 16 in. Width all round underarm, 23 in. Width all round lower edge, 44 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 6 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—Tr.—treble; ch.—chain; d.c.—double crochet; —long treble; st.—stitch; s.s.—slip stitch. Work at a tension to produce the trebles a little over l-ineh in height. Make 74 ch., turn and make 1 tr. in 6th st. from hook, then 1 ch. 1 tr. in each alternate ch. st. (34 holes), turn with 2 ch. and make 1 d.c. in hole and 1 d.c. on each tr. to end of row, 2 ch., turn. YOKE.—1st Row—1 d.c. in each d.c. of previous row, taking up back thread only, except in 16th, 22nd, 48th and 54th sts., in which make 3 d.c. (taken through both threads); these increases form armholes. Repeat this row 23 times more, making 12 ridges. Next Row.—Work as usual to centre of first increase, 4 ch. join to centre of next increase, and work across back, 4 ch., join to last increase, and work to end, 7 ch. turn. Next Row—1 in 2nd d.c,, * 1 ch., miss 1 d.c., 1 in next d.c., repeat from * to end, 2 ch. turn. Next Row—1 d.c. in each st. to end. PATTERN.—1st Row—3 ch. 3 tr. in 1st d.c., * miss 1 d.c., 1 d.c. in next, 3 ch., 5 tr. in next d.c., repeat from * ending row with 1 d.c. 2nd Row—3 ch., 3 tr. in d.c., * 1 d.c. in last st. of shell (the st. before the 3 ch. of previous row), 3 ch., 5 tr. into (I.e., repeat from * to end of row, ending with d.c. Repeat this row until skirt measures 12 in. from row of holes (or desired length). Break off wool. SLEEVES.—Join wool on at bottom of d.c. at armhole, and work round in pattern to other edge of d.c., turn (the sleeves are worked backwards and forwards, and sown together before cuff is worked), continue in pattern till sleeve measures 4 in. Break off wool, sew sleeve together, join wool on again at bottom of sleeve, and put * 3 d.c. on each group of 5 tr., miss the 3 ch., repeat from * right round, work 8 more rounds of d.c., picking up both threads. Work round edge same as round coat.

CAPE—Begin at neck, and join wool to first St., 3 ch., 3 tr. into 1st St., * 1 d.c. in next St., 3 ch. 5 tr. into next St., repeat from * to end, ending with d.c., turn and continue in pattern until cape is 4 in. deep. Then the following edge is worked round entire coat, cape and cuffs of coat:— EDGE.—Join wool on and make, * 1 d.c. miss about i in., 12 into next st., miss about Jin., and repeat from *. 2nd Row—1 tr. with 1 ch. between on each, repeat. 3rd Row—With silk, * 4 tr. on tr., 1 d.c. on next tr., repeat from *. Join wool on at neck edge, and work, 3 tr., miss about 1 in., 1 d.c. in next St., miss 1 in., and repeat right across, turn 1 tr. with 1 ch. between each st. to end. With silk work picots of 3 ch. across.

No. 2.


MATERIALS.—3 ozs. 2-ply super-fingering wool; fine bone crochet hook; silk to finish. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 13 in. Width all round underarm, 19 in. Width all round lower edge, 25 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 5J in. ABBREVIATIONS.—Ch.—chain; tr. treble; d.c—double crochet; st. —stitch. Work at a tension to produce the trebles a little over l-inch in height. THE SKIRT.—Commence by making a chain 26 in. long, turn, and into 4th ch. from hook make 2 tr., * miss 2 ch., 1 d.c. in next, miss 2 ch., 5 tr. in next, repeat from * to end of chain, ending with 1 d.c. 3 ch. turn. 2nd Row—2 tr. on d.c. below, * 1 d.c. on top of 5 tr., 5 tr. on d.c., repeat from *, ending row with d.c. Repeat this last row until skirt measures 7 in. from beginning. Break off wool. THE YOKE.—Make a chain 9 in. long, and work in same way as skirt till work measures 3 | in. from beginning. Next Row—Work to within 2 in. of centre, turn and work backwards and forwards for 4 rows, then at neck end make a chain 2 | in. long, turn and work backwards and forwards till front is same depth as back. Break off. Join wool on at other shoulder and work in same way. Break off. THE BELT.—Make 13 cli., turn 1 d.c. in 2nd ch. from hook, 1 d.c. in each of next eh. (11 d.c.), 1 ch., turn. 2nd Row—-11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 3rd „ —11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 4th „ —3 d.c., 5 ch., miss 5 d.c., 3 d.c., 1 ch., turn.

5tii Row—11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 6th „ —11 d.c., 1 ch., (urn. 7th „ —Same as 4th row. * Then work 8 more rows d.c., then 4th row again, then 4 rows d.c., then 4th row again, repeat from * till bolt is 18 in. long (that is, width all round lower edge of yoke), taking care to have both ends alike. With the silk crochet a row of shells of 7 trs., with 1 d.c. between evenly along each side of belt, leaving ends unworked. TO MAKE UP.—Sew belt to yoke, then sew on skirt, keeping fronts and centre of back plain, and putting the extra fulling under each armhole. SLEEVES.—Join wool on at underarm, and work round and round in pattern for a depth of 3£ in. CUFFS.—Work in same way as belt. Join wool on at neck, and work a row of holes:—1 tr., 1 ch., miss one st. With silk work shells of 7 trs. round entire jacket. Embroid pink roses, with green leaves, between each set of ribbon slots. Thread pink ribbon round neck, cuffs and waist.

No. 3.


MATERIALS.—3 ozs. 4-ply super-fingering wool in white; 1 oz. 4-ply in blue; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS—Length from top of shoulder, 11 in. Width all round underarm, 23 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 51 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; AV—white; B—blue. Work at a tension to produce S stitches to the inch. With the white wool commence on the lower edge of the back by casting on 77 st., and knit 22 rows in stocking-st. 23rd Row—Kl, * Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with Kl. Knit the next 6 rows in stocking-st., then join on the blue wool. 30th Row—Knit 6W, * IB, 2W, 3B, 12W, repeat from * twice. IB, 2W, 3B, 11W. 31st Row—Purl 13 W, * IB, 3W, IB, 13W, repeat from * twice, IB, 3W, IB, 5W. 32nd Row—Knit 6W, * IB, 2W, IB, 14W. repeat from * twice, IB, 2W, IB, 13 W. 33rd Row—Purl 12W, * 5B, 13W, repeat from * twice, 5B, 6W. 34th Row—Knit 5W, * 7B, 11W, repeat from * twice, 7B, 11W. 35th Row—Purl 10W, * 9B, 9W, repeat from * twice, 9B, 4W. 36th Row—Knit 4W, * 3B, 4W, 3B, 8W, repeat from * twice, 3B, 4W, 3B, 9W.

37th Row—Purl 9W, * 26, 1W, 8B, 7W, repeat from * twice, 2B, iW, 8B, 3W. 38th Row—Knit 3W, * 8B, 1W, 3B, GW, repeat from * twice, 8B, 1W, 3B, 8W. 39th Row—Purl 8W, * 12B, 6W, repeat from * twice, 12B, 3AV. 40th Row—Knit GW, * 9B, 9W, repeat from * twice, 9B, 8W. 41st Row—Purl 7W, * 2B, 1W, 3B, 12W, repeat from * twice, 2B, 1W, 3B, 10W. 42nd Row—Knit 10W, * 5B, 13W, repeat from * twice, 5B, 8W. 43rd Row—Purl 19W, * 3B, 15W, repeat from * twice, 3B, 11W. Now break off the blue wool, and continue knitting in stocking-st. until work measures 101 in. from row of holes. Next Row—K33, cast off 11 St., K33 (continue over one shoulder at a time). Now knit 6 more rows, then at neck end cast on 11 sts. (44 sts.). Next Row—Knit. Next Row—P36, K8. Next Row—Knit. Repeat these last 2 rows (taking care to keep the garter-st. border down front) till front measures same as back, down as far as chicks' heads. Then join on the blue wool, and work as follows: — CHICKS.—1st Row—Knit 13W, 3B, 15W, 3B, 10W. 2nd Row—Purl 9W, 5B, 13W, 5B, 4W, K8. 3rd „ —Knit 11W, 2B, 1W, 3B, 12W, 2B, 1W, 3B, 9W. 4th „ —Purl 5W, 9B, 9W, 9B, 4W, K8. 5th „ —Knit 12W, 12B, 6W, 12B, 2W. 6th „ —Purl 2W, 8B, 1W, 3B, 6W. 8B, 1W, 3B, 4W, K8. 7th „ —Knit 13W, 2B, 1W, 8B, 7W, 2B, 1W, 8B, 2W. 8th „ —Purl 3W, 3B, 4W, 3B. 8W, 3B, 4W, 3B. 5W, K8. 9th „ —Knit 14W, 9B, 9W, 9B, 3W. 10th „ —Purl 4W, 7B, 11W, 7B, 7W, K8. 11th „ —Knit 16W, 5B, 13W, 5B, 5W. 12th „ —Purl 5W, IB, 2W, IB, 14W, IB, 2W, IB, 9W, K8. 13th „ —Knit 17W, IB, 3W, IB, 13W, IB, 3W, IB, 4W. 14th „ —Purl 5W, IB, 2W, 3B, 12W, IB, 2W, 3B, 7W, K8. Break off blue. Now knit 6 rows stocking-st. (taking care to keep border right). Next Row—K1 * Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with Kl. Then 24 rows in stocking-st., leaving off border of 8 garter-st. (purling to end on purl side). Knit other front in same way. SLEEVE.—Cast on 50 sts. and knit 6 rows in stocking-st. 7th Row—Kl, * Ml. K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with Kl. Next 6 rows in stocking-st., then join on the blue wool. One row blue, one row white, and one row blue; continue in white until the sleeve measures 5 in. from row of holes. Cast off. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side, sew in sleeves, sew up side seams, turn up hem on the row of holes at bottom and on cuffs. Crochet a row of holes round neck; 1 r., 1 ch., miss 1 St., 1 tr. in next. With silk crochet picots of 3 ch.. up front, across neck and down other front. Thread ribbon at neck.

