Know Your Bible Day by Day

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© 2024 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.

ISBN 978-1-63609-964-4

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Anyone can know the Bible better. . .
here’s a simple tool to guide you into God’s Word, day by day.

This handy spiral-bound notebook contains a one-year Bible reading plan and brief summaries of each day’s passage, plus plenty of space for you to jot down what you’re learning.

If you have the time, read the entire Bible passage—it will take you around twenty minutes a day to complete the whole Bible in a year. Or just read parts of the days’ passages, as your schedule allows. And on the busiest of days, you can simply digest the very brief summary of each passage.

Know Your Bible Day by Day also features elements of the popular handbook Know Your Bible, with nearly four million copies sold:

• information on the author and date of each Bible book

• “In Ten Words or Less” book summaries

• “Quotable” verses worth remembering and memorizing

Know Your Bible Day by Day: A 365-Day Guide and Journal is helpful both to beginning Christians and long-term Bible students interested in a refreshing overview. You can know your Bible better, one day at a time.

Day 1

Today’s Date:

Genesis 1–3 / God creates the world and everything in it. Humanity soon falls into sin as Adam and Eve disobey God’s one rule.

GENESIS: In Ten Words or Less

AGod creates the world and chooses a special people.

Day 2

Today’s Date:

Genesis 4:1–7:9 / Sin spreads quickly, to the point that God decides to cleanse the entire world with a flood.

Today’s Date:

Day 3

Genesis 7:10–10:32 / God instructs Noah, the world’s only righteous man, to build a large boat to save himself, his family, and at least two of each kind of animal from the flood.

Today’s Date:

Day 4

Genesis 11–14 / God chooses a childless man named Abram to begin a “great nation,” promising to bless all people on earth through him.

GENESIS: Author and Date

AAuthor not stated, but Genesis is traditionally attributed to Moses. He lived around the 1400s BC, but the events of Genesis date to the beginning of time.

Day 5

Today’s Date:

Genesis 15–18 / God changes Abram’s name to Abraham (“father of a multitude”), promising that his ninety-year-old wife, Sarah, will give birth to a son.

GENESIS: Quotable A

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Genesis 1:3)

Day 6

Today’s Date:

Genesis 19–21 / Hundred-year-old Abraham and ninety-yearold Sarah become parents of Isaac, whose name means “laughter.”

Today’s Date:

Day 7

Genesis 22–24 / God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, then stops him at the last moment, saying, “You have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”

Today’s Date:

Day 8

Genesis 25–27 / Abraham dies and God reiterates His promise to Abraham through Isaac and Isaac’s second-born son, Jacob.

GENESIS: Quotable A

And the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” And he said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”

(Genesis 4:9)

Day 9

Today’s Date:

Genesis 28–29 / God confirms His promise of blessing to Jacob, who falls in love with a cousin, Rachel. But Jacob is tricked by her father into marrying her sister, Leah, too.

GENESIS: Quotable

ABut Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. (Genesis 6:8)

Day 10

Today’s Date:

Genesis 30–31 / Jacob’s two wives and two of their servant girls give birth to eleven sons, who will become leaders of the “tribes of Israel.”

Today’s Date:

Day 11

Genesis 32–34 / Jacob meets a mysterious “man” who wrestles him; the man changes Jacob’s name to Israel, “for as a prince, you have power with God and with men and have prevailed.”

Today’s Date:

Day 12

Genesis 35–36 / Jacob’s favored wife, Rachel, gives birth to his twelfth son, Benjamin, and dies; Isaac also dies, at age 180.

GENESIS: Quotable A

And he [Abram] believed in the Lord, and He counted it to him for righteousness. (Genesis 15:6)

Day 13

Today’s Date:

Genesis 37–39 / Jacob’s favorite son, Joseph, is sold into slavery by his jealous older brothers; he endures great hardship in Egypt by holding fast to God, who makes Joseph prosper.

GENESIS: Quotable

ABut his [Lot’s] wife looked back from behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26)

Day 14

Today’s Date:

Genesis 40–41 / Using his God-given ability to interpret dreams, Joseph predicts a coming famine and tells Pharaoh how to prepare. Joseph is made second in command of all Egypt.

Today’s Date:

Day 15

Genesis 42–43 / Joseph’s brothers, also facing famine in Canaan, arrive in Egypt to buy grain. They unknowingly stand before the man they had sold into slavery.

Today’s Date:

Day 16

Genesis 44–45 / Joseph tests his brothers’ integrity before finally revealing his identity. They are terrified, but he speaks kindly to them.



AAnd He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” (Genesis 22:12)

Day 17

Today’s Date:

Genesis 46–48 / Jacob, who had long believed Joseph was dead, arrives in Egypt for a joyful reunion. Jacob’s family is allowed to settle in Egypt.

GENESIS: Quotable

A“But as for you, you thought evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save many people alive.”

(Genesis 50:20)

Day 18

Today’s Date:

Genesis 49–50 / The dying Jacob speaks a blessing over each of his sons, including a messianic prophecy over Judah, and dies at age 110.

