sarchitekten nkammer is the federral german chamber Bundes of Archiitects, Landscapearchitects, Intterior archiitects and Spa atial Planne ers
Eu uropean Fe ederation for f re Laandscape Architectu A
Repo ort fro om Bru ussels s 1/201 12 1.
C Common Market M and Legal Issu es
P Professiona al Qualifica ations Dire ective – sta ate of play In nformation in detail about PQD we ere sent out to all delegates and aassociations s in F February 20 012. M Meanwhile The T Europe ean Parliam ent has sta arted work on o the PQD amendmen nt, disccussing deta ails of the proposal with h stakehold ders and pla anning an exxpert hearin ng in IM MCO-Comm mittee on April 25.
S Standardisa ation of Se ervices B Being part of o the Stand dardisation P Package, th he European Parliamennt (IMCO) has h w worked out Amendmen A nts including g the standa ardisation of services re rendered by y liberal p professions.. We lobbied for a secttoral excepttion covering services ffalling unde er the P PQD. Y You find the e text of mod dification ap pplication (N Nr. 79; 80; 111) 1 hier.
A Attempt to further derregulate lib beral profes ssions In n its yearly economic report, r the O OECD is suggesting further dereggulation in th he field o of liberal pro ofessions, naming n arch hitects, engiineers and lawyers as potential ta arget g groups. T The study off Commiss sion hier.
E Evaluation of the Serv vices Direc ctive T The evaluation of the Services S Dire rective is still in progres ss. At preseent, the Euro opean C Commission n is checking the perforrmance of the t Services s Directive iin the consttruction ssector. The report on th he results iss expected to t be publis shed in Mayy 2012. Fina al concclusions of the t evaluation will be m made by Oc ctober 2012 including thhe commun nication o of follow-up measures.
In nternal Market Inform mations Sys stem (IMI) ncy of the Council Itt is the aim of the Danish Presiden C to re each an agrreement on the Euopean Com ro mmission`s proposal p of the IMI Reg gulation in the t first halff of 2012. The T main isssues of the e proposal are a the invo olvement of the Europe ean Commisssion in the e design nation of the e competent IMI- autho orities, the participation p n of third pa rties in the IMIssystem, data a storage fo or 5 years a and the exte ension of the e IMI-system m in new po olicy are eas. T The proposa al of IMI-reg gulation from m Commiss sion you find d hier. T The proposa al of the rap pporteur Bila an/ IMCO-c committee you y find hierr.
Alternative dispute resolution The European Commission´s proposal on alternative dispute resolution (ADR), published on 29/11/2011, aims to create a framework for ADR in the member states regarding contracts on goods and services between consumers and traders. With this proposal, the Commission intends to strengthen the legal protection of consumers and their confidence in the functioning of the internal market in order to generate more economic growth. The proposal focuses on the creation of a sufficient number of alternative dispute resolution bodies in all member states, of better information of the consumer and the trader and the quality of ADR. The proposal of regulation for alternative dispute resolution you find hier.
Energy and Environment
In December 2011, the European Commission adopted the “Energy Roadmap 2050". There, the EU is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80-95% below 1990 levels by 2050 in the context of necessary reductions by developed countries as a group. In the Energy Roadmap 2050 the Commission explores the challenges posed by delivering the EU's decarbonisation objective while at the same time ensuring security of energy supply and competitiveness. The Energy Roadmap 2050 is the basis for developing a long-term European framework together with all stakeholders. The exact wording of the energx road map 2050 you find hier...
on February 16th the European Commission released a public consultation on financial Support for Energy Efficiency in Buildings. The objective of this consultation is to obtain the views of stakeholders on how the financial support for energy efficiency measures aimed at improving the energy peformance of buildings, both at EU as well as at national/regional/local level, could be improved. Deadline for submissions is May 18th. Consultations you can find hier... .
The programme for the Danish presidency was officially presented on January 6th in Copenhagen. The programme draws the following priorities which will be on the agenda during the next six months: • A responsible Europe (Sustainable green growth and job creation) • A dynamic Europe (Extention of the single market) • A green Europe (Promotion of the concept of a green economy and sustainability) • A safe Europe (Effective action to combat and prevent terrorism and crossborder crime) Exact wording of workingprogramme you find hier...
4. 4.1
Support Programs and Call for tenders On January 13th the European Commission unveils plan to boost cultural and creative sectors. The new programme “Creative Europe” will build on the experience and success of the Culture and MEDIA programmes which have supported the cultural and audiovisual sectors for more than 20 years. The proposed €1.8 billion budget for Creative Europe represents a 37% increase on current spending levels. More information you find hier...
On January 16th the Community Research and Development Information Service (CORDIS) has launched a new website with information on EU-funded projects. This database contains projects from all departments and scientific and technological issues that have been funded since 1990 by the EU. Furthermore it is the aim to make calls for applications and information easier to be found (eg, program, funding amounts, project objectives, project results-Pro, publications, and project partners). More information you find on CORDIS-Webseite
On February 16th the European Commission has confirmed a proposed LIFE budget of €3.2 billion over the 2014-2020 financial period. The new draft regulation refers to a LIFE Programme for the Environment and Climate Action and has been designed to build on the success of the existing LIFE+ Programme. The proposals introduce innovations to strengthen LIFE’s structure, enhance its strategic role and simplify operations through greater flexibility. More information you find hier...
On December 19th 2011 , the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI), has released a new call for projects for the program "Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE). For the current year a total of € 67 million of fundings are available to promote energy efficiency, renewable energy, environmentally friendly transport infrastructure. Deadline for the submission of proposals is May 8th 2012. More information you find hier..
The Open Days-European Week of Regions and Cities is the annual key event for regional and local authorities to showcase their capacity for creating growth and jobs and implementing European Union cohesion policy. Under the suggested headline "Europe's regions and cities: Making a difference", the OPEN DAYS 2012 will be structured around three thematic priorities: Smart and green growth for all, Territorial cooperation: an asset for Europe and Delivering results. More information about Open Days 2012 you find hier...
ACE / UIA / ENACA and International Affairs
ACE In view of the ACE-GA scheduled for April 28 in Amsterdam, the General Coordination Meeting was held on February 24 in Brussels, discussion of relevant issues within the 3 Thematic Areas in view of the GA. ENACA The Network met on 20 January, discussing the PQD amendment proposal published by the European Commission on 19 December last year. Next meeting is scheduled for May 2012.
Status: 03.04.2012 Editor / Responsible: RA Dr. Joachim Jobi (JJ) Thomas Michael Haas (TH) Alexandra Nicklas (AN)
Modified for EFLA: Fritz Auweck
Claudia Sanders (CS)