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Barb Sibbing
Check out my FAN PAGE -> http://www.facebook.com/EGlobalMarketingManagement Global and Local Online Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Internet Strategy for small business. Can your clients find you when they do a search? Hey there, Barb Sibbing here. Barb dabbled in one home business after another never really aspiring to her fullest potential because she lived with abuse, verbal, emotional, mental, psychological for many years. Barb started in Network Marketing in 1992. She has been growing a successful business since 2007 on the Internet when she decided to learning this “tool” for finding people interested in a home business and developing relationships. The internet is the most amazing way to continue growing a business and she truly has a passion for helping others to achieve this same goal. Barb Follows Her Passion to Help People Create Their Business Online Barb learned a lot along her journey about Direct Sales and Online Marketing and her goal is to assist oth