Want to learn more about...
How the K9 Project works? Why animal assisted interventions are successful? How the K9 Project could work alongside you and your learners or clients?
What volunteering opportunities exist for you with the K9 Project? r shelte Come along and meet the ide ex gs
g alon rovide staff and dogs who run Workin k9 project p d n e a h l t a n s dog catio this unique not for profit ent ue edu iq m n p u lo project at our free al deve hildren, c person r o f information session at s ults. amme ad progr le and p o e p young
March 20th at Abbotts Ripton Village Hall 10am-12.30
Free light refreshments, parking and information packs.
For more information
Phone us
Email us
The k9 project is a company ltd by guarantee no 7180041
07990504994 chris_kent@