Peace, Be Still: Daily Prayers for Morning and Evening by Janice Thompson

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Devotional prayers are from Serenity Prayers for a Woman’s Soul and Peace, Be Still: Calming Scriptures and Prayers for a Woman’s Heart published by Barbour Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Peace for Your Morning and Evening. . .

Evening, and morning. . .will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.

Psalm 55:17 kjv

This lovely collection of scriptures and prayers will help you experience the true peace that can only be cultivated through a deep connection to the heavenly Father. With each turn of the page, you’ll encounter a calming, devotional-like conversation with God—twice a day for every day of the calendar year.

Take a moment every morning and evening and be still. In the quiet is where you’ll come to know and understand just how deeply and tenderly God loves you.

Rest in His love today!

“Be still, and know that I am God.”
Psalm 46:10 esv


Only in Your Presence

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

John 16:33 esv


Oh, how I long for peace, Lord! This world is a whirling, swirling mess most of the time. I don’t know if I’m coming or going, if I’m up or if I’m down. There are days when I feel I’m barely able to catch my breath. On those days, I need Your true and lasting peace more than ever. Wrap me in it, I pray. Cocoon me in Your quietness, Your calm. Still my heart when it’s thump-thump-thumping out of control. Remind me, even then, that You can bring calm in the very middle of the storm.


Father God, You are right there, in the eye of the hurricanes that come my way—even the ones that threaten to wash me far from where I need to be. And though winds are viciously howling around me, I will step into that peaceful, glorious center to spend time with You. Only in that quiet place can I truly find rest for my soul, Lord. Meet me there, I pray.


A New Creation

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

2 Corinthians 5:17 niv


Heavenly Father, I thank You for the peace I find in knowing that I am a new creation in Jesus Christ! His death on the cross and my faith in Him have made me a brand-new person with a heart that has been cleansed from all unrighteousness. Though I continue to sin and mess up royally at times, You always stand ready to forgive. When You look at me, You see me through a “Jesus lens”—as righteous and redeemed. You see me not as a hopeless sinner but as a daughter of the King.


Lord, my identity is not reliant upon this world, my accomplishments, or even what others think of me. You are my audience of one. I want to live as a new being, one who has passed from death into life through the salvation provided by the blood of my Savior. Walk with me each day, I pray. Help me to please and honor You in all I do and say. Remind me that when I feel defeated, I am more than enough in Your eyes because of the one who gave His all that I might be found sinless and blameless before You.


My Burden Is Light

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Matthew 11:28–30 niv


Lord Jesus, the burdens I carry feel like boulders placed on my very weak shoulders. I struggle to stand up straight as I lug them from place to place. Why do I even try? Oh, how I long to toss them overboard, to be rid of them once and for all! I’m thankful, Lord, that You give me hope for lighter days ahead! Your Word says I can always come to You with my boulder-like burdens. Thank You for loving me so very much!


I’m so thankful You will give me rest, Lord. You swap out a heavy burden for a soft, fluffy pillow filled with weightless feathers. I toss that pillow in the air, easy breezy, and watch the evening sun shimmer off it as I catch it back in my arms again. What a lovely reminder that You are the one doing the heavy lifting. I love this swap, Father! Your yoke really is easy. And those burdens? They’re featherlight.


Living Free

For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin.

Romans 6:6 niv


God, the old has gone; the new has come. I am no longer a slave to sin, but I have been set free. Help me to live as one who is free. Just as a dog who has been trained to sleep in a kennel will return to it night after night—even if the cage is not locked once he enters—I tend to wander back to my captivity. I remember what it was like to be a slave to sin. I could not help myself, quite literally. But then You entered my heart, and everything changed.


Father God, once you entered my heart, my old self was replaced with a new, better version of me. And so I never need wander back into slavery again. I am free! And I will live as if I am free indeed. Christ in me. Emmanuel. God with us. Remind me, every moment of every day, of the new identity You have blessed me with, Father. Help me to focus on Christ and never look back.


In Every Way

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

2 Thessalonians 3:16 esv


I’ve made so many wrong decisions in my life, Lord. But You already know that. I didn’t always heed Your call, and I’m sorry! I have a lot of regrets. I took many wrong paths. They led me down dark roads into shadowy forests where I faced battles I hadn’t prepared for. But You? . . . You graciously picked me up, dusted me off, and put me on the right road once again, Lord! You simply loved me back in that gracious, merciful way of Yours.


Here’s a confession, Lord: when I’m on the wrong road, I usually know it. It doesn’t take me long to figure out that my peace is gone when the directions are unclear. That’s why I want to keep my hand firmly in Yours, Father. You keep me safe, and I’m so grateful.


Love One Another

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.

1 John 4:12 niv


Holy God, no one has ever seen You. You are too holy for humans to look upon. And yet, I have seen You in others. I have seen You in teachers in my church who give of themselves tirelessly, serving and spreading Your Word to all who will listen. I have seen You in family members and friends whose hearts reflect compassion. They reach out instead of focusing inward. They reflect Your light in a dark world. Father, I pray that others would see that same kind of light in me too.


