Bard Parent's Handbook 2013

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bard college parents handbook 2012–2013

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Letter from the Dean of the College Letter from the Vice President of Development and Alumni/ae Affairs The Parents Network Learning at Bard Academic Calendar 2012–13 Contact Numbers Administrative and Emergency Information The Extracurricular Bard Community Health Insurance / Alcohol and Drug Policy Money Matters Transportation On and Off Campus Travel to Bard Local Businesses Release of Student Information

letter from the dean of the college Dear Bard Parents: Welcome to the Bard community and the Hudson Valley. As you and your son or daughter embark on one of the most transformative and exciting of life’s journeys, I assure you that the faculty and staff of the College will be available to assist, every step along the way. The staff of the Office of Development and Alumni/ae Affairs created this Parents Handbook as a practical reference guide for first-year parents and their families. We know that families feel most comfortable with transitional adjustments when answers to potential questions are easy to access. You can find additional information online on the Parents Network website,, and on the Bard College website, Contact information for the academic deans is located on my section of the Bard website at If you need additional information about the academic program, now or as the year progresses, please contact Dean of Studies David Shein (845-758-7045 or Dean of Students Bethany Nohlgren (845-758-7454 or can be helpful if you have questions about your daughter’s or son’s cocurricular and extracurricular life at Bard. Please note the academic calendar on page XXX highlights term dates, vacations, and special events such as Family Weekend, which will be held October 12–14, 2012. During Family Weekend, faculty, staff, and students provide an array of events including classes, building and campus tours, student and faculty panels, and performances, all of which promise to provide a glimpse into the undergraduate life of your son or daughter. We look forward to welcoming you to campus, now and many times in the future. Yours truly, Michèle D. Dominy Dean of the College and Professor of Anthropology

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letter from the vice president of development and alumni/ae affairs Dear Bard Parents: It is a pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you, the newest members of the Bard community. We urge you to join the parent online community website, Over the past few years, has become a vibrant source of information and one of the primary ways the College communicates with parents. From the site, you can link to the Parents Network Facebook group, where other Bard parents have offered to make themselves available to answer questions and give advice; it is also a great place to connect to other parents in your area. You can also access the monthly e-newsletter, which provides news on faculty, campus initiatives, and student life—giving you a sense of the daily happenings in your student’s campus experience. The online community website and the e-newsletter also provide logistical information, including shuttle schedules, move-in dates, and the academic calendar. Additionally, please consider planning a visit to campus October 12–14 for Family Weekend. We are offering a varied program including classes, concerts, an “Ask the President” session, student panels and performances, and sporting events. While on campus, be sure to visit the new Alumni/ae Center. Incorporating green technology in its design and construction, the Center provides informal meeting and conference rooms, exhibition spaces, and offices for Bard’s alumni/ae and development programs. While you are there, enjoy a slice of pizza at Two Boots— the space adjacent to the Alumni/ae Center, which was leased to this Cajun-Italian pizzeria. Two Boots’ owner Phil Hartman is a filmmaker and restaurateur who studied at Bard and is the proud parent of two Bardians from the classes of 2008 and 2011. As a parent, you are an integral part of the Bard community. Much of what Bard does to ensure the excellence of the education it provides is made possible through your generosity. Parents host and attend events, offer internships, and join committees to help support the Parents Fund. Our parents are among the most essential and dedicated members of the Bard community and we hope that you will take part. I look forward to meeting you on campus soon. Sincerely, Debra Pemstein Vice President of Development and Alumni/ae Affairs

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parents network The Parents Network is designed to support the students and families that make up the Bard community. Its primary focus is to enhance the undergraduate college experience. The Parents Network also provides regional programs and networking opportunities that bring students and their families together with Bard faculty and administrators. Membership is open to all parents, grandparents, and guardians. Parents of current and former students give their time and resources to projects such as regional events, career counseling, professional introductions, contacting parents of prospective students, and fund-raising on behalf of the College. We welcome your ideas and, especially, your involvement. The network’s annual meeting is held each fall during Family Weekend (see below).

Parents Online Community— The online community is an important source of information for parents and guardians of current students. The site offers many features including: • Monthly e-newsletter containing the latest campus news and logistical information—shuttle times, move-in dates, and the academic calendar • Parents directory • Listing of parent events • Volunteer and mentorship opportunities • Parent message boards where you can post questions • Link to the Parents Network Facebook group, where other Bard parents have offered to answer questions and give advice.

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learning at bard The liberal arts and progressive curricular traditions coexist in the Bard education, uniting the goals of both the generalist and the specialist in a program of study that has made Bard a place of innovation in higher education and a force for the rebirth of intellectual thought in public life. The liberal arts tradition is evident in the First-Year Seminar and in elective general courses that ground students in the essentials of inquiry and analysis, and present a serious encounter with the world of ideas. The progressive tradition runs through Bard’s tutorial system and interdisciplinary curriculum, emphasizing independent and creative thought and the skills required to express such thoughts with power and effect. The College enhances the undergraduate experience with compatible intellectual and artistic ventures that contribute to the larger public and cultural life of the nation. Bard’s satellite institutes and graduate programs expand undergraduate students’ opportunities to work with leading scholars and artists and lead to the integration of new areas of study. For example, in New York City, Bard undergraduates are offered specialized study with leading experts in international affairs in the Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program or, through the Bard-Rockefeller Semester in Science, the opportunity to do research at a graduate school level in the internationally distinguished laboratories of The Rockefeller University. Bard’s satellite model, unique in the field of higher education, equips students to play active, engaged roles not only for personal goals, but also to address the larger issues that face humanity in our time.