No. 4.


MATERIALS.—3 ozs. 3-ply super-fingering wool; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS—Length from top of shoulder, 10 in. Width all round underarm, 23 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 41 in. ABBREVIATIONS— K—knit; P—purl; tog—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Commence on the lower edge of the back by casting on 80 sts., and work 10 rows in garter-st. PATTERN.—1st Row—K4, * (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., repeat from * to last 4 sts., K4. 2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—K4, * K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., repeat from * to last 4 sts., K4. 4th Row—Knit. Repeat these 4 rows once more. 9th Row—K4, * (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., K8, repeat from * 3 times, then (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., . K4. 10th Row—Knit. 11th Row—K4, * K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next s t , K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K8, repeat from * 3 times, then K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K4. 12th Row—Knit. Knit from the 9tli to the 12th row, inclusive, until work measures 10 in. from beginning. Work has now to be divided for the neck. With the wrong side of the work towards you, K28 on to a spare needle, cast off the next 24 sts., and knit next 28 sts.; proceed on these last 28 sts. for 7 rows, then at neck end of work cast on 16 sts. (this commences front of coat). 1st Row—With wrong side of work towards you, knit plain. 2nd Row—K4, (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., K8, (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., K8, (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., K4. 3rd Row—Knit. 4th Row—K4, K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K8, K3 tog. (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K8, K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K4. Repeat these 4 rows for same depth as back, ending with 10 rows in garter-st. Cast off. Other side is worked ?P same way.

SLEEVE.—Cast on 48 sts., and work as for back (that is, starting at cnff end of sleeve), and work until work measures 4 in. from beginning. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side, sew in sleeves, sew up side seams. Round neck and sleeves crochet a row of holes: 1 tr., 1 ch., miss 1 st., 1 tr. in next. With silk crochet pioots of 3 ch. round entire coat and cuffs. Thread ribbon at neck and cuffs.

No. 5.


MATERIALS.—3 ozs. 3-ply Lady Betty vest wool; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 15 in. Width all round underarm, 22 in. Width all round lower edge, 33 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 4 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch; SI—slip one; pass SS over—pass slip stitch over. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Cast on 189 sts. and knit 10 rows in garter-st., then commence pattern. PATTERN.—1st Row—K8, * K2 tog., Ml, K3 tog., Ml, K5, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K7, repeat from *, ending with K8. 2nd Row—K8, * P13, K7, repeat from *, ending K8. 3rd Row—K8, * K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K7, repeat from *, ending with K8. 4th Row—As for 2nd row. 5th Row—K8, * K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K7, repeat from *, ending with K8. 6th Row—As for 2nd row. 7th Row—K8, * K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K7, repeat from *, ending with K8. 8th Row—As for 2nd row. 9th Row—K8, * K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., Ml, SI, K2 tog., pass SS over. Ml, K3, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K7, repeat from *, ending K8. 10th Row—As for 2nd row. Repeat these 10 rows 8 times more, then commence the yoke as follows:— YOKE—1st Row—K2, * K2 tog., Kl, repeat from * to within 2 sts. of end, K2 (128). 2nd Row—K8, P112, K8.

3rd Row—Kl, * wool twice' 6tet needle, K2 fog., repeat from *, ending row with Kl. 4th Row—K8, P112, K8, taking the wool twice over as one st. 5th Row—K33, cast off 5, K52, cast off 5, K33. 6th Row—K8, P13, K12. 7th Row—K12, K2 tog., Ml, K3 tog., Ml, K5, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K8. 8th Row—K8, PI3 K12. 9th Row—K12, K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K8. 10th Row—K8, P13, K12. 11th Row— K12, K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K8. 12th Row—K8, P13, K12. 13th Row—K12, K2 tog, Ml, K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Ml, Kl. Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K8. 14th Row—K8, P13, K12. 15th Row—K12, K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., Ml, SI, K2 tog., pass SS over, Ml, K3, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K8. 16th Row—K8, P13, K12. Repeat from 7th to 16th row, inclusive, once more. 27th Row—Knit. 28th Row—Cast off 15 sts. (this is for neck), K18, on these 18 sts. knit 12 more plain rows. Cast off. Knit other front in same way, taking care to commence pattern row with K8, and end with K12. Now knit the back all plain for 28 rows, and cast off. SLEEVES.—Cast on 55 sts., and knit in garter-st. for 28 rows. 29th Row—K21, K2 tog., Ml, K3 tog., Ml, K5, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K21. 30th Row—K21, P13, K21. 31st Row—K21, K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Kl, Ml, Kl. Ml, K2 tog., K21. 32nd Row—K21, P13, K21. 33rd Row—K21, K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K21. 34th Row—K21, P13, K21. 35th Row—K21, K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., PI, K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K21. 36th Row—K21, P13, K21. 37th Row—K21, K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., Ml, SI, K2 tog., pass SS over, Ml, K3, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K21. 38th „ —K21, P13, K21. Repeat from 29th row to 38th row, inclusive, once more; work other sleeve to match. TO MAKE UP.—Press all work on wrong side under a damp cloth. Sew shoulders together, sew in sleeves. Crochet a row of holes round neck and cuffs: 1 tr., 1 cli., miss 1 st., 1 tr. in next. With the silk work round entire coat and cuffs, picots of 3 ch. Thread ribbon at waist, neck and cuffs.

No. 6.


MATERIALS.—4 ozs. 4-ply super-fingering wool, in white; 1 oz. 4-ply, in blue; pair No. 9 knit, needles. " MEASUREMENTS.'—Length from top of shoulder, 15 in. Width all round underarm. 22 in. Width all round lower edge, 32 in. ABBREVIATIONS— K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch; B—blue; W—white. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitclics to the inch. Cast on 110 sts. and knit 24 rows in stocking-st. 25th Row—Kl, * Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with Kl. Next 6 rows in stocking-st. Join on blue wool. 31st Row—Knit 6W, * IB, 2W, 3B, 12W, repeat from * 4 times, IB, 2W, 3B, 8W. 32nd Row—Purl 10W, * IB, 3W, IB, 13W, repeat from * 4 limes, IB, 3W, IB, 5W. 33rd Row—Knit 6W, * IB, 2W, IB, 14W, repeat from * 4 times, IB, 2W, IB, 10W. 34th Row—Purl 9W, * 5B, 13W, repeat from * 4 times, 5B, 6W. 35tli Row—Knit 5W, * 7B, 11W, repeat from * 4 times, 7B, 8AV. 36th Row—Purl 7W, * 9B, 9W, repeat from * 4 times, 9B, 4W. 37th Row—Knit 4W, * 3B, 4W, 3B. 8W, repeat from * 4 times, 3B, 4W, 3B, 6W. 38th Row—Purl 6W, * 2B, 1W, 8B, 7W, repeat from * 4 times, 2B, 1W, 8B, 3W. 39th Row—Knit 3W, * 8B, 1W, 3B, 6W, repeat from * 4 times, 8B, 1W. 3B, 5W. 40th Row—Purl 5W, * 12B, 6W, repeat from * 4 times, 12B, 3W. 41st Row—Knit 6W, * 9B, 9W, repeat from * 4 times, 9B, 5W. 42nd Row—Purl 4W, * 2B, 1W, 3B, 12W, repeat from * 4 times, 2B, 1W, 3B, 10W. 43rd Row—Knit 10W, * 5B, 13W, repeat from * 4 times, 5B, 5W. 44th Row—Purl 6W, * 3B, 15 W, repeat from * 4 times, 3B, 11W. Break off blue wool, and continue in white (stocking-st.) until work measures 11 in. from row of holes; work is then reduced for bodice. BODICE.—1st Row—K3, K2 tog., * Kl, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K l (75 sts.). 2nd Row—Purl. 3rd „ —Join on blue wool. Knit across. 4th „ —Knit on purl side. : 5th „ —-With white wool. Knit. -6th „ —Purl. '7th „ —Kl, * wool twice over needle, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K2 tog. -Sth „ —Purl, taking the wool twice over as one st, (75 sts,).

