Health and Safety Guide for Students

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Your Student Health and Safety Guide

Keep It Handy

Introduction Your safety is as important to us as your learning experience. Please help us to make sure you stay safe by reading this booklet and keeping it handy.

Your Responsibility… We cannot keep you safe without your help, so please follow these simple rules:

DO      

Behave in a responsible and considerate manner Comply with health and safety procedures and instructions Obey all safety signs and notices Report all incidents involving fire, injury, property damage or criminal activity Report any bullying or aggressive behaviour towards you or other students or staff Report any concerns you have about your safety or that of other students


Misuse or tamper with safety equipment

Contents Introduction and Your Responsibility ........................................................................................................... 1 Fire Safety ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 Fire Evacuation ............................................................................................................................................. 3 Electrical Safety ............................................................................................................................................ 3 First Aid and Medicine .................................................................................................................................. 4 Slips, Trips and Falls ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Safety in Lessons .......................................................................................................................................... 5 Sports and Activities ..................................................................................................................................... 5 Road Safety .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Cycle Safely ................................................................................................................................................... 6 Personal Safety ............................................................................................................................................. 7 Internet and Mobile Safety ......................................................................................................................... 8 Cyberbullying ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Computer Use .............................................................................................................................................. 9 Spot the Hazards Challenge ........................................................................................................................ 10 Emergency Contacts and Useful Websites can be found on the back page


Fire Safety Fires can start and spread easily if you do not follow safety measures and regulations. Even a small fire can result in significant damage to your personal property and the smoke and fumes can kill quickly. Fires can put many lives at risk, including those of fire fighters.

DO   

Keep your room tidy and clutter-­‐free Immediately reporting: Ensure you can leave your room quickly in an emergency -­‐ anything that you think may Familiarise yourself with the evacuation procedures cause a a nd fire, exit points in all the Not cooking, -­‐ any fire incident no matter how buildings you use smoking or lighting small,

  

candles anywhere in building

Keeping Fire Doors closed

-­‐ defective fire safety equipment.

Achieving Fire Safety

Not overloading electrical sockets

 Keep fire doors closed and evacuation routes clear of clutter Not covering accommodation Only use fire safety heaters with equipment when clothing/towels etc. Not covering fire there is a fire. detectors.  Treat all alarms as real emergencies unless you are informed otherwise


 Cook, smoke, use candles or burn incense in your room  Misuse or tamper with fire equipment -­‐ lives may depend on this equipment and it is a criminal offence  Obstruct exits and escape routes  Cover heaters, light fittings or fire detectors


Fire Evacuation

It is very important that you know what to do in the event of fire. Your student induction will inform you of fire evacuation procedures and assembly points. Please inform staff if you require assistance evacuating the building.

On discovering a fire…

DO    

Sound the alarm by breaking the fire alarm glass and pressing the call point Warn others close to you and leave the building immediately, walking quickly to your assembly point Inform the nearest member of staff of the location of the fire or dial 999 Report to the person taking the register or, if there is no one around, stay at the assembly point until help arrives

On hearing the alarm…   

Leave the building immediately by the nearest exit and go to the assembly point If you are in class, follow your teacher’s instructions Report to the person taking the register or, if there is no one around, stay at the assembly point. Be careful of traffic

DO NOT   

Use the lifts Stop to collect belongings or wait for others Go back into the building until a member of staff says it is safe to do so NEVER try to put out a fire unless you have been trained and it is safe to do so

Electrical Safety

Electric shocks can be nasty and sometimes fatal. Electrical failures can also start fires. Here are a few steps to minimise risks…

DO  



Have faulty equipment checked Check you have the correct CE approved UK adapters and plugs, or ask staff to check for you Switch off appliances and plug sockets when they are not in use

  

Use or attempt to fix faulty electrical equipment Use kettles, toasters, heaters, rice cookers etc. in your bedroom Overload sockets

First Aid and Medicine At your induction you will receive information on your First Aiders and what to do if you have an accident, are unwell or need to take medicines. Please follow the simple rules below:

DO   

Report all accidents to a member of staff as soon as possible Store medicines safely and securely Get your medicine from an authorised dispenser

DO NOT  

Call the emergency services unless you cannot quickly locate a member of staff Share medicines with other people

Slips, Trips and Falls To help minimise accidents, please keep premises clean and tidy. Be aware of your surroundings and…

DO    

Watch where you are going Be careful in busy areas on crowded stairs and in wet and icy conditions Report or clean up spilt food or liquid immediately Wear appropriate footwear for your environment

DO NOT  

Leave items unattended in walkways Drop litter or leave a mess behind you


Safety in Lessons Putting theory into practice in art and science classes can be risky if you’re using hazardous substances or sharp equipment.

DO    

Follow safety procedures and instructions Read written protocols for hazardous work -­‐ such as Good Laboratory Practice and Safety in Fieldwork Wear the right protective equipment Concentrate when working with dangerous materials


Start a risky activity if you don’t feel safe, stop and ask for help

Sports and Activities Any sport or outdoor activity involves risk. Using approved clubs and organisations helps to reduce this risk, as does following these simple guidelines…

DO   

Ask the activity organiser if you have any questions about safety Use the right equipment Follow instructions

DO NOT  

Undertake sports activities without the appropriate equipment and supervision Undertake sports activities without appropriately warming up and down


Road Safety It’s important that you observe road signs as these maybe different from those in your own country. There is a list of useful websites at the end of this booklet which provide further information on this topic.