Structure of the First Year All first-year students participate in a common curriculum and also take elective courses. The common curriculum consists of the Language and Thinking Program, First-Year Seminar, Citizen Science, and first-year advising.

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Language and Thinking Program The Language and Thinking Program is an intensive three-week writing program that begins in early August. Students read extensively in several genres, work on many different kinds of writing projects, and meet in small groups to discuss their reading and writing. Through these activities, they learn to read and listen thoughtfully, to articulate ideas, to review their own work critically, and, most basically, to recognize the link between thought and expression. The program is also an introduction to collegelevel instruction as well as to the Bard community. Satisfactory completion of the Language and Thinking Program is required for matriculation into the College. Students failing to meet this requirement will be asked to take a one-year academic leave. First-Year Seminar All first-year students are required to take the two-semester First-Year Seminar, which introduces important intellectual, artistic, and cultural ideas. First-Year Seminar serves as a strong foundation for a liberal arts education in subsequent years at the College, regardless of the field in which a student decides to specialize. These fundamental ideas are presented in the context of a historic tradition, on as broad a scale as feasible within a framework that emphasizes precise, analytical thinking through class discussions and frequent writing assignments. The heart of the seminar is a series of core texts (which may include a painting or a symphonic work) that focus on a common theme. Whatever the theme, the spirit of the course is exemplified by the observation that in daily life we frequently encounter ideas and concepts drawn from the texts studied in First-Year Seminar; but without a concrete historical and critical context, we risk allowing others to define such ideas and concepts for us. The current theme of the First-Year Seminar is “Quaestio mihi factus sum: Self and Society in the Liberal Arts.” Whether through philosophical inquiry into what constitutes the person, scientific debates about when life begins, theological disquisitions on where the self ends and the soul begins, or the literary construction of the autobiographical persona, thinkers and artists throughout history have explored the moral and ethical dimensions of self-representation while gesturing toward its unsolvable mysteries and productive tensions. In this yearlong seminar, students read a core of texts that, individually and collectively, engage in a vigorous dialogue over such questions as: What are the claims that political and social responsibilities make upon an individual’s quest for self-understanding? At what point should the conscientious citizen sacrifice such a quest in the name of a collective identity? How does scientific inquiry into the nonhuman natural world implicate what are felt to be deeply human issues? How does this relationship between a private and public understanding of the self implicate spiritual exploration of identity’s nether realm, especially the question of the eternity of the soul or the lack thereof? Finally, how do study and close reading—the foundational activities of First-Year Seminar—shape those personal and public narratives that are the focus of our attention? Core texts for the fall semester include works by Plato, Virgil, Augustine, Dante, Shakespeare, and Galileo. Core texts for the spring semester include works by Rousseau, Shelley, Marx, Nietzsche, DuBois, Freud, Woolf, and Levi. Guest lectures, panel presentations, and films supplement readings and discussions.

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Citizen Science Program All first-year students spend January term in the Citizen Science Program. Citizen Science is an intensive, interdisciplinary investigation of the nature and conduct of science, drawing from biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, and computer science. The current theme of the program is infectious disease—its definition, character, and social and cultural interpretations. As in the Language and Thinking Program, Citizen Science is taught in small groups by a faculty drawn from around the country. Satisfactory completion of the Citizen Science Program is required for graduation. First-Year Advising All first-year students are assigned an academic adviser. The faculty member and the student have a series of meetings at strategic points during each semester: at registration; two weeks into the semester when course selection is final; shortly before midterm; two weeks after midterm; and just prior to registration for the next semester. The first-year advising system is intended to help students begin the process of selecting a program in which to moderate, meeting the requirements of that program, preparing for professional study or other activities outside of or after college, and satisfying other interests. Advising may be particularly important as students’ intellectual outlooks change and expand throughout their first year at the College. First-Year Electives A student selects three elective courses in each semester of the first year (the fourth course each semester is the First-Year Seminar). The central purpose of the elective track is to allow students to take courses in fields in which they are interested and, perhaps more important, to experiment with unfamiliar areas of study. The electives help them expand their range of interests and knowledge, and narrow the choices from which to select a major. Study Abroad Through Bard’s study-abroad programs, students attend classes within foreign universities, rather than take courses designed exclusively for Americans. Bard’s unique offerings include: Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, at which Bard students can take accredited courses in the social sciences and humanities; International Human Rights Exchange, a summer program initiated by Bard among six universities in South Africa and Zimbabwe and six American liberal arts colleges; Smolny College, Russia’s first liberal arts college, a joint program of Bard and Saint Petersburg State University; and ECLA of Bard, Germany’s first private liberal arts institution of higher learning. Many other programs are available in Europe, Africa, China, and elsewhere, some of which offer intensive and immersion foreign-language study. Another unique Bard offering is the Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program, which provides opportunities to study and intern with international affairs organizations in New York City. Please visit the Bard College website at to learn more about Bard’s academic procedures and policies, including: Curriculum Academic course information Academic requirements and regulations Evaluations and grades Academic deficiencies

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The program approach to majors Moderation Distribution requirements The Senior Project College policies on plagiarism and academic dishonesty Withdrawal and rematriculation For the consensual relations policy between students and faculty/staff visit For academic course information and a detailed list of educational rights, including the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Notice of Nondiscrimination, anti-hazing policies, and accreditation, please visit

