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producing an economically profitable crop that could decrease hunger on a global scale. To adequately supply the Sudangrass with enough nitrogen, nitrogen-fixing legumes could be added into the cropping system. Legumes ultimately perform best when there is no available nitrogen in the soil and because most of the available nitrogen will be tied up in the Sudangrass, the legumes can fix nitrogen at a higher level from 250-500 lb. of N, the annual requirement for Sudangrass [3]. From a sustainability perspective, the WZR FURSV¶ JURZLQJ SHULRGV DQG JURZWK KDELWV PDNH WKLV cropping system ideal economically, environmentally, and socially. The concept of consuming insects as a food source has been considered in the past, but the key to making insect harvesting economically-feasible lies in the need to make the process sustainable. This unique and environmentally-optimized farming plan literally makes the process sustainable from the ground up, and makes the concept of insects s an abundant and healthy food source one that works in harmony with reducing negative externalities.


Nutritionally, the Sudangrass is able to produce harvestable biomass that is equivalent to alfalfa and corn, current feeds for livestock. The one issue with Sudangrass is its prussic acid content, which gives it its nematodal and herbicidal properties. Prussic acid can be harmful to livestock as well as insects but with proper management and drying periods, the harvested biomass can be fed to livestock and most likely all insects, especially crickets [6].

T able 1. Nutritional Aspects of Sudangrass and other forage crops [5] This crop rotation has the potential to enable small farmers to produce an economically profitable enterprise, which is not limited by production size like traditional livestock operations. Because the crops are not a traditional high-input system, farmers will not be dependent on synthetic fertilizer, herbicides and be better able to mitigate risks. Specifically, well adapted Sudangrass, a C4 plant, is able to stand periods of drought and warmer temperatures, which makes it ideal for areas that may be affected in the future from climate change [4]. Additionally, rearing crickets requires a shorter amount of time compared to livestock and also yields higher returns faster because of their exponential growth patterns. If drought were to occur, farmers would only need to keep a handful of crickets to reproduce and feed. The costs would also be minimal in comparison to cattle farmers who sometimes have to sacrifice their own food so they can keep their animals alive. Finally, rural people using this system would be exposed to fewer

zoonotonic diseases from crickets as opposed to livestock because of their genetic dissimilarity. The result of rearing crickets could mean then an improvement in global health as well [1].

C O N C L U D I N G R E M A R K S:

The benefits of using this cropping system could alleviate the need for synthetic nitrogen and herbicides as well as working to build soils and improve soil structure. Just as beneficial to people and the planet, consumption of crickets can increase feed efficiency from 10% in livestock to 40%, meaning fewer resources used [1]. With a projected growth of another 2 billion people and increasing environmental awareness an integrated system that focuses on increased efficiency and decreased environmental harm, it is obvious that we need to seek better ways to guarantee food security. By creating a feed growing system that improves soils and decreases GHG emissions and links with growing crickets for food, the entire production model can surpass livestock production in every facet of sustainability.

A C K N O W L E D G E M E N TS :

Thank you to the University of California at Davis and all of its wonderful professors and lecturers. A special thanks to professor Tom Tomich and Mark Van Horn for inspiration.

R E F E R E N C ES:! [1] Huis, Arnold Van. Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2013. PDF. [2] KNOWLES, TIM C., and MICHAEL J. OTTMAN. "Sudangrass Hay Production in the Irrigated Deserts of Arizona and California." Cooperative Extension of the University of Arizona, n.d. Web. 07 July 2013. [3] Lindemann, W.C., and C.R. Glover. "Nitrogen Fixation by Legumes." Nitrogen F ixation by Legumes Guide A-129 (n.d.): n. pag. College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences New Mexico State University. Web. 6 July 2013. <http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_a/A129/>. [4] "Sorghum Sudangrass." Nonlegume Cover Crops / Text Version / Managing Cover Crops Profitably, 3rd Edition / Books / Learning Center / S ARE Nationwide. Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education, n.d. Web. 07 July 2013. [5] Wright, Tom. "Forage Sorghum-Sudan Grass." Forage Sorghum-Sudan Grass. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Aug. 1998. Web. 01 July 2013. [6] Zagrobelnya, Mika, Søren Baka, Anne Vinther, Bodil Jørgensenb,, Clas M. Naumannc, and , Birger Lindberg Møllera. Tech. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Cyanogenic Glucosides and Plant± insect Interactions. Www.elsevier.com/locate/phytochem, 23 Sept. 2003. Web.

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