DO   


Pay attention when using roads and walkways Use identified walkways and crossing points Check the “Look right/Look left” markings on the road before crossing


Drive a car unless you have a valid licence and insurance

Cycle Safely Cycling is a great, healthy way to get about. To cycle safely…

DO 

Obey traffic and crossing signs

Path is shared Separate Paths Cyclists Only  Look out for vehicles turning left across your path  Wear a helmet and use lights  Check your brakes and tyres regularly


Leave your bike unlocked, it can disappear in seconds

Wearing headphones or talking/texting on your mobile will distract you from your surroundings and greatly increase your chance of having an accident


Personal Safety By taking simple precautions you can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime…



   

Secure your bedroom and/or personal belongings Report anything/anyone suspicious Carry your ID and report it immediately if you lose it Keep money in the school safe, or in a pocket money or bank account

 

Let anyone into college buildings who does not have a pass/you don’t know Lend anyone you don’t know well your phone/electronic devices or any money

Safety when out and about

It is sensible to follow a few simple precautions when you are out and about…

DO  

Try to use cashpoints in daylight, beware of people standing close to you and conceal your PIN number Keep to busy, well lit areas at night

DO NOT  

Show your money in the street or leave valuables on display or within easy reach Accept a lift from a stranger, unmarked taxi or someone you don’t know well

Safety on a night out Make your night memorable for the right reasons…  If you think you are being followed, DO cross the road, check to see who is  Tell your accommodation provider/a behind you, get to a busy area or call friend where you’re going and when a friend to tell them where you are. you’ll be back If necessary, call the police  Plan how to get home and take DO NOT money for a taxi (just in case)  Make sure your mobile is working  Get into a car with a driver who  Let friends know where you are appears to be under the influence of going if you split up alcohol or drugs  Only use licenced taxis, or walk  Leave drinks unattended where they home in a group might be spiked  Stay alert to signs of danger  Take unknown or illegal substances


Internet and Mobile Safety The internet and mobiles are a great source of information and communication. However you may encounter people (predators) who use them to persuade you into dangerous situations.

DO 


Remember that not everyone is who they say they are. Predators can post fake names, information and pictures Tell a member of staff and the website provider if you suspect someone could be a predator

  

Give personal information to people you don’t know Plan to meet anyone you have communicated with online Give out financial information or make payments online other than through verified websites or payment system

Cyberbullying Cyberbullying is any form of virtual or online bullying. All of your actions online can have a lasting presence on the internet, so think carefully before sharing opinions, comments or images.

DO 


Block anyone who is bullying you from contacting you online or via your phone and tell someone Change your number or email address if necessary and only give new details to people you know you can trust Contact a helpline if you feel you can’t talk to anyone around you

Post intimate images or comments on any website or send them to anyone electronically Reply to nasty messages you receive


Computer Use It is very important to set up your work station correctly and adopt a good posture as this will help to avoid common problems such as eye strain, finger, wrist, back or shoulder pain and headaches.

Monitor should be about an arm’s length away from your eyes with the top of the screen aligned with y our eyes Keep your head and body straight with shoulders relaxed Adjust the back of the chair so that the curve of the chair supports your lower back Keep elbows close to your Keep your mouse close to you sides and hold it lightly. Keep your wrists straight and flat with your arms, wrists and forearms parallel to the floor Ensure you have a gap between the edge of chair and the back of your knees

Keep your feet flat on the floor

DO   


Make sure you can read the screen clearly without flicker or glare Take regular breaks during screen work Use a foot rest if your feet don't touch the ground

 

Slump or lean over your desk Put prolonged or unnecessary pressure on the underside of your thighs/back of your knees

Ask if you would like help with your work area or if you are suffering from any complaints associated with computer use.



ANSWERS 1.Broken smoke detector / 2.Broken window pane / 3.Mouldy Food / 4.Hot drink on edge of table / 5. Coat covering lamp / 6.Loose handle on door / 7.Clothes piled on floor / 8. Overloaded plug socket 9.Broken floorboard / 10.Hair Straighteners on rug / 11.Wires all over the floor / 12.Coat close to electric fire 13.Papers close to the electric fire / 14.Mouse chewing the mouse wire! / 15.Nail varnish remover near open flame

(Answers below)

See how many accidents are waiting to happen…

Spot the Hazards

EMERGENCY NUMBERS CALL 999 for immediate help from the police, fire and ambulance services Other important numbers to add… Out-of-hours number for your place of study: ___________________________ Accommodation/homestay emergency contact: __________________________ On-site nurse/doctors’ surgery: ______________________________________ GP surgery:______________________________________________________ GP our-of-hours service: ___________________________________________ Site security contact: _______________________________________________ Other useful numbers you want to keep… _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________

Useful Websites The following websites provide comprehensive information and advice on road safety and the Highway Code: There are Apps for staying safe in a whole range of situations, such as:­‐safety-­‐tips/app-­‐directory/live-­‐life-­‐safe-­‐app/ Childcare is a confidential service for young people (up to 19) covering many issues including online bullying, self-­‐harm, stress and relationships: or 0800 1111

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