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academic calendar 2012–13 Summer 2012 Saturday, August 11

Arrival date, financial clearance, and orientation for first-year students

Monday, August 13 – Wednesday, August 29

Language and Thinking Program workshop for first-year students

Fall Semester 2012 Wednesday, August 29

Arrival date and financial clearance for

Wednesday, August 29 – Thursday, August 30

Orientation for transfer students

Thursday, August 30 – Friday, August 31

Matriculation days, and advising and registration

Saturday, September 1

Arrival date and financial clearance for all

Monday, September 3

First day of classes

Wednesday, September 19

Drop/add period ends

Monday, October 8 – Tuesday, October 9

Fall break

Friday, October 12 – Sunday, October 14

Family Weekend

Friday, October 26

Moderation papers due

Friday, November 9

Last day to withdraw from a course

transfer students

for new students returning students

Wednesday, November 21 – Sunday, November 25 Thanksgiving recess Wednesday, November 28

Advising day

Monday, December 3

Senior Projects due for students graduating in December

academic calendar 10

Thursday, December 6

Course registration opens for spring 2012

Monday, December 17 – Friday, December 21

Completion days

Friday, December 21

Last day of classes


Intersession Saturday, December 22 – Friday, January 25

Winter intersession (no classes for sophomores,

juniors, and seniors) Saturday, January 5

First-year students return for Citizen Science

Program Sunday, January 6 – Wednesday, January 23

Citizen Science Program

Spring Semester 2013 Wednesday, January 23

Arrival date and financial clearance for new

first-year and transfer students Thursday, January 24 – Friday, January 25

Academic orientation, advising, and registra-

tion for new first-year and transfer students Saturday, January 26

Arrival date and financial clearance for all

returning students Monday, January 28

First day of classes

Wednesday, February 13

Drop/add period ends

Friday, March 22

Moderation papers due

Saturday, March 23 – Sunday, March 31

Spring recess

Friday, April 12

Last day to withdraw from a course

Monday, April 29 – Tuesday, April 30

Advising days

Wednesday, May 1

Senior Projects due for students graduating in

May Wednesday, May 8

Course registration opens for fall 2013 semester

Wednesday, May 15 – Tuesday, May 21

Completion days

Tuesday, May 21

Last day of classes

Thursday, May 23

Baccalaureate service and Senior Dinner

Saturday, May 25


academic calendar 11

contact numbers The Bard College operator is reached at 845-758-6822. For other numbers at Bard, dial 845-758- and the four-digit extension. If the information you need is not listed here, call the First-Year Students Hotline at 845-758-7058. Directory information and e-mail addresses are also available on the College’s website,; we encourage you to browse through Bard’s website to learn more about the wealth of services and programs provided by the College.

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Bertelsmann Campus Center


Bookstore Merry Meyer, Manager


Admission Mary Backlund, Vice President for Student Affairs, Director of Admission

BRAVE (Bard Response to Rape and Associated Violence Education) Rebecca Stacy, Director


Career Development April Kinser, Director

Alumni/ae Affairs Jane Brien ’89, Director


Catholic Chaplain Joseph Mali

Athletics and Recreation Kristen Hall, Director


Center for Civic Engagement Jonathan Becker, Vice President and Dean for International Affairs and Civic Engagement


Chaplain of the College Bruce Chilton ’71


Community Service and Social Action

Academic David Shein, Dean of Studies Arts Languages and Literature Science, Mathematics, and Computing Social Studies

Bard Center for Environmental Policy Eban Goodstein, Director Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program Jonathan Cristol ’00, Director 646-839-9262

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Manishkamala Kalupahana, Adviser

Paul Marienthal, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Director, Trustee


Jewish Chaplain David Nelson


Learning Commons Jim Keller, Director Levy Economics Institute Deborah Treadway, Assistant to the Executive Vice President

Leader Scholar Program


Dean of Campus Life Gretchen Perry



Dean of the College Michèle D. Dominy, Dean and Professor of Anthropology


Multicultural Affairs Annie Seaton, Director


Dean of Student Affairs Erin Cannan


Muslim Chaplain Salahuddin M. Muhammad


Development Debra Pemstein, Vice President for Development and Alumni/ae Affairs


Opportunity Programs Ariana Stokas, Director


Ecumenical Chaplain Ginger Grab


Parents Network and Fund Jennifer Montalbano, Assistant Director of Development, Parent Programs


Executive Vice President Dimitri B. Papadimitriou


Post Office


Financial Aid Office Denise Ann Ackerman, Director


President Leon Botstein


First-Year Experience Bethany Nohlgren, Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Engagement


Registrar Peter Gadsby, Associate Vice President for Enrollment


Fisher Center for the Performing Arts Box Office


Residence Life Jennifer Forbes, Assistant Director


Health Services Marsha Davis, Director


Safety and Security Ken Cooper, Director


Henderson Computer Resources Center Joe DeFranco, User Services Manager


Sophomore-Year Experience Lora Seery, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs and Engagement


Institute for International Liberal Education Susan Gillespie, Director and Vice President for Global Initiatives Katrina Helz, Adviser, Study Abroad


Stevenson Gymnasium Kristen Hall, Director of Athletics


Stevenson Library Jeff Katz, Director, Bard College Libraries and Dean of Information Services


