Our colourful plants and forests in achaia hellas

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A strip of life by Athena Katsiyianni Grade 3, 2nd Junior High School of Paralia

The beautiful forest of Strofilia is located in the north-western part of the Peloponnese.

It separates the Prokopou Lake from the Ionian Sea.

It is a national park which is protected by the Ramsar Convention and the Natura network. It covers an area of 22 acres and it is a typical example of the Greek nature as it is combines a pine forest, sand and the blue sea.

But the most astonishing thing about the forest of Strofilia are the scents it gives away.

You can smell pine, cedar, thyme, myrtle, and sage, which make you feel relaxed and happy!

Following the paths in this forest you will be able to see a lot of unique animals and birds among the pine trees and the dunes.

There is also a natural fishery as a lot of bass, mullet and eels live in the water in the forest.

The forest of Strofilia, the lagoon of Kotihi and the Prokopou Lake complement the lagoon of Papas.

Geranium Asphodeloides

Geranium asphodeloides is one of the most beautiful and rare plants which grow up at Helmos, the mountain near our town, and more specifically at River Styx

Plants of other forests in Achaia

Aqiulegia ottonis

River Styx is an incredible place where, according to mythology, goddess Thetis bathed her son Achilles. It is an astonishing habitat with lots of rare and unique plants. Aqiulegia ottonis is one of them. It blossoms in the early summer near the cave of River Styx, which people in the ancient times believed it was one of the entrances to the underworld.

Pinus nigra is a tall tree, which can reach a height of 45 metres. The cones

of pinus nigra are small and the needles are of medium size. We can find it in South Europe and on the mountains of North Africa. The wood of this tree is red inside. It is of good quality and it is used in building, in shipbuilding, and as supporting columns for electricity cables. Pinus nigra grows at an altitude of 400-1800 metres. In Greece we can find it on the Pindos mountain range and on some mountains of Macedonia. However, it grows on other mountains, too, such as in some forests of the Peloponnese and of Achaia, near our city, Patra. Acknowledgements: Pictures from http://www.kalavrytanews.com/p/blog-page_11.html http://hikingexperience.blogspot.gr/2010/03/blog-post_27.html Irida Manta, Grade 3, 2nd Junior High School of Paralia

Lactarius deliciosus is a mushroom that is very tasty. It is highly rated by mushroom lovers. Because it is so rare and tasty, it is very expensive. Lactarius deliciosus is one of the 120 types of lactarius and it grows under Mediterranean pines on the acidic soil of conifers. It creates a close (mycorrhizal) relationship with its host tree. That’s why when pine trees are destroyed, this type of mushroom can’t grow in that forest again. Acknowledgements: Picture from http://www.alekati.gr/%CE%BB%CE%B1%CE%BA%CF%84%CE%AC%CF %81%CE%B9%CE%BF%CF%82_%CE%BF_%CE%BD%CF%8C%CF %83%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%82 Irida Manta, Grade 3, 2nd Junior High School of Paralia

Sideritis clandestine (mountain tea) is used in Mediterranean countries, such as Greece, as a tea. There are 80 species of this plant. They grow in the Mediterranean countries, the Canary islands and in North Asia. They are fluffy bushes which live for about one or two years. They have got yellow or white small flowers. The beverage from this plant is very popular in the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. It’s been proved that the Sideritis Scardia species has got miraculous properties for the human body, like those of the green tea (Camellia Sinensis). Acknowledgements: Pictures from http://oiko-iasis.blogspot.gr/2013/03/blog-post.html http://ecology-salonika.org/2010/06/18/reduction-of-wild-aromatic-plants-in-the-greekmountains/comment-page-1/ Irida Manta, Grade 3, 2nd Junior High School of Paralia

Ophrys delphinensis is a rare orchid that grows around the Corinthian Gulf. It

probably comes from Ophrys Argolica and Ophrys cerastes. It blossoms between April and May. Ophrys Delphinensis was found in Egialia, an area of the Prefecture of Achaia, in 1963. Scientists believe that this plant developed in the area almost about the last 10,000 years, since earlier the climate was cold and there was ice in Greece. Acknowledgements: Pictures from www.greekflora.gr, www.newsbeast.gr, www.moriasnow.gr Georgia Lalioti, Grade 3, 2nd Junior High School of Paralia

Pleurotus are mushrooms that grow on dead trees, but they are also

cultivated all over the world. The most common species are Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus eryngii. They have rich flesh and soft aroma. They are very popular in the Greek cuisine and they are a source of vitamins. Ancient civilisations believed they were “food for gods and kings”. The witches of Middle Ages mixed their dust with ash and applied this mixture to increase people’s fertility, while they made erotic potions and medicines to fight impotence. In fact, the mushrooms have such qualities that probably boost the human body’s immune system. Acknowledgements: Picture from: www.valentine.gr Georgia Lalioti, Grade 3, 2nd Junior High School of Paralia

Quercus frainetto is a very big tree which can reach a height of 30 metres. Its leaves are big and it matures from September to October, but it blows and withers right away. This tree can resist the cold and the strong winds. However, it can’t survive on dry and hot grounds. Its wood is heavy, dark blond and massive and it is used for many purposes, but it is especially used for woodwork. In our area we can find this tree mostly on Mount Erymanthos. Text by Marievi Katsiyianni Photo:

Πλατύφυλλη δρυς Quercus frainetto

http://androni.blogs pot.gr/2011/05/blog -post.html


Pinus halepensis is a kind of pine tree which grows in the Mediterranean at a low altitude up to 1000 metres. This type of tree prefers the hot and dry grounds. In addition, pinus halepensis can reach a height of 15 to 30 metres. Its needles are very slim and have a characteristic green colour. Its wood is of a very good quality so it is used for all kinds of woodwork. This tree is also important for the production of honey around the Text by Marievi Mediterranean Sea Katsiyianni Photo:

http://xlorida.blogs pot.gr/2013/05/pin us-halepensispinaceae.html

Χαλέπιος πεύκη Pinus halepensis


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