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On Tap



The new A/V system processes, manages, and transports audio across multiple spaces in the hotel, including a 16th floor rooftop bar.

The Carte Hotel, a boutique hotel nestled in the Little Italy section of San Diego, recently had an A/V makeover thanks to Xilica®, a global leader in digital signal processing technology for A/V and installed sound.

J&E Pro Audio specified Xilica with the systems design, which called for a complete A/V over IP infrastructure as part of the ground-up construction. While connected to the central IT infrastructure, J&E Pro Audio configured a dedicated LAN with managed network switches to separate all audio and video signals from standard IT traffic. The company selected the Xilica Solaro FR1 DSP to optimize quality and multi-channel performance over the network, while citing its modularity and seamless integration with Dante audio networking as other deciding factors.

“We ran our network on the hotel fiber infrastructure, with dedicated

An A/V Makeover

switches that run parallel to the hotel network,” said Jaire Lopez, President, J&E Pro Audio. “We programmed the Xilica Solaro FR1 to process, manage, and transport audio across multiple public spaces, including a 16th floor rooftop bar, fourth-floor meeting rooms, a second-floor fitness center, and a ground-floor restaurant and lobby to support background music.”

As Lopez explains, the Xilica Solaro FR1 expertly manages a mix of analog and digital signals that are ingested and routed across many spaces. This includes live music from the rooftop DJ booth, which injects analog signals into the Solaro FR1 over Dante. In all, the redundant Xilica Solaro FR1 configuration manages 64 audio inputs and outputs, and it optimizes audio quality before feeding Powersoft amplifiers via Dante. Xilica’s built-in control software also allows hotel staff to manage audio and video signal flows using an iPad, which eliminates the need for a dedicated, expensive A/V control system.

Lopez adds that the sleek 1RU design of the Xilica Solaro FR1 takes up minimal rack space while not limiting the end user to a dedicated configuration. Should the Carte Hotel need to scale in the future, the Solaro FR1’s modular design will allow J&E Pro Audio to add new cards and expansion slots to accommodate new services and higher capacity. In fact, Lopez has already made adjustments from the original DSP design.

“Near the end of the project the customer requested a wireless microphone system for the hotel’s meeting space,” said Lopez. “We simply added a few microphone input cards, and the application was immediately ready to go. The new design of Solaro FR1 frame makes it even easier to make changes, because there is no need to take the unit apart. We can simply remove the rear cover and insert the cards without removing the unit from the rack.”

Lending Opportunities for Bars Hit Hard by COVID-19

COVID-19 has hit the hospitality of the Coronavirus pandemic given the industry particularly hard, and devastating impact it has had on their bars and restaurants may be cash flow and revenue. considering applying for financial help. (commonly referred to as WBL) We recently spoke with World Business BBM: What are some of the signs or Lenders (WBL) about lending reasons a bar/restaurant should opportunities for bars and restaurants consider a loan? struggling due to the COVID-19 WBL: In this current environment, pandemic. capital is extremely important for the

WBL is a direct lender specializing in survival of small businesses, as it providing real-estate secured business provides options in navigating through loans and access to capital to support the uncertainty. As everyone is aware, the growth and development of underrestaurants and bars have been served small-to-medium sized especially hard hit, with revenues businesses that lack access to dropping dramatically, doors traditional funding. remaining shut, and expenses needing

Below is our Q&A with the company to be paid. However, most financial covering when bars and restaurants institutions won’t make financing should consider applying for financial available under these circumstances. help and what types of loans and The primary reasons a restaurant or financing WBL specifically offers to bar would need financing at this time bars and restaurants. are to buy inventory and to help pay the rent and the salaries of its Bar Business Magazine (BBM): Tell employees. Also, directly related to the us about World Business Lenders and pandemic, bars and restaurants need what you offer for small businesses like to finance the construction of outdoor bars and restaurants. spaces for patrons to eat and drink, as WBL: World Business Lenders dining areas. well as the reconfiguration of indoor provides general purpose short-term BBM: Are there specific situations real estate collateralized commercial caused by COVID-19 that should make loans to a broad customer base a bar/restaurant consider a loan? comprised of small- and medium-sized WBL: In addition to those already businesses throughout the country. enumerated, we are hearing that many The number of bars and restaurants to restaurants and bars that applied for which we make capital available has government funding either didn’t get increased significantly since the onset approved or received the funding but it wasn’t enough to satisfy the overwhelming need.

BBM: Can you tell us more about the funding opportunities you’re offering bars/restaurants to help them with cash flow problems and other COVID19-related issues?

WBL: In addition to WBL’s other product offerings, in response to the pandemic, WBL designed a loan program intended to give struggling businesses the capital necessary to weather the economic storm. Under WBL’s COVID-19 Relief Loan Program, there is a no-payment period; an interest-only period; and, then, a payback recovery period.

