ClubO2 - The sustainable Fidelity Card - Good for You good for the Environment Name: Valerio Politi
Name: Federica Cardinali
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
It is well known that human food choices affect, more or less directly, the environment. The CO2 produced by the food chain is one of the major factors impacting on the environment and although this relationship is known, it is difficult to change people's behaviours. Hence the idea to create a network that simplifies, incentives, and rewards food consumption with low environmental impact. A fidelity-card and an online platform will be the link between restaurants, which will offer sustainable menus, and users. These latter will earn points based on the CO2 savings achieved through the selection of those menus. We are confident that in this way both, restaurants and users will be encouraged to reduce their environmental impact.
1 gram CO2-saved = 1 Point Through an online platform and mobile app users can see where the participating restaurants are located, read and write restaurant reviews and see their point balance.
Categories and Subject Descriptors Sustainable Eating; Social Engaging
Our customer target are restaurants that: have their own food production / are linked to local realities; are innovative/geared towards sustainability; want to stand out and expand customer base. The services we offer to the restaurants are: space on the platform with free basic services and premium services for a fee. Besides this, we will provide advices and audits on their menus. The advantages that restaurants will get from being members of the network are: new customer base; loyalty of their customer portfolio; differentiation from their competitors; image improvement.
Keywords Sustainability,
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
“sustainable meal”. The affiliated restaurants will yield us 7% of the meal price paid by customers. The Card will be named ClubO2 to refer to the CO2 reduction. The calculation of the points will be based on a comparison between the “sustainable” meal offered by our partner-restaurants and the same meal made in a "conventional" way. Factors considered for the CO2 saving: method of production of raw materials; seasonality; transport method/distance; type of meal (vegan/vegetarian/fish/meat, etc.); store characteristics.
Fidelity Card, Nutrition Restaurants Network.
Name: Adriano Pilloni
1. INTRODUCTION: AIMS AND BACKGROUNG The consumption of food (especially animal and industrial) is one of the primary factors of environmental pressure. Global warming is a phenomenon whose consequences are relatively distant in time and space. According to that it is poorly considered by people in their daily choices, so it is important to find a way to motivate people to wake up and act.
Compared to our customers we want to position as a partner able to convey an image of sustainability and eco-friendliness.
Despite people’s laziness to do something for environment, they also wish to eat in a more conscious way producing a lower impact on their health and on the environment. To realize that we believe it is useful to encourage them. For this purpose we want to promote good behaviours in the restaurant sector through a mechanism of enhancement of individual action. We want to create a network between users and restaurateurs through a Fidelity-Card which allows the accumulation of points based on the CO2 saved, consuming a
Our target of ClubO2-Card-users are people who are sensible to the environmental impact of their food consumption but also vegetarians and vegans, and people who want or would like to eat healthy. Services and benefits granted for free to our users are: ClubO2-card access to the platform/app; information on restaurants;
opportunity to leave feedback/discuss with other users; prizes; better quality and transparency of menus; Compared to our users we want to position as a mean of making it easier, more attractive and rewarding to feed in a sustainable way. Potential competitors of ClubO2 are: websites which give information to users (e.g. Tripadvisor); companies who offer coupons (e.g. Groupon); other restaurants with their own fidelity card (not based on CO2-saving). Compared to them, our network is distinguished by its environmental mission and specialization in the restaurant sector. Also the local community will earn some benefits. Our network will strengthening the local economy, improve the quality of environment and increase the awareness of the connection between food and environment.
The prize’s value (discount coupons; local products; tastings etc.) will depend by the number of accumulated points. Having a great knowledge of Rome we want to start our project there and use this comparative advantage in order to become leader there. After being successful in Rome we plan to develop our idea in other big cities using the popularity that a big city like Rome can give to us.
Figure 1: Schema of ClubO2
4. CONCLUDING REMARKS If a lot of people will join our network the increase of demand made by customers will drive more restaurants to be part of ClubO2. The more the merrier, not only for us but in special way for our planet and the future generations.
With our activity we want to reduce min. 10% (average 25-30 %) of CO2-emissions for each meal.
Acknowledgments: Our idea was born for a group project that we have done during the course “Marketing, Innovation and Development” held by Prof. Carlo Alberto Pratesi at the Economic-Faculty of Roma Tre University. The lessons gave us many useful instruments, information and the inspiration we needed to build up this project.
5. REFERENCES Table-1: Own calculation Table-2: Own calculation