As I work and play with friends and family, I pray that my love for them would be evident, Father. I pray my words and actions would show that Jesus has taken up full-time residence in my heart and that I truly live for Him. I want to point others to You all of my days. Teach me to love as You love. Thank You, Father.


Pursued by Your Goodness

Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23:6 nlt


Lord, I am reminded of the story of Hosea, how You instructed him to take a wife who spent their marriage wandering to other men. Hosea refused to give up on Gomer, no matter how far she wandered. He pursued her, winning her heart and loving her back home. She learned the true message of this verse: Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever! What a beautiful picture of how You love us, Lord. You woo us to Yourself, to Your house, and compel us to dwell with You forever and ever.


Father God, I’m dazzled by Your love. I’m mesmerized by Your willingness to pursue me daily, even when I wander off and follow after other “loves.” Your goodness and unfailing love will continue to follow me until the day You call me home to heaven. How can I ever thank You for loving and pursuing me in such a way? How grateful I am!


Who Do You Trust?

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5 esv


Blessed assurance! That’s what I have in You, Lord. I can place my trust in no other. (Boy, have I tried and failed!) Now that I’ve tasted and seen Your goodness, Your grace, Your mercy, I can set my heart on none but You. When I’m faithful to do that, You give me assurance of Your presence, Your caring, and Your great love. It’s so easy to trust the one who loves me so abundantly!


Father, walking in the assurance of Your great love means that I can walk in peace from day to day. I don’t have to wonder if You’re going to give up on me. I know You won’t! I can know for sure that You will never leave me or forsake me, that You are my constant companion, the lover of my soul. How I worship You today and all days, precious Lord! I once again commit to place my trust solely in You.


Generosity in Relationships

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

Proverbs 11:25 niv


Heavenly Father, show me ways I can be more generous in my relationships. I want to be a safe person for those who are closest in my life. I want to provide a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when it is needed. I have been blessed with so many resources; help me to give generously when others are in need. I know that, at times, I am too focused on my own problems. I share my latest complaint or concern with anyone who will listen! Calm my spirit, Lord, and help me to see—truly see—the needs of those around me.


I experience such refreshment in the presence of certain friends, Father. I literally leave my time with them feeling as though I have been in the presence of Jesus. Give me that type of generous and loving spirit so that I might be at peace in all my relationships. Even more, help me to be a blessing to all those with whom I come in contact.



A Present Help

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Psalm 46:1 esv


Like the paralyzed man in the Bible, Lord, You saw me lying by the side of the road, frozen in place, locked in fear, unable to take a step forward. You spoke with such love and affection: “Rise up and walk!” And when I saw the love pouring from Your eyes, I truly believed I could—and I did! I rose from my slumber. I rose from my pain. I rose from the past, the destruction, the oppression. And I felt a smile tug at the corners of my lips for the first time in years—not because of anything I had done, but because of Your amazing love. It made me brave! It brought me peace. It gave me strength.


Lord, You truly are a very present help. You enter into my troubling situation, no matter how dire, and extend Your strong, capable hand. With Your encouraging voice, You say, You can do this, girl. With My help, you truly can. And, in that instant, I know You are right! So right here and now, I once again place my hand in Yours, Lord.

DAY 11

A Kind Woman

A kindhearted woman gains honor, but ruthless men gain only wealth.

Proverbs 11:16 niv


Kind God, give me a kind heart. Help me to commit random acts of kindness today that will bless my family and friends. When I am busy at work, help me to keep my cool and respond with grace and patience to others’ demands. At the end of a long day, give me a gentle spirit as I deal with my family. Help me to listen to and to nurture each member of my family with kindness, for I know this pleases You.


Lord, You will always replenish me with Your never-ending grace and love. You will continue to pour love into me so that I will have enough to pour it right back out into the lives of those who look to me as an example. I pray that I will never be known for what I have or what I earn but rather for the kindness that spills forth from my heart. God, make me kind.

DAY 12

Victory through Faith

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith.

1 John 5:4 nlt


Sometimes I don’t see myself as a victor, Lord. I look at my track record and think, Loser! not Winner. (Just keeping it real. I have a lousy battle record if I’m being totally honest.) Sometimes I even give up before the battle begins. That’s how defeated I feel. But I’m so relieved that You always win. There’s never been a battle in the history of, well, ever that You’ve lost. What a track record, Lord! You’re a victor every single time.


I put my full trust in You, Father. And through You, I’m confident I will have victory in each new battle I face—whether I’m feeling in a “winner” frame of mind or not. Winning might not look the way I think it should, but You’ll continue to surprise me with new and exciting ways to view my victories. Let’s do this, Lord! I’m ready to hit the battlefield with Your hand in mine and peace leading the way!

DAY 13

Be Still and Know

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10 niv


Heavenly Father, as I enter into this quiet time with You, I ask that You help me to remember You are still God and You are still in control. Even as politics and culture seem to be going nowhere fast, I will rely upon the one true God. I will find my refuge and my strength in You and in You alone. You are the Great I Am . You are the Alpha and the Omega. Before there was time, You were. If men and women do not praise You, the rocks will have to cry out. You are that holy. You are that supreme. You simply must be praised.