Student Accounts Gwen Menshenfriend, Assistant Bursar


Student Activities and Campus Center

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Institute for Writing and Thinking Peg Peoples, Director International Student Services Office

contact numbers 13

administrative and emergency information The listing below contains information about several administrative offices that can provide assistance depending on your issue or concern. If you have a concern about: Your first-year student’s extracurricular experience Contact Bethany Nohlgren, dean of students (, 845-758-7454), who is the primary contact for first-year students and their parents and for faculty and staff who have concerns specific to the first year at Bard, such as social and adjustment issues, academic challenges or concerns, College regulations and requirements, and issues regarding campus safety and security. She coordinates the orientation program and facilitates activities designed to support students throughout their transition to campus. Your second-year or transfer student’s extracurricular experience Contact Lora Seery, associate dean of student affairs and engagement (, 845-758-7454), who is the primary contact for second-year and transfer students and their parents and serves as a resource for faculty and staff with concerns specific to the second year at Bard, such as social and adjustment issues, academic challenges or concerns, College regulations and requirements, and issues regarding campus safety and security. She facilitates activities designed to support students through the sophomore year, transfer transition, and Moderation process. Housing or other residence life issues Contact Jennifer Forbes, director of residence life (, 845-758-7455), who is the primary contact for residence life. The residence life staff includes a housing director, assistant director, and four professional area coordinators (AC) who live on campus and supervise 54 student peer counselors (PC). The PCs develop community-building programs and partner with residents to create an environment that sup-

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ports the academic mission of the College. The professional staff provides support resources to individual students as needed. The residence life staff coordinates with the Safety and Security and Buildings and Grounds Offices to foster a safe and healthy campus community. Campus life Contact Gretchen Perry, dean of campus life (, 845-758-7454), who is a resource for information on all types of nonacademic matters and for addressing any community or private concerns. To ensure that all students are successful in their adjustment to college life, the Office of Student Affairs does its best to accommodate individual student’s circumstances. Multicultural affairs Contact Annie Seaton, director of multicultural affairs and the difference and media project (, 845-758-7047). She and her staff are resources for students belonging to affinity groups (for example, students who are Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, African American, LGBT, Latino, or Asian, as well as other groups). The office assists any and all students with interests in or questions about identity, broadly considered, and also organizes speakers and conferences, in collaboration with students, faculty, and departments. Academics Contact David Shein, dean of studies (, 845-758-7045), who is the dean for student academic affairs; the primary contact for students, faculty, and parents who have questions about advising, course selection, academic support, Moderation, and other academic issues. The dean of studies, part of the Office of the Dean of the College, advises students who have questions about their programs of study and collaborates with the dean of student affairs and the dean of the college to develop extracurricular programs and activities that supplement classroom work. Academic support Contact the Bard Learning Commons (, 845-758-7812), which is located in the basement of Stone Row and provides academic support for all students. Peer tutoring, staff consultations, and courses in writing, grammar, and math are offered each semester. The Bard Learning Commons website features extensive links to writers’ resources, including style guides, grammar help, foreign language dictionaries, and resources for students with learning disabilities. In addition to credit-bearing courses in writing, grammar, and math, the Learning Commons offers one-on-one peer tutoring in all academic subjects. Students may request a peer tutor by filling out the appointment form at or by going to the Learning Commons and filling out a tutor request form. Writing tutors are available for drop-in consultations five evenings a week. Drop-in hours are also available in math, physics, and chemistry. Students may also meet with staff members for more focused assistance on writing, study skills, and time management. Security / Emergency Contact the Office of Safety and Security, which is available 24 hours a day to assist all members of the College community. Students should telephone x7460 (845-758-7460) to report any incident that appears suspicious or to report a crime. In the event of a life-threatening or emergency situation, students should immediately call x7777 (845-758-7777). Security assists in coordinating emergency medical transportation for the College community. All members of the department are trained in basic first aid and are supported by the Bard College Emergency Medical Services (BEMS). Security officers assist emergency responders, providing mutual aid if necessary. administrative and emergency information 15

On-Campus Health Facilities Contact Health Services, which is located in the Robbins Annex; it is staffed by four nurse practitioners, a part-time physician, a registered nurse, an administrative assistant, and a receptionist. Health Services provides outpatient care to all registered undergraduate students and promotes optimum physical, emotional, intellectual, and social well-being through primary health care. The offices are open Monday–Friday, from 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. by appointment, with a Thursday evening clinic available from 4:00–7:00 p.m. by appointment. A Community-wide or National Emergency Contact the Bard Security Office (845-758-7460) or the Dean of Students Office (845-758-7454) for information if a community-wide or national emergency occurs. Bard students are encouraged to register for a campus-wide emergency communication system that will notify them in the event of a campus emergency through text messages and e-mail. Emergency Medical Service In the case of a medical emergency, students should call the Bard Emergency Medical Service (Bard EMS) at x7777 (845-758-7777) or Safety and Security at x7460 (845-758-7460) for transportation to Northern Dutchess Hospital. Students under 18 must supply parental or guardian permission for treatment in the event of an emergency. Bard’s Emergency Medical Service, a student-run organization of trained and statecertified, first-response volunteers, responds to individual health emergencies on campus. All services are confidential and are provided free of charge. The Dean of Students Office and residence life staff share a 24hour, on-call rotation to respond to any situation in which assistance is needed; a staff of professional counselors and health-care workers supplements this service. Technology Computers are important tools for all college students, but with more than 250 public-access computers at Bard, it is possible to survive without owning one. Bard’s Henderson Computer Resource Center supports several multiplatform computer laboratories, including one that is open 24 hours, seven days a week. For those students who bring a computer to Bard, the Henderson staff recommends the following minimum capabilities: Macintosh Minimum Configurations Mac OS X 10.5 or greater 2GB RAM or greater 160GB hard drive or greater CD-RW/DVD±RW dual layer 1GB or greater External Storage Device (USB key or hard drive) MS Word/Office 2008 or later Micromat TechTool Pro PC Minimum Configurations Dell Dual Core or greater Microsoft Windows 7 or greater 3GB Ram or greater 320GB Hard Drive or greater DVD±RW 1GB or greater External Storage Device (USB key or hard drive) MS Word/Office 2007 or later administrative and emergency Antivirus software (active andinformation up to date) 16