Today’s Date:

Day 19

Exodus 1–3 / After Joseph dies, Egypt sees the Israelites as a threat and enslaves them. God raises up Moses to be the deliverer of His people.

Today’s Date:

Day 20

Exodus 4–6 / Moses, with the help of his brother Aaron, confronts Pharaoh with God’s message: “Let My people go.”

EXODUS: In Ten Words or Less

AGod delivers His people, the Israelites, from slavery in Egypt.

Day 21

Today’s Date:

Exodus 7–9 / God sends devastating plagues on the people and land of Egypt, but Pharaoh hardens his heart and refuses to let the Israelites leave.

EXODUS: Author and Date

ANot stated but traditionally attributed to Moses. In Exodus 34:27 God tells Moses, “Write these words,” and Jesus quotes from Exodus as “the book of Moses” (Mark 12:26). Written around the mid-1400s BC.

Day 22

Today’s Date:

Exodus 10–12 / In the last of ten plagues, God kills the firstborn of every family lacking the blood of a sacrificial lamb on its doorposts. God will “pass over” the obedient Hebrews’ homes.

Today’s Date:

Day 23

Exodus 13–15 / On their way out of Egypt, the Israelites are pursued by Pharaoh’s army. God parts the Red Sea to provide an escape route, then destroys the Egyptian soldiers.

Today’s Date:

Day 24

Exodus 16–18 / Journeying in the wilderness, the Israelites complain of hunger and God provides miraculous food (“manna”) and water from a rock.

EXODUS: Quotable

AAnd God said to Moses, “I Am That I Am.” And He said, “You shall say this to the children of Israel, ‘I Am has sent me to you.’ ” (Exodus 3:14)

Day 25

Today’s Date:

Exodus 19–20 / God calls Moses up Mount Sinai, giving him the law for the nation of Israel. God’s rules are highlighted by the Ten Commandments.

EXODUS: Quotable A

“This is what the Lord says: ‘Let My people go.’ ” (Exodus 8:1)

Day 26

Today’s Date:

Exodus 21–23 / God gives Moses additional laws for Israel, dealing with personal relationships, private property, and national religious observances.

Today’s Date:

Day 27

Exodus 24–27 / God establishes three feasts and tells Moses how to build the tabernacle, a tent that will serve as Israel’s portable worship center.

Today’s Date:

Day 28

Exodus 28–29 / God defines the role and requirements for Israel’s priesthood, under the leadership of Aaron and his family.

EXODUS: Quotable

“And when I see the blood, I will pass over you.” (Exodus 12:13)

Day 29

Today’s Date:

Exodus 30–31 / God tells Israel to observe the Sabbath day in perpetuity and sends Moses back down Mount Sinai with two stone tablets of the commandments.

EXODUS: Quotable A

You shall have no other gods before Me. (Exodus 20:3)

Day 30

Today’s Date:

Exodus 32–33 / When Moses returns from Mount Sinai, he finds the people worshipping a calf idol they had demanded during his absence. God relents from completely destroying the people when Moses intercedes.

Today’s Date:

Day 31

Exodus 34–35 / As the Israelites progress toward their promised land, God demands that they remain separate from the pagan people already living there.

Today’s Date:

Day 32

Exodus 36–38 / Two gifted craftsmen oversee construction of the tabernacle, Israel’s portable worship center, using materials given by the people as an offering.

EXODUS: Quotable

A“Yet now, if You will forgive their sin— and if not, I ask You, blot me [Moses] out of Your book that You have written.” (Exodus 32:32)

Day 33

Today’s Date:

Exodus 39–40 / God’s glory, like a cloud, fills the completed tabernacle. The cloud will lead the Israelites on their journey to the promised land.

Day 34

Today’s Date:

Leviticus 1–4 / Rules for the priestly class, the Levites, are laid out, including the burnt, peace, and sin offerings to God that they will oversee.

LEVITICUS: In Ten Words or Less

AA holy God explains how to worship Him.

Leviticus 5–7 / Trespass offerings, covering a wide range of sinful behaviors, are explained.

Leviticus 8–10 / Israel’s priests are consecrated and begin their duties; Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu lose their lives for offering inappropriate fire before God.

LEVITICUS: Author and Date

AAuthor not stated but traditionally attributed to Moses. Written approximately the mid-1400s BC.

Day 37

Today’s Date:

Leviticus 11–12 / God describes the types of food the Israelites may eat (“clean”) and that must be avoided (“unclean”) as well as laws concerning childbirth and the mother’s purification.


A“Whatever divides the hoof and is cloven-footed and chews the cud among the beasts, that you shall eat.” (Leviticus 11:3)

Day 38

Today’s Date:

Leviticus 13:1–14:32 / God lays out rules for dealing with “leprosy,” a term describing various skin diseases.

Today’s Date:

Day 39

Leviticus 14:33–15:33 / God describes how the people can be cleansed, physically and ceremonially, from skin diseases.

Today’s Date:

Day 40

Leviticus 16–17 / Rules are provided for the annual national Day of Atonement. Atonement is only accomplished by the shedding of innocent blood.


A“I am the Lord who brought you up out of the land of Egypt to be your God. Therefore you shall be holy, for I am holy.” (Leviticus 11:45)

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