9th Row—With blue wool. Knit. 10th „ —Knit on purl side. Break oft blue wool. Next 6 rows in stocking-st. The chick is commenced on next row, but may be omitted. Join on blue wool. 17th Row—Knit 27W, 21B, 27W. 18th —Purl 27W, 21B, 27W. 19 th —Knit 27W, 2B, 17W, 2B, 27W. 20th —Purl 27W, 2B, 17W, 2B, 27W. 21st —Knit 27W, 2B, 5W, IB, 2W, 3B, 6W, 2B, 27W. 22nd —Purl 27W, 2B, 8W, IB, 3W, IB, 4W, 2B, 27W. 23rd —Knit 27W, 2B, 5W, IB, 2W, IB, 8W, 2B, 27W. 24th —Purl 27W, 2B, 7W, 5B, 5W, 2B, 27W. 25th —Knit 27W, 2B, 4W, 7B, 6W, 2B, 27W. 26th —Purl 27W, 2B, 5W, 9B, 3W, 2B, 27W. 27th —Knit 27W, 2B, 3W, 3B, 4W, 3B, 4W, 2B, 27W. 28th —Purl 27W, 2B, 4W, 2B, 1W, 8B, 2\V, 2B, 27W. 29th —Knit 27W, 2B, 2W, 7B, 1W, 3B, 4W, 2B, 27W. 30th —Purl 27W, 2B, 3W, 12B, 2W, 2B, 27W. 31st —Knit 27W, 2B, 5W, 9B, 3W, 2B, 27W. 32nd —Purl 27W, 2B, 2W, 2B, 1W, 3B, 9W, 2B, 27W. 33rd —Knit 27W, 2B, 9W, 5B. 3W, 2B, 27W. 34th —Purl 27W, 2B, 4W, 3B, 10W, 2B, 27W. 35th —Knit 27W, 2B, 17W, 2B, 27W. 36th —Purl 27W, 2B, 17W, 2B, 27W. 37th —Knit 27W, 21B, 27W. 38th —Purl 27W, 21B, 27W. Break off blue wool. 39th —Knit. 40th —Purl. 41st —Knit. 42nd —Purl. Neck is now reached. 43rd —K20, cast off 35 sts., and knit 10 rows on last 20 sts., then on neck end cast off 10 sts., put remaining 10 sts. on spare needle to be grafted to back shoulder. Work opposite shoulder in same way. Back of dress is knitted in same way, (excepting that you leave chick out of bodice), till you reach the shoulders; there, before casting off the 10 sts., knit 8 rows in garter-st. on these 10 sts, and cast off. Graft the sts. on each shoulder together. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew side seams together to about 1 in above waist. Turn up bottom on row of holes lo form hem. Now, with wool crochet round both sides of neck and armholes the following: 1 row of d.c., then a row of 1 tr., 1 ch., miss 1 St., 1 tr. in next. With the silk finish off neck and sleeves with picots of 3 ch. Make buttonhole loops on shoulders, sew on buttons. Thread ribbon round neck, tying bows on shoulders. Thread ribbon at waist and round sleeves.

No. 7.


MATERIALS.—4 ozs. 3-ply super-fingering wool; needles.

pair No. 9 knit,

MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 15 in. Width all round underarm, 22 in. Width all round lower edge, 34 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 2 in. ABBREVIATIONS—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Cast on 112 sts. and knit 10 rows in garter-st. PATTERN.—1st Row—K4, * (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., repeat from *, ending with K4. 2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—K4, * K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., repeat from *, ending with K4. 4th Row—Knit. Repeat these 4 rows once more. 9th Row—K4, * (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog, K8, repeat from * 5 times (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., (PI, Klj PI) all into next St., K3 tog., K4. 10th Row—Knit. 11th Row—K4, * K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K8, repeat from * 5 times, K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K4, 12th Row—Knit. Repeat from 9th row to 12th row, inclusive, until skirt measures 10J in. (or desired length) from beginning; work has now to be reduced for bodice. BODICE.—1st Row—K4, * K2 tog., Kl, repeat from *, ending with K4 (77 sts.). 2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—Kl, Ml, K2 tog., repeat, ending with K2. Work has now to be arranged for top, which fastens down left side. Take a spare needle and knit the first 28 sts. on to it, and leave. RIGHT FRONT.—(49 sts.). 1st Row—K7, * K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., repeat from * once, K34. 2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—K7, * (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., K3 tog., repeat from * once, K34. 4th Row—Knit.

Repeat these 4 rows 4 times more (20 rows), which brings you to underarm, at armhole end of the next 2 rows cast off 3 sts., taking care to keep pattern right, leaving 43 sts.; now knit on in same way for 22 rows, which brings work to neck. Now at neck end of needle cast off the first 24 sts., knit remaining 19 sts. for 8 rows, which brings work to shoulder; leave this needle and return to spare needle, but, before commencing to knit, pick up 6 sts. at base of front (this forms flap to go under for fasteners). Knit to underarm where decrease as for right side. When work reaches neck, cast off 9 sts. at neck end, and knit remaining 19 sts. or 8 rows. Now connect work for back of dress by knitting the first 19 sts., cast on 27 sts., knit remaining 19 sts. Knit these 65 sts. for 22 rows, then at beginning of next 4 rows cast on 3 sts., making 77 sts.; knit these for 22 rows, which brings you to waist line. Next Row—K4, * knit twice into next St., Kl, repeat from *, ending with K4 (112 sts.). Back of skirt is same as front. SLEEVES.—Cast on 50 sts., and knit 8 rows in garter-st. 9th Row—Kl, * (PI, Kl, PI) all into next st., K3 tog., repeat from *, ending with K3 tog., Kl. 10th Row—Knit. 11th Row—Kl, * K3 tog., (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., repeat from *, ending with (PI, Kl, PI) all into next St., Kl. 12th Row—Knit. Repeat from 9th to 12th row, inclusive, twice more. Knit 2 rows plain, then cast off 5 sts. at beginning of every row till 20 sts. remain. Cast off. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew in sleeves, sew up side seams. With wool crochet holes round neck: 1 tr., 1 ch., miss 1 St., 1 tr. in neck. With silk crochet picots of 3 ch. round lower edge of dress, round sleeves and neck. Make buttonhole loops down front, sew on buttons. Make chain and pom-poms and thread at waist. Thread ribbon at neck.

No. 8. "ROSE" CROCHET DRESS. MATERIALS.—4 ozs. 2-ply fingering wool; 1 oz. crochet silk; fine bone crochet hook. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 15} in. Width all round underarm, 21 in. Width all round lower edge, 36 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 2 in. ABBREVIATIONS—Ch.—chain; —stiteh.

d.c.—double crochet; tr.—treble; st.

Work at a tension to produce the trebles a little over i-ineh in height. SKIRT.—Commence on lower edge of skirt by making a chain 36 in. long, turn, 2 tr. in 5th ch. from hook, * miss 2 sts., 1 d.c. in next, miss 2 sts., 5 tr. in next, repeat from *, ending row with 1 d.c. Break off wool. 2nd Row—Join on silk where you broke off wool, 3 ch., 2 tr. in d.c., * 1 d.c. in centre of 5 tr., 5 tr. on d.c., repeat from * to end, ending with 1 d.c. Break off silk. 3rd Row—Join on wool and work in same way as 2nd row. Break off •wool. 4tli Row—Join on silk and work in same way as 2nd row, break off silk and continue with the wool till skirt measures 8 in. (or desired length). Break off wool. Sew sides of skirt together. With silk crochet a row of shell of 7 trs. round lower edge. BODICE.—Commence on lower edge of back of bodice by making a chain 10 in. long, and work in same pattern as skirt (in wool only) till work measures 3J in. from beginning. Next Row—Work to within 2 in. of centre, turn and work backwards and forwards for 4 more rows, then at neck end make a chain 3 in. long, turn and work till front is same depth as back. Break off. Join wool to other shoulder and work in same way. Break off. Fold the left front about J in. over right front, and sew at bottom, join wool on here, and work up front: * 3 d.c., 4 ch. (for buttonhole), miss the length of 3 ch., repeat from * till neck is reached; round neck work as follows: 1 tr., 1 ch., miss 1 St., 1 tr. in next. Join silk on at bottom and work up front, putting 1 d.c. in each d.c., and 4 d.c. under eh. round neck: 1 d.c. on tr., 5 tr. on next tr. to end. SLEEVES.—Sew underarm seams up about i in., join on wool and work round and round in pattern for 5 rows (or desired length). Next Round—1 d.c. on each tr., work 8 more rounds d.c. Break off wool. Join on silk and work a row of pattern. Embroid pink roses with small green leaves on d.c. round sleeves. WAIST BAND.—13 ch., turn, 1 d.c. in 2nd eh. from hook, 1 d.c. in each of next ch. (11 d.c.), 1 ch , turn. 2nd Row—11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 3rd „ —11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 4th ,, —3 d.c., 5 ch., miss 5 d.c., 3 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 5th „ —11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 6th „ —11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 7th „ —Same as 4th row. * Then work 8 more rows d.c., then 4th row again, then 4 rows d.c., then 4th row again, repeat from * till band is 20 in. long (that is, width all round lower edge of bodice). Sew ends together, join on silk and work a row of shells of 7 trs. on either side of band. Embroid pink roses and green leaves between each set of ribbon slots. Sew waist band to skirt, gathering skirt evenly all round, sewing at the back of silk shells, taking care to keep silk on right side. Sew bodice to waist band. Thread ribbon round waist and neck.


No. 9.

MATERIALS.—12 ozs. 3-ply super-fingering wool; 1 oz. crochet silk;, pair No. 9 knit. needles. MEASUREMENTS.—48 in. square.

Lace, 6 in deep.