the extracurricular bard community The focus of student life at Bard, both inside and outside of the classroom, is on campus. From its historic Hudson Valley setting to its state-of-the-art science and arts facilities, Bard offers an idyllic environment where students can enjoy a rich social life interwoven with their cultural and intellectual pursuits. The College provides a wide range of activities and opportunities for students to engage in challenging and rewarding ways with peers, the community, and the world at large. It also provides a support system of advisers, tutors, counselors, and related programs to help students successfully negotiate their undergraduate experience. Athletics and Recreation Bard sponsors intercollegiate programs in men’s and women’s basketball, lacrosse, cross-country, soccer, tennis, track and field, volleyball, and men’s squash. The College is a member of the NCAA Division III and the Skyline Conference. In the fall of 2011, the College joined the Liberty League. Intramural and club sports include baseball, Ultimate Frisbee, floor hockey, bowling, badminton, basketball, cycling, equestrian, indoor soccer, softball, tennis, rugby, and more. Classes range from aerobics to yoga and tai chi to karate. The 69,000-square-foot Stevenson Gymnasium complex opened in 1989 and is the centerpiece of Bard’s Department of Athletics and Recreation facilities, which include the Lorenzo Ferrari Soccer and Lacrosse Complex; basketball, volleyball, and badminton courts; a swimming pool; cardiovascular center and weight rooms; squash courts; lighted tennis courts; and playing fields. In order to accommodate the space’s increased use, the College broke ground in October 2011 on a $2.1 million renovation and expansion. The first phase of the project includes a 7,500-square-foot addition featuring four new regulation squash courts with mezzanine viewing area, new athletic department offices, a conference room, and a new entrance and lobby area. The second phase will convert the existing squash courts into additional weight and cardio fitness areas; renovate classrooms for yoga, aerobics, Pilates, and spin cycling; and improve the women’s locker room. The renovated space serves the 16 intercollegiate programs along with club sports, intramurals, and instructional classes; houses staff offices for the Department of Athletics and Recreation; and provides a

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full-service athletic training room. The expansion also adds flexible recreational space that all students, not only team members, can utilize to exercise, train, play, and stay fit. Membership benefits are available at no cost to Bard College students, faculty, staff, and their immediate family members; membership options are also available for local area residents. Volunteer and Community Involvement Opportunities Bard has a strong tradition of community engagement, which encourages students to explore and develop leadership abilities and helps them to gain experience toward socially conscious careers. Created in 2011, Bard’s Center for Civic Engagement supports, coordinates, and promotes the wide array of initiatives that define Bard as a private institution in the public interest, demonstrating that an educational institution can provide undergraduates and graduates with a first-rate education and at the same time act as a socially entrepreneurial agent of change. The Center fosters local, national, and international partnerships to provide students with opportunities to pursue work, internships, academic interests, and community engagement. For more information about the Center for Civic Engagement, go to or contact Associate Director of the Center for Civic Engagement/Dean of Student Affairs Erin Cannan at As part of the Center for Civic Engagement, the Trustee Leader Scholar (TLS) program helps students develop skills that enable them to participate actively and effectively as leaders in local and global communities. TLS is a select group of students who design and implement service projects based on their own passions and interests. Examples of recent TLS projects include the New Orleans Project (more than 500 Bard students have participated in the rebuilding of that city), mentoring in local prisons to help inmates prepare for the GED exam, teaching violin lessons to low-income children in nearby towns, and running ESL programs for migrant laborers in the Hudson Valley. Every Bard student is eligible to apply for TLS status. Acceptances are on a rolling basis and are based primarily on the willingness and capacity of a student to direct a large-scale project. Most TLS students remain active in the program throughout their college years. They meet one-on-one with the program director and associate director, take part in skill-building workshops, and write formal project proposals, budgets, and evaluations. They are offered hands-on opportunities to acquire skills in grant writing, lesson planning, and group facilitation. Religious Services The Chaplaincy at Bard has several chaplains on staff, including an Episcopal priest, an imam, a rabbi, and an Anglican priest. The clergy offer study on a formal and informal basis with members of the College community who are interested in learning more about faith traditions—their own or those of others. The Chaplaincy supports and advises the Jewish Students Organization, Muslim Students Organization, Christian Students Fellowship, Buddhist Meditation Group, and Catholic community, in order to help students organize and celebrate regular holy observances and to develop programming for the campus. In addition, the clergy offer regular weekly worship: Sunday, 10:00 a.m.

Worship Service, St. John the Evangelist (Episcopal), Barrytown

Sunday, 12:00 noon

Catholic Mass, Bard Chapel

Sunday, 7:00 p.m.

