© 2024 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Editorial assistance by Stephanie Witry and Elijah Adkins.
ISBN 978-1-63609-859-3
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All scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Published by Barbour Publishing, Inc., 1810 Barbour Drive, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683, www.barbourbooks.com
Our mission is to inspire the world with the life-changing message of the Bible.
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In a stressful world, here’s the perfect way to unwind!
Calming Bible Crosswords is a brand-new collection featuring smaller puzzles with more recognizable, less obscure answers.
The 99 themed puzzles each include 16 to 22 words from the beloved King James Version, with clues sometimes featuring a clever or humorous twist.
Easier to complete and focused completely on God’s Word, these puzzles promise relaxing fun for players of all ages and backgrounds.
Clues are accompanied by Bible references, answers are provided, and the larger type and puzzle grids are easy on the eyes.
Chill a bit with Calming Bible Crosswords!
Bible Heroes
4 His life was extended by 15 years (2 Kings 20:5–6)
7 Called by a burning bush (Exod. 3:4)
9 The female judge (Judg. 4:4)
10 Pharaoh’s right-hand man (Gen. 41:41)
12 A kid king (2 Kings 22:1)
14 Premier priest of Israel (Exod. 28:1)
17 “The Son of Consolation” (Acts 4:36)
18 Adoptive dad of future queen (Esther 2:7)
1 Shiphrah and Puah, together (Exod. 1:15)
2 God with Us (Matt. 1:21–23)
3 Originally Saul, the persecutor (Acts 13:9)
5 “The Friend of God” (James 2:23)
6 He gave up the kingship to a very good friend (1 Sam. 18:4)
8 Mighty warrior, foolish promiser (Judg. 11)
11 Mom to the Messiah (Luke 1:30–31)
13 Long-haired deliverer of Israel (Judg. 16:16–20)
15 Goliath’s nemesis (1 Sam. 17:49–51)
16 One good spy (Num. 14:6–7)
Puzzle 1
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Waters of Scripture
3 King who built a water tunnel under Jerusalem (2 Kings 20:20)
4 Peter did this on water (Matt. 14:28–29)
6 Leper who preferred to wash in his homeland Syrian rivers (2 Kings 5:11–12)
7 Kind of water Jesus provides (John 7:38)
11 One of four rivers coming from Eden (Gen. 2:10–14)
12 What a plague turned Egypt’s water into (Exod. 7:20–21)
14 Sea that split for Israel (Exod. 15:4)
15 Jesus’ first miracle turned water to this (John 2:1–11)
17 Major Egyptian river, unnamed in KJV (Gen. 41:1)
18 Days of rain that led to Noah’s flood (Gen. 7:12)
1 “Salt” sea in the KJV (Josh. 18:19)
2 Pool where Jesus sent a blind man (John 9:7)
5 He watered the gospel seeds Paul planted (1 Cor. 3:6–7)
8 Sea where Peter and Andrew fished (Matt. 4:18)
9 What the waters of Marah were (Exod. 15:23)
10 John’s baptismal water (Matt. 3:13)
13 Jesus said you must be born of water and this (John 3:5)
16 What God called the gathered waters (Gen. 1:10)
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Puzzle 3
Young People
3 Mom of miracle Samuel (1 Sam. 1:20)
5 Hometown of Jesus’ young mother, Mary (Luke 1:26–27)
6 What Jesus did with children (Mark 10:15–16)
9 Baby Jacob’s older twin (Gen. 25:26)
13 Jesus’ age when He “got lost” at the temple (Luke 2:41–52)
14 What kids must do to mom and dad (Exod. 20:12)
16 Paul’s young missionary partner (Philem. 1)
17 King who threatened to cut a baby in two (1 Kings 3:16–28)
18 Relative who discovered a plot against Paul (Acts 23:16–17)
1 Leah’s younger—and prettier—sister (Gen. 29:16–17)
2 His 12–year-old daughter died. . .and was raised (Luke 8:41–56)