ABBREVIATIONS—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Cast on 253 sts. and knit 5 rows in garter-st. PATTERN.—1st Row—* K3, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K3. 2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—Kl, * K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K2. 4th Row—Knit. 5th Row—Same as 1st row. 6th, 7th and 8th rows knit plain; these 8 rows complete pattern, repeat them in order until work is square, finishing with 5 plain rows. FIRST CORNER OF LACE.—Cast on 29 sts. 1st Row—Kl, Ml, Kl, turn. 2nd -K3. 3rd —Kl, Ml, K3, turn. 4th —K5. 5th —Kl, Ml, K6, turn. 6th —K8. 7th —Kl, Ml, K8, turn. 8 th —K10. 9th —Kl, Ml, K10, turn. 10th —K12. 11th —Kl, Ml, K12, Ml, K2 tog., turn. 12 th —K16. 13th —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., ICS, (Ml, K2 tog. twice), Kl, turn 14 th —K16. 15th —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K6, (Ml, K2 tog. 3 times), Kl, turn. 16 th —K16. —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K4, (Ml, K2 tog. 4 times). Kl, turn. 17 th —K16. 18 th —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K2, (Ml, K2 tog. 5 times). Kl, turn. 19th —K16. 20th 21st —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., (Ml, K2 tog. 6 times), Kl. turn. 22nd —K16. 23rd —Kl, Ml, K3, (Ml, K2 tog. 6 times). Kl, turn. 24 th —K18. 25th —Kl, Ml, K5. (Ml, K2 tog. 6 times), Kl. (urn. 26th


27th 28th 29th

—Kl, Ml, K7. (Ml, K2 tog. 6 times). KJ, (urn. —K22.

—Kl, Ml, K9, (Ml, K2 tog. 6 times). Kl, turn.

SGtfifcow— K24. 31st „ —Kl, Ml, Kll, 32nd '„ —K26. •K2 tog., Ml, 33rd -K26. 34th -K2 tog., Ml, 35th -K26. 36th -K2 tog., Ml, 37th -K29. 38th

—Kl, Ml, —K31. —Kl, Ml, —K32. —Kl, Ml, —K33. —Kl, Ml, —K34. —K2 tog.,

\ vyv t g , (Ml, K2 tog. 6 times), Kl, turfi. K2 tog. K8, (Ml, K2 tog. 7 times), Kl, turn. . , T„ . K2 tog., K6, (Ml, K2 tog. 8 times), Kl, turn. „ , , „. K2 tog., K4, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K4.

K5, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K6. K7, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K5. K9, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K4.

Kll, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K3. , TK4. .. Ml, K2 tog., K8, (Ml, K2 tog. 9„ times), —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K6, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K5. —K32. „ T,„ —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K4, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K6. —K31. s T„„ —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K2, (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K7.

—K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., (Ml, K2 tog. 9 times), K8. 20th „ —K29. . ^ , . , . . Knit from 1st row of lace to 20th row, inclusive, until lace is desired length, then proceed with second half of corner, which is commenced after 9th row of lace, which we will call the 1st row of second half of corner. SECOND HALF OF CORNER.—1st Row—Cast off 2 sts., K32. 2nd Row—K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K8, (Ml, K2 tog. 8 times), K3. 3rd „ —Cast off 2 sts., K30. 4th „ —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K6, (Ml, K2 tog. 8 times), K2. 5th „ —Cast off 2 sts., K27. —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog.. K4, (Ml, K2 tog. 8 times), Kl. 6th 7th „ —Cast off 2 sts., K24. gth t> _ K 2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K2, (Ml, K2 tog. 7 times), K2. 9th „ —Cast off 2 sts., K21. 10th ,. —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., (Ml, K2 tog. 7 times), Kl. 11th „ —Cast off 2 sts., K18. 12th „ —Kl, Ml, K3, (Ml, K2 tog. 6 times), K2. 13th ,. —Cast off 2 sts., K16. 14th „ —Kl, 511, K5, (Ml, K2 tog. 4 times), Kl. 15th „ —Ca=t off 2 sts., K15. 16th „ —Kl, Ml, K7, (Ml, K2 tog. twice), K2. 17th ., —Cast off 2 sts., K14. ,M



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Explanation KNITTING



Stocking-st.—On required number of stitches. 1st Row—Knit. Row—Purl. Repeat these 2 rows for desired length.


•Garter-st.—Knit on both sides. J\Ioss-st.—1st Row—Kl, PI. 2nd Row—PI, Kl, placing the Kl over PI of previous row. Repeat these 2 rows. "Grafting.—Divide the stitches equally on 2 needles, with the wool at one end, and with the right side of work towards you, break off wool, leaving a length; thread through a wool needle; with this begin with needle nearest you. * Put needle through 1st st. as if to knit, take it off, and draw the needle through. Put the needle through the 2nd st. as if to purl, but do not take it off. Now on the back needle take 1st st. as if to purl, and take it off. Take :2nd st. as if to knit, and do not take off. Repeat from * until all stitches are grafted together.

o o o o



Spaces.—1 tr., 2 ch., miss 2 sts., 1 tr. in next, repeat. Lacets.—1 tr., 3 ch., miss 2 sts., 1 d.c. in next, 3 ch., miss 2 sts., 1 tr. in next. Bar.—1 tr., 5 ch., 1 tr., usually placed over a lacet. Picot.—1 d.c., 3 ch., 1 d.c., all in one stitch. Long Trebles.—Wool twice over needle.

1 M ftow— 1C1, Ml. K9, Ml, K2 tog., K l 19th —Cast off 2 sts., K13. 20!h ,. —Kl. Ml, K13. 21st „ —Cast off 2 sts., K13. 22nd ,. —K2 tog., Ml. K2 tog., Kg. 23rd .. —Cast off 2 sts., KO. 24th „ —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog, KG. 25th ,. —Cast off 2 sts., K7. 26th „ —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., K3. 27th ,. —Cast off 2 sts., K4. 28th ,. —K2 tog., Ml, K2 tog., cast off. This completes one side of lace; knit 3 more pieces in saine way. Press all work under a damp cloth on wrong side, sew corners of lace together, sew to shawl. With the silk crochet round entire shawl as follows:—1 picot of 3 chs. placed in each hole on edge of lace, with 5 tr., 1 picot, 5 tr. all worked into hole on peak of lace.

No. 10.


MATERIALS.—12 ozs. teazle wool, or wool of like thickness; 1 oz. jumper silk; medium-size crochet hook. MEASUREMENTS.—25 in. long; 19 in. wide. ABBREVIATIONS.—Cli—chain; tr.—treble; d.c.—double crochet; st. —stitch. Work at a tension to producc the trebles a little over \-inch in height. This cover is worked in 5 strips, and af.erwards sewn together. Commence by making a chain 6 in. long, turn, and into 4th ch. from hook make 2 tr., * miss 2 ill., 1 d.c. in next, miss 2 ch., 5 tr. in next, repeat from *, ending with 1 d.c., 3 cli., turn. 2nd Row—2 tr. in d.c.below, * 1 d.c. in centre of 5 tr., 5 tr. on d.c.. repeat from *, ending with 1 d.c. Repeat 2nd pattern row until strip is 25 in. long. Work 2 more strips in same way. RIBBON STRIPS.—13 ch., turn, 1 d.c. in 2nd ch. from hook. 1 d.c. in cach of next ch., (11 d.c.), 1 ch., turn. 2nd Row—11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 3rd „ —11 d.c., 1 ch.. turn. 4th ., —3 d.c., 5 ch., miss 5 d.c., 3 d.c., 1 cli., turn. 5th , —11 d.c., 1 cli., turn. 6th „ —11 d.c., 1 ch., turn. 7th „ —Same as 4th row. * Then work 8 more rows d.c., then 4th row again, then 1 rows d.c., Ihen 4th row again, repeat from *. Continue in this way until strip is same length as others. Work another strip in same way. Now with the jumper silk crochet a row of shells of 7 trs.. willi 1 d.c. between, placed evenly along each side of libbon strips, leaving the ends unworked.

Embroid pink roses with green leaves 'between each pair ot rfbtotfA 3LOTS



• H-.

Sew together under the silk shells, taking care to keep shells oh right side in such a way as to hide joins. With the wool d.c. evenly round entire covet, putting extra sts. in corners, 5 more rounds d.C. Finish off with a round of silk shells. Thread pink riVbon through slots. Lino with pink silk or sateen.

No. 11. "ALFRED" KNITTED BRUSHED COAT. MATERIALS.—9 ozs. white teazle wool; 2 ozs. blue teazle wool; pair No. 8 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 14 in. Width all round underarm, 25 in. Length of sleeves from underarm, 6 in. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. This coat is knitted in 6 pieces and afterwards sewn together. THE BACK.—Commence at the top by casting on 20 sts. and knitting in garter st., increase one st. at the beginning of every row (always increase by knitting first into the back and then into the front of 2nd st.) until work is 5 in. deep. Now continue knitting without increasing, till work measures 12 in. (or desired length) from beginning. Break off white wool, join on blue wool, and knit another l i in. Cast off. THE FRONTS.—Commence at top by casting on 2 sts., increase one stitch at one end of work every other row until you have 14 sts. on needle, then on the straight edge cast on 12 sts. for neck. Continue, increasing at shaped edge of work only, until work is 5 in. deep, taking care to keep front edge straight. Now knit on without increase till same length as back, finishing with the in. in blue. Cast off. Work other front in same way. THE SLEEVES.—Commence at the top by casting on 2 sts., and increase at the beginning of every row until work measures 5 in. from beginning; now decrease 1 st. at both ends of work every 6th row, until sleeve measures 4i in. from armhole (56 sts.). Now work in ribbing of K2, P2 for 2 in., break off white wool, join on blue, and knit in garter-st. for 11 in. Cast off. Work other sleeve to match. THE COLLAR.—With the blue wool cast on 60 sts., and knit 2i in. Cast off. Sew sleeves to armholes, sew up underarm and side seams, sew on collar. Now with a teazle brush raise the surface of entire coat. Crochet loops down front for buttons. Sew on buttons. With blue silk crochet picots of 3 ch. round cuffs and collar.