Evening Worship, Bard Chapel

Monday, 7:00 p.m.

Buddhist Meditation, Village A Sacred Space

Wednesday, 12 noon

Healing Service, St. John the Evangelist, Barrytown

Wednesday, 6:00 p.m.

Qur’anic Studies, Village A Sacred Space

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Thursday, 5:00 p.m.

Buddhist Meditation, Village A Sacred Space

Thursday, 7:00 p.m.

Cook and bake for Shabbat, Kitchen, Basement of Village Dorm A

Thursday, 7:00 p.m.

Christian Students Fellowship, Campus Center Lounge

Friday, 6:30 p.m.

Kabbalat Shabbat Services followed by Shabbat dinner, Village A Sacred Space

Monday–Friday, 12 noon

Midday Meditation, Bard Chapel

The Career Development Office The Career Development Office (CDO), located in the Campus Center, welcomes all students with internship, job, and career-related questions. A student will often visit the CDO to seek help in writing a résumé, looking for a summer internship, sorting out career concerns, or planning career strategies. CDO offers Focus 2, an online assessment tool to help students explore interests, skills, values, majors, and possible careers. Special career events, informal talks, career-specific panels, and formal symposia are held throughout the year to help students connect with alumni/ae and employers and to learn about various professions. CDO also hosts a website at,, where registered students can find a wealth of information on jobs and internships, on-campus student employment, a calendar of career events, handouts on how to write a résumé or cover letter, tools to build a résumé online, and DVDs on job-search skills, including interviewing. CDO staff meet with students one-on-one throughout their college life and beyond. A career adviser will ask a student what matters to him or her and then partner to translate a liberal arts education into meaningful internships and work experiences. The mission of CDO is to help students find a professional purpose and offer a clear understanding of jobs in the 21st century. The site presents the entire gamut of CDO services and offers the Bard Basic Job Guide, which includes sample résumés and tips for the job search. The Bard–St. Stephen’s Alumni/ae Association All students who attend Bard for at least one year are automatically part of the Bard–St. Stephen’s Alumni/ae Association. The association’s mission is to help alumni/ae connect with each other and maintain a relationship with the College. The Board of Governors is made up of alumni/ae from all generations of Bard; its members serve as ambassadors of the College, lead efforts to connect with alumni/ae, foster a sense of community, and provide support to fund-raising efforts of the College. In conjunction with the Career Development Office, the association facilitates mentoring relationships between current students, recent graduates, and seasoned alumni/ae working in their fields. The Office of Alumni/ae Affairs generates the Bardian, the College magazine, and maintains a dynamic social and professional networking community,, which contains information on all national and international special events for alumni/ae, contacts for classmates, and other alumni/ae and reunion information. Through the generosity and leadership of a small group of alumni/ae, the new Alumni/ae Center opened this past summer. The Center is a versatile space that provides conference and informal meeting rooms, exhibition spaces, and offices for Bard’s alumni/ae and development programs. The Center hosts faculty and alumni/ae events throughout the year.

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health insurance / alcohol and drug policy Health Insurance The student’s family health insurance is the primary insurance and should be a major medical plan. In addition, Bard requires all students to enroll in a supplemental insurance program, limited in scope, for accident and illness. This supplemental plan includes coverage for care by Student Health Service staff and for all laboratory services, but it does not cover medication costs; any medications dispensed will be charged directly to the student’s account. Bard staff is ethically and legally required to maintain the privacy of protected health information. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), no one—including family members, faculty, coaches, and employers—may be given any protected health information without the student’s written permission. Alcohol and Drug Policy Bard College is committed to providing a healthy learning environment that facilitates the highest level of academic achievement and fosters the full development of all students. The community strives to support and promote safe and legal behavioral norms and standards with respect for individual integrity coupled with our shared responsibility to create a safe and vibrant academic environment. Every member of the community is responsible for abiding by the alcohol and drug policy and for encouraging others to do the same. The College expects that all members of the community will, through year-round educational programming and orientation events, familiarize themselves with the physical risks of and legal constraints on alcohol and drug use, and that they will make informed decisions regarding their own behavior. Students and parents can access the full alcohol and drug policy in the student handbook,

health insurance / alcohol and drug policy 20

money matters Billing and Payment of Tuition and Fees Account statements, covering tuition and fees for the term, are mailed about 20 days before each scheduled payment date. The cost of tuition and fees is distributed over four payments, with an initial payment of deposit at an earlier date. Payment dates are as follows: May 1, 2012 (annual nonrefundable deposit) June 20, 2012 July 20, 2012 November 20, 2012 December 20, 2012 The College also offers the Bard Budget Plan, an alternative payment system that allows student accounts to be paid in 10 equal installments from June through the following March. An application form may be obtained from the Office of Student Accounts. A four-year tuition prepayment plan is also available to incoming first-year students who do not receive financial aid toward tuition. For those electing this option, the tuition cost for each year is stabilized at the first-year amount; if a student withdraws from the College, the excess credit balance is refundable. All enrolled students must attend the financial clearance session scheduled at the start of each semester in order to confirm their enrollment and have their identification cards validated. Students who anticipate arriving after that date should contact the Bursar’s Office in advance. Students who do not attend to the enrollment confirmation requirement are assumed not to be enrolled and their registrations and campus housing will be cancelled. Payment of a $100 fee must accompany requests for reenrollment. Students and parents or guardians are responsible for keeping the Office of Student Accounts informed, in writing, of their correct billing address.