4 How a young follower fled the night Jesus was arrested (Mark 14:51–52)
7 Young coat-check man at Stephen’s martyrdom (Acts 7:58)
8 Where Jesus raised a widow’s young son (Luke 7:11–15)
10 A young man’s glory (Prov. 20:29)
11 King who wanted young Jesus dead (Matt. 2:13)
12 Young man who fell for Paul’s preaching (Acts 20:9)
15 Sarah’s miracle baby (Gen. 17:19)
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Puzzle 4
Biblical Trees
1 Trees can clap them? (Isa. 55:12)
3 Israel chopped down all this country’s good trees (2 Kings 3:24–26)
4 His hair was caught in the boughs of an oak (2 Sam. 18:8–10)
7 It was made of gopher wood (Gen. 6:13–14)
10 Cherubim guarded this tree (Gen. 3:24)
12 Adam and Eve could eat this from most trees of the garden (Gen. 3:2)
13 The temple wood (1 Kings 6:9)
15 He tested the angel of the Lord under an oak (Judg. 6:1–21)
16 City of palm trees (2 Chron. 28:15)
1 He provided wood for building the temple (1 Kings 5:1–10)
2 He climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus (Luke 19:2–5)
5 These guys stripped all fruit from the trees in Egypt (Exod. 10:14–15)
6 Trees in Zechariah’s vision (Zechariah 1:7–10)
8 “But of the tree of the ____ of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it” (Gen. 2:17)
9 David attacked the Philistines near these trees (1 Chron. 14:13–16)
11 A big beast that lounged under shady trees (Job 40:15–22)
12 Jesus cursed this tree (Matt. 21:19)
14 Adam and Eve “hid” from Him among the trees of the garden (Gen. 3:8)
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Noah and His Ark
2 Noah’s troubled boy (Gen. 9:22–25)
5 Noah’s new-world job (Gen. 9:20)
6 What Noah built after the ark (Gen. 8:18–20)
7 Part of God’s command to Noah’s family (Gen. 9:1)
9 Last of Noah’s offspring (Gen 6:10)
13 First of Noah’s offspring (Gen. 6:10)
15 A dove turned over this leaf (Gen. 8:11)
16 Represented by the rainbow (Gen. 9:8–17)
18 The ark had but one (Gen. 6:16)
1 On the menu, after the flood (Gen. 9:2–4)
3 Ark’s resting place (Gen. 8:4)
4 The ark’s KJV measurement unit (Gen. 6:15)
8 Ark sealer (Gen. 6:14)
10 Noah found it in God’s eyes (Gen. 6:8)
11 Big men of Noah’s day (Gen. 6:4)
12 Days and nights of rain (Gen. 7:4)
13 Number of each clean animal on the ark (Gen. 7:2)
14 Noah’s first reconnaissance flyer (Gen. 8:7)
17 Number of each regular animal on the ark (Gen. 6:19)
Puzzle 5
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The Night of Jesus’ Arrest
3 What Jesus promised to send (John 14:17)
5 What Jesus overcomes (John 16:33)
6 Bread symbolizes this of Jesus (Matt. 26:26)
9 Jesus’ primary commandment (John 15:12)
11 The last supper coincided with this (Matt. 26:17–19)
13 Jesus washed them (John 13:4–5)
14 A man carrying this led disciples to the upper room (Mark 14:13)
15 Judas’ betrayal of Jesus was in league with them (Mark 14:10–11)
16 What the cup symbolized (Matt. 26:27–28)
1 Spot of Jesus’ arrest (Matt. 26:36)
2 “The servant is not ____than his lord” (John 13:16)
3 He drove Judas’ betrayal (Luke 22:3)
4 Jesus’ kind of ghost (John 14:26)
6 Judas Iscariot’s role (Matt. 26:24–25)
7 Judas’ sign of betrayal (Luke 22:47–48)
8 Jesus predicted Peter’s (Luke 22:34)
10 “I am the ____, ye are the branches” (John 15:5)
12 Jesus’ was like blood (Luke 22:44)
Puzzle 6
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Jesus’ Disciples
2 The bad Judas (Mark 3:19)
5 Disciples’ dad (Mark 3:17)
6 The disciples were given power over these spirits (Matt. 10:1)
11 Jesus calmed one for His disciples (Matt. 8:25–27)
12 Jesus told the disciples to shake it off (Matt. 10:14)