No. 12.


MATERIALS.—5 ozs. white teazle wool; i oz. blue teazle wool; pair No. 9 knit needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length of front seain, 8 in. 8 in. Width all round, 24 in.

Length of leg seam,

ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; st.—stitch; Ml —make one. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Commencing at the waist, cast on 80 sts., and knit 6 rows of ribbing of K2, P2. 7th Row—* K2, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from * to end. Knit 8 more rows of ribbing. 16th Row—K4, turn. 17th Row—K4, turn. 18th Row—Kit 8, turn. 19th Row—K8, turn, and so on, taking 4 extra sts. on every other rot until 12 remain unknitted; now continue knitting right across, in creasing on long side, every 5th row, until you have increased tc 90 sts. (short side should measure about 7 in), now decrease 1 st. at beginning of every row until 50 sts. remain. Knit these 50 sts. till leg measures 3 in. (or desired length). Then commence the ankle:— ANKLE—K2, P2, across 18 sts., K14, K2, P2, across the next 18 sts. Repeat this row 9 times more. Take a spare needle and K2, P2, across the 18 sts., and on the next 14 sts. work backwards and forwards (in garter-st.) for 16 rows, on the next row Kl, K2 tog., knit to end, turn, and repeat, decreasing every row till 7 sts. remain on toe, break off wool, leave these sts. With the right side of work towards you, join on the blue wool at beginning of 1st needle, K18, pick up 11 sts. along side of flap, K7 toe sts., pick up 11 sts. down other side. Knit remaining 18 sts., turn, and knit 3 more rows. Cast off. Knit other leg in same way. Sew together, raise surface with teazle brush. Sew elastic under foot. Make chain and tassels, thread at waist. With blue silk crochet picots round foot.

No. 13.


MATERIALS—3 oz. 4-ply super-fingering wool; i oz. 4-ply superfingering wool, in blue; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 12 in. Width aJ' round at underarm, 20 in. Length of sleeve from underarm, 6 in.

ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; Ml—make gether; st.—stitch; W—white; B—blue. Work at a tension to produce

8 stitches



to the inch.

With the white wool cast on 72 sts., and knit in ribbing of Kl, PI fa : 8 rows. 9th Row—Knit. 10th „ —Purl. 11th „ —Join on blue wool, knit, 3B, 3W to end. 12 th „ —Purl 3W, 3B to end. 13th „ —Knit 3B, 3W to end. 14th „ —Purl 3B, 3W to end. 15th „ —Knit 3W, 3B to end. 16th „ —Purl 3B, 3W to end. Break off wool (blue) 17th „ —Knit. 18th „ —Purl. Then 8 more rows ribbing, then change to stocking-st:, and knit on until work measures 9 in. from beginning. At the beginning of the next row cast on 24 sts. (for sleeves), knit across to other side, and cast on 24 sts. (120 sts.), and continue until sleeve is 3J in. wide at cuff end. Beginning of a knit row, K48 on to a spare needle, cast off next 24 sts. (for neck), knit remaining 48 sts., on these 48 sts. knit 8 rows, which brings you to shoulder, whore opening is made. At neck end cast off the first 14 sts., now on a spare needle cast on 14 sts., and knit 6 rows (this forms flap to go under for fasteners), then knit this piece on to the needle with the 34 sts. on, and knit 8 more rows. Return to left shoulder (spare needle) and knit exactly the same. Work has now to be joined for the back. Knit the first 48 sts., cast on 24 sts., knit remaining 48 sts. (120 sts.), and continue until sleeve is same depth as front, then cast off 24 sts., first one side and then other. Back is knitted to match front. CUFFS.—Pick up and knit 45 sts. in ribbing of Kl, PI for 6 rows. 7th Row—Knit. 8th ,. —Purl. 9th „ —Join on the blue wool, knit 3B, 3W, 10th „ —Purl 3B, 3W to end. 11th „ —Knit 3B, 3W to end. Break off blue 12th „ —Knit. 13lli , —Purl. Then knit G more rows of ribbing. Cast off. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side, sew in all ends, sew Bide seams together. With the blue wool, crochet 3 rows of d.c round neck. Make buttonhole loops on shoulder. Sew on buttons. "T

"GEORGE" KNITTED KNICKERS. No. 14. MATERIALS—2 ozs. 4-ply super-fingering wool; few yards of blue wool; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Front seam, 8 in. Leg, seam, 4 in. Width all round, 21 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; Ml—make one; tog.—together; st.—stitch; W—white; B—blue. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Cast on 76 sts. and knit in ribbing of K2, P2 for 6 rows. 7th Row—K2, * Ml, K2 tog., repeat from * to end. Then 7 more rows ribbing. Next Row—K6, turn (always slipping the first St.), P6, turn, K12, turn, P12, turn, and continue in this way, taking 6 more sts. each time until all have been knitted. Now knit backwards and forwards until work measures 2 in. from ribbing on short side (which is the front). Continue knitting backwards and forwards, increasing 1 st. every 5th row at back, until you have 86 sts. on needle; work should now measure 6 in. below ribbing at front. Now K2 tog. at beginning and end of every row until sts. are reduced to 56, then knit 5 rows of ribbing of K2, P2. 6tli Row—Purl. 7th Row—Join on the blue wool, knit 4B, * 3W, 3B„ repeat from *, ending with 4W. 8th Row—Purl 4W, * 3B, 3W, repeat from *, ending with 4B. 9th Row—Knit 4B, * 3W, 3B, repeat from *, ending with 4W. 10th Row—Purl 4W, * 3B, 3W, repeat from *, ending with 4B. Break off blue wool. 11th Row—Knit. Five more rows ribbing of K2, P2. Cast off. Other leg is knitted in same way, except that you turn on the purl side; that is, after you knit the 7 rows of ribbing at the top, you commence by P6, turn, K6, turn, and so on. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew together. Make chain and pom-poms, and thread at waist.^

No. IB.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 3-ply super-fingering wool; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—14 in. round face. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Cast on 77 sts. and knit 5 rows in moss-st., 6 rows in stocking-st., 5 rows in moss-st., then, with the wrong side of the work toward you:— 17th Row—Knit. 18th Row—Purl. 19th Row—Knit. 20th Row— Purl. 21st Row—Knit. Then commence pattern as follows:— 1st Row—K2 tog. twice, * Ml, K l 3 times, Ml, (K2 tog. 4 times), repeat from * to end, ending with K2 tog. twice.

2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—Purl. 4th Row—Knit. These 4 rows complete pattern, repeat until you have 12 patterns, or 5J in. from turn-hack, finishing on a knit row and making 1 st. by knitting twice into last st. With the wrong side of work towards you:— 1st Row—P3, * P2 tog., P8, repeat from *, ending with P2 tog., P3. 2nd „ —K3, * K2 tog., K7, repeat from *, ending with K2 tog., K2. 3rd „ —P2, * P2 tog., P6, repeat from * ending with P2 tog., P2. 4th „ —K2, * K2 tog., K5, repeat from * ending with K2 tog., Kl. 5th „ —PI, * P2 tog., P4, repeat from *, ending with P2 tog., PI. 6th „ —Knit. 7th „ —Purl. 8th „ —Kl, * K2 tog., K3, repeat, from *, ending with K2. 9th „ —P2 tog., P2, repeat to end. 10th „ —Knit. 11th „ —Purl. 12th „ —K2 tog., Kl, repeat, ending with K2. 13th „ —Purl. • 14th „ —K2 tog., all along row. Cut the wool, leaving about 12 in. Thread in wool needle, and draw through remaining sts., sew up back seam about 4 in. Press lightly under damp cloth on wrong side. Turn back front. With silk, crochet 2 rows d.c. evenly round bonnet. Embroid blue daisies with green leaves round front on stocking-st. panel. Sew on ribbons.

No. 16. "ALFRED" KNITTED BRUSHED BONNET. MATERIALS.—2 ozs. white teazle wool; 1 oz. blue teazle wool; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Round face, 15 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Commence on the front with the blue wool, cast on 74 sts., and knit 1J in. in garter-st., then 6 rows in stocking-st., break off blue wool, Join on white, and knit 4 more rows in stocking-st. (this is for turn-back). Now continue knitting in garter-st. for 4i in. from stocking-st., then begin shaping for back as follows:-— 1st Row—* K2 tog., K10, repeat from *, ending with K10. Next 2 rows without decreasing. Now knit on in same way, knitting 1 less after the K2 tog. in each decreasing row, and 1 less at end, until you have knitted 2 after the * K2 tog. * and 3 at end. Break off wool, leaving about 12 in., thread through a wool needle, run through sts., and draw up tightly. Sew slating sides together and about 1 in. of straight edge. Turn back the front. Raise surface with a teazle brush. With blue silk, crochet picots of 3 chs. all round bonnet. Sew on ribbons.