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Financial Aid Generally speaking, there are three forms of financial assistance for students: grants, loans, and federal work-study funds. Financial aid is awarded by Bard on the basis of need, academic achievement, and promise. The College is committed to helping as many qualified candidates as its funds will allow. In recent years approximately two-thirds of all students have received some financial aid. Need is determined annually by the U.S. Department of Education, the College Scholarship Service of the College Board, and Bard College. In order to qualify for financial aid, students must submit the appropriate forms annually; it is important to meet application deadlines. More detailed information on specific financial aid programs and application dates is available on the Bard College website at Through the administration of its financial aid program—supported by the College’s endowment, scholarship programs, and parent and alumni/ae contributions—Bard assists approximately two thirds of its students. Tuition alone only covers approximately 60 percent of the cost of a Bard education, which is why the College relies on the generosity of alumni/ae, parents, and friends to ensure that the quality of a Bard education is maintained.

Work Opportunities Many work opportunities are available on campus. Students interested in campus jobs are encouraged to explore options listed on Bard’s website. The Financial Aid Office keeps an up-to-date list of job openings on and off campus. The Federal Work-Study Program runs throughout the academic year and typically pays students for 8 to 10 hours of work per week. The Career Development Office also helps Bard students in preparing a résumé, searching for a summer job or internship, and identifying career goals. An online job board at lists volunteer opportunities, internships, seasonal jobs, and part- and full-time positions.

Purchasing Books and Supplies The bookstore, located in the Bertelsmann Campus Center, stocks all books and supplies required for course work (including many used books) and a wide selection of general books and supplies. The bookstore staff are able to special-order any book in print. Students may purchase required textbooks following registration, once their class schedules are finalized. Most students use credit cards to purchase books; the bookstore also accepts cash, money orders, travelers’ checks, and bank checks made out to Bard College. The student identification card may also serve as a debit card, provided an account is established with the Office of Student Accounts. For more information, contact the Office of Student Accounts. On average, books and supplies for undergraduate programs cost between $500 and $600 per semester (less for used books). Textbooks are ordered from requisitions submitted by the faculty. Shelf cards indicate how many books are required for the course and whether a book is optional. Students should always check the instructor’s syllabus as well as the shelf-card course and section number to be sure that they purchase the right books. While the bookstore’s refund policy protects students in the event of a schedule change, students should not purchase books for any course they might drop.

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transportation on and off campus Physical Plant Office: 758-7007 or When school is in session, a free shuttle bus is available from campus to Red Hook and to Tivoli, from early morning through late evening, seven days a week. Shuttles are also available to the Hudson Valley Mall in Kingston. On weekends (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) transportation is available to and from the Poughkeepsie (Metro-North) and Rhinecliff (Amtrak) railroad stations. Special train shuttles are available for the opening of school, Thanksgiving break, winter intersession, spring break, and school closing. In addition, Bard also offers shuttles to Kennedy, LaGuardia, and Albany airports at the beginning of the aforementioned breaks. Unless otherwise specified, all trips leave from the Kline Commons parking lot. Schedule information is available for all of the above shuttles at Updated transportation information is sent via e-mail to all students one month prior to school breaks. Schedule Information Amtrak: Train service to and from Rhinecliff, New York, and Penn Station, New York City 800-USARAIL | Trailways: Bus service to and from Kingston, New York, and Port Authority, New York City 845-331-0744 | Metro-North: Train service to and from Poughkeepsie, New York, and Grand Central Terminal, New York City 800-METROINFO | Loop Bus: Bus service to and from Tivoli, New York, and Poughkeepsie, New York 845-485-4690 | “Loop at a Glance� available at

parents network 23

Cars on Campus A car is not necessary for students at Bard. Social, academic, and athletic events take place on campus within walking distance of residence halls. Bard encourages biking and alternative methods of transportation on campus as part of the College’s commitment to the environment. Students who bring cars must register them with the Bard Security Office. Parking on campus is free in designated areas. Bard has a student-run foot and bicycle patrol service to escort students walking at night. The campus’s walking paths are well maintained, and the beautiful scenery makes walking and biking a pleasure. Main paths are well lighted and feature yellow security telephones at regular intervals. Bard security officers patrol the campus and can transport students who need help getting around. Bicycle Policy As a walking and biking campus, many students bring bicycles for use during warm weather. Bicycles should be secured with standard bike locks. If a bike cannot be brought back to the residence hall, it should be locked and secured on a bike rack. Bikes should not be secured to trees, fences, or any other similar structure. Bard provides a limited amount of indoor bike storage for winter break, as bikes stored in hallways pose a fire safety hazard. Any bicycle not properly placed in a bicycle rack may be removed. The Buildings and Grounds Office, in coordination with the Safety and Security Office, will remove bicycles that are improperly secured to buildings, trees, light poles, or that block access or exit from buildings (including hallways). The College is not responsible for damaged locks. Students should contact security to reclaim their bikes. Bicycles left on campus during the summer months will be considered abandoned. These bicycles will be collected and donated to charity or recycled. Once a bicycle is redistributed by security, the bicycle cannot be reclaimed by the original owner. Zipcar at Bard Bard College has partnered with Zipcar to bring self-service, on-demand car sharing to campus. To use Zipcars, a student simply registers as a Zipcar member, reserves a car online or by phone, uses his or her Zipcard to enter the car, and drives away. The car is returned to the same location where it was picked it up. Member benefits include: Access to Zipcars 24/7 Discounted hourly rates for students age 18 and older—rates start at just $8 per hour Gas, insurance, and maintenance are included Join for only $35 a year, and receive $35 in driving credit your first month.

parents network 24

travel to bard Bard College is located in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York, on the east bank of the Hudson River, about 90 miles north of New York City; 60 miles south of Albany, New York; 100 miles west of Hartford, Connecticut; and 220 miles west of Boston, Massachusetts.