BBM: Do bars/restaurants need certain paper work or do they need to meet certain requirements to qualify for a loan?

WBL: The business needs to complete a simple one-page commercial loan application and provide six months’ of business bank statements. Then, a WBL representative will promptly contact the business to discuss its financing needs.

BBM: How can bars/restaurants get in touch with World Business Lenders if they’re interested in learning more?

WBL: To learn more about WBL’s financing solutions, please call us at 212- 220-0175, or email us at ( Barbizloans@ wbl.com). We look forward to hearing from you.

An Appetizing Solution

If your bar is looking to offer a new revenue-raising product, you may want to look no further than pizza. A whopping 93% of Americans eat pizza at least once a month, and in 2019, pizza was a $155 billion global industry.

“Research says that if you eat more, you drink more. So pizza is definitely a product that goes well with beer, wine, or whatever cocktails you serve,” says Gilad Shalom, founder & CEO of Donna Italia. “Once you have the ability to serve your customers with food, and especially with pizza, then they’re probably going to stay longer and drink more.”

Shalom founded Donna Italia, a unique plug-and-bake pizza solution, in 2011. The solution has made it easy for bar owners to take a piece of the pie of the reliable pizza business. “We provide a turnkey solution for the foodservice industry that basically enables each and every one of our customers to serve high-quality Italian pizza in three minutes,” says Shalom.

Donna Italia’s pizzas are 100% natural, made in Italy using premium ingredients, and are baked in single deck, double deck, or express Donna Italia ovens. The ovens are designed and manufactured in Italy incorporating leading technology and years of pizza-baking expertise. The Donna Italia pizza ovens include a highquality stone surface with specific settings under the stone and inside the baking chamber to achieve optimal baking results. The ovens quickly heat up to 650- 685°F, evenly baking Donna Italia pizzas in three minutes or less.

Donna Italia invested in new technology and eliminated all human contact in its production process to guarantee 100% compliance with the

latest COVID-19 food safety measures. Each pizza is individually packaged in a flow pack wrapper. Users simply place and remove the pizza into and out of the Donna Italia oven with a pizza palette for an entirely touchless experience.

Donna Italia pizzas can be kept for three days thawed in the fridge or 18 months frozen—eliminating costly food waste.

The Donna Italia pizza solution also eliminates the need for bars to invest in expensive equipment, high labor costs, and time-intensive operations to be able to serve pizzas. “You don’t need a kitchen, you don’t need a hood; you just need a regular 110V power outlet,” says Shalom. “Since this is a very simple operational concept, anyone can make a great pizza just by putting it in the oven and taking it out when the three-minute timer beeps. It’s also important to remember the consistency that you get with Donna Italia.”

Donna Italia works similar to a subscription model—without the longterm contract. Bars sign a monthly agreement, receive the oven for free, and pay only for the pizzas. Bars must sell 300 Donna Italia pizzas per month to receive a single deck oven at no cost, and 600 pizzas per month to obtain a double deck oven. Bars can cancel at any time with ten days notice for a no-risk business model.

As part of the subscription, Donna Italia provides tech support, general maintenance and repairs, staff training, and printed marketing materials to help bars promote the authentic Italian pizza.

Currently, Donna Italia is offering a 10-minute virtual demo to interested customers. Clients who sign up with Donna Italia through the virtual demo receive a free, 24-pizza case.

Now may be a better time than ever to consider bringing in pizza as many states around the country are mandating that bars accompany all alcohol sales with food.

In Dallas, Texas, Donna Italia helped the brand-new Deuce’s Bar to make strides toward meeting the state’s mandate that at least 51% of their gross income be derived from the sale of prepared food.

Deuce’s Bar received its certificate of occupancy and planned to open a week later just a day before Texas bars were ordered to shut down due to COVID-19. “We had three months or so where we could take plenty of time to get everything exactly as we wanted it,” says Deuce’s Bar Co-Owner Amy Childers. “We had a lot of people helping us, and one of those people was Rodman Shields, who is the executive chef for a couple of restaurants in Dallas.”

Childers and Co-owner Angela Wilkins have worked in bars almost their entire lives, but since they didn’t know a lot about running a kitchen, Shields recommended they try Donna Italia. “Having our oven was what saved us when we first opened, and it allowed us to open,” says Childers.

With only two other employees, the oven also made it easy for the co-owners to bartend and run a kitchen.

Deuce’s Bar currently offers six specialty pizzas and a build-your-own option. In addition to dine-in, the bar offers a takeout option that includes a Donna Italia pizza and a six pack.

Customer reception has been positive, and Deuce’s Bar upgraded to a doubledeck oven to handle the increase in demand. “Having pizza to put in front of people,” says Childers, “I would say it has contributed significantly to our profits.”


Deuce’s Bar Co-Owners Amy Childers and Angela Wilkins.

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