No. 17.

"DOftA" CilOCHfiT


MATERIALS.—1 oz. Shetland wool; fine bone crochet hook. MEASUREMENTS—Round face, 12 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—Ch.—chain; tr.—treble; d.c.—double crochet; st. —stitch;—long treble. Work at a tension to produce the trebles a little over l-inch in height. 5 ch., join into a ring, and into ring put 3 cli., 11 tr. 2nd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st St., 1 d.c. in next, repeat from * all round. 3rd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st st., 1 d.c. in each of next 2 sts., repeat from * all round. 4th Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st st., 1 d.c. in each of next 3 sts., repeat from *, continue in this way until crown measures 2 in. from centre. Next 4 rounds without increasing, then commence the pattern as follows:—• FATTERN.—1st Row—5 tr. in 1st d.c., * misi 3 d.c., 1 d.c. in next, 3 ch., miss 3 d.c., 5 tr. in next, repeat from * to within 12 d.c. of be ginning of this row, 3 ch., turn. 2nd Row—4 tr. into 1st st. of shell, * 1 d c. into last st. of shell (the st. before the 3 ch. of previous row), 3 ch., 5 tr. in d.c., repeat from *, ending with 1 d.c.; continue willi 2nd row till front measures 3 in. Then 1 d.c. on each tr., 1 d.c. under the 3 ch., across front, turn and d.c. back to other side, which brings work to right side, rest of bonnet is worked right round front and neck. 1st Round—1 tr., 1 ch., miss 1 St., 1 tr. in noxl, repeat right round 2nd Round—Into corner put 12, * miss 1 tr., 8 on next, repeat from * all round. 3rd Round—1 tr., 1 ch. on each right round. 4th Round—With silk, * 4 tr. under 1 ch. below, 1 d.c. under next ch., repeat from * all round. Thread bebe ribbon round front, tie bow in centre, also round nccR, tying bow at back. Sew on ribbons.

No. 18. "TANDY" BOY'S KNITTED HAT. MATERIALS.—1 oz. 4-ply super-fingering wool; crochet silk; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—14 in. round brim. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog—together; Ml—make one; St.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Cast on 50 sts. and knit 5 rows of ribbing of Kl, PI. 6th Row—Knit. 7th ., —Purl. 8th „ —Kl, * K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with Kl.

9th Row—Kl, * pick up the straight strand of wool before the next st., and knit it, Kl, repeat from * until 2 remain, K.2. 10th „ —Knit. 11th ., —Purl. 12th „ —Kl, * K2 tog., repeat from * to last st., Kl. 13th „ —K2, * pick up as in 9th row, Kl, repeat from * to last st., Kl. 14th „ —Knit. 15th „ —Purl. 16! h ,, —Same as 8tli row. 17th „ —Same as 9th row. 18th „ —Knit. 19th „ —Purl. Then work 4 more rows of ribbing of Kl, PI. The remainder of the hat is worked in stocking-st., commencing on the right side with purl (this is done to turn up fancy piece), continue in stocking-st. until work measures 8 in. from beginning (or desired length). Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew up side seam, turn up brim. Turn down the two top corners. Cover two buttons with d.c. worked with silk, and seW to top corners.

No. 19.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 2-ply super-fingering wool; fine bone crochet hook. MEASUREMENTS.—14 in. round face. ABBREVIATIONS.—Ch.—chain; tr.—treble; d.c—double crochet; st. —stitch. Work at a tension to produce the trebles a little over l-inch in height. Make 5 ch., join into a ring, 3 ch., 11 tr. into ring. 2nd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st st., 1 d.c. in next St., repeat from * all round. 3rd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st St., 1 d.c. in each of next 2 sts., repeat from * all round. Continue in this way, putting 2 d.c. in 1st st. of each increase until crown measures 2J in. from centre. Then work 15 more rounds without increasing. Next Round—* 3 tr., 1 ch., 3 tr. in 1 d'.c.. missi 5 d c., repeat from * all round, join with slip-stitch. Next Round—Slip-st. to centre of pattern, 3 ch., 2 tr., 1 ch., 3 tr. under 2 ch. below. * 3 tr., 1 ch , 3 tr. under 2 ch. below, repeat from * all round, join with a slip-st. Repeat this last round 6 times more (or until hat is desired depth). Now turn work wrong side out and work 3 more pattern rows (these are afterwards turned up to form a brim). With silk work another pattern row. Turn up brim, make chain and tassel, fix to hat.

No. 20.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 4-ply super-fingering wool (blue); 1 oz. wool (white); pair No. 9 knit, needles.


MEASUREMENTS.—Round face, 15 in. ABBREVIATIONS—K—knit; tog.—together; St.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches

to the inch.

With the teazle wool cast on 80 sts. and knit 2 in. in garter-st., then knit 6 rows in stocking-st. (this is to turn up brim). Break off teazle wool, join on blue wool, and knit in garter-st. for 5i ins. Next Row— K2 tog., K l l , repeat from * to end. Now knit 3 more rows without decreasing, continue in this way, knitting one less between in each decreasing row until you have 8 sts. left on the needle. Cast off. Press lightly, sew up side seam. Turn up brim, and raise surface with a teazle brush. Make a pom-pom and fix to peak.

No. 21.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 3-ply super-fingering wool; 3 No. 14 steel knit, needles. ABBREVIATIONS—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Cast on 48 sts. and knit 3 plain rows. 4th Row—K7, PI, repeat to end. 5th Row—P7, Kl, repeat to end. Repeat these 2 rows 5 times more, then repeat 4th row once more. 17th Row—Knit on purl side. 18th Row—Purl. 19th Row—Knit. Continue in stocking-st. till leg measures 5 in. from beginning, then make ribbon holes as follows:— Next Row -* Kl, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from * to end. INSTEP.—Divide the 48 sts. into 3 by putting 17 sts. on each side needle and 14 sts. on middle or instep needle, break off wool and start on middle needle of 14 sts., knit 18 rows in stocking-^t., 10 rows in garter-st., then decrease every row at end only by knitting 2 tog.; repeat this until 4 sts. remain, leave these 4 sts. on needle; break off wool. Then take another needle and join wool to beginning of row, K17, pick up 18 sts. along side of instep, take 2 sts. off the 4 left at toe, making 37 sts. in all on this needle; take another needle and do same for other side, work 17 rows in garter-st., then as follows:—

1st Row—K2 tog. at beginning of row, then knit to within 6 sts. of end of 1st needle, K2 tog., then K3, take last st. of 1st needle and 1st st. of 2nd needle, and knit tog. (this is done to shape the toe), K3, K2 tog., work to end of row, knit last 2 sts. tog. 2nd Row—Knit without decreasing. 3rd Row—As for 1st row. 4th Row—Knit without decreasing. Cast off. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew up seams. Embroid a blue daisy with green leaves on each panel or turn-down. Thread ribbon at ankle.

No. 22.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 3-ply super-fingering wool; 3 No. 14 steel knit, needles. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Cast on 48 sts. and knit in ribbing of K2, P2 for 7 rows. 8th Row—K2, P2, * wool twice over needle, K2 tog., P2, repeat from * to end. 9th Row—K2, P2 to end, taking the wool twice over as 1 St., work 3 more rows ribbing, then knit 3 plain rows. PATTERN—1st Row—* K3, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K3. 2nd Row—K48. 3rd Row—Kl, * K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K2. 4th Row—K48. 5th Row—As for 1st row. 6tli, 7th and 8th Rows—Knit plain. Repeat these 8 rows until leg measures 3 in. from beginning. Next Row—K2, wool twice over needle, repeat to end. Next Row—Knit, taking the wool twice over as one st. (48 sts.). INSTEP.—Divide the 48 sts. into 3 by putting 17 sts. on each side needle and 14 sts. on middle or instep needle, break off wool and join to middle needle of 14 sts., and on these 14 sts. knit from 1st pattern row to 8th pattern row twice (16 rows), then 8 rows in garterst.. then decrease every row at end only by knitting 2 tog.; repeat this until 4 sts. remain on needle, leave these, sts., and break off wool. Then take another needle and join wool to beginning of 1st needle, K17, pick up 18 sts. (on side of instep), take 2 sts. off the toe sts., making 37 sts. in all on this needle. Take another needle and do same for other side. Knit 17 rows in garter-st,, then as follows:—

1st Row—K2 tog., knit to within 6 sts. of end of 1st needle, K2 tog., K3, take last st. of 1st needle and 1st st. of 2nd needle and knit together (this is done to shape toe), K3, K2 tog., work to end of row, knitting last 2 sts. tog. 2nd Row—Knit without decreasing. 3rd Row—As for 1st row. 4th Row—Knit without decreasing. Cast off. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew up leg and foot seams. Thread ribbon at ankle and round top.