By Automobile From southern Connecticut, follow I-84 to the Taconic State Parkway, take the Taconic north to the Red Hook/Route 199 exit, drive west on Route 199 through the Village of Red Hook to Route 9G, turn right onto Route 9G, and drive north 1.6 miles. At traffic light, turn left into the Bard campus. From northern Connecticut, take Route 44 to Route 199 at Millerton, New York, drive west on Route 199, and proceed as from southern Connecticut. From Massachusetts and northern New England, take the Massachusetts Turnpike to Exit B-2 (Taconic Parkway), take the Taconic south to the Red Hook/Route 199 exit, and proceed as from southern Connecticut. From New York City, New Jersey, and points south, take the New York State Thruway to Exit 19 (Kingston), take Route 209 north (changes to Route 199 at the Hudson River) over the Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge to Route 9G at the second light, turn left onto Route 9G, and drive north 3.5 miles. At traffic light, turn left into the Bard campus. From Albany and points north and west, take the New York State Thruway to Exit 19 and proceed as from New York City.

By Air Bard is accessible from Kennedy and LaGuardia airports in New York City, and from the airports in Newark, New Jersey; Albany, New York; and Newburgh, New York. When students are leaving campus for holidays and recesses, Bard runs a shuttle to Kennedy, LaGuardia, and Albany airports.

By Rail Amtrak provides service from Penn Station in New York City and from Albany, New York to Rhinecliff, New York, about nine miles south of Bard. Metro-North provides service from Grand Central Terminal in New York City to Poughkeepsie, New York, about 25 miles south of Bard. Taxi service is available at both local stations.

parents network 25

local businesses Please visit the following links to find information on local places of lodging, restaurants, shopping, and tourist attractions: In Red Hook: In Tivoli: In Rhinebeck: In Kingston: We’d also like to thank the following local businesses for donating gift certificates, coupons, and merchandise to help Bard with its fund-raising efforts. We are grateful for their generosity and support. CJ’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria

Max’s Memphis BBQ

Two Boots Pizzeria

353 Old Post Road, Rhinebeck

South Broadway, Red Hook

4606 Route 9G, Red Hook



845-758-0010 Village Pizza III

Culinary Institute of America

Omega Institute

7514 N. Broadway, Red Hook

1946 Campus Drive, Hyde Park

150 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck




Windham Mountain Ski Area

Four restaurants, reservations required;

Spiritual / health workshops, conferences,

33 Clarence D. Lane Road, Windham

dine-in, take-out bakery café

and retreats


Four Brothers Pizza

Osaka Japanese Restaurant

3803 Route 9G, Rhinebeck

74 Broadway, Tivoli



Griffs Southside Deli

Sante Fe

7361 South Broadway, Red Hook

52 Broadway, Tivoli



Hana Sushi 7270 South Broadway, Red Hook

Terrapin Restaurant


6426 Montgomery Street, Rhinebeck


Moderately priced Japanese cuisine Creative and modern cuisine

parents network 26

release of student information Parents, please note: In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Bard College does not release information about a student’s academic records to anyone other than the student unless: (i) the student has signed a consent form, allowing his/her records to be released to the individual(s) named in the release; or (ii) the student is claimed as a dependent for tax purposes by either of his/her parents, in which case information about the student’s record may be released to either parent (regardless of which is the custodial parent). If you would like to receive information about your son or daughter’s academic record, please complete the bottom half of this form and return it to: Office of the Registrar, Bard College, PO Box 5000, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000 Information will be sent at the discretion of the Dean of the College and upon request.

To the Registrar: (i) I,

, a student at Bard College, hereby waive my right of

exclusive access to my academic record and authorize the Office of the Registrar to release information about it to the person(s) named below. Signed:

Dated: (student)

(ii) I,

, a student at Bard College, was claimed last year as

a dependent for tax purposes by one or both of my parents. A signed copy of my parent(s)’s most recent federal tax return, showing the list of exemptions on the first page, is: Check one: n enclosed

n on file with the Bard College Office of Financial Aid


Dated: (parent/guardian)

Please send information to:

This waiver applies only to the academic year in which it is signed. A new form must be filed at the start of each academic year. Please note that criteria sheets (narrative evaluations) are released only to students.

release of student information 27

“We are extremely pleased that our daughter, Abigail, is a member of Bard’s graduating Class of 2012, as our son, Hal, is also a Bardian, Class of 2007. Having two Bard alumni/ae children allows us a somewhat exceptional perspective. Hal concentrated in film and electronic arts and Abby in biology, and although these fields are, in a sense, on opposite ends of the spectrum, in many regards their experiences at Bard were equivalent. Both our son’s and our daughter’s departments welcomed them as active participants in their communities while providing educational opportunities that, in our opinion, are second to none. As a result, we have given—and will continue to give—back to Bard.” —larry fuchsman and janet strain

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