Father, help me to seek You and to truly find You in my quiet times. As I still my heart before You and open Your Word, lead me to the right scriptures and the right messages from You. Clear my mind of all the distractions that fight for my attention. Help me to find peaceful moments alone with You, in which You can encourage and strengthen me. I need You so.

DAY 14

Faith Encourages Actions

Because Noah had faith, he built a large boat for his family. God told him what was going to happen. His faith made him hear God speak and he obeyed. His family was saved from death because he built the boat. In this way, Noah showed the world how sinful it was. Noah became right with God because of his faith in God.

Hebrews 11:7 nlv


Going on a trip is so much fun, Lord. Getting ready is half the adventure! Imagining the places we will go, the things we will do, the joys we will have. Oh, that sense of anticipation!

In many ways, my life is like that. When I walk with my hand firmly clasped in Yours, there’s a sense of anticipation about the days ahead. I can be fully at peace, knowing the adventures in front of me are safely mapped out, all part of Your plan.


May I be like Noah when it comes to life’s great adventures, Father God. Even when I can’t see with my eyes, give me the courage to act. Even if others ridicule, give me peace about the adventure ahead. And give me the necessary tools to build whatever needs building—in my heart, my mind, my soul—so that I’m fully prepared when the time is right.

DAY 15

Near to God

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

James 4:8 niv


God, draw near to me, I pray. Just as I long for human touch and connection, I long (even more so) for a connection with You. You are my Creator, my Savior, my very best friend. Your Word tells me that when I draw near to You, You are there. You stand ready. You draw near to me as well.


God, You always give me a choice. I can choose to live life on my own, forgetting You are there, neglecting Your Word, forging my own path. Or I can depend upon You, draw from Your amazing strength, and lean upon You. Father, I would be so foolish to do anything but draw closer and closer to You with each passing day. In times that I begin to stray, reach out to me. Never let me go. Draw me close to You as a mother holds her young. I want to be in the safest place of all—in Your arms.

DAY 16

Slow Down. . .and Dine!

Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”

John 6:35 esv


Sometimes I feel like a slave to the clock, Lord. I run here, there, and everywhere. . .always in a hurry. Often, I’m so rushed I don’t have the time or the energy to slow down and truly enjoy where I am at any given moment. Will life always be this fast? Will I always feel so frantic? Why am I always hungry for that next big thing? Why am I always thirsting after the thrill of the next big adventure? Thank You for the reminder that I don’t need to hunger and thirst after anything but You.


There’s no frantic pace with You, Lord. Only peace. Sweet, calming peace. No chasing after this or that. No rushing about. You are the bread of life. When I take the time to come to You, the clock stops. You feed me and satisfy my every need. What peace there is in dining with You!

DAY 17

Peace in My Prayers

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Matthew 6:6 niv


God, I come to You in this secret place. I have withdrawn from the world and all its busyness to hear You speak. I seek You here in private. Just the two of us. I speak words of praise and thanksgiving. I present requests to You for my own needs and the needs of others. I ask Your forgiveness for sins—not just in general, but for specific sins that come to mind as I pray. I find time to be quiet before You here as well. I do not desire to do all the talking. This is not a one-way conversation. I want prayer to be an open line of communication between You, the sovereign God, and Your servant.


I cannot see You, Lord, but I can feel You near me when I pray and when I spend time in Your Word. Help me to always find such peaceful, quiet times to withdraw from all the responsibilities of my day and simply meet with You, my Father.

DAY 18

A Fixed Mind

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

Isaiah 26:3 esv


I’m so stressed, Lord! I don’t like the way this feels. I know I should give my problems to You, but sometimes my fingers are so tightly wound around them that it’s hard to let go. I feel like You have to pry them from my tightly wedged fingers. Help me! Give me faith to believe You’re bigger than what I’m facing right now, Lord. I don’t need much—just a tiny mustard seed. Show me how to keep my mind fixed on You, not the problems.


I’m sorry for the times I’ve allowed myself to get caught up in the drama of chaotic circumstances, Father. I want to keep my mind fixed on You. Solid. Immovable. You. Only there, in Your presence, will I find the peace to make proper decisions. Help me, I pray!

DAY 19

How Abundant Is Your Goodness!

How great is the goodness you have stored up for those who fear you. You lavish it on those who come to you for protection, blessing them before the watching world.

Psalm 31:19 nlt


If I took all the finest people I’ve ever known in my life and lined them up next to each other, the value of their worth combined wouldn’t even come close to who You are. You are my great Redeemer. My forgiver. My hope. You’re the one who can bring peace when no one else can. No one I know can bring lasting change to my life. But You, Lord? You’ve done all of that and more. And You have done it all out of Your great love for me. What peace to rest in the assurance of Your abundant goodness. How grateful I am!


Everything pales in the light of Your glory and grace, Father! Monstrous problems that threatened to swallow me in the night reveal themselves as what they are—nothing but illusions. Shadows. Your goodness overwhelms them in a hurry! Nothing compares to You, Lord.

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