No. 23.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 2-ply fingering wool; fine bone crochet hook. ABBREVIATIONS.—Ch—chain; stitch; d.c.—double crochet.


treble; St.—

Work at a tension to produce the trebles a, little over i-inch in


5 ch., join into a ring, and into ring put 3 ch., 11 tr. 1st Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st St., 1 d.c. in next st., repeat from * all round. 2nd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st St., 1 d.c. in each of next 2 sts., repeat from * all round. 3rd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st st., 1 d.c. in each of next 3 sts., repeat from * all round. 4th Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st St., 1 d.c. in each of next 4 sts., repeat from * all round. 5th Round—"Without increase. 6th Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st st., 1 d.c. in each of next 4 sts., repeat from * all round. Then continue working round and round without increasing until work measures 2 | in. from toe. Next Row-—Picking up the back thread only, work to within 12 sts. of end, turn, and continue backwards and forwards until work measures 4 in. from toe. Break off. Sew backs together, gathering in centre to shape. Join wool on again at centre heel, 7 cli., * miss 2 sts., 1 l.t.r in next 2 ch., repeat from * right round ankle, join with a slip-st. Next Round—3 ch., 2 tr., 1 ch., 3 tr. on 1st tr., * miss next tr., 3 tr., 2 ch., 3 tr. on next, repeat from * all round, join. Next Round—Slip-st. to centre of pattern, 3 ch., 2 tr., 1 ch., 3 tr. under ch., * 3 tr., 1 ch., 3 tr. under ch. of next pattern, repeat from * all round. Repeat this row until leg measures 3§ in. from row of holes. Then turn the work inside out and work 2 more pattern rounds. Next Round—4 ch , 4, 1 ch., 4 under ch., 1 d.c. under next ch., * 4, 2 ch., 4 under next ch., repeat from * all round. Next Round—"With silk, * 3 tr., 1 cli., 3 tr. under the one ch., 1 d.c. in each st. to centre of next pattern, repeat from * all round. Break off. Turn back to right side, turn down top. Thread ribbon round ankle.

No. 24.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 3-ply super-fingering wool; 4 No. 14 steel knit, needles. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Cast on 50 sts., placing 12 sts. on 1st needle, 25 sts. on 2nd needle, and 13 sts. on 3rd needle, and knit 5 rounds of ribbing of Kl, PI. 6th and 7th Rounds—Knit. 8th Round—* K2 tog., repeat from * all round. 9th Round—* PI, pick up the straight strand of wool before the next st., and purl it, repeat from * to end. 10th Round—Knit (always count sts., on each needle to keep work right). 11th Round—Knit. 12th Round—* K2 tog., repeat from * to end. 13th Round—* PI, pick up as in 9th round, repeat from * to end. 14th and 15th Rounds—Knit. 16th Round—As for 8th round. 17th Round—As for 9th round. 18th and 19th Rounds—Knit. Then 5 more rounds ribbing, then turn work wrong side out (this is for turn-down), and continue in stocking-st. until work measures 5 in. from beginning. THE HEEL.—On the needle of 25 sts. work 18 rows in stocking-st., then K14, K2 tog., Kl, turn, slip 1, P5, P2 tog., PI, turn, slip 1, K6, K2 tog. Kl. Continue in this way taking 1 more st. each time until you have 16 sts. left on needle. Then pick up and knit 9 sts. down side of heel piece. Knit next needle. Pick up and knit 9 sts. on other side of heel piece, take 8 of heel sts. on to the needle (making 17 sts. on each side needle, and 26 sts. on front needle), and work 1 round, which brings you to centre of heel. Knit to within 3 sts. of end of 1st needle, K2 tog., Kl. 2nd or Front Needle—Knit. 3rd Needle—Kl, K2 tog., knit to end of row. Knit 1 round without decreasfng. Continue in this way. decreasing in every other round until sts. again number 50. Knit 22 more rounds, which brings you to the toe. TOE.—1st Needle—Knit until 3 sts. remain, K2 tog.. Kl 2nd Needle— Kl, slip 1, Kl, pass slip-st. over, knit to within 3 sts. of end, K2 tog., Kl. 3rd Needle—Kl, slip 1, Kl, pass slip-st. over, knit to end. Next 3 rounds without decreasing. Next round decrease as before. Next 2 rounds without decreasing. Next round, decrease. Next 2 rounds without decreasing. Then continue, decreasing every other round, until 9 sts. remain on front needle and 5 and 4 sts. on other 2 needles. Graft toe together.

No. 25.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. 3-ply Lady Betty vest wool; fine bone crochet hook. ABBREVIATIONS.—Ch.—chain; tr.—treble; d.c—double crochet; st. —stitch. Make 36 ch. and join into a ring, on this ch. make 35 d.c., continue in this way, working round and round, picking up back thread only, till work measures 2 in. from beginning, then decrease by taking every 5tli and 6th sts. together until 10 sts. remain; break off, leaving length of wool. Thread through a wool needle, and draw sts. up tightly. Now return to beginning. GAUNTLET.—1st Row—Work a row of tr. along edge, putting 1st. into each st. of foundation ch. 2nd Round—2 tr., 1 ch., 2 tr. into 1st tr., miss 3 tr., and repeat. Join. 3rd Round—Same as 2nd round, shells being worked into middle of shell below. 4th Round—6 tr. under 1 ch., 1 d.c. under next 1 ch., repeat all round. 5th Round—With silk, 1 d.c. on each st Thread ribbon round wrist, through the row of trebles.

No. 26.


ABBREVIATIONS.—Ch—chain; tr.—treble; d.c.—double crochet; st. —stitch,—long treble. MATERIALS.—1 oz. Crochet Silk; No. 3 Steel Crochet Hook. Work at a tight tension. 5 ch., join into a ring, into ring put 3 ch., 11 tr. 1st Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st st., 1 d.c. in next St., repeat from * all round. 2nd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st s t , 1 d.c. in each of next 3 sts., repeat from * to end. 3rd Round—* 2 d.c. in 1st St., 1 d.c. in each of next 5 sts., repeat from * all round. 4th Round.—* 3 tr. in 1st st., 1 d.c. in each of next 6 sts., repeat from * all round, making 4 corners. Work 4 more rounds, putting 3 d.c. into centre st. of each corner (this should measure 1 in. from centre to corner). Then continue working round without increasing till work measures 1 | in. from last increase. Next Row—* 1 d.c., miss 1 St., 3 tr. in next, repeat from * round 3 sides, leaving one side unworked, turn. Next Row—* 3 tr. on d.c., 1 d.c. in centre of 3 tr., repeat from * to end, turn, repeat this row 9 times more, which should measure 1J in. from dc. Break off silk. Sew backs together. Join silk on again at front, 5 cli., miss 1 d.c., 1 in next St., * 1 ch., miss 1 St., 1 in next, repeat from * all round top of shoe.

Next round—2 d.c. in each space to within 3 spaces of centre of back, 25 ch., turn, 1 in 8th ch. from hook, (1 ch., miss 1 st., 1 in next 9 times), (1 ch., 1 on next 6 times), 25 ch., turn, 1 in 8th ch. from hook, (1 ch., miss 1 St., 1 in next 9 times), slip-st. in same st. where 6th in back was made, work 2 d.c. in each remaining space, round shoe. Break off. Join silk on again at base of 25 ch. and work, (1 d.c., 3 ch„ 1 d.c.) in each space of strap, putting (1 d.c., 3 ch. 3 times) into end spaces. Thread bebe ribbon through strap and round shoe. Tie bow in front.

No. 27.


MATERIALS.—1 oz. crochet silk; No. 3 steel crochel hook. ABBREVIATIONS.—Ch.—chain; d.c.—double crochet; tr.—treble; st. —stitch. Make 32 ch., turn, and into 2nd ch. from hook make 1 d.c. and in every ch. to end, 1 ch., turn, 1 d.c. on each d.c. below, taking up back thread only, continue in this way until you have worked a square piece 3J in. Break off silk. 1st Row—30 ch., and put 1 tr. where you broke off silk, * 2 ch , miss 2 sts., 1 tr. in next, repeat from * round to opposite corner, always putting extra sts. at corners, 30 ch., turn. 2nd Row—Into 4 ch. from hook make 4 tr., miss 2 ch., * 1 d.c. in next, miss 2 ch., 5 tr. in next, repeat from * all round bib and up other ch., 3 ch., turn. 3rd Row—* 5 tr. on d.c., 1 d.c. in centre of 5 tr., repeat from * to end, 3 ch., turn. 4th Row—Same as 3rd row, 6 cli., turn. 5th Row—1 tr. in same place, * 1 d.c. on 5 tr., 1 tr., 4 ch., 1 tr. on d.c., repeat from * to end; 1 tr., 6 ch., 1 tr. in centre of top, 5 cli., 1 tr. on the inside of neck, * 2 cli., miss 2 cli., 1 tr. in next, repeat from * round to beginning of neck, 1 d.c., 3 cli., 1 d.c. in each space rouud neck. Press lightly on wrong side under a damp cloth. Thread ribbon round neck and through holes round bib.

No. 28.


MATERIALS.—1J ozs. 4-ply super-fingering wool; pair No. 10 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length of back seam from top to heel, 8 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to producc- 8 stitches to the inch. Cast on 50 sts.. and knit in ribbing of Kl, PI for 12 rows. 13th Row—* Kl, PI. Ml, P2 tog., repeat from *, ending with Kl, PI Knit 8 more rows ribbing.