13 How many disciples Jesus ordained (Mark 3:14)
14 What Peter and his brother dropped to follow Jesus (Matt. 4:20)
15 Peter’s AKA (Matt. 10:2)
1 One of the duplicated names among the disciples (Mark 3:17–18)
3 He wanted proof of Jesus’ resurrection (John 20:24–29)
4 Jesus’ nickname for James and John (Mark 3:17)
5 One Simon was called this (Luke 6:15)
7 Peter’s sib (Matt. 10:2)
8 Occupation of one-third of the disciples (Matt. 4:18–22)
9 Matthew’s original career (Matt. 10:3)
10 The disciples might struggle to understand them (Luke 8:9–11)
Puzzle 7
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King David
2 Saul’s son, David’s rival (2 Sam. 2:10)
4 David had him killed (2 Sam. 11:14–16)
7 King David left the ark at his house (2 Sam. 6:10–11)
9 Saul’s daughter, David’s wife (1 Sam. 18:27)
13 Total years of David’s reign (2 Sam. 5:4)
15 David’s first anointing was over this house (2 Sam. 2:4)
16 Beautiful woman David saw bathing (2 Sam. 11:2–3)
17 Firstborn of David (2 Sam. 3:2) DOWN
1 How David responded to Absalom’s death (2 Sam. 18:33)
3 He threw stones at the king (2 Sam. 16:5–6)
5 David’s successor as king (1 Kings 1:33–35)
6 David’s age when he became king (2 Sam. 5:4)
8 What David did before the ark (2 Sam. 6:14)
10 David’s best of friends (1 Sam. 18:1–3)
11 Prophet who courageously rebuked David (2 Sam. 12:1–7)
12 David was shocked when this man died for touching the ark (2 Sam. 6:6–7)
14 Beautiful daughter of David (2 Sam. 13:1)
15 He wanted David’s son Absalom dead (2 Sam. 18:10–15)
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The Book of Daniel
4 King of Judah who suffered invasion (Dan. 1:1)
8 Golden-headed statue in king’s vision (Dan. 2:31–32)
9 Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom (Dan. 1:1)
10 “Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting” (Dan. 5:27)
11 Daniel prayed this many times each day (Dan. 6:10)
15 Daniel understood them (Dan. 1:17)
16 Nebuchadnezzar decreed their deaths (Dan. 2:12–14, two words)
17 “Four great ____ came up from the sea” (Dan. 7:3)
1 King Darius’ ethnicity (Dan. 5:31)
2 It wrote on Belshazzar’s wall (Dan. 5:5)
3 Daniel’s “great prince” (Dan. 12:1)
5 Darius named 120 of them (Dan. 6:1)
6 Furnace adjective (Dan. 3:23)
7 Young Daniel declined this from the king’s table (Dan. 1:8)
12 A beast of Daniel’s vision had ten (Dan. 7:7)
13 What God sent to protect Daniel (Dan. 6:22)
14 Belteshazzar’s AKA (Dan. 2:26)
15 Where Daniel’s lions waited (Dan. 6:6–7)
Puzzle 9
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Books of 1 and 2 Timothy
1 What Timothy should not be regarding “the testimony of our Lord” (2 Tim. 1:8)
4 The payment Jesus made (1 Tim. 2:6)
6 A great form of exercise (1 Tim. 4:7)
11 What Christ did to death (2 Tim. 1:10)
12 “God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of ____” (2 Tim. 1:7)
13 Jesus is the only one between God and man (1 Tim. 2:5)
14 The author’s was waiting in heaven (2 Tim. 4:8)
17 Something to be strong in (2 Tim. 2:1)
18 Your good ones don’t save you (2 Tim. 1:9)
19 Die with Christ and do this (2 Tim. 2:11)
2 Jesus came into the world to save these (1 Tim. 1:15)
3 Timothy was to honor these women (1 Tim. 5:3)
5 God’s role in producing scripture (2 Tim. 3:16)
7 A quality of deacons (1 Tim. 3:8)
8 What the laborer is worthy of (1 Tim. 5:18)
9 Good elders get double this (1 Tim. 5:17)
10 One thing Timothy should “give attendance to” (1 Tim. 4:13)
15 What we preach (2 Tim. 4:2)
16 Letters’ author (1 Tim. 1:1–2)
Puzzle 10
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