2nd Row—Knit. 23rd Row—K28, turn, K6, turn, K7, turn, and continue in this way, taking one more st. each row until all have been knitted. Then knit 8 rows garter-st. Then, with the wrong side of work towards you, commence pattern. PATTERN.—1st Row—K18, * PI, Kl, repeat from * 6 times, K18. 2nd Row—Knit. Repeat these 2 rows 7 times more, then work on in same way, but decrease for shaping of leg, at each end of needle every 6tli row until sts. are reduced to 40, then knit 10 rows without decreasing (taking care to keep pattern right). Next Row—K18, then knit in pattern on next 14 sts., turn and knit backwards and forwards on these 14 sts., taking care to keep pattern right for 18 rows. Break off wool Join wool on at beginning of 1st needle, K18, pick up and knit 10 sts. on side of instep, K14, pick up 10 sts. on other side of instep, IC18. Knit 6 more rows, cast off. Sew up back seam. Crochet round foot (1 d.c., 3 ch., 1 d.c.) all in one St., repeat, placing evenly. Thread ribbon through holes at knee. Sew elastic under foot.

No. 29. CROCHET VEST. MATERIALS.—1 oz. 3-ply Lady Betty vest wool; fine bone crochet hook. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 10 in. Width all round underarms, 18 in. ABBREVIATIONS—Ch.—chain; d.c.—double crochet; tr.—treble; st. —stitch. Commence on lower edge of front by making a chain 9 J in. long, turn, and into 2nd ch. from hook make 1 d.c., 1 d.c. in each st. to end, 2 ch., turn. 2nd Row—1 d.c., * 1 ch , miss 1st d.c., 1 d.c. in next, repeat from * to end, 2 ch., turn. 3rd Row—1 d.c. under the 1 ch., * 1 ch., 1 d.c. under next cli., repeat from * to end, 2 ch., turn. Repeat this row (taking care to keep edges straight) till work measures 8 in. from beginning. Next Row—Work to within 2 in. of centre, turn, and work backwards and forwards on these sts. (for shoulder) till this strap measures 4 i;i. Break off. Work other strap the same, but on last row, on nook end, make a chain 4 in. long and join across to other strap. Continue working right across until back is same depth as front. Sew side seams together, leaving 3 in. for armholes. Crochet round neck and armholes as follows: — 1st Round—* 1 tr., miss 1 St., 1 tr. in next, repeat from * all round. 2nd Round—* 3 tr. on tr., 1 d.c. on next tr., repeat from * all round, Make chain and tassels, thread at neck.

No. 30.


MATERIALS.—1} ozs. 3-ply Lady Betty vest wool; pair No. 7 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 10 in. Width all round underarm, 18 in. ABBREVIATIONS— K—knit; P—purl; tog —together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 7 stitches to the inch. Cast on 60 sts. and knit in ribbing of K2, P2 for a depth of 2J in. Then work 4 rows in garter-st. PATTERN.—1st Row—K4, * Ml, K2 tog., K3, repeat from *, ending with K4. 2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—K2, * K2 tog., Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K4. 4th Row—Knit. 5th Row—Same as 1st row. 6th, 7th and 8tli Rows—Knit. These 8 rows complete pattern, repeat from 1st to 8th row, inclusive, till work measures 9 in. from beginning. With right side of work towards you, cast off 40 sts., and on remaining 20 sts. (for shoulder) knit 30 rows in garter-st. Cast off. Work other side in same way as far as shoulder; here take care to work shoulder on opposite side. Sew shoulders together, sew up side seams, leaving about 2\ in. for armholes. Round neck and armholes crochet a row of holes (1 tr., 2 ch., miss 2 sts.. 1 tr. in next). 2nd Round—1 d.c., 2 ch., 1 d.c. on each tr. Make chain and tassels, thread at neck.

No. 31.


MATERIALS.—lh ozs. 3-ply Lady Betty vest wool; pair No. 9 knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top of shoulder, 10 in. Width all round underarm when fastened, 18 in. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; St.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 9 stitches

to the inch.

Commence at the lower edge of the back by casting on 54 sts., and knit in ribbing of K4, P2 for 18 rows, then change to garter-st., and continue till work measures 7} in. from beginning (this brings work to back of neck).

Next Row—K17. cast oft 20 «ts. and knit remaining 17 sts till strap measures 4 in., then at neck end cast on 25 sts. (41 sts.). and continue until front is same depth as back, finishing with 18 rows of ribbing. Return to left front and work in same way. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew up side seams, leaving about 21 in. for armholes. Round nock and sleeves crochet the following: — 1st Row—1 tr., * 2 ch., miss 2 sts., 1 tr. in next, repeat from * to end. 2nd Row—1 (I.e., 2 ch., 1 d.c. in each space. Thread ribbon at neck, tying bow at side. Tie another bow just above ribbing.

No. 32.


MATERIALS.—11 ozs. 3-ply super-lingering wool; pair No. !) knit, needles. MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top to lower edge at centre, 9 in. Width all round, just above logs, 23 in. Width of lace, l i in. ABBREVIATIONS.—K—knit; 1'—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 7 stitches to the inch. Cast on 68 sts. and knit in ribbing of K2, P2 for 6 rows. 7th Row—* K2, wool twice over needle. K2 tog., repeat from * to end. Stli Row—K2, I>2, (o end. taking the wool twice over as .1 st. Knit 5 more rows ribbing. Then in garter-st., K39. turn, K10, turn, K l l . turn, continue in this way, taking 4 more sts.. each row, until all the sts. have been knitted (always slip the 1st st. nt the turn). PATTERN—1st Itow—* K3, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K3. 2nd Row—Knit. 3rd Row—Kl, * K2 log., Ml, Kl, Ml. K2 tog., repeat from *, ending with K2. 4th R o w — K n i i .

5th Row—Same as 1st row. 6th, 7th and 8th Rows—Knit. These 8 rows complete pattern, repeat from 1st to 8th row, inclusive, until pattern measures 4?, in. Now decrease 1 st. at beginning of every row until sis. are reduced lo 34 (taking care to keep pattern right). Then increase 1 st. at beginning of every row until sts. again number 68. Then continue in pattern for another 4?, in. Then 6 more rows of ribbing, then the 7th row (row of holes), finishing with 6 rows ribbing; cast off.

LACE FOR LEGS.—Cast on 7 sts.. and knit one row. 1st Row—Kl, Ml, Kl, Ml, K2 tog., K3. 2nd „ —K8. 3rd „ —Kl. Ml, K3. Ml, K2 tog., K2. 4th „ —K9. 5th „ —K2 tog.. Ml. K2 tog., Kl. Ml. K2 tog., K2. Gth „ —K8. 7th ., —K2 tog.. Ml. K2 tog., Ml, K2 log., K2. 8th „ —K7. Repeat these 8 row* until lace measures 10 in. (that is, width round leg), work another piece in same way. Press on wrong side under a damp cloth. Sew side seams together, sew lace to legs. Make chain and tassels, and thread at waist.

No. 33. "DAISY" KNITTED MODESTIES. MATERIALS—2 oz. 3-ply super-lingering wool; pair No. 9 knit, needles. .MEASUREMENTS.—Length from top to lower edge at centre, 10 in. Width all round, just above legs, 20 in. Width off leg bands, 2 in. ABBREVIATIONS— K—knit; P—purl; tog.—together; Ml—make one; st.—stitch. Work at a tension to produce 8 stitches to the inch. Commence on the back by casting on 72 sts. and knit G rows of ribbing of K2, P2. 7th Row—* Kl, Ml, K2 tog., repeat from * to end. Next 12 rows in ribbing. Then change to stocking-st. Knit to within 7 sts. of end, turn, and purl back to within 7 sts. of other end, turn, and knit to within 11 sts. of end, turn, purl back to within 11 sts. of end. turn, knit to within 15 sts. of end, purl back to within 15 sts. of end, turn, knit to within 19 sts. of end, turn, purl back to within 19 sts. of end, turn, knit to within 23 sts. of end, turn, purl back to end. Now continue with all the sts. (still in stocking-st.) for 4i in., then decrease 1 st. at beginning of every row until sts. are reduced to 34. Then increase 1 st. at beginning of every row until the sts. again number 72, then continue working for in. Next 12 rows in ribbing, then 7tli row (row of holes) and finish with 6 rows of ribbing. Cast off. LEG BAND.—Cast on 77 sts., 6 rows in moss-st., 6 rows in stockingst., G rows in inoss-st. Cast off. Knit another piece in same way for other leg. Press under a damp cloth on wrong side. Sew up side seams, sew log bands to legs. Embroid blue daisies with green leaves round stocking-st. on leg bands. With silk crochet 2 rows of d.c. round each leg. Thread ribbon through holes at waist.

3 0328





SMITHS* Ideal Book of

BABIES' WOOLLIES Book 1 and Book 2, each containing 33 Designs

in Knitting and Crochet.

Price 1/3 each

SMITHS' Ideal Book of

TODDLERS' WOOLLIES ( 1 8 MONTHS to 5 YEARS) Book 1—30 Designs in Knitting and Crochet. Book 2—22 Designs in Knitting and Crochet.

Price 1/3 each

SMITHS' Ideal Book of

CROCHET EDGINGS Containing 40 Designs.

Price 1 / 3

S M I T H S ' Ideal Book of Ladies' and Gents'


(Knitted ®


Book 1 containing 9 Designs. Book 2 containing 8 Designs.

Price !/• each If unobtainable locally send P . N . direct to the Authors—




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